158310 "Bezörgetek a menny kapuin..."A vers mint imádság a XIX-XX. század fordulójának és a XX. század első felének lengyel és orosz költészetében„I am knocking on heaven’s gates…” Poems as Prayers in Polish and Russian Poetry on the Turn of the 19-20th and in the First Half of the 20th Century Czövek, Ágnes 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.554734990889 Linguistics 0.36830850004 157825 "Wir sind anders." Gender und Ethnizität in Barbara Frischmuths Romanen“We are different.” Gender and race in Barbara Frischmuth’s novels Horváth, Andrea 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.503235559477 Linguistics 0.304451083543 158334 'All It Is, It's a Carnival: Reading David Mamet's Women with Bakhtin'Ez az egész egy karnevál': David Mamet nőalakjainka bahtyini olvasata Németh, Lenke 2002 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.387689778071 Biology 0.164365752923 158332 'Mind kántál, aki sorsot örökölt'. Márai Sándor emigrációbeli rádiós publicisztikája (1951-1956)Sándor Márai 's radio journalism in Radio Free Europe between 1951 and 1956 Keczán, Mariann 2006 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.257434997804 Philosophy 0.165450788543 158442 „A női test igazsága” – Esettanulmányok a női test és az igazság figuratív kapcsolatának történetéből Chaucertől Derridáig.(“The Truth of the Female Body” – Case Studies about the Metaphorical Identification of Truth and the Female Body from Chaucer to Derrida Kalmár, György 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.281449666133 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.25414831411 279153 Pray György Epitome Rerum sub Josepho II. Leopoldo II. et Francisco I. regibus Hungariae gestarum című műve(bevezető tanulmány és szövegközlés)György Pray’s Epitome Rerum sub Josepho II. Leopoldo II. et Francisco I. regibus Hungariae gestarum (introductory study and text edition) Báthory, Orsolya 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.600488455267 History 0.111540200776 157944 "Eltört a kistükör". Szubjektum, nyelv, emlékezet a klasszikus magyar lírában(Vajda, Czóbel, Kosztolányi)„The Little Mirror is Broken” Subject, Language, Remembrance in the Classical Hungarian Lyric (Vajda, Czóbel, Kosztolányi) Kusper, Judit 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.372422874122 Linguistics 0.332539580273 456725 Efficacy of Higher Doses of Caspofungin for Treatment of Invasive Candidiasis Caused by Candida Albicans and Candida Tropicalis in Neutropenic Murine Models- Bayegan, Sedigh 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.677425871783 Biology 0.177837389754 751536 Physical fitness and health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus1-es típusú diabeteses gyermekek és serdülők fizikai fittsége és egészséggel összefüggő életminősége Lukács, Andrea 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.605140792236 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.265559214541 536809 2001. szeptember 11-e és az új típusú terrorizmus nemzetközi összefüggéseiSeptember 11, 2001 and the International Interconnections of Al-Qaeda Terrorism Krasznai, Andrea 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.328373393917 History 0.127229982626 158438 A 18–19. századi Miskolc keresztnévhasználatának felekezeti, etnikai és társadalmi jellegzetességeiDenominational, Ethnical and Social Features of the Christian Name Use in Miskolc in the 18th and 19th Centuries Kecskés, Judit 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.195063212707 History 0.148357989802 501710 A 2-es típusú diabetes és oxidatív stressz vaszkuláris hatásaiVascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes and Oxidative Stress Rutkai, Ibolya 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.69781106581 Medicine 0.162356416472 157901 A 2-es típusú diabetes mellitus mikrovaszkuláris hatásaiEffects of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on Microvascular Function Erdei, Nóra 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.736299295263 Medicine 0.0975137400195 502649 A „Magyar Külpolitika” című folyóirat szemlélete 1920-1929 közöttViews in the Periodical “Hungarian Foreign Policy” between 1920 and 1929 Szerepi, Sándor 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.550152891012 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.171306977437 158599 A Békés vármegyei oktatásügy története a két világháború közötti időszakbanHistory of education in Békés county in the period between the two world wars Lipcsei, Imre 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.878626344247 History 0.0272916824852 497190 A beszolgáltatás végrehajtásának eszköztára és alkalmazása Pest megyébenTechniques and implementation of the delivery in the Pest county Tóth, Judit 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.17993900972 Agriculture 0.125598276215 734716 A bioetanol gyártás alapanyagául szolgáló kukorica szemtermésére ható legfontosabb termesztési tényezőkMajor Agricultural Factors Influencing Maize Kernel Contents as a Raw Material of Bioethanol Production Kiss, Csongor 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.883892697424 Industrial-Engineering 0.0525747694512 680733 A Blaskovichok világaEgy köznemesi család története és életmódja a 18. századtól a 20. század közepéigThe World of the Blaskovich. The History and Lifestyle of a Gentry Family from the Beginning of the 18th Century to the Middle of the 20th Century Gócsáné, Móró Csilla 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.413287076224 Veterinary 0.121199797023 846043 A Bologna-folyamat MagyarországonFelsőoktatási reformviták (1999-2009)The Bologna process in Hungary - Higher Education Reform Debates (1999-2009) Szolár, Éva 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.824899495041 Agriculture 0.0344461341184 157796 A borz (Meles meles) állományviszonyai, élőhely-preferenciája és táplálkozás-ökológiai vizsgálata Hajdú-Bihar megyei élőhelyeinDensity, habitat preference and feeding ecology of badger (Meles meles) in Hajdú-Bihar county, Hungary Kozák, Lajos 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.650185006729 Agriculture 0.101300214837 158372 A búza minőségének vizsgálata betakarítástól a felhasználásigInvestigation of Wheat Quality from Harvest Until Utilisation Győriné Mile, Irma 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.814836280223 Economics 0.043891990628 157905 A CD14 molekula és egyes toll-like receptorok jellemzése atópiás és autoimmun kórképekbenCharacterization of the CD14 Molecule and Certain Toll Like Receptors in Atopic and Autoimmune Disorders Sümegi, Andrea 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.570063157637 Medicine 0.356369665212 157868 A CD44 és L-szelektin leukocita-endotél interakciókban betöltött szerepének vizsgálata gyulladásos egérmodellekbenThe Role of CD44 and L-selectin in Leukocye-endothel Interactions in Different Murine Models of Inflammation Gonda, Andrea 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.550257905272 Biology 0.274827314904 157890 A CD44 trastuzumab rezisztens emlőtumorbanThe Role of CD44 in the Trastuzumab Resistence Breast Cancer Cell Line Pályi-Krekk, Zsuzsanna 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.447637586226 Medicine 0.436512950932 390514 A cigány/roma identitás és a cigány reprezentációk néprajzi vonatkozásaiEthnographical Aspects of Gypsy/Roma Identity and Gypsy Representation Berek, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Anthropology 0.410538221636 Linguistics 0.0658852680603 158066 A ciklikus hidroxámsavak biológiai hatásai, szerepük a mikroelem-felvételben és a mikroelem-toleranciábanBiological Effects of Cyclic Hydroxamic Acids, their Roles in Microelement Uptake and Micronutrient Tolerance Makleit, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 393261 A cilindrospermopszin és a mikrocisztin-LR (cianotoxinok) citológiai hatásai in vitro elıállított nád (Phragmites australis) növényekbenCytotoxic effects of two cyanotoxins, cylindrospermopsin snd microcystin-LR, on tissue cultured reed (Phragmiztes australis) Beyer, Dániel 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.722177162422 Medicine 0.115038661518 158262 A coeliakiához társuló kóros antitestválaszok immunológiai összefüggéseinek és specificitásának tanulmányozásaPathologic Antibody Responses in Celiac Disease: Specificity and Immunological Correlations Nemes, Éva 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.821084974026 Biology 0.0695322242746 869998 A búzatermelés, a terménymanipuláció és a lisztgyártás komplex üzemtani elemzéseA Complex Economic Analysis of Wheat Production, Crop Manipulation and Flour Production Kiss, István 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.902223314761 Economics 0.0437854823407 452327 A coronaria léziók funkcionális konzekvenciáinak integrált értékelése: holisztikus megközelítés non-invazív és invazív kardiális képalkotó technikákkalIntegrated Evaluation of the Functional Consequences of Coronary Lesions: Kolozsvári, Rudolf 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.870830349429 Physics 0.0330260945131 158250 A coronaria mikroerek vazomotor működésének vizsgálata metabolikus szindrómában szenvedő betegekbenExamination of the Vasomotor Function of Coronary Microvessels in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Fülöp, Tibor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.729266133958 Biology 0.131785064999 158389 A Cryphonectria Arasitica (Murrill) M.E. Barr kárpát-medencei szubpopulációinak vizsgálataExamination of Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) M.E. Barr in the Carpathian-Basin Tarczali, Gábor 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.414209429472 Law 0.153344690226 673293 A Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg (Cryptophyta) és a Microcystis aeruginosa Kützig (Cyanobacteria) algataxonok interakciós kapcsolataiInteractions between Cryptomonas ovata Ehrenberg (Cryptophyta) and Microcystis aeruginosa Kützig (Cyanobacteria) Bácsiné Béres, Viktória 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.670950753847 Agriculture 0.105733539117 158383 A cukorrépa termésmennyiségének és -miniségének alakulása levélkezelések hatásáraEffects of Foliar Treatments on the Yield and Quality of Sugar Beet Ungai, Diána Kinga 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.806286737607 Medicine 0.0594660960369 158367 A cukorrépa termésmennyiségének és –minőségének alakulása levélkezelések hatásáraEffects of foliar treatments on the yield and quality of sugar beet Ungai, Diána 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.806286737607 Medicine 0.0594660960369 481952 A debreceni jog- és államtudományi kar története (1914-1949)The History of the Faculty of Law in Debrecen (1914-1949) Hollósi, Gábor 2007 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.213287721082 Biology 0.133424391108 157946 A Debreceni Egyetem Agrártudományi Centrum oktatási és innovációs szerepének értékelése az észak-alföldi régióbanAssessment of The Educational and Innovational Role of The Centre for Agricultural Sciences, The University of Debrecen In The North Great Plain Region Mohácsi, Márta 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.599285881134 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.224504479991 595079 Tanárképzésben részt vevő hallgatók értékítéleteinek szerkezete két regionális egyetemenA Debreceni Egyetem és a Szegedi Tudományegyetem tanárjelöltjeinek értékstruktúráiThe Structure of the Value Judgement of Students in Teacher Training at Two Regional Universities – the Value Structure of the Teacher Trainees at the University of Debrecen and the University of Szeged Jancsák, Csaba 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.814385641036 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0604288141819 158034 A Debreceni Egyetem szerepe az agrárfelsőoktatás és a vidéki humánerőforrás fejlesztésébenThe Role Of The University Of Debrecen In The Development Of Agricultural Higher Education And Human Resources In Rural Areas Csapóné, Riskó Tünde 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 157835 Kubrick és a gondolkodás anti/poszthumanista képei– Deleuze-iánus olvasat–A Deleuzeian Reading of Stanley Kubrick’s anti/posthumanism Győri, Zsolt 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.502566853853 Philosophy 0.291683838536 297525 A dezorganizált kötődés kialakulása csecsemőkorbanThe Development of Disorganized Attachment in Infancy Koós, Orsolya 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.824933228862 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0524239388035 712729 A diacil-glicerol útvonal intracelluláris effektorainak jelátviteli folyamatokban betöltött funkcionális szerepe és farmakológiai befolyásolásuk új lehetőségeiThe functional role of the intracellular effectors of the diacylglycerol pathway and new opportunities for their pharmacological modulations Géczy, Tamás 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.765883071282 Chemistry 0.160163839222 594933 A Digitális képfeldolgozás számítógépes oktatásának kérdéseiQuestions of teaching Digital Image Processing via E-Learning Király, Sándor 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.500617215954 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.313716876958 157914 A distalis ureter működési zavarainak vizsgálata és kezelsése az obstrukcióval járó veleszületett rendellenességekbenEvaluation and Treatment of the Malfunctioning Obstructed Distal Ureter Associated with Other Congenital Abnormalities Csízy, István György 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.677745912748 Biology 0.0844081113076 648091 A diszkrét matematika és lineáris algebra számítógéppel támogatott oktatásaComputer Aided Teaching of Discrete Mathematics and Linear Algebra Vajda, István 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.494673387124 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.397154583345 430326 A dohányvertikum gazdasági-társadalmi hatásának vizsgálataThe Economic and Social Analysis of Tobacco Sector Bittner, Beáta 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.793846008816 Economics 0.0838579068196 952335 A dopamin és endocannabinoid receptor rendszer változásai neurodegeneratív megbetegedésekben: postmortem humán autoradiográfiás vizsgálatok parkinson- és alzheimer-kóros betegek agymintáinAlteration of dopamine and endocannabinoid system in neurodegenerative diseases: postmortem human autoradiographic study on parkinson’s and alzheimer’s disease brain samples Farkas, Szabolcs 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.684915059365 Physics 0.129266102112 158534 A fajtaspecifikus tápanyagellátás hatása az őszi búza termésmennyiségére és minőségéreExamination of the Effects of Variety-specific Fertilization on the Quantity and Quality of the Winter Wheat Balogh, Ágnes 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.860883413917 Industrial-Engineering 0.0330482931106 734715 A fehérje mono-ADP-riboziláció fiziológiai szerepének vizsgálata Streptomyces coelicolor-banAnalysis of physiological role of protein mono-ADP-ribosylation in Streptomyces coelicolor Szentesiné Szirák, Krisztina 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.678993774775 Agriculture 0.104020264407 398235 A fejlődés új paradigmája: elmélet és gyakorlatThe new paradigm of development: theory and practice Ricz, Judit 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.196726692703 Economics 0.159304558649 859484 A felelősség kérdései az utazási szerződések és az utasjogok körébenQuestions of liability in cases of travel contracts and passenger's rights Zoványi, Nikolett 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.908081033821 Biology 0.0419530876045 398639 A felnőttkatechézis református modelljei MagyarországonThe adult catechism in the Hungarian Reformed Church Hodossi, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.580223690022 History 0.323327356135 774403 A Felső-Tisza és holtmedreinek komplex környezetanalitikai vizsgálataComplex environmental analytical examination of the Upper-Tisza River and its oxbow lakes Babka, Beáta 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.26726027418 Earth sciences 0.207791276254 563078 A fenntartható fejlődés helyi stratégiáinak esélyei magyarországonThe Chances of Local Agendas in Hungary Baják, Imre 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.448800388473 Physics 0.116862406148 277701 A fenntartható turizmus vidékfejlesztési összefüggései az észak-alföldi régió példájánThe Rural Development Aspects of Sustainable Tourism as Seen Through the Example of The North Great Plains Region of Hungary Dr. Vargáné Csobán, Katalin 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.35670468636 Economics 0.264162561402 388618 A FIATALKORÚAK ÁLTAL FOGYASZTOTT NÉHÁNY ÉLELMISZERIPARI TERMÉK MARKETING ÉS FOGYASZTÓVÉDELMI SZEMPONTÚ VIZSGÁLATAMARKETING AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ANALYSIS OF SOME FOOD PRODUCTS CONSUMED BY YOUNG PEOPLE Szűcs, Róbert Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.452501799665 Medicine 0.224407971505 388617 A FIATALKORÚAK ÁLTAL FOGYASZTOTT NÉHÁNY ÉLELMISZERIPARI TERMÉK MARKETING ÉS FOGYASZTÓVÉDELMI SZEMPONTÚ VIZSGÁLATAMARKETING AND CONSUMER PROTECTION ANALYSIS OF SOME FOOD PRODUCTS CONSUMED BY YOUNG PEOPLE Szűcs, Róbert Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.462111174569 Medicine 0.219872519919 817987 A film mint missziói eszköz korunk változó vallásosságának kontextusábanFilm as a Means in Mission in the Context of Today’s Changing Religiosity Rácsok, Gabriella 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.269396033945 Visual arts 0.177071156271 179318 A fő hisztokompatibilitási rendszer (MHC) polimorfizmusainak vizsgálata különböző autoimmun betegségekbenExamination of the Polymorphisms of the Major Histocompatibility Complex in Different Autoimmune Diseases Kapitány, Anikó 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.837724928805 Agriculture 0.0359820707922 847683 A földi meteoritkráterek eloszlási, geomorfológiai és hidrogeográfiai jellemzőiDistribution and geomorphological-hydrogeographical features of the terrestrial meteorite craters Mihályi, Krisztián 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.261524742302 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.253040992491 711672 A fordított frekvenciafüggés, mint a szívizom intrinzik tulajdonságaReverse rate dependency, as an intrinsic property of cardiac cells Bárándi, László Viktor 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.376772642486 Biology 0.348999774082 768723 A formánsmozgások statisztikai vizsgálata és modellezése a magyar magánhangzókbanStatistical Analysis and modeling of Formant Movement in Hungarian Vowels Abari, Kálmán 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.266230255592 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.124213519896 698097 A Fortele Aeriene Regale ale Romanei (Román Királyi Légierő) vadászainak, zuhanóbombázóinak és csatarepülőinek harca a tengelyhatalmak oldalán a második világháborúbanThe fight of the fighters, dive bombers and ground attack aircrafts of the FORTELE AERIENE REGALE ALE ROMANEI (Romanian Royal Air Force) in side of the axis in world war two Novák, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.165663233414 History 0.117350554988 158260 A foszfatidilinozitol 4-kináz PIK230 izoformájának sejtmagi / nukleoláris lokalizációja és transzport mechanizmusaNuclear / Nucleolar Localisation and Transport Mechanism of Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase Isoform PI4K230 Kakuk, Annamária 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.794418838742 Physics 0.0366757639127 587371 A füleki végvár működtetése Koháry II. István főkapitányságának idején (1667–1682)The running of Fülek (now Fil’akovo, Slovakia) border castle during the captaincy of István II Koháry (1667–1682) Komjáti, Zoltán Igor 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.707301462271 Law 0.0517353411831 157959 A funkcióigés szerkezetek vizsgálata (különös tekintettel az orosz jogi szaknyelvre)An Investigation On Structures With Functional Verbs (With Special Regard To The Russian Juristic Terminology) Dobos, Csilla 2001 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.615914532942 Law 0.173883126553 157828 A FXIII aktivitása, antigén szintje és a FXIII-A Val34Leu polimorfizmusa coronaria betegségbenFXIII Activity, Antigen Level and FXIII-A Val34Leu Polymorphism in Coronary Artery Disease Bereczky, Zsuzsanna 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.418786778274 Biology 0.266178729408 772796 A garamszentbenedeki apátság 1075. évi alapítólevelének nyelvtörténeti vizsgálataSzempontok interpolált okleveleink nyelvészeti vizsgálatáhozA Historical Linguistic Study of the 1075 Deed of Foundation of the Garamszentbenedek AbbeyResearch considerations for the linguistic study of interpolated historical documents Köteles-Szőke, Melinda 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.499539041802 Law 0.133345055681 158382 A genetikai polimorfizmus, címeralkotó elemek és néhány minőségi tulajdonság vizsgálata kukorica genotípusoknálInvestigation of genetic polymorphism, tassel components and some quantitave features in maize genotypes Bódi, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.866745295677 Biology 0.0238523739361 158596 A genetikai variabilitás szerkezete a Maculinea alcon-fajcsoport (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Kárpát-medencei populációibanThe Structure of Genetic Variation in the Alcon Blue Populations (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Carpathian Basin Bereczki, Judit 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.51834171718 Agriculture 0.320785601935 734931 A geometriai térszemlélet számítógéppel támogatott fejlesztése a műszaki felsőoktatásbanComputer Aided Development of Spatial Abilities in Technical Higher Education Katona, János 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.229113319722 Agriculture 0.191650682794 653940 A geotermikus energia hasznosítási lehetőségei az Észak-alföldi régió agrárgazdaságábanGeothermal Energy Potentials in the Agriculture of Northern Great Plain Region Kulcsár, Balázs 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.425380518256 Industrial-Engineering 0.254512896484 188115 A glikogén foszforiláz új glükózanalóg inhibítorainak előállításaSynthesis of new glucose analog inhibitors of glycogen phosphorylase Felföldi, Nóra 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.792133246184 Biology 0.0565309182062 482666 A globális és a regionális biztonsági környezet változásainak hatásaiThe Effects of Changes in the Global and Regional Security Environment Dr. Isaszegi, János 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.808615991518 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0788330870151 772797 A globálsugárzás változásai EurópábanChanges in global radiation over Europe Bartók, Blanka 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.33041978355 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0967941911936 460124 A gomba dimorfizmus vizsgálata: citológia és genetikai szabályozásAnalysis of Fungal Dimorphism: Cytological and Genetical Regulation Enczi, Klára 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.635734554002 Biology 0.145406772304 680468 A gondolkodás stratégiai fejlődése és fejlesztésének lehetőségei az óvoda-iskoal átmenet időszakábanThe Development of Thinking Strategies and Possibilities for Their Facilitation During the Transition Period from Nursery School to School Páli, Judit 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.790815166107 Education 0.102734413944 158526 A tanárképzés gyakorlati műhelyeiA gyakorlóiskolák tanárképzési szerepének vizsgálataThe Practical Workshops of the Teacher TrainingThe Examination of the Role of the Training Schools in the Aspects of Teacher Training Holik, Ildikó Katalin 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.830476126457 Psychology 0.046695065614 854292 A hagyományos képzéstől az „információs életút” feléWebes tananyagtartalom leendő orvosoknak és diplomás ápolóknakInformation life cycle Szanyiné Forczek, Erzsébet 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.487753254786 Agriculture 0.0917587636474 166521 A Hajdú-Bihar megyei felnőttoktatás intézményrendszere a hazai felnőttoktatás történeti tendenciáinak tükrébenThe Institutional System of Adult Education in Hajdú-Bihar County in the Light of the Historical Tendencies in Hungarian Adult Education Juhász, Erika 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.840170049055 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0260713566092 168861 A hajdúsági löszhát vízkészlet-gazdálkodási fejlesztésének térinformatikai értékeléseGis Evaluation of The Development of Water Resource Management at the Hajdúság Loess Ridge Gombosné Nagy, Ildikó 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.557698329002 Biology 0.110821990353 157804 A hallás finom szabályozása: lassú motilis válasz és elektromotilitás a külső szőrsejtekbenPeripheral Fine Modulation of Hearing: Slow Motility and Electromotility of Outer Hair Cells Borkó, Rezső 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.458086645457 Medicine 0.153538663638 922309 A hallgatás radikalitásaKözelítések a Wittgensteini gondolatrendszer terapikus olvasatáhozThe Radicality of Silence Bodnár, János Kristóf 2014 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.780765530506 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0537332416358 777831 A halotti búcsúztató eredete, történeti rétegeiThe Origin of Funeral Song and it’s Historical Layers Sápy, Szilvia 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.449082591558 Biology 0.0950827412253 430325 A haptoglobin polimorfizmus és a mannóz-kötő lektin hiány jelentősége májcirrhosisos betegek bakteriális infekcióinak előrejelzésébenSignificance of Haptoglobin Polymorphism and Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency in Prediction of Bacterial Infections in Liver Cirrhosis Vitális, Zsuzsanna 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.729068969799 Physics 0.0421959906632 345252 A háromszéki hozomány a 19. századbanDowries in Háromszék in the 19th century Szőcsné Gazda, Enikő 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.191145118229 Visual arts 0.113872328649 297526 A hasznos élettartam növelésének tenyésztési lehetőségei tejelő szarvasmarha állományokbanBreeding possibilities to increase the productive life in livestocks of dairy cattle Berta, Attila László 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.86656101335 Veterinary 0.0365590383791 749345 A hatalomváltások hatása Kárpátalja népességszámának alakulására 1869-től napjainkigThe Effects of Changes of Power on the Formation of Transcarpathia’s Population Number from 1869 to Nowadays Molnár D., István 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.227119332157 Medicine 0.197346411546 873603 A határmentesülés folyamata Kelet-Közép-Európában: Magyarország és keleti határainak eseteThe Economic Transformation of Borders in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Hungary and its Eastern Borders Pásztor, Szabolcs 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.752009172079 Economics 0.0601524490537 438394 A határon átívelő kiskereskedelem tereinek társadalomföldrajzi vizsgálata Debrecenben és NagyváradonExamination of cross-border retailing in Debrecen and Oradea from a socio- geographical aspect Tömöri, Mihály 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.345682174398 Biology 0.19640920235 157972 A határozói viszony kifejezésére szolgáló grammatikai eszközök rendszere a Bécsi KódexbenLa locuzione della categoria di complemento in Codice Vienna Katona, Krisztina 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.225813151493 Medicine 0.162178157858 766201 A hazai biodízel-ágazat komplex elemzéseComplex Analysis of the Hungarian Biodiesel Sector Jobbágy, Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.486838327786 Economics 0.179890150388 284598 A HCN2 ioncsatornák expressziója patkány greincvelő hátsó szarvában és szerepe a gyulladásos fájdalom transzmissziójábanCellular Distribution of HCN2 Ion Channel Immunoreactivity in the Spinal Dorsal Horn of Rats in Control and Inflammatory Pain Conditions Papp, Ildikó 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.812698653879 Chemistry 0.0554359289001 680731 A heparin-indukálta thrombocytopenia új aspektusaiNew aspects of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia Oláh, Zsolt 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.704516255602 Biology 0.118809410055 256985 A hibridkukorica vetőmag előállítás környezetkímélő technológiájának fejlesztéseDevelopment of the Enviromental Friendly Technology of Hybrid Maize Sowing Seed Production Víg, Róbert 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.885367913391 Medicine 0.043099481162 159140 A hílusi disszekció nélkül végzett anterior hemihepatectomiák és mesohepatectomiák eredményei a májdaganatok sebészi kezelésébenResults with Anterior Hemihepatectomy and Mesohepatectomy without Hilar Dissection in Treatment of Liver Tumourous Diseases Takács, István 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.867543951591 Veterinary 0.016861091058 158283 A hiperaktivitás háttértényezőinek vizsgálata alsó tagozatos tanulóknálStudy Of Factors In Background Of Hyperkinetic Disorder In Children Of Primary School Benyák, Anikó 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.400953821008 Psychology 0.36043477535 808222 A hiperinzulinémia és a metabolikus szindróma aritmogenezisre gyakorolt hatásainak és farmakológiai befolyásolási lehetőségeinek vizsgálataThe role and pharmacological treatment options of hyperinsulinemia and metabolic syndrome in cardiac arrhythmogenesis Drimba, László Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.556465739626 Biology 0.218574843641 243757 A harci vértezetek történeteA nyugat-európai hadviselésben alkalmazott testvédelmi rendszerek fejlődéstörténete a 10. századtól a 16. század közepéigA History of Combat Armour (The History of the Development of Body Protection Systems Deployed in Western European Warfare, from the 10th to the Mid-16th Century) Töll, László 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.197288616545 Industrial-Engineering 0.191709924359 158248 A Horea-felkelés és magyarországi forrásaiLa rivolta condotta da Horea e le sue fonte di Ungheria Gorun-Kovács, Blanka Sidonia 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.516364791202 Biology 0.073502713488 157612 Epigenetic Regulation of Hormonal Responsedoctoral (Ph.D.) thesisA hormonválasz epigenetikai szabályozása Bálint, Bálint László 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.652958628587 Medicine 0.25304324848 157862 A humán papillomavírus és a celluláris survivin gén kapcsolatának vizsgálataAnalysis of the Relationship between Human Papillomavirus and the Cellular Survivin Gene Borbély, Ágnes Anikó 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.846944384495 Economics 0.0188431184346 585552 A humán paraoxonáz-1 aktivitását meghatározó tényezők veseelégtelenségben és vesetranszplantációt követőenFactors determining the activity of human paraoxonase-1 in chronic renal insufficiency, and after renal transplantation Varga, Éva 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.602654190565 Medicine 0.260285264287 220438 A humán szívizom kontraktilitását befolyásoló celluláris és molekuláris folyamatok tanulmányozásaInvestigation of the Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Contractility in Human Ventricular Cardiomyocytes Molnár, Andrea 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.651649910323 Medicine 0.0985130469278 312212 A jászapáti roma és magyar kisiskolások nyelvhasználati stratégiáinak kultúraközi elemzéseIntercultural Analysis of Roma and Hungarian Primary School Children’s Language Usage from Jászapáti Mászlainé Nagy, Judit 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.246630638004 Education 0.219311822131 158306 A Jel rendszere HegelnélSystem of Sign in Hegel Makk, Norbert 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.803898762429 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0679937967994 292066 The Role of Marked Forms of Caregiver-Infant Interactions in Children‘s Conceptual Development and the Formation of their Representational AbilitiesA jelölt gondozó-csecsemő interakciók szerepe a gyermekek fogalmi fejlődésében és repreztációs képességeik alakulásában Futó, Judit 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.85264138288 Biology 0.0419748497038 751356 A jövő-orientáció háttértényezőinek vizsgálata főiskolai hallgatók körébenResearch of background factors influencing college students’ future-orientation Mester, Dolli 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.340515770901 Psychology 0.301386090409 398638 A József-történet rabbinikus magyarázataiThe Joseph Story in the Rabbinical Literature LaMontagne, Melinda 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.211582370422 Medicine 0.115159892078 956341 A juh embrióátültetés eredményességét befolyásoló tényezőkFactors affecting the efficiency of sheep embryo transfer Pálfyné Vass, Nóra 2014 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.719915033593 Biology 0.130257843133 214895 A kalciumfelszabadulás elemi eseményeinek szabályozása és módosulása normál és pathológiás körülmények közöttModulation and Alteration of the Elementary Calcium Release Events Under Normal and Pathological Conditions Sztretye, Mónika Tünde 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.780604482937 Veterinary 0.0715641765126 159971 A kalciumhomeosztázis és a poli(ADP-riboz)ilációs folyamatok vizsgálata porcosodó mesenchymalis sejtkultúrákbanCalcium Homeostasis and Poly(ADP-ribos)ylation Pathways in Cells of Chicken High Density Mesenchymal Cultures Matta, Csaba 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.908254762213 Agriculture 0.017151665156 158531 A kalciumhomeosztázis szabályozásában szerepet játszó fehérjék vizsgálata mesenchymalis eredetű, differenciálódó sejtmodellekbenExamination of Proteins Involved in the Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis in Differentiating Mesenchymal Cells Fodor, János 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.850152657155 Medicine 0.0347302372271 166440 A kanti elveken alapuló világköztársaságról: különös tekintettel a globális osztó igazságosság problémáiraOn the World-Republic, Based on Kantian Principles; with a Special Outlook on Problems of Global Distributive Justice Himfy, József 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.595775479174 Law 0.290091110689 397637 A kataláz és a GRB10 gén polimorfizmusainak kapcsolata a 2-es típusú diabétesszel MagyarországonRelationship between the polymorphisms of catalase and GRB10 gene and the type 2 diabetes in Hungary Vitai, Márta 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.656843392334 Agriculture 0.163237876193 158533 A kéntrágyázás hatása az őszi búza minőségi és mennyiségi paramétereinek alakulásáraEffect of Sulphur Fertilization on the Quality and Quantity of Winter Wheat Mars, Éva Csilla 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.888473383781 Biology 0.0177239927487 859480 A kényszergyógykezelés büntetőjogi megítéléseInvoluntary treatment in a mental hospital in criminal view Kovács, Zsuzsa Gyöngyvér 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.299999080128 Law 0.211653620385 158347 A két világháború közötti csehszlovákiai magyar regény és Neubauer PálHungarian Novel in Czechoslovakia between two World Wars and Neubauer Pál BAUER Gál, Éva 2003 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.599163611671 Philosophy 0.0807406140727 495024 A kezdet és a cogitoAz affirmáció fenomenológiájaThe Beginning and the Cogito. The Phenomenology of Affirmation. Deczki, Sarolta 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.832326620006 Civil-Engineering 0.0277748060795 390517 A kiállítások szerepe az agrárgazdaság input szektorának marketing-eszköztárábanThe Exhibitions Among the Marketing Instruments of Agribusiness Input Sector Varga, Levente 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.250073250863 Medicine 0.181744328522 400173 A kifejezésExpression Rónai, András 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.441844431213 Biology 0.103675658449 745652 A kisajátítás alkotmányjogi és polgári jogi aspektusaiThe civil and constitutional law aspects of the expropriation Andorkó, Imre Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.85415918746 Economics 0.0342311829874 399984 A kisserényi gróf Serényi család helye a gömöri népi történeti emlékezetbenMiesto rodiny kisserényi gróf serényi v gemerskej ľudovej historickej pamäti Bodnár, Mónika 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.649144587276 Anthropology 0.101128263329 159395 A kockázati tőke hozzáadott és „elvett” értéke-The Added and „Removed” Value of Venture Capital Becskyné Nagy, Patrícia 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.776146475838 Industrial-Engineering 0.0626064989712 398234 A kockázati tőke hozzáadott és „elvett” értékeThe added and „removed” value of venture capital Becskyné Nagy, Patrícia 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.786439089753 Industrial-Engineering 0.0576404801413 713833 A kolozsmonostori bencés apátság gazdálkodása a késő középkorbanThe Economy of the Benedictine Abbey of Kolozsmonostor in the Late Middle Ages Szabó, Noémi Gyöngyvér 2013 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.711121250262 Economics 0.149078540842 401463 A kolozsmonostori konvent fejedelemségkori hiteleshelyi tevékenysége (XVI–XVII. század)The Activity of the Convent from Kolozsmonostor as Place of Authentication During the Principality (XVI–XVIIth centuries) Bogdándi, Zsolt 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.671734891213 Visual arts 0.0871820866737 400176 A kompetencia alapú oktatás pedagógus személyiség háttereTeacher Personality Background of Competence Based Education Szebeni, Rita 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.594984798374 Psychology 0.321461716546 583265 A kontraktilis fehérjerendszer Ca2+-érzékenységének jelentősége szívelégtelenségbenThe importance of myofilament Ca2+-sensitivity in heart failure Czuriga, Dániel 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.796254322981 Medicine 0.0829880573937 158064 A környezeti és biológiai tényezők interaktív vizsgálata napraforgó tájkísérletbenThe Interactive Examination of Environmental and Biological Factors in the Sunflower Yields Borbélyné, Hunyadi Éva 2002 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 158597 A környezeti tudatosság fogalomköre és vizsgálata alföldi példákonThe Logical Associations And Analysis Of Environmental Consciousness Illustrated By Examples From The Great Plain Kovács, András Donát 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.430757278019 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.237083720019 752146 A környezettudatos vállalati működés indikátorai és ösztönzőiIndicators and Incentives of Environmentally Conscious Business Operation Nagy, Gábor 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.370735686493 Law 0.361565731157 653941 A környezettudatosság fejlesztésének tényezői és jelenlegi szintje egy hazai középváros (Vác) példájánFactors and the Current Level of Environmental Consciousness Illustrated by the Example of a Hungarian edium-sized Town (Vác) Megyeriné Runyó, Anna 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.26556892363 Civil-Engineering 0.203265634407 158593 A környezetvédő viselkedés és az egészségviselkedés összefüggéseThe relationship between proenvironmental behavior and health behavior Lányi, Katalin 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.475060883947 Psychology 0.155044200247 450516 A kösely vízminiségét meghatározó tényezik vizsgálata különös tekintettel a sóforgalomraAnalysis of Factors Influencing the Water Quality of River Kösely with Specific Attention on Salt Flow Hancz, Gabriella 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.282037532185 Earth sciences 0.149861857566 905517 A középfül gáznyomás egyensúlyának szabályozásaMiddle ear gas pressure regulation Csákányi, Zsuzsanna 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.663291672734 Mathematics 0.0528785712703 766200 A Közfoglalkoztatás a gazdasági ciklusok kontextusábanPublic Employment in the Context of Economic Cycles Szabó, Andrea 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.390922297322 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.213006179595 166809 A közművelődés gazdasági kutatásának kezdetei Magyarországon, 1974 és 1989 közöttResearch Beginning on the Economics of Culture in Hungary between 1974 and 1989 Koncz, Gábor 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.54360451752 History 0.266462551212 583513 The Effects of Common Currancy and International Financial Integration on the Monetary Transmission MechanismA közös pénz bevezetésének és a nemzetközi pénzügyi integrációnak hatása a monetáris transzmissziós mechanizmsura Herczeg, Bálint 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.726866880034 Biology 0.0644748240803 220435 A közösségi értékaffirmáló beszédhagyománytól való távolodás regényváltozatai a XIX. század második felébenNovel Variants Differing From the Tradition of Novels Affirming Community Values During the Second Half of the 19th Century Kunkli, Enikő 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.682948050774 Linguistics 0.120738218906 764060 A közüzemi vízszolgáltatás regionális szemléletű fejlesztése Debrecen térségébenRegional Approach to the Development of Public Water Service in the Area of Debrecen Nagy, Sándor 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.332538229437 Industrial-Engineering 0.179413036038 162285 A króm hatása a Chlorella pyrenoidosa néhány anyagcsere-folyamatáraEffects of Chromium on Some Metabolic Processes of Chlorella Pyrenoidosa Hörcsik, Tibor Zsolt 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.899329801604 Civil-Engineering 0.0326459792502 257790 A króm(VI) hatása békalencse-fajok axenikus tenyészeteinek növekedési jellemzőire és fotoszintetikus aktivitásáraEffects of chromium(VI) on growth and photochemical activity of axenic duckweed cultures Oláh, Viktor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.788544505498 Agriculture 0.0409805523502 179093 A kukorica termésbiztonságát meghatározó néhány agrotechnikai tényező vizsgálataExamination of Several Determinant Agro-technical Factors in the Point of View the Yield Security of Maize Molnár, Zsuzsa 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.892644874343 Biology 0.0374839071135 773672 A külső károsító tényezők hatása a HaCaT keratinociták kalcium homeosztázisára-Effects of external damaging factors on the calcium homeostasis of HaCaT keratinocytes Ruzsnavszky, Olga 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.837177337075 Medicine 0.0634438389547 183496 A Kv1.2 és Kv1.3 K+-csatornák toxin-szelektivitásának molekuláris meghatározóiMolecular Determinants of Toxin Selectivity of Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 K+ Channelse Papp, Ferenc 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.738954264683 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.111833512293 157811 A Kv1.3 csatornák inaktivációjának és farmakológiai tulajdonságainak vizsgálataInvestigation of the Inactivation and Pharmacology of the Human T Lymphocyte Kv1.3 Channel Somodi, Sándor 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.781853380606 Chemistry 0.0347521649374 682679 A Kv1.3 K+ csatornák kapuzásának és expressziójának jellemzése T sejtekbenCharacterization of Kv1.3 K+ ion channel expression and gating in T lymphocytes Tóth, Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.710356514396 Medicine 0.163128886698 166810 A labdarúgó tehetség kibontakoztatását befolyásoló pszichológiai tényezők vizsgálataThe Examination of Psychological Factors Influencing the Unfolding of Football-Giftedness Orosz, Róbert 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.679510145308 Biology 0.0879575424706 183400 A lapp (számi) madárnevekNyelvészeti elemzésThe Saami (Lappish) Bird Names: A Linguistic Analysis G. Bogár, Edit 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.300561268949 Psychology 0.178156335785 158524 A leány-középiskolák jogi szabályozása Magyarországon és nemzetközi kitekintésben az 1870-es évektől 1945-igRechtliche Regelung der höheren Mädchenbildung in Ungarn und im Ausland von den 1870er Jahren bis zum 1945 Rébay, Magdolna 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.529861227611 Physics 0.0722470817019 581554 A legfontosabb agrotechnikai tényezők hatása a csemegekukorica hibridek agronómiai tulajdonságaira és terméséreThe Impact of the most Important Agrotechnical Factors on the Agronomical Traits and Vield of Sweet Corn Hybrids Lente, Ádám 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.839038405511 Biology 0.0438868630291 593736 A légzésfunkciós eltérések súlyosságával korreláló COPD biomarker jelöltek felfedezéseBiomarker Candidates Correlate With Lung Function In COPD Csánky, Eszter 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.560440934009 Biology 0.256405043121 158604 Nuclear receptors modulate immune functions in dendritic cells. The case of vitamin D receptor and the regulation of immune function-related genesA magreceptorok hatása a dendritikus sejtek differenciálódására és működésére A kalcitriol és az immunfunkcióhoz köthető gének szabályozása dendritikus sejtekben Széles, Lajos 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.831461724316 Medicine 0.0673291737278 438918 A magyar egészségügyi ellátórendszer működtetésének kihívásaiChallanges of the Hungarian health care system Kalasné Bíró, Klára 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.480939522022 Law 0.158553719222 259498 A magyar és a keletnémet mezőgazdaság jövedelmi helyzetének és termelékenységének összehasonlító vizsgálataComparative Analysis of Hungarian and East German Agricultural Incomes and Productivity Baráth, Lajos 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.781005297388 Economics 0.192785312229 648089 A magyar és a nemzetközi informatikaoktatás összehasonlításaA Comparison of Hungarian and International Information Technology Education Kiss, Gábor 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.782387634973 Industrial-Engineering 0.0536649614749 463928 A magyar és a ruszin (ukrán) népballadák összehasonlító vizsgálataA Comparative Study on the Hungarian and Ruthenian (Ukrainian) Folk Ballads Fábián, László 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.220347961348 Linguistics 0.153896679912 438399 A magyar kisebbségi felsőoktatás egy példájaA kolozsvári Babeş−Bolyai Tudományegyetem Szatmárnémeti Kihelyezett TagozataAn Example of Hungarian Minority’s Higher Education. The Affiliated Department in Satu Mare of Babeş−Bolyai University in Cluj─Napoca. Hollósi, Hajnalka Zsuzsanna 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.371817711009 Education 0.347552432828 399538 A magyar mezőgazdaság komplex (gazdasági, társadalmi, környezeti) vizsgálata az EU-csatlakozás tükrébenIntegrated (economic, social and environmental) analysis of Hungarian agriculture in the context of the EU accession Nagy, Zsuzsanna 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.955893868137 Economics 0.0248952475907 569494 Characterization of the Hungarian Reference DNA Biobank.A Magyar Referencia DNS Biobank jellemzése. Az ACE I/D polimorfizmus szerepe a metabolikus szindrómára való fogékonyság kialakításában a magyar lakosság körében Fiatal, Szilvia 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.904991579298 Biology 0.0546905590783 455192 A magyar református hittankönyvek történeti és elvi tanulságaiHittankönyv-elméleti alapvetésHistorical and Theoretical Consequences of the Hungarian Reformed Christian Education Textbooks Szászi, Andrea 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.764375327883 History 0.0652675339363 811115 A magyarországi cigányság irodalmárólOn the Literature of Hungarian Gypsies D. Magyari, Imre 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.371242216868 Anthropology 0.308278102335 879912 A magyarországi mézelőméh-populációkban (apis mellifera carnica pannonica poll.) Megjelenő határ menti fajták kimutatása genetikai és morfológiai módszerekkelStuding the Features of The Bordering Subspecies in the Hungarian Honey Bee Populations (Apis Mellifera Carnica Pannonica Poll.) with Genetic and Morphological Methods Péntek-Zakar, Erika 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.643406069651 Agriculture 0.136486833448 157955 A mai magyar börtönszleng (1996 2005)Hungarian Prison Slang Today (1996 2005) Szabó, Edina 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.55154744589 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.110016265449 874969 A mangalicaágazat termékláncának gazdasági elemzéseThe Economic Analysis of Mangalitza Supply Chain Pocsai, Krisztina 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.564018571359 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.11382737255 157924 A marha leukémia vírus proteáz jellemzése és összehasonlítása más retrovirális proteázokkalCharacterization of the Bovin Leukemia Virus Protease and Comparsion with Other Retroviral Proteases Sperka, Tamás 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.307873148492 Biology 0.307014364697 667290 A matematika és a média kapcsolatának vizsgálataResearch on the Relationship Between Mathematics and Media Korándi, József 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.419270057297 Mathematics 0.111302480365 432626 A matematika informális háttereThe Informal Background of Mathematics Málik, József Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.669841276883 Mathematics 0.199336252954 871703 A meggy és a körte termelési kockázatát meghatározó főbb tényezők elemzéseEvaluation of Main Factors Determining the Production Risks of Sour Cherry and Pear Persely, Szilvia 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.623107532193 Medicine 0.0939011273955 157963 A megszólítások és a beszédpartnerre utaló elemek változatai a mai magyar nyelvhasználatbanVarieties of Address Forms in Contemporary Hungarian Usage Domonkosi, Ágnes 2002 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.654647176301 Psychology 0.103952945456 750187 A megújuló energiaforrások társadalmi háttérvizsgálata a Hernád-völgy településein, különös tekintettel a dendromassza-alapú közösségi hőenergia termelésreA Social Background Study of Renewable Energy Sources, Specifically Dendromass-Based Community Heat Energy Generation, at Settlements in the Valley of the River Hernád Tóth, Tamás 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.782150009214 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.024260128192 283075 Vom Metadrama zum postdramatischen TheaterSpielarten der dramatischen Selbstreflexion im zeitgenössischen deutschsprachigen DramaA metadrámától a posztdramatikus színházig: a dramatikus önreflexió játékmódjai a kortárs németnyelvű drámában Kricsfalusi, Beatrix 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.544809789168 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.144353912302 158267 A mezőgazdasági kisvállalkozások longitudinális vizsgálata heves megyébenThe Longitudinal Examination Of Agricultural Small-Scale Enterprises In Heves County Ficzeréné Nagymihály, Kornélia 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.748041790599 Biology 0.0548070039537 176335 A mezőgazdasági vállalkozások felszámolásához vezető okok elemzéseAnalysis: Reasons for the Termination of Agricultural Enterprises Kotormán, Annamária 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.560561780379 Law 0.136366939786 158549 Studies of Meson-Meson Interactions within Lattice QCDA mezon-mezon kölcsönhatások vizsgálata a rács-QCD keretében Mihály, Attila 1998 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.621615881927 Medicine 0.0629212670569 388619 A MÉZPIAC MARKETING SZEMPONTÚ ELEMZÉSE KÜLÖNÖS TEKINTETTEL A FOGYASZTÓI ÉS VÁSÁRLÓI MAGATARTÁSRAEVALUATION OF HONEY MARKET FROM A MARKETING POINT OF VIEW WITH SPECIAL REGARD TO CONSUMER AND PURCHASING HABITS Árváné Ványi, Gerogina 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.210466873181 Medicine 0.152358352397 157780 Primer Raynaud-szindrómaA mikrocirkuláció funkcionális vizsgáló módszereinek szerepe a betegség diagnosztikájában és prognózisábanPrimary Raynaud's Syndrome: Role of Microcirculatory Functional Investigation Methods in Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis Csiki, Zoltán 2005 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.912215594282 Chemistry 0.0186762907978 459757 A mikrocisztin-LR és a cilindrospermopszin hatása a vízinövények növekedésére, proteáz és nukleáz enzimeik aktivitásáraThe effects of Microcystin-LR and Cylindrospermopsin on the Growth and Protease and Nuclease Enzyme Activites of Aquatic Plants Jámbrik, Katalin 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.526195434351 Agriculture 0.381267473095 587381 A mikroerek vazomotor működésének vizsgálata diabetes mellitusbanExamination of the vasomotor function of microvessels in diabetes mellitus Beleznai, Tímea Zsuzsanna 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.443677131453 Biology 0.388800668431 178622 A mikronizált titán-dioxid bőrön történő átjutásának és sejtekre gyakorolt hatásainak vizsgálataInvestigation of Micronized Titanium Dioxide Penetration in Human Skin Xenografts and Its Effect on Cellular Functions Kiss, Borbála Katalin 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.590297288306 Chemistry 0.171932793113 354674 A mocsári szitakötő (Libellula fulva Müller, 1764) populációdinamikája a Bihari-sík kisvízfolyásaibanPopulation dynamics of Libellula fulva Müller, 1764 in the lowland creeks of landscape Bihari-sík Nagy, Henrietta Beáta 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.739354974596 Medicine 0.135445184389 158037 A motivációs lehetőségek vizsgálata az élelmiszergazdaságbanExamination of Motivational Possibilities in the Food-industry Juhász, Csilla 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 312358 A munkavédelem biztonsági kultúrájának vizsgálata hajdú- bihar megye mezőgazdasági szervezeteibenThe Occupational Safety and Health Related Safety Culture Research in Agricultural Organizations in Hajdu-Bihar County Terjék, László 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.626122549708 Industrial-Engineering 0.295909332089 398642 A művészet intézményi elméleteThe Institutional Theory of Art Kőmüves, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.52881151723 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.255735442737 178631 A myofibrilláris fehérjék szulfhidril oxidációjához köthető kontraktilis hatások humán szívizomsejtekbenSulfhydryl Oxidation of Myofibrillar Proteins and Its Effect on the Contractile Function in Human Cardiomyocytes Hertelendi, Zita 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.627203310095 Agriculture 0.0614469595174 158388 A nagy csalán (Urtica dioica L.) zöldségnövénykénti hasznosításának elméleti és gyakorlati alapjaiTheoretical and Practical Foundations of the Utilization of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) as a Vegetable Crop Dudás, László 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.265889906328 Agriculture 0.205984843466 158396 A napraforgó hibridspecifikus vetésidejének komplex vizsgálata a Hajdúsági LöszhátonComplex Analysis of the Sunflower Hybrid-specific Sowing Time on Loess in Hajdúság Zsombik, László 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.765919144921 Medicine 0.0673851363029 158409 A nedvességforgalom modellezése növénytermesztési modellekbenModelling of Moisture Cycle in Crop Production Models Fodor, Nándor 2002 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.685634728858 Mathematics 0.105887282434 158344 A népábrázolás hagyományainak módosulása a XX. század első felének finn irodalmábanThe tradition of representation of people developed by writers of the intellectual class in the first three decades of the XX. Pasztercsák, Ágnes 2003 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.371635128248 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.314807298222 160022 A népművelés és a szociális munka szakmásodása angolszász és magyar metszetekbenProfessionalization in the field of adult education and social work – comparative analysis of Anglo- Saxon and Hungarian experiences Kleisz, Teréz 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.504428716139 Education 0.201420224912 664780 A néprajz tárgyai a tanítóképzésbenEthnography Related Subjects in the Higher Educational Training of Lower Primary Teachers Virágné, Juhász Nyitó Klára 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.833105279928 Medicine 0.0540179266566 398640 A neutrofil granulociták szuperoxid-anion termelése egészséges és preeclampsiás terhességbenSuperoxide-anion production of neutrophil granulocytes in healthy and preeclamptic pregnant women Lampé, Rudolf 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.574114464375 Biology 0.0768325596041 158325 A nézők részvételének hatása a brit pedagógiai színjátszás (TIE) alkotófolyamatáraThe Effects of Audience Participation on British Theatre in Education Sz. Pallai, Ágnes 2005 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.656720965121 Education 0.179337722833 186166 A nitrátok hatása posztinfarktusos betegeken és állatkísérletes elhízásbanEffect of Nitrate Therapy in Postmyocardial Infarction Patients and in Animal Experimental Models of Obesity Király, Csaba 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.791861987276 Agriculture 0.0643179864667 682478 A növényzet szerepe az árvaszúnyogok (Diptera: Chironomidae) tér- és időbeli előfordulásábanThe role of the vegetation in spatio-temporal distribution of non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) Tóth, Mónika 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.522052643426 Biology 0.332582978045 157906 A nukleozis transzport gátlás hatása az interstitialis adenozin koncentrációra az A1 adenozin receptorok környezetében eu- illetve hyperthyreoid tengerimalac pitvaronEffect of Nucleoside Transport Inhibition on the Interstitial Adenosine Concentration in the Microenvironment of A1 Adenosine Receptors in Eu- and Hyperthyroid Guinea Pig Atria Karsai, Dénes 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.45812874523 Veterinary 0.109696048198 157871 A nyelvi képek osztályozása és elméleti megközelítése a XVI. századi francia ramista retorikákbanThe Theory and Taxonomy of Tropes in 16th Century French Ramist RhetoricLa théorie et la taxonomie des tropes dans les ouvrages rhétoriques du Collège de Presles Szabó, Etelka 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.180498614161 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.171697994425 160298 A nyers juhtej egyes összetevőinek vizsgálata, és a fehérjefrakciók hatása a sajtgyártásraExamination of Individual Components of the Raw Sheep's Milk and the Influence of Protein Fractions to Cheese Making Bajúsz, Ildikó 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.484966085881 Veterinary 0.120360814686 157925 A nyitott szívműtétekhez kapcsolódó neurológiai szövődmények és a szívműtétek jogi és etikai vonzataiNeurological Complications of Open Heart Surgeries Legal and Ethical Aspects of Heart Operations Herczeg, László Tamás 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.357378785746 Law 0.307491988109 178654 A P-glikoprotein transzport funkciójának gátlása konformációs állapotának és topológiai viszonyainak modulációjávalInhibition of P-glycoprotein Transport Function by Modulating Its Conformational and Topological States Fenyvesi, Ferenc 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.803188125211 Medicine 0.109886261115 460123 A palearktikus púposlégy genuszok taxonómiai és faunisztikai vizsgálataTaxonomic and Faunistic Study of the Palearctic Scuttle Fly Genera (Diptera: Phoridae) Lengyel, Gábor Dániel 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.493860882471 Agriculture 0.103672926655 495300 A partifecske (Riparia riparia) diszperziós viselkedéseSand Martin (Riparia riparia) Dispersal Behaviour Szabó, Dániel Zoltán 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.502541450053 Agriculture 0.172044543731 161645 A Partium közigazgatási földrajzaAdministrative Geography in Partium Szilágyi, Ferenc 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.198331469117 Biology 0.178800257924 177616 A pásztázó proton mikroszonda telepítése és tudományos alkalmazásaiInstallation of a Scanning Proton Microsond and its Scientific Application Rajta, István 1996 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.230156690567 Civil-Engineering 0.155839681163 182093 A patogén orális flóra szerepe a posztoperatív pneumónia kialakulásában idegsebészeti betegekbenRole of the Pathogenic Oral Flora in Postoperative Pneumonia in Neurosurgical Patients Bágyi, Kinga Ágnes 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.662292893718 Biology 0.166549317984 157855 A peri- és intraoperatív monitorozás az anesztéziában alkalmazható néhány lehetőségérőlClinical Assessment of Some Possibilities of Peri- and Interoperative Monitoring in Anesthesia Molnár, Csilla 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.859106488942 Veterinary 0.0177761863329 680467 Peripheral Blood Gene Expression Profiling as a Tool in Exploring the Pharmacogenomics of Autoimmune DiseasesA perifériás vér génexpressziós vizsgálata autoimmun betegségek farmakogenomikájában Meskó, Bertalan 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.849086770529 Biology 0.0718898233039 178626 A peroxidok humán fogzománcra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálataExamination of the Effects of Peroxides on Human Enamel Structure Bistey, Tamás 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.258763482188 Medicine 0.205221713243 733739 A pluratívák (plurale tantumok) vizsgálati lehetőségei, különös tekintettel az északi lapp nyelvreExamination possibilities of pluratives (pluralia tantum) with special regard to Northern Sami Kelemen, Ivett 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.210386234497 Biology 0.141146707752 393516 A polgári per egyszerűsítésének és gyorsításának eszközei az európai jogrendszerekben, különös tekintettel a kis értékű követelésekre vonatkozó eljárásokraSimplification and acceleration of civil procedures in European countries with special reference on small claims procedures Nyilas, Anna 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.823770599177 Biology 0.113820182889 185328 Role of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and Poly(ADP-ribose) Glycohydrolase (PARG) in the Regulation of Cell Death and in the Expression of Inflammatory MediatorsA poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz-1 és a poli(ADP-ribóz) glikohidroláz szerepének vizsgálata a sejthalál és a gyulladásos mediátorok expressziójának szabályozásában Erdélyi, Katalin 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.837869206504 Medicine 0.0419995306052 178495 A poli-ADP-ribóziláció szerepe a DNS károsodás által kiváltott sejthalálban és a bőr gyulladásos folyamataibanRole of Poly(ADP-Ribosyl)ation in the Regulation of DNA Damage-Induced Cell Death and Inflammatory Reactions of the Skin Hegedűs, Csaba 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.783874807545 Medicine 0.0746051024882 401576 A politikai rendőrség pártirányításának szabályozása, 1956–1962The Regulation of the Party Direction of the Secret Police 1956–1962 Krahulcsán, Zsolt 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.329126484008 History 0.27614687655 752149 A PON1 enzim paraoxonáz és laktonáz aktivitásának változása hemodializált és transzplantált krónikus veseelégtelen betegekbenChanges of PON1 paraoxonase and lactonase activities in hemodialysis and renal transplant patients Sztanek, Ferenc 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.697523624411 Biology 0.192787586521 180561 A pontusi tanúrák (Limnomysis benedeni /Czerniavsky, 1882/) állományfelmérése, populáció-dinamikája és produkciója a BalatonbanQuantity, population dynamic and production of Limnomysis benedeni (Czerniavsky, 1882) in Lake Balaton Szalontai, Krisztina 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.452907668037 Medicine 0.191129702822 583514 A pótmagánvád a magyar büntető eljárásjogban és a gyakorlatbanSubstitute private prosecution in Hungarian Code of Criminal Procedure and in practice Fázsi, László 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.817146424412 Biology 0.033843312225 820142 The role of protein phosphatase 2A in the lung endothelial barrier regulationA protein foszfatáz 2A szerepe a tüdő endotél barrier szabályozásában Kása, Anita 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.824122874079 Medicine 0.0493929229302 157869 A protein kináz C izoenzimek differenciált szerepe vázizom- és porcsejtek in vitro és in vivo növekedésének szabályozásábanDifferential Roles of Protein Kinase C Isoenzymes in the Regulation of in vitro and in vivo Growth of Skeletal Muscle Cells and Chondrocytes Czifra, Gabriella 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.770164803109 Medicine 0.0920247572997 157801 A protein kináz C izoenzimek szerepe szisztémás lupus erythematosusban és a MonoMac-6 sejtek folyamatainak szabályozásábanRole of Protein Kinase C Isoenzymes in Systemic Lupus Erythematotus and in the Regulation of Cellular Processes of MonoMac-6 Cells Griger, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.673344902768 Biology 0.236083119245 157805 A purinerg jelátvitel és a Deiters sejtek szerepe a belső fülbenThe Role of Purinerg Signaling and Deiters Cells in the Inner Ear Szűcs, Attila 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.858425738544 Medicine 0.028181343972 398233 A retinoidok glükokortikoid hormon által indított sejthalált gyorsító és az adenozin sejthalált kiváltó hatásmechanozmusának viszgálata egér timocitákonStudies on the enhancing effect of retinoids of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis and on the mechanism of adenosine-induced apoptosis of mouse thymocytes Tóth, Katalin Ágnes 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.684026413325 Medicine 0.141392006376 166657 A román felsőoktatás-politika változásai 1990-2003 közöttThe Romanian higher education policy between 1990-2003 Mandel, Kinga 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.367597171288 Education 0.337864403834 160023 Reform és visszhangokA romániai közoktatási reform fogadtatása romániai magyar pedagógusok körébenReform and EchoesThe Reception of the Romanian Educational Reform Among the Hungarian Educators from Romania Péter, Lilla 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.903818609635 Economics 0.0298383943607 712452 A ropinirol és a rosiglitazon proarrhythmiás hatásának vizsgálata kutya kamrai szívizomsejtekenEffects of ropinirole and rosiglitazone on action potential characteristics and ion currents in canine ventricular cells Simkó, József 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.504712079754 Veterinary 0.153614932489 745941 A ropinirol és a rosiglitazon proarrhythmiás hatásának vizsgálata kutya kamrai szívizomsejtekenEffects of ropinirole and rosiglitazone on action potential characteristics and ion currents in canine ventricular cells Simkó, József 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.519124201742 Veterinary 0.146160498518 158309 "...fonjunk rózsafüzért szép Üdvözletébül!"A rózsafüzér imádsága és rózsafüzéres versek a XIX-XXI. századi magyar irodalombanThe Rosary-prayer and Rosary Inspired Poems in 19-21st Century Hungarian Literature Soós, Sándorné 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.688566277079 Biology 0.0772995903238 594540 A Sárospataki Református Főiskola faluszemináriuma (1931–1951) és előzményeiThe Village Seminar of Patak College (1931–1951) and its antecedents Bartha, Ákos 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.15148724509 History 0.146975090094 162053 A savanyú vulkanizmus fáciestani vizsgálata ÉK-MagyarországonVolcano—facies Investigations on Acid Lava Sequences, North-eastern Hungary Szepesi, János 2009 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.802052627589 Biology 0.047766095739 482664 A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Decision Support from Multidimensional Sequence Data- Esmaeli, Mahdi 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.509945928759 Statistics 0.0771093306542 257544 A Schizosaccharomyces pombe sep9+ génjének funkcionális analíziseFunctional analysis of the sep9+ gene in Schizosaccharomyces pombe Batta, Gyula 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.857796882361 Medicine 0.0634212968685 158254 A SEA0400 hatása az emlős kamrai szívizom kalcium homeosztázisáraThe Effect of SEA0400 on the Calcium Handling of Mammalian Ventricular Myocytes Birinyi, Péter 2008 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.642408445311 Biology 0.144920735205 853799 Determination of dynamic properties of nuclear receptorsA sejtmagreceptorok dinamikájának vizsgálata Brázda, Péter 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.721744918013 Chemistry 0.201401221264 157848 A Semantic Approach to Mood Choice in Complement Clauses with Special Reference to HungarianA magyar alárendelt mellékmondatbeli módválasztásról szemantikai megközelítésben Tóth, Enikő 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.334981271417 Medicine 0.142936489918 667780 A serdülőkori fehérköpeny hypertonia és a cerebralis célszervkárosodások kapcsolataThe Adolescent White-Coat Hypertension And The Correlation With Cerebrovascular Target-Organ Damage Lengyel, Szabolcs 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.410616238207 Agriculture 0.124714422817 157830 A serdülőkori hypertonia célszerv-károsodásait befolyásoló tényezők klinikai vizsgálataAssessment of Influencing Factors in the Development of Target-Organ Damages in Adolescence Katona, Éva Melitta 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.474880010795 Biology 0.128326479078 571471 A sertésvertikum stratégiai elemzéseStrategic Analysis of Pork Sector Bartha, Andrea 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.469315763393 Agriculture 0.332931913254 158261 A Sjögren-szindróma társult esetei - Klinikai és immunológiai sajátosságokAssociated Diseases of Sjögren's Syndrome - Clinical and Immunologic Features Szántó, Antónia 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.780582751892 Biology 0.0914926573603 182283 Relationship Among Attributes of Sperm Immaturaty, Chromosomal Non Disjunction -Results by Double Probing of Individual SpermatozoonA spermiumok különböző éretlenségi formáinak és kromoszóma non diszjunkcióinak kapcsolata -eredmények ugyanazon sejtek kettős festésével Óvári, László 2009 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.349506256609 Biology 0.328266438907 157815 Jelenlét és jelentésA sport tematizálása a magyar késő modern és posztmodern epikábanPresence and Meaning. The Tematization of Sport in Late Modern and Postmodern Hungarian Prose Fodor, Péter 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.428090012662 Philosophy 0.139896502541 301405 A sportmenedzselés- és szervezés fejlesztési lehetőségei a debreceni egyetemenThe Expected Influence of the Life-Quality Programme of the University of the Debrecen in the North-Plain Region Nagy, Ágoston 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.273580501403 Biology 0.152982519314 662190 A stapes fixációk etiopathogenezisének vizsgálataEtiopathogenesis of stapes fixations Csomor, Péter 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.773184630482 Biology 0.107763702576 713832 A stratégia-értékelés, valamint a stratégia-audit módszertanának fejlesztéseImprovement of Methodology for Strategy Evaluation and Stratedic Audit Kozák, Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.483081570966 Civil-Engineering 0.22058510839 158278 Vezetési feladatok és funkciók vizsgálata agrárgazdasági szervezetekbenA STUDY OF MANAGEMENT TASKS AND FUNCTIONS IN AGROECONOMIC ORGANISATIONS Bilanics, Ágnes 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.517175502623 Biology 0.17260665865 766199 A szakosított szociális ellátórendszer paradigmaváltása Hajdú-Bihar megyébenA Paradigm Shift of Special Social Care Services Supply System in Hajdú-Bihar County Verdó, György 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.796910859972 Economics 0.0785406504854 714096 A Szamos hazai szakaszának halközösségében bekövetkezett változások a cianid- és nehézfém szennyezést követőenChanges in fish assemblage in the Hungarian section of River Szamos after a cyanide and heavy metal pollution Antal, László 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.706132046467 Chemistry 0.0633326369781 178625 A szarkomer dinamika (Frank-Starling-mechanizmus) molekuláris vizsgálata különböző emlős fajokban fiziológiás és patológiás körülmények közöttMolecular Level Investigations on the Sarcomer Dynamics (Frank-Starling Relationship) in Different Mammals under Physiological and Pathological Conditions Édes, István Ferenc 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.818568445 Medicine 0.0225928449792 157873 A szélenergia hasznosítás klimatológiai vonatkozásaiClimatological Aspects Of Utilization Of Wind Energy Bíróné Kircsi, Andrea 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.614775836464 Industrial-Engineering 0.132898756612 580269 A szem elülső szegmentumának korszerű diagnosztikájaRecent advances in anterior segment imaging of the eye Szalai, Eszter 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.503550902064 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.151093288279 178628 A szenzoros és motoros működés integrációja békák zsákmányszerző viselkedése soránSensorimotor Integration Underlying Prey-Catching Behavior of the Frog Rácz, Éva 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.815279525531 Veterinary 0.0420459370285 160019 A szervezeti kultúra és a dolgozói attitűd összehasonlító vizsgálata mezőgazdasági vállalkozásokbanThe Comparative Study of Organizational Culture and Employees' Attitude in Agricultural Enterprises Szilágyi, Barnabás 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.613644988371 Biology 0.0976405638624 750189 A szervezeti kultúra és a vezetési tulajdonságok szerepe a regionális versenyképességben, az észak-alföldi regió önkormányzatainálThe Role of Organisational Culture and Leader Characteristics in Regional Competitiveness at the Municipalities of the North Great Plain Region Matkó, Andrea Emese 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.618858100883 History 0.142465986671 745653 A szerződés létrehozásának alapkérdéseiGeneral questions of the contract formation Török, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.892666570748 Biology 0.0444097608818 389054 A széthangzás terei − koralitás és közösségképek Bernard-Marie Koltès drámáibanDissonant Spaces − Chorality and Communities in the Plays of Bernard-Marie KoltèsLes espaces de la dissonance − la choralité et les images de collectivité dans le théâtre de Bernard-Marie Koltès Miklós, Eszter Gerda 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.239570742283 Biology 0.145503700627 157909 A szíviszkémia kezelésének lehetőségeiAlternatives for the Treatment of Ischemic Heart Dér, Péter 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.686997065443 Medicine 0.0905833975532 157631 Alternations in myocardial function and contractile proteins during human heart failuredoctoral (Ph.D.) thesisA szívizom funkció és a kontraktilis fehérjék változásai humán szívelégtelenségben Borbély, Attila 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.452007851726 Medicine 0.335764990148 215399 A szolgáltató szektor és a városhálózat kapcsolatának vizsgálata az Észak-alföldi régióbanSurvey of the connection of the service sector and the urban network in the North Great Plain Region Koncz, Gábor 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.274057199637 Agriculture 0.197253132486 178624 Role of Tissue Transglutaminase in Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells by MacrophagesA szöveti transzglutamináz szerepe a makrofágok apoptotikus sejtfelvételében Tóth, Beáta 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.843704445084 Medicine 0.064540765415 158430 A talaj és környezeti kölcsönhatások értékelésének módszereiThe Evaluation Methods of Soil and Environment Interactions Huzsvai, László 2000 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.736266946748 Statistics 0.072346748041 158380 A talajok savérzékenységének vizsgálata és értékeléseEvaluation of soils acid-base susceptibilty Rékási, Márk 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.479753153875 Medicine 0.068791690517 158416 A talajvédelmi és információs monitoring rendszer (TIM) pont minták mérési eredményeinek kiterjeszthetőségeExtensibility of measurement results of point samples of the soil protection information and monitoring system (TIM) Várallyai, László 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.198355469226 Biology 0.130199614417 158330 A Tale of a Pub: Reading the 'cyclops' episode of James Joyce's Ulysses in the context of irish cultural nationalismKocsmamese: James Joyce Ulysses című regénye az ír kultúrnacionalizmus kontextusában Gula, Marianna 2003 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.735585358318 Visual arts 0.0588144007069 158326 A Tanú és a Krónikás. Nézőpont és beszédhelyzet Mészöly Miklós regényeibenWitness and Chronicler Point of View and Narrative Situation in the Novels of Miklós Mészöly Nagy, Éva 2002 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.439933485438 Linguistics 0.167074077633 752983 A tápanyagellátás és az évjárat hatása az őszi búza genotípusok agronómiai tulajdonságaira és sütőipari minőségére a HajdúságbanEffect of nutrient supply and crop year on agronomic characteristics and baking quality of winter wheat genotypes in Hajdúság Szabó, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.889164578501 Medicine 0.0495414059539 158063 A tápanyagellátás szerepe a hibridspecifikus kukoricatermesztésbenThe Importance of Nutrient Supply in the Hybrid Specific Corn Production Jakab, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 749787 A tápanyagellátás, a hibrid és az öntözés hatása a kukorica (Zea mays L.) termésére és tápelem-felvételi dinamikájára mezőségi talajonThe effect of nutrient-supply, hybrid and irrigation on the yield and nutrient-uptake dynamics of maize (Zea mays L.) on a chernozem soil Sipos, Marianna 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.874258408861 Biology 0.0440338570328 179553 A társadalmi kontroll és intézményei a Bákó környéki csángó falvakbanNormák, normaszegők és szankciókSocial Control and its Institutions in the Csángó Villages from Bákó Area. Norms, deviants and punishments Kinda, István 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.304105133261 History 0.233906695352 767337 A társas vállalkozások és az egyéni gazdaságok gazdasági szerepének változása, különös tekintettel az állattenyésztésreChange of Economic Rule of Agricultural Companies and Private Farms, Especially Animal Husbandry Harangi-Rákos, Mónika 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.945668661536 Veterinary 0.0106754703287 157882 A tartás- és fejéstechnológia hatása a nyers tehéntej mikrobiológiai minőségéreEffect of keeping and milking technology on microbiological quality of raw cow milk Peles, Ferenc Árpád 2008 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.502965727389 Agriculture 0.452769749769 579399 A TASK-3-csatornák mitokondriális expressziójának, valamint a sejtek életképességében és proliferációjában betöltött szerepének vizsgálata melanoma malignum sejttenyészetbenMitochondrial expression of TASK-3 channels in human malignant melanoma cell cultures and their role in cell survival and proliferation Kosztka, Lívia 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.869741805655 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0576816215108 158590 A technológiai kockázat elemzésének módszerei az állattenyésztésbenMethods For Analysing Technological Risk Kovács, Sándor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.863214270067 Economics 0.0602891506685 157763 Pharmacological regulation of telomerase, induction of telomerase dependent cell death using chimeric oligonucleotides or all-trans-retinoic-acid/arsenic-trioxide combination treatmentdoctoral (Ph.D.) thesisA telomeráz farmakológiai szabályozása: telomeráz-függő sejthalál indukciója kiméra oligonukleotidokkal illetve transz-retinsav/arzén-trioxid kombinációs kezeléssel Tárkányi, Ilona 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.771882508304 Medicine 0.0874393775428 158011 A természetesvízi halgazdálkodás fejlesztési lehetőségeiOpportunities For The Development Of Inland Fisheries Stündl, László 2002 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 157917 A természetgyógyászat integrációja a modern medicinába, különös tekintettel az orvosképzésre és a hazai jogi szabályozásraIntegration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine into Modern Medicine with Special Emphasis on Medical Education and Legal Regulation in Hungary Varga, Orsolya Edit 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.514262122783 Biology 0.157521057098 158375 A termesztéstechnológiai elemek, a környezeti tényezők és az alma szüret utáni minőségi tulajdonságainak összefüggéseiRelations of Productiontechnological Elements, Environmental Factors and Post Harvest Quality Attributes of Apple Rakonczás, Nándor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.837187208677 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0363010728581 220419 A terület- és településfejlesztés legfontosabb feladatai a Csíki-medencébenRegional development questions in the Csík basin György, Ottilia 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.200531435319 Chemistry 0.112428667094 456873 A terület- és településfejlesztés legfontosabb feladatai a Csíki-medencébenRegional Development Questions in the Csík Basin György, Ottilia 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.200531435319 Chemistry 0.112428667094 584033 A therapeuták kontemplatív kegyességeThe Contemplative Devotion of the Therapeutai Adorjáni, Zoltán 2004 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.45910804842 Philosophy 0.154659759919 767328 A Thermobifida fusca TM51-ből származó xilán 1,4-β-D-xilozidáz enzim működési mechanizmusának vizsgálataInvestigation the Mechanism of Action of the Xylan 1,4-β-xylosidase Enzyme from Thermobifida fusca TM51 Fekete, Csaba Attila 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.52556185886 Chemistry 0.376157729988 157928 A tibia condylusok és a patella pozíciójának radiológiai vizsgálata a kombinált és a záróék magas tibia osteotomia után. A kombinált osteotomia rövid-középtávú klinikai vizsgálatának eredményeiThe Radiological Examination of the Position of the Tibial Condyle and the Patella After Combined and After Closing-wedge High Tibial Osteotomy. Short- and Mid-term Results After Combined High Tibial Osteotomy Papp, Miklós 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.643419087246 Biology 0.0559870166519 752147 A Tihanyi összeírás mint helynévtörténeti forrásThe Tihany Land Survey as an Onomastic Source Kovács, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.314216350633 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.198690412655 401575 A TIMAP fehérje szerepe a protein foszfatáz 1 és az endotél barrier funkció szabályozásábanThe Role of TIMAP in the Regulation of Protein Phosphatase 1 and Endothelial Barrier Function Czikora, István 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.708318481799 Medicine 0.126303086781 157895 A tokaji borvidék borkülönlegességeinek marketing szempontú elemzéseMarketing Analysis Of The Wine Specialities Of The Tokaj Wine Region Szakál, Zoltán Zsolt 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.858893022345 Medicine 0.0322361321849 158443 A történelmi regény műfaji változatai és a tragikum kérdései kemény Zsigmond írásművészetébenVariants of the Genre of Historical Novel and Questions of the Tragic in Zsigmond Kemény's Works Bényei, Péter 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.408588229403 Linguistics 0.327668522601 766198 A transzformatív erejű fiskális konszolidáció közgazdaságtana – Elmozdulás az innovatív fiskális politika koncepciója feléThe Transformative Power of Fiscal Consolidation – Towards the Concept of Innovative Fiscal Policy Kovács, Olivér István 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.844275632273 Biology 0.0197494472381 158264 Characterization of Transglutaminase 2 Substrate Specificity Using Phage Display Technology, Logistic Regression Analysis and Intrinsic Disorder ExaminationA transzglutamináz 2 szubsztrát specificitásának karakterizálása fág bemutató rendszer, logisztikus regressziós analízis és szerkezeti rendezetlenség vizsgálatával Csősz, Éva 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.808882219309 Physics 0.0654757370459 773274 A transzpedikuláris csavarok hatása a növekedésben lévő gerinc morfológiájára prospektív tanulmány in vivo sertés modellbenThe Effect of Transpedicular Screw Placement on the Morphology of the Immature Spine Prospective Study in an in Vivo Porcine Model Jeszenszky, Dezső János 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.578188178959 Biology 0.150979763116 162225 A tranziens receptor potenciál vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) ioncsatorna jelentősége a sztomatológiai gyakorlatbanSignificance of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) in the Stomatological Practice Marincsák, Rita 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.677873883008 Biology 0.163580465634 184318 A tranziens receptor potenciál vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) szerepe a humán szebociták és dendritikus sejtek biológiai folyamatainak szabályozásábanRole of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) in the Regulation of Biological Processes of Human Sebocytes and Dendritic Cells Tóth, István Balázs 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.619802191381 Medicine 0.287556151177 162226 A tromboembóliás szövődmények okainak vizsgálata és a profilaxis lehetőségei csípő és térdizületi endoprotézis műtéten átesett betegeknélThe Study of the Causes of e Thromboembolic Complications and the Potential Methods of Prophylaxis in Patients Undergoing Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery Szücs, Gabriella 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.762647427916 Biology 0.0481260658427 904194 A TRPV1 ioncsatorna aktivitását befolyásoló egyes regulátorok vizsgálata érzőneuronokonRegulation of TRPV1 ion channel activity on primary sensory neurons Jenes, Ágnes 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.833902623346 Agriculture 0.0264871117015 399539 A tudat metamorfózisaAz interdiszciplináris tudatkutatás tudományfilozófiai-hermeneutikai elemzéseThe Metamorphosis of Consciousness. A Philosophical-Hermeneutical Analysis of the Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies. Horváth, Lajos 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.824247665705 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0549099236156 158305 A tudat struktúrája Hegelnél és HeideggernélStructure of Consciousness in Hegel and Heidegger Drimál, István 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.83485428657 Biology 0.0516996081966 158353 A túl(-)élő reménység: vázlat a sensus numinis retorikájárólSpes Superfutura An Outline on the Rhetoric of the Sensus Numinis Vattamány, Gyula Viktor 2002 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.732411380025 Law 0.0882514048951 158401 A turizmus társadalmi-kulturális hatásai a Tisza-tónaálSocio-cultural Impacts of Turism at Lake Tisza Hevessy, Gábor 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.298932363239 Biology 0.225320998402 183495 A Turul Szövetség országos és debreceni szervezete (1919−1945)The Organisation of the Turul Association in Hungary and Debrecen (1919–1945) Kerepeszki, Róbert 2009 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.434109952608 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.192858236373 687328 A vállalati információs rendszerek, mint gazdasági erőforrások és az alkalmazásukhoz szükséges munkaerő kompetenciákEnterprise Resource Planning Systems as Economic Resources and the Required Labour Competences for Their Application Zörög, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.540086628398 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0922667430218 763303 A vallásosság kötődéselméleti megközelítéseThe Attachment-Theoretical Approach of the Psychology of Religion Urbán, Szabolcs 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.70846283705 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0913095107435 687322 A valószínűségi gondolkodás sajátosságaiProbabilistic thinking, characteristic features Szabóné Szitányi, Judit 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.143625292257 Linguistics 0.140958369898 157856 A vanilloid receptor-1 molekuláris farmakológiája in vivo modellekben és in vitro sejtes rendszerekbenMolecular Pharmacology of Vanilloid Receptor-1 in Animal Models In Vivo and in Cellular Systems In Vitro Szabó, Tamás 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.807782630185 Veterinary 0.0901567729945 591642 A városi közforgalmú közlekedés kialakulása és jelenlegi helyzet a debreceni közösségi közlekedés példájánThe development and current situation of urban public transport through the example of the public transport of Debrecen Kecskésné Völgyi, Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.636680776918 Biology 0.0794203505482 600068 A városi zaj környezeti és társadalmi hatásainak vizsgálata Debrecen városábanA Study into the Environmental and Social Impacts of Urban Noise in the Town of Debrecen Baros, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.217746903778 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.182633273949 668209 A vason túli elemek keletkezése a csillagokban, nukleoszintézis neutronbefogássalFormation of Heavy Elements in Stars Kiss, Miklós 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.648272758918 Civil-Engineering 0.173794522825 860214 A vatyai bronzkori kultúra kőeszközeinek archeometriai vizsgálataArchaeometric Analysis of the Stone Tools of the Bronze Age Vatya Culture Farkas, Anna Krisztina 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Classical-Languages 0.370972668309 Earth sciences 0.154884206838 620100 A vázizom Ca2+-homeosztázisának módosulása egyes regulatórikus- és csatornafehérjék overexpressziója eseténAlteration of the Ca2+-homeostasis in skeletal muscle in case of overexpression of regulatory and channel proteins Oláh, Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.811872912151 Medicine 0.0380685754229 178621 A vázizomgyengeség és a rianodin receptor kapcsolata krónikus szívelégtelenségbenRyanodine Receptor Related Changes of Skeletal Muscle Function in Chronic Heart Failure Almássy, János 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.800963060733 Chemistry 0.0625010658178 680732 A véralvadás XIII-as faktorának megjelenése akut myeloid leukémiás sejtekbenExpression of Coagulation Factor XIII in Acute Myeloid Leukemias Simon, Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.702339079704 Biology 0.190006672849 200487 Platelet Activation Markers: In Vitro Experiments and Studies in Prothrombotic DisordersA vérlemezkék aktivációs markereinek vizsgálata in vitro kísérletekben és protrombotikus állapotokban Nagy, Béla 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.715610907478 Biology 0.185035991323 774007 A versenyképesség és a szociális kohézió viszonyrendszere az Európai UnióbanThe relation system of competitiveness and social cohesion in the European Union Eperjesi, Zoltán 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.379732943907 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.373795371408 334486 A vese apoptótikus endonukleázainak szerepe a bejuttatott idegen DNS/RNS lebontásábanThe role of kidney endonucleases in degradation of foreign nucleic acids Buzder, Tímea 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.735101634058 Medicine 0.178761927898 392135 A XIII-as véralvadási faktor humán könnybenBlood coagulation factor XIII in human tears Orosz, Zsuzsanna Zita 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.501930230512 Biology 0.179078637685 860215 A zen mint filozófia, illetve a zen buddhizmus mint tudati háttér fogalmának vizsgálata Nisida Kitaró Dzen no Kenkjú című írásának szemelvényei alapjánAn enquiry into Zen as philosophy and Zen Buddhism as a conscious background, based on excerpts from Nisida Kitarō’s Zen no kenkyu (An Inquiry into the Good) Soós, Sándor 2014 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.768206519418 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.130198924332 158529 A zenei ismeretek és képességek fejlődése az alsó tagozatos életkorbanThe Development of Musical Knowledge and Abilities In the Lower Years of Elementary School Túrmezeiné Heller, Erika 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.687956181152 Psychology 0.137437483975 158528 A zenei tehetség fejlődését és kibontakozását befolyásoló tényezők vizsgálataResearch of the Elements Influencing Development and Unfolding of Musicality Rózsa Lászlóné Szabó, Dóra 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.641711704894 Education 0.0966751335632 158385 A zöldborsó nemesítésének újabb eredményei a Debreceni Egyetem AMTC kutató központjában NyíregyházánNew results in the breeding of peas in the research centre of Centre for Agricultural Sciences and Engineering of University of Debrecen in Nyíregyháza Mendlerné Drienyovszki, Nóra 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.725284993847 Medicine 0.0600689148043 215398 A zsidó történelem hírhedt hamisítványainak megítélése a szatmári Slomó Jehudá Friedländer talmudhamisítása példájánAn Evaluation and Adjudication of Notorious Forgeries in Jewish History by the Example of Shlomo Yehuda Friedländer’s forgery of the Jerusalem Talmud Oberländer, Bernard Báruch 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.135348184999 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.119303401862 312213 Abiotikus és biotikus tényezők hatása sekély állóvizek belső tápanyagterheléséreImpact of abiotic and biotic factors on the regulation of internal nutrient loading in shallow still waters Boros, Gergely 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.288424567247 Biology 0.252949144181 157957 Abtönungspartikeln in Wörterbüchern . Präsentiert anhand der Lemmazeichen aber, ja und schon.A német árnyaló partikulák szótári ábrázolása az aber, ja és schon lemmák szócikkein keresztülInflection particles in dictionaries presented using the examples of the lemma signs aber, ja and schon Kristóf, Edit 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.491028732662 Philosophy 0.261608355825 778252 Adaptor proteins in the vascular endotheliumAdaptor fehérjék vizsgálata a vaszkuláris endotéliumban Boratkó, Anita 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.809161558653 Medicine 0.0887855068222 771378 Adenozin receptorok szerepe a légúti simaizom és a mononukleáris sejtek funkcionális válaszaibanThe role of the adenosine in the functional responses of the bronchial smooth muscle and the mononuclear cells Brugós, László 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.696061682576 Chemistry 0.0771068184423 869999 Hiperkoleszterinémia adverz hatása a kardiális homeosztázisra New Zealand nyúl állatmodellenAdverse Impact of Diet-Induced Hypercholesterolemia on Cardiovascular Homeostasis in a New Zealand Rabbit Model Kertész, Attila Béla 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.491639055824 Biology 0.271174434202 400477 After de Man: Transformations of Deconstruction in Contemporary Literary TheoryDe Man után – A dekonstrukció transzformációi a kortárs irodalomelméletben Somogyi, Gyula 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.767237185547 Linguistics 0.0568309022421 287331 Agrár alapszakok kompetencia elemzéseAN ANALYSIS OF THE COMPETENCES IN FIRST DEGREE COURSES IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Mocsáriné Fricz, Julianna 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.330053155392 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.190692739132 158273 Agrárirányultságú vidékfejlesztési programok az első nyírségi fejlesztési társaság érdekeltségi területénAgriculture Oriented Rural Development Programs Within The First Nyírség Development Corporation Hadházy, Ágnes 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.498543588949 Classical-Languages 0.10361853961 158387 A hazai rizstermesztés agrometeorológiai vonatkozásaiAgrometeorological Aspects of Hungarian Rice Growing Gombos, Béla 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.592529313201 Industrial-Engineering 0.179220571601 157806 Aktivált protein C rezisztancia okozta morbiditás vizsgálata szülészeti és nőgyógyászati beteganyagban különös tekintettel a megelőzés lehetőségeireExamination of Activated Protein C related Morbidity and its Prevention in an Obstetrics and Gynecology Cohort Vad, Szilvia 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.73979401195 Biology 0.117464040217 771377 Alacsony exergiaigényű fűtési-szellőzési rendszerek hőérzeti vizsgálata változó üzemállapotok soránThermal comfort analysis of low exergy heating-ventilation systems during variable operation modes Kalmár, Tünde Klára 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.909514363427 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0292429767414 158333 Alakteremtés és beszédmód (Az orvos és a pap mint visszatérő szereplő Emile Zola a Rougon-Macquart-család című regényciklusában)Characterization and Discourse (The priest and the doctor as returning characters In Zola's novel series: les Rougon - Macquart) Kálai, Sándor 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.640935031243 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.123088017632 769247 Alapjogok ütközése a bírósági gyakorlatban - az alkotmánybíróságok szerepe az alapjogi konfliktusok feloldásábanConflicts between constitutional rights in the judicial practice The role of constitutional courts in settling disputes involving fundamental rights Kovács, Ágnes 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.897745111772 Medicine 0.0260323767374 158311 Wass Albert erdélyi korszaka (1923-1944)Albert Wass’ Transylvanian Epoch (1923-2003) Oláh, Ildikó 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.510390810404 Linguistics 0.306252133233 257301 Algebraic Properties of Petri Net Languages and CodesAlgebraic Properties of Petri Net Languages and Codes Yoshiyuki, Kunimochi 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.763080131139 Industrial-Engineering 0.0530138234172 395386 Alice Munro’s Neo-Gothic: Short Fiction From the 1990sAlice Munro neo-gótikus írásművészete: az 1990-es évek elbeszélései Szabó, Andrea 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.32823986617 Biology 0.185378409713 390515 Alkenilezett kromonszármazékok szintézise Heck-reakcióvalSynthesis of Alkenylated Chromones with Heck reaction Vasas, Attila 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.866149304127 Physics 0.0161528455672 431568 Alkinek katalitikus hidratálása vízoldható Au(I)-N-heterociklusos karbén komplexekkelCatalytic hydration of alkynes with water soluble Au(I)-N-heterocyclic carbene complexes Czégéni, Csilla Enikő 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.839603212952 Medicine 0.0414204157845 667289 Általánosított Berwald-sokaságokGeneralized Berwald manifolds Szakál, Szilvia 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.664911400829 Physics 0.0464778771114 673944 Az obezitás patomechanizmusa során megváltozott koleszterin- és kalciumháztartás vizsgálata monocitákbanAltered cholesterol and calcium homeostasis observed in monocytes during the pathomechanism of obesity Padra, János Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.503374099784 Medicine 0.263369410173 389111 Alumínium(III)-, tallium(III)- és lantanoida(III)komplexek szerkezeti és dinamikai tulajdonságainak tanulmányozása DFT számítások és NMR spektroszkópia alkalmazásávalStructural and dynamic study of the aluminium(III)-, thallium(III)- and lanthanide(III) complexes using DFT calculations and NMR spectroscopy Purgel, Mihály 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.744849971163 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0918862773475 277960 Kisgyermeket nevelő hallgatók felsőfokú tanulmányi beruházásainak és hozamainak nevelésszociológiai vizsgálataAn Education-Sociological Analyses of Investment and Return into Studies of Students Bringing up Small Children Vargáné Engler, Ágnes 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.49998478439 Education 0.417831508033 289758 Analysis of Environmental Load Dased on the Elemental Contents of IndividualsKörnyezeti terhelés vizsgálata egyedi elemtartalom alapján Simon, Edina 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.5048583478 Biology 0.179837239339 312265 Alföldi juhászatok technológiai színvonalának és gazdálkodásának elemzéseAnalysis of the Economics and Technology Level of Sheep Farms of the Great Hungarian Plain Monori, István 2010 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.683012658037 Agriculture 0.184365615287 354673 Koraszülött csecsemők és kisgyermekek receptív és expresszív kommunikációjának elemzése egészségpszichológiai szemszögbőlAnalysis of the receptive and the expressive communication of premature infants and preschool children – in health psychology aspect Szanati, Dóra Viktória 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.464715795455 Psychology 0.416852544384 338102 Angiológiai eltérések és immuno-inflammatorikus mechanizmusok primer antifoszfolipid szindrómábanAngiological Alterations and Immuno-Inflammatory Mechanisms in Primary Antiphopholipid Syndrome Dér, Henrietta 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.537599091658 Biology 0.297682196262 903954 Angiotenzin-konvertáló enzim: endogén gátlás mechanizmusa és a gyógyszeres terápia hatékonyságaAngiotensin-converting enzyme: mechanism of endogenous inhibition and the effectiveness of medicinal treatment Fagyas, Miklós 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.701495777481 Medicine 0.148667304106 185224 Citrullinált proteinek/peptidek elleni autoantitestek (ACPA) rheumatoid arthritisbenAnti-Citrullinated Protein Antibodies in Rheumatoid Arthritis Soós, Lilla 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.852817216431 Biology 0.0867801761121 503342 Antihiperglikaemiás szerek tervezése és vizsgálata a glikogén foszforilázra ható inhibitorokkalStudy of antihyperglycaemic agents on the inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase Docsa, Tibor 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.394907585941 Chemistry 0.186840514979 167485 Antipodean Conversations: Rhetorical Strategies of Discursive Authority in Richard Rorty’s Metaphilosophy and Political ThoughtAntipód párbeszédek: A diszkurzív autoritás retorikai stratégiái Richard Rorty metafilozófiájában és politikai gondolkodásmódjában Csató, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.435611256197 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.159154003528 158403 Agrár-környezetvédelmi indikátorok gyakorlati alkalmazásának lehetőségei a szántóföldi növénytermesztésbenApplication of a Newly Developed Agri-environmental Indicator System in Field Plant Productio Practice Csókáné Pechmann, Ildikó 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.932349111873 Biology 0.0256532226733 860653 Az office hiszteroszkópia alkalmazása a nőgyógyászati gyakorlatbanApplication of office hysteroscopy in gynaecological practice Török, Péter 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.327038873688 Biology 0.193682022618 158543 Application of Rn-222 as a natural tracer in environmental studiesA 222Rn-nek mint egy természetes myomjelzőnek alkalmazása környezeti vizsgálatokban Hakl, József 1997 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.230156690567 Civil-Engineering 0.155839681163 157851 Apuleius Christianus?(Arnobius: Adversus nationes)Apuleius Christianus? (Arnobius Adversus nationes) Kiss, Sebestyén 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.512149433734 Agriculture 0.0774666501734 157902 Áramlási citometriai markervizsgálatok optimalizálása hematológiai kórképekbenOptimization of Flow Cytometric Marker Evaluation in Hematological Diseases Kiss, Flóra 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.737089653788 Biology 0.0952270529497 963034 Artérfejlődési vizsgálatok felső-tiszai mintaterületkenInvestigation of floodplain development at study areas in the Upper-Tisza region Vass, Róbert 2014 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.369777266419 Biology 0.0889511566384 393262 Szegedi kisiparosok a 20 század első felébenIskolázás és vagyoni helyzetArtisans of Szeged in the first half of the 20th century. Education and distribution of wealth Fári, Irén 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.314095688437 Education 0.133436031647 158550 Aspects of non-perturbative renormalizationA nem-perturbativ renormalizáció aspektusai Nándori, István 2002 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.700781230002 Medicine 0.0681975825015 905643 Aspleniás-hypospleniás állapotok jelzésének lehetősége haemorheologiai és képalkotó vizsgáló módszerekkel lépmegtartó műtéteket követően állatkísérletekbenFollow-up possibilities with hemorheological measurements and imaging techniques in asplenic-hyposplenic conditions related to spleen-preserving surgical techniques in animal experimental model Sajtos, Erika 2014 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.71869882245 Medicine 0.0518036294283 481950 Cardiovascularis veszélyeztetettség felmérése és az alapellátás gondozási gyakorlatának vizsgálata cardiovascularis kockázattal járó állapotokbanAssessment of Cardiovascular Risk and the Practice Of Gp’s Continuous Care in Case of Patients With High Cardiovascular Risk Conditions Jancsó, Zoltán 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.905717740229 Biology 0.0552321064288 536808 A MIKROEREK VAZOMOTOR MŰKÖDÉSÉNEK VIZSGÁLATA AZ ELHÍZÁS ÁLLATKÍSÉRLETES MODELLJEIBENAssessment of microvascular function in animal models of obesity Fehér, Attila 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.834112152639 Medicine 0.0437458613051 157814 "...valóságból táplálkozik s mégis költészet"At önéletrajzi (újra)olvasás lehetőségei Móricz Zsigmond regényeiben„…it lives upon reality, still it’s poetry” — The possibilities of autobiographical Baranyai, Norbert 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.680729100384 Linguistics 0.143990134989 157863 Attempts at Improving Fluoropyrimidine Chemotherapy by Biochemical Modulators or by Biomarker Measurements with Laser Scanning CytometryVizsgálatok a fluoropirimidin kemoterápia javítására biokémiai modulátorokkal vagy biomarkerek pásztázó lézer citometriás mérésével Megyeri, Attila 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.693766521007 Biology 0.167538474909 905644 Avar szerepe a csírázásban és gyepek dinamikájábanThe role of litter in germination and vegetation dynamics Miglécz, Tamás 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.750884510104 Biology 0.162785721027 381666 Avarinput hatása a talaj elemtartalmára és a talaj enzimek aktivitására (Síkfőkút DIRT Project)Effect of litter input on soil element content and enzyme activity (Síkfőkút DIRT Project) Krakomperger, Zsolt 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.888217852464 Biology 0.0315053575508 158591 Avarkezelések hatása a Síkfőkúti DIRT parcellák talajainak mikrobiális aktivitására és szerves anyag tartalmáraThe Effect of Kind and Amount of Litter on Microbial Activity and Soil Organic Matter on Síkfőkút Site Fekete, István Csaba 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.897889711937 Biology 0.0203009060905 648088 Axiomatikai vizsgálatokAxiomatic Investigations Csabay, Károly 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.388203169387 Medicine 0.13694032545 184384 Az 1-11. századokban az Alföld területén élt népességek kraniometriai elemzéseCraniometric Analysis of the Populations that Lived in the Great Hungarian Plain in the 1st-11th centuries Holló, Gábor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.677340219501 Economics 0.0728568202692 460411 Az 1524. évi váradi zsinat és határozataiThe Council of Várad and its Constitutions Jaczkó, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.611402283258 Biology 0.086127426293 774956 Az A1 adenozin receptor tiroxinnal szembeni érzékenységének és a direkt negatív inotróp hatáshoz tartozó receptor rezervjének meghatározása tengerimalac pitvaronDetermination of susceptibility to thyroxine and of receptor reserve for the direct negative inotropic action concerning the A1 adenosine receptor in the guinea pig atrium Kiss, Zsuzsanna Mária 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.500087538074 Biology 0.330178995097 158252 Az accomodatio vizsgálata pseudophakiás szemekenExamination of Accomodation in Pseudophakic Eyes Németh, Gábor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.421531203488 Agriculture 0.115362746658 157816 Az acut végtagi ischaemia-reperfusio vizsgálata kísérletes modellekenA végtagi traumás amputátumok életképesség megőrzésének lehetőségeiExamination of Acute Limb Ischemia-Reperfusion in Experimental Models. Preservation Possibilities of the Viability of Limb Amputes from Traumatic Origin Szokoly, Miklós 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.592239094538 Biology 0.172283576577 158364 Az Aggteleki Nemzeti Park egyenesszárnyúi (Orthoptera): fauna, együttesek, természetvédelemOrthopterans of the Aggtelek National Park: fauna, assemblages, conservation Antal, Nagy 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.797985052544 Agriculture 0.11281638946 774404 Az agrárfelsőoktatás innovációs tevékenységet támogató szerepe az észak-alföldi régióbanThe Innovation Supporting Role of the Agrarian Higher Education in the Northern Great Plain Region Németh, Szabolcs 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.711583150764 Biology 0.079609801553 398236 Az államháztartási fegyelem és a növekedés néhány összfüggése az EU-banSome connections between discipline of state budget and growth in the EU Vass, Kitti 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.507129471327 Economics 0.179345731059 736287 Study of Animal Welfare Status and Lameness in Dairy Cow Herds in HungaryAz állatjólét és a sántaság vizsgálata tejelő tehén állományokban Magyarországon Gudaj, Ryszard Tadeusz 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.894402573369 Veterinary 0.0262561371421 157829 Az Alzheimer demencia korai felismerése és differenciáldiagnózisa klinikai vizsgálómódszerekkelThe Early Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease with Clinical Methods Égerházi, Anikó 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.45053101879 Medicine 0.379343929473 158431 The Evolucion of the Middle Class before and during the Victorian EraAz angol értelmiség rétegződése a viktoriánus korban Csinády, Judit 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.361350261966 History 0.182815525021 157888 Az antitestfüggő sejtközvetített citotoxicitás (ADCC) szerepe a trastuzumab hatásmechanizmusábanThe Role of Antibody Mediated Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) in the Mechanism Underlying the Action of Trastuzumab Barok, Márk 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.582377610184 Biology 0.257112227022 157735 Study of apoptosis and phagocytosis in the absence of tissue tranglutaminase, role of extracellular matrix-related proteins in the growth and migration of oral keratinocytesuniversity doctoral (PhD) thesisAz apoptózis és fagocitózis tanulmányozása szöveti transzglutamináz hiányában. Az extracelluláris mátrix fehérjék szerepe a szájüregi keratinociták növekedésében és migrációjában Sarang, Zsolt 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.485749697986 Medicine 0.342103618675 398641 Az Árkádia-pör fogságábanA debreceni Csokonai-kultuszEntangled in the Arcadia debate. Csokonai's cult in Debrecen Lakner, Lajos 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.806403218248 Philosophy 0.0217270819999 648090 Az Aspergillus nidulans autolitikus enzimtermelésének vizsgálataAutolytic enzyme production in Aspergillus nidulans Szilágyi-Bónizs, Melinda 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.787914958487 Medicine 0.071987751772 683979 Az Aspergillus nidulans var. roseus ATCC 58397 törzs jellemzése, echinocandin B és szterigmatocisztin termelésének vizsgálataCharacterization of Aspergillus nidulans var. roseus ATCC 58397, investigation its echinocandin B and sterigmatocystin production Tóth, Viktória 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.469381665582 Biology 0.372854799445 157812 Az asszimetrikus dimetilarginin (ADMA), mint kapocs az inzulinrezisztencia és az atherosclerosis közöttDimethlyarginines at the Crossroad of Atherosclerosis and Insulin Resistance Zsuga, Judit 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.420659319299 Biology 0.233307530656 277453 Az atherosclerosis súlyosságának és klinikopatológiai jellegzetességeinek vizsgálata stroke betegekenExamination of the Severity and Clinicopathological Features of Atherosclerosis in Stroke Patients Molnár, Sándor 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.736822671824 Biology 0.116997153571 856933 Az atommagok kollektív dipólus állapotainak kísérleti vizsgálataExperimental study of collective dipole strengths of nuclei Stuhl, László 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.757336829018 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0522468237267 157782 Az atommagok neutronbőr vastagságának és hiperdeformációjának kísérleti vizsgálataExperimental study of the neutron skin and hiperdeformation of the atomic nuclei Csatlós, Margit 2003 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.687559007089 Biology 0.0492981056426 256986 Az atorvastatin kezelés és az uncoupling protein-2 hatása és szerepe a zsíranyagcserébenThe Effect and Role of Atorvastatin Therapy and Uncoupling Protein-2 in Lipid Metabolism Kassai, Andrea 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.688824612997 Medicine 0.117443348799 158074 Az atrazin degradációja különböző tulajdonságú talajokbanDegradation of Atrazine in Soil Types with Different Characteristics Borbély, Jánosné 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 157983 Spatiality Underlying the Conceptual System of Idiomatic EnglishAz átvitt értelmű angol fogalmi rendszere alapjául szolgáló térbeliség Dávid, Gyula 2001 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.171975899753 Medicine 0.153505044333 812236 Exo glikozid hidroláz enzimek működésének tanulmányozásaAz édesburgonya ß-amiláz és a DiszperzinB enzim vizsgálataInvestigation of the function of exo glycoside hydrolase enzymes Fazekas, Erika 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.367909949508 Chemistry 0.242349428914 431801 Az Egerfood Információs RendszerThe Egerfood Information System Radványi, Tibor Zsolt 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.447965413838 Industrial-Engineering 0.126658905616 337995 Az egészségtudatos táplálkozási magatartás hatása az üdítőital fogyasztásraHealth Conscious Nutrition Effect on Soft Drink Consumption Lőrinczi, Krisztián 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.387734924174 Economics 0.172840468093 772159 Az egészségturizmus hatása az életminőségre HajdúszoboszlónThe Impact of Health Tourism on The Quality Of Life In Hajdúszoboszló Sőrés, Anett 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.509941175175 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.144514594476 160275 Az élelmiszer-gazdaságban működő vállalkozások vizsgálata a konszern számviteli előírások alapjánA Study on Businesses Operating in the Food Industry, Based on the Accounting Rules for Concerns Simon, Szilvia 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.81653061475 Law 0.122022910538 158530 Utópiák és valóságAz elmélet és a gyakorlat ellentmondásai az általános művelődési központok fejlődésébenUtopias or RealityThe contradictions of the theory and the routine in the developing of the Cultural – Educational Centre Szabó, Irma 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.836179387048 Biology 0.0480548716187 158445 Az elmélet és gyakorlat integrációja a magyarországi és a romániai magyar tanítóképzési rendszerbenThe Integration of Theoretical and Practical Training in the Hungarian and Romanian-Hungarian Elementary Teacher Training System Barabási, Tünde 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.849257735803 Biology 0.0394445034281 395460 Az elmúlás poétikájaA haláltapasztalat esztétikai közvetítettsége a két világháború közötti magyar költészetbenThe Poetics of Evanescence – Death and Aesthetic Experience in Hungarian Poetry During the Interwar Period Lapis, József 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.783013217208 Linguistics 0.0539776551803 334705 Az élőhelyi szintű biológiai sokféleség változásai, befolyásoló tényezői, monitorozása és növelésének lehetőségeiHabitat-scale biodiversity: changes, influencing factors, monitoring and restoration Déri, Eszter 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.856613855158 Civil-Engineering 0.0546613675439 392134 Az ember testeA test státusza a filozófiai tradícióbanThe Human Body. The status of the body in philosophy Széplaki, Irén Gerda 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.758886074182 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0761185637102 157927 Az embryonális fejlődési maradványok megjelenésének és előfordulásának vizsgálata a gyermeksebészeti gyakorlatbanThe Appearence and Occurence of the Embryonal Remnants in the Pediatric surgical Practice Józsa, Tamás 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.575640402575 Veterinary 0.120517179257 157904 Az emlőrák HER2 diagnosztikájának aktuális kérdéseiActualities in Breast Cancer HER2 Diagnostics Égervári, Kristóf 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.387687642601 Medicine 0.300492688048 689881 Az endotoxin kötő szolúbilis CD14 lehetséges terápiás és diagnosztikus alkalmazásaiPossible Therapeutic and Diagnostic Applications of the Endotoxin Binding Soluble CD14 Vida, András 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.587033362685 Medicine 0.351999691231 745651 Az energiafelhasználás csökkentésére és a megújuló energiaforrásokra irányuló szabályozás az ökológiai fenntarthatóság nézőpontjábólRegulation concerning reduction of energy consumption and promotion of renewable energy sources from the viewpoint of ecological sustainability Bányai, Orsolya 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.323638919294 Biology 0.206522663065 157860 Az érátmérő szabályozása a renim-angiotenzin rendszer és a vanilloid receptorok általRegulation of Blood Vessel Diameter by the Renin-angiotensin System and the Vanilloid Receptors Lizanecz, Erzsébet 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.707355869257 Medicine 0.180993525758 157922 Az érfal és a veseparenchyma funkcionális és morfológiai változásainak elemzése a veseartéria átmeneti leszorítását követőenAnalysis of Functional and Morphological Changes in Vessel Wall and Renal Parenchyma Following Temporary Clamping of the Renal Artery Pető, Katalin 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.580211293844 Medicine 0.196753904761 162224 Az értékrend és életminőség összefüggéseiConnections Between the Quality of Life and the System of Values Havasi, Virág 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.844418940417 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0437622053603 158446 Az esélyegyenlőtlenség iskolai kezelése csoportmunkávalA hátrányos helyzetű tanulók státuszproblémájának kezelése a complex instruction program segítségévelThe treatment of unequal opportunities in schools by group work Kovácsné Nagy, Emese 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.780601509181 Economics 0.0503193161779 158411 Az Észak-alföldi régió gyümölcstermesztésének elemzéseAnalysing the Status of Fruit Production in the North Great Plain Region Harsányi, Gergely Zsolt 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.926648056693 Industrial-Engineering 0.0222889487587 905516 Az eurázsiai vidra (Lutra lutra L., 1758) élőhelyhasználat- és táplálékösszetétel vizsgálata hortobágyi mesterséges halastórendszerekbenHabitat use and diet composition analysis of Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra L., 1758) in artificial wetland systems in Hortobágy Juhász, Krisztina 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.804801339768 Agriculture 0.0996660783064 827782 Az európai jóléti államok krízise és reformja: újraklaszterezésCrisis and Reform of the European Welfare States: Re-Clustering Kiss, Marietta 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.624200138229 Law 0.141244587864 179751 Az Európai Unió regionális politikájának céljai és eredményeAz Európai Unió regionális politikájának céljai és eredménye Trón, Zsuzsanna 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.409187833344 Agriculture 0.0998422821475 179638 Az Európai Unió regionális politikájának céljai és eredményeAz Európai Unió regionális politikájának céljai és eredménye Trón, Zsuzsanna 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.409187833344 Agriculture 0.0998422821475 157880 "Mivel én is csak ember voltam"Az Exequiae Principales és az Exequiarum Coeremonialium libri gyászbeszédeiFuneral Sermons of the Exequiae Principales Mikó, Gyula 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.803907052077 Medicine 0.0232601692263 158253 Az extracelluláris makromolekulák szerepe a központi idegrendszer fejlődésébenRoles of the Extracellular Macromolecules in Development of the Central Nervous System Mészár, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.883300560094 Chemistry 0.0147187581137 157858 Az extracellularis matrix molekulák szerepe a nervus opticus regenerációban békábanThe Role of Extracellular Matrix Molecules in the Regeneration of Frog Optic Nerve Máthéné Szigeti, Zsuzsa 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.615430627298 Physics 0.107436372308 158270 Az idegennyelv-tanulási motiváció jellemzői és változásai a felső tagozatos életkorbanChanges And Characteristics Of Foreign Languauge Learning Motivation Of Higher-Form Students Péter-Szarka, Szilvia 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.441224589875 Psychology 0.158958292655 158368 Az idő a campusokonFelsőfokú tanulmányokat folytató hallgatók időszociológiai vizsgálataTime on campusesA time sociological study of higher education students Bocsi, Veronika 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.541422096138 Civil-Engineering 0.114990700287 178620 Az időtényező szerepe a vezető és a szervezet működésének eredményességébenThe Role of Time as a Factor Affecting the Efficiency of the Activities Of Both Executive and Organization Bácsné Bába, Éva 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.499279722632 Economics 0.10077248652 157923 Az immunrendszer egyes elemeinek változásai splenectomizált és lép-autotransplantált egerekbenChanges in the Immune System of Splenectomised and Spleen Autotransplanted Mice Sipka, Sándor János 2007 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.212193069257 Medicine 0.191102492681 450037 Mivel mérjük a fenntarthatóságot?Az indikátorkészletek helyzetértékelése az EU tagállamok nemzeti fenntartható fejlődési stratégiáibanHow is Sustainability Measured? Evaluation of Indicator Sets in the National Sustainable Development Strategies of EU Countries Karcagi-Kováts, Andrea 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.457803580871 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.179765871429 712453 Az infertilitás hátterében álló genetikai eltérések vizsgálata és klinikai jelentőségeStudies and clinical significances of genetic aberrations in background of infertility Mokánszki, Attila 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.551290796928 Biology 0.188174015614 338360 Az információelmélet néhány függvényegyenletének stabilitásaStability of some functional equations stemming from the theory of information Gselmann, Eszter 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.565212828458 Physics 0.104810718397 400174 Az információs társadalom területfejlesztésre gyakorolt hatásai, különös tekintettel az Észak-Alföldi RégióraThe Impacts of Information Society on Regional Development – Especially in the North Great Plain Region of Hungary Várhelyi, Tamás 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.353542279933 Geography 0.214296981489 355092 Az információtechnológia használata az aneszteziológia - intenzív terápia országos szintű adatkezelésében. Web alapú rendszerfejlesztés előnyei, eredményeiApplication of Information Technology in Data Management of Anaesthesia and Intensive Therapy on National Level. The Advanages and Results of Web Based System Development Nagy, Géza 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.273813582078 Medicine 0.214431471368 184167 Az informatika alkalmazási lehetőségei a tanító szakos hallgatók matematika tantárgypedagógiai képzésébenPossible Applications of Informatics Studies in the Education of Trainee Teachers in the Methodology of Mathematics Stóka, György 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.639834987209 Mathematics 0.182372482037 158433 Az internetes keresők lekérdezési hatékonyságának vizsgálataThe examination of search engines' retrieval effectiveness Tóth, Erzsébet 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.16368879253 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.12054781464 157656 Az intracelluláris kalciumhomeosztázis szabályozása humán immortalizált keratinocytákonegyetemi doktori (Ph.D.) értekezésRegulation of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in Human Immortalized Keratinocytes Gönczi, Mónika 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.667309838541 Medicine 0.199209848597 178627 Az intracoronariás stent implantációt kiegészítő clopidogrel-kezelés sémáinak elemzéseAnalysing of Different Schemes of Clopidigrel Therapy after Intracoronary Stent Implantation Szűk, Tibor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.598492584058 Biology 0.30341086057 259693 Metabolikus eltérések gyermekkori elhízásbanAz inzulinrezisztencia/hyperinsulinaemia patogenetikai szerepe és az acanthosis nigricans klinikai jelentőségeMetabolical Alternations in Childhood Obesity. Role of Insulinresistance/Hyperinsulinaemia and Clinical Impact of Acanthosis Nigricans Felszeghy, Enikő 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.686962193594 Biology 0.104680761075 683312 Az iskolakörzetesítés társadalmi hatásaiSocial Effects of School District Zoning Jankó, Krisztina Julianna 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.798340501291 Economics 0.131213253275 157808 Az iszkémia/reperfúzió indukálta károsodások pathológiai szerepe és mechanizmusaiPathological Role and Mechanisms of Injuries Induced by Ischemia/Reperfusion Váradi, Judit 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.774908396096 Medicine 0.0780955492996 158071 Az NPK-trágyázás hatása a búza és kukorica makro- és mikroelemfelvételére öntözött és nem öntözött viszonyok közöttThe Effect of NPK Fertilisation on Macro and Microelement Uptake of Winter Wheat and Maize With and Without Irrigation Kincses, Sándorné 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 398120 Az óegyház eszkatológiájaAz eszkatológiai gondolkodás fejlődése és hatása a reformációraThe Eschatology of the Early Church Németh, Tamás 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.350785538007 Philosophy 0.175134221299 398119 Az oktatás, mint humántőke-beruházás jelentőségének és megtérülésének vizsgálataKülönös tekintettel az oktatás fiskális megtérüléséreStudying the Significance and the Rate of Returns to Education, as Human Capital Investment T.Kiss, Judit 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.779107679507 Education 0.0901901500811 158370 Az olasz szerbtövis (Xanthium italicum Mor.) versenyképessége, allelopátiája és a védekezés lehetőségeiCompetitiveness and allelopathy of italian cocklebur (Xanthium italicum Mor.) and its control Dávid, István 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.279816790568 Biology 0.222386147724 348032 Az önkormányzatok és civil ifjúsági szervezetek együttműködése az önkormányzati feladatellátásbanCooperation and Partnership of Youth NGOs and Local Municipalities Regarding NGO’s Involvement in Municipal Duties Csiha, Tünde 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.737629932315 Anthropology 0.145219851128 158366 Az öntözés hatása a burgonya (Solanum tuberosum L.) fajták termésmennyiségére és minőségéreThe impact of irrigation on the yield quantity and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars Zsom, Eszter 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.812244748787 Medicine 0.0301860444564 157758 Az orbita MR vizsgálata endocrin ophthalmopathiábanMRI of the Orbit in Graves' Ophthalmopathy Szűcs, Farkas Zsolt 2003 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.827185702448 Biology 0.0477073255358 401007 „Ki nem kezdődik, nem végződik soha”Az örökkévalóság barokk kifejezési formái a 17. századi magyar nyelvű meditációs irodalomban„Ki nem kezdődik, nem végződik soha” Baroque Forms of the Eternity in the 17th Century’s Hungarian Meditation Literature Bécsiné Meszesán, Mária 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.550456676884 Philosophy 0.181954311789 157965 Az orosz és a magyar szomatikus frazeologizmusok egybevető vizsgálataA Contrastive Investigation of Russian and Hungarian Somatic Phraseologic Locutions Györke, Zoltán 2003 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.773839999286 Chemistry 0.0581070765453 158319 Az őszi búza minőségére ható tényezők számszerűsítéseQuantification of Factors Influencing the Quality of Winter Wheat Sipos, Péter 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.819654890205 Physics 0.0265905902199 504609 Az oxidált LDL elleni autoantitestes folyamatok szerepe atherotrombotikus kórképek immuno-inflammatorikus folyamataibanThe role of anti-oxLDL autoantibody-mediated processes in association with immune mechanisms of atherothrombotic diseases Laczik, Renáta Erika 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.847013286465 Biology 0.0743751861246 682678 Az őz (Capreolus capreolus) táplálkozása alföldi élőhelyekenThe food selection of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) on plain habitats Barta, Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.683651859863 Biology 0.234203624786 868726 Az új generációs hálózatok fejlettségi és használati jellemzőinek mérése, a fejlesztések gazdasági és vidékfejlesztési aspektusaiEvaluation of Development and Usage Characteristics of Next Generation Networks, Economic and Rural Development Aspects of the Improvements Botos, Szilvia 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.843383162903 Medicine 0.0358889562368 257546 Az ultraibolya B sugárzás és egyéb genotoxikus ágensek hatása interfázisos emlős sejtek kromatinszerkezetéreThe Effects of the Ultraviolet B Radiation and Other Genotoxic Agents on the Chromatin Structure of Mammalian Cells Ujvárosi, Kinga 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.716878573911 Medicine 0.0748971181881 663535 Az V-ös faktor Leiden mutációjának trombomodulin függő hatása a XIII-as faktor aktivációra, a fibrin- és az alfa-2-plazmin inhibitor közti keresztkötések kialakulására valamint a fibrinolízis folyamatáraThrombomodulin-dependent effect of factor VLeiden mutation on factor XIII activation, on the cross-linking of fibrin and alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor and its consequences on fibrinolysis Koncz, Zsuzsa 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.524479679037 Medicine 0.168506797037 584031 „A kezdeményező egyház”Victor János egyházépítő szolgálata különös tekintettel a misszióra és a gyülekezetépítésre“Initiative Church” János Victor’s Contribution to the Issue of Church Development with Special Attention to Missions and Church Growth in the Reformed Church in Hungary Gaál, Sándor 2005 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.803453906401 Visual arts 0.0362185723985 502648 Az úrvacsora szerepe a református gyülekezetépítésben – különös tekintettel az egyetemista közösségekre“The Role of the Lord’s Supper in Building of Community in the Hungarian Reformed Church – with Special Regard to University Congregations” Czagány, Gábor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.204583415882 Civil-Engineering 0.142811573229 345251 „…az oktatásnak nem földinek, nem hiuságosnak &c. kell lenni…”: Írásértelmezés és retorika a késő barokk prédikációirodalomban“...education must not be worldly or vain...” : Script Interpretation and Rhetoric in Sermons of the Late Baroque period Mercs, István 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.543304663491 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.280237012502 178672 Az észak-alföldi régió három különböző fejlettségű kistérségének „kiugrási lehetőségei” 2007-2013 között„Break-Out Possibilities” of Three Micro-Regions With Different Stage of Development in the North-Great Plain Region Between 2007 and 2013 Sebestyén, Etelka 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.46336248299 Biology 0.118573621321 176407 Az észak-alföldi régió három különböző fejlettségű kistérségének „kiugrási lehetőségei” 2007-2013 között„Break-Out Possibilities” of Three Micro-Regions With Different Stage of Development in the North-Great Plain Region Between 2007 And 2013 Sebestyén, Etelka 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.46336248299 Biology 0.118573621321 714095 „Kettős kötődés” – A munkaerő-piaci karriertől a familiarizmusigA kisgyermekes nők munkavállalási attitűdjei és integrációja„Double attachment” – from labour market career to familiariasm. Job attitude and integration of mothers with young children Rusinné Fedor, Anita 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.817467986988 Economics 0.0550526531334 395385 „egyedül Artistának kívánok tekintetni” – Kazinczy Ferenc és a csiszoltság –„egyedül Artistának kívánok tekintetni” – Ferenc Kazinczy and the politeness – Bodrogi, Ferenc Máté 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.447429109179 Visual arts 0.141602718902 955975 „Föl barátim!”A magyar református egyház belső élete az 1880-as években Alexander Neil Somerville körútjának tükrében"Hold The Fort!" The Internal Life of the Hungarian Calvinist Church during the 1880s in reflection to the journey of Alexander Neil Somerville Molnár, Sándor Károly 2014 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.86184301976 Biology 0.0289599959316 159057 „Hogy kezdhessek énekembe…” Avagy Csokonai és a 18. század végének Érzékeny énekelt dalköltészete”Let me start my song…” or Csokonai and the sentimental sung lyric poetry of the end of the 18th century Hovánszki, Mária 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.629020264953 Linguistics 0.274053763681 825397 „Az én hitem az, hogy az ember jó…”Mitopoétika és medialitás Sánta Ferenc rövidprózájában„My creed is that man is good…” Mitopoetics and mediality in the short prose of Ferenc Sánta Lajtos, Nóra 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.563209725486 Linguistics 0.252010130866 753754 „Sokann hazudnakis, es a mibe vetke nintsis rá foghják…”Teleki Mihály kommunikációs eljárásai az 1680-as évek„Sokann hazudnakis, es a mibe vetke nintsis rá foghják…” – Die Kommunikationsmethoden von Teleki Mihály in Siebenbürgen in den 1680er Jahren Gáti, Magdolna 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.176201252593 Law 0.106071359317 158318 „Temetö Jajjokan kezdtem én” . Beszédmód és íráshasználat az erdélyi fejedelemválság idejénI Began With Funeral Lamentations. Discourse and Literacy in Crisis Time in the Principality of Transylvania Luffy, Katalin 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.404946929771 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.315837563574 583267 „Valakik Szikrának szárnya alatt vadnak…” Várad és a puritanizmus II. Rákóczi György fejedelemsége idején“The ones under the wings of Szikra…” Varad and the Puritanism under the rule of György Rákóczi II, the Prince of Transylvania Pénzes, Tiborc Szabolcs 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.286791432183 History 0.0945036684008 308935 „válogatot történetekbül készittetet Tükörök” Taxonyi János exemplumértelmezései„Mirrors teachings by a collection of stories” Adsignification of emplexum by János Taxonyi Bujdosóné Papp, Andrea 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.421592474294 Linguistics 0.211914699572 455193 Backamadarasi Kiss Gergely élete és munkássága különös tekintettel ágendájáraThe life and oeuvre of Gergely Backamadarasi Kiss with special focus upon his Book of Liturgy Kolumbán, Vilmos József 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.599044936737 Law 0.117575631884 401004 Baktériumközösségek diverzitása és foszforforgalmi szerepe a Balaton és kiskunsági szikes vízterek üledékébenDiversity of Sediment Bacterial Communities and their Role in the Phosphorus Cycle in Lake Balaton and Soda Lakes of Kiskunság Szabó, Gitta 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.70948434595 Agriculture 0.0937373208043 820851 „Akárha farsangba indulnának…”Bánffy Miklós három művének értelmező újraolvasása a történeti és kortárs recepció problémafelvetéseinek tükrében‘Like they are heading to Masquerade…’ New interpretations of three pieces of work of Miklód Bánffy based on the main topics of historical and contemporary reception Váradi-Kusztos, Györgyi 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.633027515554 Linguistics 0.107624393109 157911 Baromfipatogén Pasteurella multocida és Riemerella anatipestifer nyomon követése molekuláris epidemiológiai módszerekkelFingerprinting of Fowl Pathogenic Pasteurella Multocida and Riemerella Anatipestifer with Molecular Epidemiology Methods Kardos, Gábor Attila 2007 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.773648789187 Chemistry 0.048792499699 157845 A felsőoktatásban dolgozó oktatók, kutatók munkajogviszonyának alapkérdéseiBasic Questions of Labor Law Relation of Teachers and Researchers Employed in Higher Education Nádas, György 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.887008346212 Education 0.0503332680652 161963 Befejezett öngyilkosságot elkövetett személyek búcsúleveleinek elemzéseThe Analysis of Suicidal Letters Written by those who Completed Suicides Máténé Pusztai, Annamária 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.567996306583 Veterinary 0.096528278245 495301 Bentonit és zeolit hatása savanyú homoktalajok tulajdonságaira és biológiai aktivitásának változásáraEffect of bentonite and zeolite on characteristics and change of microbial activity of acidic humic sandy soil Tállai, Magdolna 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.892540478615 Medicine 0.0235352221187 283074 Berberin alkaloid fluoreszcenciás sajátságai önszerveződő rendszerekbenFluorescent properties of berberine alkaloid in self-assembled systems Megyesi, Mónika 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.740957269644 Biology 0.193478551182 277638 Bercsényi Miklós és Károlyi Sándor kapcsolata a Rákóczi-szabadságharc idejénThe relation between Miklós Bercsényi and Sándor Károlyi during the Rákóczi’s War of Independence Baráth, Julianna 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.192670166655 History 0.14723636818 158335 Bethlen Miklós élete leírása és a XVII. századi puritanizmus. Irodalomtörténeti, retorikai és historiográfiai vonatkozásokThe Memoirs of Count Miklós Bethlen and the XVIIth Century Hungarian Puritanism Tóth, Zsombor 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.356856020954 History 0.175302118063 398995 Biblikus exegézis Chrysostomos János evangéliumához írt homíliáiban"Biblical Exegesis of John Chrysostom in His Homilies on the Gospel of John" Hanula, Gergely 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.791602076642 Medicine 0.0397498576611 157951 Bihar vármegye ómagyar kori településneveinek névrendszertani vizsgálataBihar vármegye ómagyar kori településneveinek névrendszertani vizsgálata Rácz, Anita 2003 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.18532505629 Linguistics 0.166673384269 307985 Binomial Thue Equations, Ternary Equations and their ApplicationsBinom Thue-egyenletek, ternér egyenletek és alkalmazásaik Bazsó, András 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.756674808887 Agriculture 0.0592771243002 870944 Biológiai jelentőségű vegyületek modern tömegspektrometriai vizsgálataStudy of biologically relevant compounds by Mass Spectrometry Kalmár-Biri, Bernadett 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.690480179891 Physics 0.161181686276 461767 Biopolimer alapú nanorendszerek előállítása és vizsgálataPreparation and Characterization of Biopolymer-based Nanosystems Bodnár, Magdolna 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.835370832324 Medicine 0.0514208238123 158242 Bioreaktorok logisztikai összefüggéseiLogistical Connestions of Bioreactors ifj. Sinóros-Szabó, Botond 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.742852490377 Civil-Engineering 0.0865247107438 399820 Bioszenzor fejlesztés L-aszkorbinsav és Aflatoxin M1 méréséreDevelopment of Biosensor for Measuring L-ascorbic Acid and Aflatoxin M1 Víg, Attila 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.667962805611 Veterinary 0.101062233227 158320 Richter und Zeuge. Figuren des Autors in Thomas Bernhards ProsaBíró és tanú. A szerző alakjai Thomas Bernhards prózájábanThe Pronouncing and Testifying. Figures in Thomas Bernhard's prose Kovács, Edit 2003 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.796820349999 Law 0.0811438712857 683981 Bolygatott élőhelyek állapotfelmérése a fenntartható mezőgazdaság és a biodiverzitás megőrzése irányelveinek figyelembevételévelBotanical survey of disturbed habitats considering the directives of sustainable agriculture and presevation of biodiversity Tanyi, Péter 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.877095874623 Veterinary 0.0292524346927 580267 Borderline methicillin-rezisztens Staphylococcus aureus törzsek ß-laktamázainak analíziseAnalysis of the ß-lactamases of Borderline Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Strains Keserű, Judit Szilvia 2012 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.693508100468 Biology 0.140160145913 158408 Bolygatott élőhelyek állapotfelmérése a fenntartható mezőgazdaság és a biodiverzitás megőrzése irányelvek figyelembevételévelBotanical Survey of Disturbed Habitats Considering the Directives of Sustainable Agriculture and Preservation of Biodiversity Tanyi, Péter 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.878528572531 Agriculture 0.0510498173325 158583 Botrytis cinerea populációk vizsgálata az Egri borvidékenExamination of Botrytis cinerea populations in Eger wine region Váczy, Kálmán Zoltán 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.766259759819 Medicine 0.0992612097704 561140 Breeding and migration of the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), with special regard to a Central European population and the impact of hydro-meteorological factors and wetland statusA fekete gólya (Ciconia nigra) költése és vonulása, különös tekintettel egy közép-európai populációra, valamint a hidro-meteorológiai tényezők és a vizes élőhelyek állapotának hatásaira Tamás, Enikő Anna 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.594113354199 Biology 0.143730997432 397354 Budapest a századfordulónA modern nagyváros narratíváiThe fin de siecle Budapest – The narratives of the modern metropolis Kovács, Szilvia 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.438277922035 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.320504441977 841018 C-Glikozil heterociklusok előállítása glikogén foszforiláz gátlásáraSynthesis of C-glycosyl heterocycles for inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase Kun, Sándor 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.322890954831 Biology 0.138939630127 845343 C-Glikozil- és glikozil-amino-heterociklusok szintéziseSynthesis of C-glycosyl- and glycosylamino-heterocycles Szőcs, Béla 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.722827478648 Biology 0.0484720498748 398996 Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. krusei és C. tropicalis fajok paradox növekedése nagy koncentrációjú caspofungin jelenlétébenThe paradoxical growth of Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. krusei and C. tropicalis strains in the presence of high concentration caspofungin Varga, István 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.188411942135 Mathematics 0.16379194063 662191 Caspofungin, micafungin és nikkomycin Z in vitro hatékonyságának vizsgálata mikro- és makrodilúciós módszerekkel a fontosabb Candida fajok ellenInvestigation of the in vitro efficacy of caspofungin, micafungin and nikkomycin Z using micro- and macrodilution methods against the major Candida species Földi, Richárd 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.338905867796 Medicine 0.270720997999 460412 Céh-ipartestület-szövetkezetTársadalmi és munkaszervezési változások az endrődi lábbelikészítő iparbanGuild – Craft Union – Co-operative. Social Changes and Transformation of Work Organisation in Footwear-Production in Endrőd Szonda, István 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.710066564804 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.042115175062 157713 Cellular mechanisms of the macrophage deactivating effect of adenosinePh.D. dissertationAz adenozin makrofágokat deaktiváló hatásának intracelluláris mechanizmusa Németh, Zoltán 2004 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.461046026374 Biology 0.372482492066 157977 Censorinus és műve, a De die nataliCensorinus and his Work De die Natali Forisek, Péter 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.185735391885 Biology 0.139495862792 881959 Cerebrális mikroembolizáció vizsgálata multipoláris körkörös rádiófrekvenciás katéterrel végzett pulmonális véna izoláció soránCerebral microembolization during pulmonary vein isolation performed with the circular multipolar radiofrequency catheter Nagy-Baló, Edina 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.262891302457 Medicine 0.20829376417 595818 A foglalkoztatás változásai szektorális megközelítésben, különös tekintettel egyes munkapiaci intézmények hatásairaChanges in Employment: a Sectoral Approach with Special Focus on Labor Market Institutions Máté, Domicián 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.856503430191 Law 0.0561397524662 969119 A kisemlősfauna holocén kori változásai Magyarországon – a házi patkány (Rattus rattus) megjelenése és terjedéseChanges of the small mammal fauna in Hungary during the Holocene - The dispersal history of black rat (Rattus rattus) Kovács, Zsófia Eszter 2014 University of Debrecen Hum Classical-Languages 0.539190333452 Biology 0.324315731702 166439 Serdülő korú cigány tanulók énkép- és modellkövetési sajátosságaiCharacteristics of the Self-image and Model Imitation of Adolescent Gypsy Pupils Bodnárné Kiss, Katalin 2002 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.613567818602 Agriculture 0.117199965612 742277 Characterization of distinct molecular genetic alterations in BRAF and NRAS mutated human primary melanomaGenetikai eltérések karakterizálása BRAF és NRAS mutációt hordozó humán primer melanomákban Lázár, Viktória 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.481363648217 Medicine 0.371114100508 745942 Characterization of distinct molecular genetic alterations in BRAF and NRAS mutated human primary melanomaGenetikai eltérések karakterizálása BRAF és NRAS mutációt hordozó humán primer melanomákban Lázár, Viktória 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.481363648217 Medicine 0.371114100508 956789 Humán herpesvírus-8 által okozott emberi malignitások jellemzéseCharacterization of Human Malignancies Caused by Human Herpesvirus 8 Ötvös, Rita 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.898986465098 Chemistry 0.0251849529637 793126 Kül- és beltéri aeroszol jellemzése nukleáris mikroanalitikai módszerekkelCharacterization of outdoor and indoor aerosols by nuclear microanalytical methods Szoboszlai, Zoltán 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.411446676267 Chemistry 0.223914823314 159141 A Notch-1 receptor aktiváció hatásának és mechanizmusának vizsgálata primer melanomák progressziójában in vitro és SCID egér modellenCharacterization of the Effects and the Mechanism Induced by the Activation of Notch-1 Signaling on Human Primery Melanoma Progression in In Vitro and Scid Mouse Models Bálint, Klára 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.72712813652 Medicine 0.125017831215 661955 Chasing a Mirage: Hungarian Revisionist Search for us Support to Dismantle the Trianon Peace Treaty, 1920–1938Egy csoda kergetése: az Egyesült Államok felé irányuló magyar revíziós törekvések a trianoni béke megváltoztatására, 1920-1938 Mathey, Éva 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.762221709105 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0419734874038 157701 Chronic inflammation and amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer's disease: the role of spirochetesPh.D. thesisKrónikus gyulladás es amyloid képződés Alzheimer betegségben: A spirochetak szerepe Miklóssy, Judit 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.324386853017 Medicine 0.28746019844 157786 Chronic inflammation and amyloidogenesis in Alzheimer`disease: the role of spirochetesKrónikus gyulladás es amyloid képződés Alzheimer betegségben: A spirochetak szerepe. Miklóssy, Judit 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.314916247242 Medicine 0.277676682687 185111 Cianobakteriális toxinok és cianobaktérium kivonatok citotoxicitásának összehasonlító vizsgálata CHO-K1 sejtekenComparative Study of the Effects of Cyanotoxins and Cyanobacterial Extracts in CHO-K1 Cells Gácsi, Mariann 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.773943030882 Agriculture 0.0420951924323 158448 Két kultúra határánCigány diplomások életútvizsgálata az ezredfordulónBeing on the Edge of Two CulturesExamining the Life Course of Gypsy Graduates in Hungary at the Turn of the 20th Century Torkos, Katalin 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.410225775584 Economics 0.21968930105 179163 Citokinek meghatározása könnyből a szem elülső szegmentumának betegségeiben (különös tekintettel perforáló keratoplastica esetében)Cytokine Detection in Human Tears in Various Anterior Segment Eye Conditions (with Special Regard to Penetrating Keratoplasty) Fodor, Mariann 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.633118284082 Earth sciences 0.0721579825508 157976 Észak-Afrika polgári és vallási élete az újabb augustinusi levelek alapján. A defensio módszerei Augustinus levelezésébenCivil and Religious Life in North Africa on the basis of the Recently Found Augustinian Letters: The Methods of Defensio in Augustine\'s Correspondence Óbis, Hajnalka 2000 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.788423790861 History 0.0495870294821 825396 Civil szervezetek vezetési és működési sajátosságaiThe management and operational characteristics of civil organizations Pierog, Anita 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.679814856857 Law 0.156175262976 157807 Clearance of Dying Autophagic Cells of Different Origin by Human Professional and non-Professional Phagocytes Petrovski, Goran Ilija 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.792858989626 Medicine 0.0704112219449 777249 Clinical and genetic diagnosis and management of rare genetic disordersA ritka genetikai betegségek klinikai és genetikai diagnózisa Szakszon, Katalin 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.922529454722 Biology 0.0177550865828 849065 Kórlefolyás, prognózis és fenotípusok kevert kötőszöveti betegségbenClinical course, prognosis and phenotypes in mixed connective tissue disease Hajas, Ágota 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.898184287909 Biology 0.0313215501765 256987 Klinikai tapasztalatok Hodgkin lymphomában, különös tekintettel a túlélésre és a késői kezelési szövődményekreClinical Experiences in Hodgkin Lymphoma, Especially Focused on Survivalance and Late Treatment Complications Simon, Zsófia 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.911672250101 Economics 0.01294280562 157810 Klinikai és immunológiai vizsgálatok krónikus urticariábanClinical Immunology Examinations in Patients with Chronic Utricaria Irinyi, Beatrix 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.718780113117 Agriculture 0.0529065894853 869997 Clinical pathology of the ileocaecal junction in childhood and justification of its reconstruction as part of the autologous intestinal reconstructive surgeryClinical pathology of the ileocaecal junction in childhood and justification of its reconstruction as part of the autologous intestinal reconstructive surgery Folaranmi, Semiu Eniola 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.820058051456 Physics 0.042467979046 772573 Coated-thrombocyták. A thrombocyták hiperaktív szubpopulációja. Alapkutatás és klinikai megfigyelésekCoated-platelets. Subpopulation of hyperactive platelets. Basic research and clinical observations. Reményi, Gyula 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.422730497407 Biology 0.23602536757 684325 Collagen And Thrombin, Two Of The Crucial Components Of Thrombus FormationKollagén és trombin, mint a trombusképződés kritikus tényezői Mendelboum Raviv, Shlomit 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.727819238363 Chemistry 0.0454816334375 854293 Kistérségi jellemzők együttes hatása az oktatás eredményességére és a továbbtanulási döntésekreCollective effects of micro-regions on the efficiency of education and choices of further education Garami, Erika 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Geography 0.319860324877 Education 0.306353354725 461766 Combinatorial Diophantine equationsKombinatorikus diofantikus egyenletek Kovács, Tünde 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.253206108597 Medicine 0.241742535989 482350 Metodikai összehasonlító elemzésekaz emlőrák HER-2 és őrszem nyirokcsomó diagnosztikájábanComparative Analysis of Methods Used in Breast Cancer HER2 and Sentinel Lymph Node Diagnosis Francz, Mónika 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.262488252084 Medicine 0.21265141954 463736 Rekurziós eljárások, Monte Carlo módszerek és aszimptotikus eredmények oktatási célú összehasonlító elemzéseComparative Analysis of Recursive Formulas,Asymptotic Results and Monte Carlo Simulation for Education Libor, Józsefné 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.33461090684 Agriculture 0.1299974329 158376 Cseresznyefajták intenzív termesztésre való alkalmasságának összehasonlító vizsgálataComparative examination of sweet cherry cultivars adapted to intensive production Király, Katalin 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.747635258525 Biology 0.0484733086728 772161 Comprehensive N-Glycosylation Analysis by High Performance Liquid Separation TechniquesComprehensive N-Glycosylation Analysis by High Performance Liquid Separation Techniques Mittermayr, Stefan 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.342963424583 Chemistry 0.298119643018 395461 A ligamentum hepatodoudenale leszorításának hatásai a májműtétek eredményeire kísérletes és klinikai adatok alapjánCompression of the hepatoduodenal ligament affecting the results of hepatic surgery. Experimental and clinical data Furka, Andrea 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.704302535142 Veterinary 0.063419273358 158317 Közösségértelmezések a XVII. század második felének magyar református imádságos könyveibenA panaszos könyörgés grammatikai, retorikai, műfaji és antropológiai kérdéseiConcepts of Communal Identity in Hungarian Calvinist Prayer Books of the Second Half of Seventeenth Century (Grammatical, Rhetorical, Generic and Anthropological Questions of Lamenting Prayers) PhD dissertation Fazakas, Gergely Tamás 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.569517562788 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.304972081224 379931 Confronting the “Boundless and Hideous Unknown”: Science, Categorization, and Naming In H. P. Lovecraft’s FictionTalálkozás a “Határtalan és rút ismeretlennel”: tudomány, kategorizáció és névadás H. P. Lovecraft prózájában Matolcsy, Kálmán 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.420335562056 Linguistics 0.119766772706 702079 Conserving grassland biodiversity by traditional management, prescribed burning and seed sowingTermészetvédelmi kezelések szerepe a gyepek biodiverzitásának megőrzésében –hagyományos kezelés, kontrollált égetés és magvetés Deák, Balázs 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.756046180093 Biology 0.0822655866386 593499 A sertéshús fogyasztói megítélése és piaci helyzete magyarországonConsumer Perception and Market Position of Pork Meat in Hungary Vida, Viktória 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.408968194556 Biology 0.188164112095 158555 Continued fraction representation of quantum mechanical Green's operatorsA kvantummechanikai Green operátorok folytonos rész reprezentációja Kónya, Balázs 2000 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.16766546393 Biology 0.150143555719 450515 Contributions to a semantico-contrastive analysis of verb particle constructions in English and verbs with coverbs in HungarianAdalékok az angol ige + partikula és magyar igekötős igei szerkezetek szemantikai-kontrasztív elemzéséhez Kiss, Katalin 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.576519965935 Physics 0.162444442479 591641 Peptidek és származékaik átmenetifém komplexeinek koordinációs és redoxi sajátságaiCoordination and redox properties of transition metal complexes of peptides and peptide derivatives Timári, Sarolta 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.771552724082 Biology 0.0801708491225 501709 A holstein-fríz szarvasmarhák kondíciója és egyes értékmérő tulajdonságai közötti összefüggésekCorrelation Between Body Condition Scoring and Some Quality Parameters Of Mikó, Józsefné 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.828365034279 Veterinary 0.0578766449185 748249 Costs of moult: feather quality, signals and physiologyA vedlés költségei: tollak minősége, jelzések és fiziológia Vágási, István Csongor 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.187743280795 Veterinary 0.180009580639 158444 Crime Genres and the Modern-Postmodern Turn: Canons, Gender, MediaA modern-posztmodern fordulat a krimi műfajában: kánonok, társadalmi nemek és médiumok Virginás, Andrea 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.23380118173 Linguistics 0.223708232319 420622 A Debreceni Rendőrkapitányság kriminálgeográfiai elemzéseCriminalgeographic Analisis of the Police Station of Debrecen Mátyás, Szabolcs 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.368310104408 Law 0.317473329385 742278 Cseres-tölgyes erdők (Síkfőkút projekt és Vár-hegy) lágyszárú növényzet és magkészlet vizsgálataHerb layer and seed bank of oak forests (Síkfőkút Project and Vár-hill Forest Reserve Area) Koncz, Gábor 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.583292880442 Biology 0.164710038247 157850 Cseresznyefajták terméshozása, gyümölcsminősége és tárolhatóságaProductivity, Fruit Quality and Storability of Sweet Cherry Cultivars Thurzó, Sándor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.855741793026 Biology 0.037105669717 183684 Von meinen Sternen nur wehn noch zerrissen / die Saiten einer überlauten HarfeLyrik und Musik: Gesangsmotiv und intermediale Bezugnahmen auf Musikalisches bei Paul CelanCsillagjaimról ím széttépve zsongnak / egy hajdan dübörgő hárfa húrjai. Zene és líra: A dal motívuma és a zene mint intermediális utalás Paul Celan költészetében Benedek, Andrea Krisztina 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.295914666989 Biology 0.161933930371 158276 Csoportmenedzsment az agrárgazdaságbanGroup Management In Agribusiness Companies Szabados, György Norbert 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.465464848733 Biology 0.125583072241 157913 Daganattal társuló myositisek sajátosságainak tanulmányozása. Mozgásszervi paraneoplasiák klinikai osztályozása és jellemzéseA Strudy of Tumour Related Myositis Characteristics. Clinical Classification of Reumatological Paraneoplastic Syndromes András, Csilla 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.878613660909 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0345551393433 481955 Daimoniosz toposzDaimonios topos Pongrácz, Tibor 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.741049254715 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0659269423691 158424 Debreceni nemesítésű kukoricahibridek termesztésének értékelése az Agrárgazdaság Kft.-benEvaluation on the Production of Debrecen-bred Maize Hybrids in the Agrárgazdaság Ltd. Forgács, Barnabás 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.892894667806 Medicine 0.0513084935629 595078 Objektumorientált tervezési alapelvek és tervezési minták döntésalapú elemzése, a döntésösszevonás elmélete és gyakorlataDecision Based Interpretation of Object-Oriented Design Principles and Design Patterns, Decision Contraction Theory with Practice Márien, Szabolcs 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.404210754266 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.250989030151 765305 Decision-Making Models for Optimal Engineering Design and their ApplicationsDoktori (PhD) értekezésDecision-Making Models for Optimal Engineering Design and their Applications Mosavi, Amirhosein 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.540425217979 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.315193736494 456874 Dél-Alföldi Árpád- és későközépkori egyházak építőanyagainak összehasonlító archeometriai vizsgálataA Comparative Archaeometric Study of the Building Material the Churches in Southern Great Hungarian Plain from the Arpad and Late Middle Ages Kelemen, Éva 2010 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.577919165008 Classical-Languages 0.170137185101 157987 A 18-19. századi Miskolc keresztnévhasználatának felekezeti, etnikai és társadalmi jellegzetességeiDenominational, ethnical and social features of the Christian name use in Miskolc in the 18th and 19th centuries Kecskés, Judit 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.210876675752 History 0.145132275724 158342 Der Beruf des Dichters. Elias Canettis poetische Auffassung im Spiegel seiner AutobiographieA költő hivatása. Elias Canetti költői felfogása autobibliográfiája tükrében Bazsóné, Sőrés Marianna 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.379611294193 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.289432608085 158263 Humán immundeficiencia vírus 1 proteáz ellenes makromolekuláris inhibitorok tervezése, előállítása és jellemzéseDesign and Characterization of Macromolecular Inhibitors of Human Immundeficiency Virus 1 Protease Miklóssy, Gabriella 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.349604739859 Medicine 0.197088933302 903345 Az aszpirin trombocita ciklooxigenáz-1-re kifejtett hatásának kimutatásaDetecting the effect of aspirin on platelet cyclooxygenase 1 Kovács, Emese Gyöngyvér 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.472048199379 Biology 0.32253248287 286110 Fejlődéstörténeti rekonstrukció és geomorfológiai értékek a Felső-Tarna- és a Felső-Gortva-vidékenDevelopment reconstruction and geomorphological values in the region of the Upper Tarna and the Upper Gortva Utasi, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.778052101808 Classical-Languages 0.0833974802366 169072 Die Aspekte des Fremden in den Kinder- und Jugendromanen von Renate WelshAz idegenség aspektusai Renate Welsh gyermek- és ifjúsági regényeiben Dankóné Kovács, Réka 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.689473169072 Education 0.108556707984 157833 Differenciált pajzsmirigy rákok prognosztikai faktorainak vizsgálataDifferentiated Thyroid Cancer: Prognostic Factors Győry, Ferenc 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.871497617319 Veterinary 0.0319017261709 956343 Nehézségek a szülővé válás útján: a férfiak depressziójának vizsgálata normatív és paranormatív krízis menténDifficulties in the way of becoming a parent: Examination of male’s depression related to a normative and a paranormative crises Almássy, Zsuzsanna 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.607137306801 Biology 0.17742149106 400175 Digitális üzleti hálózatok megvalósítási lehetőségei kis- és középvállalkozások körébenOpportunities to Develop Digital Business Networks for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Péntek, Ádám 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.349536127895 Agriculture 0.221480315082 398010 Betegség okozó génmutációk néhány primer immundeficienciábanDisease-causing mutations in selected primary immunodeficiencies Lajszné Tóth, Beáta 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.859370479551 Biology 0.0657613366311 160020 Disputák a kulturális igazgatásrólAz 1920-as évek második felének magyarországi sajtónyilvánosságábanDisputes about Cultural Management In Hungary’s Press in the Second Half of the 1920’s Drabancz, Mihály Róbert 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.667594989005 History 0.240550675552 179752 Divergent dynamics of transformation: The role of the European UnionAz átalakulás eltérő dinamikája: az európai unió szerepe Sigér, Márta Fruzsina 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.592822888728 Economics 0.300930204449 179640 Divergent Dynamics of Transformation: The role of the European UnionAz Átalakulás Eltérő Dinamikája: Az Európai Unió Szerepe Sigér, Márta Fruzsina 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.592822888728 Economics 0.300930204449 243755 Az Észak-alföldi régió periférikus térségeinek tagoló tényezői a rendszerváltás után, különös tekintettel a területi jövedelemegyenlőtlenségekreDividing Factors of Peripheral Areas in the Northern Great Plain Region After the Political Transition, with Special Attention to Spatial Income Inequalities Pénzes, János 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.416462973906 Biology 0.137794818131 292771 DNS folytonossághiányok vizsgálata Saccharomyces cerevisiae sejtekbenA Study of DNA Discontinuities in Sacchromyces Cerevisiae Cells Hegedüs, Éva 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.415657614099 Industrial-Engineering 0.1639627913 745485 Drámai és színpadi tér a francia barokk-klasszikus hagyományban és az új színházbanDramatic and Stage Space in the French Baroque- Classicist Tradition the New Theatre Pallai, Mária 2012 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.491531703838 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.384507353579 463737 Farsangi dramatikus szokások, népi színjátékok Marosszék régióbanDramatic Customs and Traditional Staging in Marosszék Region During the Carnival - Time Barabás, László 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.232287722421 Anthropology 0.128166963353 768209 Иерархия в дискурсе правосудия: власть и подчинение в речи профессионала и гражданина (на материалах юридического телешоу «Час суда»)Hierarchia az igazságszolgáltatás diskurzusában: a hatalmi és alárendelt szerep a szakember és a laikus beszédében («Час суда» jogi tévéműsor anyagán) Buzásné Sahverdova, Nava-Vanda 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.632392272457 Biology 0.0735450755565 157853 Историческое изменение синтаксического статуса причастных оборотов в древнерусском языкеНа материалe Суздальской летописи по Лаврентьевскому спискуA 14. századi óorosz igenevek szintaktikai státuszának változása. A Szuzdali krónika szövege alapján Györfi, Beáta 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.681604753309 Biology 0.0519546611063 584032 Ébredési mozgalmak a tiszántúlon és a debreceni tanyamisszióReligious Revival Movements in Hungary Beyond the River Tisza and the Mission Among the Hungarian Small Farms Tőkés, Zoltán 2004 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.624982777383 Biology 0.126262543572 158369 Magas testtömeg-index, terhesség alatti túlzott súlygyarapodás és méhseb egyesítési technika hatása a császármetszést követően kiviselt terhesség kimeneteléreEffect of High Body Mass Index, Increased Weight Gain and Single- Versus-Double Layer Uterine Incision Closure on Success of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Delivery Juhász, Alpár Gábor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.808459525155 Biology 0.0352719781979 176569 A tápanyagellátás hatása a silócirok (Sorghum bicolor L. /Moench ) tápelem-felvételére, szárazanyag-felhalmozására és terméshozamáraEffect of nutrient supply on nutrient uptake, dry matter accumulation and yield of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. /Moench) Németh, Tamás 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.786042465114 Biology 0.079608229847 870945 Mit ér (el) a tanár, ha közép-európai?Alacsony státusú diákokat tanító eredményes tanárok két közép-európai országbanWhat Is The Worth of a Teacher If Central-European?Effective Teachers in Two Central-European Countries Teaching Low-Status Students Bacskai, Katinka 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.867312149558 Economics 0.0263057403574 580149 Effectivenss of policies to improve the health and social situation of Roma populations in the European regionA Roma lakosság egészségi állapotának és társadalmi helyzetének javítását célzó politikák hatékonységa az európai régióban Fésüs, Gabriella 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.332248264466 Anthropology 0.211552530018 464203 Egy kísérleti oktatási módszer hatásai a természettudományos fogalmi fejlődésre, problémamegoldásra és más pszichológiai tényezőkreEffects of an Experimental Teaching Method on Scientific Concept Development, Problemsolving and Other Psychological Factors Tóthné Kosztin, Beáta 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.396279220806 Biology 0.0879338310383 158412 A művelés hatása a talajok rögképződésére és a rögaprítás energetikai összefüggéseiEffects of Cultivation on Clod Formation of Soils and Energetic Relationships in Breakage of Clods Virág, Sándor 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.606714153402 Industrial-Engineering 0.115635753154 160385 Effects of Inflammatory Mediators on Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Expression by Rheumatoid Arthritis Synovial FibroblastsGyulladásos mediátorok hatása szinoviális fibroblasztok mátrix metalloproteináz-2 termelésére rheumatoid arthritisben Pákozdi, Angéla 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.551131253752 Medicine 0.352166577019 463738 Béta-adrenerg stimuláció hatása a kutya kamrai szívizomsejtek késői káliumáramairaEffects of β-adrenergic Stimulation on Delayed Rectifier Potassium Currents in Canine Ventricular Cardiomyocytes Harmati, Gábor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.739020360914 Veterinary 0.109046440774 881670 Fehérje karboniláció miofilamentáris hatásai és szerepe a posztinfarktusos szívizom-átépülésbenEffects of protein carbonylation on the function of the myofilaments and its role in the postinfarction remodelling Balogh, Ágnes 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.416697202881 Biology 0.298424334911 157747 Timol hatásának vizsgálata szívizmon és vázizmonEffects of Thymol on Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Szentandrássy, Norbert 2003 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.666529385559 Biology 0.10219749163 663923 Tejelő szarvasmarha-telepek hatékonyságának elemzése és anyagáramlási folyamatainak modellezéseEfficiency analysis and modeling material flow processes on dairy farms Gál, Tímea 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.833245070714 Veterinary 0.101754115027 463377 Hatékonysági vizsgálatok a felsőoktatásbanEfficiency Studies in Higher Education Tóth, Réka 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.510030603749 Economics 0.158097979521 482665 Health impact assessment as a tool for healthy public policyEgészséghatás vizsgálatok az egészséget támogató közpolitika kialakításában Molnár, Ágnes 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.328924044862 Economics 0.263015334097 663922 Egy adott gazdasági szerkezetű, kisebb régió szerves hulladékaira alapozott biogáz előállítási technológia kialakításaElaboration of Biogas Production Technology Based on The Organic Waste of a Micro-Region Operating in a Certain Economical Structure Sallai, László 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.800483776188 Industrial-Engineering 0.0910538989245 735728 Egy főúri portré a 19. századbólAndrássy György gróf a reformkorbanAn Aristocratic Portrait from the Nineteenth Century – Count György Andrássy in the Reform Era Brigovácz, László 2013 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.515474955433 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.200139647302 178752 Egy funkcionális sertéstakarmány kifejlesztésének lehetőségePossibility of Developing a Functional Feed for Pigs Borosné Győri, Anikó 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.827876350836 Biology 0.0514168935952 157954 Egy kétlépcsős szövegmondat-reprezentációs modell szemiotikai textológiai keretbenA Two-Step Representational Model of Text Sentences in a Semiotic-Textological Framework Dobi, Edit 2002 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.472840814789 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.112334386946 481953 Egy lakodalmi és farsangi népszokás funkcionális elemzése az alkalom összefonódásának tükrébenThe Functional Analysis of a Wedding and Carnival Custom With Respect to the Interweaving of the Occassions Nagy, Veronika 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.184057185053 History 0.145795093542 157942 Egy példázat kompozíciójának változásai a régi magyar bibliafordításokban(A tékozló fiú példázatán bemutatva)The changing composition of a parable in old Hungarian Bible translations Demján, Adalbert 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.477423245008 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.44910667733 766740 Egy tehetséggondozó program hallgatóinak rekrutációja és professzióképe a program első szakaszábanRecruitment and the Notion of Profession of the Students of a Talent Management program in the First Phase of the Program Márton, Sándor József 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.284390868373 Economics 0.15229181528 183875 Egy tudománykutatáson alapuló bioetika körvonalaiOutlines of a Bioethics Based on Science Studies Nemes, László 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.783789099078 Law 0.100419695677 243760 Turizmus és tanulásEgy vidéki város középiskolásainak turisztikai magatartásaTourism and LearningThe Touristic Behaviour of Secondary School Students in a Provincial Town Simándi, Szilvia 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.580327400802 Education 0.249402816821 376045 Egyenesszárnyú (Orthoptera) fajok és együttesek a BakonyvidékenOrthopteran species and assemblages of the Bakony Region Kenyeres, Zoltán Tamás 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.654414843538 Agriculture 0.0586927503229 456726 Egyes energia-növények gazdasági elemzése, valamint hatásuk a földhasználatraEconomic Analysis of Certain Energy Crops and Their Effect on Land-Use Csipkés, Margit 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.893034984736 Economics 0.0526236757391 455626 Egyesületi kultúra és változása a 20. században egy alföldi nagyhatárú településenAssociation Culture of the 20th Century in Balmazújváros, a Settlement from the Lowland Tóthné Pásztor, Ágota 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.523366637499 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.220766204995 157726 A kardiovaszkuláris betegségekre hajlamosító genetikai tényezők és azok vizsgálatinaknak lehetőségeiegyetemi doktori (Ph.D.) értekezésMolecular Biological Analysis of Genetic Factors Predisposing to Cardiovascular Diseases Pocsai, Zsuzsa 2001 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.682238453383 Medicine 0.211893710331 157608 A humán T limfociták Kv1.3 csatornájának farmakológiai és sejtfelszíni topológiai vizsgálataegyetemi doktori (PhD) értekezésInvestigation of the Cell Surface Topology and Pharmacology of the Human T Lymphocyte Kv1.3 Channel Bagdány, Miklós 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.600066310743 Medicine 0.171197181678 584029 Egyház itt és mostAz ekkléziasztika művelésének alapjai, eredményei és mai lehetőségeiChurch here-and-now Principles, results and present possibilities of study of ecclesiastics Kádár, Ferenc 2006 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.578396821221 Civil-Engineering 0.162652570971 286764 Local Monitoring and Modeling of the Spatio-temporal Spread of Ca2+ Signals Initiated by Single or Multiple Action Potentials in Frog and Rat Sympathetic Ganglion NeuronsEgyszeri és többszörös akciós potenciálok által kiváltott kalcium jelek helyi megfigyelése és számítógépes modellezése béka és patkány szimpatikus ganglion neuronokon Cseresnyés, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.46120378471 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.442908552254 169071 Ehresmann-sokaságok, sprayk és vonalelem D-sokaságok transzformációiTransformations of Ehresmann Manifolds, Sprays and D-manifolds with Line-elements Pék, Johanna 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.79340284335 Chemistry 0.0579937838335 773673 Ektomikorrhizás kapcsolatok ökológiai vizsgálatai: módszerek, környezeti manipulációk, és invazív fajok hatásaiEcological Studies of Ectomycorrhizal Relationship: Methodologies, Environmental Manipulations, and Effect of Invasive Species Tóth, Beáta 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.83451950602 Medicine 0.0591728487898 603089 Elastic and Dissepaive Energies in Phase Transformation of Cu-based Shape Memory AlloysElastic and Dissepaive Energies in Phase Transformation of Cu-based Shape Memory Alloys Elrasasi Yousif, Tarek 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.381587854923 Industrial-Engineering 0.21462019252 158557 Electron correlation in density functional theor: concept and applicationElektron korreláció a sűrűség-funkcionál elméletben: fogalmom és alkalmazás Süle, Péter 1996 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.427122334474 Agriculture 0.149244041354 178629 Elektroneurográfiás vizsgálatok egyes központi, illetve környéki idegrendszert érintő megbetegedésekbenElectroneurographic Examinations in Some Diseases with the Involvement of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System Hidasi, Eszter 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.870239055778 Biology 0.0643900994997 392798 Elektronikus oktatási módszer a mezőgazdaság-tudománybanE-learning method in agricultural science Dövényi-Nagy, Tamás 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.374861889337 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.271610472317 158271 Élelmiszer-gazdasági vállalatok környezettudatos magatartásának vizsgálataThe Analyze Of Environment-Conscious Attitudes In The Food Economy Companies Odor, Kinga 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.531401057882 Economics 0.248259205251 157897 Élelmiszer-gazdasági vállalatok környezettudatos magatartásának vizsgálataThe Analyze Of Environment-Conscious Attitudes In The Food Economy Companies Odor, Kinga 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.831081875631 Industrial-Engineering 0.0713704661998 750917 Élesztőgombák hibridizációs folyamatainak vizsgálataAnalysis of the hybridisation processes of yeasts Pfliegler, Valter Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.539576307789 Biology 0.219409192399 158268 Életvilágok és a nevelésKísérlet az intézményes nevelés modellezéséreLifeworlds And Education Szilágyiné Szemkeő, Judit 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.821393925673 Physics 0.0366538354927 698095 Élő és élettelen biomassza alkalmazása bioszorbensként a nehézfémek szennyvízből való eltávolításáraLiving and non-living Biomass as Biosorbents for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewaters Tonk, Szende Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.323439578801 Medicine 0.172062250457 457444 Differentially Expressed Micrornas and the Antiproliferative Role of Mir-126 in Small Cell Lung CancerEltérő expressziós szintet mutató mikroRNS-ek és a miR-126 antiproliferatív hatása a kissejtes tüdőrákban Miko, Edit 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.519927435943 Medicine 0.336024655315 158059 Eltérő genotípusú kukoricahibridek szemtermésének szárazanyag beépülés és vízleadás dinamikájaDry Matter Accumulation and Moisture Loss Dynamics of Grain Yield in Different Genotype Maize Hybrids Dobos, Attila 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 392268 Eltérő víztestek és üledékeik összehasonlító vizsgálataComparative Examination of Different Water Bodies and Their Sediments Csizmarik, Gábor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.692986498273 Biology 0.0560922135292 157861 Emlőtumorok kombinált terápiájának újabb lehetőségeiNew Possibilities for Combined Therapy of Breast Cancer Zsebik, Barbara 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.699383574377 Biology 0.126028235374 334487 Emma Bovary „másik világá”-nak elbeszélői értékelései Flaubert Bovaryné című regényébenThe Narrator's Evaluations concerning the "Other World" of Emma Bovary in Madame Bovary of Flaubert Rőhrig, Eszter 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.680225087803 Linguistics 0.0996248904258 286111 Emóciók és evolúciósan megalapozott menekülési válasz 5-8 évesekkel végzett téves vélekedés tesztekbenEmotions and an Evolutionary Established Avoidance Response in False Belief Tasks Conducted with 5-8-Year-Old Children Csinády, Adriána 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.804785335416 Biology 0.0861360118261 859027 Titkosítási rendszerek CCA-biztonságaEncryption systems CCA-security Márton, Gyöngyvér 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.748946053629 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0468212013026 714506 Ensemble Methods in Medical Decision MakingÖsszetett módszerek az orvosi döntéshozatalban Antal, Bálint 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.869364642519 Physics 0.0399046683118 752150 Entre oïl, oc et francoprovençal. Différences lexicales dans la zone d’interférence appelée « Croissant » d’après les atlas linguistiques de la FranceOÏL, OC ÉS FRANKOPROVANSZÁL KÖZÖTT. Lexikális különbségek a franciaországi Croissant nevű interferenciazónában, francia nyelvjárási atlaszok anyaga alapján Tillinger, Gábor 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.693428318006 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.063209538001 583515 Környezetvédelmi eljárásjogEnvironmental procedural law Fülöp, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.900282658993 Biology 0.0294401913515 450033 Antibiotikum rezisztens Gram-pozitív coccusok epidemiológiai jellemzéseEpidemiologic Characterization of Antibiotic Resistant Gram-positive Cocci Dombrádi, Zsuzsanna Rita 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.677288939239 Agriculture 0.135129186415 158339 Erdélyi magyar irodalom 1940-44 közöttHungarian Literature in Transsylvania between 1940-44 Vallasek, Júlia-Réka 2003 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.229518360663 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.200491903309 699544 Erwerb des deutschen Genussystems bei 14-16 jährigen ungarischen DeutschlernernEine empirische UntersuchungA német nyelvtani nem elsajátítása 14-16 éves korban. Empirikus vizsgálatok magyar anyanyelvű tanulók körében Pappné Forgács, Edit 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.640033667825 Biology 0.0609247180356 158351 Espérance et destinée angéliques dans l'univers balzacien et sandienAngyali reménység és sors Balzac és Sand regényvilágábanAngels's character drawing depicted by Honoré de Balzac and George Sand Véghseö, Katalin 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.156310382673 Biology 0.142440106864 158374 Őszi búzafajták alveográfos minősége és a minőség alakulására ható tényezők értékeléseEstimation of Alveographic Quality of Winter Wheat Varieties and the Factors Affecting of Quality Tóth, Árpád 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.833791086373 Chemistry 0.0324557748123 157839 Etiológiai és klinikai vizsgálatok Hodgkin-lymphomábanEtiological and Clinical Studies in Hodgkin's-Lymphoma Keresztes, Katalin 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.934145458704 Veterinary 0.0245787535172 157966 A lapp növénynevek etimológiai rétegeiEtymological Layers of Lappish Plant Names Máté, József 2004 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.193151022519 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.154861110198 158028 EU-konform számviteli információs rendszer kialakításának elvi és módszertani kérdései a mezőgazdaságbanConceptual And Methodological Issues In The Agriculture On Establishment Of EU Conform Accountancy Information System Darabos, Éva 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 871702 EURÓPAI PRIVATIZÁCIÓS MODELLEK KOMPARATÍV KÖZGAZDASÁGI ÉS TÁRSADALOMPOLITIKAI ELEMZÉSENyugat-európai piaci és közép-kelet-európai kvázi piaci privatizációs eljárások az államok vállalkozói tulajdonának változásában 1977−2012 közöttTHE COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLITICAL ANALYSIS OF EUROPEAN PRIVATIZATION MODELS Török, László 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.593299550065 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.202099825829 582939 Az autoimmun folyamat aktivitásának megítélése endokrin orbitopathiábanEvaluation of immunological activity in Graves’ orbitopathy Ujhelyi, Bernadett 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.86743710754 Industrial-Engineering 0.0303490731517 157636 Evaluation of resveratrol and tocotrienols as potential redox active compounds for cardioprotectiondissertation for the doctor of philosophy degreee : dissertation for Ph.D Das, Samarjit 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.400926715398 Medicine 0.287005902436 870947 A rideg/érzéketlen vonások vizsgálata serdülő fiúknál iskolai és javítóintézeti közegbenExamination of Callous/Unemotional Traits among Adolescent Boys at School and Reformatory Pataky, Nóra 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.660803796863 Medicine 0.116784084814 316601 A kalpain és a protein kináz/foszfatáz rendszerek vizsgálataKölcsönhatás a posztszintetikus fehérje módosító rendszerek közöttExamination of Calpain and Protein Kinase/Phosphatase Systems. Interaction between the Post-synthetic Protein Modifying Systems Kovács, László 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.837823390093 Medicine 0.0661792013813 401461 Kognitív torzítások és személyiségvonások vizsgálata szerencsejátékosoknálExamination of Cognitive Distorsions and Personality Traits Among Gamblers Körmendi, Attila 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.596954488607 Medicine 0.168455356725 180233 Őszi búzafajták (T. Aestivum) extenzográfos és alveográfos paramétereinek vizsgálataExamination of Extenzigraphical and Alveographical Parameters of Winter Wheat Varieties Pongráczné Barancsi, Ágnes 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.675552128342 Law 0.0423194378827 852341 Az agroökológiai potenciál vizsgálata térinformatikai és távérzékelési módszerekkel szőlő- és gyümölcsültetvényekbenExamination of the agro-ecological potential with geoinformatical and remote sensing methods in vine and fruit plantations Fórián, Tünde 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.826878176354 Medicine 0.0439677188689 158282 Tanulásban akadályozott 7-8. osztályos tanulók érzelmi képesség struktúrájának vizsgálata normál képességű tanulókéval való összehasonlítás alapjánExamination Of The Emotional Structure Of Mentally Handicapped 7th-8th Form Pupils In The Base Of Comparing Them To Pupils With Normal Ability Riesz, Mária 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.857897405919 Education 0.0271339706922 401005 A gyermekkori otitis media catarrhalis chronica serosa etiopatomechanizmusának vizsgálataExamination of the Etiopathogenesis of the Otitis Media with Effusion in Children Rezes, Szilárd Gyula 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.628319540444 Veterinary 0.284786142306 158584 Az NPK műtrágyázás és a különböző genetikai adottságú kukoricahibridek termésmennyisége, valamint minősége közötti összefüggés vizsgálataExamination of the Relation Between NPK Fertilization, Yield Quantity and Quality of Maize Hybrids with Different Genetic Characteristics El Hallof, Nóra 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.872421217078 Medicine 0.0422389001349 157666 Sperm selection for human assisted reproductionexamination of the safety of different sperm preparation methods in eliminating spermatozoa with numerical chromosome abnormalities and cellular immaturity = Spermium szelekció humán asszisztált reprodukcióhoz : különböző spermium előkészítési eljárások hatásának vizsgálata a számbeli kromoszóma rendellenességekkel súlytott ivarsejtek gyakoriságának alakulására : PhD tézisekSpermium szelekció humán asszisztált reprodukcióhoz – különböző spermium előkészítési eljárások hatásának vizsgálata a számbeli kromoszóma rendellenességgel és éretlenséggel sújtott ivarsejtek gyakoriságának alakulására Jakab, Attila (1964-) (szülész nőgyógyász) 2003 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.694303824748 Veterinary 0.172598123842 714097 A kereskedőházas finanszírozási struktúra vizsgálataExamination of the Trading House Financing Structure Suták, Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.526843083668 Agriculture 0.220823321193 158410 Az alternatív talajművelési rendszerek eredményességének vizsgálataExamining the Efficiency of Alternative Tillage Systems Sulyok, Dénes Zsolt 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.866991480135 Economics 0.0379709472556 393075 Alfa-amilázok termékanalízisen és molekuláris modellezésen alapuló alhelytérképezése és transzglikozidáz aktivitásuk vizsgálataExperimental and molecular modeling-aided subsite mapping of alpha-amylases and studies on their transglycosidase activity Mótyán, János András 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.530305628671 Chemistry 0.263631598978 157668 A sejtdifferenciálódás és öregedés összefüggéseinek kisérletes vizsgálata in vitro sejtvonalakonExperimental Studies on the Relationship between Cell Differentiation and Aging Using In Vitro Cell Lines Jeney, Florence 2002 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.75864076122 Medicine 0.14647356115 393513 Exploring Hot, Strongly Interacting Matter with the PHENIX Experiment at RHICForró, erősen kölcsönható anyag kutatása a RHIC gyorsító PHENIX kísérleténél Vértesi, Róbert 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.776262971847 Biology 0.0403412593146 338103 Humán Luteinizáló hormon-releasing hormon receptor-I, Luteinizáló hormon- releasing hormon receptor-I transzkript variánsok és Luteinizáló hormon-releasing hormon-I expressziója humán benignus prosztata hiperpláziábanExpression of Human Type-I LHRH Receptors and Type-I LHRH in Human Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Rózsa, Bernadett 2010 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.319708747068 Medicine 0.273301022993 456658 Extenzográf alkalmazása a lisztvizsgálatokbanUse of Extensigraph in the examination of wheat flour Boros, Norbert 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.852464848808 Medicine 0.0282344144575 179962 Fabricating Authenticity: 1919 and the Hungarian Communists between 1949 and 1959Koholt hitelesség: 1919 és a magyar kommunisták 1949 és 1959 között Apor, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.664975292366 Philosophy 0.184197546562 377257 Factor XIII and its Val34Leu Polymorphism in Atherothrombotic DiseasesAterotrombotikus betegségek és a XIII-as faktor Val34Leu Polimorfizmusa Shemirani, Amir Houshang 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.565132249332 Biology 0.295682575023 297523 A juhondó minőségét befolyásoló tényezőkFactors influencing the quality of sheep semen Oláh, János 2010 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.516697250004 Agriculture 0.392794463822 158373 Fajtaspecifikus burgonyatermeszési technológiák továbbfejlesztéseThe Impact of Irrigation on the Yield Quantity and Quality of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cultivars Zsom, Eszter 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.812244748787 Medicine 0.0301860444564 955465 Felelősségi viszonyok és konfliktuskezelési lehetőségek az egészségügyi szolgáltatások területén nemzetközi összehasonlítás tükrébenLiability relations and possibilities of handling conflicts in the area of health care services in relation of international comparison Zákány, Judit 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.801430897501 Psychology 0.0429214917014 452324 Felkészítés a matematikai diákolimpiáraPreparation for the IMO Dobos, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.349778032777 Mathematics 0.348298726635 183876 Felső-Tisza-vidéki holtmedrek hínár- és mocsárinövényzetének összehasonlító elemzéseComparing Analysis of Euhydrophyte and Water-fringe Vegetation in Backwaters of the Upper-Tisza Valley Lukács, Balázs András 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.183688890729 Medicine 0.134679743716 400341 Felszín alatti vizekből származó radon-gáz a természetes és épített környezetbenRadon Gas from Sub_Surface Waters in Natural and Artificial Environments Varga, Klára 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.265440135299 Agriculture 0.224187704482 670239 Félvezető és szcintillációs detektorok alkalmazása részecskefizikai kísérletekbenApplications of semiconductor and scintillation detectors in particle physics experiments Sipos, Attila 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.790347903015 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0765931146759 847682 Contribution of voltage-gated cation channels to immunity: function and importance of localization within the membraneFeszültség-kapuzott kationcsatornák és immunitás: funkció és a membránbeli lokalizáció fontossága Szilágyi, Orsolya 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.675153724833 Medicine 0.19805359032 158251 Feszültségfüggő ioncsatornák elektrofiziológiai vizsgálataElectrophysiological Studies of Voltage-gated Ion Channels Székely, Andrea 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.887954041406 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.040737218514 158256 Feszültségvezérelt K+-csatornaalegységek expressziós mintázata a ganglion spiraleban és nucleus cochlearisban- Bakondi, Gábor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.829316244847 Physics 0.0672328200846 765314 Fitomassza szerepe a vegatációdinamikában. Természetes gyepek dinamikája, spontán szukcesszió és gyeprekonstrukció.Biomass and Diversity of Grasslands – Succession and Restoration Kelemen, András 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.759688027779 Biology 0.0779514552316 157970 Földrajzi köznevek állományi vizsgálataA Corpus Study of Geographical Appellatives Nemes, Magdolna 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Geography 0.550736890981 Linguistics 0.101332913359 874963 Folyami szitakötők (Odonata: Gomphidae) kirepülési jellemzőiEmergence characteristics of riverine dragonflies (Odonata: Gomphidae) Farkas, Anna 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.682869850124 Agriculture 0.172232758248 584341 Photon and Electron Induced Transformations and Pattern Formation in Amorphous Chalcogenide Nano-layersFotonok és elektronok által indukált átalakulások és felületi mintázat képződése amorf kalkogenid nanorétegekben Takáts, Viktor 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.37464314114 Mathematics 0.123116563456 159219 Four-jet Production in Electron-positron Annihilation4-jet produkció elektron-pozitron szétsugárzásban Nagy, Zoltán 2000 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.204254618059 Physics 0.162299731844 600946 Fracture and fragmentation of disordered materialsRendezetlen szerkezetű anyagok törése és fragmentációja Timár, Gábor 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.363225960987 Industrial-Engineering 0.25703344819 595077 Függvényegyenletek HipercsoportokonFunctional Equations on Hypergroups Orosz-Kaiser, Ágota 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.235007676664 Physics 0.203596616037 430922 Függvénysimítások magfizikai problémákbanFunction Smoothings in Nuclear Physics Problems Salamon, József Péter 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.560094002709 Physics 0.085392339799 188427 Függvényegyenletek és karakterizációs problémákFunctional equations and characterziation problems Mészáros, Fruzsina 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.223053833896 Economics 0.217332443219 157886 Galambfélék jelenléte állattenyésztő telepekenThe presence of pigeons (Columbiformes) at animal breeding farms Varga, Sándor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.577209539558 Veterinary 0.346316380192 840813 Biological roles and prognostic relevances of gene alterations in human malignant melanomasGéneltérések biológiai szerepe és prognosztikai jelentősége humán malignus melanomákban Vízkeleti, Laura 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.654442843028 Biology 0.257041916104 710923 Genetic Diversity of Botrytis Cinerea and its Relevance in the Development of Fungicide ResistanceA Botrytis cinerea genetikai diverzitása és fungicid rezisztenciája Assadollahi, Mojtaba 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.627270890769 Biology 0.240560614252 157916 Genetikai háttér szerepének vizsgálata gyulladásos reumatológiai kórképek pathogenezisébenInvestigation of the Genetic Background of Inflammatory Rheumatological Diseases Szabó, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.802693679856 Agriculture 0.0935764409624 157797 Genetikai variabilitás vizsgálata réghonosult magyar lúdállományokban mikroszatellitekkelExamining genetic variability in ancient Hungarian goose population with microsatellites Aliczki, Katalin Kornélia 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.342756798066 Biology 0.303737958225 430471 Genomic and Genetic Analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Inflammatory Bowel DiseasesA Krónikus Obstruktív Tüdőbetegség és a Gyulladásos Bélbetegségek Genomikai és Genetikai Vizsgálata Póliska, Szilárd 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.646141019912 Biology 0.268000434685 561141 Geometria mozgásbanAz egybevágósági transzformációk tanításának egy új módszereGeometry in Motion Szeredi, Éva 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.317364066494 Philosophy 0.139953204223 157973 Kísértetek és kísértethit a koracsászárkori latin nyelvű történetírásban és politikai költészetbenGhosts and Ghost-belief in the Latin History-Writing and Political Poetry of the Early Roman Empire Nagy, Levente 2003 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.278300504138 Classical-Languages 0.232493665575 682677 Tehetséggondozás hátrányos helyzetű tanulók körébenGifted pupils from low sicial class and mathematics learning Vecseiné Munkácsy, Katalin 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.666112341541 Psychology 0.063518068825 157831 Glanzmann thrombastheniát okozó mutációk hatása a fibrinogén receptor szintézisére, intracelluláris transzportjára, felszíni expressziójára és funkciójáraThe Effect of Novel GPIIb Mutations Causing Glanzmann Thrombasthenia on the Synthesis, Intracellular Transport, Surface Expression and Ligand Binding Ability of the Fibrinogen Receptor Losonczy, Gergely 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.648188323157 Medicine 0.146898279127 584030 Istendicsőítés – IstentiszteletSzempontok a református gyülekezeti éneklés istentiszteleti szerepének és lelkigondozói lehetőségeinek újragondolásáhozGlorification of God - Church Service Kis, Médea 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.233762263085 History 0.184276580749 277702 Armálisok és armalisták a kora újkori BiharbanA Hajdú-Bihar Megyei Levéltár egyéni címeres nemeslevelei (1535–1811) és nemesi iratai alapjánGrants of arms and nobles having grant of arms in the early modern on the territory of Hajdú-Bihar county. (Based on the private grants of arms and the documents of nobility founded in the Archives of Hajdú-Bihar county.) Szálkai, Tamás 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.389341486685 Biology 0.105067134961 733740 Patkány nucleus cochlearis dorsalis szemcse- és Purkinje-szerű sejtjeinek vizsgálata képalkotó és elektrofiziológiai módszerek kombinált alkalmazásávalGranule and Purkinje-like cells of the rat dorsal cochlear nucleus—a study using combined application of electrophysiology and imaging techniques Kőszeghy, Áron 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.71691429807 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0562195687472 401003 Grassland Recovery Using Spontaneous Succession and Technical Reclamation: Analysis of Restoration Success in Several Grasslands TypesA spontán szukcesszió, kaszálás, és magvetés segítségével történő gyeprekonstrukció sikerességének vizsgálata eltérő gyeptípusokban Valkó, Orsolya 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.749696582997 Biology 0.119575144487 750690 Gróf Apponyi György közéleti pályája a reformkorban – egy hivatalnok-politikus portréCount Georg Apponyi’s public career in the reform era – a bureaucrat–politic portrait Czinege, Szilvia 2013 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.467087527859 Law 0.222268927275 734932 Gyógynövénykivonatok alkalmazása halak egészségi állapotának és természetes immunválaszának javításáraApplication Of Herbal Extracts To Improve Health Status And Innate Immune Response Of Fish Ardó, László 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.285938367831 Agriculture 0.236521661211 168862 Justh Gyula politikai pályája. A liberális függetlenségi 48-as politika lehetőségei a XIX-XX. század fordulójánGyula Justh's Political Career. Prospects of the Independence Liberal Politics of Forty-Eighters at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century Szendrei, Ákos 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.680252915152 History 0.113356387616 158336 Hagyomány és újítás Kányádi Sándor költészetébenTradition & Innovation of Poetry of Kányadi Sándor Ködöböcz, Gábor 2005 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.751221023337 Linguistics 0.048853030776 809659 Hajdúnánás határneveinek névrendszertani vizsgálataAn onomastic study of the field names of Hajdúnánás Pásztor, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.206252207986 Linguistics 0.176212952995 922095 Halak nehézfémtartalmának elemzése különböző elemanalitikai módszerek alkalmazásávalAnalysis of the heavy metal content of fish applying different analytical methods Czédli, Herta 2014 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.324804607425 Chemistry 0.139454973278 587354 Approximation of Sets Based on Partial CoveringHalmazok közelítése parciális lefedésben Csajbók, Zoltán Ernő 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.68944613132 Physics 0.044894947473 184385 Hangyaboglárka lepkék (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) térbeli populációszerkezete és élőhelyhasználataPopulation Spatial Structure and Habitat use of Large Blue Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Kőrösi, Ádám 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.776692004801 Agriculture 0.120501588635 379371 Határérték-tételek véletlen mezőkreLimit theorems for random fields Karácsony, Zsolt 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.696200326709 Statistics 0.062479218229 160276 Hatékonysági, jövedelmezőségi vizsgálatok és azok számviteli összefüggései az élelmiszeriparbanEfficiency and Profitability Studies and Their Accounting Interrelations in Food Industry Siklósi, Ágnes 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.787354716921 Economics 0.0944546051264 158420 A régióra jellemző mezőgazdasági hulladékok és melléktermékek tüzeléstechnikai hasznosításaHeating Technology Utilisation of Agricultural Waste and By-products Characteristic for the Region Juhász, György 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.785368657536 Industrial-Engineering 0.147902286965 158595 Hegynevek a középkori MagyarországonOronyms in medieval Hungary Reszegi, Katalin 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.199437658474 Biology 0.154079648118 390518 Helyi érzéstelenítőszerek szívelektrofiziológiai hatásaiCardiac electrophysiological effects of local anesthetics Szabó, Adrienne 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.278675280953 Veterinary 0.105356018066 393976 Helynévképzés a magyarbanToponym Formation in Hungarian Bényei, Ágnes 2010 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.194130169581 Biology 0.165488131241 851669 Helynévtörténeti vizsgálatok a régi Ugocsa vármegyébenA Research on Settlement Names in the Historic Comitatus of Ugocsa Kocán, Béla 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.161178751856 Biology 0.13133040116 338104 Hemolízis, hemoglobin-oxidáció és hem-mediálta lipidoxidáció az erelmeszesedéses lézióbanHemolysis, Hemoglobin-Oxidation and Heme-Mediated Lipidoxidation in Atherosclerotic Lesions Nagy, Emőke 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.695856008533 Medicine 0.0702017128781 563077 Herausbildung und Zerfall der männlichen Identität der Protagonisten in Joseph Roths Roman „Radetzkymarsch”The Development and the Disintegration of Male Identity of the Protagonists in Joseph Roth’s Novel Radetzky March Gaál, Izabella 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.641928890264 History 0.127261397959 178630 Herediter Nonpolipózis Kolorektális Karcióma előfordulásával szerzett tapasztalataink. Igazolt mutáció hordozó családok családfa analíziseOur Experience with the Occurrence of Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer. Pedigree and Genetic Analysis of the Proven Mutation Carrier Families Tanyi, Miklós 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.895466840328 Biology 0.0155942652741 277959 Apollón és Diké nyomábanhermeneutikai gondolatkísérlet a görög tragédiáról Hegel interpretációinak tükrébenIn the wake of Apollo and DikeHermeneutical Ideas about Greek Tragedy in the Aspect of Hegel’s Interpretations Andrejka, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.832751685018 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0250944605748 603088 Heterogén anyagok károsodása és töréseFracture and damage of heterogeneous materials Halász, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.66324967313 Civil-Engineering 0.123881923427 322570 Heterorhabditis-Photorhabdus rovarpatogén fonálféreg-baktérium szimbiotikus komplexek elterjedése Magyarországon, a baktériumok szerepe a fonálférgek kompetíciós képességébenDistribution of Heterorhabditis-Photorhabdus entomopathogenic nematode-bacterium symbiotic complexes in Hungary, the effects of the bacteria on the competitive ability of the nematodes Tóth, Tímea 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.520524898036 Biology 0.228162431365 158512 Hévizek és ásványvizek radon- és rádiumtartalmaRadon and radium content of thermal and mineral water Baradács, Eszter Mónika 2002 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.54668245772 Agriculture 0.212860553405 584340 Histamine regulates multiple functional activities of murine and monocyte-derived human dendritic cells via different receptorsA hisztamin különböző receptorain keresztül szabályozza az egér és monocita eredetű humán dendritikus sejtek működését Simon, Tünde 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.491521644483 Medicine 0.427069616374 157838 Hisztamin antagonisták hatása a humán melanoma malignum progressziójára SCID egerekbenThe Effect of Histamine Antagonists on Human Melanoma Malignum Progression in SCID Mice Szincsák, Nóra 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.462083615466 Biology 0.313400977372 775447 Hisztopatológiai és molekuláris patológiai prognosztikai faktorok vizsgálata béltumorokbanInvestigation of certain histopathological and molecular prognostic factors in intestinal tumors Tóth, László 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.904093508349 Biology 0.0284002670888 594539 Honvéd ejtőernyősökA csapatnem kialakulása és harcai 1938-1945 közöttHonvéd paratroopers: Evolution and Combat History of the Parachute Battalion Between 1938-1945 Reszegi, Zsolt 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.418995347429 Medicine 0.122660968416 158308 Horatius vini somnique benignusHoratius vini somnique benignus Kőrizs, Imre 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.212428432105 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.156247603985 157843 Húgyhólyag kontraktilitás szabályozása egészséges és kóros körülmények közöttRegulation of the Contractility of the Urinary Bladder Under Healthy and Diseased Condition Széll, Enikő Ágnes 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.52385511814 Biology 0.277132537634 663536 Hulladékból összeállított komposztok degradációs folyamatainak nyomon követéseExamination of degradation processes of composts based on various wates Hunyadi, Gergely 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.324287229598 Agriculture 0.313946648983 162284 Hulladéklerakók mikrobiológiai szempontú jellemzéseMicrobiological examination of dump sites Lisóczkiné Halász, Judit 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.640399666187 Biology 0.216303894162 161803 Hulladéklerakók mikrobiológiai szempontú jellemzéseMicrobiological examination of dump sites Lisóczkiné Halász, Judit 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.640399666187 Biology 0.216303894162 157866 Humán Immundeficiencia vírus 1. típusa és a humán herpeszvírus 6 kölcsönhatásának in vitro vizsgálataIn vitro Study of the Interaction between Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Human Herpesvirus 6 Csoma, Eszter 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.597999409565 Medicine 0.274260009523 158532 Humán papillomavírus DNS vizsgálata fej-nyaki epithelialis tumorokbanInvestigation of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Head and Neck Epithelial Tumours Major, Tamás 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.883866370357 Mathematics 0.0175190272957 748250 Humán papillomavírus fertőzés hatása az epigenetikai és jelátviteli szabályozó folyamatokra keratinocitákbanEffect of human papillomavirus infection on epigenetic regulatory mechanisms and sigal transduction in keratinocytes Szalmás, Anita 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.645343746874 Medicine 0.263669736012 853800 Humán paraoxonáz-1 és adipokinek gyermekkori elhízásban és életmód-változás soránHuman paraoxonase-1 and adipokines in childhood obesity and lifestyle changes Koncsos, Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.645917835903 Biology 0.161150309155 157870 Humán porc proteoglikán aggrekán arthritis indukcióban betöltött szerepének vizsgálata HLA-humanizált egerekbenThe Role of Human Cartilage Proteologycan Aggrecan in Induction of Arthritis in HLA-humanized Mice Szántó, Sándor 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.674548163383 Medicine 0.206033695403 962883 Венгерские мотивы в литературно-философском творчестве Григория Саввича СковородыHungarian motives in the literary and philosophical works of Grigory Savvich Skovoroda Vagyim Olegovics, Vozdvizsenszkij 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.58612786561 History 0.104087239598 158350 A magyar református hitmélyítő irodalom Debrecenben (1660-1711)Hungarian Reformed Devotional Literature in Debrecen (1657-1711) Csorba, Dávid 2005 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.387019719815 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.237455873489 158352 Ungarische Stundenten und ihre Übersetzungen aus dem Niederlendischen ins Ungarische in der frühen NeuzeitMagyar peregrinusok hollandról magyarra fordított munkái a kora újkorbanHungarian students and their translations from Dutch into Hungarian in the 17th and 18th centuries Eredics, Péter 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.658007867692 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0669610364175 749346 Hungarians in Cleveland 1951-2011: Then and NowClevelandben élő magyarok 1951-2011: akkor és most Szentkirályi, Endre 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.234115300164 Biology 0.192951938032 157784 Ungarn – das gesegneteste Land Europas. Das Ungarnbild der niederländischen Reisebeschreibungen in der Periode 1555-1774.Eine vergleichende Analyse im Spiegel der rhetorisch-apodemischen Traditionen dargestellt an Werken der niederländischen, deutschen und englischen ReisebeschreibungenHungary –„the most blessed” country of Europe. The image of Hungary in Dutch travelogues from 1555 to 1774. A comparative analysis of Dutch, German and English travelogues in the light of rhetoric-apodemic traditions. Ablonczyné Nádor, Zsuzsa 2005 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.423365740628 Linguistics 0.200404574742 158316 Im Spannungsfeld von Klio und Kalliope – Der Schuhmeier-Roman von Robert AscherKlió és Kalliopé vonzásában - Robert Ascher Schuhmeier-regénye Gröller, Harald 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.498284145862 History 0.104468075431 220421 Imidazoltartalmú monohidroxámsavak oldatbeli kölcsönhatása Cu2+-, Ni2+- és Zn2+-ionokkalInteraction Between Imidazole Containing Monohydroxamic Acids and Cu2+-, Ni2+- and Zn2+- Ions in Solution Csapó, Edit 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.82007041457 Agriculture 0.0331442121304 157836 Immuncitokémiai, immunhisztokémiai és morfológiai vizsgálatok alkalmazásával kapott eredmények és azok alkalmazhatósága különböző K+-csatorna-alegységek megoszlásának és potenciális jelentőségének tanulmányozásáraApplication of Immunocytochemical, Immunohistochemical and Morphological Methods for the Investigation of the Distribution and Potential Significance of Various K+ Channel Subunits Pocsai, Krisztina 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.711352642261 Industrial-Engineering 0.0682175440635 392269 Impulzus alapú Barkhausen-zaj vizsgálat szerkezeti acélokonImpulse based Barkhausen-noise investigation on structural steels Bükki-Deme, András 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.690904962939 Physics 0.10331951257 158589 A megigazulás tana és a posztmodernitásImpulzusok a nyilvános teológia számáraThe Doctrine of Justification and Postmodernity Borsi, Attila János 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.343917318668 Philosophy 0.267088346024 157803 In vitro gyógyszerérzékenységi vizsgálat az individualizált daganatellenes kemoterápiábanIn Vitro Drug Sensitivity Test in the Individualized Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy Márkász, László 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.506937819278 Biology 0.380887278415 157849 IN VIVO, IN VITRO környezeti tényezők hatásának vizsgálata főbb termesztett növényeink ivaros nemzedékének fejlődéséreEXAMINATION OF THE EFFECT OF IN VIVO AND IN VITRO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF Tímár, Ilona 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.193078401039 Biology 0.178927571376 158547 In-reactor Thermal Behaviour of Nuclear FuelsNukleáris fűtőanyagok reaktorbeli hőtani viselkedése Fayl, Gilbert 2000 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.715697587297 History 0.0700258774499 749786 Individual variation of behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus): causes and consequencesA viselkedés egyedi változatossága a ver költ bodobácsnál (Pyrrhocoris apterus): okok és következmények Gyuris, Enikő 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.54934316062 Psychology 0.111112338759 749344 Individual variation of behaviour in firebugs (Pyrrhocoris apterus): causes and consequencesA viselkedés egyedi változatossága a verőköltő bodobácsnál (Pyrrhocoris apterus): okok és következmények Gyuris, Enikő 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.54934316062 Psychology 0.111112338759 603090 Inflammasome activation in human and mouse macrophages engulfing autophagic dying cellsInflammasome Activation in Human and Mouse Macrophages Engulfing Autophagic Dying Cells Ayna, Gizem 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.628554295876 Medicine 0.145051407504 464097 Influence of Tissue Transglutaminase and Adenosine / A2A Receptor on the Inflammatory Response of MacrophagesA szöveti transzglutamináz és az adenozin / A2A receptor szerepe a makrofágok gyulladási válaszában Köröskényi, Krisztina 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.716552400089 Biology 0.156972017441 158421 A kukoricahibridek herbicidérzékenysége a környezeti viszonyok függvényébenInfluence of Wheather on Sensitivity of Corn Cultivars to Herbicides Molnár, István 2002 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.87843190052 Medicine 0.0240655060066 284085 Infokommunikációs hálózatok QoS analíziseQoS analysis of the infocommunication networks Gál, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865658023185 Biology 0.0257100635814 157920 Információkeresés a weben és tanításaInformation Seeking on the Web and its Teaching Krauszné Princz, Mária 2006 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.261801688699 Education 0.175498568406 185279 Informatikai eszközök és rendszerek a húsipari termékpályák minőségbiztosításábanInformation Technology Tools and Systems in the Quality Assurance of Meat Product Chains Füzesi, István 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.70521721765 Industrial-Engineering 0.112905803428 401371 A szókezdő mássalhangzó-torlódások az ómagyar korbanA helynevek hangtörténeti forrásértékeInitial Consonant Clusters in the Old Hungarian Age Kenyhercz, Róbert 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.590251676019 Physics 0.120196925032 581378 Innovation Capacities And Knowledge Transfer Capability Building In European RegionsInnovációs Képességek És A Tudástranszfer Kiépítése Az Európai Régiókban Mikita, József Gábor 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.727908788941 Agriculture 0.0840809723869 190715 Gyümölcs- és zöldségszárítmányok minőségét be-folyásoló technológiai jellemzők vizsgálataInspection of the Technological Characteristics Influencing the Quality of Dried Fruits and Vegetables Antal, Tamás 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.470266297924 Biology 0.173769534711 460408 Inszerciós mutagenezis alkalmazása szterinlebontásért felelős mycobacterium gének megismerésébenApplication of Insertional Mutagenesis to Identify Genes Responsible for Sterol Degradation in Mycobacterium Andor, Attila 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.248919201582 Agriculture 0.182813216549 621641 Intenzív cseresznye művelési rendszerek hatásai a fajták vegetatív-és generatív teljesítményéreThe Examination of Sweet Cherries Vegetative and Generative Characteristics and the Cultivation Systems Vaszily, Barbara 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.737437278815 Biology 0.0571926440639 157857 Interferon-alfa alkalmazása gyermekonkológiábanInterferon-alpha in Pediatric Oncology Szegedi, István 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.887328232578 Biology 0.0547969623879 159137 Intergenerációs spirálok szerepe az antenatális depresszió létrejöttébenRole of Intergenerational Spirals in Antenatal Depression Szemán-Nagy, Anita 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.86117638613 Medicine 0.0614162606046 774199 Internethasználat és elektronikus kommunikáció a Debreceni Egyetem tanár szakos hallgatói körébenThe use of the Internet and electronic communication among the teacher-trainees at the University of Debrecen Herczegh, Judit 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.29703137865 Economics 0.19951439111 392270 Diffúzió és diffúzió kontrollált jelenségek vizsgálata fém/félvezető nanorétegekben SNMS technikávalInvestigation of diffusion and diffusion controlled processes in metal/semiconductor nanolayers by SNMS technique Lakatos, Ákos 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.496167076405 Earth sciences 0.169978695063 193254 Idiopathiás inflammatorikus myopathiák tanulmányozása a klinikoszerológiai klasszifikáció tükrébenInvestigation of Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies, Relevance of New Clinicoserological Results Váncsa, Andrea 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.926034796049 Biology 0.0102730077238 587377 Az immunregulációs zavarok vizsgálata szisztémás autoimmun kórképekbenInvestigation of Immunoregulatory Disorders in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Papp, Gábor 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.81602097583 Biology 0.115561370526 430327 A Penicillium chrysogenum által termelt kis molekulatömegű antifungális fehérje (PAF) élettani szerepének a felderítéseInvestigation of the physiological function of the Penicillium chrysogenum antifungal protein (PAF) Hegedűs, Nikoletta 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.569345193971 Agriculture 0.176408841457 855974 A nitrogén monoxid szerepének tanulmányozása az inzulinrezisztencia kialakulásábanInvestigation of the role of nitric oxide in the development of insulin resistance Bajza, Ágnes 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.485442685022 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.158872268156 571470 A Schizosaccharomyces japonicus sejtszeparációban résztvevő génjeinek vizsgálataInvestigation of the Schizosaccharomyces japonicus genes which play roles in cell separation Balázs, Anita 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.822242364563 Medicine 0.102028693221 430556 Investigations of Nuclear Decay Half-lives Relevant to Nuclear AstrophysicsAtommagbomlások felezési idejének vizsgálata a nukleáris asztrofizika szempontjából Farkas, János 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.432904947737 History 0.173813721983 158542 Ion beam based nuclear microanalysis of geological and archeological objectsGeológiai és archaeológiai objektumok ion-nyaláb mikroanalízise Elekes, Zoltán 2001 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.14344901866 History 0.134017905485 392797 Ion Channels in Native Environment: Characterization of Ion Channels in Dendritic and Endothelial CellsIoncsatornák természetes környezetben: dendritikus sejtek és endotélsejtek ioncsatornáinak karakterizálása Zsiros, Emese 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.748534619056 Medicine 0.170987303888 158541 Ion-atom ütközésekben keltett Ar L-MM és Ne K-LL Auger-elektronok szögeloszlásaAngular distribution of Ar L-MM and Ne K-LL Auger-electrons Tóth, László 2006 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.50778055522 Biology 0.0882771405453 662758 Ipari hulladékok növényfiziológiai vizsgálataPlant Physiological Examination of Industrial Wastes Tóth, Brigitta 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.8675840637 Industrial-Engineering 0.0837508789476 870946 Lehetséges-e a politikai közösség igazságos újraalkotása?Erkölcsi érvelés a demokratikus politikábanIs it Possible to Reconstitute the Political Community Justly? Moral Reasoning in Democratic Politics Rácz, Sándor 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.516197460245 Philosophy 0.280702015945 157648 Szisztémás autoimmun kórképek egyes szervi manifesztációinak izotópdiagnosztikai vizsgálataIsotope Diagnostic Evaluation of Certain Organ Manifestations of Systemic Autoimmune Disorders Gaál, János 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.939484242413 Industrial-Engineering 0.00909771449172 157610 Iszkémia/reperfúzió indukálta károsodások farmakológiai befolyásolási lehetőségeidoktori (Ph.D.) értekezésIschemia / Reperfusion Induced - Injury: Control and Mechanisms in the Myocardium Bak, István 2003 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.606848243532 Biology 0.282722385844 497367 Ízlés vagy sodródás? Összefüggések a romániai magyar középiskolások zenei ízlése, zenével kapcsolatos magatartása és értékrendje, kulturális fogyasztása közöttTaste or drifting? Connections between the musical taste, the music-related behavior and values, Hausmann, Alice 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.511761267672 Education 0.426905529086 158331 Székely JánosJános Székely Elek, Tibor 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.409086237258 Linguistics 0.249429177169 825394 Jausz Béla a pedagógus professzorAz 1919–1959 közötti szakmai életút elemzéseBéla Jausz, the Teacher Professor. The analysis of the professional career between 1919–1959 Vargáné Nagy, Anikó 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.808626844678 History 0.0436695737707 354555 Jelátviteli fehérjék expressziójának tranziens transzfekcióval történő módosítása és annak hatásai primer kondrogenikus sejtkultúrábanOptimized transient transfection: an approach to explore the function of signalling proteins regulating chondrogenesis in micromass cell cultures Juhász, Tamás 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.521739176422 Chemistry 0.116687129237 157889 Jelátviteli mechanizmusok szerepe a bőr biológiai folyamatainak szabályozásábanRole of the signalling Mechanisms in the Regulation of the Biological Processes of the Skin Telek, Andrea 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.834819890429 Law 0.0200526957201 158354 Káin nyelve, Ábel szótlansága - Vallási és esztétikai tapasztalatok összjátéka Ady Endre költészetébenThe interaction of religious and aesthetic experience in the lyrics at the turn of the century, in the oeuvres of Rainer Maria Rilke and Endre Ady Takács, Miklós 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.629171249233 Linguistics 0.299863630324 670240 Kakukk parazitizmus nádirigón: koevolúciós adaptációs mechanizmusokCommon Cuckoo Parasitism on the Great Reed Warbler: Mechanisms of Coevolutionary Adaptation Bán, Miklós 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.166185242567 Biology 0.146704818648 178345 Káliumáramok szerepe kutya bal kamrai szívizomsejtek repolarizációjábanRole of Potassium Currents in the Repolarization of Canine Left Venticular Cardiomyocytes Horváth, Balázs 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.312079007503 Biology 0.240937039392 157956 Karakterábrázolás Kharitón Kalliroé című regényébenCharacter Portrayal in Chariton s Callirhoe Orosz, Ágnes 2005 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.450569103379 Linguistics 0.314493602769 158358 Karrierek, konfliktusok, hétköznapokEgy redemptus família élete 1745-1867Careers, conflicts, everydays. The life of a family from Great-Cumania (1745—1867) Pozsonyi, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.55119191929 Visual arts 0.0826607883959 158247 Karrierek, konfliktusok, mindennapokEgy nagykun família élete (1745–1867)Careers, Conflicts, Everydays. The Life Of A Family From Great-Cumania (1745—1867) Pozsonyi, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.55119191929 Visual arts 0.0826607883959 401110 Karrierutak és iskolateremtés a XX. század első felének magyar neveléstudományábanMitrovics Gyula pályájának és szakmai műhelyének kvalifikációtörténeti nézőpontú bemutatásaCarreer paths and school establishment in the first half of the 20th century Hungarian pedagogy. Introduction of Gyula Mitrovics’s lifework and academic workshop from a qualification history research aspect. Vincze, Tamás 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.71931531105 History 0.0905940752042 178619 Katalitikusan aktív Ru(II)-hidridek vizsgálata vizes oldatokbanCatalitically active Ru(II)-hydrides in aqueous solutions Papp, Gábor 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.835495494103 Biology 0.0332665788253 158154 Kationizáció vizsgálata MALDI körülmények közöttInvestigation of cationization under MALDI conditions Szilágyi, László 2004 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.150493343807 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.143842174029 158436 Kausalkonjunktionen im deutschen und im niederländischenKontrastiv-korpuslinguistische untersuchungen und sprachtypologisch-methodologische überlegungen zum problem der rückwärts kausalen konjunktionenKauzális kötőszók a német és a holland nyelvben. Kontrasztív-korpusznyelvészeti vizsgálódások és nyelvtipológiai-metodológiai adalékok a visszafelé ható oksági kötőszók kutatásához Kántor-Faragó, Márta 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.834026179417 Biology 0.0305397548173 345249 Kazinczy Ferenc művei. Pályám emlékezete (kritikai kiadás)Kazinczy Ferenc művei, Pályám emlékezete, Critical edition Orbán, László 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.82228243481 Biology 0.0329596164658 872506 Kerekesféreg (Rotifera) együttesek faunisztikai és ökológiai vizsgálata a Kárpát-medence időszakos szikeseinFaunistical and ecological study of rotifers of intermittent soda pans in the Carpathian Basin Tóth, Adrienn 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.767183395843 Medicine 0.0391240255534 157960 Keresztnevek jelentésváltozásaEgy tulajdonnévtípus közszóvá válásának modelljeSemantic Change of Given Names. Model of the apellativisation of a proper name type Takács, Judit 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.546960056256 Biology 0.0894528791261 157799 Dual-Agonist Activated Platelets: An Emerging Component of the Primary Hemostatic ResponseKét agonistával egyszerre aktivált vérlemezkék: A primér hemosztázis újabb elemei Batár, Péter 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.702668684212 Medicine 0.134119868205 860216 Két középvárosi vonzáskörzet (karlsruhe és debrecen) közlekedési modelljeinek értékeléseEvaluation of the Transport Models in Two Middle City Catchment Areas (Karlsruhe And Debrecen) Bói, Loránd 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.359224257317 Civil-Engineering 0.285791742758 179753 Két mátraalji település – Detk és Ludas – gazdasága, társadalma és annak változásai a 20. századbanLifestyle and Farmland in Two Matra-region Settlements Szabó, Zsuzsanna 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.357603117045 Classical-Languages 0.130396867289 182373 On the equality and invariance problem of two variable means and perturbation of monotonic functionsKétváltozós közepek egyenlőségi és invariancia problémájáról és monoton függvények perturbációjáról Makó, Zita 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.245443044656 Economics 0.154848242632 579398 Invariance equations for two-variable meansKétváltozós közepekre vonatkozó invariancia egyenletek Baják, Szabolcs 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.761526187507 Physics 0.0798367578693 792523 Kinetic analysis of retroviral proteasesRetrovirális proteázok kinetikai vizsgálata Eizert (Rosmann), Helga 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.274827980988 Agriculture 0.214086101823 158274 Kis- középvállalkozások számítógépes információs rendszereeinek funkcionlis, hatékonysági és gazdasági elemzéseFuncitonal. Efficiency And Economic Assessments Of Computerised Information Systems At Small And Medium Sized Enterprises Rózsa, Tünde 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.452806985709 Law 0.0957196382338 157864 Kísérletes adatok a humán uveális melanoma kezeléséhezExperimental Data for Therapy of Human Uveal Melanoma Kemény-Beke, Ádám 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.577873034638 Biology 0.136252647459 157818 Kísérletes és klinikai adatok az ileocoecalis junctio gyermeksebészeti vonatkozásaihozExperimental and Clinical Data to the Surgery of the Ileocaecal Junction in Childhood Cserni, Tamás 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.455351203769 Industrial-Engineering 0.0845525651713 383752 Kísérletes művi arterio-venosus shunt-ök morphologiai és véráramlástani vizsgálataiMorphological and hemorheological examinations of experimental artificial arterio-venous shunts Hevér, Tímea 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.337890256899 Medicine 0.313299153633 158418 Kísérleti területek egyenletes tápanyag kijuttatásának műszaki feltételeiTechnical Conditions of Even Fertilizer Distribution on Experimental Plots Hagymássy, Zoltán 2004 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.697745166802 Industrial-Engineering 0.0648471610287 158020 Kísérleti területek egyenletes tápanyag kijuttatásának műszaki feltételeiTechnical Conditions of Even Fertilizer Distribution on Experimental Plots Hagymásy, Zoltán 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 186258 Kisvárosi felsőoktatási intézmények lokális hatásrendszere az AlföldönLocal Impacts of Higher Education Institutions in the Great Hungarian Plain Petrás, Ede 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.498539600205 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.243807483329 157781 Klinikai és laboratóriumi vizsgálatok atopiás ekzema/dermatitis szindrómás Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyei gyermekek körébenClinical and Laboratory Investigations in Case of Children Suffering from Atopic Eczema/Dermatitis Syndrome and Living in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Szakos, Erzsébet 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.252491234338 Medicine 0.148963806882 159972 Klinikai megfigyelések szisztémás sclerosisbanClinical Observation in Systemic Sclerosis Szamosi, Szilvia 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.936336553326 Biology 0.0233851942665 450517 Kluyveromyces marxianus éleszti törzsek fejlesztése bioetanol termelés céljábólImprovement of Kluyveromyces Marxianus Yeast Strains for Bioethanol Production Varga, Erdei Éva 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.742332042487 Industrial-Engineering 0.0614499693177 301596 Kockázatkiigazítás az egészségügyi források allokációjánál Magyarországon - a fejkvóta alapú forrásallokációs formula fejlesztéseRisk Adjustment for the Allocation of Health Care Resources in Hungary - Development of the Capitation Payment Formula - Nagy, Balázs 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.354663356493 Medicine 0.239944098956 159847 Kockázatkiigazítás az egészségügyi források allokációjánál Magyarországona fejkvóta alapú forrásallokációs formula fejlesztéseRisk Adjustment for the Allocation of Health Care Resources in Hungary - Development of the Capitation Payment Formula - Nagy, Balázs 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.290244534981 Economics 0.14252753201 752148 Kódok felbonthatóságaDecipherability of Codes Falucskai, János 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.358533372528 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.256839963417 344903 Kolinerg moduláció vizsgálata patkány nucleus cochlearis óriássejtjein és astrocytáinStudying the Effects of the Cholinergic Modulation on Giant Cells and Astrocytes of the Rat Cochlear Nucleus Pap, Pál 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.759371620817 Chemistry 0.0540643688447 456659 Kollaboratív e-learning menedzsment rendszerek bevezetése, elemzése az agrárképzésekben és szerepük a humánerőforrás fejlesztésbenImplemeting and Analysing the Collaborative E-Learning Management Systems in the Agrarian Trainings and Their Rule in Human Resource Development Lengyel, Péter 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.629677793041 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.247710298028 157632 Költségelemzés az intenzív osztályonegyetemi doktori (Ph.D.) értekezésCost Analysis of Intensive Care Csomós, Ákos 2005 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.563579419558 Economics 0.257879399004 256943 Kombinatorikus számok általánosításárólOn the Generalization of Combinatorial Numbers Mező, István 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.649510649763 Statistics 0.0727960596887 157874 Kompetencia elvárások vizsgálata,különös tekintettel az idegennyelvtudásra az észak-alföldi régióbanExamination Of Competency Requirementswith Special Attention To Foreign Languageskills In The North Great Plain Region Hajdú, Zita 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.601869483958 Linguistics 0.170820185643 872671 Komposztkezelések hatása az almafák (Malus domestica Borkh.) vegetatív és generatív teljesítményéreThe effect of compost treatments on the vegetative and generative performance of apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) Szabó, Anita 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.859390747116 Industrial-Engineering 0.0322801427237 257303 Koordinátageometriai módszerek összehasonlító elemzése és különböző szintű alkalmazásaikComparative Analysis of Coordinate Geometry Methods and its Applications Kiss, Sándor 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.792673772943 Industrial-Engineering 0.0671876216147 161327 Korai ómagyar kori folyóvíznevekRiver Names in the Early Old Hungarian Period Győrffy, Erzsébet 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.228843995541 Philosophy 0.0890594828526 157795 Környezetbarát, kombinált tavi haltermelő rendszerek fejlesztéseDevelopment of environmental friendly combined pond fish production technologies Gál, Dénes 2006 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.5750469173 Biology 0.161912994672 906011 Környezetföldrajzi vizsgálatok BeregszászbanEnvironmental geographical research in Berehove Vintse, Timeo 2014 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.333776940878 Civil-Engineering 0.222825294424 401006 Atommagfizika az oktatásbanKörnyezeti radioaktivitás vizsgálata és szemléltetéseNuclear Physics in Education Győrfi, Tamás 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.655944186967 Earth sciences 0.0887149896103 580268 Környezeti tényezők szerepe növényvédő szerek fotokatalizált degradációjábanEffects of Environmental Factors on the Photocatalytic Degradation of Pesticides Virág, Diána 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.849891396927 Chemistry 0.0906375235563 158280 Környezettudatosság és a támogatások szerepe az ökológiai gazdálkodást folytató egyéni gazdaságokbanEnvironmental Conscinousness And The Role Of Subsidies In Private Farms Carrying Out Organic Farming Kormosné Koch, Krisztina 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.898837378235 Economics 0.0435647337144 283073 Korszerű információtechnológiai módszerek bevezetése a mesterséges intelligencia oktatásábaIntroduction of Modern Information Technology Methods to the Teaching of Artificial Intelligence Kósa, Márk 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.449433498664 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.342084942376 662192 Középértékeket tartalmazó függvényegyenletekFunctional equations containing means Vinczéné Varga, Adrienn 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.394599301708 Chemistry 0.0858711860168 600069 Kriptográfiai hash függvények és álvéletlenszám generátorokCryptographical Hash Functions and Pseudorandom Number Generators Folláth, János 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.247034687053 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.149893128319 698486 Critique et Méthode chez FoucaultKritika és módszer Foucault-nál Berkovics, Balázs 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.780249727871 Law 0.0594315185646 158371 Krómterhelés és krómszennyezés vizsgálata talaj-növény rendszerbenLoading and testing of chromium contamination in a soil-plant system Szegvári, Ildikó 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.580897006073 Chemistry 0.0860795431498 709975 Kukorica és napraforgó hibridek kadmium érzékenysége, a káros hatások mérséklésének lehetőségeCadmium Sensitivity of Maize and Sunflower Hybrids, the Possibility of Reducing the Harmful Effects Gajdos, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.468323083685 Biology 0.325121086561 220437 Kukorica kultúrában alkalmazott herbicidek hatása a talaj mikrobiológiai aktivitásáraEffect of Herbicides Used in Maize Culture on Soil Microbiological Activity Sándor, Zsolt 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.745855647923 Biology 0.134750570324 158068 Kukorica transzgresszív mutánsok kiválogatása diallél analízisselSelection of Transgressive Mutants of Zea Mays L. by Diallel Analysis Tóth, Szilárd 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 963209 Kukoricaállományok energetikai és párolgási viszonyainak vizsgálataAssessment of the Energetics and Evapotranspiration of Maize Stands Rácz, Csaba 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.823723974809 Medicine 0.053377846258 328426 Különböző eredetű mézek összehasonlító vizsgálata és a gyártmánykialakítás hatása a minőségreComparative study of honeys with different origin, the effect of production-forming on the quality Czipa, Nikolett 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.709216780612 Biology 0.053423694135 822780 Különböző lélegeztetési stratégiák patofiziológiai jellemzőinek vizsgálata egytüdős lélegeztetés soránAssesment of pathophysiological characteristics of different ventilatory strategies in thoracic anesthesia Végh, Tamás 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.438704834434 Biology 0.250353051137 157877 Különböző növekedési erélyű alanyok hatása az alma termés-önszabályozásáraCrop Autoregulation Of Apple On Different Growth Inducing Rootstocks Racskó, József 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.585597574638 Biology 0.3217692994 158384 Különböző szerves hulladékok és kezelésük után keletkezett termékek kémiai vizsgálataChemical examination of various organic wastes and the products formed after their treatment Simándi, Péter 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.463065232292 Medicine 0.0898386641609 594541 Kulturális fesztiválok mint a művelődés új formáiFestivals as New Form of Culture Szabó, János Zoltán 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Anthropology 0.749214553916 Economics 0.0349637221394 390519 Kvantitatív EEG vizsgálatok epilepsziás betegekenQuantitative EEG analyses in epilepsy patients Puskás, Szilvia 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.552362729139 Medicine 0.21504347827 459968 A zsidók áttérése Magyarországon a reformkor és az első világháború kitörése közöttLa conversion des Juifs en Hongrie depuis l’ère des réformes jusqu’au déclenchement de la Première Guerre mondiale Konrád, Miklós 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.602297714407 Biology 0.0700208368381 501409 Laboratóriumi állatok micro-rheologiai tulajdonságainak összehasonlító standardizációs vizsgálatai kísérletes sebészeti kutatásokhozComparative standardizing investigation of laboratory animals’ micro-rheological properties for experimental surgical research studies Kiss, Ferenc 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.448541750602 Veterinary 0.309511554081 158348 Fülep Lajos az 1918-1919-es forradalmakbanLajos Fülep in the revolutions of 1918-1919 Babus, Antal 2002 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.295729821007 Medicine 0.14874618726 740222 Land use changes during the last 200 years and land use effects on habitats and ground beetlesKultúrtáj változása és a környezeti változók hatása futóbogarakra Varga, Katalin 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.683752455299 Biology 0.270589559603 905828 Le conte oriental en France, de Galland à Nerval : inventions d’un genreA keleti mese Franciaországban Antoine Galland-tól Gérard de Nervalig: egy műfaj születése és átalakulása Farkas, Enikő 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.674822487935 Linguistics 0.174851797788 204103 Franciaország alkotmányos rendje és politikai intézményeiLe système constitutionnel de la Ve République Ádám, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.168654012875 Law 0.16577125538 157968 Learner Strategies of Hungarian Secondary Grammar School StudentsGimnáziumi tanulók tanulási stratégiái Mónos, Katalin 2001 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.619629422084 Education 0.220580173691 158328 Lev Sesztov művei a személyes metafizika szemszögébőlLev Shestovs works from the point of view of personal Krepler, Erzsébet 2003 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.511417689467 Linguistics 0.314613445035 158323 Li Biaus Descouneüs et Lybeaus Desconues. Étude comparative d'un roman et d'un romance arthuriensLi Biaus Descouneus et Lybeaus Desconues. Étude comparative d'un roman et d'un romance arthuriensLi Biaus Descouneus és Lybeaus Desconues. Egy regény és egy verses elbeszélés összehasonlító elemzése Perjés, Eszter 2002 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.460042306827 Linguistics 0.383936039762 463740 Életmód a Diósgyőr-vasgyári kolóniábanNéprajzi-antropológiai tanulmányLife in the iron-worker colony of Diósgyőr. Ethnographical – anthropological study Dobák, Judit 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.584077347877 History 0.18722997867 954849 Life Satisfaction and the Cyclical Component of GDPLife Satisfaction and the Cyclical Component of GDP Wiese, Thomas 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.793419571875 Agriculture 0.0485116520162 259260 Lipid Signaling and Inflammation in Macrophages and Dendritic CellsRole of Liver X Receptor in Dendritic Cell Biology- Törőcsik, Dániel 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.601939913528 Biology 0.321234499999 157847 Livius 5. és 6. könyvének Camillus ábrázolása. Értékek, történelem, politika.The Image of Camillus in Livy’ Book 5 and 6. Values, history, politics. Takács, Levente 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Classical-Languages 0.321967991237 Medicine 0.100744438391 184166 Logic Metaprogramming Framework for JavaLogikai metaprogramozási keretrendszer Javához Espák, Miklós 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.399554968363 Biology 0.0888852553937 158277 Logikai és nyelvfilozófiai problémák a Logikai-filozófiai értekezésbenProblems Concerning Logic and the Philosophy of Language in the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Mekis, Péter 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.745106264126 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0385803527468 158415 A szekunder biomasszára alapozott biogáztermelés logisztikája és hatékonysági kérdéseiLogistics and Efficiency Issues of Biogas Production Based on Secondary Biomass Szendrei, János 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.747300804129 Industrial-Engineering 0.113599820887 596302 Lycopene Induces Retinoic Acid Receptor Transcriptional Activation in MiceLikopin indukálta retinsav receptor aktiváció egérben Aydemir, Gamze 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.702527698853 Medicine 0.15356164925 388620 MACROBIUS ÉS A SARKALATOS ERÉNYEKMACROBIUS AND THE CARDINAL VIRTUES Tóth, Orsolya 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Classical-Languages 0.191826052178 Law 0.180816199279 159217 Magasabb rendű folyamatok foton- és töltött részecske-atom ütközésekbenHigher-order Processes in Photon- and Charged Particle-atom Ricsóka, Tícia 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.689170665844 Industrial-Engineering 0.0748253985752 853330 Magyarországi borok Krakkó piacán a 16. század végén (1589–1600)Vinkler, Bálint: Hungarian wines on Cracow’s market at the end of the 16th century (1589–1600) Vinkler, Bálint 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.874407349688 Medicine 0.0270068928781 390516 Mai lengyel drámairodalom 1990-től 2005-igContemporary Polish Drama (1990–2005) Pászt, Patrícia 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.645935951295 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.122619940715 768722 Hidroxámsav alapú sziderofórok és modelljeik mangán- és kobaltkomplexeiManganese and Cobalt Complexes of Hydroxamic Acid Based Siderophores and their Models Szabó, Orsolya 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.843304952861 Biology 0.0583134842723 590958 A diplomás képzés tömegesedésének munkapiaci következményeiMass tertiary education and its effect on the labor market Kotsis, Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.788970344221 Education 0.0570254957947 158272 Meaning and Modality by Carnap and KripkeZnacenje i modalnost kod Karnapa i Kripkea Zecevic, Svetlana 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.799334631873 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0784569832702 157872 Mediativitás, médiumidentitás, "képregény"Mediativity, medium identity, “comic” Maksa, Gyula 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.235667746991 Linguistics 0.169539455391 851670 Mediátorok vizsgálata keratoconusos betegek könnyébenMediators in the tears of keratoconic patients Kolozsvári, Bence Lajos 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.835488241508 Veterinary 0.036017218952 792524 Preserver problems on structures of positive operatorsMegőrzési problémák pozitív operátorok struktúráin Nagy, Gergő 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.72266768456 Economics 0.0639119978364 157876 Megújulás vagy csendes vegetálás? Az észak-alföldi kisvárosok feldolgozóipara az ezredfordulónReform Or Quiet Vegetating? Manufacturing Industry In The Small Towns Of The Northern Great Plain Region At The Turn Of The Millennium Molnár, Ernő 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.471945488033 Classical-Languages 0.266478712453 398118 Megváltozott állami szerepvállalás az uniós tagállamok kultúrafinanszírozásábanThe transformation of the role of the state in the cultural financing of the European Union's member states Tóth, Ákos 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.502743208746 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.279678268839 157903 Melanoma progresszióval összefüggő genetikai és génexpressziós változásokGenetic and Gene Expression Alterations During the Melanoma Progression Rákosy, Zsuzsa 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.6368230703 Biology 0.324789176445 157842 Mérföldkövek a cataracta sebészetben? Phacoemulsificatio a folyadék mozgási energiájának felhasználásával és az accomodatio pótlása pseudophakiás betegekenMilestones in Cataract Surgery? Phacoemulsification Using the Kinetic Energy of the Fluid and Restore the Accomodation in Pseudophakic Patients Tsorbatzoglou, Alexis 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.504591496531 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0720422048036 820141 A helyi értékes számrendszerek oktatásának módszertani kérdéseiMethodological issues of teaching the topic of positional number systems Sitkuné Görömbei, Cecília 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.686580735147 Philosophy 0.0663713495328 591640 Methods to measure low cross sections for nuclear astrophysicsMérési módszerek asztrofizikailag jelentős magfizikai hatáskeresztmetszetek meghatározására Szücs, Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.796615562727 Biology 0.0507738711287 380595 Mezei verebek csapatos táplálkozásának vizsgálataSocial foraging in tree sparrows Mónus, Ferenc 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.706740117431 Veterinary 0.0877967497096 259692 Mezőgazdasági értékfolyamatok magyarországon és néhány eu tagállambanAgricultural Value Processes in Hungary and in Some Eu Member States Lámfalusi, Ibolya 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.534156263068 Agriculture 0.424199360282 179224 Mezőgazdasági földhasználat-változás elemzése eltérő adottságú területeken térinformatikai eszközökkelEvaluation of the Changes of Agricultural Land Use on Areas with Different Endowments Using Geographical Information System Tools Kovács, Kálmán 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.579659545807 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.232371214053 257791 Mezővédő erdősávok, fasorok jellemzése, ökológiai feltárása, kihatásaiCharacterization, Ecological Exploration and Impact of Agricultural Forest Belts and Hedges Szarvas, Péter 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.743081823405 Physics 0.0608967568171 158447 Hátrányos helyzetű csoportok a felnőttoktatásban: motivációk, esélyekMinority Groups In Higher Education: Motivations, Chances Pető, Ildikó 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.649751727458 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.259826596909 220436 Minőségfejlesztési lehetőségek az élelmiszerkereskedelembenPossibilities for Quality Development in Food Trade Hegedűs, László 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.647452128024 Law 0.1051886566 255552 Minőségirányítás és akkreditáció a felnőttképzésbenAz Észak-Alföldi intézmények eseteQuality Control and Accreditation in Adult EducationWith Especial Emphasis on Institutions in the North Great Plain Region Takács-Miklósi, Márta, dr. 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.788428515484 Economics 0.0570447877773 460410 Egy mezőváros céhes ipara a városi jegyzőkönyvek tükrébenMiskolc céhes ipartörténete (1861-1848)A guild’s trade of a rural town in the review of contemporary town records. Trading history of Miskolc Guilds (1761–1848) Spóner, Péter 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.148215714294 Economics 0.126030523864 158279 A vágócsirke vertikum modellezése és gazdasági elemzése egy, az észak-alföldi régióban működő integráció alapjánModelling And Economic Analysing The Broiler Product Chain Based On An Integration Operating In The North Great Plain Region Szőllősi, László 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.704445311058 Industrial-Engineering 0.16384596925 158340 Modern magyar dramatikus szövegmodellekModern dramatic hungarian Text patterns Nemes, Rita 2003 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.57979032871 Linguistics 0.0812900335137 389053 Modernizációs stratégiák és hagyományos kötődésekA társadalmi átmenet szimbolikus határhelyzetei egy moldvai csángó közösségben – egy lujzikalagori asszony példájaModernization Strategies and Traditional Ties: Symbolic Borderline Cases of Social Transition in a Csángó Community Located in Moldavia (through the Example of a Woman from the Settlement Lujzikalagor) Lajos, Veronika 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.674003680357 Anthropology 0.195768819855 157929 Módszerek és eszközök az informatikaoktatás hatékonyságának növeléséreMethods And Tools For Increasing Efficiency Of Teaching Informatics Kátai, Zoltán 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.636867130735 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.290522907765 157753 Molecular determinants of myofibrillar contractile function in the heartA myofibrilláris kontraktilis funkció molekuláris meghatározói a szívben Szilágyi, Szabolcs (orvos) 2005 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.84510182185 Medicine 0.0504375700014 157788 Saccharomyces cerevisiae és Saccharomyces uvarum interspecifikus fertilis hibridjének és néhány utódnemzedékének molekuláris genetikai vizsgálataMolecular Genetic Analysis of a Fertile Interspecific Hybrid Accharomyces Cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Uvarum and its Progenies Antunovics, Zsuzsa 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.487267291831 Medicine 0.079912044384 158249 Molecular interactions of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases - with an outlook on their therapeutic targeting Friedländer, Elza 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.609081060853 Physics 0.105871833905 741870 Molecular interactions of ErbB receptor tyrosine kinases and integrin β1: implications for tumor therapyErbB receptor tirozin kinázok és β1-integrin molekuláris kölcsönhatásai: tumor terápiás vonatkozások Petrás, Miklós 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.616323658163 Medicine 0.185124528366 772160 Molecular organization of the endocannabinoid system in the spinal dorsal horn of rodentsAz endokannabinoid rendszer molekuláris szerveződése rágcsálók gerincvelőjének felületes hátsó szarvában Hegyi, Zoltán 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.770229484218 Chemistry 0.0409415379754 859481 A vízszolgáltatások hatékonyságának javítása a Vízkeretirányelv egyes rendelkezései és a szennyező fizet elvének tükrébenMore efficient regulation of water services and the application of the polluter pays principle Belényesi, Pál 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.428510300566 Mathematics 0.13169188146 157919 Morfometriai és litológiai tényezők kapcsolatának kvantitatív vizsgálata a Bükkben és északi előterénQuantification Of Relationships Between Geomorphic And Lithological Parameters Representing Rock Resistivity (Erodibility) In N-Hungary Using Statistical Surface Analysis Demeter, Gábor 2008 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.692984807686 Civil-Engineering 0.16521654386 284597 Az egyensúlyozó rendszer agytörzsi neuronhálózatainak morfológiai vizsgálataMorphological Study on the Neuronal Networks Related to the Vestibular System in the Frog Deák, Ádám 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.549762057253 Physics 0.20268894754 157988 Mos és res publica, római történetírás és politikai gondolkodásMos and res publica. Roman Historiography and Political Thought Hegyi, W. György 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Classical-Languages 0.837279299684 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0510194230041 157943 Motívumok és témák a császárkori görög erotikus és mimétikus fiktív levélgyűjteményekbenMotives And Subjects In Fictitious Collections Of Erotic And Mimetic Letters Written In Imperial Greece Burai, Erzsébet 2008 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.758836952456 Medicine 0.0434443477051 157824 Műfaji párhuzamok a magyar és a koreai verses epikábanParallels in genre among Hungarian ballads and Korean narrative folk songs Lee, Sang Dong 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.304453943076 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.102831777325 157817 Multidrog rezisztenciát okozó P-glikoprotein kimutatása és funkciójának vizsgálata humán tumorból származó mintákbanQuantitative and functioanl analysis of MDR1/P-glycoprotein from human tumors Krasznai, Zoárd Tibor 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.515834431956 Biology 0.309991119925 158322 Federal Multicultural Policies and the Politics of Indigeneity in Canada and Australia between 1988-1992Multikulturalizmus és őslakó politika a Kanadai és Ausztrál államszövetségben 1988-1992 között Tóthné, Espák Gabriella 2003 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.458739908508 Law 0.397788259223 158281 Munkaérték preferenciák strukturális változásai a professzionalizáció mértékének és a képzés tartalmi változásainak tükrébenStructural Changes Of Work Value Preferences In Light Of Improvement Of Professionalization And Changes In Training Curriculum Kiss, János 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.802287267268 Linguistics 0.0481961192707 777832 Mutációs- és heterózis nemesítés alkalmazásával előállított silókukorica és cukorcirok genotípusok értékmérő jellegeinek vizsgálataInvestigation of the valuable parameters of silage maize and sweet sorghum genotypes produced by mutation and heterosis breeding, in terms of silage and bioethanol production Erdei, Éva 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.798898080633 Biology 0.0709561688566 158378 Műtrágyaszemcsék fizikai jellemzői és mozgásuk elemzésePHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FERTILIZER PARTICLES AND THEIR MOVEMENT ANALYSIS Battáné Gindert-Kele, Ágnes 2005 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.635688815736 Agriculture 0.206676888751 157637 Myeloprotective effects of rosiglitazone, an insulin sensitizer, on 5-fluorouracil-induced toxicitythesis for degree of doctor of philosophy : Ph.DAz inzulin érzékenyítő roziglitazon 5-fluorouracil okozta csontvelő toxicitást mérséklő, myeloprotectív hatása Djazayeri, Katayoun 2005 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.715035097252 Biology 0.0694295358567 158291 Myrmecophily of Maculinea Butterflies in the Carpathian Basin (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)A Maculinea boglárkalepkék mirmekofíliája a Kárpátmedencében (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Tartally, András 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.293434748323 Agriculture 0.213583486031 497366 Mythos Contra Factum, a posztmodern mítoszszövés hermeneutikájaMythos Contra Factum – Hermeneutical Analysis of Postmodern Myth-weaving Pávay, Tibor 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.331508651246 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.121205549998 827783 Nagy hőmérsékleten lejátszódó termikus folyamatok spektrometriás követéseStudy of High Temperature Thermal Processes with Spectrometric Methods Nagy, Dávid 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.50996315693 Chemistry 0.104312143225 698096 Experimental Investigations of High Energy Particle Collisions at LEP and LHCNagyenergiájú részecskeütközések kísérleti vizsgálata a LEP és az LHC gyorsítónál Ujvári, Balázs 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.915649990178 Medicine 0.0131282179341 158050 Nagyüzemi sertéstartás eredményességét meghatározó tényezők gazdasági elemzése az észak-alföldi régió néhány gazdaságábanAn Economic Analysis Of Factors Determining Efficiency In Selected Large-Scale Pig-Keeping Farms Of Hungary S Northern Great Plain Region Balogh, Péter 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 159136 A diffúziós aszimmetria hatásai nanoskálánNanoscale Effects Arising from the Diffusion Asymmetry Balogh, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.243449553239 Industrial-Engineering 0.106590013491 882403 Néptánc – Társastánc – Társadalmi viszonyokA társastáncok és a paraszti tánckultúra kapcsolatának vizsgálata a történeti Bihar példájánFolkDance – SocialDance - SocialConditions. The analysis of theinteractionbetweensocialdance and theruraldancecultureinthehistorical Bihar County Kavecsánszki, Máté 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.217082486556 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.183575871407 180698 Neural Networks in Ecological Data AnalysisNeurális hálózatok alkalmazása az ökológiai adatok értékelésében Várbíró Gábor 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.530722109215 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.1546470558 259561 Neutral Pion Production in High Energy Heavy Ion Collisions at the PHENIX ExperimentSemleges pionok keletkezése nagyenergiás nehézion-ütközésekben a PHENIX kísérletnél Tarján, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.766794141225 Agriculture 0.0570890853346 690088 Név és jog - a névviselés jogi szabályozásának fejlődéstörténete MagyarországonName and the Law - The history of the development of name-bearing regulation in Hungary Megyeri-Pálffi, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.243937262755 Biology 0.222482734916 401108 Az antitrombotikus hatású idraparinux pentaszacharid új szintézise és szulfonsav tartalmú analogonjainak előállításaNew synthesis of the anticoagulant pentasaccharide idraparinux and preparation of its analogues containing sulfonic acid moieties Herczeg, Mihály 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.749071378962 Biology 0.0602195304565 157840 Ni és Ge felületi rétegekből keltett K-Auger spektrumok elemzéseAnalysis of K-Auger spectra excited from surface layers of Ni and Ge Egri, Sándor 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.400537892239 Chemistry 0.27468910467 864388 Nonadiabatic Effects in Molecular Systems: Electronic Structure and Dynamical StudiesNemadiabatikus Tulajdonságok Molekuláris Rendszerekben: Elektronszerkezeti és Dinamikai Vizsgálatok Csehi, András 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.292998193453 Chemistry 0.27610403125 587357 Characterization of Normal and Pathological Patterns of Diffusion Anisotropy with Diffusion Tensor ImagingNormál és patológiás diffúziós anizotrópia mintázatok jellemzése diffúziós tenzor képalkotással Jakab, András 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.44371042184 Medicine 0.308820339998 277452 Növényi eredetű biológiailag aktív molekulastruktúrák hatásai iszkémia/reperfúzió-indukálta szívizom károsodásokkal szembenThe Possible Beneficial Effects of Different Plant Derived Biologically Active Compounds Against Ischemia/Reperfusion-Induced Injury Lekli, István 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.326170139893 Medicine 0.253863818098 158060 Növénytermesztési tényezők értékelése a ceres-maize 3.5 modellel talajművelési tartamkísérletbenEvaluation of Crop Production Parameters in a Long-term Tillage Experiment by Ceres Maize Simulation Model v. 3.5 Megyes, Attila 2001 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 220420 NPK tápanyagellátás, öntözés és vetésváltás hatása a Reseda kukorica hibrid termésére mészlepedékes csernozjom talajon a HajdúságbanThe Effects of NPK Fertilization, Irrigation and Crop Rotation on the Yield of the Maize Hybrid Reseda on Calcareous Chernozem Soil in the Hajdúság Region Vad, Attila 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.807406887072 Medicine 0.0416459539245 243758 Nyelvhatárok és kontaktzónák Északkelet-Magyarországon 1773 és 1910 közöttLanguage Borders and Contact Zones in North-East Hungary Between 1773 and 1910 Bagdi, Róbert 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.324273245254 History 0.159831882995 159526 Nyelvi érintkezés és a helynévrendszerek kölcsönhatásaLanguage Contacts and Interaction Between Toponyms Póczos, Rita 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.205196693642 Biology 0.136972348733 158307 Nyelvi kapcsolatok a globális kommunikáció korában: az angol és a nemzetközi szókölcsönzésLanguage Contacts in the Age of Global Communication: English and International Lexical Borrowing Hoffmann, Zsuzsa 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.634564127414 Economics 0.221949037969 584833 Thermodynamic, Kinetic and Relaxation Studies on Lanthanide Complexes of Open-chain and Macrocyclic LigandsNyílt láncú és makrociklusos ligandumokkal képzett lantanida(III) komplexek termodinamikai, kinetikai és relaxometriás vizsgálata Pálinkás, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.77378235053 Earth sciences 0.0634731604105 412769 O-Heterociklusos vegyületek szerkezetvizsgálata kiroptikai spektroszkópiávalStructure Study of O-heterocyclic Compounds by Chiroptical Spectroscopy Kerti, Gábor 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.839036325097 Biology 0.0448798684394 880763 Ökológiai és agrotechnikai tényezők hatásának összehasonlító vizsgálata eltérő fiziológiájú gabonanövényeknélA comparative study on the impacts of ecological and agrotechnical factors in cereals of different physiology Vári, Enikő 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.917025065688 Physics 0.0232362157439 753753 On approximately convex functionsA közelítőleg konvex függvényekről Makó, Judit 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.649493752256 Economics 0.0582726258378 289759 On the projective theory of sprays with applications to Finsler geometryA sprayk projektív elmélete és Finsler geometriai alkalmazásai Szilasi, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.60139319666 Biology 0.0842983806327 776563 Önreflexív alakzatok Krúdy Gyula prózájábanSelf-reflexion in Gyula Krúdy’s prose Fleisz, Katalin 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.415310690178 Linguistics 0.164577223112 587370 Computational methods for optimization problemsOptimalizációs feladatok számítógépes feldolgozása Bekéné Rácz, Anett 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.589685028502 Industrial-Engineering 0.279558289255 741872 Optimizing fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurementsFluoreszcencia rezonancia energiatranszfer mérések optimalizálása Fábián, Ákos 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.307157565578 Biology 0.228610617808 428009 Mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari biogáz-termelés optimalizálásaOptimizing the Agricultural and Food Industrial Biogas Production Mézes, Lili 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.426307552413 Industrial-Engineering 0.171462394649 811114 Orthogonal systems on local fieldsOrtogonális rendszerek lokális testeken Simon, Ilona 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.136520883676 Biology 0.133129567489 460409 Oswald Spengler filozófiája és a dinamikus jogszemléletThe Philosophy of Oswald Spengler and the Dynamic Conception of Law Novák, Zoltán Sebestyén 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.698704058488 Law 0.0734043718504 822781 Eredményeink az ectatikus corneabetegségekben és a refraktív sebészetben használt modern diagnosztikus és terápiás módszerekkel.Our results with modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods in ectatic corneal diseases and in refractive surgery. Hassan, Ziad 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.796737026522 Biology 0.0305307031519 160387 Oxidatív stressz toleráns Candida albicans mutánsok morfológiai és élettani vizsgálataPhysiological and Morphological Characterization of Tert-butylhydroperoxide Tolerant Candida Albicans Mutants Fekete, Andrea 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.82681999378 Agriculture 0.0498065413554 308934 Paolo Segneri (1624–1694) és magyarországi recepciójaPaolo Segneri (1624–1694) e la sua ricezione in UngheriaPaolo Segneri (1624–1694) and his Hungarian Reception Száraz, Orsolya 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.667061425124 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.173605639658 157975 Pápay József kéziratos debreceni hagyatékaThe handwritten heritage of Pápay József in Debrecen Kissné, dr. Rusvai Julianna 2006 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.251475737958 Medicine 0.170397484239 379349 Papp Tibor vizuális költészeteThe Visual Poetry of Tibor Papp Kelemen, Erzsébet 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.493613627951 Linguistics 0.365075050779 709974 Párhuzamos társadalmak – szegregációs és integrációs folyamatok HajdúböszörménybenParallel Societies – Segregation and Integration Processes in Hajdúböszörmény Mező, Barna 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.628106393375 Classical-Languages 0.043605022745 157792 Parthenogenetikus sertés embriók előállításának vizsgálataProduction of parthenogenetic porcine embryos Nánássy, László 2007 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.77234361311 Biology 0.0963058393359 157793 Parthenogenetikus sertés embriók előállításának vizsgálataProduction of parthenogenetic porcine embryos Nánássy, László 2007 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.77234361311 Biology 0.0963058393359 688366 Pattern Recognition and Innate Immune Signaling in Human Dendritic CellsMintázatfelismerés és a természetes immunitáshoz kötődő jelátviteli folyamatok humán dendritikus sejtekben Szabó, Attila 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.626525329046 Medicine 0.287877391145 166658 Pedagógiai modernizációs kísérlet a két világháború közöttA sárospataki angol nyelvoktatásAttempt to Modernize the Education Between the Two World WarsEnglish Teaching in Sárospatak Kézi, Erzsébet 2003 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.428645517834 Education 0.377446366267 464205 Pedagógushallgatók internethasználata és internetalapú tanulási tevékenységei a debreceni egyetem gyermeknevelési és felnőttképzési karánInternet use and internet-based learning activities of students of pedagogy at the Faculty of Child and Adult Education at the University of Debrecen Molnár, Balázs 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.761166050289 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0897992883251 777833 Pedagógusjelöltek olvasáskultúrája egy határmenti régióbanReading Culture of Pre-Service Teachers in a Borderland Region Németh, Nóra Veronika 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.834750996272 Psychology 0.0316368789148 593498 Teljesítménymenedzsment vizsgálatok egyes profitorientált szervezetek és polgármesteri hivatalok humán erőforrás gazdálkodásábanPerformance Management Examinations in Human Resource Management of Certain Profit-Oriented Organizations and Mayor’s Offices Gergely, Éva 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.425323245946 Agriculture 0.135580503347 823093 „Az olvasóknak mulatságul adtam...”Szempontok a 16. századi magyar verses epika irodalomtörténeti szerepének újragondolásáhozPerspectives for Rethinking the Literary Historical Role of the Hungarian Epic in Verse (16th Century) Czintos, Emese 2013 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.719428528029 History 0.135548260167 157984 Perspectives on the LexiconA lexikontervezésről Tóth, Ágoston 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.315712912241 Civil-Engineering 0.189062895772 157947 Perspektívaváltás a felvidéki magyar irodalombanAlkotói pályák az Iródia és Próbaút antológia horizontjábanThe Change Of Perspective In Hungarian Literature Of The Upland Authorships In The Horizon Of Iródia And Próbaút Ardamica, Zorán 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.699348531148 Linguistics 0.13357116409 157693 Pet investigation of radiation induced sequelae of the spinal cordPh.D. thesisA gerincvelő sugársérülésének PET-vizsgálata Lengyel, Zsolt 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.561649707535 Medicine 0.220675339043 157651 Rare clinical events during long term intrauterine contraceptive device use ectopic pregnancy and cervical malignancyPh.D. dissertation Ganacharya, Sanjay 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.845904460326 Biology 0.0426905569579 157611 Oxidatív stressz hatása a poli(ADP-ribóz) metabolizmusra és a kalcium homeosztázisra humán keratinocita és egér makrofág sejtvonalakbanPh.D. értekezésAlterations in Poly(ADP-Ribose) Metabolism and Calcium Homeostasis in Oxidatively Stressed HaCaT and Mouse Macrophage Cell Lines Bakondi, Edina 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.891523269228 Medicine 0.0177513637945 329087 Phlegón 'Csodálatos történetek' című művePhlegon’s Book of marvels Pataricza, Dóra 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.324795437375 Biology 0.15500514861 176650 Phoma-szerű gombák taxonómiájának konvencionális és molekuláris biológiai összehasonlításaConventional and Molecular Comparisons of the Taxonomy of Phoma-Like Species Irinyi, László Miklós 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.382942329596 Biology 0.375898006863 328425 Hústermékek hőkezelésének tervezésePlanning the heat treatment of meat products Eszes, Ferenc 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.630993270456 Agriculture 0.175785710735 438572 Plantago fajok hatóanyag-összetételének és stabilitásának vizsgálataExamination of metabolite composition and stability of Plantago species Gonda, Sándor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.827950622943 Biology 0.0416582813412 772162 Plazmadiagnosztikai vizsgálatok, ionnyaláb- és műszaki fejlesztések az ATOMKI elektron-ciklotronrezonanciás (ECR) ionforrásánPlasma diagnostic research, technical and ion beam developments at the ATOMKI Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source Rácz, Richárd Péter 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.872819989691 Industrial-Engineering 0.0497771397754 450034 Polimer alapú nanorendszerek szintézise és vizsgálataPreparation and characterization of polymer-based nanosystems Keczánné Üveges, Andrea 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.729292796118 Biology 0.100952979514 161412 Posakonazol in vitro hatékonyságának vizsgálata különböző módszerekkel, beleértve az idő-ölés görbék felvételét is, a klinikailag jelentős candida fajok ellenExamination of the in vitro activity of posaconazole against clinically relevant Candida species with different methods, including time-kill curves Sóczó, Ágnes Georgina 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.487821537808 Chemistry 0.118568353171 159139 A brojlercsirke funkcionális takarmányozásának lehetőségePossibility of functional broiler nutrition Pálfy, Tamás 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.881779502566 Biology 0.0368827756299 158419 Térinformatika alkalmazási lehetőségei a környezeti konfliktusok kezelésébenPossible ways of application of geoinformatics in the management of environmental conflicts Tomor, Tamás 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.664277490974 Earth sciences 0.14143534833 157935 A magyar villamosenergia-ipar posztszocialista átalakulásaPost-Socialist Transition in Hungarian Electricity Industry Kajati, György 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.727865834393 History 0.104171684977 182372 Postmodern Nations in Salman Rushdie’s FictionPosztmodern nemzetek Salman Rushdie regényeiben Györke, Ágnes 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.520102720953 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0946368372695 955755 Posztpartum szorongás az anyák kötődési jellemzőinek tükrébenPostpartum anxiety int he light of mothers’ attachment characteristics Molnár, Judit 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.743948321641 Biology 0.0492388105349 731228 Posztvakcinációs rotavírus surveillance Magyarországon, 2007-2011Postvaccination rotavirus surveillance in Hungary, 2007-2011 Antalné László, Brigitta 2013 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.528501804584 Medicine 0.251588097176 616678 Potenciálisan biológiailag aktív flavanolignánok szintézise és szerkezetvizsgálataSynthesis and Structure Study of Potentially Biologically Active Flavanolignanes Kertiné Ferenczi, Renáta 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.805124568774 Law 0.0473171995549 699977 Potenciálisan biológiailag aktív pterokarpán származékok előállításaSynthesis of potentially biologically active pterocarpan derivatives Németh, István 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.678188947359 Biology 0.137091518048 401462 Potenciálisan glikogén foszforiláz enzimgátló O-heterociklusok szintézise és farmakológiai vizsgálataSynthesis and Pharmacological Analysis of O-heterocyclic Compounds with Potential Glycogen Phosphorylase Enzyme Inhibitor Activity Czakó, Zoltán 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.865678333282 Biology 0.0334687180238 283933 Preklinikai vizsgálatokat szolgáló MiniPET kamera működési paramétereinek analízise Monte-Carlo szimulációs módszerrelMonte-Carlo Simulation Based Analysis of Performance Parameters in the MiniPET Scanner, Developed for Preclinical Studies Kis, Sándor Attila 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.308314172666 Biology 0.128874465126 847681 Preparation of Dye-Antibody Conjugates For Studying The Plasma Membrane Distribution Of Cd1d Proteins In B CellsPreparation of Dye-Antibody Conjugates For Studying The Plasma Membrane Distribution Of Cd1d Proteins In B Cells Shrestha, Dilip 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.883436630218 Industrial-Engineering 0.0232281087572 157623 Prevalance and diagnosis of osteoporosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosusPh.D. thesis Bhattoa, Harjit Pal 2001 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.893368242457 Physics 0.0268135920633 157867 Primer immundeficientiák: A betegágytól a génszekvenálásigPrimary Immunodeficiency disorders: From bedside to Genomic Sequencing Erdős, Melinda 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.782127025041 Chemistry 0.114127944199 965118 Genetic and epigenetic background of melanoma progressionPrimer malignus melanomák progressziójának hátterében álló genetikai és epigenetikai eltérések Ecsedi, Szilvia 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.698361110888 Medicine 0.197451635836 297522 A valószínűség és a Szentírás mint a keresztény hit racionális megalapozásának két sarokpontja Blaise Pascal GondolataibanProbability and Holy Scripture as Two Cornerstones of the Rational Establishment of Christian Faith in the Pensées of Blaise Pascal Prancz, Zoltán 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.44196255405 Linguistics 0.112533717337 157716 Projections of the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray matter to various areas of the brainstem in ratsPh.D. dissertationA periaqueduktális szürkeállomány kapcsolatai az agytörzsi különböző területeivel patkányban Odeh, Francis 2002 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.664728426488 Medicine 0.066515263971 157964 A tulajdonnév a nyelvben és a nyelvészetbenA tulajdonnevek lehetséges megközelítéseirőlProper Names in Language and in Linguistics. Possible Approaches to Proper Names Várnai, Judit Szilvia 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.448175853541 Philosophy 0.29302471795 874958 A stroke hosszútávú kimenetelét befolyásoló tényezők prospektív vizsgálata statisztikai módszerekkel három stroke centrumbanProspective Examination of Factors Influencing Long-Term Stroke Outcome with Statistical Methods in Three Stroke Centers Fekete, Klára Edit 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.886265063996 Biology 0.0284631658638 178494 Protein foszfatáz-1 szabályozása a regulátor alegység foszforilációjával és katalitikus alegységhez kotődő inhibitorokkalThe Control of Protein Phosphatase-1 by Phosphorylation of the Regulatory Subunit and Binding of Inhibitors to the Catalytic Subunit Kiss, Andrea 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.764956641228 Chemistry 0.145514697437 157948 Proton Induced Reactions And The Astrophysical P ProcessProton-indukált reakciók és az asztrofizikai p folyamat Kiss, Gábor Gyula 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.758604970984 Industrial-Engineering 0.0527797157936 431802 Proxy Cache szerverek hatékonyságának vizsgálataPerformance Modeling of Proxy Cache Servers Bérczes, Tamás 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.290207908601 Earth sciences 0.166328002736 683980 A környezettudatosság pszichológiai meghatározói. A társas értékorientáció, a környezeti attitűdök, az észlelt jelentőség és a szokások szerepe.Psychological determinants of pro-environmental behavior. The role of social value orientation, environmental attitudes, perceived criticality and behavioral habits. Medvés, DÓra 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.795917247588 Economics 0.0378426681032 157841 Purinerg jelátvitel a sejtek differenciálódásában és malignus transzformációjában: a P2X7 receptor kitüntetett szerepePurinergic Signal Transduction in Cellular Differentiation and Malignant Transformation: the Special Role of the P2X7 Receptor Deli, Tamás 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.851696049164 Industrial-Engineering 0.0791080976458 158558 QCD Cross Section Measurements with the OPAL and ATLAS DetectorsQCD hatáskeresztmetszet mérések az OPAL és ATLAS detektorokkal Krasznahorkay, Attila 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.86526076842 Medicine 0.0245609487143 392795 Az ErbB receptorok konstitutív és ligand indukált asszociációinak kvantitatív jellemzéseQuantitative description of the constitutive and ligand-induced associations of ErbB receptors Nagyné Szabó, Ágnes Tímea 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.356222609219 Biology 0.349877838728 159218 Radon and Space Radiation Protection MeasurementsRadon és űrsugárvédelmi mérések Csige, István 1998 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.547039944945 Biology 0.0973735765097 828126 Reaktív polimer nanorészecskék alkalmazásának lehetőségei a fogászatbanApplication possibilities of reactive polymeric nanoparticles in dentistry Szalóki, Melinda 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.312074896123 Medicine 0.300147572577 595382 Receptor-orientált daganatterápia vizsgálata ErbB fehérjéket kifejező humán tumorokbanInvestigation of receptor-oriented cancer therapy in human tumors overexpressing ErbB proteins Váradi, Tímea Erzsébet 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.485708844267 Medicine 0.232200818604 157989 Reconsidering the Dativ Shift: a Construction Grammar ApproachAz angol datív szerkezet vizsgálata konstrukciós grammatikai megközelítésben Szabóné, Papp Judit 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.740251594646 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0562452587299 157832 Regulatív T-sejtek vizsgálata poliszisztémás autoimmun kórképekben és Hodgkin lymphomábanInvestigations of Regulatory T Cells in Polisystemic Autoimmune Diseases and Hodgkin's Lymphoma Baráth, Sándor 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.924934753402 Psychology 0.0195377692805 749785 Rekonstrukciós (paleodemográfiai és elemanalitikai) vizsgálatok a Tiszántúl 10-13. századi népességeinReconstruction studies on the 10th–13th century populations of the Tiszántúl from palaeodemographic and elemental analytical aspects János, István 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.366183764155 Medicine 0.361021928839 823775 Rekurrens légúti papillomatosis a humán papillomavírus-11 fertőzés tükrébenHuman papillomavirus 11 and respiratory papillomatosis: genomic and epigenetic background of different severity and response to cidofovir therapy Gáll, Tamás 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.729168468135 Biology 0.186917176241 180701 A talajheterogenitás és a növényzet összefüggései szikes területenRelationship Between Soil Heterogenity and Vegetation in Saline Area Mile, Orsolya 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.713753619746 Agriculture 0.187271192165 161328 A foglalkoztatottság és a vidékfejlesztés összefüggései, különös tekintettel az észak-alföldi régióraRelationships Between Employment And Rural Development With A Special View To The Northern Great Plain Region Béresné Mártha, Bernadett 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.846238191869 Medicine 0.0311954104131 158405 A területfejlesztés és a mezőgazdasági földhasználat összefüggései, területi monitoringRelationships of Regional Development and Agricultural Land Use, Regional Monitoring Harsányi, Endre 2004 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.909072760409 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0422374564843 481951 Felekezeti és etnikai vegyes házasságok három Csík-megyei településenReligious and Ethnic Intermmariages in three Settlement of Csík-County Mirk, Szidónia-Kata 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.761811602808 Anthropology 0.0783286307745 823094 Remediation and Restoring Marginal Lands with Biotechnologically Propagated Giant Reed (Arundo Donax L.)Talaj kármentesítés és az ökoszisztéma helyreállítása biotechnológiai módszerrel szaporított olasznáddal (arundo donax l.) marginális területeken Tarek, Ali Ahmed Ibrahim Alshaal 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.836093572489 Biology 0.0492054038223 335647 Remembering in the British Fiction of the 1930sAz emlékezés szerepe az 1930-as évek brit regényeiben Tukacs, Tamás 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.777504521296 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.101122419607 657616 Rendszeres testedzés hatása a mentális egészségre és az életminőségre fiatal felnőtteknél: depresszív tünetek, stressz és stresszkezelés empirikus vizsgálataThe positive effects of regular physical exercise on mental health and quality of life in young adults: empirical study of symptoms of depression, stress and stress management Petrika, Erzsébet 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.369163230196 Biology 0.339956254372 159229 Representations of Black Religious Experience in Nineteenth-Century African American Writing: A néger vallásos tapasztalat ábrázolásmódjai a XIX. századi afroamerikai irodalomban Bailey, Harry Edward 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.700607630903 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0719606352151 384151 Különböző genotípusú nőivarú juhok szaporodási szezonalitásaReproductive seasonality in various genotypes of female sheep Gyimóthy, Gergely 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.770586488578 Industrial-Engineering 0.0499289991887 160173 A társas orientáció (individualizmus és kollektivizmus) és a "cultural trade-off hipotézis tudatos alkalmazhatóságának vizsgálati lépéseiMagunkért legyünk vagy másokért; vagy mások legyenek értünk?Research on the Applications of Social Orientation (Individualism and Collectivism) and the „Cultural Trade-Off”- HypothesisOne for All or All for One; versus One for One? Csukonyi, Csilla 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.370371830899 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.136185824244 849064 Regulation of retinoid-mediated signaling in the skin and its implication for skin homeostasis in miceRetinoid-mediált jelátvitel szabályozása a bőrben és hatása a bőr homeosztázisra egérben Gericke, Janine 2014 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.751201616702 Medicine 0.0905732219087 397353 Regulation of retinoids and n-3 PUFAs in atopyRetinoidok és n-3 többszörösen telítetlen zsírsavak regulációja atópia esetén Mihály, Johanna 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.741385978988 Veterinary 0.0751051860978 463739 A hazai juhágazat hústermelési tartalékainak feltárásaRevealing the Mutton Production Reserves of the Hungarian Sheep Industry Cehla, Béla 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.714150225515 Industrial-Engineering 0.137071311673 495023 A rheumatoid arthritis mint vascularis betegségRheumatoid arthritis as a vascular disease Kerekes, György 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.778368634131 Biology 0.16693347071 158258 Ritka cornea betegségek ultrahang biometriai és biokémiai vizsgálataThe Role of Ultrasound Biometry and Biochemical Examinations in the Case of Rare Corneal Disorders Sohajda, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.605483238517 Industrial-Engineering 0.091793804121 398011 Role of A2A Adenosine receptors in regulating sepsisAz A2A adenozin receptor szerepe a szepszis regulációjában Csóka, Balázs 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.84734551658 Medicine 0.0457343120784 157800 A kalcineurin szerepe az in vitro porcdifferenciáció szabályozásában és a humán mononukleáris sejtek jelátviteli folyamataibanRole of Calcineurin in the In Vitro Regulation of Cartilage Differentiation and in the Signal Transduction Pathways of Human Mononuclear Cells Szíjgyártó, Zsolt 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.857239603373 Medicine 0.0430299288153 670238 Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-2 in mitochondrial metabolism and in doxorubicin-induced vascular damageA poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz-2 (PARP-2) enzim szerepe a mitokondriális metabolizmusban és a doxorubicin által okozott érrendszeri károsodásban Szántó, Magdolna 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.873296702894 Law 0.0275237088174 590957 Role of Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP)-2 in Mitochondrial Metabolism and in Doxorubicin-induced Vascular DamageA poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz-2 (PARP-2) enzim szerepe a mitokondriális metabolizmusban és a doxorubicin által okozott érrendszeri károsodásban Szántó, Magdolna 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.873296702894 Law 0.0275237088174 401109 Role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in the regulation of transcriptionA poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz szerepe a transzkripció szabályozásában Brunyánsszki, Attila 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.863141158438 Medicine 0.0398634464542 735974 A nemesítés szerepe a homoki leuce-nyárasok termesztés-fejlesztésébenRole of the breeding in growing-improvement of the leuce-poplar stands growing under sandy soil conditions Keserű, Zsolt 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.797037221271 Medicine 0.065138194824 393076 Az endocannabinoid rendszer szerepe humán bőr eredetű sejtek biológiai folyamatainak szabályozásábanRole of the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of biological processes of human skin derived cells Dobrosi, Nóra 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.849230600017 Medicine 0.0241212227792 158259 Role of the Thiol Redox Control in Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury- Nagy, Norbert Lajos 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.733936462771 Medicine 0.209101499721 667781 Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Cooperation at various territorial levels, with a particular study of the Debrecen – Oradea Eurometropolis(European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC)Különböző területi szinteken működő – a román-magyar határon átnyúló – együttműködések, különös tekintettel a Debrecen – Nagyvárad Eurometropoliszra (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation - EGTC) Toca, Constantin - Vasile 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.505538677527 History 0.23218191334 157826 Romans épistolaires de langue française depuis la fin du 19e siècleFrench Epistolary Fiction Since 1890 Kaló, Krisztina 2006 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.686827319771 Linguistics 0.229457820999 161856 Ru(II) és Rh(I) foszfin komplexek katalitikus alkalmazásai folyadék-folyadék és szilárd folyadék rendszerekbenCatalytic application of Ru(II) and Rh(I) phosphine complexes in liquid-liquid and solid-liquid systems Horváth, Henrietta 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.832946519317 Biology 0.0313517645971 680465 Rund um das Argumentum Ad Hominem. Argumentationsfehler an der Schnittstelle zwischen Argumentationstheorie und PragmatikArgumentum ad hominem. Érvelési hibák az érveléselmélet és a pragmatika határán Lakatos, Dániel 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.158644969853 Physics 0.109971040518 955469 Sànte 'Mìddje...je tarramùte!...Letteratura marsicana, identità popolare e il terremoto del 1915Szűszanya...a földrengés!... Marsica irodalma, népi identitás és az 1915-ös földrengés Libertini, Rosangela 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.59508968261 Biology 0.0698085864394 481954 Seasonality, Environmental Predictability and the Avian Annual CycleSzezonalitás, környezeti prediktabilitás és a madarak éves ciklusa Tökölyi, Jácint 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.46405959741 Veterinary 0.13371922198 158451 Szektorsemlegesség a kultúra területénKulturális célú nonprofit szervezetek helyzete kelet-közép-európai városokbanSector Neutrality in the Field of CultureNonprofit organizations serving cultural purposes in East Central European Cities Márkus, Edina 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.314807190104 History 0.235896099081 595381 A scoliosis thoracalis görbületének szegmentális derotációja – a cab implantátum alkalmazásának biomechanikai alapjaiSegmental Derotation Of The Thoracic Curve In Scoliosis - Biomechanical Basis Of The Application Of The Cab Implant Molnár, Szabolcs Lajos 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.396260110174 Biology 0.12505936153 602610 Sejtautomaták szociodinamikai alkalmazásaiApplications of cellular automata in sociodynamics Kocsis, Gergely 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.723027560431 Industrial-Engineering 0.0487400496838 157961 Semantic Change as Cognitive Adaptation ProcessSzemantikai változás mint kognitív adaptációs folyamat Győri, Gábor 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.198626581948 Linguistics 0.197732415296 793127 Szekvenciasztratigráfiai és szerkezeti vizsgálatok a Máza-Dél - Váralja- Dél-i (Kelet-Mecsek) feketekőszén kutatási területen kitekintéssel a Kelet-Mecsek egyéb területeireSequence stratigraphic and structural examinations in Máza South – Váralja South coal exploration area and with a respect of other sites in Eastern Mecsek Forgács, Zoltán 2013 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.25309121277 Medicine 0.17742042305 158321 Signifyng in Blackface: the Pursuit of Minstrel Sigms in American LiteratureA minstreljelek nyomában: a feketemaszkos jelölés az amerikai irodalomban Varró, Gabriella 2005 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.445635601729 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.17124401062 158592 Erdőtalaj szén-dioxid kibocsátása és szerves anyag dinamikája avarmanipulációs kísérletekbenSíkfőkút DIRT ProjectCarbon-dioxide Emission and Organic Matter Dynamics of Forest Soil in Litter Manipulation Experiments Kotroczó, Zsolt 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.909756690273 Biology 0.0428291864113 335646 Silent in the light and speaking in the dark: Journeys of the self in Emily Brontë’s poetryCsend a fényben és beszéd a sötétségben: Az én utazásai Emily Brontë költészetében Timár, Krisztina 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.659702968351 Linguistics 0.188964728348 284236 Sister Narratives: Margaret Drabble’s The Waterfall and A. S. Byatt’s Possession: A RomanceTestvér narratívák: Margaret Drabble A vízesés és A.S. Byatt Mindenem című regénye Csatári, Annamária 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.45422208296 Linguistics 0.452456601138 157875 A bűnözés térbeli aspektusainak szociálgeográfiai vizsgálata Hajdú-Bihar megyébenSocial Geographical Study of the Spatial Aspects of Delinquency in Hajdú-Bihar County Tóth, Antal 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Geography 0.253007734159 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.179359703743 450032 Az orvosi hivatásszemélyiség alakulásának társaslélektani meghatározói és fejlesztésének lehetőségeiSocial Psychological Determinants of the Formation of Medical Students’ Professional Identity. Possibilities of Development. Csörsz, Ilona 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.605069224582 Medicine 0.283295039976 178655 Szolubilis tumorantigének és szekunder tumorok autoimmun-reumatológiai kórképekbenSolube Tumor-Associated Antigens and Secondary Malignancies in Autoimmune-Rheumatoid Diseases Szekanecz, Éva 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.944313696162 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.00577206547606 159394 Az államháztartási fegyelem és a növekedés néhány összefüggése az eu-banSome Connections Between Discipline of State Budget and Growth in the EU Vass, Kitti 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.438760042807 Economics 0.232572727315 159230 A kockázatelemzés néhány lehetősége a növénytermesztés döntéstámogatásábanSome Possibilities For Risk Analysis In The Decision Support Of Crop Production Nagy, Lajos 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.799572257118 Economics 0.132844234038 159846 SOREN KIERKEGAARD teológiájának súlypontjaiThe Focal Points of Kierkegaard’s Theology Püsök, Sarolta 2009 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.811973020033 Law 0.0251783447746 183935 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Studies on PathogensTanulmányok patogének tér- és időbeli mintázatának vizsgálatában Solymosi, Norbert 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.480902643909 Veterinary 0.15515319426 380976 Spatial and temporal pattern of algae associations in oxbows and riversAlga közösségek tér- és időbeli változásai holtágakban- és vízfolyásokban Krasznai, Enikő 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.440491591558 Medicine 0.0894687413932 763304 Speciális csoportok evészavarai különs tekintettel a szépségiparban dolgozókra és a várandós kismamákraThe eating disorders of special groups especially considering beauticians and pregnant women Lukács-Márton, Réka-Anna 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.715051631906 Psychology 0.141847383974 158284 Segítő hivatásokat választó hallgatók pályaorientációja a „Partiumban”Specialization Of Students Choosing The Helping Profession In ‘Partium’. Nagy, Krisztina 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.641457158248 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.245060263045 828127 Spectral Analysis and Moment Functions on HypergroupsSpektrálanalízis és momentumfüggvények hipercsoportokon Vajday, László 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.752258509546 Linguistics 0.0551002040734 160386 Spondylarthropathia genetikai hátterének vizsgálata egérmodellbenInvestigation of the Genetic Background of Spondylarthropathy in Murine Model of Spondylitis Végvári, Anikó 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.700231782409 Agriculture 0.0964030361573 157980 Sprachverhalten im Sprachkonflikt. Ein sozialpsychologisches Erklärungsmodell für den deutsch-ungarischen Sprachkonflikt in der DonaumonarchieLinguistic Behaviour in the Time of Language Conflict. Sociolinguistic research within the framework of a socio-psychological model into the German-Hungarian language conflict in the period of the dual monarchy Maitz, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.622896290386 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0659963558353 343162 Az információelmélet néhány függvényegyenletének stabilitásaStability of Some Functional Equations Stemming from the Theory of Information Gselmann, Eszter 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.445773519655 Physics 0.19720682947 162862 Statin-paraoxonase Interactions During Statin Treatment Mirdamadi, Hossein Z. 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.670652731016 Medicine 0.243879743477 503050 Structural analysis and clinical significance of celiac disease antibody epitopes on transglutaminase 2A coeliákiás antitestek transzglutamináz 2 epitópjainak szerkezeti vizsgálata és klinikai jelentősége Simon-Vecsei, Zsófia 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.818442127254 Medicine 0.0615584244616 158265 Structural and Functional Characteristics of Transglutaminase 2 in Relation to Signal Transduction and Coeliac DiseaseA transzglutamináz 2 szerkezeti és enzimológiai tulajdonságainak szerepe a coeliakiában és a jelátviteli folyamatokban Király, Róbert 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.857997401602 Medicine 0.0553888702776 157605 Structural Investigation of TransglutaminasesPh.D. dissertationTranszglutaminázok Szerkezetvizsgálata Ambrus, Attila 2001 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.767965578258 Physics 0.0350993322129 162052 Kis molekulatömegű anyagok szerkezetfelderítése lágyionizációs tömegspektrometriai módszerekkelStructure Determination of low Molecular Weight Compounds by Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometric Methods Nagy, Lajos 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.801603695907 Physics 0.0841833764682 157854 Structure formation in binary dipolar monolayersStruktúraképződés bináris dipoláris vékonyrétegekben Varga, Imre 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.779342787439 Industrial-Engineering 0.0519710276725 179963 Structure-function relationships of von Willebrand factorA von Willebrand faktor szerkezetének és működésének összefüggései Udvardy, Miklós László 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.796008742744 Medicine 0.0247116580894 329923 Frontális polimerizációval előállított kompozitok elektrokémiai vizsgálata és módosításaStudy and modification of the electrochemical properties of composites, prepared via frontal polymerization Szikra, Dezső 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.614754939163 Industrial-Engineering 0.263314642804 310602 A C faktor termelő Streptomyces griseus 45H törzs spóraképzésének, patogenitásának és taxonómiai besorolásának vizsgálataStudy of the Sporulation, Pathogenicity and Taxonomic Identification of the Factor C Producer Streptomyces Griseus 45H Strain Kiss, Zsuzsanna 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.436749245261 Medicine 0.227990505994 681380 A KI-67, FLT3 ÉS JAK2 gének mutációinak vizsgálata tumoros sejtvonalakban és colorectalis carcinomás betegek mintáibanStudying of Ki-67, FLT3 and JAK2 mutations in tumor cell-lines and in samples of patients with colorectal carcinomas Bubán, Tamás 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.844519049548 Biology 0.120355157364 712970 A talajerózió és a suvadás közötti kapcsolatok vizsgálata térképezési módszerekkel a Nyárádmagyarósi-medence mintaterületeinStudying the relationship between soil erosion and slumps by mapping methods in study areas in the Nyárádmagyarós Basin Fazakas, Csaba 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.667840849865 Biology 0.0562138490261 308936 Gyermekvédelmi intézményekben elhelyezett gyerekek életkörülményeinek vizsgálataSurvey of living conditions of children placed in child welfare institutions Rákó, Erzsébet 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.210383053378 Education 0.202639692163 158345 Die Schweiz als Erzehlung. Nationale und narrative Identitetskonstruktionen in Max Frisch Stiller, Wilhelm Tell für die Schule und DienstbüchleinSvájc mint elbeszélés. Nemzeti és narratív identitás-konstrukciók Max Frisch Stiller, Wilhelm Tell für die Schule és Dienstbüchlein című szövegeibenSwitzerland as Narration - National and Narrative Constructions of Identity (Max Frisch: Stiller, Wilhelm Tell für die Schule, Dienstbüchlein) Pabis, Eszter 2004 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.436928611783 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.260516677988 919221 Synthesis and Chemical Transformations of Substituted 2,2-Dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyrans; Development of a Novel and Efficient Column Chromatography MethodSzubsztituált 2,2-dimetil-2h-1-benzopirán származékok szintézise és kémiai átalakításuk; egy új és hatékony oszlopkromatográfiás módszer kifejlesztése Zsótér, Zsolt 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.782447446437 Industrial-Engineering 0.0473881323866 337996 Új kéntartalmú apomorfinok előállítása és farmakológiai vizsgálataSynthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of New Sulphur Containing Apomorphines Tóth, Miklós 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.762929410518 Biology 0.0398917088102 312214 Azol-típusú heterogyűrűt tartalmazó glükózszármazékok előállításaSynthesis of glucose derivatives containing azole-type heterocycles Bokor, Éva 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.403528662035 Medicine 0.106899244471 580026 Monoszacharid alapú glikogén foszforiláz inhibítorok előállításaSynthesis of Monosaccharide-based Glycogen Phosphorylase Inhibitors Kónya, Bálint 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.455929937168 Medicine 0.282407946359 160021 Rendszerváltás a szakképzésbenA szakképzés szerkezeti, tartalmi átalakulása Magyarországon 1989 után, különös tekintettel az iskolarendszerű szakképzés reformjának jellemzőire a képzést végző intézmények aspektusábólSystemic Changes in Vocational TrainingThe transformation of the structure and content of vocational training in Hungary after 1989 with special regard to the characteristics of the reform of vocational training in the school system from the perspective of the training institutions Farkas, Éva 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.356189510938 Law 0.340040181601 158588 Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megye gyepgazdálkodásának változása 1990-2005 közöttChanges of Grassland Farming in Tte County of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Between 1990 and 2005 Forgó, István 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.633270827097 Economics 0.0998954897603 461770 Számadás, leltár, végrendeletTanulmányok középkor végi forrásokrólExpenses List, Inventory, Testament. Studies on Late Medieval Sources Czövek, Zoltán 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.742816263324 Visual arts 0.0800331282466 157887 Szarv- és szőrszínváltozatok a magyar szürke szarvasmarhafajtábanHorn and coat colour varieties of the Hungarian Grey cattle Radácsi, Andrea 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.831612036563 Biology 0.0578069458836 158377 Szelénvegyületek átalakulásának vizsgálata tartamkísérletből származó talaj- és növénymintákbanStudying of change of selenium species in soil and plant samples from a long-term field experiment Széles, Éva 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.77282577227 Physics 0.0693107318423 393514 Személyzeti politika – humánstratégia a közigazgatásbanPersonnel policy - human resource strategy in public administration Linder, Viktória 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.504468901032 Economics 0.181177937602 398117 Szénhidrátok anomer centrumának reaktivitása króm(II)-komplexek jelenlétébenReactivity of the anomeric center of carbohydrates in the presence of chromium(II)-complexes Pótáriné Juhász, Zsuzsa 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.810456061755 Agriculture 0.0329736018919 157809 Szerkezetmeghatározási módszerek alkalmazása cianobakteriális toxinok és szintetizált biológiailag aktív vegyületek körébenApplication of Chemical Structure Analysis methods to Cyanobacterial Toxins and Synthesized Biologically Active Compounds Fejesné Tóth, Eszter 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.314220192615 Chemistry 0.292524471689 450036 Szervetlen szelénmódosulatok biológiai hatásának és a fortifikáció lehetőségeinek tanulmányozása növényi rendszerekbenBiological Effect and Fortification Possibilities of Inorganic Selenium Forms in Higher Plants Domokosné, Szabolcsy Éva 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.65570661621 Biology 0.177213260852 157884 Szervopneumatikus pozícionálás pontosságának növelése dsp alapú csúszómód szabályozássalImproving Positioning Accuracy Of Servopneumatic System With Dsp-Based Sliding Mode Control Gyeviki, János 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.531829856503 Industrial-Engineering 0.243220030707 158266 Szilárdtestek felületi rétegeiben zajló elektrontranszport folyamatok modellezéseModelling Of Electron Transport Processes In The Near Surface Region Of Solids Novák, Mihály 2008 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.82082017318 Statistics 0.0478013531911 764382 Szilárdtestreakciók nanoskálánSolid state reactions on nanoscale Glodán, Györgyi 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.35973387962 Physics 0.250361267384 157915 Szisztémás lupus erythmatosusos betegek követésével szerzett tapasztalataim, különös tekinettel az antifoszfolipid antitestek jelentőségérePersonal Experiences Obtained with Follow-up of Lupus Patients with Special Regards to the Importance of Antiphospholipid Antibodies Tarr, Tünde 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.83578118953 Biology 0.0368184336516 740223 Szívbeteg gyermekek egészségfüggő életminőségének felméréseA Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory ™ Kardiológiai Moduljának magyar adaptációjaMEASURING HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN HUNGARIAN CHILDREN WITH HEART DISEASE Hungarian Validation of the A Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory ™ 3.0 Cardiac Module Berkes, Andrea 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.854498916986 Psychology 0.0520791045611 158598 Szociálpedagógia szakos hallgatók a felsőoktatásban és a munkaerő-piaconSocial Pedagogy Majors in Tertiary Education and the Labour Force Market Benkő, Brigitta 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.566070518626 Economics 0.193386227023 277840 Szombathelyi Ferenc a Magyar Királyi Honvéd Vezérkar élénFerenc Szombathelyi Head of the General Staff of the Hungarian Royal Army Kaló, József 2010 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.285941983699 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.149140367369 183780 Szubjektív értékkategóriák és vallásosság/spiritualitás mint mentális egészség meghatározó faktorai főiskolai hallgatknálSubjective Value Categories and Religiousness/Spirituality as Decisive Factors of Mental Health in The Case of College Students Pauwlik, Zsuzsa Orsika 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.812621229557 Agriculture 0.0469169340452 158603 Szüléshez társuló pszichiátriai zavarok, különös tekintettel a gyermekágyi lehangoltság kérdéskörérePsychiatric Disorders Associated with Childbearing, Especially the Field of the Maternity Blues Dr. Kovácsné Dr. Török, Zsuzsanna 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.638153911119 Psychology 0.225546047959 955232 Characterization of the trafficking and motility of T cells in the joints and joint-draining lymph nodes in an autoimmune murine model or rheumatoid arthritisT sejtek vándorlásának jellemzése az ízületekben és az ízületeket drenáló nyirokcsomókban proteoglikán indukált artritiszes egerekben Kobezda, Tamás 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.680090675184 Biology 0.228997401012 297524 Tájkép és leírás. Irodalom és festészet összefüggései Eugène Fromentin életművébenLandscape and depiction Connections between literature and painting in Eugéne Fromentin’s life work Bereczki, Péter Levente 2010 University of Debrecen Hum Visual arts 0.654936008486 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.198312985659 158600 Tájtörténeti értékelés és az állateltartó képesség becslése egy védett gyepterületenLand Historical Evaluation and the Estimation of the Animal Carrying Capacity at a Protected Grassland Antal, Zsuzsanna 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.792580396235 Biology 0.043514139835 158365 Talajok sav-bázis érzékenységének értékeléseEvaluation of Soils Acid-base Susceptibilty Rékási, Márk 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.505364910387 Biology 0.0656458095834 158423 Talajok tömörödöttségi állapotának jellemzése penetrométeres vizsgálatokkalExamination of soil penetration with penetrometer Szőllősi, István 2003 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.867165549267 Civil-Engineering 0.0219036127531 852340 Talajtani tényezők 'terroir'-okra gyakorolt hatásainak vizsgálata az Egri borvidékenEffect of soil factors on 'terroirs' an example from the Eger wine region Nagy, Richárd 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.8147818545 Medicine 0.0556289474024 853798 Tápanyagforgalmi vizsgálatok a Hajdúsági Löszhát mészlepedékes csernozjom talaján, a termőhelyspecifikus tápanyag-gazdálkodás megalapozásáraNutrient turnover studies on the calcareous chernozem soil of the Hajdúság Loess Ridge for the establishment of growing area specific nutrient management Berényi, Sándor 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.849585087158 Physics 0.0403877992629 750188 Társadalomföldrajzi vizsgálatok az északkelet-magyarországi cigányság körébenLétszámváltozásokSocial geographical studies regarding the Roma population in northeast Hungary (Number of Roma people, their local governments, minority elections) Pásztor, István Zoltán 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Anthropology 0.357788715224 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.265202248395 175375 Társas mezőgazdasági vállalkozások forrás- és tőkeszerkezetének vizsgálata 2002-2006 közöttAnalysing the Financial and Capital Structure of Corporate Farms in the Period 2002-2006 HERCZEG, ADRIENN 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.643943976041 Agriculture 0.303119305526 653033 Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)A Melitaea ornata (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) taxonómiája, elterjedése és ökológiája Tóth, János Pál 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.769079271466 Agriculture 0.153686427636 157802 Tejelő tehenek méhgyulladásának hatása a szaporodásbiológiai teljesítményreEffect of metritis on the reproductive performance of dairy cows Pécsi, Anna 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.434510194014 Veterinary 0.306308058001 157859 Telepszerű körülmények között élők egészségfelméréseHealth Survey on the Inhabitants of Roma Settlements Kósa, Zsigmond 2006 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.515094003118 Anthropology 0.248651950008 158404 Települési szennyvíziszapok termesztett növényekre és talajra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálataImpact of Municipal Sewage Sludges on Cultivated Plants and Soil Uri, Zsuzsanna 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.834410857969 Civil-Engineering 0.0381196352794 184541 Temetkezési és halottas szokások Csernátonban és környékénFuneral and Mourning Customs and Traditions in Cernat and its Surroundings Deák, Ferenc Lóránd 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.19962011606 Biology 0.133772458865 158586 Templom mint teológiaExegetikai és kultusztörténeti kulcsok az Ez 40-48 értelmezéséhezTemple as theology Pap, Ferenc 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.105043385318 Philosophy 0.0933286290907 158437 Tendenciák és szabályszerűségek a magánhangzó-időtartamok produkciójában és percepciójábanTendencies and rules in production and perception of vowel duration Kovács, Magdolna 2001 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.783815750468 Biology 0.0700259264337 157741 Tengeriamalacból izolált I. típusú ganglion neuronok elektrofiziológiai jellemzéseElectrophysiological Properties of Type I Spiral Ganglion Neurones of the Guinea Pig Szabó, Zsolt 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.69183340393 Medicine 0.119874298612 157885 Tenyészértékbecslés a magyar sportlótenyésztésbenBreeding value evaluation of Hungarian Sport horses Posta, János 2008 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.73059376053 Veterinary 0.0561266872712 184458 The Interplay of Space and Place: Zora Neale Hurston’s Cultural SpacesTér és hely összjátéka: Zora Neale Hurston kulturális terei Szabó, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.772740319162 Civil-Engineering 0.0501827059235 777248 Természetes eredetű és glükóz analóg glikogén foszforiláz inhibitorok szintéziseSynthesis of a naturally occuring and analogue of glycogen phosphorylase inhibitors Varga, Gergely Tibor 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.712227026867 Biology 0.121366316287 161450 Természetes kármentesítési technológiák vizsgálataEvaluation Of Natural Remediation Technologies Nagy, Attila 2009 University of Debrecen Life Earth sciences 0.319782506196 Chemistry 0.118562886811 334704 Tertulliani Adversus IudaeosTertulliani Adversus Iudeaos Pap, Levente 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.404959784263 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.302349429519 179092 Területfejlesztés Feladatait Ellátó Információs, Geoinformációs Rendszerek Hajdú-Bihar MegyébenInformation and Geoinformation Systems Used in Hajdú-Bihar County for Managing Regional Development Tasks Pázmányi, Sándor 2009 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.408572167435 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.315803997848 179009 Területi és nemi inhomogenitás az emlős kamrai szívizomszövetbenRegional and Sexual Inhomogenity in the Mammalian Ventricular Myocardium Szabó, Gergely 2009 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.57119224728 Biology 0.376800752006 158337 Tettben a jellem. A magyar irodalom sajátos kezdeményei Kárpátalján a XX. század második felébenPeculiar initiatives of the Hungarian literature in Transcarpathia in the second half of the XXth century Penckófer, János 2002 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.507840055849 Linguistics 0.184473308521 393260 Az iskolai tehetségfejlesztés pszichológiai háttértényezőinek vizsgálata felső tagozatos korbanThe analysis of psychological background factors of the school talent development in the senior section Gömöry, Kornélia 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.172250693711 Economics 0.1402989129 157985 Nyelvészeti elméletek argumentációs szerkezetének elemzéseThe Analysis of The Argumentational Structure of Linguistic Theories Rákosi, Csilla 2005 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.552927016983 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0998586495232 158414 A magyar agrárgazdaság társadalmi megítélésének vizsgálata tömegkommunkációs tartalomelemzéssel 1957-2005 közöttThe Analysis of the Social Judgement on Agriculture with the Means of Mass Media Content Analysis between 1957-2005 Móré, Marianna 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.408229278292 Agriculture 0.337427395907 584034 A szorongás jelenségének teológiai és pasztorálpszichológiai szemlélete a 20. századbanThe Approach of Theology and Pastoral Psychology to Anxiety in 20th Century Csoma, Judit Margit 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.752127285589 Philosophy 0.0487348878548 461771 A magyar királyi honvédség és a leventemozgalom jelvényei, 1938-1945The Badges of The Royal Hungarian Armed Forces and The Levente Youth Organisation, 1938–1945 Sallay, Gergely 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.213733613496 Biology 0.137477560144 158587 A genetikai információ és a diszkrimináció bioetikai problémája: A genetikai rendkívüliség doktrínája a közpolitikai vitákbanThe Bioethical Problem of Genetic Information and Discrimination: The Doctrine of Genetic Exceptionalism in Policy Debates Kakuk, Péter 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.200389518807 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.200066357144 157609 Reaktív nitrogén intermedierek által indukált poli(ADP-ribóz) polimeráz és mátrix metalloproteináz aktiváció vizsgálata in vitro és in vivoegyetemi doktori (Ph.D.) értekezésThe Biological Role of Reactive Nitrogen Intermadiate - Induced Poly (ADP-Ribose) Polymerase and Matrix Metalloproteinase Activation Bai, Péter 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.826666749088 Medicine 0.046647773335 665432 The Butterfly’s Wing Clamped together with the Bolts of Iron—Sentient Spaces and Bodies in the “Flesh” of Virginia Woolf’s To the LighthouseIllanó lepkeszárnyak vaskapcsos tartószerkezettel—érző terek és testek Virginia Woolf A világítótorony című regényének „húsában” Moise, Gabriella 2012 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.570422216934 Civil-Engineering 0.161682430824 872505 A megváltozott munkáltatói felelősség kollíziója a munkavédelem és a társadalombiztosítás szabályaival MagyarországonThe collision of the changed employer’s liability with the regulation of the occupational health and safety and social security in Hungary Sipka, Péter Máté 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.875374669557 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0427056360921 158269 A jó színvonalú magyar és német almatermesztés összehasonlító gazdasági elemzéseThe Comparative Economic Analysis Of Hungarian And German Apple Production Of Good Standard Apáti, Ferenc 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.765951525804 Economics 0.146622106051 158523 A megyei jogú városok súlyának meghatározása és a regionális centrumok azonosítása Magyarország településhálózatábanThe Determination of the Weight of Cities of County Rank and the Identification of the Regional Centres in the Settlement Network of Hungary Csomós, György 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.412048043226 Law 0.262000992302 158338 The Double-Edged Sword: the Technological Sublime in American Novels between 1900 and 1940The Double-Edged Sword: the Technological Sublime in American Novels between 1900 and 1940 Simon, Zoltán 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.288500680337 History 0.23173779476 461768 A debreceni Kis Orbán család gazdasági tevékenysége a XIX. század első felébenThe Economic Activity of the Kis Orbán Family in Debrecen in the First Half of the 19th Century Krankovics, Ilona 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.33796693441 Economics 0.183789427282 343163 Az innováció gazdasági kérdései a juhtenyésztésbenThe economic aspects of innovation in sheep breeding Csatári, Gábor Bence 2010 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.630712833135 Economics 0.218622585415 583266 A szánentáli kecskék életkorának és kondíciójának hatása a tejtermelésre és a szaporaságraThe Effect of Age and Body Condition Score on the Milk Production and Reproduction of Saanen Goats Kocsisné Gráff, Myrtill 2011 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.879066521101 Veterinary 0.0267411422904 453950 The Effect of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Gene Polymorphisms on Alcohol Consumption and Chronic Liver Diseases in HungaryAz alkohol dehidrogenáz gén polimorfizmusainak hatása az alkoholfogyasztásra és a krónikus májbetegségek kialakulására Magyarországon Tóth, Réka 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.899590914551 Biology 0.0207469438371 582940 A vadaskerti tartás hatása a vaddisznó testösszetételéreThe Effect of Confined Keeping on the Body Composition of the Wild Boar Bodnárné Skobrák, Erika 2012 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.500035049632 Agriculture 0.433396473356 158379 Az állománysűrűség hatása a napraforgó hibridek termésmennyiségére, termés-biztonságára és minőségéreThe effect of crop density on the product yield, yield safety and quality of sunflower hybrids Szabó, András 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.885208701936 Medicine 0.0257560575436 158399 A belvizek hatása az alföldi régiók fejlesztéséreThe effect of excess waters on the development of the great plain regions Vámosi, Sándor 2002 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.889749962931 Civil-Engineering 0.0392447395123 709973 A pH, a Fe- és Zn-ellátás, valamint a biotrágya kezelés hatása a fiatalkori kukorica, uborka és bab morfológiai és fiziológiai tulajdonságairaThe effect of pH, Fe- and Zn-supply, as well as a biofertilizer treatment on the morphological and physiological properties of young maize, cucumber and bean Bákonyi, Nóra 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.766887353457 Biology 0.0828609242136 158381 A vetésidő és tápanyagellátás hatása a kukorica terméséreThe Effect of Sowing Time and Nutrient Supply on Maize Yield Futó, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.83989091991 Biology 0.0322127748367 157798 Az expandálás hatása a pulykahizlaló takarmányok gyártásától felhasználásáigThe effect of the expansion from the production to the use of the turkey growing feeds Erdélyi, István 2007 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.739627447464 Industrial-Engineering 0.159558675493 157852 The Effects of Form- and Meaning-Focused Hypertextual Input. Modification on L2 Vocabulary Acquisition and RetentionA forma- és jelentésközpontú hipertextuális inputmódosítások hatása az idegen nyelvi szótanulás eredményességére Sankó, Gyula 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.518586773848 Linguistics 0.168548858634 682477 The Effects of Gender and Social Distance on the Expression of Verbal Disagreement Employed by Hungarian Undergraduate StudentsA társadalmi nem és társadalmi távolság hatásai a magyar egyetemi hallgatók verbális egyet nem értésének kifejezésére Koczogh, Helga Vanda 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.147212766134 Linguistics 0.146590403825 452323 Szájüregi kóros eltérések endogén és exogén rizikó faktoraiThe Endogenous and Exogenous Risk Factors of Oral Pathologic Disorders Tar, Ildikó 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.685516861348 Veterinary 0.133615727821 400177 Az evészavarok egyes epidemiológiai és pszichológiai vonatkozásai, különös tekintettel az önéletrajzi emlékezetreThe epidemiological and psychological aspects of eating disorders especially considering autobiographical memories Krizbai, Tímea 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.740033173703 Biology 0.0903498913939 593737 A krónikus májbetegség, májzsugor etiológiai hátterének vizsgálata a magyar férfiak körébenThe Etiology Of Chronic Liver Disease And Cirrhosis In Hungarian Men Petrovski, Beáta Éva 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.895284623571 Economics 0.0323721495034 243756 A négyzet, téglalap, párhuzamosság, merőlegesség és szimmetria fogalmak fejlődése az alsó tagozatonThe Evolvement of the Concepts of Square, Rectangle, Paralell, Perpendicular and Symetry in Lower Primary Szilágyiné Szinger, Ibolya 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.23872635155 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.130420444854 401460 A D vitamin vizsgálata nem differenciált collagenosisbanThe Examination of Vitamin D in Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease Zöld, Éva 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.89488913864 Biology 0.025720383692 464098 The Glucocorticoid Dexamethasone Programs Human Dendritic Cells for Enhanced Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Neutrophils and Inflammatory ResponseMegnövekedett fagocitózis és gyulladásos válasz glükokortikoid kezelés hatására humán dendritikus sejtekben Hodrea, Judit 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.794701537291 Biology 0.123674026595 157978 Sóranos GynaikológiájaThe Gynaecology Of Soranus Gradvohl, Edina 2004 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.382384493939 Classical-Languages 0.10173666339 257545 Egyetemi hallgatók egészségi állapota és egészségmagatartásaThe Health Status and Health Behaviour of University Students Veresné Balajti, Ilona 2010 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.329177884116 Agriculture 0.187465978924 351642 Simonyi óbester és a vitézvári báró Simonyi család történeteThe History of Colonel Simonyi and the Baron Simonyi of Vitézvár Family Merényi-Metzger, Gábor 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.175798356235 History 0.140319919521 179639 Rudolf Bohren homiletikájaThe homiletics of Rudolf Bohren Varga, Zsolt 2009 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.323472349445 Philosophy 0.0852211351314 334706 Ökológiai és agrotechnikai tényezők hatása a növénytermesztési tér vízháztartására és a kukorica terméshozamáraThe impact of ecological and agrotechnical factors on the water management of the crop production space and on the yield of maize Dóka, Lajos Fülöp 2010 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.885409695244 Biology 0.0182885786864 858405 Az intracraniális hemodinamika és a Willis-kör morfológiai jelentősége a carotis rekonstrukciós műtéteinélThe importance of the intracranial heamodinamics and the morphology of the circle of Willis in the surgery of the cariotid artery Orosz, László 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.822165220904 Biology 0.0385879674861 687325 Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto, Candida orthopsilosis és Candida metapsilosis izolátumok antifungális érzékenységének in vitro és in vivo vizsgálataThe in vitro and in vivo antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto, Candida orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis isolates Szilágyi, Judit 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.436237488116 Biology 0.161320314319 158040 Tiszántúli mezőgazdasági vállalkozások jövedelemelemzése az eredmény- és a cash flow-kimutatás alapjánThe Income Analyses Of Some Agricultural Enterprises From The Territory East Of The River Tisza Rózsa, Attila 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 381561 Ischaemia-reperfusiós változások vizsgálata vékonybél segmenten és vékonybél transplantatiós állatkísérletes modelleken sebészeti- és mikrosebészeti technikák alkalmazásávalThe Investigation of Ischemia-reperfusion Changes on Small Intestinal Segments and Small Intestinal Transplantation Experimetnal Models With the Appliance of Surgical and Microsurgical Techniques Bráth, Endre 2011 University of Debrecen Life Veterinary 0.436882839813 Medicine 0.367293668379 864389 Az egyházak finanszírozásának kérdéseiThe issues of the funding the churches Szilágyi, Bernadett 2014 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.660300389938 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.230719408937 850805 A prion fehérje peptidfragmenseinek fémion-szelektivitásaThe metal ion selectivity of the peptide fragments of the prion protein Fáriné Turi, Ildikó Margit 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.551224353455 Biology 0.266040366141 622493 Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche politikai gondolkodásaThe Political Thoughts of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Pénzes, Ferenc 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.584061694013 Philosophy 0.193975186126 157962 The Pragmatic Marker-discourse Marker Dichotomy Reconsidered: the Case of Well and Of CourseA diskurzus jel l -pragmatikai jel l dichotómia újraértelmezése az angol well és of course tükrében Furkó, Bálint Péter 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.311486191091 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.253880111461 679281 Az intencionalitás kérdése a kommunikatív nyelvhasználat pragmatikájábanThe problem of intentionality in the pragmatics of communicative language use Bódog, Alexa 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.383837127109 Philosophy 0.209688651406 731017 Tanárok pszichológiai jellemzői diákszemmelThe Psychological Characteristics of Teachers through the Eyes of their Students Suplicz, Sándor 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.800328689453 Medicine 0.033705950837 158429 The regional assistance system of the EU and the North Great Plain RegionAz EU és az Észak-alföldi régió regionális támogatási rendszere Nagy, Attila János 2005 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.790786754769 Economics 0.0843822258121 158428 A Debreceni Egyetem regionális szerepe az Észak-alföldi régió versenyképességének erősítésébenThe Regional Role Of The University Of Debrecen In Strengthening The Competitiveness Of The North Great Plain Region Rőfi, Mónika 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Education 0.597807006813 Economics 0.319557238405 157908 The Regulation of Blood Coagulation Factor XIII by Human Neutrophil ProteasesHumán neutrophil proteázok szerepe a véralvadás XIII-as faktorának szabályozásában Bagoly, Zsuzsa 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.325541383302 Biology 0.256795938317 157883 A Berettyó-folyó biológiai vízminősítésének és hidrológiai jellemzőinek összefüggéseiThe Relationship Among Biological Water Qualification And Hydrological Factors Of The Berettyó River Pregun, Csaba 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.602193687982 Biology 0.0969903429108 583268 Az Alsó – Nyárádmente településeinek vallási életeA vallási közösségek viszonyrendszerének néprajzi – antropológiai vizsgálataThe religious life of the settlements in Alsó-Nyárádmente. The ethnic-anthropological examination of the system of relations of the religious communities Simon, Zoltán 2012 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.346154205755 Anthropology 0.325793458661 354672 A vallásosság/spiritualitás protektív szerepének vizsgálata a kiégéssel kapcsolatbanThe research of protective role of the religious belief/spirituality with regard to burning out Kovács, Bernadett 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Psychology 0.424637780048 Medicine 0.281093439065 872147 A MAGYAR NEMESÍTETT KENDERMAGOS TYÚK GÉNMEGŐRZÉSÉNEK EREDMÉNYEITHE RESULTS OF GENETIC PRESERVATION OF HUNGARIAN SPECKLED HEN Benk, Ákos 2014 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.538681872213 Biology 0.208242339744 673945 A kalcineurin szerepe a miozin foszfatáz és az endotél barrier funkció szabályozásábanThe role of calcineurin in the regulation of myosin phosphatase and endothelial barrier function Kolozsvári, Bernadett 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.9067372486 Chemistry 0.0223892253481 157734 A kitinolítikusenzimek és a szabadgyökök szerepe szerepe a Penicillium Chrysogenum gomba autolízisébenThe Role of Chitinolytic Enzymes and Free Radicals in the Autolysis of Penicillium Chrysogenum Sámi, László 2003 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.759098776718 Agriculture 0.0660511906085 776571 The role of enzyme mimetic Mn(III) porphyrins in the redox reactions of biologically active simple inorganic compoundsEnzimutánzó Mn(III)-porfirinek szerepe biológiailag aktív kis molekulatömegű szervetlen vegyületek redoxireakcióiban Kalmár, József 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.721896618319 Medicine 0.066476945117 157718 Hidroxil szabadgyökök neuroblasztóma sejtvonalak differenciálódásában betöltött indukáló szerepeThe Role of Hydroxyl Free Radicals in the Induction of Differentiation in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines Oravecz, Katalin 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.823026479506 Medicine 0.0740932102443 157733 Ioncsatornák szerepe egyes sejtfunkciók aktivációjábanThe Role of Ion Channels in the Activation of Certain Cellular Functions Rubovszky, Bálint 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.892232017538 Chemistry 0.0337324884773 345250 A marketing lehetőségei a magyar felsőoktatási minőség PZB diszkrepanciáinak csökkentésébenThe Role of Marketing in the Elimination of PZB Gaps of the Hungarian Higher Education Siklós, Balázs 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.428364493506 Agriculture 0.14666294872 158255 A neuropeptidek szerepe az ateroszklerózis patomechanizmusábanThe Role of Neuropeptides in the Pathomechanism of Atherosclerosis Kosztáczky, Béla 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.713437348845 Medicine 0.0718910226605 157837 The Role of Persistent Nicks at the Boundaries of Interphase Chromatin Loops and Their Possible Involvement in Pathological Gene RearrangementsEgyszál folytonossághiányok szerepe a kromatin hurkok kialakításában és patológiás génátrendeződésekben Székvölgyi, Lóránt 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.710070390059 Medicine 0.111600777297 157910 The Role of PPARγ in Clearance of Apoptotic Neutophils by Human macrophages and Dendritic CellsA PPARγ szerepe az epoptótikus neutrofilek fagocitálásában humán makrofágokban és dendritikus sejtekben Majai, Gyöngyike Emese 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.460160369655 Medicine 0.313795685056 158450 A bevásárlóközpontok szerepe a budapesti fiatalok szabadidő-felhasználásábanThe role of shopping centres in the use of leisure time of Youth of Budapest Vidra, Anikó 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.647003617016 Mathematics 0.0707324575714 357610 The semantics of aspectualizers in English. A corpus-linguistic approachAz aspektuális igék szemantikájának elemzése a korpusznyelvészet eszközei által Nagy, Tünde 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.761546553237 Agriculture 0.0471557689607 587363 A vidéki erőforrások helyzete és szerepe a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség gazdaságábanThe Situation And Role Of Rural Resources In The Economy Of Hódmezővásárhely Micro-Region Kis, Krisztián 2012 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.63723111666 Geography 0.170107934953 158601 A családi gazdálkodás helyzete hajdú-bihar megyébenThe Situation of Family Farms in Hajdu-Bihar County Nagyné Demeter, Dóra 2009 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.779673552508 Economics 0.0386850759319 464204 A gondolkodás terePerspektivizmus, mozgás és affektivitás a filozófiai gondolkodásbanThe Space of Thinking. Perspectivism, Movement and Affectivity in Philosophical Thinking. Farkas, Henrik 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philosophy 0.788092477708 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0767328352978 243759 A humánerőforrás-fejlesztés helyzete Kárpátalján interetnikus megközelítésbenThe State of Training Human Resources of Transcarpathia from Interethnic Point of View Fodor, Gyula 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.351784682523 Geography 0.190716223643 690089 A területi államigazgatási szervek jogállása és azok változása MagyarországonThe Status and Transformation of Territorial State Administrative Organizations in Hungary Barta, Attila 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Law 0.70154295048 Geography 0.0853135611756 849540 A célzott mozgásterápia strukturális és funkcionális hatásai spondylitis ankylopoeticábanThe structural and functional effects of aimed exercise therapy in ankylosing spondylitis Némethné Gyurcsik, Zsuzsanna 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.781759891833 Biology 0.130562013657 161962 Az oktatatási sorting elmélet és empirikus tesztelésének problémáiThe Theory of Educational Sorting and the Problems of its Empirical Testing Kun, András István 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.823232379829 Industrial-Engineering 0.0335831965878 593047 A szabványosítás tranzakciós költség szempontú megközelítéseA hálózatos iparágak, a tranzakciós költségek és a szabványosítás kapcsolata a mobiltelefon rendszerek szabványosítási tapasztalatain keresztülThe transaction cost-based approach to standardization-Introducing the connection between network industries, transaction costs and standardization through the experiences of the standardization of mobile telephone systems Kovács, István 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.72981836382 Philosophy 0.111262268486 158417 Röpítőtárcsás műtrágyaszóró gépek munkaszélesség növelésének elméleti és gyakorlati összefüggéseiTheoretical and Practical Relations of Increasing the Working Width of Centrifugal Fertilizer Spreaders Ancza, Erzsébet 2005 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.46755963009 Agriculture 0.325733391447 158413 A hatékonyság növelés elméleti és gyakorlati összefüggései a mezőgazdasági és élelmiszeripari műanyag rekeszek és ládák tisztításakorTheoretical and Practical Relationships of the Efficiency Increase in Cleaning of Plastic Crates and Boxes Used in Agriculture and Food Industry Mészáros, György 2006 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.369661532542 Civil-Engineering 0.171009099194 619547 Theoretical study of charge transfer in ion-molecule collisionsTöltésátviteli folyamatok elméleti vizsgálata ion-molekula ütközésekben Rozsályi, Emese 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.690644498122 Physics 0.187294803209 157900 Kísérleti eszközök fejlesztése a nagyenergiájú fizika számáraTöltött Higgs-bozon keresése a CERN-i L3 detektornál és precíziós helyzetmeghatározó-rendszer építése a CERN-i CMS detektor Müon rendszeréhezDevelopment of experimental methods for the high-energy physics - Search for charged Higgs-bosons at the L3 experiment and development of a precision alignment system for the CMS detector at CERN Szillási, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.71889202079 Medicine 0.0757465069614 673411 Top predictions at high precision for the LHCNagy pontosságú top jóslatok az LHC számára Kardos, Ádám 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.707502437281 Agriculture 0.0554500702493 752984 Topical treatment of osteoporosis by iontophoresis using calcium- and phosphate-donating microparticlesCsontritkulás lokális kezelése kalcium és foszfát donor mikropartikulák iontoforézisével Gomez, Izabella Ilona 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.474895350348 Agriculture 0.0819888898943 587367 Torque teno vírus epidemiológiája és filogenetikája Kelet-MagyarországonEpidemiology and phylogeny of torque teno virus in Eastern Hungary Fehér, Enikő 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.895179450938 Biology 0.0365791131729 679279 Toward a Scalar Semantic Analysis of Telicity in HungarianÚtban a telikusság skaláris-szemantikai leírása felé a magyarban Kardos, Éva Aliz 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.5992250443 Economics 0.109100499513 157834 Hagyomány és újítás Lázár Ervin elbeszélőművészetébenTradition and Modernity in the Life-work of Lázár Ervin Pompor, Zoltán 2007 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.604727719099 Linguistics 0.213333648542 158067 Trágyázás hatása a talajok mibilis N-formáira tartamkísérletekbenThe Fertilisation Effect on the Mobile N Forms of Soil in Long Term Field Experiments Nagy, Péter Tamás 2004 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 157794 Méregtelenítési folyamatok laborállat idegrendszerbenTrankvillánsok Glutation-S-Transzferáz indukciója laborállat és kishaszonállatok egyes szerveiben valamint új neuroinformatikai módszerek a hatékonyságvizsgálatbanGlutathione-S-Transferase Induction of Tranquilizers in Certain Organs of Laboratory Animals and Livestock and New Neuroinformatic Methods in Effect Analysis Godó, Zoltán Attila 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.459927973308 Chemistry 0.301293804684 347742 Transglutaminase 2 as an Essential Regulatory Factor of Neutrophil Granulocyte Differentiation. Potential Contribution in Retinoic Acid SyndromeA transzglutamináz 2 szerepe az akut promielocitás leukémia sejtek all-trans retinsav indukálta neutrofil granulocita irányú differenciációjában Csomós, Krisztián 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.633798053614 Medicine 0.299647426622 328427 Transgressing the Limit: Ritual Reenacted in Selected Plays by Edward Albee and Sam ShepardHatár-szegés: újra-játszott rítus Edward Albee és Sam Shepard válogatott színdarabjaiban Prohászka Rád, Boróka 2010 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.414783548192 Linguistics 0.0885125976077 653942 Transmission of Charged Particles Through a Single Glass MicrocapillaryTöltött részecskék kölcsönhatása egyedi, henger alakú, szigetelő mikrokapillárissal Bereczky, Réka Judit 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Physics 0.847182369305 Civil-Engineering 0.0232362789904 683313 Lelkipásztorok házaspár kapcsolati zavarainak pasztorálpszichoterápiás kezeléseTreating pastor-couples’ relationship crises by pastoralpsychotherapy Szarka, Miklós 2012 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.401170842871 Psychology 0.125243007494 828125 Trombózis rizikó felmérése és tromboembóliás szövődmények megelőzése radikális prosztataeltávolítás kapcsánEvaluation of thrombotic risk and prevention of venous thromboembolism after radical prostatectomy Benyó, Mátyás 2013 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.767907039551 Biology 0.0940748730497 158363 Tudás és társadalom a posztmodernitás korábanZygmunt Bauman metaforikus társadalomelméleteKnowledge and SocietyZygmund Bauman’s Metaphorical Social-Philosophy Fenyő, Imre 2007 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.730054165427 Philosophy 0.144632914447 158989 Tudományos utánpótlásképzés Európában és MagyarországonA doktori képzésben résztvevők helyzeteDoctoral training in Europe and in HungaryThe situation of Ph.D. candidates Fináncz, Judit 2008 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.358115200287 Education 0.104080072405 919875 Tüdőrák agyi metasztázisa és intrakraniális agydaganatok peritumorális invazivitásának összehasonlítása az extracelluláris mátrix komponensek expressziójának vizsgálatávalComparison of peritumoral invasiveness of lung cancer cerebral metastases and primary brain tumors by determining the expression profile of invasion related extracellular matrix components Varga, Imre 2014 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.561193267542 Biology 0.226180305479 399819 Turán type inequalities for some special functionsSpeciális függvényekre vonatkozó Turán típusú egyenlőtlenségek Baricz, Árpád 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Mathematics 0.770354538259 Biology 0.0387842188598 401370 Turizmuspolitika Magyarországon különös tekintettel a Kádár-korszak első tíz évéreThe politics of tourism in Hungary focusing on the first decade of the Kádár era Rehák, Géza 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.503299682917 Geography 0.168676802098 161742 Структурные типы семантических пресуппозиций в русских печатных рекламных текстахTypes of Semantic Presupposition Constructions in Russian Print Advertising Kissné Kovács, Krisztina 2009 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.652445938217 Philosophy 0.0391924504569 157921 Új eljárások ay orrgarattumorok diagnosztikájában és ellátásában (in situ hibridizáció, PET és sugárbiológiai vizsgálatok)New Methods in the Diagnosis and Therapy of NPC (in situ Hybridization, Positron Emission Tomography and Radiobiological Investigations) Olajos, Judit 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.806052986128 Biology 0.0938322851705 456724 Új generációs β-ciklodextrinek sejtmembránra, illetve a taxol, mint BCS IV. típusú farmakon transzportjára gyakorolt hatásának in vitro vizsgálataThe in Vitro Investigaiton of the Effects of the New-generation β Cyclodextrins on the Cell Membrane and on the Transport of the BCS IV. Class Taxol Kiss, Tímea 2011 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.532036619194 Biology 0.296997508729 392796 Új mechanizmusok a humán hajnövekedés biológiai folyamatainak szabályozásábanNew mechanisms in the biological processes of human hair growth regulation Borbíró, István 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.592023966099 Veterinary 0.299920089341 664779 Új módszerek és eszközök szabadtéri múzeumok állandó kiállításának létrehozásáraNew Methods and Tools for Creating Permanent Exhibitions in Open Air Museums Nagyné, Batári Zsuzsanna 2012 University of Debrecen Hard Civil-Engineering 0.260675607196 Classical-Languages 0.203601372338 301406 Új risztocetin- és teikoplanin-származékok szintéziseSynthesis of New Derivatives of Ristocetin and Teicoplanin Pintér, Gábor 2010 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.282062983283 Medicine 0.231515596065 188478 Új sejtvonalak létrehozása és jellemzése kémiai rákkeltőkkel előidézett kísérletes daganatokbólEstablishment and Characterization of New Cell Lines Derived from Chemically Induced Experimental Tumors Trencsényi, György 2009 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.64351326851 Biology 0.189711511915 452325 Új típusú protein foszfatázok vizsgálata Drosophila fajokbanCharacterization of Novel Protein Phosphatases in Drosophila species Ádám, Csaba 2011 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.875227614435 Medicine 0.0257522411039 157865 Új típusú protein foszfatázok vizsgálata Drosophila melanogaster-benFunctional analysis of Novel Protein Phosphatases in Drosophilia Melanogaster Kókai, Endre 2006 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.845776888662 Physics 0.0330562839694 919219 Új, vízoldható Pd-szalán komplexek katalitikus alkalmazásaCatalytic activity of new water-soluble Pd-salan complexes Voronova, Krisztina 2014 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.902783556782 Medicine 0.0136550184923 680980 Újabb megfigyelések beültethető cardioverter defibrillátor és reszinkronizációs eszközös terápia hosszabb távú utánkövetése soránNew observations with long-term follow-up after implantable cardioverter defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy Clemens, Marcell 2012 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.830887279205 Biology 0.0369737098336 777830 Ultrahangos mérési technika alkalmazása szarvasmarhák hústermelő képességének és vágóértékének vizsgálatáraApplication of Ultrasound Measurement Technique to Evaluate the Meat Producing Ability and Carcass Value of Beef Cattle Harangi, Sándor 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.712970270611 Medicine 0.167524719414 157958 A pannoniai városok igazgatásaUrbanizáció, önkormányzat és városi elit a Kr. u. 1-3. században a feliratok tükrébenThe Administration of the Cities of Pannonia. Urbanization, Self-Government and Urban Elite from the Ist until the IIIrd centuries A.C. Based on the Inscriprions. Szabó, Edit 2003 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.440593851117 Civil-Engineering 0.196177062697 180128 Urbanizációs hatás vizsgálata ászkarák együtteseken (Isopoda: Oniscidea): esettanulmányok magyar és dán GlobeNet vizsgálatokbólEffects of Urbanization on Terrestrial Isopod Assemblages (Isopoda: Oniscidea): GlobeNet Studies in Hungary and Denmark Vilisics, Ferenc 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.665279705959 Agriculture 0.231741707975 157912 Uréterkövek korszerű sebészi kezeléseModern Surgical Treatment of Ureteral Calculi Farkas, Antal 2007 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.329923131226 Civil-Engineering 0.131295858478 562046 Útban egy más nyelvészet feléElméleti-módszertani problémák a 20. századi magyar nyelvtudománybanTowards an other kind of linguistics Fehér, Krisztina 2011 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.461223897344 Philosophy 0.257473939876 157639 UV-irradiációt követő DNS-károsodás és reparáció a bőr sejtjeiben. In vitro vizsgálatokUV-Irradiation Induced DNA-Damage and Repair in Skin Cells. In Vitro Methods Emri, Gabriella 2007 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.790940960654 Physics 0.0830188519484 790996 Vállalatok képzési magatartásának elemzéseAn Analysis of Company Training Behaviour Barizsné Hadházi, Edit 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Economics 0.478031208867 Education 0.256444737621 255598 A munkahelyi egészségpszichológia és egészségfejlesztés rendszere a Magyar Köztársaság Rendőrségén, valamint a szubjektíve észlelt munkahelyi stresszterheltség jellegzetességei – különös tekintettel az idői tényezőre – a hivatásos állományú rendőrök körébenValóban megterhelő-e a hivatásos állományú rendőri lét?The System of Occupational Health Psychology and Workplace Health Promotion at the Hungarian Republic’s Police and the Characteristics of Work Related Subjective Stressload – Especially the Time Factor – Among the Police OfficersIs it really hard to be a police officer? Szabó, Erika 2009 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.363599091459 Biology 0.279631308115 765306 Variabilitás és differenciálódás Melitaea (subg. Mellicta) fajok (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Nymphalinae) Kárpát-medencei populációibanVariability and differentiation in Melitaea species (Lepidoptera: Nyphalidae) in the Carpathian Basin Bátori, Edit 2013 University of Debrecen Life Agriculture 0.509339420218 Biology 0.443625247685 463927 Város és elit a Horthy-kori kecskemét történeti földrajzi és társadalomtörténeti megközelítésbenTown and Elite – Kecskemét in the Horthy Era Viewed from Historical Geographic and Social Historic Aspects Szilágyi, Zsolt 2011 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.496915098472 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.219246896767 679860 Kapszaicin-receptor (TRPV1) agonisták vaszkuláris biológiai hatásaiVascular effects of capsaicin receptor (TRPV1) Czikora, Ágnes 2012 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.805507189716 Chemistry 0.0502720232896 157907 Vascularis, immunológiai és genetikai tényezők lehetséges patogenetikai szerepe néhány gasztroenterológiai kórképbenPossible Pathogenetic Role of Vascular, Immunological and Genetic Factors in Certain Gastoenterological Disorders Papp, Mária 2008 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.833850169771 Biology 0.0966361398301 158257 Vázizom típusú SR kalcium csatorna (RyR1) vizsgálataStudy of Skeletal Type Calcium Release Channel (RyR1) Lukács, Balázs 2008 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.819420788203 Agriculture 0.0545893932607 179089 Védett gerincesek konzervációbiológiája – monitoring és fajmegőrzési programok tervezése és kivitelezéseConservation biology of protected vertebrates – planning and implementation of conservation and monitoring programmes Boldogh, Sándor András 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.658154807182 Agriculture 0.228695923849 690090 Vegetius: Epitoma rei militarisAz „Epitoma” hatása a középkori (had)tudományos irodalomraVegetius: Epitoma rei militaris. The Influence of the "Epitome" on the (Military) Science and Literature of the Medieval Age Kákóczki, Balázs 2011 University of Debrecen Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.311068905235 Classical-Languages 0.169695899975 450035 Versenyképesség és egészségkultúra összefüggései regionális megközelítésbenThe Relationship Between Competitiveness and Health Culture in a Regional Approach Dr. Balatoni, Ildikó 2011 University of Debrecen Life Medicine 0.432925673972 Economics 0.253196390786 158030 Vezetési és munkaszervezési összefüggések vizsgálata marhahústermelő gazdaságokbanInterrelationships of Management and Work Organization on Farm Businesses Producing Beef Felföldi, János 2009 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.182737915928 Medicine 0.137346170223 157821 Világirodalmi és mitológiai párhuzamok Sarkadi Imre drámáibanLiterary and Mythological Allusions is Imre Sarkadi’s Dramas Pataki, Judit 2006 University of Debrecen Soc Linguistics 0.26881866446 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.205652378493 825395 Villamos és hőenergia előállítását szolgáló megújuló energetikai technológiák fenntarthatósági értékeléseSustainability Assessment of Renewable Power and Heat Generation Technologies Dombi, Mihály 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.487135558187 Agriculture 0.312644088537 461769 Visegrád késő középkori város története és helyrajzaHistory and Topography of the Late Medieval Visegrád Town Mészáros, Orsolya 2008 University of Debrecen Hum History 0.51832538616 Classical-Languages 0.378168043717 316494 Vízirovarok (Coleoptera, Heteroptera) évszakos és napszakos diszperziójának sajátosságaiCharacteristics of Diel and Seasonal Dispersal of Aquatic Insects (Coleoptera, Heteroptera) Boda, Pál 2010 University of Debrecen Life Biology 0.588192891875 Agriculture 0.144732420418 774402 Vízoldható Ru(II)- és Rh(I)-foszfin komplexek szintézise és alkalmazása kétfázisú katalízisbenSynthesis of water-soluble Ru(II)- and Rh(I)-phosphine complexes and their application in biphasic catalysis Udvardy, Antal 2013 University of Debrecen Hard Chemistry 0.894414351947 Biology 0.019848276086 768721 Vizsgálatok a földrajzi köznevek története körébőlHistorical linguistic studies in the domain of geographical common names Gacsályi-Bába, Barbara 2013 University of Debrecen Soc Geography 0.33491546753 Linguistics 0.14891816998 771697 "En cada linaje el deterioro ejerce su dominio": an examination and evaluation of the domesticating versus foreignisation translation strategy as proposed by Lawrence Venuti in light of the English language translation of 'La ciudad y los perros' by Mario Vargas Llosa Horgan, Nicola Patricia 1997 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.734910128123 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0933026729049 826749 "From Here to the Rest of the World": Crime, class and labour in David Simon's Baltimore Sweeney, Sheamus 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.279668371494 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.184163896124 1064277 "I'm a doctor for God's sake" The GP as Manager: A multi-theory perspective O'Riordan, Chris 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.269617354383 Economics 0.175738544763 768823 "Such friends": effects of extensive cluster group interaction on the development of creative writers Donnelly, Kathleen V 1997 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.612325433582 Linguistics 0.0793148741901 465049 "Tha' sounds like me arse!": a comparison of the translation of expletives in two German translations of Roddy Doyle's "The commitments" Ghassempur, Susanne 2009 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.766301998562 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0687136029666 1064300 'Arme rijke taal' Audiovisual translation and minority language planning in pluricentric language areas: a case study of Flemish public service broadcasting De Ridder, Reglindis 2015 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.737245900758 Biology 0.0486754161001 1020954 'Global civil society' and hegemonic global governance: a Gramscian analysis of the NGO campaigns to ban landmines and cluster munitions O'Dwyer, Diana 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.500897211443 Anthropology 0.359905726184 777329 'Real-time' biomolecular interaction analysis: novel applications and developments Quinn, John G. 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.280657349924 Physics 0.148396532503 464907 'We know them, but we don't know them': a grounded theory approach to exploring host students' perspectives on intercultural contact in an Irish university Dunne, Ciaran 2008 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.495723160541 Linguistics 0.237983009463 465239 -ing words in RBMT: multilingual evaluation and exploration of pre- and post-processing solutions Aranberri Monasterio, Nora 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.663155804956 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.146142449117 769509 3-D animation and morphing using RenderMan Foley, Somhairle 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.33348213657 Biology 0.172426478731 1020741 3D object retrieval and segmentation: various approaches including 2D poisson histograms and 3D electrical charge distributions. Alizadeh, Fattah 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.804281607367 Statistics 0.0538977272898 885857 A 1m normal incidence multi-channel spectrometer for laser plasma spectroscopy Doyle, Barry 1995 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.869517434667 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0253483499808 885765 A best-practice model for term planning Bhreathnach, Úna 2011 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.718976834911 Medicine 0.145401506686 828356 A case study investigation into the performance of gifted, transition year students participating in a dual enrolment programme Ledwith, Catriona 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.603348076605 Medicine 0.0738491478084 882074 A case study of emergency department practice: Reframing the care of people who self-harm Kane, Raphaela 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.258325124365 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.199008143226 777956 A case study of the Dublin and Galway Rape Crisis Centres: the therapists perspective Ryan-Larragy, Elizabeth 1997 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.328379481956 Law 0.134838180744 683167 A case study of the televised international newsflow of Raidió Teilifís Éireann and The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: A comparative content analysis Testar, Jason Thomas 2012 Dublin City University Soc Anthropology 0.386811025211 Medicine 0.112741820806 738364 A centrifugal microfluidic platform for capturing, assaying and manipulation of beads and biological cells Burger, Robert 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.43790117602 Industrial-Engineering 0.266361008995 773392 A code excited linear predictive coder: using a moments algorithm Meehan, David 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.749642928263 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0400387584178 1023776 A combined analytical approach to studying carbon dynamics in soils and sediments. Murphy, Brian 2014 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.573783948321 Chemistry 0.364164848146 882128 A compact and scalable encoding for updating XML based on node labeling schemes O'Connor, Martin F. 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.839498656196 Veterinary 0.0243661664387 885910 A comparative analysis of bank lending to small enterprises in Ireland and Germany Hanley, Aoife 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.806401208627 Law 0.0713482206848 465461 A Comparative Evaluation to Determine the Effectiveness of the Behaviour Support Classrooms and other Positive Behaviour Management Interventions in Designated Disadvantaged Schools Wickham, Iain 2010 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.420570093725 Industrial-Engineering 0.101110105952 750551 A comparative test of Inglehart's theory of postmaterialism McKenzie, Kenneth 2004 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.444551906882 History 0.368827854367 1186278 A comparison of physical activity, physical fitness levels, BMI, and blood pressure of adults with intellectual disability, who do and do not take part in Special Olympics Ireland programmes. Walsh, Denise 2016 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.466961117724 Medicine 0.455167440465 770404 A comprehensive study of robot control algorithms Gibbs, Patrick J 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.524424462441 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.428378721162 885809 A computational and experimental analysis of impact to aircraft structures Kennedy, Pierce 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.785925946047 Biology 0.0311128252297 1064269 A computational model for colon cancer dynamics Roznovat, Irina-Afrodita 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.424616103482 Biology 0.27889310102 772116 A configurer for parallel programs Karabash, Nasser Suleiman 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.386869226332 Industrial-Engineering 0.30758116002 768037 A contrastive analysis of French and English social statistics texts Creed, Mairead 1995 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.491344176006 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.444290896686 684038 A corpus-based study of translator style: Oeser’s and Orth-Guttmann’s German translations of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Beautiful and Damned Winters, Marion 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.742896020818 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0764047473617 680810 A critical investigation into the spray-drying of hydroxyapatite powder for thermal spray applications Murtaza, Qasim 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.619400737251 Agriculture 0.121789786578 742137 A critical study on the strategy for capital machinery manufacturing SMEs in Bangladesh Islam, Mollah Shahidul 2005 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.578871688635 Industrial-Engineering 0.32394569208 762953 A cross-cultural study of humour in magazine advertising Browne, Deirdre 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.201771148657 Economics 0.16594721149 882031 A cross-layer quality-oriented energy-efficient scheme for multimedia delivery in wireless local area networks Song, Yang 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.916314264322 Biology 0.012603089963 882055 A detailed study of desalination exergy models and their application to a semi-conductor ultra-pure water plant Fitzsimons, Lorna 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.626962241447 Biology 0.103957527023 654135 A Dirichlet problem for a coupled system of two singularly perturbed convection-diffusion ordinary differential equations Bellew, Seamus 2003 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.818689648301 Civil-Engineering 0.0589958325832 826741 A discourse analysis of interactions from an online pro-anorexia forum Ascari, Manuela 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.502701769409 Linguistics 0.111386162346 882166 A discrete simulation model for heterogeneous traffic including bicycles on urban road networks Vasic, Jelena 2014 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.338065751504 Civil-Engineering 0.228640455573 885870 A fibre optic oxygen sensor based on the fluorescence quenching of ruthenium compounds Geissel, Adrian Kieran 1991 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.752747975534 Biology 0.112159184048 885820 A finite element and experimental analysis of energy absorbing systems under static and dynamic loading conditions Morris, Edmund 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.737954535866 Physics 0.0685451954329 464928 A finite element approach for the implementation of magnetostrictive material terfenol-D in automotive CNG fuel injection actuation Choadhury, Habibullah Amin 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.792494598777 Biology 0.0579829766253 773805 A flexible, abstract network optimisation framework and its application to telecommunications network design and configuration problems Murphy, Sean 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.721691271738 Mathematics 0.102134458475 885822 A framework for adaptive monitoring and performance management of component-based enterprise applications Mos, Adrian 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.755302024902 Industrial-Engineering 0.154476328797 777691 A framework for automated landmark recognition in community contributed image corpora Hughes, Mark 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861313345878 Physics 0.0199534905055 1186031 A framework for creating production and inventory control strategies Olaitan, Oladipupo A. 2016 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.328857475227 Agriculture 0.128783696383 882077 A framework for generating operational characteristic curves for semiconductor manufacturing systems using flexible and reusable discrete event simulations Byrne, Néill M. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.612493166635 Mathematics 0.155617445806 1021902 A framework for robust control of uncertainty in self-adaptive software connectors Jamshidi, Pooyan 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.797462685834 Biology 0.0921832143229 885776 A framework for sign language recognition using support vector machines and active learning for skin segmentation and boosted temporal sub-units Awad, George M. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.78059964084 Physics 0.0721026037418 495993 A framework for the assembly and delivery of multimodal graphics in E-learning environments McMullen, Declan 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.59837708111 Linguistics 0.15167809735 882086 A framework for the provision of online discrete event simulation for operational decision support in complex manufacturing environments Salman, Mustafa Ramzi 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.452639653519 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.421864535252 826476 A framework for user-assisted knowledge acquisition from sensor data Conroy, Kenneth 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.819346522899 Biology 0.0451074712224 792624 A generic comparison process for documentation files Timmons, Michelle 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.310622506512 Biology 0.134675183388 772111 A generic framework for colour texture segmentation Nammalwar, Padmapriya 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.629819938494 Agriculture 0.19801782027 771685 A grating-tunable external-cavity laser based on a semiconductor laser diode Hurley, Brian Kevin 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.52313274206 Physics 0.288346970382 682775 A grounded theory of football fan community identity and co-production: Consumer roles in brand culture, meaning, and value co-creation in virtual communities Healy, Jason C. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.690491215716 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.184697583559 749949 A grounded theory of requirements documentation in the practice of software development Power, Norah M. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.599139540123 Industrial-Engineering 0.123835869131 622539 A grounded theory of the role of the directors of nursing in band one teaching hospitals in Ireland Hogan, Jennifer Margaret 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.389816919711 Medicine 0.255184397139 683169 A holistic framework for environmental impacts in production tools to enable optimisation Posten, Katharina 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.75752040532 Economics 0.0588652369194 750576 A language based on the Pi-calculus Tunney, David 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.871312074388 Biology 0.0423833892175 882139 A lifelogging system supporting multimodal access Qiu, Zhengwei 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865769070363 Biology 0.036121293803 1061875 A machine learning framework for automatic human activity classification from wearable sensors Mitchell, Edmond 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.838883592685 Biology 0.083511442224 777935 A managerial cognition perspective on the product innovation performance of Irish industry Rooney, Anne-Marie Elizabeth 1999 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.625552925713 Economics 0.142832144278 776305 A mathematical model for measles epidemics in Ireland Comiskey, Catherine M. 1988 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.217815673067 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.13422155764 742490 A metadata service for service oriented architectures King, Noel 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.787357319413 Civil-Engineering 0.054669338225 621288 A method for modelling radio frequency deposition or etch plasma chambers using an equivalent electronic component circuit Cregan, Brian 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.721149919361 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.151584074124 762959 A model equation for the optical tunnelling problem using parabolic cylinder functions Brazel, Neal 1989 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.81283378357 Agriculture 0.0291961313633 769314 A modified mathematical model for HIV transmission, AIDS and intervention strategies in Ireland Dunne, Mary T 1995 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.418270601766 Biology 0.241621389066 885812 A molecular and biochemical study of two recombinant mammalian pyroglutamyl peptidases type 1 Kilbane, Zelda 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.628315087026 Veterinary 0.14072028341 684882 A multi-phase study of contemporary policy and practice in determining nursing skill mix in acute hospitals in Ireland. Shannon, Michael 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.301350566111 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.172209650972 836663 A multidisciplinary examination of walkability: Its concept, measurement and applicability Fitzsimons D'Arcy, Lorraine 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.219131852311 Biology 0.175233206252 811732 A natural death or the death of the natural: towards a legal critique of death in Ireland Hanafin, Patrick John 1995 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.80774205605 Medicine 0.077725015661 771866 A navigation aid for the visually impaired Kallewaard, Laurens P 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.697756867765 Industrial-Engineering 0.073841174576 495409 A node partitioning strategy for optimising the performance of XML queries Marks, Gerard 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.781713724342 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0541549025702 771664 A novel constitutive law for describing materials behaviour at high strain rate and large deformation Hamouda, A. M. S 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.774594882896 Civil-Engineering 0.16317564471 464886 A novel dependency-based evaluation metric for machine translation Owczarzak, Karolina 2008 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.715026344661 Medicine 0.0993458296559 882146 A novel role for thiols in the regulation of platelet function Reddy, Emily C. 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.759589437059 Medicine 0.0857217160966 885906 A novel technique for energy saving in freezing technology Zhang, Jianyi 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.623294993752 Agriculture 0.162726264658 465522 A one dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of colliding quasi neutral plasma systems Doohan, Brian 2011 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.684995293424 Industrial-Engineering 0.20582103605 1114900 A pattern language for evolution reuse in component-based software architectures Abbasi, Aakash Ahmad 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.716999628334 Civil-Engineering 0.163549929222 793339 A perceptually based computational framework for the interpretation of spatial language Kelleher, John D. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.770684405996 Philosophy 0.0606631535215 776303 A performance model of a telecommunications network structured according to intelligent network principles Newcombe, A. G 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.469173384941 Industrial-Engineering 0.35142557461 771951 A photoabsorbtion study of La3+ and Au in the giant resonance energy region Koble, Ulrich 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.726107038474 Chemistry 0.0595943938879 812330 A photoluminescence study of a beryllium related defect in silicon Daly, Siobhan Elizabeth 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.831546870498 Biology 0.0408993877094 822964 a photoluminescence study of cadmium and aluminium-related defects in silicon McGlynn, Enda 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.727525059837 Biology 0.144642599368 772621 A photoluminescence study of indium implanted silicon Kehoe, Thomas Bernard 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.737877135415 Medicine 0.067024245857 582608 A policy based governance framework for cloud service process architectures Wang, MingXue 2012 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.50101690714 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.421026387906 750305 A practical assessment of network orientated load control for the intelligent network Wathan, Navinder Singh 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.596139936516 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.134987710249 684878 A psychoanalytic investigation of transference management in the Irish adult public mental health services Moore, Gerard 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.542736474917 Psychology 0.117429687938 465046 A psycholinguistic exploration of focus of attention in second language learning based on recent research findings from the field of motor skill learning Kelly-Coll, Clare 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.368968113822 Psychology 0.252592456753 767823 A quality software process for rapid application development Coleman, Gerry 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.757420309999 Industrial-Engineering 0.144507659792 464927 A quantitative study of the relationships between morphology, physiology and geldanamycin synthesis in submerged cultures of Streptomyces hygroscopicus var. geldanus Dobson, Lynne 2008 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.633857579964 Chemistry 0.102460503089 770405 A real-time low-cost vision sensor for robotic bin picking Ghita, Ovidiu 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.846123361158 Industrial-Engineering 0.0667488998765 764508 A reception analysis of a development-oriented television programme by a multi-ethnic society Ahmad, Jamaliah 2000 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.75779521147 Philosophy 0.0323886407535 464888 A remote access CT colonography training system Luauté, Vincent 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.782857186593 Agriculture 0.0381795121681 648125 A review of connection admission control algorithms for ATM networks Curran, Maureen 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.683299223902 Law 0.0387240830809 590322 A role for polyunsaturated fatty acids in Th1-mediated disease Draper, Eve 2008 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.602039308185 Biology 0.19243053587 826750 A rule based approach to data certification - applying DQXML for system independent data certification Hossain, Fakir 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.55673693672 Earth sciences 0.0759404857141 809438 A rule based approach to real time systems Xie, Peijuan 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.677955950452 Biology 0.0749997980741 1061496 A scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopic study of bromine functionalised molecules on metal surfaces Carpy, Tom 2015 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.465366439998 Chemistry 0.38137003775 773397 A scanning tunnelling microscopy investigation of the interaction of sulphur with semiconductor surfaces Moriarty, Phillip 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.803063689289 Biology 0.0516637458747 654454 A secure architecture enabling end-user privacy in the context of commercial wide-area location-enhanced web services Candebat, Thibault 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.88306509775 Chemistry 0.0228602893192 777943 A semantic-based approach to information processing Richardson, Ray 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.855721587559 Psychology 0.0650664448989 772106 A semiotic reading of advertisements Lawlor, Katrina 1992 Dublin City University Hum Philosophy 0.597170697277 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.239258293253 751171 A series solution approach to monopole scattering Abdelwahid, Fawzi 1998 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.689943949372 Physics 0.148773891009 771862 A simulation approach to modelling quality and reliability features of plant processes Karagiannis, Theofanis I 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.818456178666 Industrial-Engineering 0.0888424106943 743415 A software process engineering approach to understanding software productivity and team personality characteristics: an empirical investigation Yilmaz, Murat 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.457588915237 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.270319546317 772631 A special vortex - vortex scattering process in superconductors McCarthy, Pauline 1991 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.652367113722 Law 0.0946590583587 763135 A spectral voltammetric and chromatographic investigation of the complexation of oxytetracycline hydrochloride to metals of varying valency Buckley, Daniel Leo 1985 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.765423518719 Biology 0.105830894948 873658 A spectroscopic and diagnostic study of laser plasma generation and evolution under multi-variable target conditioning Yeates, Patrick 2004 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.770050104581 Chemistry 0.102440699998 621290 A static analysis framework for security properties in mobile and cryptographic systems Aziz, Benyamin Y. Y. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835150287069 Biology 0.0418476817676 680027 A strategy for short-term load forecasting in Ireland Fay, Damien 2004 Dublin City University Hard Statistics 0.443380652189 Industrial-Engineering 0.383001469338 622534 A structural alignment model of noun-noun compound interpretation Hayes, Jer 2003 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.507146889943 Biology 0.10004698594 873988 A study into the motivations of internet users contributing to translation crowdsourcing: the case of Polish Facebook user-translators Dombek, Magdalena 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.792793077136 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0548428520937 885835 A study of a proline specific seprase activity from mammalian serum O'Brien, Pamela 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.651760538582 Medicine 0.123495934253 811714 A study of atypical employment in the service sector in Ireland McGreevy, Sharon Mann 1995 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.39412114264 Industrial-Engineering 0.336430413033 811745 A study of centralised bargaining in Ireland 1922-1997: the evolution of corporatism Keogh, Andrew 1998 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.734857971606 Medicine 0.0477835723775 464897 A study of clinical strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and the investigation of antibiotic resistance mechanisms in the multidrug resistant strain PA13 Ferguson, Damien 2008 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.552397731757 Agriculture 0.131670573433 1024470 A study of cultural agency and an analysis of its application Garry, Shauna 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.673926065759 Visual arts 0.14332081265 810200 A study of killer yeast activity against the opportunistic pathogen candida albicans O'Leary, Eoin C 1987 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.320169530181 Chemistry 0.179165356166 792603 A study of mobile robot motion planning Wang, Bang 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.782134114975 Industrial-Engineering 0.0594419425773 582234 A study of symptom profile and clinical subtypes of delirium Meagher, David 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.710643176461 Biology 0.0486330400033 590325 A study of the distribution of selected anthropogenic micropollutants in the seawater of Dublin bay Roden, Francis J. 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.669877364515 Chemistry 0.176189774575 683161 A study of the effectiveness of adult education in Kildare VEC Murtagh, Desmond 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.77531461877 Economics 0.0965297697472 809048 A study of the expansion of a laser produced lithium plasma using spatially and temporally resolved imaging and spectroscopic techniques Whitty, William 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.803206041025 Industrial-Engineering 0.0546660741494 620701 A study of the growth of Pseudomonas putida CP1 on mono-chlorophenols Fakhruddin, A.N.M. 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.455327174909 Agriculture 0.150690363133 772632 A study of the imaging of atomic elements by computerised axial tomography McCarthy, K. J 1989 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.673045069885 Civil-Engineering 0.0610277965248 774842 A study of the imaging of contrast agents for use in computerised tomography O'Hare, Neil John 1991 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.28337981329 Physics 0.128474223695 591046 A study of the implementation of virtual instrumentation in university laboratory environments Smyth, Philip 2007 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.323942657724 Physics 0.113708343506 772634 A study of the influences on the development of alcholism and problem drinking McDonnell, Gerard 1986 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.412486613363 Psychology 0.129729657115 769183 A study of the interactions of metal carbonyl photofragments with both monomeric and polymeric ligands Farrell, Gerard 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.641628493463 Agriculture 0.0749637646219 753914 A study of the Irish paradigm of disclosure of financial information to employees Barker, Patricia 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.442008420155 Biology 0.0750424217525 885806 A study of the origin and applications of nonlinear polarization rotation in semiconductor optical amplifiers Kennedy, Brendan F. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.538005153531 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.346529822856 810201 A study of the primary inactivating enzymes of thyroliberin in the synaptosomal membranes of bovine brain O'Leary, Rhona 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.763900502261 Industrial-Engineering 0.0472195176727 885905 A study of the relationships between perceived pain, social support, coping and quality of life in patients with advanced cancer Wright, Shelagh 1999 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.785993339204 Medicine 0.133924593239 769324 A study of the separation of storage proteins for varietal identification and b-glucan and b-glucanase levels in malting barley Fitzpatrick, Carina 1995 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.559238272519 Biology 0.14833520503 773406 A study of the spatial characteristics of a laser plasma extreme UV continuum source for absorption spectroscopy Moloney, Christopher Joseph 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.77270955657 Psychology 0.039964615187 920325 A study of the synthesis and characterisation of some Ruthenium BIS (2, 2'-bipyridl) complexes Keirse, Rachel 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.156820884953 Medicine 0.10649396803 792364 A study of the thermal and photochemical reactions of group 6 metal carbonyl compounds when bound to organic polymer supports Russell, Graham 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.851934582463 Industrial-Engineering 0.0468232651623 767821 A study of the XUV flux emission from laser-plasmas using a multilayer monochromator Collins, M. J 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.797645596473 Medicine 0.0569688480264 772115 A study of two proline specific peptidases from bovine serum Cunningham, Damian F 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.666836680635 Chemistry 0.12732727864 885865 A survey of Irish electronic industries towards development of a low cost MRP system to enhance the effectiveness of their inventory control Grace, Patricia 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.82971757228 Agriculture 0.089654778673 811715 A survey of provision and practice relating to gender in primary schools Lewis, Mary 1997 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.775250072682 Biology 0.056944763852 588114 A synthetic and computational approach to the design of new photoactive organometallic materials. Coleman, Anthony 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.881077674025 Economics 0.0162912138369 465445 A System for the Verication of Location Claims Graham, Michelle 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845348593227 Biology 0.0312855381214 465542 A technique for implementing complex boundary configurations in industrial plasma modelling and simulation Abu Shamaleh, Taghreed 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.327109059727 Industrial-Engineering 0.253167146785 750572 A template for CALL programs for endangered languages Ward, Monica 2007 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.559333609708 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.129240708531 588124 A thermal-fluid analysis of piping dead-legs in high purity water systems Coyle, Daniel C. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.579827679892 Biology 0.169170048494 885817 A thermistor based sensor for flow measurement in water Moore, John P. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.794045212862 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0568558105841 620705 A traffic engineering system for DiffServ/MPLS networks Chpenst, Alexei 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.67832735551 Industrial-Engineering 0.198807575883 773405 A uniaxial stress analysis of the Beryllium pair bound exciton absorption spectrum in silicon Moloney, Keith A 1986 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.587504445947 Chemistry 0.128195565857 772291 A unified approach to statistical estimation and model parameterisation in mass calibration Leahy, Thomas S. 1998 Dublin City University Hard Statistics 0.624112005787 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.232814118941 1020948 A user-oriented study of metadata in focal.ie de Barra-Cusack, Fionnuala 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.666739410445 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0885238177841 885883 A voltammetric study of some heterocyclic mercaptans Lynch, Brian 1988 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.802116538579 Industrial-Engineering 0.0446128102021 769738 A X-ray scanning machine for imaging atomic elements Fenelon, A.G.R 1988 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.643073147876 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0740524533366 771677 Abstract project model: a description of a generic software project Johnston, Mark 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.810868559017 Industrial-Engineering 0.0442629805879 1024460 Accelerated integral equation techniques for solving EM wave propagation and scattering problems Trinh, Dung 2014 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.534322156233 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.133758196382 1186033 Accelerated iterative solvers for the solution of electromagnetic scattering and wave propagation propagation problems Pham-Xuan, Vinh 2016 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.509782896695 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.322774236513 465468 Accelerated stationary iterative methods for the numerical solution of electromagnetic wave scattering problems Mullen, Marie 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.548957880081 Mathematics 0.0899894628025 464905 Accelerated volumetric reconstruction from uncalibrated camera views Brisc, Felicia 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.841854764813 Civil-Engineering 0.0274153367057 764522 Access to public broadcasting services across national digital delivery systems Callanan, Ronan 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.705347931314 Law 0.111081379301 750562 Accidental cosmopolitanism: connectivity, insistence and cultural experience Titley, Gavan 2005 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.763323873107 Anthropology 0.0650162925059 882110 Accounting information in new product development: a structuration perspective Feeney, Orla 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.796636306551 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0560001055933 762966 accumulation and subcellular localisation of metal cations by saccharomyces cerevisiae Blackwell, Kevin J. 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.577025776024 Medicine 0.112523707001 792575 Achievement related behaviour in gifted children - a case study approach Kenny, Helen 1991 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.467659601805 Education 0.314821570797 768047 Acoustic analysis of the effects of alcohol on the human voice Cooney, Orla 1998 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.338630186661 Biology 0.256669544546 773407 Active meshes for motion tracking Molloy, Derek 2000 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.827099341409 Industrial-Engineering 0.0415485646387 621672 Active modelling of virtual humans Boyle, Eamonn 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.846113790869 Physics 0.0229102545075 590840 Acute exercise and postprandial triglyceride metabolism: mechanisms for the exercise effect and implications for endothelial function Harrison, Michael 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.459826655171 Medicine 0.169110765618 885799 Adapting and developing linguistic resources for question answering Judge, John 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.38585273278 Biology 0.236719962332 826748 Adapting content based video retrieval systems to accommodate the novice user on mobile devices. Scott, David 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.86794508164 Biology 0.030750793716 464895 Adaptive buffer power save mechanism for mobile multimedia streaming Adams, Janet 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.84209399895 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0417885410972 464890 Adaptive detection and tracking using multimodal information Ó Conaire, Ciarán 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.717478197631 Physics 0.196177705179 882047 Adaptive multimedia streaming control algorithm in wireless LANs and 4G networks Muntean, Vasile Horia 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.889594446601 Agriculture 0.0584668008207 773781 Adaptive space-meshing strategies for the numerical solution of parabolic partial differential equations in one space dimension Neary, Paul P 1990 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.347871521975 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.122514894236 465053 Addressing the learning of chemistry at undergraduate level: towards the development of independent learning Lovatt, James 2009 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.703849317213 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0827236149771 792950 Adhesion and cohesion properties of diamond-like-carbon coatings deposited on biomaterials by saddle field neutral fast atom beam source: measurement and modelling Morshed, Muhammad Monjur 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.504824052058 Visual arts 0.240669624839 885821 Adult education and training: issues emerging from the perspective of the higher education sector and work organizations Morrissey, Marie 2002 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.825610510547 Biology 0.0497700287367 496128 Advanced systems for the rapid detection of anthelmintic drugs in food Keegan, Jemma Louise 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.361187629517 Veterinary 0.225949887983 465016 Advancing our understanding of nursing work and work role effectiveness: is the Irish nursing minimum data set for mental health psychometrically robust and can it be used to inform nursing sensitive patient outcomes? Morris, Roisin 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.52089752393 Psychology 0.111245651863 684884 Advancing safety in Irish hospitals: A quantitative study of organisational, ward and nurse factors that impact on patient safety outcomes Kirwan, Marcia 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.896257204002 Psychology 0.0186330888644 777156 Advisor - an expert system shell written in Prolog Powell, Paul 1990 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.681136893926 Industrial-Engineering 0.147012474076 621587 Affect-based indexing and retrieval of multimedia data Chan, Ching Hau 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.565843703629 Psychology 0.267581858977 750302 Aggregated feature video retrieval for MPEG-7 via clustering Ye, Jiamin 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.48495365702 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.149646124886 773799 Algorithms for the resource levelling problem Mushi, Allen R 1997 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.474905239494 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.317828410066 882035 All-optical processing for terabit/s wavelength divisionmultiplexed systems using two-photon absorption in a semiconductor micro-cavity Bondarczuk, Krzysztof 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.731082993151 Physics 0.200350560698 776307 Alterations in cell cycle and apoptosis in drug resistant cells O'Loughlin, Colette 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.779970319044 Medicine 0.147001046511 749935 Alterations in mRNA and protein profiles in eIF4E-transfected human lung carcinoma cells Power, Brendan 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.883302107285 Medicine 0.070961688272 581653 Alternative interventions for young men's mental health McGale, Nadine 2011 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.412757829456 Biology 0.132318996559 882037 Alternative risk management: correlation and complexity Conlon, Thomas 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.255463515925 Physics 0.173410951508 464918 Amino acid interactions of spiropyran Dalton, Gene 2008 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.191681711588 Biology 0.185321396811 1114895 Amplification-free detection and live-cell imaging of nucleic acids Brennan, Eoin 2015 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.363303360901 Biology 0.340239136799 590321 An alternative audio web browsing solution: viewing web documents through a tree structural approach Walshe, Esmond 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845470808835 Agriculture 0.0238565312238 750318 An analyser and generator for Irish inflectional morphology using finite-state transducers Uí Dhonnchadha, Elaine 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.506144765987 Linguistics 0.297474446901 768366 An analysis of corporate legal structure and the evolution of an alternative ownership-control system Dignam, Alan John 1995 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.799778063841 Economics 0.101051051455 582434 An analysis of EEG signals present during target search Healy, Graham 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.655500163399 Psychology 0.169446735354 773395 An analysis of the functions of the Epstein-Barr virus latent proteins, LMP1 and EBNA3 Morgan, Pamela 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.644825998142 Medicine 0.322572346659 465528 An Appreciative Inquiry into the Preparation of Undergraduate Education Studies Students to Value and Embrace Diversity Keane, Margaret 2010 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.805436566279 Agriculture 0.0356000754962 648132 An archaeology of Irish cinema: Ireland's subaltern, migrant and feminist film cultures (1973-87) Connolly, Maeve 2003 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.679665775134 Linguistics 0.127236189886 464943 An architecture and protocol, an access control model, and a sighting blurring algorithm for improving users' security in the context of location based services operating over the internet Dunne, Cameron R. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.82028212199 Biology 0.0473493787951 1023775 An assessment and analysis of dietary practices of Irish jockeys O'Loughlin, Gillian 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.461068726503 Biology 0.195446564567 873664 An assessment of quality management system indicators for the ISO 9001:2008 certified work organisations in Kuwait Alolayan, Salah 2014 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.394852262463 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.132490217445 465056 An automated cleaning system for hospitals Griffin, Colin 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.565841376165 Industrial-Engineering 0.18528085878 885912 An economic analysis of the property services industry in the Republic of Ireland McKenna, David 1994 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.70930379938 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.160097579828 882130 An efficient active B-spline/nurbs model for virtual sculpting Moore, Patricia 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.86114401807 Chemistry 0.0254809955676 1118401 An efficient scalable time-frequency method for trackingenergy usage of domestic appliances using a two-stepclassification algorithm Meehan, Paula 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.774923154733 Medicine 0.049903219613 1064298 An evaluation of a blended programme of teacher education in Ireland McHugh, Bernadette 2015 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.78625028668 Biology 0.0629869086673 809451 An evaluation of a process of strategic planning in the Missionary Society of St. Columban Connolly, Noel 1993 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.543886807538 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.278368263636 828353 An evaluation of home-school partnership relationsdeveloped in designated disadvantaged (DEIS) postprimaryschools to enhance students’ literacy andnumeracy skills Murphy, Teresa 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.88144277714 Biology 0.0149744668041 885917 An evaluation of the AnCO training service: a contextual study of the national manpower development process Sheehy, P. J 1995 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.385633455445 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.173603768281 885915 An evaluation of the theory of export market entry strategies with specific reference to the Irish food and drink industry Quinlan, Reginald 1990 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.533709896064 Agriculture 0.121257559432 749920 An evaluation study of the regulatory approach to general nurse education 2001-2004 in Ireland Ryan, Anne-Marie 2006 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.494074366913 Medicine 0.0788553860709 777328 An evolutionary strategy for complex structure determination by low energy electron diffraction Quinn, Paul 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.412777516809 Earth sciences 0.115825272108 885795 An examination of factors that influence long-term adherence to structured exercise in individuals with established heart disease Martin, Antonia 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.583838909915 Medicine 0.167018603441 809445 An examination of Irish adult consumer competence: implications for the targeting and content needs of consumer education programmes Gibney, Noel P 1993 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.532990776837 Agriculture 0.21608546202 582241 An examination of physical activity participation, sedentary behaviour, health, correlates of physical activity and physical activity enjoyment among Irish adolescents. Chadwick, Sarah 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.60109694765 Biology 0.231873039547 770389 An examination of the effectiveness of religious congregations Guy, Mary 1988 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.229102403599 Medicine 0.181665694326 810197 An examination of the influence of school mediated variables on academic achievement McDonald, John 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.261449079642 Psychology 0.254836855736 1117453 An examination of the nutritional intake and anthropometric status of individuals with an intellectual disability Hoey, Edel 2015 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.71484003445 Agriculture 0.0819123668558 881323 An examination of the pharmacology of HER2 inhibitor responses in cellular models of breast cancer O'Neill, Fiona 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.522081405993 Biology 0.432710712553 828351 An examination of the relationship between participation in extra-curricular physical activity and the psychological well-being of adolescent males from disadvantaged communities Prior, Paul 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.418693228978 Psychology 0.185117516093 749918 An examination of the role of scientists motivations and the influence of the organisational environment on scientific research effectiveness Ryan, James Christopher 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.34587257552 Statistics 0.137170617267 772624 An experiment in cross-age tutoring in an Irish post primary school McDonald, John 1987 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.2757633298 Medicine 0.144785855846 597389 An experiment on the introduction of software project management techniques to industry Bolger, Karen 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.339722109695 Psychology 0.221018903945 622533 An experimental and computational investigation of bone cement residual stresses Hingston, John A. 2006 Dublin City University Life Earth sciences 0.461288097216 Biology 0.140990313892 654453 An experimental assessment of computational fluid dynamics predictive accuracy for electronic component operational temperature Eveloy, Valérie C. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.938410049471 Economics 0.0105116740638 772630 An experimental design framework for evolutionary robotics McCartney, Robert 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.529668735312 Industrial-Engineering 0.173421934216 768048 An experimental investigation of an inductively coupled discharge at low pressure Coonan, Barry 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.707963795603 Industrial-Engineering 0.11866518223 684879 An experimental investigation of existential concerns in point-of-care testing for cardiovascular disease using a terror management theory framework Dunne, Simon 2012 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.281643553375 Medicine 0.233311952661 768036 An experimental investigation of heating mechanisms, mode transition and instabilities in a radio frequency inductively coupled plasma Crowley, Brendan J 2000 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.769944690264 Industrial-Engineering 0.119574959123 885859 An experimental study of low pressure parallel plate radio frequency discharges Doyle, Ruth Ann 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.612387931827 Industrial-Engineering 0.309038368371 648142 An exploration of empowerment from the perspective of Irish nurses and midwives Corbally, Melissa A. 2004 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.594526541365 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.101205711444 683164 An exploration of metacognition and its interplay with other forms of conscious thought processing in independent learning at tertiary level. Carson, L.J. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.333766473267 Education 0.318264757492 811751 An exploration of structural material choice processes in Irish residential construction O'Neill, Maurice W 2000 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.572215285658 Industrial-Engineering 0.205324914676 683160 An exploration of teaching and learning in a virtual world in the context of higher education Fitzsimons, Sabrina 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.262864076414 Industrial-Engineering 0.149646615234 582437 An exploration of the role of the school secretary/administrator in the city of Dublin vocational education committee (CDVEC) Connolly O'Prey, Noreen H. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.652934338724 Biology 0.0630127807978 792619 An exploratory investigation of the impact of conjugal bereavement on selected consumer behaviour and lifestyle dimensions of women over 60 in Ireland Turley, Darach 1993 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.415184236339 Economics 0.235792868959 770395 An exploratory study of management practice in voluntary organisations Grindley, Geraldine M 1991 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.860955457744 Economics 0.0301252533831 680028 An exploratory study of the development of virtual learning environments for adult literacy education Holland, Charlotte 2006 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.556617599764 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.188812430031 793007 An extreme-UV optical multichannel analyser with resolution enhancement for laser plasma spectroscopy Shaw, Matthew 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.782696203418 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0688433483087 773387 An in-situ study of the nucleation process of polyurethane rigid foam formation Minogue, Edel 2000 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.420490626953 Industrial-Engineering 0.218204526355 771689 An integrated environment for computer-aided control engineering Hickey, John 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.587351009697 Industrial-Engineering 0.355450528442 586035 An intelligent computer-aided design system incorporating considerations for aesthetics and the environment Harunur Rashid, Abu Raihan Md. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.751050881817 Civil-Engineering 0.0492090573374 809436 An intelligent robot control system for physiotherapic applications Yan, Jun 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.480588268909 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.135201641912 810202 An introspection-based analysis of the post-editing process Olohan, Maeve 1991 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.502564792743 Biology 0.128333063273 465515 An Investigation into Automatic Translation of Prepositions in IT Technical Documentation from English to Chinese Sun, Yanli 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.760210894336 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0759661043066 773806 An investigation into coking on catalyst support materials & supported metal catalysts O'Brien, Michael A 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.506578830072 Biology 0.1421251034 776325 An investigation into factors that cause inhibition of the growth of animal cells In Vitro O'Toole, Angela 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.748081067871 Medicine 0.0951242169417 762961 An investigation into glottal waveform based speech coding Bleakley, Christopher J. 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.733194441866 Biology 0.0529751243911 772298 An investigation into intelligent network congestion control strategies Lodge, Fiona 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.672159444702 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.199917706335 465048 An investigation into stent expansion using numerical and experimental techniques Toner, Deborah 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.412402951581 Medicine 0.26330442747 885903 An investigation into the application of customer profitability analysis as a strategic decision-making tool in a hospitality environment Noone, Breffni M 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.535237733118 Biology 0.15055550538 464944 An investigation into the characteristics of equity volatility and its implications for derivative strategies Garvey, John F. 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.831790585363 Mathematics 0.0208706563937 811755 An investigation into the factors associated with the success or failure of new products in the Irish food market Samuels, Abigail Melanie 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.301955414032 Agriculture 0.275923560429 749922 An investigation into the impact of controlled English rules on the comprehensibility, usefulness and acceptability of machine-translated technical documentation for French and German users Roturier, Johann 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.466216730589 Law 0.177460138733 673302 An investigation into the influence of stent strut thickness on in-stent restenosis using the finite element method Basir, Fariza Fida 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.694830202411 Civil-Engineering 0.0574504009088 771694 An investigation into the necessity for a code of practice in the chilled food distribution and retail sectors in Ireland Hoare, Lara E 1996 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.701379094266 Medicine 0.0470148613589 743420 An investigation into the winner-loser and momentum anomalies in four medium-sized European markets O'Keeffe, Cormac 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.809619296536 Industrial-Engineering 0.0373374292553 465044 An investigation into weighted data fusion for content-based multimedia information retrieval Wilkins, Peter 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.733412563485 Physics 0.0425513081386 827642 An investigation of approaches and analytical tools to disentangle point and diffuse sources of nitrate contamination Fenech, Cecilia 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.295193587063 Agriculture 0.219419803305 750552 An investigation of differentiation programmes governing pancreatic cell development in vitro McKiernan, Eadaoin 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.793239375343 Medicine 0.0576228080051 464974 An investigation of electromagnetic rig-generated strong magnetic fields Ekreem, Nasser B. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.657040019746 Physics 0.128186335256 777157 An investigation of evanescent wave excitation of fluorescence using optical fibres Potter, Colin E 1990 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.651092152013 Medicine 0.0837405601116 772643 An investigation of evanescent wave gas sensing using Zirconium Fluoride optical fibre McCabe, Simon P 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.312444551905 Medicine 0.146110225752 885907 An investigation of gauze supported platinum alumina and cobalt supported oxide oxidation catalysts Ronane, Michael James 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.694046181219 Industrial-Engineering 0.240543648309 648130 An investigation of mixed oxide combustion catalysts Feeley, Mairead U. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.719729815712 Industrial-Engineering 0.115152305663 750553 An investigation of mono-chlorophenol degradation and the bioaugmentation of activated sludge by two pseudomonas putida species McLaughlin, Henry 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.369341835722 Medicine 0.157038685946 769510 An investigation of novel extraction procedures used in the preconcentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from environmental samples Fitzpatrick, Stephen 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.641845531144 Biology 0.150745085143 1117457 An investigation of novel genetic tools for the manipulation of CHO cell phenotypes during recombinant protein production Griffith, Alan 2015 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.599004925029 Medicine 0.197556956764 768035 An investigation of sales management practices in the Irish pharmaceutical industry Cuddihy, Laura 1996 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.656092878627 Biology 0.108516018293 590328 An investigation of some chromatographic and electrophoretic seperations for industrial and clinical applications Whitaker, Gillian 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.673279561061 Physics 0.0953292276963 792625 An investigation of supported platinum and bimetalic oxidation catalysts Tiernan, Michael 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.785033160411 Biology 0.054916628003 749914 An investigation of the acquisition and sharing of tacit knowledge in software development teams Ryan, Sharon M. 2005 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.45951378397 Biology 0.116847778829 622388 An investigation of the airflow in mushroom growing structures, the development of an improved, three-dimensional solution technique for fluid flow and its evaluation for the modelling of mushroom growing structures Grant, James J. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.520632248573 Agriculture 0.221026735526 750554 An investigation of the biochemical mechanisms underlying the growth-inhibitory effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers in cancer cell lines Miller, Áine 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.618310478243 Agriculture 0.218539398549 811736 An investigation of the effects of hierarchical level on "work meanings" Basini, Serge 1992 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.438057839953 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.279468162288 776326 An investigation of the marketing of personal financial services organisations in the Republic of Ireland, with particular reference to the changing role of women in Irish society O'Toole, Carol 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.672900805683 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0698726225449 770408 An investigation of the mechanism of chelate formation at group 6 metal carbonyl centres Gallagher, Celia V 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.851793425387 Agriculture 0.0347078479804 771671 An investigation of the metrological & spectroscopic capabilities of an ambient STM Hearne, Sean 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.348001612556 Chemistry 0.138790552822 774278 An investigation of the pharmacology of selected anti-mycobacterial phenazines O'Connor, Robert 1995 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.715396987477 Biology 0.111309567464 772609 An investigation of the photochemistry of organometallic metal carbonyl compounds by transient spectroscopic techniques McGrath, I. M 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.744070362486 Medicine 0.0936199045794 772612 An investigation of the reactivity and chromatographic separation of some ruthenium bis (2, 2' - bibyridyl) compounds McGovern, Evin 1988 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.722883316986 Biology 0.0858651590579 811740 An investigation of the response of Irish food firms to the technological discontinuity caused by the emergence of new biotechnological techniques Kavanagh, Clare 1993 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.342525715347 Agriculture 0.252096135875 654143 An investigation of the role of the ErbB receptor family in chemotherapeutic drug resistance and invasion in human breast cancer Glynn, Sharon 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.619743471059 Medicine 0.222818404479 836664 An investigation of the structural and electronic properties of covalently bonded molecular networks on metal surfaces formed through debromination reactions. Doyle, Catherine 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.484798859879 Chemistry 0.368738174079 621662 An investigation of the transmethylation reaction of the methyltin chlorides with inorganic mercury Brennan, Deirdre Anne 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.848675864726 Biology 0.0440198302458 771955 An investigation of the use of haematoporphyrin and helium-neon laser excitation for the detection of cancers by means of fluorescent endoscopy Kelly, Colin 1991 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.37778361538 Medicine 0.307870895904 621673 An object query language for multimedia federations Becarevic, Damir 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.692199452972 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.127554912715 772109 An object-based approach to retrieval of image and video content Sav, Sorin 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.864548396317 Psychology 0.0376264568647 810644 An object-oriented testing approach based on a rigorous model of claimed functionality O'Connor, Noel M 1990 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.791290465774 Industrial-Engineering 0.0626739429872 770409 An online learning environment to teach artificial neural networks Galvin, Gareth 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.765091924087 Education 0.0700657699282 1021893 An open source framework for CAVE automatic virtual environments Flynn, Carl 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.796349622245 Biology 0.0584715582543 495992 An X-ray census of the youngest galactic star clusters Kavanagh, Patrick 2011 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.842347617709 Biology 0.0289172862601 750564 An XPS investigation into the chemical composition of metal surfaces modified by the individual cure components of anaerobic adhesives and functionalised thiols Stewart, Clodagh Michele 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.855953291999 Biology 0.0524068729371 882061 Analysis and characterisation of an acylphosphine oxide photoinitiator Ciechacka , Agnieszka 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.696211980272 Agriculture 0.0770747898548 768370 Analysis and modelling of the impact of plasma RF harmonics in semiconductor plasma processing Dewan, Nasim Ahmed 2001 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.787459933049 Biology 0.0639687283862 885846 Analysis of 8-oxo-7, 8-dihydroGuanine formation and oxidation mediated by Fenton reaction induced DNA oxidative stress White, Blánaid 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.440140990196 Chemistry 0.269306763535 768368 Analysis of ammonium uptake; a sigma 54 regulated function in rhizobium meliloti Devine, Maura 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.43815512021 Medicine 0.151567424265 772972 Analysis of antibiotic drug residues in biological matrices, after evaluation of various extraction methodologies and determination procedures McGrane, Marie 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.505484411821 Veterinary 0.166997525018 752493 Analysis of boundary layers through computational fluid dynamics and experimental analysis O'Reilly, Eugene 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.79370567393 Civil-Engineering 0.0975664760117 885810 Analysis of messenger RNAs detectable in medium conditioned by tumour cells in serum from breast cancer patients Kenny, Elaine 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.726323710601 Medicine 0.213668296961 776324 Analysis of shot boundary detection techniques on a large video test suite O'Toole, Colin 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865245106001 Agriculture 0.0251263126473 777323 Analysis of siderophore production by Rhizobium meliloti 220-5 Reigh, Geraldine 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.459668159578 Medicine 0.13193824764 873660 Analysis of silicon wafer damage due to nanoindentation by microraman spectroscopy and white beam synchrotron X-ray toporaphy Allen, David 2014 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.469938363415 Industrial-Engineering 0.0942213908882 762967 Analysis of some B-adrenergic agonists in biological matrices after evaluation of various extraction methodologies and determination procedures Boyd, Damien Thomas 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.671735703312 Veterinary 0.191863576479 680038 Analysis of the effect of bending, fatigue, erosion-corrosion and tensile stresses on HVOF coating of metallic surfaces Al Fadhli, Hussain 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.815542001756 Chemistry 0.0459074977151 590841 Analysis of the effects of BrdU on DLKP human lung cancer cells by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry Henry, Michael 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.666596023937 Medicine 0.233902533241 777944 Analysis of the stability of native and chemically modified enzymes Sheehan, Helen 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.527179251796 Biology 0.28464696351 742139 Analysis of the structural and optoelectronic properties of semiconductor materials and devices using photoacoustic spectroscopy and synchrotron x-ray topography Lowney, Donnacha 2002 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.865981543267 Medicine 0.030181205134 770023 Analysis of three phage resistance mechanisms and a recA homologue encoded by the lactococal plasmid pNP40 Garvey, Patricia 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.460653338844 Medicine 0.0990835075645 753196 Analysis of trace elements in Irish freshwater by ICP-MS O'Connor, Fionnuala 2003 Dublin City University Life Earth sciences 0.467781030611 Chemistry 0.205208033219 465024 Analysis, simulation and design of nonlinear RF circuits Xu, Tao 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.510735314152 Industrial-Engineering 0.317626074923 682772 Analytic modelling and resource dimensioning of optical burst switched networks Tafani, Daniele 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.846296845264 Mathematics 0.0276186581788 792590 Analytical applications of modified electrodes Stanley, Margaret 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.414924178822 Chemistry 0.194889997796 777955 Analytical applications of sensor arrays and virtual instrumentation Saez de Viteri Alonso, Francisco 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.273443575005 Chemistry 0.179809169308 773112 Anchorage-independent growth of human tumour cells McManus, Valerie 1986 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.772483077028 Physics 0.0701037867221 465242 Antecedents, characteristics, and consequences associated with the roles of management accountants, and assisting managers in their roles Byrne, Sean 2010 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.715812876019 Psychology 0.126057094992 777331 Antibody and cytokine studies related to chronic lymphocytic leukemia Quinlan, Noel P 1994 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.519027587296 Biology 0.418713357895 590836 Antibody-based biosensor assays for the detection of zilpaterol and markers for prostate cancer Dillon, Mary 2008 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.689465965826 Chemistry 0.0841003199987 622546 Applicability of adsorbent resins for the recovery of geldanamycin from streptomyces hygroscopicus var; geldanus fermentation broths Casey, John 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.448751493674 Biology 0.138093152199 768828 Application of an equilibrium coastline position prediction technique Dollard, Brendan 1998 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.801956877691 Industrial-Engineering 0.0432483985918 792586 Application of estimation techniques to biotechnical processes Tan, Liang 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.788272824225 Industrial-Engineering 0.111290112355 769299 Application of molecular biology in the evaluation of Lactobacillus plantarum strains as silage inoculants Duffner, Fiona 1993 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.788243280435 Medicine 0.058023770344 771660 Application of multigrid methods to the Boltzmann equation Hayden, P. R 1995 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.270336890188 Industrial-Engineering 0.215581319943 771679 Application of neural network in control of a ball-beam balancing system Jiang, Yuhong 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.720131081805 Industrial-Engineering 0.170206856008 777330 Application of solid phase microextraction and analysis of organic compunds Quinn, Frank 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.573680083116 Agriculture 0.0998359229445 768055 Application of solid-phase extraction techniques to the extraction and clean-up of b-agonists from biological matrices Collins, Sean 1995 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.445918503435 Chemistry 0.20570839389 682787 Application of targeted contrast nanoparticles for human multiple myeloma imaging Kozlowska, Dorota 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.356546990003 Physics 0.274403723189 772118 Application of ultra-thin polymer coating on metallic wires Yu, Juan 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.764246758908 Chemistry 0.0573966933397 1024462 Applications of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy insemiconductor materials characterisation Walsh, Lee 2014 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.635469299744 Chemistry 0.08127950457 762957 Applications of laser produced continuum radiation Brilly, James 1986 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.779572232905 Chemistry 0.101848049427 777940 Applications of Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics to semiconductor process control Robertson, Ian 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.279575358493 Industrial-Engineering 0.252458362556 582431 Applying machine learning techniques to an imperfect information game Sweeney, Néill 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.382437798051 Biology 0.147730270277 885860 Applying metrics to rule-based systems Doyle, Paul 1992 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.804891417857 Industrial-Engineering 0.104812732353 465463 Approaches to Learming of Postgraduate Healthcare Professionals in an Outcomes Based Curriculum Joyce, Pauline 2010 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.614189576372 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.100325408651 768367 Approximate models of job shops Diamantidis, Alexandros 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.53864942376 Industrial-Engineering 0.128111581776 773109 Artificial knowledge an evolutionary approach McMullin, Finbar Vincent 1992 Dublin City University Hum Philosophy 0.240313108844 Biology 0.133744610628 769306 Artificial photosynthesis: synthesis and characterisation of complexes containing phenoltriazole ligands Evrard, Benedicte 2000 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.86512873557 Biology 0.0395047231017 464937 Aspects of cohesion in web site translation: a translator's perspective Schiller, Annette 2008 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.723392098274 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.118618904557 772601 Aspects of parallel processing and control engineering McKittrick, Brendan J 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.49551936799 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.472673363183 465476 Aspects of registered psychaitric nurses' talk about their clinical judgement and decision-making. Clinton, Gerard 2010 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.474412161058 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.16517326827 465041 Aspects of the furniture industry in Ireland Heanue, Kevin 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.678121281705 Industrial-Engineering 0.192923399673 495399 Assessing the role of soil chemoautotrophs in carbon cycling: An investigation into isotopically labelled soil microorganisms Hart, Kris M 2011 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.846272766458 Chemistry 0.050820424655 743431 Assessment of web accessibility and technical specifications conformance of web sites from four EU member states Marincu, Carmen 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.279812114901 Veterinary 0.188734671657 885866 Assisting the hypertext authoring process with topology metrics and information retrieval Gollogley, Gavin 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.579850337843 Medicine 0.100608741281 770388 Asymmetric catalysis using niobium and tantalum complexes Gillespie, Kevin M 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.821812074093 Biology 0.0483290591006 621666 Asymptotic behaviour of the eigenvalues of a Schrödinger operator arising from a simple model of predissociation Dowling, Dónal 2003 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.862785789468 Physics 0.021066728207 773115 Atmospheric reactions of ethers and ketones McLoughlin, Peter 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.769792717388 Physics 0.0568780907604 792362 Atmospheric reactions of halothane and halogenated alkanes Hande, Mary B. 1995 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.670211222851 Agriculture 0.0962054660004 749945 Attitudes towards minority languages: an investigation of young people's attitudes towards Irish and Galician O'Rourke, Bernadette 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.209622719436 Linguistics 0.185065057192 749912 Audio/visual analysis for high-speed TV advertisement detection from MPEG bitstream Sadlier, David A. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.30100432456 Physics 0.157835162345 749911 Audiovisual processing for sports-video summarisation technology Sadlier, David A. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.800737365008 Linguistics 0.054222400621 465018 Autocatalytic closure and the evolution of cellular information processing networks Decraene, James 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.352716954096 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.129104946848 770397 Autocrine growth control in human carcinoma cells in vitro Gregory, Bernard F 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.582497766953 Medicine 0.227787482125 882109 Automated control of laser systems for micromachining Karazi, Shadi 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.605865431043 Industrial-Engineering 0.258562293089 749917 Automated microscopic analysis of optical fibre transmission surfaces Ryan, Kieran 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.617426493047 Physics 0.18709390153 742487 Automated tutoring for a database skills training environment Kenny, Claire 2006 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.642681938742 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.20672970148 654287 Automatic colonic polyp detection using curvature analysis for standard and low dose CT data Chowdhury, Tarik A. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.392027499159 Physics 0.227213116992 885842 Automatic extraction of large-scale multilingual lexical resources O'Donovan, Ruth 2006 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.421996794053 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.345050157094 465058 Automatic generation of parallel treebanks: an efficient unsupervised system Zhechev, Ventsislav 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.60539467516 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.116398879934 742498 Automatic indexing of video content via the detection of semantic events Lehane, Bart 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.632245422442 Visual arts 0.217388064702 590837 Automatic inductive theorem proving and program construction methods using program transformation Kabir, Md. Humayun 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.569136250086 Mathematics 0.308252699329 620708 Automatic performance optimisation of component-based enterprise systems via redundancy Diaconescu, Ada 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.507723171634 Industrial-Engineering 0.423083810739 621669 Automatic text categorisation of racist webpages Greevy, Edel 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.782014134812 Medicine 0.0291155371165 652690 Automatic treebank annotation for the acquisition of LFG resources Burke, Michael 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.623021299819 Linguistics 0.0862394898308 750555 Automation and computer integrated manufacturing in food processing industry: an appraisal Mohamed, Ayad Khalifa 2003 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.268667363533 Economics 0.238423250093 762963 Automation by PC interface of a multicusp volume ion source, Denise Boilson, Deirdre 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.532907311359 Physics 0.232884877396 680030 Automation of painted slate inspection Carew, Tim 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.406428836554 Industrial-Engineering 0.216656758147 771687 Autonomous mobile robot navigation using fuzzy logic control Hunt, Michael 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.396816548131 Industrial-Engineering 0.352866835839 1021892 Autonomy as lived: an empirical-ethical analysis of patient autonomy in the clinical context of individuals engaged with self-testing technology Greaney, Anna-Marie 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.521017735075 Philosophy 0.229211458473 1115294 AutoPar: automating the parallelization of functional programs Dever, Michael 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.705544388066 Industrial-Engineering 0.150566925167 1061874 ‘Just Normal’: a grounded theory of prosthesis use Jefferies, Philip L. 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.439546071977 Medicine 0.131797782771 1185543 “Ambiguous State of Being”: identity construction in contemporary Arab-American (post-9/11) poetry Baz Radwan, Omar 2016 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.267566635507 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.214452912756 1114757 “Reframing” the postwar moment: the impact of UNSCR 1325 (2000) on gender relations in post-conflict states – the case of Sierra Leone Sicard, Aurelie 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.813997021577 Biology 0.0367824755046 582432 “The way I see it is…Whole-School Evaluation in Irish Post-Primary Schools from the perspectives of principals, teachers, parents and students” Dillon, Suzanne 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.827861685723 Psychology 0.0288334214213 1021894 Being-responsible in psychotherapeutic supervision: a hermeneutic phenomenological study Glover, Rita 2014 Dublin City University Hum Philosophy 0.153682533642 Education 0.146510784196 465262 Best software test & quality assurance practices in the project life-cycle. An approach to the creation of a process for improved test & quality assurance practices in the project life-cycle of an SME Kevitt, Mark 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.777370783196 Agriculture 0.0902138081832 885778 Between identity and internationalisation: vision and reality in the Malaysian education system Bohan, Helen 2007 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.303200497106 Economics 0.273537601551 1020953 Between the lines: 'Al Qaeda' 'Islamic Extremism'and the authorship of critique Fitzgerald, James 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.819486975902 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0263338563306 768049 Bi & tri dimensional scene description and composition in the MPEG-4 standard Cooke, Eddie 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.846229295176 Psychology 0.0294206071184 465497 Bilingual first language acquisition: the nature of the weak language and the role of the input La Morgia, Francesca 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.340266535195 Psychology 0.149655018305 762949 Biochemical and immunological investigations of animal and human tumour-associated antigens Berns, Gerard 1991 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.783534273223 Veterinary 0.0656624012254 620783 Biofouling of high purity water systems Fathei Shaeikh, Amani 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.567185002552 Medicine 0.144852149566 776310 Biological effects of conjugated linoleic acid: analysis, enrichment and mode of cytotoxicity in cancer cell lines O'Shea, Marianne 2000 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.579563468712 Biology 0.22691894287 881321 Biological evaluation of N-Ferrocenyl amino acid and dipeptide ester derivatives as potential anti-cancer agents and investigation into their mode of action in preparation for in vivo evaluation. Murphy, James 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.740785469539 Biology 0.174931122125 764740 Biological production of CLA and investigation of anticarcinogenic activity McGrath, Emma 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.280708927019 Chemistry 0.222234630381 772112 Biopharmaceutical analysis - an investigation of the pharmacokinetic interaction between xipamide and triamterene when administered alone or in fixed combination Caffrey, Edward 1988 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.331816125194 Biology 0.120368951191 771865 Biosensor-based studies on coumarins Keating, Gary J 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.363924271435 Biology 0.325479323938 764745 Block level voltage Weng, Li-Chuan 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.815488698682 Industrial-Engineering 0.0543468193867 885829 Block-level test scheduling under power dissipation constraints Muresan, Valentin 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.851122199166 Industrial-Engineering 0.0403696962454 770403 Box of delights, bridge of feathers: children's drama on Telefis Eireann/RTE 1962-1987 Gilligan, Patrick 1992 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.309933276034 Agriculture 0.0683325238443 465447 Branch Prediction For Network Processors Bermingham, David 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.842821000285 Industrial-Engineering 0.0824335486707 742483 Broadband access networks using hybrid radio/fiber systems Kaszubowska, Aleksandra M. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.868062631621 Medicine 0.0301139911835 464884 Budgeting and ERP Control Systems in Third Level Educational Institutions: Some Evidence from the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Byrne, Stephen 2003 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.151747183832 Law 0.130945302707 1019667 Budgeting and ERP Control Systems in Third Level Educational Institutions: Some Evidence from the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Byrne, Stephen 2003 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.151747183832 Law 0.130945302707 819807 Budgeting and ERP Control Systems in Third Level Educational Institutions: Some Evidence from the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom. Byrne, Stephen 2003 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.151747183832 Law 0.130945302707 682768 Building a context rich interface to low level sensor data Shi, Jie 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.740294691643 Biology 0.164946846521 885890 Building a model of a knowledge community: a study of the social construction of information and communications technologies in rural economic development O'Dubhchair, Kate 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.422997797654 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.213132208699 1061906 Building cities on sand: the normative basis for journalism in Cambodia Quinn, Fergal 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.70111541017 Medicine 0.0460795168759 1140561 c-Met/HGF in triple negative breast cancer Gaule, Patricia 2015 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.516533363756 Medicine 0.270188592776 772592 CA and Monte Carlo models of HIV infection Mannion, Rachel 2001 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.441067695336 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0852329546786 809050 Calixarenes and their application in chemical sensing Wu , Bei 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.624286262835 Industrial-Engineering 0.116682043326 810636 Calixarenes: molecular modelling of and potentiometric studies on cation complexes Kane, Paddy 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.828898556762 Industrial-Engineering 0.0293526510659 1064281 CAM, is there an Irish solution? A needs analysis of the Irish CAM community with a focus on training and practice Ward, Bernadette 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.35943401715 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.200754229547 465477 Can a pre-training biomechanical pathway identify themost effective exercise to enhance a given group’s,subgroup’s or individual’s countermovement jumpheight? Marshall, Brendan 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.283468473905 Psychology 0.216609498511 776323 Carbon nitride deposition by magnetron sputtering: structural, mechanical, electrical and optical properties Palazon, Miguel Alberto Monclus 2000 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.586151788304 Physics 0.209016959348 1118490 Case studies in therapeutic SenseCam use aimed at identity maintenance in early stage dementia PIasek, Paulina 2015 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.412549105855 Medicine 0.252280026233 743409 CCG-augmented hierarchical phrase-based statistical machinetranslation Almaghout, Hala 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.581128887622 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.309068374637 1114898 Cell density monitoring and control of microencapsulated CHO cell cultures Cole, Harriet Emma 2015 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.68882554654 Biology 0.147487002232 770391 Cellular automata models for traffic flow in urban networks Hammad, Abdelhakeem A 1998 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.675520921975 Industrial-Engineering 0.0591446721541 742134 Cellular tracking and mitosis detection in dense in-vitro cellular data Thirusittampalam, Ketheesan 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.857875069321 Biology 0.0465769930208 864099 CFCs and the effects of recent legislation on refrigeration industries Crombie, Dermott 1991 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.39182508494 Industrial-Engineering 0.280601948357 654142 CFD analysis of pharmaceutical water distribution systems: T-junctions Elmaghrum, Salem 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.272135730814 Industrial-Engineering 0.15075858387 826758 Change impact analysis for evolving ontology-based content management Abgaz, Yalemisew Mintsnote 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.575754838437 Industrial-Engineering 0.150394668346 873659 Change in science teacher practice towards IBSE Corbett, Catherine 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.754194826692 Physics 0.0759001866481 809435 Changes in contemporary standard Spanish: a socio-phonetic appraisal Alvarez-O'Neill, Begoña 1998 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.777435099781 Medicine 0.0477445342903 1064264 Characterisation and determination of rosin compositionsusing analytical approaches McKeon, Louise 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.370687585718 Medicine 0.115608448422 776309 Characterisation and growth optimisation of streptomyces natalensis O'Shea, Miriam 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.640144533945 Agriculture 0.115131831385 465245 Characterisation and modulation of drug resistance in lung cancer cell lines Dunne, Gráinne 2010 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.861626068485 Medicine 0.071636490353 1021897 Characterisation and optimisation of electrochemically addressable templated polyaniline structures Gorey, Brian 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.700058748357 Physics 0.0799260600203 597387 Characterisation and optimisation of novel Sol-Gel materials for luminescence-based 02 sensing Higgins, Clare 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.262915783127 Chemistry 0.255826074368 778171 Characterisation and optimisation of sol-gel-derived thin films for use in optical sensing Sheridan, Fidelma 1995 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.26477922709 Chemistry 0.257078904734 743432 Characterisation in the novel: an aesthetic of the uncanny Martin, Patrick 2004 Dublin City University Hum Philosophy 0.552424557462 Linguistics 0.233686723527 825490 Characterisation of anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatoryinfluences on blood-brain barrier phenotype using an in vitro human brain microvascular endothelial model Rochfort, Keith D. 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.821142589659 Medicine 0.101918523572 772979 Characterisation of clonal variants in a human lung carcinoma cell line: investigations into control of growth and differentiation McBride, Shirley 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.594485805919 Medicine 0.339803717566 772625 Characterisation of electrodes for analytical potentiometry McEnroe, Eamonn 1993 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.52790219103 Chemistry 0.248425639569 743424 Characterisation of gallium nitride grown by pulsed laser deposition Mah, Kia Woon 2002 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.740022544579 Chemistry 0.0975306872101 764284 Characterisation of GaN using cathodoluminescence and photoluminescence spectroscopy Ryan, Brendan 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.820011402926 Agriculture 0.0451679035267 743435 Characterisation of polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels modified with chitosan for cardiovascular applications Mathews, David T. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.358653622534 Biology 0.267511907816 653976 Characterisation of porosity and sensor response times of sol-gel-derived thin films for oxygen sensor applications Bowe, Philip 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.397667472628 Biology 0.153848850931 1062846 Characterisation of resident multipotent vascular stem cell derived smooth muscle cells in culture Kennedy, Eimear 2015 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.734416817304 Medicine 0.149643314082 768378 Characterisation of the heating mechanisms in a capacitively coupled argon RF discharge Deegan, Catherine M 1999 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.659647419855 Industrial-Engineering 0.12248826817 1021898 Characterisation of the performance of an absorbable magnesium stent by experimental and numerical analysis Galvin, Emmet 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.388820988962 Industrial-Engineering 0.344555981113 749925 Characterisation of ultra-thin oxynitride dielectric layers Roche, Jason 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.763979460593 Chemistry 0.0814759155471 622385 Characterization and finite element analysis for soft magnetic materials used in automotive applications Eltawahni, Hayat A. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.701931791213 Chemistry 0.0627854476798 773800 Characterization of activated sludge bacteria capable of growth on toluene and other aromatic compounds Nahar, Nazmun 1994 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.361541736498 Biology 0.220760210495 621295 Characterization of wavelength tunable lasers for use in wavelength packet switched networks Dantcha, Antonia 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.732740957662 Physics 0.11661613665 769735 Charge transport and mass transfer processes in thin films of redox polymers based on ruthenium and osmium poly(pyridyl) complexes Clarke, Alan P. 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.82259670884 Industrial-Engineering 0.0466812566915 792613 Cheddar and mozzarella cheesemaking characteristics of bovine milks containing k-casein A and B variants Walsh, Catherine Deirdre 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.76432003161 Medicine 0.0947032891702 465467 Chemical and Degradation Characteristics of Soil Microbial Biomass Spence, Adrian 2010 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.666497725332 Chemistry 0.159624689275 684881 Chemical and physical dynamics of marine pockmarks with insights into the organic carbon cycling on the Malin Shelf and in Dunmanus Bay, Ireland. Szpak, Michal 2012 Dublin City University Life Earth sciences 0.788323012088 Biology 0.0562264232896 1064275 Chemical investigations of ruthenium based barrier layer systems for future interconnect technologies McCoy, Anthony 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.427826979349 Chemistry 0.208916162118 810640 Chemical modification and characterisation of horseradish peroxidase and its derivatives for use in environmental applications O'Brien, Anne Marie 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.43850564351 Biology 0.437416850541 772597 Chemical modification and immunological studies on recombinant factor VIII Manning, Fiona 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.667352822257 Chemistry 0.108411708683 773771 Chemical modification of bovine trypsin for use in peptide synthesis Murphy, Ann 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.671775494495 Biology 0.177056550905 750301 Chemical reactivity and structural determination of metal and gaseous adsorbates on Cu{100} using TPD and LEED Younis Ahmed, Hamid M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.361920246848 Biology 0.194030223398 591230 Chemical sensing using polypyrrole actuators Smyth, Ciaran 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.540831178833 Physics 0.131665445279 768824 Chemical, cytological and genetic analysis of a surface mutant of tf rhizobium leguminosarum bIOVAR viciae Donnelly, Daniel Finbarr 1990 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.647184253278 Agriculture 0.12107573989 621678 Chemically modified carbon-based electrodes for the detection of some substances of environmental and biomedical significance Hutton, Emily Anne 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.823139043254 Agriculture 0.0395600167225 768062 Chemotherapeutic drug cytotoxicity enhancement in human cells in culture Coyle, Seamus 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.668194305001 Medicine 0.178238856075 1064296 Children's literature across space and time: the challenges of translating Beatrix Potter’s tales into Romanian Cocargeanu, Dana-Mihaela 2015 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.527678185904 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.351059440789 882054 Chiral alkaloid derivatives: Synthesis and medicinal chemistry applications Canning, Daniel 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.763991100013 Biology 0.0477205674025 772628 Cholesterol oxidation products in whole milk powder: analytical, nutritional, processing and toxicological studies McCluskey, Sinead 1997 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.310508173855 Medicine 0.271320908545 590845 Choosing identities: the politics and practices of classroom discourse on reproductive and genetic technologies Murphy, Padraig 2007 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.563725168659 Education 0.187429236083 773393 Chromatographic and electroanalytical studies of metal ions in industrial and environmental matrices Meaney, Mary Patricia 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.836851366042 Industrial-Engineering 0.0627987912156 769293 Chromatographic methods of analysis applied to coumarins and cell organelles Duffy, Ciarán F 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.782276005024 Veterinary 0.0775082657642 749910 CIM implementation in developed and developing countries Saeed, Khaled A 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.527365250181 Economics 0.302958609527 619802 Civil-military relations and co-operation in Kosovo 1999 to 2001 Doyle, Dermot 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.595505863319 Law 0.094028016496 621665 Civil-military relations and co-operation in Kosovo 1999 to 2001 Doyle, Dermot 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.595505863319 Law 0.094028016496 768387 Classical and quantum chaos in a non-linearly kicked harmonic oscillator Daly, Mark V 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.438877412919 Mathematics 0.185360149566 742125 Classication of the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of stochastic differential equations with state independent noise Cheng, Jian 2012 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.806812252581 Civil-Engineering 0.084984777229 774276 Clay-organic interactions Flynn, John Joseph 1988 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.191226682511 Medicine 0.151847725703 885815 Client service capability matching Lyttleton, Oliver Martin 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.839672929117 Agriculture 0.0344730070353 792611 Clinical applications of calixarene based sodium-selective electrodes Walsh, Suzanne 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.572497589101 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.148956094474 824262 Clinical nurse managers understanding and use of evidence based practice Doolan-Grimes, Mary 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.579553024611 Economics 0.171726378303 885867 Clonal variation in growth factor production by human carcinoma cells Godfrey, Anne 1988 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.505754496953 Medicine 0.196641369108 771669 Clonal variation in multidrug resistant human cell populations Heenan, Mary 1994 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.471170725419 Biology 0.394721500268 773114 Cloning and expression of the bacillus licheniformis a-amylase gene in saccharomyces cerevisiae McMahon, Hugh 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.520496590141 Agriculture 0.292784854551 621589 Cloning of a cDNA encoding Schistosoma mansoni cathepsin C and expression in the yeast Pichia pastoris Carty, Charlene 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.464646901873 Agriculture 0.208318087275 792622 Cloning, yeast expression, mutagenesis and phylogenetic analysis of a novel member of the Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L-like family Tort, Jose F 1997 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.281372614779 Biology 0.225845343134 583307 Clusters and cluster initiatives: The role of collaboration and social capital in building a system of innovation in Ireland. Ivory, Patrick R. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.681770104615 Physics 0.193654821089 749906 Co-movements among financial stocks and covariance matrix analysis Sharifi, Saba 2003 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.307901753456 Physics 0.164351814604 882118 Cobalt ferrite prepared employing powder technology, the potential applications, the preparation and characterisation Sajjia, Mustafa 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.767475593013 Chemistry 0.0951693737944 465050 Cognitive acceleration across the primary-second level transition McCormack, Lorraine 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.523067538878 Psychology 0.111245188004 750304 Cognitive coping strategies and motivational profiles of ultra-endurance athletes Weekes, Karen 2004 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.281145223875 Medicine 0.279637983317 620706 Collaborative computer personalities in the game of chess Haran, Aidan 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.450043695799 Biology 0.0872109533182 683157 Collaborative networks for scientific knowledge commercialisation: A science-to-business marketing approach Boehm, Diana Nadine 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.703921903797 Medicine 0.0749140747031 770401 Collisionless heating and particle dynamics in radio-frequency capacitive plasma sheaths Gozadinos, Georgios 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.436653307791 Industrial-Engineering 0.258622989332 1186030 Colour local feature fusion for image matching and recognition Marrero Barroso, Tony 2016 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.810541944726 Physics 0.0323962861067 465496 Combined Time and Frequency DomainApproaches to the OperationalIdentification of Vehicle SuspensionSystems Maher, Damien 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.560758382423 Civil-Engineering 0.168376060253 771861 Comic book fans: productivity, participation and creativity Keegan, Denis 2000 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.539452851522 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.187485210339 772607 Communicating for organisational change: exploring links between Internet organisational communications and organisational change in a quality context McGuckian, Rosheen 2000 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.284908784325 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.216616768802 792608 Communicating science in the Sputnik era Walsh, Tom C 2001 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.180968395229 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.180168377934 882115 Communicating with your E-memory: finding and refinding in personal lifelogs Chen, Yi 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.760626032529 Psychology 0.0792407485428 465513 Communication Apprehension Among Business and Accounting Students Shanahan, Daniel 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.185789034665 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.1835142081 768380 Communication strategies of English-speaking learners of French on a business studies course Delamere, Brigid 1998 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.464283303221 Psychology 0.353110552666 885881 Communicative competence and critical thinking: a crosscultural view of Chinese EFL learners and teachers in a university context Xiao, Lixin 2004 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.723174034618 Education 0.120916262861 1118427 Community post-editing of machine-translated user-generated content Mitchell, Linda 2015 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.584474138898 Biology 0.221771035566 654140 Community radio in Ireland: building community, participation and multi-flow communication Day, Rosemary 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.590464620205 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0844260492299 495412 Compact modelling in RF CMOS technology Liu, Jun 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.594762174676 Industrial-Engineering 0.305609104846 792616 Comparison of the Spanish and Irish taxation systems from a terminological viewpoint Veale, Carol-Ann 1997 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.47559344635 Law 0.446690173112 465266 Complexity adaptation in video encoders for power limited platforms Kim, Chanyul 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.84543261773 Economics 0.0599987882655 770387 Composition of object-oriented software design models Clarke, Siobhán 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.620572500042 Industrial-Engineering 0.251623433935 749944 Compromising emissions from a high speed cryptographic embedded system O'Rourke, Damien 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.721266454321 Medicine 0.0607661612267 810634 Computation and applications of the structured singular value Hayes, Martin J. M 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.473309506192 Mathematics 0.450318678983 882038 Computational analysis of gene expression data Kerr, Gráinne 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.667923567542 Statistics 0.131339639962 586040 Computational control of laser systems for micro-machining Issa, Ahmed Abdulraouf Abdulrahman 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.523220165706 Physics 0.338665667248 465249 Computational investigations of atmospheric pressure discharges Iqbal, Muhammad Munawar 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.728818313738 Biology 0.0689355810529 882099 Computational micromodel for epigenetic mechanisms Raghavan, Karthika 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.451036528775 Biology 0.357644460541 654441 Computational models of cognition Doris, Thomas Francis 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.49831399668 Biology 0.324553821301 753911 Computer aided analysis of flow and pressure in pipe networks Ali, Mohamed A-Salam 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.47861753853 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.253609082689 740001 Computer aided design and optimization of bi-layered tube hydroforming process Alaswad, Abed 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.850837520728 Biology 0.0524771318637 773399 Computer aided engineering for injection mould cooling system design Moran, Niall 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.885113466713 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0306495303675 771684 Computer aided manufacturing system modelling and development using virtual reality serum Iqbal, Mohammad 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.338313553424 Chemistry 0.135441444772 684037 Computer aided optimization of tube hydroforming processes Ray, Pinaki 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.896636479642 Civil-Engineering 0.0163322188762 885797 Computer application - electro mechanical systems Ibrahim, Meftah Omar 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.511887271803 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.262032899242 826756 Computer assisted (language) learning (CA(L)L) for the inclusive classroom Greene, Cara 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.736886369134 Linguistics 0.063283201971 772600 Computer games as a pedagogical tool in education Maher, Ken 1997 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.617601299432 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.209899375142 776311 Computer generation of photorealistic images using ray tracing O'Reilly, Derek 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.491233649757 Medicine 0.116105648289 773782 Computer graphics - an object oriented approach O'Connell, Paul 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.802474309497 Biology 0.0459510801515 769739 Computer modelling of complex systems with applications in physical and related areas Feng, Yu 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.71130649147 Physics 0.13437887896 743429 Concepts of identity in four novels by Maryse Condé Manning, Ruth 2004 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.44360128758 Philosophy 0.149153265376 465486 Configurable and Up-Scalable Microfluidic LifeScience Platform for Cell Based Assays byGravity Driven Sequential Perfusion andDiffusion Dimov, Ivan Krastev 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.512123801981 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0958017937842 749929 Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers as anticancer lipids: analysis, bioformation and mechanisms of action in the HT-29 human colon cancer cell line Rahman, Shafiqur 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.566376293403 Medicine 0.197861392523 768054 Consensus, withdrawal, opposition: images of youth and generational conflictin feature films of the GDR Condon, Denis 2000 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.478287086234 Visual arts 0.135704304462 886293 Conspicuous invisibility: A grounded theory approach to exploring the discovery and disclosure of violence against women attending general practice Lawlor, Rita 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.621310608272 Medicine 0.221661657088 882056 Constant Flow Management - Investigating manufacturing flowvariability Chung, Hsiao-Hui 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.643418232903 Agriculture 0.20332797222 465036 Constrained word alignment models for statistical machine translation Ma, Yanjun 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.469279288187 Linguistics 0.214242475177 495414 Constructing suitable ordinary pairing-friendly curves: A case of elliptic curves and genus two hyperelliptic curves Kachisa, Ezekiel Justin 2011 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.703341908905 Medicine 0.0540719066145 654445 Construction of a 3D surface model from a series of 2D digital pictures of a solid object Chowdhury, Tarik A. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.667672013538 Physics 0.0544697076708 777726 Consumer ethnocentrism and conspicuousness of South African imports in Mozambique John, Anna 2011 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.578777828716 Economics 0.217493963944 588118 Consumption outside the market: an ethnography of consumer resistance among football fans Richardson, Brendan 2007 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.249347093567 Anthropology 0.22277267287 464901 Content based image pose manipulation Begley, Seán 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.801013951096 Industrial-Engineering 0.0743513654672 826757 Content evaluation and tool development for knowledge management system Shakya, Kabita 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.781345824543 Industrial-Engineering 0.0716253497103 750566 Content-based retrieval of digital music Sødring, Thomas 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.515497826801 Visual arts 0.139090813455 654147 Content-based retrieval of melodies using artificial neural networks Harford, Steven 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.639907694553 Biology 0.0822560216901 777690 Context driven retrieval algorithms for semi-structured personal lifelogs Kelly, Liadh 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.853891848424 Psychology 0.0297558031904 648141 Contextualising construals of workaholism through discourse analysis Breen, Mary Ann 2006 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.68965918364 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.124919782777 827650 Continuity and change in time perspective: a longitudinal field study of youth workers. Aylmer, Blaze 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.376838318241 Psychology 0.117847816938 742486 Control of switched reluctance machines Kennedy, Eoin Patrick 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.828023922322 Agriculture 0.0547562890743 768825 Control system design by convex optimization Donnellan, J Andrew 2000 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.476024270045 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.319890949919 648128 Convertible arbitrage: risk, return and performance Hutchinson, Mark C. 2006 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.279087517319 Economics 0.200585835506 621296 Corrosion fatigue of a superduplex stainless steel weldment Comer, Anthony John 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.68273344953 Civil-Engineering 0.156184177032 653106 Cosmic ray acceleration in supernova remnants Carroll, Olwen 2002 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.763090268295 Biology 0.0877272380525 742492 Cost functions in optical burst-switched networks Klusek, Bartlomiej 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.736331320265 Economics 0.0619099275645 826747 Creating a spiration of love in freedom for personal growth (Kenya) Dean, Catherine 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.768037002618 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0856079250541 972213 Creating archetypes for patient assessment with nurses to facilitate shared patient centred care in the older person Hussey, Pamela 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.815504108214 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0383501307103 465020 Credible commitment and economic growth in Africa Seifu, Michael 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.646550277994 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.285031949893 464973 Critical appraisal of product development expertise in Irish SMEs McDermott, Barry 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.840243962463 Economics 0.0646206277936 885764 Critical thinking and employability of computer-related graduates: The Malaysian context Zainal Shah, Norshima 2011 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.375110174285 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.166931344076 1117456 Cross asset class applications of functional data analysis: evaluation with controls for data snooping bias Kearney, Fearghal J. 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.66264608915 Statistics 0.0980028075278 464956 Cross-layer energy optimisation of routing protocols in wireless sensor networks Fedor, Szymon 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.828835697797 Physics 0.0838033969296 1061499 Cross-layer energy-efficient schemes for multimedia content delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks Chen, Shengyang 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.88848188294 Chemistry 0.0215113717453 465063 Crossing borders from Hungary to Ireland: the cross-cultural adaptation of Hungarian refugees from the 1940s and their compatriots from the 1956 Hungarian Revolution Pálmai Bánki, Katalin 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.377657910884 Linguistics 0.186799832978 465448 Cryptographic Key Distribution In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Bilinear Pairings Szczechowiak, Piotr 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.873500306578 Civil-Engineering 0.0284015676157 464899 Cryptographic key distribution in wireless sensor networks: a hardware perspective McCusker, Kealan 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.704005130515 Industrial-Engineering 0.0892288718524 465466 Cryptographic Pairings: Efficiency and DLP security Benger, Naomi 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.767144846598 Chemistry 0.0550489076229 743447 Crytographic applications of bilinear maps McCullagh, Noel Michael 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.348680486061 Chemistry 0.126202909505 771688 Cultural collision and the emergence of new musical traditions Hughes, Willie 2000 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.731791449156 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0688217312078 752494 Culture, trade and cultural trade: citizens' communication rights in a global market O'Sullivan, NoelleAnne 2003 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.60137742442 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.141000613402 684039 Curriculum renewal in translator training: vocational challenges in academic environments with reference to needs and situation analysis and skills transferability from the contemporary experience of Polish translator training culture Kearns, John 2006 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.789802730584 Law 0.0568237293366 465059 Customer-led conceptual design system Adeoye, Adeyinka O. Moses 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.847125310298 Chemistry 0.0551760585392 886292 Cyclic strain-mediated regulation of thrombomodulin expression and release from human aortic endothelial cells Martin, Fiona 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.571598805629 Agriculture 0.101182315174 590338 Cylindrically symmetric models of gravitational collapse Nolan, Louise V. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.61775960505 Physics 0.204396271504 792576 Cytotoxicity testing in vitro: investigation of 5 miniaturized, colorimetric assays Martin, Angela J. 1992 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.592249004966 Medicine 0.275957376439 772097 Data fusion of nonlinear measurement data in the presence of correlated sensor to- sensor errors Al-Samara, Mansour Mohamed 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.22472658994 Physics 0.177016750024 465454 Data Refinement in Object-Oriented Verification Monahan, Rosemary 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.615292145001 Biology 0.124914061787 464916 Data-driven machine translation for sign languages Morrissey, Sara 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.434787072606 Linguistics 0.396715444244 648123 Data-oriented models of parsing and translation Hearne, Mary 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.430738518437 Linguistics 0.387456772062 776316 Database rules and time: some proposed extensions to the SQL standard O'Neill, Liam 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.454174880264 Law 0.283944223901 464908 Dead-end and crossflow microfiltration of yeast and bentonite suspensions: experimental and modelling studies incorporating the use of artificial neural networks Ní Mhurchú, Jenny 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.428079862178 Agriculture 0.187106884958 749943 Dealing with rogue states: a case study of Serbia Osborn, Marianne 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.227659726655 Law 0.165094039109 591057 Declarative rule-based integration and mediation for XML data in web service-based software architectures Zhu, Yaoling 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.633792368519 Civil-Engineering 0.229963868703 749936 Declassification: transforming java programs to remove intermediate classes Power, Bernadette 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.660627864997 Chemistry 0.133811509027 882138 Deconstructing evaluation in education Brown, Martin 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.743879815089 Medicine 0.0403463989245 465509 Deep Syntax in Statistical Machine Translation Graham, Yvette 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.750792702242 Industrial-Engineering 0.106372417883 750558 Defining an approximation to formally verify cryptographic protocols Oehl, Frederic Enoha 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.750613458195 Industrial-Engineering 0.116145448627 885807 Delay-centric handover in SCTP Kelly, Andrew 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.660159603853 Law 0.0788077279233 749942 Deployment maintenance strategy for the development of maintenance personnel in Irish and Malaysian automated manufacturing industries Othman, Jamel 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.196306494422 Psychology 0.150278865066 753917 Deposition and comparative wear study of thin film coatings Azim, Mohammad Abdul 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.692167646402 Medicine 0.122429903351 648126 Deposition of hard and solid lubricant (TiN + MoSx) coating by closed-field magnetron sputtering; Julfikar Haider Haider, Md. Julfikar 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.81743282253 Biology 0.0638810997884 882065 Design & development of innovative proton exchange membrane fuel cells Carton, James 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.873594475863 Civil-Engineering 0.0278264496728 768362 Design and application of a plasma impedance monitor for RF plasma diagnostics Dobbyn, Kieran 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.852567794651 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0540054203705 465449 Design and Characterisation of a Novel Artificial Life System Incorporating Hierarchical Selection Kelly, Ciarán 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.454475584509 Biology 0.197603997336 1061868 Design and characterisation of a photonic sensor platform for the detection of biofilm formation Elmaghrum, Salem 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.593346529124 Industrial-Engineering 0.286881083843 882102 Design and control of a robotic system for application of milking cups Christie, Damian 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.328524942749 Industrial-Engineering 0.142487666446 654452 Design and development of a novel electronic sensor for detecting mastitis based on conductance Favry, Valerie 2004 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.65814638457 Agriculture 0.184559604415 590838 Design and development of a powder mixing device used in the deposition of high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray functionally graded coatings; Kabir Al Mamun Al Mamun, Md. Kabir 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.740164593422 Earth sciences 0.123356311041 768373 Design and development of some amperometric biosensors based on enzymes, antibodies and plant tissue Dempsey, Eithne Mary 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.886575545288 Agriculture 0.0288335776475 882136 Design and evaluation of business process oriented assessment techniques to determine the quality of information exchanges-demonstrated in public organizations- Xie, Shuyan 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.842073804617 Law 0.0262670603666 743441 Design and evaluation of the linguistic basis of an automatic F-struture annotation algorithm for the Penn-II treebank McCarthy, Mairéad 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.443572674835 Linguistics 0.0932482631819 773130 Design and implementation of a TTCN to C translator Cunningham, Kenneth 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.72232657745 Medicine 0.0672197019112 769320 Design and implementation of personal computer based data acquisition and analysis in electrochemical and solid state areas Fennema, B.D.J.R 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.729544046392 Industrial-Engineering 0.0993016575008 588115 Design and optimization of magnetostrictive actuator Grunwald, Artur 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.744263573238 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.161806088086 882075 Design and Optimization of Process Parameters in Bio-GasProduction Systems Alfarjani, Fatma 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.676275629551 Agriculture 0.167224800786 465479 Design and Validation of a Force Measurement System for the Analysis of Airfoil Lift and Drag Characteristics Manning, Niall 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.807524661519 Civil-Engineering 0.049659330121 742494 Design issues in quality of service routing Kowalik, Karol 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.507247231011 Mathematics 0.446599683578 753912 Design of a brushless A.C. servo-motor using neodymium iron boron permanent magnet meterial Allen, Ciaran P. 1988 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.8673414246 Medicine 0.0339303769097 772297 Design of a DSP-based servo speed controller Lu, Jialing 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.795195769174 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.106907608358 590333 Design of a dynamic balance assessment system Considine, John 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.220081440043 Medicine 0.18832262935 590331 Design of a robotic manipulator for automatic application of milking cups White, James 2006 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.480206064945 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.193478593911 777326 Design of a static frequency converter suitable for aircraft power systems Rahal, Ahmad 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.838082202377 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0467761340211 465043 Design of experiment analysis of high velocity oxy-fuel coating of hydroxyapatite Hasan, Shahriar 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.836404167717 Medicine 0.0512363009903 750313 Design of robust controllers for multivariable nonlinear plants Villegas, Javier Andres 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.710882417628 Industrial-Engineering 0.117567419394 778980 Design study of a heavy duty hydraulic machine using finite element techniques Saleh, Mohamad M 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.557428035854 Civil-Engineering 0.404167869168 885896 Design, construction and characterisation of a variable balance magnetron sputtering system O'Leary, Colm 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.277779614849 Industrial-Engineering 0.228594305886 465012 Design, deployment and assessment of a movie archive system in a film studies context Mohamad Ali, Nazlena 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.844715692442 Linguistics 0.0370261666247 591056 Design, development, implementation and evaluation of a purilingual ICALL system for romance languages aimed at advanced learners Koller, Thomas 2007 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.576808431208 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.315969635693 1064303 Designing a method for assessing the enterprise architecture business value Meyer, Martin 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.349490388076 Industrial-Engineering 0.258051675146 885844 Designing molecularly imprinted polymers for the analysis of the components of complex matrices O'Mahony, John Michael 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.885940449775 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0297391557402 750308 Designing role-based view for object-relational databases Wang, Ling 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.71464115183 Industrial-Engineering 0.0656985353841 836670 Designing, implementing and assessing guided-inquiry based tutorials in introductory physics Doughty, Leanne 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.177844857033 Biology 0.141149241822 582607 Detecting grammatical errors with treebank-induced, probabilistic parsers Wagner, Joachim 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.53167236281 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.101584509115 464892 Detecting semantic concepts in digital photographs: low-level features vs. non-homogeneous data fusion Malobabić, Jovanka 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.863815498405 Civil-Engineering 0.0303772320883 591049 Detection and analysis of emotional highlights in film Rothwell, Sandra 2007 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.631879670462 Psychology 0.20079962209 648129 Detection and analysis of porcine circovirus type 2 in the Irish pig population Donnelly, Maria 2006 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.821080808467 Medicine 0.0504813500043 621584 Determination of long-term spatial and seasonal distribution of contaminants in an urban river and estuarine system using polarographic techniques Buggy, Conor J. 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.558692297191 Civil-Engineering 0.119017910102 885792 Developing a person guidance module for hospital robots Hasan, Muhammad Kamrul 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.824275322093 Industrial-Engineering 0.0654983827951 465517 Developing an Automatic Generation Tool for Cryptographic Pairing Functions Dominguez Perez, Luis Julian 2011 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.223294961899 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.150092447232 772619 Developing and integrating tools in Eclipse/PCTE MacRoibeaird, Sean P 1990 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.731579852151 Industrial-Engineering 0.131808218148 465485 Developing consensus on what constitutes 'success' following upper limb loss rehabilitation NiMhurchadha, Sineád Eilís 2010 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.398369170033 Psychology 0.215302184408 465494 Developing Overall Equipment Effectiveness Metrics for Prototype Precision Manufacturing Michael, O'Neill 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.57188857414 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.113781053398 827653 Developing the microfoundations of dynamic capability for innovation: a human resource management perspective Fallon-Byrne, Lucy 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.651238247499 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0679350965306 464962 Developing thinking with four and five year old pupils: the impact of a cognitive acceleration programme through early science skill development Gallagher, Andrea 2009 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.599472035958 Medicine 0.178718511239 743418 Development and analysis of environmentally neutral, biodegradable, novel flocculants for drinking water treatment Conaghan, Sharon 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.337322655018 Industrial-Engineering 0.170338894934 465516 Development and application of novel analytical methods for molecularly targeted cancer therapeutics Roche, Sandra 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.603072108082 Biology 0.184443230071 583617 Development and application of novel approaches to quantitate therapeutic drugs in human blood Fox, Deirdre 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.535370521898 Medicine 0.337925987683 885800 Development and characterisation of a novel optical surface defect detection system Kamal, Mohammad Abu Hana Mustafa 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.624521084633 Industrial-Engineering 0.231065934049 773110 Development and characterisation of an inducible system of betalain synthesis in cell cultures of beetroot(beta vulgaris) Vincent, McManus 1994 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.487114445747 Biology 0.14429573269 597385 Development and characterisation of monolithic silica stationary phases for ion chromatography Sugrue, Edel 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.750143643823 Medicine 0.0499804170398 1064267 Development and characterisation of nanotemplated carbon monoliths in analytical chemistry He, Xiaoyun 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.584407781684 Agriculture 0.144332296235 750314 Development and characterisation of selective ion or molecular receptors Wall, Rachel F 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.852754967204 Biology 0.0407159731855 465443 Development and Characterisation of Solid-State Ion-Selective Electrodes, and their Application to Sweat Analysis for Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis Lynch, Aogan 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.546859621669 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.120365270121 654151 Development and evaluation of the virtual pathology slide: a new tool for understanding inter-observer variability in diagnostic microscopy Costello, Sean 2004 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.322948823585 Veterinary 0.219085575205 764739 Development and optimisation of patterned optical immunosensors McEvoy, Helen 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.340927810022 Physics 0.177484782421 772301 Development of a bench-scale pharmaceutical synthesis Jin, Li 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.559489475423 Medicine 0.10935564644 777953 Development of a composite CAD package to predict and reduce EM radiation from a PCB Saha, Pran Kanai 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.333395804485 Industrial-Engineering 0.31738520721 769305 Development of a computer controlled multichannel potentiostat for applications with flowing solution analysis Fang, Tang 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.257764090302 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.241135053922 885864 Development of a dissolved oxygen sensor for marine applications Glever, Herveline 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.250019001039 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.199454550737 772974 Development of a fibre optic based system for the measurement of nitrate in water Maxwell, Joseph 1991 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.350816504276 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.290133323349 768060 Development of a fibre optic based system for the measurement of organic pollutants in water Connolly, David 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.531812260786 Agriculture 0.112434489576 792582 Development of a fibre optic sensor for methane gas Sweeney, Jude 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.520239031435 Physics 0.223453857016 768043 Development of a gated optical multichannel analyser for laser-plasma spectroscopy Corcoran, Richard 1990 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.712924523751 Biology 0.0663361452133 752487 Development of a generic multi-analyte optical sensor platform for fluorescence-based sensing McGaughey, Orla 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.436174518646 Industrial-Engineering 0.16679163041 591050 Development of a hybrid genetic algorithm based decision support system for vehicle routing and scheduling in supply chain logistics managment Khanian, Seyed Mohammad Shafi 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.487151539988 Mathematics 0.251318592492 652700 Development of a laser based inspection system for surface defect detection Bhuian, Mohammed Belal Hossain 2002 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.569254761707 Industrial-Engineering 0.237264846079 621661 Development of a laser based surface profilometer using the principle of optical triangulation Collins, David Andrew 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.436175781189 Physics 0.414994017383 762947 Development of a laser scanning system for the inspection of surface defects Beary, Shane 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.654153865804 Physics 0.106895928167 654141 Development of a laser scanning thickness measurement inspection system Haque, S. M. Mahfuzul 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.517266619265 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.313728512816 465256 Development of a manufacturing feature-based design system Hoque, A.S.M. Mojahidul 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.476794004572 Industrial-Engineering 0.453656512931 464887 Development of a measurement for technology learning process (TLP) Dabnoon, Mohammed 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.417597145951 Economics 0.27183760822 753913 Development of a microcomputer based design system for air management of buildings Alwahban, Kassem Ahmad 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.452231305497 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.447042662814 750295 Development of a microfluidic based analytical system for copper monitoring in environmental water samples Tyrrell, Éadaoin 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.533693953192 Industrial-Engineering 0.190063463789 792620 Development of a microtitre plate assay and a rapid membrane-based assay for the detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) in human serum Tymon, Gráinne 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.466378271698 Medicine 0.318119810778 771948 Development of a multi-laser, multi-channel XUV spectrometer facility based on the dual laser plasma technique Kiernan, Laurence 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.835624323632 Agriculture 0.0456993840389 750544 Development of a muscle tendon vibrator and its application in training strength and power Luo, Jin 2004 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.277805456375 Industrial-Engineering 0.182831441487 767819 Development of a novel prokaryotic two-hybrid system for the detection and analysis of protein-protein interactions in vivo Clarke, Paul A. 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.853966838973 Medicine 0.052739814952 752480 Development of a novel rheometric device for the determination of pressure dependent viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids Akhter, Salma 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.313293122901 Medicine 0.16480118524 882082 Development of a point-of-care breath ammonia device and its application to non-invasive monitoring of haemodialysis patients Hibbard, Troy 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.668303106726 Agriculture 0.0790794602085 683158 Development of a prototype photoacoustic microscope and spectroscope and advanced semiconductor material characterization Xu, Lu 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.565915507795 Physics 0.358398561887 495405 Development of a radiation computation dose model for use in ultraviolet phototherapy Grimes, David Robert 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.839263288894 Physics 0.03900371401 882131 Development of a rapid UHPLC method for the in-process determination of coupling reagents used in peptide synthesis Barry, Deborah 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.497427828924 Industrial-Engineering 0.232751466531 683746 Development of a risk based model for use in water quality monitoring Jones, Lisa 2012 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.298205980733 Medicine 0.201211292597 495397 Development of a room temperature molecular electronics: Direct vs indirect metal complex synthesis Cleary, Laura 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.887130293193 Medicine 0.0189131670588 885891 Development of a synthetic route to the active ingredient of an agricultural herbicide O'Donovan, Rory 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.64819386847 Biology 0.107581795662 772975 Development of a Tm3+-doped flouride glass optical fibre laser for gas sensing McAleavey, Fergal J 1995 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.308031317139 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.239158106138 763127 Development of a versatile Raman spectroscopy system Byrne, Patrick Martin 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.524108732819 Biology 0.210850148154 753918 Development of a virtual reality milling machine for knowledge learning and skill training Bakkar, Khalid I. 1999 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.80138735535 Biology 0.0338190779823 810643 Development of acoustic analysis techniques for use in diagnosis of vocal pathology Murphy, Peter 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.554104329368 Biology 0.173052443337 882076 Development of an eco-friendly composite material for engineering applications Aly, Marwa 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.675485583596 Civil-Engineering 0.143676302479 772977 Development of an optical immunosensor based on the evanescent wave technique McCormack, Teresa A 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.445383421854 Veterinary 0.381048512345 773133 Development of an optical sol-gel-based dissolved oxygen sensor McEvoy, Aisling Kathryn 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.609367603507 Biology 0.128916729283 1064299 Development of an oral drug delivery platform formulation for the targeted delivery of celecoxib for the chemoprevention and treatment of colorectal cancer. McDonald, Bernard 2015 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.342456436612 Chemistry 0.33099353442 591051 Development of an uncompensated diagnostic for the measurement of phase-resolved characteristics in radio-frequency plasmas Linnane, Shane 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.574054998744 Industrial-Engineering 0.278110875927 768385 Development of antibody-based assays for the detection of aflatoxins and organophosphates Daly, Stephen J 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.314327669443 Biology 0.298487615782 1118404 Development of biofunctional and biocompatible surfaces for biodiagnostic applications utilising plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition Monaghan, Ruairi 2015 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.50395432489 Physics 0.188795990162 622548 Development of chemical sensors using novel infrared sources Donohue, John R. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.787257801251 Medicine 0.048097394911 465456 Development of coagulation monitoring devices Dudek, Magdalena M. 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.408187684935 Biology 0.245888221389 654451 Development of complexation ion chromatography for the determination of metal ions Bashir, Wasim 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.62143204379 Earth sciences 0.134812200927 582233 Development of dielectric spectroscopic monitoring methods for the prediction of viable cell density and volume in mammalian cell culture O'Regan, Timothy 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.310400390383 Physics 0.228590426024 808512 Development of EMC antennas and their application in on-line SE measurement of conductive composite plastic materials Rahman, Hafizur 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.560009453621 Physics 0.226601114667 465480 Development of enhanced performance luminescence-based optical sensor systems for single-analyte and multii-analyte applications Moore, John 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.787232705223 Industrial-Engineering 0.115826083625 772594 Development of evanescent wave based sensor platforms for use in immunosensing McAtamney, Colm 1999 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.368309598017 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.338154393294 763138 Development of evanescent wave pH sensors based on coated optical fibres Butler, Thomas M. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.472809697663 Agriculture 0.120149282504 885898 Development of explicit finite difference-based simulation system for impact studies Wong, Shaw Voon 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.687303152136 Civil-Engineering 0.178907275969 621581 Development of fast ion chromatography Connolly, Damian 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.291124013895 Chemistry 0.234874664061 774843 Development of fibre optic evanescent-wave fluorescent-based sensors O'Keeffe, David Gerard 1995 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.446819047527 Industrial-Engineering 0.157239931181 882134 Development of fully functional microfluidic based platforms for rapid on-site water quality analysis Czugala, Monika 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.72486725157 Chemistry 0.146838355912 827643 Development of hierarchical magnetic nanocomposite materials for biomedical applications Clarke, Sarah 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.449912356568 Physics 0.167818227505 620710 Development of high-speed fibre-optical laser scanning system for defect recogntion Abuazza, Abdulbaset 2002 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.707281479603 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0789539446816 752478 Development of horseradish peroxidase and tyrosinase-based organic-phase biosensors Adeyoju, Olubunmi Oluyemisi 1995 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.795603938484 Biology 0.0806366247578 774287 Development of infrared evanescent wave fibre sensors using an FTIR spectrometer O'Dwyer, Kieran 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.576987325524 Medicine 0.116432199992 465484 Development of Innovative Microfluidic Polymeric Technologies for Point-of-care & Integrated Diagnostics Devices Garcia Cordero, Jose Luis 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.836897709019 Chemistry 0.0345737088316 776302 Development of LED-based instrumentation for the monitoring of water quality parameters Murphy, Thomas 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.727013273083 Civil-Engineering 0.0697880211436 654145 Development of low cost, low power optical sensing devices based on coupled LEDs for colorimetric analysis Baldwin, Susan 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.700044616681 Industrial-Engineering 0.127589602786 750574 Development of low-pressure ion chromatography for the separation of anions Victory, Danielle 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.276594910258 Industrial-Engineering 0.266273213401 621585 Development of microfabricated optical chemical sensor platforms using polymer processing technology Burke, Conor Stephen 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.438997411958 Industrial-Engineering 0.277997676248 680033 Development of miniature personal thermoelectric generator Brink, Riaan 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.832214092495 Civil-Engineering 0.063117593137 771381 Development of monoclonal antibodies for the identification of novel invasion associated targets in human cancer. O'Sullivan, Dermot 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.818804265809 Medicine 0.11675571395 465241 Development of new adaptive materials based on spiropyran molecular photoswitches Scarmagnani, Silvia 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.796917756941 Biology 0.0561742263862 768377 Development of novel analytical methods to study the metabolism of coumarin Deasy, Brian 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.549011826811 Industrial-Engineering 0.091560250316 465238 Development of novel extraction and separation methods for the determination of anthracyclines and taxanes simultaneously from biological matrices Bermingham, Shane 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.572464040368 Chemistry 0.350202861727 621299 Development of novel gas sensors Duffy, Brendan 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.192915521512 Medicine 0.129025086306 762962 Development of novel methods for the detection of coumarin, and its metabolites and their applications Bogan, Declan P. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.356441736347 Veterinary 0.152029898777 885855 Development of optical sensor platforms based on evanescent wave interactions Doyle, Aidan 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.459021598502 Physics 0.354049642794 464969 Development of planar langmuir probes for supersonic plasma flows Sheerin, Peter E. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.417012469305 Industrial-Engineering 0.32177347737 682785 Development of rapid chromatographic technologies for complex biofermentation sample analysis. Alwael, Hassan 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.554167632546 Industrial-Engineering 0.222183221279 683166 Development of situation recognition, environment monitoring and patient condition monitoring service modules for hospital robots Al Mamun, Md. Kabir 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.570297354175 Medicine 0.353644966211 777939 Development of some capillary electrophoretic separations and enzyme-based sensors for substances of pharmaceutical and biomedical interest Robinson, Gemma M 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.857406501137 Biology 0.0599411886004 682784 Development of stationary phase gradients and multi-functional stationary phases in capillary formats Currivan, Sinéad Ann 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.291089257302 Biology 0.130226963909 826754 Development of stimulus-responsive materials with improved performance characteristics for application as flow controllers in microfluidic platforms Ziolkowski, Bartosz 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.796440607001 Industrial-Engineering 0.0793658566581 773410 Development of teat sensing system for automated milking Ben Azouz, Aymen 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.337077644134 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.156383388373 1064285 Development of titanium dioxide composites for the removal of pesticides from water using photocatalysis O'Dwyer, Ross 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.196340795091 Law 0.155991817019 885823 Development of VR-simulator software for manufacturing systems as a decision making and simulation tool Mujber, Tariq Saad 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.590790966191 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.26691527831 873665 Development of wireless prototype vehicle speed monitoring system. Ahsan, Md. Mominul 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.547887647772 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.368229638138 1118422 Development, Optimisation and Applications of Screen-PrintedElectrochemical Sensors Matzeu, Giusy 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.73738046395 Biology 0.090816710792 873987 Device characteristics-based differentiated energy-efficientadaptive solution for multimedia delivery over heterogeneouswireless networks Ding, Ruiqi 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.834590639987 Chemistry 0.0858206948372 768371 Devils and angels: the ideological construction of poverty stories on RTE television Devereux, Eoin 1996 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.500755586613 Linguistics 0.0720558479815 749928 Diasporic ethnicity: Irish-American performativity of irishness in popular culture, 1945-2000. Rains, Stephanie 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.298626478008 Anthropology 0.258468970604 742497 Die Fachsprache der Chemie in Theorie, Praxis und Didaktik, practice and didactics of the language for the specific purposes of chemistry Lechleiter, Heinz 2002 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.619862508427 Chemistry 0.182376490069 597383 Dietary fatty acids modulate inflammatory cytokine production through activation of MAP kinases Braddish, Della 2007 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.430945406679 Biology 0.348471309171 622398 Differential equation models for Aujeszky's disease virus in Irish pig herds Fingleton, Glenn 2002 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.6283784274 Medicine 0.156072488925 773404 Differential protein synthesis during nitrogen starvation of the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe McWilliams, Philip G 1986 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.41161555807 Economics 0.144133287613 792612 Differentiation of lung cancer cell lines: a role for translational regulation of gene expression Walsh, Derek 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.733207161027 Medicine 0.192064199843 769737 Digital current loop control of a brushless DC motor Cox, Noel Patrick 1987 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.845957994842 Agriculture 0.0276887714686 792580 Digital life stories: Semi-automatic (auto)biographies within lifelog collections Byrne, Daragh 2012 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.273871771993 Agriculture 0.130116239656 621664 Digital multimedia use and consumption in the Irish household setting Hynes, Deirdre 2005 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.526031302496 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.203531133307 809439 Discipline in Irish parliamentary parties Martin, Shane G 1997 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.566158390965 Psychology 0.0993415294746 465026 Discontentment and knowledge spillovers in an emerginghigh-tech industry: a study of the emergence of the RFIDindustry Finn, David J. 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.469522041074 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.320764915784 772129 Discourse and identity: a study of women in prison in Ireland Quinlan, Christina Maria 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.839887354078 Medicine 0.0329297527824 743437 Discrete language models for video retrieval Mc Donald, Kieran Richard 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.78354620917 Statistics 0.0620871535844 590835 Discussion, cooperation and collaboration: group learning in an online translation classroom Kenny, Mary Ann 2007 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.698953706969 Education 0.14998011814 1064270 Disentangling the impact of peacebuilding: intentionality, consequences, and responsibility Visoka, Gezim 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.51607564432 Biology 0.0744006744945 768061 Distributed parallel processing and the factoring problem Cox, Brian 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.876269919554 Agriculture 0.0319802134817 1024467 Distributed radio resource management in LTE-advanced networks with type 1 relay Sun, Chen 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.842911555901 Industrial-Engineering 0.0611260217365 847331 Divergent regulation of zinc metallopeptidases by shear stress in macrovascular endothelial cells via an NADPH oxidase - superoxide pathway Guinan, Anthony F. 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.820199792836 Medicine 0.0817616782653 653108 Do deputy-leaders matter?: a comparative study Fitzgerald, Peter 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.253155603326 Medicine 0.24823775624 464903 Docetaxel uptake and modulation of P-gpmediateddocetaxel efflux by tyrosine kinase inhibitors in human lung carcinoma cell lines Collins, Denis 2008 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.440813646781 Biology 0.342038819674 742129 Domain adaptation for statistical machine translation of corporate and user-generated content Banerjee, Pratyush 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.555469662695 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.345178467662 885830 Domestic constraints on globalisation: a case study of Irish social security 1986-2006 Murphy, Mary 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.657614684903 Economics 0.233137115748 885852 Drug accumulation studies in multiple drug resistant human cell lines Cleary, Irene 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.816408814094 Medicine 0.118314869701 743434 Drug metabolism and chemotherapy resistance Martinez, Vanesa 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.665814795151 Medicine 0.187006958516 648139 Drug resistance, and the role of p53, in lung cancer cell lines Breen, Laura 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.794947253658 Medicine 0.103190313428 684885 Dual-pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet with ambient gas: spectroscopic analysis and optimization of limit of detection of carbon and sulfur in steel Jiang, Xi 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.771652399096 Medicine 0.0490031718889 743414 Dual-sensor fusion for seamless indoor user localisation and tracking Redzic, Milan 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.854574785189 Industrial-Engineering 0.0304257957645 885793 Durability of multi layered plasma and HVOF coatings Al-Mutairi, Sultan A. 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.798314227328 Chemistry 0.0855714399846 773132 Dynamic abrasion resistance of advanced coating systems Kennedy, David M 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.869856543549 Biology 0.0201386419426 885832 Dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for differentiated services enabled Ethernet Passive Optical Networks with centralized admission control Nowak, Dawid 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.81820818364 Industrial-Engineering 0.0680493782535 773791 Dynamic buckling of linear viscoelastic rods Murphy, Kieran 1996 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.615740044802 Civil-Engineering 0.158886112638 885780 Dynamic gesture recognition using transformation invariant hand shape recognition Coogan, Thomas 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.771829547434 Biology 0.0467317997628 776322 Dynamic optimal portfolio theory Parnell, James E 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.701046964663 Industrial-Engineering 0.0575423384637 743425 Dynamic system simulation on the web Mahbub, Khaled 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.665713057383 Industrial-Engineering 0.260012715135 775336 Dynamics and energetics of electron transfer across microelectrode/monolayer interfaces O'Kelly, Joseph P 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.785354152361 Industrial-Engineering 0.0366085262813 885895 E/VPL a system for modelling and enacting software processes O'Connor, Rory 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.553017667713 Industrial-Engineering 0.291541328723 769294 Ease: a real-time multitasking executive Doyle, David 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.850725892784 Psychology 0.0381298584699 743412 Educate Together: an inclusive response to the needs of a pluralist Ireland? Lalor, John P. 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.847091464809 Chemistry 0.0219779365664 464913 Effect of acute exercise on postprandial lipemia and biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in normal weight and overweight adolescents MacEneaney, Owen 2008 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.515889660356 Biology 0.132917998232 885788 Effect of acute exercise on postprandial lipemia and endothelial function in men with peripheral arterial disease O'Hara, Kevin 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.607900748938 Biology 0.246594112064 680519 Effect of altering the number of players, the dimensions of the playing area and the playing rules on the number of selected technical skills performed, possession characteristics, physiological responses and levels of enjoyment and perceived competence during gaelic football in prepubescent and adolescent boys Whelan, Michael 2011 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.26910544486 Economics 0.228865469696 810637 Effect of compaction parameters and sintering configurations on the performance of ZnO varistor Karim, A. N. Mustafizul 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.780044692373 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0515313106033 620782 Effect of inspiratory pressure support on exercise performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Doggett, Anita 2006 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.871869349241 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0240735434765 885850 Effect of sintering parameters on the mechanical and physical properties of sinter formed materials Al-Tounsi, Ahmad 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.810517894991 Agriculture 0.0592474882885 777158 Effect of surgery and endotoxin on metastatic tumor growth and regulation of VEGF expression and angiogenesis by endotoxin Pidgeon, Graham 2001 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.843003876065 Economics 0.0383708796821 465462 Effective Learning Support in Higher Education: My Living Theory of student-centred learning support in National College of Ireland. Goldrick, Michael 2010 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.862350453125 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0434050749739 920326 Effectiveness of computer controlled robotic precision manipulator Bhatti, M. Tarique L 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.761784271218 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0963471331268 846893 Effects of high intensity interval training and high volume endurance training on maximal aerobic capacity, speed and power in club level gaelic football players Cregg, Cathal J 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.621581884896 Biology 0.122742955811 622392 Effects of overexpression of eIF4E and erbB2 on gene expression proflies and invasive phenotype in human cancer cells. Bray, Isabella 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.858951172743 Medicine 0.0608140002541 1117452 Effects of physical inactivity on skeletal muscle metabolic function Kenny, Helena C. 2015 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.800960709692 Physics 0.0559082447658 772125 Efficient pre-segmentation filtering in MRCP Robinson, Kevin 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845191554154 Medicine 0.0339815164267 749934 Elastic-plastic behaviour of AISiC metal matrix composite rod under combined tension and torsion loading Raghupathy, Padmanabhan 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.792694789609 Biology 0.060299505388 764506 Electrical and chemical characterisation of ultrathin transistor gate dielectric layers O'Connor, Robert 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.463034895693 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.170963850389 495410 Electrical, Optical and acoustic diagnostics of atmospheric pressure gas discharges O'Connor, Niall 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.610797503073 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.14592027643 885798 Electro-analytical studies of supramolecular assemblies Iqbal, Javed 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.647771479091 Physics 0.0818608529094 648124 Electroanalysis in the nanodomain: quinone monolayers and nanometer dimensioned electrodes Farrell, Mary M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.65880707989 Physics 0.116601905633 773386 Electroanalysis of some compounds of biological and industrial importance Moane, Siobhán M 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.835059431917 Veterinary 0.0329272079584 777945 Electroanalytical and chromatographic investigations of the antineoplastic agent cisplatin and related species Shearan, Paula Anne 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.709734673406 Biology 0.0818705642844 771672 Electroanalytical studies of some environmentally important compounds Hayes, Patrick J 1987 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.406145555819 Chemistry 0.190714838458 809448 Electroanalytical studies of some species of clinical importance Diaz, Martin Telting 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.805759795528 Industrial-Engineering 0.0503109475257 777954 Electrochemical analysis of some drug substances in complex matrices Sagar, Kamal Abdallah 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.806584102259 Industrial-Engineering 0.0819447563361 772636 Electrochemical characterisation of conducting polymer layers and their use as gas sensors McCormac, Timothy Paul 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.685803841138 Industrial-Engineering 0.0880886002381 772980 Electrochemical decomposition of chlorinated hydrocarbons McGee, Gerard Anthony 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.78096608948 Medicine 0.0555709308675 648133 Electrochemiluminescent & amperometric detection of DNA & DNA damage Dennany, Lynn 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.771574486871 Biology 0.0761610624719 464950 Electrodeposited nanoparticles: properties and photocatalytic applications Sheridan, Eoin E. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.846085723168 Agriculture 0.0366357701146 583305 Electrohydrodynamic focusing and light propagation in 2-dimensional microfluidic devices for preconcentration of low abundance bioanalytes Piasecki, Tomasz 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.618291517648 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.10597239114 792585 Electroluminescent displays by sol-gel process Tang, Wenhui 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.368250872652 Industrial-Engineering 0.301626098403 750570 Electron transfer in two and three dimensions Walsh, Darren A 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.834211676546 Biology 0.043788331224 882133 Electrospun three dimensional scaffolds for bone tissue regeneration Pascu, Elena Irina 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.383915773586 Medicine 0.212707386279 1020738 Electrostatic simulation methodology for capacitive touch-screen panels Cannon, Barry 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.500713628813 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.38941114017 772596 Element specific imaging in computer assisted tomography using a tube source of x-rays and a low resolution detector Markham, Charles Edward 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.213113747516 Mathematics 0.198041065018 597390 Elementary science in Irish primary schools from the late 1800s to the present day:to what extent is elementary science a new subject in Irish primary education today? Gallagher, Julieanne 2007 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.197228816343 Philosophy 0.170852108576 465471 Elliptic Curve Cryptography on Modern ProcessorArchitectures Costigan, Neil 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.752067668724 Medicine 0.0664683941944 1064262 Embedded online: Iraq war documentaries in the online public sphere Culloty, Eileen 2014 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.543841409459 Anthropology 0.128698861075 622549 Emergent networks in immune system shape space Burns, John 2005 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.375744804803 Medicine 0.273765829068 764515 Empathic climate and learning outcomes: a study of teaching empathy in relation to mathematics learning outcomes Buckley, Finian 1993 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.495635552617 Linguistics 0.173515409653 495388 Empirical investigation of nonlinear asset pricing kernel with human capital and housing wealth Wang, Qing Mei 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.76459655923 Statistics 0.100243433025 1185544 Empirically testing the use of computerised equivalence-based instruction for teaching categorisation to young children Barron, Ronda 2016 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.213041858513 Education 0.195156935437 1064302 Employee perceptions of high involvement work practices and burnout in health care: a conservation of resources theory perspective Kilroy, Steven 2015 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.669467856677 Medicine 0.0800268062229 828796 Enabling community-based water management systems: governance and sustainability of rural point-water facilities in Uganda Mugumya, Firminus 2013 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.59083574667 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.299262303627 1111243 Encouraging distance education? An analysis of eu policy on distance education, 1957-2004 MacKeogh, Kay 2005 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.705515017176 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.100492738981 753910 End milling machinability studies for steel, a nickel-base alloy (Inconel 718) and a metal matrix composite Alauddin, Mohammed 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.756703601574 Mathematics 0.0471757424309 465013 Endothelial cell impact on smooth muscle cell properties: role of hemodynamic forces Killeen, Maria T. 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.807577093411 Medicine 0.0621830226809 1064272 Energy absorption through the lateral collapse of thin-walled single and nested tubes Baroutaji, Ahmad 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.777043559014 Physics 0.154115012198 464929 Energy efficient enabling technologies for semantic video processing on mobile devices Larkin, Daniel 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.89191545245 Philosophy 0.0249149076421 885811 Energy efficient hardware acceleration of multimedia processing tools Kinane, Andrew 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.915403809672 Industrial-Engineering 0.0137712497043 465453 Energy Efficient Hardware Accelerators for Packet Classification and String Matching Kennedy, Alan 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.805205248895 Physics 0.0588665835767 742128 Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks Wu, Mei 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.849731106124 Civil-Engineering 0.0557814310441 1024465 Engaging undergraduate mental health nursing students in recovery orientated practice through service user involvement: a mixed methods study Russell, Siobhan 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.637399457517 Medicine 0.0990878463777 465450 Engaging with Online Audiences: A cross-country analysis of use of the Web for communicating biomedical science to public audiences. Cody, Lindsay 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.201818185174 Law 0.150874946053 752491 Engineering automated systems for pharmaceutical manufacturing: quality, regulations and business performance Meagher, Diarmuid P 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.381251977084 Biology 0.222808170628 749913 Enhanced computer assisted detection of polyps in CT colonography Sadleir, Robert 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.674898482082 Medicine 0.119280609284 773385 Enhanced production of negative ions in a pulsed volume ion source Mellon, Kevin Noel 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.816844513664 Biology 0.0354830437648 792621 Enhancement of the cytotoxicity of MRP substrates by indomethacin and related compounds Touhey, Samantha 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.53191767739 Chemistry 0.252662214613 1021968 Enhancing CHO cell productivity through the stable depletion of microRNA-23 Kelly, Paul S. 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.422820666809 Industrial-Engineering 0.175924098712 464930 Enhancing person annotation for personal photo management using content and context based technologies Cooray, Saman H. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.651454269859 Agriculture 0.0619704326899 465269 Enhancing student learning and conceptual understanding of electric circuits Smith, David 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.232558459486 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.183565986177 773400 Enumeration of lactic acid bacteria on grass and the effects on silage fermentation of added bacteria Moran, Joseph 1990 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.715681738286 Medicine 0.0701148861162 885916 Environmental consumerism and its capacity to confer competitive advantage to producers & distributors of specific FMCG brands in Ireland Robbins, Peter 2000 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.529644258474 Agriculture 0.240091958941 764744 Environmental influences on organotin-yeast interactions White, Jane S. 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.510987279853 Chemistry 0.227334855049 764526 Environmental modelling and expert fuzzy control of climate in a miniature cropping house Berry, Damon 1996 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.611791775554 Industrial-Engineering 0.294176216533 495407 Epigenetic modelling: DNA methylation and working towards model parameterisation Porwal, Jyoti 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.392234887413 Medicine 0.133235803878 750568 Epstein-Barr virus latent proteins regulate expression of the anti-apoptotic cellular bfl-1 gene Smith, Sinéad M. 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.570809359696 Medicine 0.384111585251 773108 Erythrocyte invasion by the rodent malaria plasmodium berghei McNally, John 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.77138794961 Medicine 0.0540079420099 776304 Erythrocyte invasion by the rodent malaria Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi O'Donovan, Susan 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.654916562521 Veterinary 0.244593318717 1186280 Escrow account and moral hazard Garcia, Diego 2016 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.675859871214 Industrial-Engineering 0.09825934545 811757 Establishing a cointegrating relationship between the exchange rate and relative efficiency Tuttle, Louis 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.319114015472 Linguistics 0.139911617761 771673 Establishment of design criteria for tightening bolted joints Hariri, Bassam T 1990 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.803786452408 Agriculture 0.0478104624639 769184 Estimation of buffer overflow probabilities and economies of scale in ATM multiplexers by analysis of a model of packetized voice traffic Farrell, Paul J. 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.182318473147 Economics 0.178928818593 882091 Estimation of motor vehicle emissions with respect tocontrolling air pollution Achour, Hussam 2012 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.581576156003 Agriculture 0.133500861455 1064288 Ethics of lifelog technology Jacquemard, Tim 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.389528348549 Philosophy 0.12007575123 749904 Ethnic alterity in the news: discourse on immigration in the Spanish and the Irish press, 1990-2000 Prieto Ramos, Fernando 2002 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.282673567563 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.155624078296 1118492 European airline performance: a data envelopment analysis with extrapolations based on model outputs Phillips, Martin 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.195119086917 Agriculture 0.125457903529 1020950 Evaluating and improving the delivery of work-based learning Doyle, Kieran 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.649269094543 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.136798312975 811744 Evaluating the advertiser-advertising agency relationship Kennedy, Íde 1995 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.256465135416 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.10247750251 777960 Evaluating the effectiveness of electronic special interest groups Ryan, Carmel 1997 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.155620130982 Linguistics 0.141315278929 882148 Evaluation and identification of leachables from the container closure system in ophthalmic product Reape, Derrick 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.373904023185 Industrial-Engineering 0.273001439051 773770 Evaluation of drug-free plasma profiles by high-performance liquid chromatography following liquid-liquid extraction Mullen, Ciara 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.625979594438 Biology 0.080130685528 621287 Evaluation of linkage-based web discovery systems Gurrin, Cathal 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.617982004142 Physics 0.142340185333 683168 Evaluation of production control strategies for the co-ordination of work-authorisations and inventory management in lean supply chains Smew, Walid 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.760707881077 Economics 0.0913840340902 464925 Evaluation of the influence of personality types on performance of shared tasks in a collaborative environment McGivney, Sinéad 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.860611741897 Biology 0.0222007890281 464906 Evaluation of the microstructural, electronicand optoelectronic properties of ƴ-CuCl thin films andtheir fabrication on Si substrates Lucas, Francis Olabanji 2008 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.764479277071 Biology 0.0559760530662 825488 Evaluation of the performance of activated carbon and titanium dioxide composites for pharmaceutical adsorption and photocatalysis in water Keane, David 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.234388031504 Biology 0.229778857218 767825 Evanescent wave spectroscopy using hollow cylindrical waveguide probes Coleman, Deirdre 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.404557866297 Biology 0.117908650288 773788 Evanescent wave spectroscopy using multimode optical fibres Murphy, Joseph A. 1990 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.330091579646 Agriculture 0.107489837434 464893 Evolutionary computation applied to combinatorial optimisation problems Mitchell, George G. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.701177314796 Mathematics 0.219907135943 885801 Examination of solder bump reflow process and copper metallisation process induced stress distribution in silicon substrates using synchrotron x-ray topography, micro-raman spectroscopy and finite element modelling Kanatharana, Jarujit 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.210480501069 Physics 0.200915897768 885868 Examination of the role of proline in environmental stress tolerance through genetic manipulation of forest tree cultures Gleeson, Deirdre 2001 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.260390724441 Biology 0.243108317108 778170 Examination of the stir-casting method to produce Al-SiC composites Naher, Sumsun 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.536783471941 Chemistry 0.199752394285 652696 Example-based machine translation using the marker hypothesis Gough, Nano 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.725246259217 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.163339920076 885770 Exercise response and the effect of supplemental oxygen during interval training on O2 uptake kinetics, blood lactate levels, and endurance performance in patients with mild, moderate and severe cystic fibrosis Reuveny, Ronen 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.811774521489 Biology 0.125429016448 751172 Existence theorems for 90o vortex-vortex scattering Abdelwahid, Fawzi 1993 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.827773601907 Agriculture 0.0316033074966 740000 Exotic Monoliths Walsh, Zarah 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.549265349522 Industrial-Engineering 0.2139251367 771954 Expansions of vortex solutions for two vortices close together Kellegher, Eamon 2001 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.3607439656 Physics 0.153529639909 828357 Experiences of support services for eating disorders in Ireland: an exploratory study Sheridan, Grace 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.614703611399 Biology 0.142858330548 750300 Experimental and finite element study of the behaviour of structural members to combined tension and torsion loadings Zarroug, Nuri M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.754585595063 Civil-Engineering 0.128520827045 742136 Experimental and finite element study of the hydroforming bi-layered tubular components Islam, Mohammad Din 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.861150462637 Biology 0.0350931683311 622396 Experimental and numerical investigation of therapeutic ultrasound angioplasty Gavin, Graham P. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.540143738681 Medicine 0.168543364247 465075 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Therapeutic Ultrasound Angioplasty McGuinness, Garrett B 2005 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.540143738681 Medicine 0.168543364247 685379 Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wire Waveguides for Therapeutic Ultrasound Angioplasty Noone, Declan, (Thesis) 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.541306612203 Medicine 0.167136493218 588122 Experimental and numerical investigation of wire waveguides for therapeutic ultrasound angioplasty Noone, Declan J. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.501015921048 Medicine 0.178465325849 1061869 Experimental investigation of a low pressure capacitively-coupled discharge Kechkar, Samir 2015 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.685918119641 Biology 0.0711623393129 464939 Exploiting multi-word units in statistical parsing and generation Cafferkey, Conor 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.417966935238 Linguistics 0.296673421992 882057 Exploiting novel antibodies for the early detection of cardiac disease Conroy, Paul John 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.59315094342 Medicine 0.207764931458 749921 Exploration of dipeptidyl peptidase IV and recombinant fasciola hepatica cathepsin L1 as potential biocatalysts Ruth, Deborah M. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.643839553907 Biology 0.0942007671778 465251 Exploring the dimensionality of speech using manifold learning and dimensionality reduction methods Errity, Andrew 2010 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.252437040892 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.118778005823 1185547 Exploring the experience of high-ability students from socio-economic disadvantaged schools participating in a summer academic programme Breslin, Eileen Elizabeth 2016 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.470396342326 Economics 0.221394541379 1020951 Exploring the experiences of bereavement and counselling among young people who are bereaved Dowling, Mairead 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.387783732262 Psychology 0.265553137624 809449 Exploring the linkages between attitudes towards human resource management practices and organisational commitment: evidence from the financial services industry in Ireland Conway, Edel 2003 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.733360982975 Industrial-Engineering 0.105348494795 582235 Exploring the palliative care needs and delivery of services to young children with life-limiting neurodevelopmental disabiliies and their families: a mixed methods study Courtney, Eileen 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.431273431891 Medicine 0.335426154145 495991 Explosions and unbounded growth in nonlinear delay differential equations: Numerical and asymptotic analysis McCarthy, Michael J. 2011 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.784864638418 Industrial-Engineering 0.0538672493445 772105 Exponential asymptotics and special theory for optical tunnelling Lawless, Fiona 1993 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.803522625117 Statistics 0.0350650876017 762954 Exponentially-improved asymptotics of single and multidimensional integrals Breen, Sinéad 1999 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.268809451876 Agriculture 0.117072976215 769185 Expression and regulation of matrilysin in human tumours Fingleton, Barbara 1996 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.617481806116 Biology 0.151838128829 591053 Expression and role of the human anti-apoptotic bfl-1 gene in Hodgkin's Lymphoma Loughran, Sinéad, T 2007 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.531624433683 Biology 0.439752469748 885871 Expression of the adhesion molecule CD44 in Epstein-Barr virus infected B-cells Gallagher, Joanne 1999 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.585991713412 Biology 0.335203197421 749939 Expression of the anti-apoptotic bfl-1/A1 gene is regulated by the Epstein Barr virus nuclear antigen 2(EBNA2) Pegman, Pamela Mary 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.496823988179 Medicine 0.459715944378 588120 Extraction and analysis of pharmaceutical residues in environmental samples using SPE with LC-MS/MS Bones, John-Joseph 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.753413817754 Veterinary 0.0507624191156 1114896 Fabrication and characterisation of copper diffusion barrier layers for future interconnect applications Byrne, Conor 2015 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.438788949911 Industrial-Engineering 0.211484563877 827647 Fabrication and characterization of nano-agglomerated monolithic stationary phases for separation science Alwy, Ali 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.424582259573 Medicine 0.16469914351 811734 Fabrication of lanthanide-doped glasses and their possible application as UV detectors McKernan, Desmond C 1990 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.7598047337 Chemistry 0.0412756056049 680035 Factors affecting microvascular endothelial tight junction assembly and barrier function in the blood-brain barrier Colgan, Olga 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.790772058351 Medicine 0.074090729185 792626 Factors affecting the coffee-stability of instant whole milk powder Teehan, Catherine Mary 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.330806857348 Agriculture 0.28577855066 1137507 Factors associated with perceived quality influencing beef consumption behaviour in Ireland Mannion, Michael 1998 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.758903200745 Economics 0.116255591545 772613 Fasciola hepatica hemoglobin: isolation, characterisation and induction of protective immune response in cattle McGonigle, Sharon 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.625182267736 Veterinary 0.17472504158 825481 Fasciola hepatica Tegumental antigen modulates macrophage phenotype and function Adams, Paul 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.549620207962 Medicine 0.23237343992 792592 Fasciola hepatica: isolation and characterisation of a cathepsin L proteinase Smith, Angela M 1994 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.228507552346 Veterinary 0.219124521313 769298 Fasciola hepatica: secretion of a novel cathepsin L proteinase Dowd, Andrew 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.653447067399 Veterinary 0.0642010819843 776315 Fasciolosis: immunodiagnosis and immunology O'Neill, Sandra M 1999 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.473275318235 Veterinary 0.319294201722 809444 Fast growth firms in Ireland - performance and financial structure Hogan, Teresa 1995 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.778949985021 Physics 0.0561374049427 809442 Fatigue behaviour of 6061 aluminium alloy and its composite Hwa, Ping 2001 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.699056652455 Civil-Engineering 0.188046826479 464919 Feasibility and optimization of dissimilar laser welding components Hassan, Ezzeddin Mohamed 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.866203129682 Civil-Engineering 0.0200029970338 622397 Feminism in Spain and its influence on Montserrat Roig's trilogy Collins, Gobnait 2002 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.21798799897 Medicine 0.143941742429 772599 Fermenter studies on the production of pimaricin by streptomyces natalensis Mahon, David 1990 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.519439647149 Industrial-Engineering 0.145227136367 465255 Field emission of ZnO nano-structures produced by laser ablation McLoughlin, Conor 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.821286272944 Chemistry 0.0571440331545 777936 Financial management in selected Dublin families with special reference to dual-earner couples Rohan, Eddie 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.346062641458 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.342770023418 1021899 Fine motor skill performance in Irish children Gaul, David 2014 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.849728343101 Medicine 0.0699563955933 654139 Finite difference methods for singularly perturbed problems on non-rectangular domains Dunne, Raymond K 2005 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.799460706759 Civil-Engineering 0.0732177664867 777952 Finite element analysis of a continuum undergoing large plastic deformation Saleh, Mohamad M 1989 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.734025505769 Civil-Engineering 0.182349046412 496127 Finite element and mechanobiological modelling of vascular devices Zahedmanesh, Houman 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.57240909366 Biology 0.148367658072 464917 Finite element assisted prediction of ductile fracture in sheet bulging of magnesium alloys Hunt, David 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.780541442731 Earth sciences 0.0474074560292 772114 Finite element modelling and simulation of metal flow in bulge forming Ahmed, Mahiuddin 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.814398721885 Civil-Engineering 0.0595532464415 749948 Finite element modelling of rheological and penetration characteristics of curing PMMA bone cement in total hip replacement Rahman, Mohammad Mafizur 2006 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.444364516366 Earth sciences 0.167958424758 621667 Finite element modelling of the expanson of small tubular parts by internal pressure Chua Sing Ngie, David 2002 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.686901054962 Biology 0.0686093077471 622394 Finite element simulation of hip joint replacement under static and dynamic loading El-Shiekh, Hussam El-Din F. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.75849187108 Civil-Engineering 0.107078310313 465027 Finite volume analysis and optimisation of a high pressure homogeniser Clarke, Andrew P. 2009 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.534652820774 Industrial-Engineering 0.176091456692 1064265 Fitness and game based assessment of U-18 Gaelic football players Cullen, Bryan 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.588097976668 Medicine 0.0824950260309 750565 Fitness evaluation of Gaelic football players Stephens, Patrick 2004 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.667950166185 Biology 0.114685664894 885873 Fixed optics Fourier transform spectrometers with photodetector-arrays Kalisch, Dirk Christian 1997 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.288765365252 Medicine 0.198540077085 792363 Flow and congestion control in frame relay networks Sahgal, Anuradha 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.444130119567 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.413562584172 465474 Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) systems for biomedical sensor applications Bird, Aoibheann 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.661990967973 Chemistry 0.099321666313 750546 Fluorescent calixarenes as molecular receptors Lynam, Carol 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.840502461015 Biology 0.0459678878564 772620 Food labelling requirements in European Union law MacMaoláin, Caoimhín M O 2000 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.788832296491 Agriculture 0.106384265512 743422 Food, housing, family and welfare regimes: the case of cyprus Minas, Christos 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.722318741559 Agriculture 0.157284851504 885909 Formation processes for industry level cooperation: an empirical analysis of cooperation in Irish industries Callan, Lloyd 1996 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.341963777656 Industrial-Engineering 0.120417601787 582238 Fostering autonomy in intercultural language learning in the foreign language classroom: A case study of international students learning English at a higher education institution in Ireland Sudhershan, Aleksandra 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.481082378159 Education 0.382621394455 1021896 Fostering autonomy, generating motivation and shaping identities in the adolescent language classroom - an experimental research project Kelly, Mairin 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.354856687287 Education 0.257837774028 739999 Fostering Work Engagement through State and Trait Trust: Evidence from Irish University Research Centres Chughtai , Aamir Ali 2010 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.352704283458 Economics 0.192686539341 742501 Fouling of a double pipe heat exchanger Llinares Fontdevila, Antonio 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.871444716904 Biology 0.0286699018578 768046 Fouling of a plate heat exchanger by cheese whey solutions Corcoran, Brian 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.69850913989 Biology 0.0806943368985 743408 Found in translation: Franco-Irish translation relationships in nineteenth-century Ireland Milan, Michele 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.843650493815 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0336749217295 621588 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy as a method of investigation of semiconductor plasma etching Galassi, Chiara 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.592332619504 Chemistry 0.271237662957 772299 Fractal block coding techniques in image compression Liu, Jinsong 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.726809561297 Medicine 0.0651258588394 773795 Fractal methods in image analysis and coding Neary, David 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.664734020827 Industrial-Engineering 0.0927431230456 827651 Framework for the continuing professional development of art teachers at post-primary level Bodkin, Patsey 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.852265519397 Psychology 0.0330831901479 494990 Free to Air: An examination of the role played by a radio phone-in programme, Liveline, in the democratic process Byrne, Frank 2011 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.763876607179 Physics 0.0314070831369 620702 Freedom of expression in Jordan: a critical study of themes and issues based on an evaluation of influences on the development of the press and publication laws in Jordan since 1920, with particular emphasis on government pressures and censorship of weekly newspapers between 1989 and 1998 Elananza, Azzam A.H. 2005 Dublin City University Hum History 0.176329681636 Industrial-Engineering 0.113777120011 582440 From conflict to ownership: Participatory approaches to the reintegration of ex-combatants in Sierra Leone and Liberia Kilroy, Walt 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.763900836008 Medicine 0.0560393302998 495396 From conventional to microphotochemistry: A study of phthalimide and phthalonitrile derivatives Gallagher, Sonia 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.877087220091 Biology 0.0266971365451 811741 From guild to union: the Ancient Guild of Incorporated Brick and Stonelayers' Trade Union, in pre-independence Ireland Hogan, John W 2001 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.304842381207 Law 0.208549915241 465060 From rituals to films: a case study of the visual rhetoric of Igbo culture in Nolywood films Uwah, Innocent Ebere 2009 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.385504881301 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.158472958404 1061871 Full and part time mature learner experiences in Irish institutes of technology: a mixed methods enquiry Moran, Carol 2015 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.590107478405 Linguistics 0.172476170327 771666 Full state feedback control of galvanometer scanning system Keane, John 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.794776317331 Physics 0.0512964292312 1064273 Functional polymers from macrolactones Ates, Zeliha 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.722987539291 Industrial-Engineering 0.108502926397 465506 Fundamental studies towards the fabrication of electroactive monolithic stationary phases in microfluidic channels Galineau, Jeremy 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.348831294045 Physics 0.274005904758 885813 Further development of capillary electrophoresis for the quantitative determination of small inorganic anions King, Marion 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.682313573315 Chemistry 0.200162695046 591058 Further investigation of capillary electrophoresis for pharmaceutical analysis Shakalisava, Yuliya 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.692668452969 Industrial-Engineering 0.162325464448 810635 Fuzzy logic based selection of machining parameters Hashmi, Kashmeri 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.696746818385 Chemistry 0.120290894621 465246 Gene expression analysis in breast cancer Mehta, Jai Prakash 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.762018192766 Biology 0.193574468021 773804 Gene expression in the development of multidrug resistance NicAmhlaoibh, Roisin 1997 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.50159450025 Biology 0.369882189153 495413 Gene regulatory network modelling with evolutionary algorithms -an integrative approach Sirbu, Alina 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.353236660956 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.326047662172 749940 Generalised sensor linearisation and calibration Pasic, Amra 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.364637007639 Industrial-Engineering 0.301980056284 772591 Generalising the ideal pinhole model to multi-pupilimaging for depth recovery Byrne, Brendan P. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.37446045517 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.342749259835 882112 Generating hydrogen using aromatic systems and metal catalytic centres. Manton, Jennifer 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.85259793512 Economics 0.0214747372952 465051 Generating realistic, animated human gestures in order to model, analyse and recognize Irish Sign Language Péporté, Michèle 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.824013888533 Chemistry 0.0425506016636 465460 Generation and application of recombinant antibody fragments for prostate cancer detection. Hayes, Conor 2010 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.701585650262 Medicine 0.113897777356 768053 Generation and characterisation of antibodies specific for the multidrug resistance-associated protein, MRP Connolly, Lisa 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.736358994657 Agriculture 0.0768510723534 1021965 Generation and control of reactive species in low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma sources. Kelly, Sean 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.3678531966 Physics 0.239607275721 749926 Generation and optimisation of picosecond optical pulses for use in broadband communication systems Rensing, Marc 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.625784372635 Industrial-Engineering 0.135283154435 653978 Generation and optimization of picosecond optical pulses for use in hybrid WDM/OTDM networks Anandarajah, Prince M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.626934589247 Physics 0.134767720338 742499 Generic embedded sensor development: high-speed analogue preconditioning and data acquisition systems Leonard, Francis 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.818771227851 Industrial-Engineering 0.0566967159525 1023774 Genetic algorithm for process sequencing modelled as the travelling salesman problem with precedence constraints Mohd Razali, Noraini 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.486895879889 Mathematics 0.38330521761 750316 Genetic regulation of iron responsive genes in sinorhizobium meliloti Viguier, Caroline 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.544483227003 Medicine 0.160830139305 750303 Genosensors: design and characterisation Williams, Edna P. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.541361199128 Industrial-Engineering 0.178218707623 764514 German unification and educational reform in Eastern Germany: an analysis of the impact of unification on the education system in the new Bundesländer and in particular on instruction in political science Bruen, Jennifer 1994 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.624077703665 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.140844882521 680029 Gesture recognition using principal component analysis, multi-scale theory, and hidden Markov models Hai, Wu 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.663772726609 Agriculture 0.0750855803415 772642 Global data flow analysis of syntax tree intermediate code McCabe, Richard 1992 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.647611094935 Chemistry 0.066665441446 465478 Global leadership: An Analysis of three Leadership Competency Models in Multinational Corporations McCarthy, Christine 2010 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.282265734315 Industrial-Engineering 0.245818621214 591229 Globalization and the diffusion of gender policy reforms in Latin America Gernet, Christiane 2008 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.681180148666 Economics 0.187323539875 828361 Glottal source parametrisation by multi-estimate fusion Li, Haoxuan 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.793569359384 Agriculture 0.0304194837447 684880 Goals, adaptive self-regulation, and psychosocial adjustment to lower limb amputation: A longitudinal study Coffey, Laura 2012 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.765182328946 Medicine 0.143841679862 591047 Grammatical feature data-oriented parsing Finn, Regina 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.636982641096 Agriculture 0.0676500405833 465464 Graph-based Pattern Matching and Discovery for Process-centric Service Architecture Design and Integration Gacitua-Decar, Veronica 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.709167055916 Civil-Engineering 0.126897468256 885794 Graphical documentation to aid simulation studies of manufacturing Campbell, Ronan 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.453313577348 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.138960624542 828799 Gravitational collapse of a self-similar cylindrical scalar field with non-minimal coupling Condron, Eoin 2013 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.704968234056 Industrial-Engineering 0.0522894939724 464894 Greediness control algorithm for multimedia streaming in wireless local area networks Casey, Edward 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.77473444344 Industrial-Engineering 0.102849550757 882079 Green organocatalysis: an (eco)-toxicity and biodegradation study of organocatalysts Hayes, Thomas 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.755274937567 Biology 0.113407847844 826752 Green photochemistry: solar synthesis of fine chemicals, development of novel porphyrin nano structured solid supported sensitizers and implementation of a novel photochemical microflow reactor. Joyce, Kieran 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.790149999982 Biology 0.0804785578306 465469 Green Photochemistry: The synthesis of fine chemicals with sunlight Coyle, Emma 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.875158950696 Biology 0.0247562144645 763123 Grifon: a graphical interface to an object oriented database Moran, Padraig 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.660100146275 Industrial-Engineering 0.155102110285 772627 Ground and excited state chemistry of some n-supstituted phthalimides McCormac, Paul B 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.72516480794 Biology 0.0571022960302 622538 Ground and excited state electron transfer dynamics Brennan, Jennifer L. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.730359314989 Biology 0.0985943780223 885816 Growth and characterisation of pentacene thin films on clean and modified metal surfaces McDonald, Oisin 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.545659964397 Chemistry 0.198972503226 684886 Growth and characterisation of thin filmsof CuCl and related materials Foy, Barry 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.75305922283 Biology 0.0475078987938 749947 Growth and characterisation of wide-bandgap γ-CuCl on near lattice-matched Si O'Reilly, Lisa 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.470803703293 Chemistry 0.190298634788 465487 Growth and Characterisation of ZnO Nanostructures: Excitonic Properties and Morphology Biswas, Mahua 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.691886634516 Agriculture 0.103086925028 465481 Growth and Characterisation studies of MgO and Mg silicate dielectric layers on Si and InP surfaces Casey, Patrick 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.410004626478 Biology 0.152898006493 776301 Growth and characterization of BN thin films deposited by PACVD Karim, M. D. Ziaul 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.2187884445 Chemistry 0.182468129615 590336 Growth and characterization of ZnO and related nanostructures Grabowska, Justina 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.838965960006 Biology 0.0444858734831 684887 Growth and chemical characterisation studies of Mn silicate barrier layers on SiO2 and CDO Bogan, Justin 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.26515045126 Biology 0.264824222306 1186025 Growth and optical properties of isotopically enriched ZnO nanorods Gray, Ciarán 2016 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.739788499851 Biology 0.0979104993013 773793 Growth and production of amylotic enzymes by aspergillus spp Murphy, Mary B. 1987 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.569240114915 Biology 0.0895428273736 772122 Growth and production of lipase by rhizopus arrhizus in submerged culture Byrne, Gerard S. 1985 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.488133258235 Agriculture 0.124465341718 465253 Growth by pulsed laser deposition and characterisation of zinc oxide thin films and nanostructures O'Haire, Richard 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.605276950011 Industrial-Engineering 0.178354706551 768820 Growth factor production by the human carcinoma cell line RPMI - 2650 Dooley, Margaret 1987 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.732469088131 Medicine 0.137037473623 836669 Growth of spatially ordered ZnO nanowire arrays for field emission applications Garry, Seamus 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.501427949807 Medicine 0.243874022495 836671 Growth of zinc oxide nanowires for field emission application McCarthy, Eanna 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.605661350176 Agriculture 0.16852804415 680041 Haem and xenosiderophore mediated iron acquisition by sinorhizobium meliloti and pseudomonas aeruginosa Keogh, Damien 2008 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.679172856784 Agriculture 0.0693874976283 749907 Hand tracking and bimanual movement understanding Shamaie, Atid 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.821559125407 Mathematics 0.0304052884122 1118397 Happiness in the workplace: an appreciative inquiry McGonagle, Catherine 2015 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.598751672064 Agriculture 0.0611161025595 885783 Hardware acceleration for power efficient deep packet inspection Zhou, Yachao 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.902426498325 Industrial-Engineering 0.0196450927648 1020742 Hardware acceleration of network intrusion detection and prevention Cronin, Brendan 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.860608814714 Law 0.0291312478762 464966 Hayekian insights into intra-firm coordination: exploring the rule following perspective Walsh, Aidan 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.68788119254 Industrial-Engineering 0.128903740078 767818 Head-driven machine translation Carr, Deirdre 1996 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.634643854898 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.153607183633 683162 Health and safety challenges facing household refuse in Jordan Abushabab, Akef 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.355733745771 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.128139393955 663014 Hemodynamic regulation of blood-brain barrier phenotype: A cooperative effort linking adherens and tight junction complexes Walsh, Tony G. 2010 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.704520796632 Civil-Engineering 0.142870503017 673301 Hemodynamic regulation of metalloendopeptidases EC3.4; 24.15 and EC3.4; 24.16: expression and function in the vascular endothelium Cotter, Eoin J. 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.829871472532 Medicine 0.0551993657275 750575 Hemodynamic regulation of MMP-2 and MMP-9: roles in angiogenesis and migration Von Offenberg Sweeney, Nicholas 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.659187369528 Medicine 0.143208330239 653104 Hemodynamic regulation of occludin and ZO-1: effect on barrier function Collins, Nora 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.653043340002 Veterinary 0.126165410956 885779 Heterogenous motorised traffic flow modelling using cellular automata Deo, Puspita 2007 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.681936892495 Mathematics 0.141285138093 771686 Heterolgous gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Analysis of Bacillus subtilis B-glucanase and Escherichia coli B-glucuronidase Hunter, Sharon 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.432171031222 Agriculture 0.280000885358 750560 Hierarchical impostors for the flocking algorithm in three dimensional space O'Hara, Noel 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.30388163818 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.235374909037 882154 Hierarchy enhancing vs. hierarchy attenuating: do men and women differ in their preferences for leadership roles Kinahan, Mary 2014 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.480389045471 Medicine 0.119573074202 882152 High density CHO cell cultures: Improved productivity and product quality Byrne, Karen 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.533833888339 Industrial-Engineering 0.169764670498 811723 High dynamic performance controller for an induction motor O'Driscoll, Seamus M 1988 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.852964261913 Biology 0.0199270331412 465252 High performance computing for multiphase fluid flows Kumar, Bipin 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.579513569782 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.187543694678 885880 High performance liquid chromatographic separations in biopharmaceutical analysis Kelly, Mary Therese 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.772530734001 Biology 0.0698311968386 777161 High performance liquid chromatography in biopharmaceutical analysis using column switching techniques Power, Anna 1988 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.56084963074 Veterinary 0.126588439361 464951 High performance liquid chromatography-tandem massspectrometry of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in environmental and biological matrices Purcell, Martha 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.500624776026 Biology 0.14391832216 682769 High performance stride-based network payload inspection Wang, Xiaofei 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.887018758681 Industrial-Engineering 0.0325304162132 465502 High Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: The Moderator Role of Industry and Organizational Characteristics Liu, Jing 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.861234537246 Agriculture 0.0272923162761 885805 High resolution simulations of the long-term evolution of jets from young stellar objects using parallel algorithms Keegan, Ronan Michael 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.486299869051 Civil-Engineering 0.324742202865 777692 High sensitivity DNA detection using gold nanoparticles and conducting polymers Spain, Elaine 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.78028526984 Biology 0.0884035760912 1118446 High sensitivity nucleic acid detection using metal nanowires and nanotubes McCooey, Andrea 2015 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.482201783859 Physics 0.193046586174 770392 High strain rate constitutive equation for metallic materials Hamouda, A. M. S 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.752505709543 Veterinary 0.0734397628425 648131 High velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray deposition of functionally graded coatings Mahbub, Hasan 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.813201383476 Chemistry 0.0414783345067 827648 Higher-moment stochastic discount factor specifications and the cross-section of asset returns Wang, Dengli 2013 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.824510844335 Medicine 0.0355906674444 774282 Hitler's Irish voices: the story of German Radio's Irish propaganda service, 1939-1945 O'Donoghue, David 1995 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.337237763771 History 0.310084907803 811719 Horizontal power differences: an exploratory study O'Byrne, Derek E 1996 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.527280398957 Industrial-Engineering 0.186454109011 753916 Hospitality unit diagnosis: an expert system approach Balfe, Andrew J. 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.746302931031 Agriculture 0.0599203134002 766292 How am I bringing an educationally entrepreneurial spirit into higher education? Crotty, Yvonne 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.874730513922 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0161768747326 824260 How do I create a living theory of leadership development for e-learning as an explanation of educational influence in improving training practice? Emmett, Yvonne 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.598185333886 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.336823909394 588123 Hybrid data-driven models of machine translation Groves, Declan 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.505355960057 Linguistics 0.235494974283 773787 Hyperasymptotic solutions of differential equations with singularities of arbitrary integer rank Murphy, Brian T. 2001 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.776882629156 Medicine 0.0476095035673 885834 Identification and characterisation of novel iron acquisition mechanisms in Sinorhizobium meliloti 2011 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ó Cuív, Páraic 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.353007634174 Medicine 0.127341835678 654134 Identification and characterisation of Yarrowia lipolytica RP2 growing on tallow Davin, Sharon 2003 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.418055038738 Industrial-Engineering 0.140964947806 771670 Identification and characterization of thiol proteases released in vitro by Fasciola hepatica Heffernan, Mary G 1990 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.327139319541 Agriculture 0.24014651384 495406 Identification of potential clinical indicators of carotid plaque disruption using patient specific finite element modelling Creane, Arthur 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.735582042204 Civil-Engineering 0.0713653980157 465035 Identification of the biomechanical performance determining factors of the 5 iron golf swing when hitting for maximum distance Healy, Aoife 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.319670889637 Industrial-Engineering 0.246935502169 1064295 Identification of variation in the sheep genome controlling gastrointestinal nematode resistance McRae, Kathryn M. 2015 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.392592730451 Agriculture 0.243365861739 465014 Identity commitment in the context of psychosis: a grounded theory study Philbin, Mark 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.628434651103 Philosophy 0.0875502676358 464964 Identity-portfolio-management: a data-led research study of organisational entrant engagement in processes of identity-creation and identity management Brunton, James 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.275137070321 Economics 0.203349142805 1061907 Ideology, class, crisis and power: the representation of economic crisis and political policy in Ireland (2007-2009) Silke, Henry 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.863078310936 Biology 0.0385691191917 465250 Image segmentation, evaluation, and applications McGuinness, Kevin 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.880593910271 Biology 0.0220070222556 885802 Imaging and spectroscopy of laser-produced colliding plasmas Kavanagh, Kevin D. 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.834816707038 Medicine 0.0621934135605 464971 Imitation learning through games: theory, implementation and evaluation Gorman, Bernard 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.584567973704 Economics 0.107525774023 592367 Immobilisation of redox active molecules as precursors for nanowire self-assembly Campagnoli, Elena 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.560880034467 Biology 0.156093258963 750310 Immune responses to Fasciola hepatica infection, and Fasciola hepatica derived antigens Walshe, Alan 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.297178721205 Veterinary 0.235443882296 768363 Immunoassays for the detection of illicit drugs and organophosphate pesticides Dillon, Paul 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.570856672763 Chemistry 0.104843396113 622387 Immunochemical analysis of illegal steroid growth promoters in cattle Fitzpatrick, Jane 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.406887671293 Veterinary 0.402121987551 1064297 Immunoinformatics: towards an understanding of species-specific protein evolution using phylogenomics and network theory Webb, Andrew Edward 2015 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.811760607724 Medicine 0.0553520539081 768042 Immunological and toxicological studies on drugs and blood coagulation factors Cox, Dermot 1988 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.395305656269 Biology 0.161512442658 772098 Immunological and toxicological studies on the benzopyrones Lacy, Aoife 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.32602012179 Chemistry 0.268476330746 825486 Immunomodulatory role of helminth-derived antigens and C-type lectin receptors on inflammatory mast cells Vukman, Krisztina Visnovitzné 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.388000149344 Biology 0.357528956864 464965 Implementation of quality management in the public sector versus the private sector: a cultural analysis Butler, John M.J. 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.354599233444 Biology 0.15398674739 792604 Implementation of action semantics in coq Ward, Sandra 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.806072217629 Mathematics 0.053916398144 652694 Implementation of an identity based encryption sub-system for secure e-mail and other applications Costigan, Neil 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.828136720686 Chemistry 0.0367087723517 767815 Implementation of charging schemes to transport and service level ATM networks Chen, Yining 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.710256752208 Industrial-Engineering 0.0789751372033 590839 Implementation of hierarchical design for manufacture rules in manufacturing processes Parvez, Masud 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.772975762558 Chemistry 0.0539435333783 885908 Implementation of quality management in the manufacturing industry Ismail, Md. Yusof 1998 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.398254687694 Industrial-Engineering 0.253888121892 465254 Implementing an inquiry based approach in first year undergraduate physics laboratories with emphasis on improving graphing literacy Wemyss, Thomas 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.172108422624 Agriculture 0.144583661777 772978 Implementing metrics for process improvement McAuley, Angela 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.674435593332 Biology 0.143145405015 764738 Implementing peace settlements: multiple motivations, factionalism and implementation design Lynch, Catherine 2002 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.735215041935 Economics 0.0975231820532 1114899 Implementing von Neumann’s architecture for machine self reproduction within the tierra artificial life platform to investigate evolvable genotype-phenotype mappings Baugh, Declan 2015 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.23629855494 Medicine 0.169327746514 1021891 Improvement of data quality with timeliness in information manufacturing system (IMS) Islam, Mohammad Shamsul 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.474675059826 Agriculture 0.291263890849 811713 Improving integration and consistency in the OMT methodology Masterson, Sinead 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.554974525641 Civil-Engineering 0.186778918433 1186024 Impurity transport modelling in the scrape off layer ofthe MAST tokamak using DIVIMP-OSM-EIRENEand carbon injection Leggate, Huw J. 2016 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.587748138149 Industrial-Engineering 0.0951865622465 620785 In search of a third place: a telecollaborative model for languaculture learning Gourvès-Hayward, Alison 2004 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.481033524707 Linguistics 0.377799998702 776314 In search of academic excellence: an evaluation of the work of CTYI O'Reilly, Colm Joseph 1996 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.247963395758 Economics 0.13386559261 465457 In Search of Excellence: Perceived effects of special classes for gifted students in Ireland from the perspective of the students and their parents O'Reilly, Colm 2010 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.429159787225 Psychology 0.215133350185 464942 In the shadow of the church: Irish and Quebec cinema Gillan, Mary 2009 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.359219833251 History 0.350051699802 750307 In vitro approaches to modelling drug metabolism using capillary electrophoresis Ward, Eimear 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.307315153986 Veterinary 0.212788585743 776319 In vitro models of human lung cell differentiation O'Sullivan, Finbar 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.706763716526 Medicine 0.248637792364 1064263 Inactivity and exercise in peripheral arterial disease: effect on vascular health and functional capacity Furlong, Brona 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.740519349112 Biology 0.101778260716 495404 Incorporating translation quality-oriented features into log-linear models of machine translation Penkale, Sergio 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.602062940472 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.266252263532 1021900 Incorporation of timetable information and cheap off the shelf sensors to inform a classroom heating schedule Durham, Niall 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.416783800963 Agriculture 0.28842848185 597393 Index ordering by query-independent measures Ferguson, Paul 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.756973533445 Physics 0.0833068206645 465545 Index ordering by query-independent measures Ferguson, Paul 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.733544569103 Physics 0.0655187624576 682767 Inductive analysis of security protocols in Isabelle/HOL with applications to electronic voting Butin, Denis Frédéric 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.756444192988 Chemistry 0.0843657995147 764741 Industrial clusters in local and regional economies: a post Porter approach to the identification & evaluation of clusters in North Dublin Keely McGrath, Helen 2005 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.782745621287 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0366389817174 773398 Industrial districts and industrial clusters compared: applications to Ireland Mottiar, Ziene 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.403225417292 History 0.304217079919 764513 Industrial policy and development in late industrializing countries: a case study of the motor industry Brown, Paul Gerard 1988 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.658960752711 Linguistics 0.047471360209 749931 Industry evolution: a comparative study of Irish wholesaling Quinn, J.J. 2002 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.793711635345 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0460550410049 495996 Information quality and diverse information systems situations Foley, Owen 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.852073112928 Agriculture 0.0508139508164 465033 Information quality assessment and effects on inventory decision-making Ge, Mouzhi 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.53430769672 Economics 0.195786256911 465511 Information Quality Training Requirements Analysis GuidelineDemonstrated in a Healthcare Context Levis, Mary 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.359572297855 Agriculture 0.232625937963 763122 Information technology as an aid to teaching algebra Brady, Michael 1990 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.38561133696 Mathematics 0.18130081118 777950 Inner-shell photoabsorption studies in free atoms and ions isoelectronic to sodium, magnesium, aluminum and silicon Sayyad, Muhammad Hassan 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.662467018478 Chemistry 0.178297301153 464940 Innovation and the economic performance of the primary information sector: a multidisciplinary approach Sparviero, Sergio 2008 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.809707291795 Philosophy 0.0900254245835 621297 Innovation in the Irish digital media industry between 1999 and 2002: an emergent new 'content' industry Cawley, Anthony 2003 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.461688712509 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.353067488246 773776 Innovation through biotechnology in healthcare and food & drink companies in Ireland Mullen, Deirdre 1990 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.200827571752 Law 0.160643571739 767812 Innovative sinter processing of non-oxide CMC materials Casey, Mary 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.860138369044 Chemistry 0.04454072095 809452 Inspection of the integrity of surface mounted integrated circuits on a printed circuit board using vision Yakoub, Imad 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.401140680095 Industrial-Engineering 0.355267588976 777154 Institutional approaches to programming language specification Power, James 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.828087835001 Linguistics 0.0476142980541 954465 Institutionalisation and the politics of memory in Albania Gjevori, Elvin 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.670463865344 Biology 0.066001082428 768365 Integrated computer aided design simulation and manufacture Diko, Faek 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.699486334145 Medicine 0.0667573466081 1023769 Integrated manipulation, detection and counting of cells in biofluids O'Sullivan, Mary 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.824781378698 Industrial-Engineering 0.0380051775722 495387 Integrating cognitive, motivational, and emotional self-regulation in early stage entrepreneurs O'Shea, Deirdre 2011 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.733110393392 Industrial-Engineering 0.188133428761 792627 Integrating ECMA/ISO PCTE and OMG's CORBA Tangney, Patricia 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.671417222874 Agriculture 0.065741576267 622550 Integrating legacy mainframe systems: architectural issues and solutions Butler, John 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.815160732723 Medicine 0.0305245496754 495403 Integrating source-language context into log-linear models ofstatistical machine translation Haque, Rejwanul 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.750732536936 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.129444903849 777153 Integration of 3D vision based structure estimation and visual robot control Prljaca, Naser 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.582359727281 Industrial-Engineering 0.346173186876 777934 Integration of CAD/CAM for manufacturing of complex shaped components using a robotic manipulator Ruishan, Liu 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.603474424532 Medicine 0.116843137266 828359 Integration of ethnic Chinese children into Irish primary schools Liu, Jia 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.792819719696 Economics 0.0570845750829 652698 Integration of rapid prototyping technology with CAD Eraghubi, Munir 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.615059678282 Industrial-Engineering 0.305064214532 811735 Intelligent control of industrial processes McDonnell, Mark A 1989 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.433606760433 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.320318561233 620784 Intelligent shop scheduling for semiconductor manufacturing Arisha, Amr 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.267192266048 Economics 0.229807392554 777941 Interactions at metal-GaAs(100) interfaces Roberts, Liam S. 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.582378838798 Chemistry 0.136049459383 465017 Interactions of intense optical and extreme-ultraviolet lasers with atoms and solids Dardis, John 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.848369499534 Biology 0.0503133569343 764511 Interactions of metal and metalloid ions with fungal biomass Brady, Joseph M. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.553599308603 Economics 0.126213739518 464948 Interfacial electroactive assemblies: from molecular electronics to biological applications Mallon, Colm 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.267650088982 Physics 0.254902516124 583618 Intergenerational learning: An evaluation of an emerging pedagogy Corrigan, Trudy 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.73486620529 Linguistics 0.0973841087544 885876 Internet-based computer-aided learning for artificial neural networks Keeling, Paul J 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.406074059094 Education 0.351162365779 826742 Interpreting without a safety harness: the purpose and power of participants in interpreted health and safety training for the construction industry in Ireland O'Byrne, Martina 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.718996656653 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.125208389825 1061870 Intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting proteasome inhibitor resistance in multiple myeloma Hayes, Catriona Ann 2015 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.684639240414 Biology 0.21823706435 920324 Introducing ICT into Irish school system: an exploratory study of the impact of innovative technology models on schools participating in the schools IT 2000 SIP initiative Judge, Miriam 2002 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.767914500468 Economics 0.0529338224487 465260 Intrusion detection and management over the world wide web Luan, Hai Ying 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835414909395 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0296546644699 465472 Intrusion Detection and Security Assessment in a University Network Fitzpatrick, Darren 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.852109642279 Agriculture 0.0371094959533 582232 Investigating biomarkers in clinical samples that are predictive of response in multiple myeloma Rajpal, Rajesh 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.708911894791 Biology 0.235853752037 1186026 Investigating compliance with SME-friendly procurement policy Flynn, Anthony 2016 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.712838080074 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.157559741896 591231 Investigating power and fault analysis with specific application to bilinear pairings Whelan, Claire 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.608613625108 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0718066827853 622399 Investigating software process in practice: a grounded theory perspective Coleman, Gerry 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.797965563472 Industrial-Engineering 0.0673496714311 827652 Investigating the double-edged sword: Two forms of cultural diversity and their effects on team processes and effectiveness Kramer, Matthias 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.339324344739 Economics 0.243845422224 582240 Investigating the effects of controlled language on the reading and comprehension of machine translated texts: A mixed-methods approach Doherty, Stephen 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.232861952605 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.177809280115 683159 Investigating the relationship between software process improvement, situational change, and business success in software SMEs Clarke, Paul 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.661857810162 Biology 0.0930241601017 686208 Investigation and development of implicit numerical methods for building energy simulation Crowley, Michael Edward 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.839044076737 Civil-Engineering 0.0873247472166 885877 Investigation into alternatives to fetal calf serum in animal cell culture Keenan, Joanne 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.532347055027 Biology 0.270646564766 465503 Investigation into Coatings Produced from Nanoparticle Blended Feedstock for Rotating Equipment Repair Applications Al-Askandarani, Albara 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.781807941168 Biology 0.0499275533498 464975 Investigation into laser re-melting of inconel 625 HVOF coating blended with WC Al-Taha, Zuhair Y. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.760046690857 Earth sciences 0.0627550195907 772616 Investigation into the design of a remote maintenance system for clinical analysers Maher, E. G. 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.775080707004 Biology 0.0587516513378 749896 Investigation into the molecular mechanisms underlying invasion in the lung carcinoma cell line DLKP and it's chemotherapeutic drug resistant variants Pierce, Aisling 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.881177226232 Medicine 0.0543739207284 773784 Investigation into zero-crossing techniques as a viable means of speech recognition Newsome, Keith J 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.794474912281 Physics 0.0294523809024 495395 Investigation of a novel electrocatalyst for hydrogen peroxide reduction and its application to sensing andbiosensing. Gonzalez Macia, Laura 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.720979771253 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.131006280678 621663 Investigation of apoptosis-related gene expression in multi-drug resistant cells Cronin, Deirdre 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.702717944018 Medicine 0.222536993869 622535 Investigation of catalytic reactions in novel ionic liquids Dai, Jifeng 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.856207819832 Agriculture 0.0412873607524 777938 Investigation of compression algorithms for the purposes of medical archiving and remote diagnostics Rochford, Raymond 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.803498579735 Agriculture 0.0603056115563 591045 Investigation of doped cuprous halides for photovoltaic and display applications Vijayaraghavan, Rajani 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.332242529497 Physics 0.297698513947 750319 Investigation of electrostatic ion chromatography for the separation of inorganic ions Twohill, Eadaoin 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.540354133924 Veterinary 0.13878419058 1064294 Investigation of gene specific DNA methylation and folate polymorphisms and their relevance for human health and disease. Ozaki, Mari 2015 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.558573802919 Medicine 0.146428860046 682774 Investigation of in-situ parameter control in novelsemiconductor optical amplifiers Carney, Kevin 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.800003727904 Physics 0.0710126290649 743419 Investigation of Ion and Electron Kinetic Phenomena in Capacitively Coupled Radio-Frequency Plasma Sheaths: A Simulation Study Sharma, Sarveshwar 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.33094821683 Industrial-Engineering 0.300890713312 464967 Investigation of ion mass diagnostics for plasma processing Hayden, Chanel 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.569392205175 Industrial-Engineering 0.289062486689 621285 Investigation of largescale production and quantification methodology of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) Fahey, Catherese 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.433910512054 Medicine 0.29800095927 597391 Investigation of mechanical properties of recycled polypropylene Elgammudi, Lutfi Furji 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.835760303746 Civil-Engineering 0.062281335386 774279 Investigation of mechanisms of multiple drug resistance using polymerase chain reaction O'Driscoll, Lorraine 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.752749661316 Medicine 0.180839002216 464959 Investigation of molecular and cellular events associated with beta cell function and elucidation of extracellular RNAs as potential biomarker for diabetes Rani, Sweta 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.470682834875 Medicine 0.244792208128 762965 Investigation of monoclonal antibodies raised to human ovarian carcinoma cell lines Blacoe-Masterson, Allan 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.612996592629 Medicine 0.304125723626 885882 Investigation of multidrug resistance and invasion in human cancer cell lines Liang, Yizheng 1999 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.535690215382 Biology 0.298697506118 882150 Investigation of natural submicron capsules and soluble proteins extracted from oleaginous seeds for environmental application Tassinari, Bianca 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.579557287316 Agriculture 0.101811993549 849688 Investigation of pancreatic beta cell differentiation and function, and global profiling analysis of diabetes serum for the identification of disease biomarkers Hennessy, Erica 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.479783133764 Medicine 0.408932145485 464945 Investigation of performance issues affecting optical circuit and packet switched WDM networks Smyth, Frank 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.589319540064 Economics 0.205825570927 684883 Investigation of plasma processes in surfaceModification with biodiagnostic applications Coyle, Conor 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.641092934402 Medicine 0.158317235655 882108 Investigation of porous glasses based on sodium-borosilicate glass system Hasanuzzaman, Muhammad 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.540895680101 Physics 0.106991433945 648127 Investigation of semi-solid metal processing route Ali Shah, Mian Wajid 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.194813989941 Civil-Engineering 0.175972402838 828800 Investigation of small diameter decellularised artery as a potential scaffold for vascular tissue engineering Campbell, Evelyn M. 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.306719072891 Biology 0.237270320028 648134 Investigation of stimulated Brillouin scattering effects in radio over fiber distribution systems Hu, Ling 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.870558640328 Biology 0.0337339731751 773786 Investigation of substitutes for foetal calf serum in animal cell culture media Murphy, Edel 1986 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.558175136044 Agriculture 0.136790221246 773785 Investigation of sulphur based passivation treatments of III-IV semiconductor surfaces Murphy, B. M 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.451511772012 Physics 0.381224829229 1185545 Investigation of the applicability of polyHIPE materials in liquid chromatography Choudhury, Sidratul 2016 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.597766032085 Chemistry 0.121795809376 882157 Investigation of the electrochemical activity of chromium tolerant mutants of Geobacter metallireducens Pastorella, Gabriele 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.715680702059 Chemistry 0.0799541676057 882140 Investigation of the human folate gene MTHFD1L: polymorphisms and disease risk. Minguzzi, Stefano 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.720015760623 Medicine 0.177205372462 495989 Investigation of the intrinsic mechanism of drug resistance in multiple myeloma Ooi, Melissa 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.811887009118 Medicine 0.0636870247337 465025 Investigation of the molecular mechanisms underlying the invasive phenotype in a panel of lung cancer cell lines Muniyappa, Mohan Kumar 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.654188699637 Medicine 0.303251483049 495398 Investigation of the photochemical properties of ruthenium polypyridyl complexes using high performance liquid chromatography Ahmed, Hamis M. Younis 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.693657365476 Industrial-Engineering 0.0955796067406 763129 Investigation of the role of LRP in multidrug resistance Byrne, Daragh 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.557272632378 Medicine 0.320188861739 774275 Investigation of the wear and failure modes of surface engineered multipoint cutting tools Fleming, Martin G 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.760735174105 Mathematics 0.0572785584903 586041 Investigation of thermally induced stresses in a transition-piece in relation to an aero-derivative gas turbine engine operation Mustafa, Alaaeldin H. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.773994423212 Biology 0.100566325749 464900 Investigation of wavelength tunable laser modules for use in future optically switched dense wavelength division multiplexed networks Connolly, Eoin M. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.752052236768 Physics 0.0795216985009 682771 Investigation of wavelength tunable lasers for use in coherent optical communication systems Shi, Kai 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.560565233562 Physics 0.318407403971 770399 Investigation of xenibiotic metabolism in mammalian cells in culture Grant, Geraldine 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.673386139181 Medicine 0.173056288269 597382 Investigations into the model driven design of distribution patterns for web service compositions Barrett, Ronan 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.735306068078 Industrial-Engineering 0.137298835626 590834 Investigations into the sensing capabilities of an electrochemical immunosensor employing polyaniline as a mediator species Walsh, Padraic 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.556220166082 Biology 0.114770359598 808509 Investigations of high voltage plasma boundary sheaths in radio-frequency discharges operated with multiple frequencies O'Connell, Deborah 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.34030143334 Physics 0.28627972189 885768 Investigations of the health benefits of buttermilk fat globule membrane lipid components Kuchta, Anna 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.330331850185 Medicine 0.192702062448 582606 Investigations of ultra shallow junction ion implanted biaxial tensile strained silicon by means of X-Ray, Raman and photoacoustic techniques Horan, Ken 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.380611137856 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.175719141932 769311 Investigations on the role of efflux pumps in drug resistance of human cancer cells Elliott, Cathal 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.533335719137 Chemistry 0.19823885635 1020739 Invisible people: literary expressions of marginalisation from the Gaeltacht to the ghetto in 20th-century literature Blake, Zara 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.368604349107 Economics 0.134048810529 648138 Ion chromatographic analysis of disinfectant by-products Barron, Leon 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.356644472084 Chemistry 0.106648933756 882090 Ionic liquids new technologies Gurbisz, Monika 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.867697741428 Biology 0.0213998969726 771958 Ireland in the global information economy: innovation and multimedia 'content' industries Kerr, Aphra 1999 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.510505498155 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.388040390325 764505 Irish churches and mosque - towards a model of media relations O'Brien, Breda 2004 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.74886623461 Anthropology 0.0552116343402 1186032 Irish dependency treebanking and parsing Lynn, Teresa 2016 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.523077310923 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.354597488841 743407 Irish language court interpreting 1801-1922 Phelan, Mary 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.567135101434 Law 0.0893806373274 682786 Is the development of artificial wombs ethically desirable? Yuko, Elizabeth Ivana 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.308850874781 Philosophy 0.170627396871 882100 Isolation and characterization of membrane vesicles secreted by human renal cells Saraswat, Mayank 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.611875459308 Industrial-Engineering 0.154782159487 777961 Isolation of IS elements from rhizobium strains; Characterisation of rhizobium and bradyrhizobium strains using isolated IS elements Ryan, Angela 1987 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.179896006593 Biology 0.160113168912 495391 Je traduis donc je suis: l'impossible entre-deux des fictions créolitaires Denis, Morwena 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.777823325612 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.121424478867 873985 Job design under lean manufacturing and the quality of working life: a job demands and resources perspective Cullinane, Sarah-Jane 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.570117648869 Psychology 0.154617078213 771682 Joint estimation of vocal tract and source parameters of a speech production model Jeevakumar, Kanagaratnam 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.544609892214 Agriculture 0.111374030441 792593 Journalism education in Europe: three traditions and the case of Greece Skamnakis, Antonis 2000 Dublin City University Hum History 0.719576424193 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0663388983971 712276 Knowledge and attitudes regarding pain among surgical nurses in three teaching hospitals in Ireland Vickers, Niamh 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.748680530311 Agriculture 0.0613664464695 777949 Langmuir probe measurements in 13.56MHz discharges Scanlan, John V 1991 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.570467243965 Industrial-Engineering 0.22115705626 465500 Laser Nitrided and TiN Coated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy surfaces Al-Mana , Omar 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.69383767753 Physics 0.12771522542 583310 Laser surface modification of biomedical alloys Chikarakara, Evans 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.303031813372 Medicine 0.19832846302 495402 Laser surface modification of steel Syed Ahmed, Syarihfah Nur Aqida 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.795524268244 Physics 0.0755981563941 583306 Laser surface treatment of materials with presence of carbides at the surface. Jabbar, Abdul Aleeem B 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.292472998853 Industrial-Engineering 0.225829548531 742493 Laser trapping microchip for biotechnological applications: design and development Kolodziejczyk, Boleslaw Andrzej 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.678253218891 Industrial-Engineering 0.116955447029 465257 Laser, optical and electrical diagnostics of colliding laser-produced plasmas Hough, Pádraig 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.788059906692 Chemistry 0.0677111006393 763124 Laser-based fibre-optic sensor for measurement of surface properties Cahill, Brian 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.373886325393 Physics 0.324597014569 1020952 Latin America’s left turn: el factor indígena the role of indigenous social movements in Latin America’s left turn McNulty, Gemma 2014 Dublin City University Hum History 0.24616040454 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.132165796426 882159 LC-MS/MS analysis of pharmaceuticals in the Irish aquatic environment and the potential for human exposure McEneff, Gillian 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.778625319264 Chemistry 0.10642177089 753607 Learner needs and ESP Asadi, Randa M. 1990 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.82274311671 Philosophy 0.0418784191325 683165 Learning By leaving: Identifying the impact of intercultural mobility as a pedagogic tool in the learning environment.A return on investment analysis measuring the impact of intercultural mobility and work based learning on: absenteeism; academic performance; access, transfer & progression and employability. Croke, Fiona 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.641209273249 Linguistics 0.21676945053 769734 Learning from television: a study of the effects of different levels of explicitness and the influence of spatial ability on learning of visual concepts and principles Casey, Leo 1988 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.825765644201 Agriculture 0.0477224708244 763136 Learning strategies and oral proficiency: an investigation of the language learning strategies associated with the achievement of higher levels of oral proficiency in German Bruen, Jennifer 2000 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.713719849611 Medicine 0.0677123657319 653979 Learning to change: the role of organisational capabilities in industry response to environmental regulation. Hilliard, Rachel 2002 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.514775121579 Industrial-Engineering 0.320189029833 772126 Level-based indexing for optimising XML queries O'Connor, Martin F. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.770290856023 Agriculture 0.0529832521273 1062844 Lexical development in early sequential bilinguals: evidence from child heritage Polish Dubiel, Bozena 2015 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.744899833166 Medicine 0.0630699376819 464947 Lexical syntax for statistical machine translation Hassan, Hany 2009 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.525794629404 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.380001425925 1064292 Light-responsive spiropyran based polymers: Synthesis and photochromic behaviour. Ventura, Claudia 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.878579136109 Industrial-Engineering 0.0196548838896 495990 Linking Disability and Intercultural Studies: the adaptation journey of the visually impaired migrant in Ireland Murphy, Esther 2011 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.737548514926 Education 0.0452136355057 777162 Linking programs and specifications in Z Power, James 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.794513364385 Biology 0.0924617898911 495986 Liquid-core microcapsules: A mechanism for the recovery andpurification of selected molecules in different environments Whelehan, Micheal 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.63039721857 Biology 0.188792252112 464970 Living on the borderline - an evaluation of the client impact and active ingredients of dialectical behaviour therapy for borderline personality disorder in Irish adult mental health settings Bayley, Austin 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.548614538136 Biology 0.0732166498392 465263 Living with lymphoedema in Ireland: a mixed methods exploration of patient and service provider perspectives Murray, Maeve 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.639065946363 Biology 0.096761616736 792594 Load balancing in parallel and distributed systems Sinclair, David 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.804624630005 Mathematics 0.0967169352168 653107 Load management systems for component-based middleware Ciuhandu, Petre Octavian 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.583264435371 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.328759162859 772626 Local government law - its effects on the operations of local authorities McConnon, Mary Patricia 1988 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.654616141777 Medicine 0.103873686211 763130 Local radio and "localism" in Ireland, a case study of Galway Bay FM Burke, Sharon 1993 Dublin City University Hum History 0.442916531147 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.137408445809 1117454 Location-aware mechanism for efficient video delivery over wireless mesh networks Le-Dang, Quang 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.858322427296 Agriculture 0.0297347362026 882080 Logging into diaspora? Online identity narratives among the Romanian migrants in Ireland Macri, Diana Gloria 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.62859783867 Anthropology 0.124321058874 763132 Low bit rate speech transmission: classified vector excitation coding Buggy, Brian 1987 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.260555507863 Medicine 0.124810067886 882087 Low toxicity imidazolium & pyridinium ionic liquids: synthesis, antimicrobial toxicity, biodegradation studies and applications in tsuji-trost reactions Ghavre, Mukund 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.829299518859 Agriculture 0.038061557401 1064284 Low volume short duration high-intensity interval training and repeated sprint ability in Gaelic football players Kelly, David 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.526241662173 Biology 0.229037842258 882029 Low-carbon multi-objective location-routing in supply chain network design Validi, Sahar 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.755440642714 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.142615761163 772606 Luminescence studies of transition metal related defects in crystalline silicon McGuigan, Kevin Gerard 1989 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.697122305127 Chemistry 0.0630683163993 882145 Lung cancer biomarker discovery using proteomic techniques Pollard, Damian 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.78241190081 Medicine 0.153267211246 767816 Machinability studies of high strength materials and the development of a data base system Choudhury, Imtiaz Ahmed 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.680861797897 Agriculture 0.140186750151 750294 Machinability studies of high strength materials: steel (277 BHN) Tawela, Abdalrahman 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.496732602513 Agriculture 0.284585598541 652692 Machinability studies of machinable glass-ceramic materials: macor and boron nitride Dabnun, Mohamed A.Y. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.600317140602 Agriculture 0.252054823969 773403 Machinability study of tool steel (Din 1.2311) through end milling Moore, David 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.815836080755 Medicine 0.0397121473781 750557 Machine-translatability and post-editing effort: an empirical study using translog and choice network analysis O'Brien, Sharon 2006 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.572693075141 Biology 0.179871064786 771678 Magnesium and control of yeast growth and metabolism Johns, Colin G. W 1987 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.285189514677 Agriculture 0.238887736518 772108 Magnetron sputtering of thin nitride films Kola, Prashanthi V 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.734073441856 Chemistry 0.0698537479361 621583 Main character detection in news and movie content Czirjék, Csaba 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.895603748385 Biology 0.0190668093654 772603 Making a viewer visible: a study of television viewing McGuinness, Des 1993 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.233694657655 Linguistics 0.174178290473 792587 Management control in audit firms Sweeney, Breda 2001 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.459721636798 Biology 0.173525821953 599940 Management perspectives on the role of the management accountant as an information provider Feeney, Orla 2007 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.743397675083 Biology 0.0652291087299 774285 Manfred Gregor's Die Brücke: an exercise in literary translation Graham, David 2000 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.691164427414 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.214850058832 654446 Manufacturing of biocomposite shell mimetic via the powder compaction method Akter, Taslima 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.654710610549 Medicine 0.0646678392531 771676 Markov decision processes in the optimisation of culling decisions for Irish dairy herds Haran, Peter Noel 1997 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.57290279946 Veterinary 0.180481369982 680026 Mass production of individual feedback Heaney, David 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.305481454517 Economics 0.167406391269 495416 Mass-spectroscopy and modeling of capacitive coupled hydrogen plasmas Gaman, Cezar 2011 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.801140873476 Biology 0.0483622274468 1021969 Massively multi-author hybrid artificial intelligence Mac Fhearaí, Oisín 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.627597664688 Mathematics 0.112979161437 772300 Matched asymptotics for a generalisation of a model equation for optical tunnelling Lui, Jinsong 1990 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.513341440496 Medicine 0.0862592858851 768056 Mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of HIV and its progression to AIDS in Ireland Comiskey, Catherine M. 1991 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.408508871895 Mathematics 0.202461430334 1023777 Mathematical skills and attitudes of first year engineering students Nahari, Noha 2014 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.313141261515 Economics 0.154354997578 495401 Mathematical transfer by chemistry undergraduate students Hoban, Richard 2011 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.377419838691 Mathematics 0.239961927981 773394 Matrix metalloproteinase expression, regulation and localisation in mediating trophoblast invasion Morgan, Maria 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.698840362947 Veterinary 0.143449187633 753920 MCMC simulation for modelling airline passenger choice behaviour Al-Sayer, Fajer A 2001 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.281338969345 Industrial-Engineering 0.111156591916 772615 Measurement of strain in large structures using the modal power distribution of embedded graded index optical fibre sensors Maguire, John 1995 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.162919829988 Biology 0.123899054294 682780 Measuring consistency in translation memories: a mixed-methods case study Moorkens, Joss 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.750747074271 Medicine 0.0609189034301 885803 Mechanical and electrochemical properties of inconel alloy 617 after refurbishment through heat treatment Kawthar-Ali, Mahmoud H. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.849634502511 Biology 0.042415394731 465499 Mechanical and Metallurgical Properties of Two-Layered Diamalloy 4010 and 2002 HVOF Coating AL-Shehri, Yasser Abdullah 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.717510616853 Biology 0.0565711051099 465495 MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF PORCINE AORTA USING MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Flamini, Vittoria 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.275519084604 Biology 0.219497116535 825487 Mechanism of natural killer cell mediated T cell cycle arrest during human parainfluenza virus type 3 infection McQuaid, Samantha 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.539502946522 Biology 0.396280840509 764285 Mechanisms of resistance to lapatinib in HER2 positive breast cancer McDermott, Martina 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.521148740694 Medicine 0.37067192842 465009 Media and heritage in Ireland: representations of heritage in Irish newspapers and the praxis of determination Bourke, Simon 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.551469313845 Law 0.0895988096283 772604 Media consumption and Dublin working class cultural identity McGuinness, Des 1999 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.371368156889 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.349591036273 772294 Media education and the Irish second level curriculum: problems and possibilities Lynskey, Eamonn 1990 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.315014348981 Linguistics 0.121617325612 769736 Media globalisation and Irish youth identity Cosgrave, Liam 2001 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.481837029789 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.219739268869 1062332 Merging the person and the illness: the lived experience of emerging adults with childhood onset chronic illness MacDermott , Siobhan J. 2015 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.225006706187 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.184654666574 885839 Metadata queries for complex database systems O'Connor, Gerald 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.438444508903 Industrial-Engineering 0.140568821984 1064289 Metal carbonyl complexes and porphyrin macrocyles: photochemistry and potential therapeutic applications Das, Nivedita 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.827028382477 Physics 0.058968692229 768374 Metal chelation in separation science Deacon, Marian 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.792596987872 Physics 0.0580336428494 768364 Metal flow simulation and design of dies for closed die forging Diko, Faek 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.613961211741 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.115171530212 885827 Metal nanostructures: electrochemical and photonic properties Munini, Fabio 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.508928256838 Physics 0.194063907804 773131 Metallic acetate oxidations of substituted hydrazones of acetoacetanilides and their conversion to b-lactams Downey, Carol A 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.815067694324 Biology 0.0507229202933 775504 Microbiological and biochemical investigations of lactose fermentation by Kluyveromyces fragilis O'Neill, Joseph D 1986 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.707984370413 Agriculture 0.0768614846484 772602 Microbiological consequences of using sodium dichloroisocyanurate as a surface disinfectant for minimally processed salad vegetables McInerney, Susan S 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.416664837905 Medicine 0.129187907351 882147 Microfluidic device prototyping via laser processing of glass and polymer materials Ben Azouz, Aymen 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.546263902259 Industrial-Engineering 0.243008932368 812331 Microphotochemistry - a new resources efficient synthesis tool approach Shvydkiv, Oksana 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.761424285291 Industrial-Engineering 0.117788868279 885858 Migration of an operating system to an object-oriented paradigm Doran, Derek 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.521794636599 Industrial-Engineering 0.435349376585 885836 Minority language dubbing for children O'Connell, Eithne 2000 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.867652444699 Biology 0.0264743146611 743417 miRNAs as tools to improve CHO cell bioprocess phenotypes Sanchez, Noelia 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.711262221241 Medicine 0.219204857121 682770 Mitigating the problems of SMT using EBMT Dandapat, Sandipan 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.59482845814 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.275361653587 882107 Mitochondrial biogenesis, signalling pathways involved, and nutrient interactions in response to high intensity interval running Tobin, Crionna 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.613974725435 Medicine 0.197525412776 810199 Mixing formal specifications using ICL (interconnection language) O'Donnell, Margaret 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.779792054449 Linguistics 0.0891375683422 777946 Mode mixing in step index multimode fibre Shaw, Gerard 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.288961392541 Biology 0.130214929262 1114901 Model-based human upper body tracking using interest points in real-time video Dehghani, Alireza 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.839499604486 Statistics 0.060971192474 465015 Model-order reduction techniques for the numerical solution of electromagnetic wave scattering problems Bradley, Patrick 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.702032801792 Mathematics 0.132558658058 495389 Modeling second language learners' interlanguage and its variability: a computer-based dynamic assessment approach to distinguishing between errors and mistakes Thouësny, Sylvie 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.294421309025 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.132340877553 590326 Modelling and analysis of ER fluid dampers: with application to tremor suppression Walsh, Geoffrey 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.479522709413 Civil-Engineering 0.280677513127 773408 Modelling and predictive control of a drum-type boiler Molloy, Barbara 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.557422750761 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.107305399029 743427 Modelling and removal of distortions in images Mallon, John 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.489363327892 Industrial-Engineering 0.112412644507 754748 Modelling and simulation of a Puma 560 manipulator for control system appraisal Anderson, George P. 1988 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.859177520292 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0295574989744 811721 Modelling discourse theory Mahon, Elaine K 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.292021724992 Biology 0.14128914117 749932 Modelling lactation and liveweight curves in Irish dairy cows Quinn, Noreen 2005 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.703403902979 Veterinary 0.110506625048 653102 Modelling of dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma devices Boyle, Paul C. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.772472112882 Medicine 0.0502936674027 762951 Modelling of signal uncertainty and control objectives in robust controller design Bates, Declan G. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.44885596348 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.437531780865 772641 Modelling piezo-spectroscopic data McCarren, Andrew L 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.432925211552 Chemistry 0.169781996135 750571 Modelling study of the hydrodynamic expansion of a laser ablation plume of lithium in vacuum Stapleton, Mark 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.607637474112 Industrial-Engineering 0.300599004377 592364 Modelling the electronegative discharge Monahan, Derek 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.432783177982 Industrial-Engineering 0.336268876829 465052 Modelling the neutralisation process in neutral beam injectors Fitzgerald, Niall J. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.561946759299 Industrial-Engineering 0.360924248881 750312 Modelling unsignalised traffic flow with reference to urban and interurban networks Wang, Ruili 2003 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.787416248694 Mathematics 0.0625270353326 811759 Modelling, simulation and multivariable control of plasma etching of silicon and silicon dioxide Tan, Liang 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.541684741407 Physics 0.20235576627 772617 Modern global optimisation heuristics in the long term planning of telecommunication networks McGibney, James 1995 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.509741080477 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.417606201508 885911 Modern production management systems in small and medium enterprises: barriers to their adoption and implementation Killian, Daragh 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.275569839969 Biology 0.19231841173 464926 Modulation of exercise-induced gene expression in human skeletal muscle by exercise intensity, training status and short-term endurance training Egan, Brendan 2008 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.877748176759 Medicine 0.0506387583087 588121 Modulation of immune responses by human paraininfluenza virus Noone, Cariosa 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.561895455458 Medicine 0.369557802345 750317 Molecular characterisation of recombinant human pyroglutamyl peptidase (type I) Vaas, Paul-Roman 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.779304472733 Chemistry 0.0809461426779 769316 Molecular dynamics study of lead on copper (100) Dunne, Cathal 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.156303719174 Biology 0.149310573943 1021903 Molecular mechanisms of drug resistance and invasion in a human lung carcinoma cell line Joyce, Helena 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.733998900771 Medicine 0.216807059377 772127 Molecular mechanisms of human colorectal cancer metastasis: identification of novel biomarkers Murray, David W 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.691820092394 Medicine 0.260309625452 1020949 Money laundering, terrorist financing and new technologies: potential for misuse of new payment methods in the UK and Ireland? McGowan, Padraig 2014 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.390685449507 Economics 0.120770793896 622544 Monitoring food quality using sensor technology from harvest to home Frisby, June 2005 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.494617167819 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.469538830303 769304 Mono-chlorophenol degradation by pseudomonas putida CP1 and a mixed microbial population Farrell, Alan 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.29590789772 Medicine 0.113695688405 767828 Monoclonal antibody production and the application of monoclonal antibodies to the study of tumour cell membrane antigens Carroll, Kenneth 1988 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.465365251846 Biology 0.45132171058 776312 Morphological studies on Kluyveromyces Marxianus var; Marxianus NRRLy2415 in suspension culture: a study incorporating computer aided image analysis O'Shea, Daniel G 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.537838020877 Industrial-Engineering 0.163462939286 793340 Morphology and kinematics of parsec-scale outflows from young stars McGroarty, Fiona 2004 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.746478811452 Medicine 0.0735835591298 768030 Motor simulation of a shock absorber Clancy, Brian 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.811775329916 Economics 0.0424232883468 621671 MPEG-4 content creation: integration of MPEG-4 content creation tools into an existing animation tool Boyle, Eamonn 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.84998931533 Physics 0.0235149965833 792606 MPEG-4's BIFS-Anim protocol: using MPEG-4 for streaming of 3D animations Walsh, Tony 2000 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.728347066207 Agriculture 0.0387628058319 881328 Multi-dimensional and multi-modal separation of dissolved organic matter Sandron, Sara 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.746459863969 Physics 0.12009469688 773798 Multi-precision arithmetic on a DSP Murtagh, Dara 1992 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.701832446164 Mathematics 0.083833239927 743411 Multi-sensor human action recognition with particular application to tennis event-based indexing Connaghan, Damien 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786281522695 Physics 0.064615819627 750548 Multidimensional image analysis of cardiac function in MRI Lynch, Michael 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.731106791035 Psychology 0.0578771156189 465512 Multifluid Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in weakly ionised astrophysical plasmas Jones, Aoife Clare 2011 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.447101225274 Economics 0.100258125624 828801 Multifluid simulations of the magnetorotational instability in accretion disks around protostars O'Keeffe, Wayne 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.833430773568 Medicine 0.0265655492396 777325 Multiple drug resistance in human tumor cell lines Redmond, Alice 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.620164411454 Medicine 0.133092614435 1024464 Multivariable OES data analysis for semiconductor plasma etching process Yang, Jie 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.474491757257 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.121966932041 825485 Mutagenesis and directed evolution in CHO cells to improve bio-production characteristics Sterritt, Neil 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.760831712227 Agriculture 0.0857178088583 495988 Naked singularities in self-similar gravitational collapse:Stability properties of the Cauchy horizon Duffy, Emily 2011 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.518544485092 Physics 0.273993321529 465240 Nano- and micro- electrodes: applications in the biosensing field Zuliani, Claudio 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.535666722539 Physics 0.122607287999 827645 Nano-agglomerated capillary polymer monoliths for applications in micro-catalysis and separation science Floris, Patrick Gerard 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.43994864019 Physics 0.340043368487 686209 Nanoparticle-based intra-cellular diagnostics Korzeniowska, Barbara 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.535966552369 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.191079001315 885837 Narrative strategies in contemporary Irish cinema: 1993-2003 O'Connell, Díóg 2005 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.694355854574 Linguistics 0.0886781650013 762958 Nation shall speak peace unto nation: television, sport and nationhood Boyle, Raymond 1990 Dublin City University Hum History 0.490941970265 Biology 0.136959285112 1118795 Nationalism, rivalry, and revisionist state behavior. A new theory and empirics in the post-WWII era Suzuki, Akisato 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.667089932243 Biology 0.0524695676497 762952 Negative ion measurements in RF and DC temporally modulated hydrogen volume ion sources Boilson, Deirdre 2000 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.653015341934 Industrial-Engineering 0.260232187209 1061905 Negotiating new ICTs in the education sector in Afghanistan - participation, adoption and appropriation Stilz, Melanie 2015 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.326163055736 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.278879611065 774840 Network optimisation package for the design and analysis of survivable SDH networks O'Hara, James 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.452795078543 Industrial-Engineering 0.442450178874 622541 Network support for multimedia applications using the Netlets architecture Dharmalingam, Kalaiarul 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.86273428255 Industrial-Engineering 0.0345333852948 771680 Network-oriented load control for SS.7/IN Jennings, Brendan 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.501232590586 Industrial-Engineering 0.41445624677 792591 New age to postmodern age: the cultural location of metaphysical belief Smyth, Fiona 2001 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.313287402224 Philosophy 0.157467430215 684888 New architectures and designs for organic photovoltaics Alley, Nigel John 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.671780284292 Chemistry 0.145577191635 750297 New high volume production, production linkages and regional development: the case of the microcomputer hardware industry in Ireland and Scotland Van Egeraat, Chris Wilhelmus Andreas 2002 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.640393782539 Industrial-Engineering 0.137883254788 768051 New isoindoline electron acceptors analogous to benzo-TCNQ Conway, Shane P. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.785068682106 Biology 0.0547163726684 582433 New normalising: A grounded theory of the transition for migrant health care professionals Collins, John 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.466653503853 Economics 0.186093188011 810204 News distribution via the internet and other new ICT platforms O'Sullivan, John 2000 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.256494365419 Biology 0.225697228429 826753 Next generation stationary phases for high performance chelation ion chromatography McGillicuddy, Nicola 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.695134691802 Physics 0.0689258936378 763121 Nitrogen containing derivatives of diacetyl and their use as ligands Bolger, Joseph A. 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.862778713416 Medicine 0.0279384393255 588128 NMR studies of conduction mechanisms in electrolyte materials for fuel cells Murray, Eoin 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.909805041704 Medicine 0.0147398173204 821770 Noble metal nanoparticles for assay development Zhang, Yi 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.641107428982 Physics 0.0941792494042 465465 Noise Suppression in OCDMA Networks using Nonlinear Optical Devices Dexter , Karl 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.631190066507 Physics 0.168409299869 809441 Non linear finite element simulation of complex bulge forming processes Mac Donald, Bryan J 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.738359844992 Civil-Engineering 0.0615102277775 683170 Non satis scire (To know is not enough): the impact of Europe's Bologna process on the development of learning and assessment in the context of a higher education institution in Ireland Rami, Justin 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.814793643369 Biology 0.0855056871448 586039 Notch signaling pathway in human vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation Scheller, Agnieszka 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.785783703644 Industrial-Engineering 0.150012168362 771863 Novel amperometric enzyme biosensors of environmental interest Kane, Stephen A 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.725617213766 Biology 0.118768388295 591052 Novel anitbody-based assays for disease and food contaminant detection Stapleton, Sharon 2007 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.48344578367 Biology 0.307558620983 588127 Novel antibody-based biosensors for the detection of haptens, proteins and whole cells Tully, Elizabeth 2007 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.548066774523 Chemistry 0.335568706857 495417 Novel blood platelet diagnostic platform Panzera, Aurora 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.686617264613 Medicine 0.0762833531596 776306 Novel electroanalytical methods O'Gorman, John 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.309527001294 Industrial-Engineering 0.246478262708 464954 Novel ferrocenyl benzoyl peptide esters as anti-cancer agents and ferrocenoyl self assembled monolayers as anion sensors Corry, Alan J. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.768134786747 Medicine 0.0692101918778 590340 Novel integrated paired emitter-detector diode flow analysis system O'Toole, Martina 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.830428244054 Chemistry 0.0592547031703 853333 Novel Iridium (III) complexes for photocatalyticH2 generation from H2O using sunlight Soman, Suraj 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.898615425655 Physics 0.0221504840009 882089 Novel low antimicrobial toxicity imidazolium ionic liquids: design, synthesis and their applications in organic synthesis Gore, Rohitkumar G. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.815605153643 Agriculture 0.0349937969713 769507 Novel luminescence centres in cadmium-lithium doped silicon Frehill, Catherine Anne 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.785351072667 Mathematics 0.0487379858526 882105 Novel luminescent peptide conjugates for assessing protein and other biomolecules location and function Blackmore, Lorraine 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.765743855933 Biology 0.166305454448 743430 Novel optical sensing systems for primary level science education Markey, Joseph Adam 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.432419077791 Industrial-Engineering 0.146826695 743413 Novel optical transmitters for high speed optical networks O'Carroll, John 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.548322284831 Industrial-Engineering 0.306956421608 688504 Novel passive sampling materials for the determination of priority pollutants in surface waters NicArdgháil, Rachel 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.728884201649 Law 0.0876754119 764521 Novel potentiometric sensors based on calixarenes Cadogan, Aodhmar M 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.75822243875 Industrial-Engineering 0.0440208305761 777957 Novel preconcentration techniques for the determination of trace metal ions in environmental matrices Ryan, Eva 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.558479286856 Physics 0.184310203624 771950 Novel separation strategies in industrial and environmental analysis Kincaid, Brendan J 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.678785470729 Biology 0.0978701798927 825484 Novel targeted agents in Her-2 positive and triple negative breast cancer Tryfonopoulos, Dimitrios 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.494905064919 Medicine 0.301030979324 465523 Novel Thienyl Dyes and related Metal Carbonyl Complexes Boyle, Nicola 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.841321861014 Linguistics 0.0184112262556 582604 Novel ultra-violet/blue optoelectronic materials and devices based on copper halides (CuHa) Cowley, Aidan James 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.658568599077 Chemistry 0.10883229188 680040 Novelty detection in video retrieval: finding new news in TV news stories Gaughan, Georgina 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.82434681412 Physics 0.0811942805408 885818 Numerical methods and time-dependent physical models for the design and diagnostic of pulsed-dc magnetrons Moiseev, Tamara 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.518898327398 Industrial-Engineering 0.366276110403 885790 Numerical methods for nonlinear singulary perturbed differential equations Quinn, Jason 2012 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.82485941599 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.043780782938 1024468 Numerical modelling of convection-reaction-diffusion problems using electrical analogues Shafaq, Sabawoon 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.4218053689 Mathematics 0.202500372053 750298 Numerical modelling of low temperature radio-frequency hydrogen plasmas Zorat, Roberto 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.448160881625 Industrial-Engineering 0.376341059803 828016 Numerical study on metallic photonic band-gap structures for terahertz waveguiding Degirmenci , Elif 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.381829075656 Industrial-Engineering 0.344971001907 772629 Object oriented implementation and design McCloskey, Gerard 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.78934621869 Industrial-Engineering 0.0638660077094 772610 Object recognition for the visually impaired McGowan, Tommy 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.498979093654 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0992890667618 762960 Object-based video representations: shape compression and object segmentation Brady, Noel 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.840400156656 Psychology 0.0593107163774 743404 On admissibility of deterministic and stochastic linear Volterra operators with applications to inefficient financial markets Daniels, John A. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.733433160694 Civil-Engineering 0.078076405319 582439 On evildoers: A Foucaultian analysis of the discursive structuring of contemporary terrorism Naseem, Azra 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.724650639335 Biology 0.0930305359776 1064271 On the assessment of numerical interface capturing methods for two fluid flow applications Albadawi, Abdulaleem 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.81839127118 Civil-Engineering 0.0501274228318 591054 On the asymptotic behaviour of deterministic and stochastic volterra integro-differential equations Devin, Siobhan 2007 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.800727458237 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.054658042083 774836 On the dynamics of creeping structures O'Gorman, Martin 1999 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.435304102754 Physics 0.127911400622 1061867 On the evolution of genotype-phenotype mapping: exploring viability in the Avida articial life system Hasegawa, Tomonori 2015 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.184781272394 Industrial-Engineering 0.16274553235 465483 On the growth and characterisation of Zinc Oxide Meaney, Alan Jason 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.652298383357 Veterinary 0.0643464762366 742484 On the oscillatory behaviour of stochastic delay equations Kelly, Cónall 2005 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.742991769245 Civil-Engineering 0.0816996968576 465039 On the pathwise large deviations of stochatic differential and functional differential equations with applications to finance Wu, Huizhong 2009 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.771053142234 Economics 0.0805264866968 1061497 On the robustness of the linear quadratic regulator via perturbation analysis of the Riccati equation Chen, Ci 2015 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.423493893101 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.243146224552 583308 On the structure and internal mechanisms of business incubators: A comparative case study Ahmad, Ali 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.250125498161 Biology 0.175753791567 836668 On the uses of atmospheric and laser plasmas for biomedical applications Connolly, James 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.294377623265 Industrial-Engineering 0.177177907664 753909 On time dependent and time independent vortex solutions Arthur, Kieran A. 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.688838023096 Mathematics 0.118442002344 882028 On what bases? The role of trust cues in longitudinal trust development during newcomer socialisation Van Der Werff, Lisa 2014 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.582635125014 Economics 0.235685679678 464953 One and two photon absorption of atoms and ions Banahan, Caroline 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.676361860276 Chemistry 0.124207300634 590339 One thousand days of propaganda Fincham, Kelly 2007 Dublin City University Hum History 0.352976110996 Economics 0.106014971965 826475 Online social media in everyday life in Ireland : A qualitative exploration of media use among Irish 25-30 year-olds during a time of crisis English, Claire 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.717708433936 Psychology 0.0740896432823 885775 Ontology based contextualization and context constraintsmanagement in web service processes Yapa Mudiyanselage, Kosala Gamini Yapa Bandara 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.8507635342 Earth sciences 0.0256860941369 590323 Ontology-based document representation for biomedical information retrieval Camous, Fabrice 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.603126184233 Biology 0.183912233091 811750 Open learning: an action research study of Digital, Galway O'Neill, John 1994 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.805879047516 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0352742331145 742127 Open source software development process for the development of open source e-learning systems Krishnamurthy, Aarthy 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.667328033512 Education 0.158574041024 826474 Operational change management and change pattern identification for ontology evolution Javed, Muhammad 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.681200213881 Biology 0.139813650409 882088 Opioids as enantioselective organocatalysts Long, Shelly 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.845751319988 Biology 0.0488834545504 465040 Opportunist to risk manager: reverse engineering the Taylor rule Byrne, Brian 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.540364116334 Statistics 0.0771368748096 622391 Optical and AFM studies of ZnO: excitonic properties, surface morphology and etching effects Fryar, James 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.651868379624 Biology 0.0642691970174 770400 Optical and electrochemical transduction of calixarene host-guest chemistry Grady, Teresa 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.776607887849 Agriculture 0.0444962813226 836662 Optical diagnostics of colliding laser produced plasmas: towards next generation plasma light sources Colm, Fallon 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.842541032022 Chemistry 0.0287733549015 1024466 Optical frequency comb source for next generation access networks Zhou, Rui 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.770841427176 Industrial-Engineering 0.0757571934566 811724 Optical method and neural network for surface roughness measurement and surface pattern classification Yilbas, Zahide 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.40522459443 Physics 0.148539058019 1186279 Optical multicarrier sources for spectrally efficient optical networks Vujicic, Vidak 2016 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.600481541862 Physics 0.240777940107 768045 Optical outflows associated with Herbig Ae/Be stars Corcoran, David 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.823017751958 Medicine 0.0415626072372 621659 Optical oxygen sensing based on ruthenium and porphyrin complexes Dowling, Daragh 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.435422850923 Physics 0.185179451235 743423 Optical pulse generation and signal processing for the development of high-speed OTDM networks Maguire, Paul 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.621979709736 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.27022674087 464896 Optical pulse processing towards Tb/s high-speed photonic systems Clarke, Aisling M. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.471770509738 Physics 0.384949427648 750561 Optical studies of nanostructured ZnO Tobin, Gerard 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.831104510585 Veterinary 0.0681771735883 597388 Optimisation and fabrication of ultra violet emitting CuC1 thin films by RF sputtering Natarajan, Gomathi 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.55188292265 Agriculture 0.241041543783 764518 Optimisation of brewery yeast management: a study incorporating image analysis Cahill, Gearoid 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.727598148871 Medicine 0.0766915422118 464924 Optimisation of hydroxyapatite (HAp) for orthopaedic application via the chemical precipitation technique Kehoe, Sharon 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.560783668297 Chemistry 0.362078218853 749937 Optimisation of multimode waveguide platforms for optical chemical sensors and biosensors Polerecký, Lùbos 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.425498337353 Physics 0.328824482276 772104 Optimisation of ormosil thin films for sensor applications Lavin, Penny 1997 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.401083520007 Physics 0.178642399487 464922 Optimisation of plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite coatings Levingstone, Tanya J. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.814083822409 Biology 0.053888573985 882064 Optimisation of process parameters of high power CO2Laser cutting for advanced materials Eltawahni, Hayat 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.86563256982 Civil-Engineering 0.0665444115906 792584 Optimisation of the HVOF thermal spray process for coating, forming and repair of components Tan, Jit Cheh 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.81285215399 Biology 0.0786561458148 885841 Optimisation of the production of cathepsin L1 from a recombinant saccharomyces cerevisiae O'Donovan, Eimear C 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.551400007601 Agriculture 0.232167248208 465261 Optimising the prescription and use of lower limb prosthetic technology: a mixed methods approach Schaffalitzky, Elisabeth Manon 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.489761503942 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.176189509046 771700 Optimization of the sintering process: metal matrix composites and zinc oxide varistors Huda, Mohammad Durul 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.788249453449 Statistics 0.0627243231402 776321 Optimization of transformation in embryogenic cultures of oak (quercus robur L.) and sitka spruce (picea sitchensis Bong Carr; ) Patterson, Vivienne 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.515464304651 Veterinary 0.251221933958 885784 Optimizing energy-efficiency for multi-core packet processing systems in a compiler framework Huang, Jing 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.600057969303 Industrial-Engineering 0.323532320351 590329 Ordering of organic molecules on templated surfaces Sheerin, Grainne 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.775268124359 Agriculture 0.0656114747157 826751 Organic carbon cycling in marine sediments and seabed seepage features in Irish waters O'Reilly, Shane S. 2013 Dublin City University Life Earth sciences 0.469211541329 Biology 0.334665328272 749915 Organic synthesis in ionic liquids Ryan, Robert 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.863352343633 Agriculture 0.0556801011102 465011 Organised labour and migration in the global age: a comparative analysis of trade union responses to migrant labour in Austria, Germany, Ireland and the UK Krings, Torben 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.832440401024 Biology 0.0517094166125 464891 Organising a photograph collection based on human appearance Uscilowski, Bartlomiej 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861277229122 Psychology 0.023962793404 464949 Organising and structuring a visual diary using visual interest point detectors Blighe, Michael 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.867899498202 Visual arts 0.0212447512184 848376 Organising for innovation. A case study of innovation teams and team leadership in a large, R&D intensive firm Robbins, Peter 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.63799466139 Biology 0.0992489383226 777937 Organized materials for triggered drug release Rock, Aoife 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.587880571182 Industrial-Engineering 0.110019056706 885888 Organometallic cation-exchanged phyllosilicates Fleming, Shay 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.307940796041 Earth sciences 0.131929729925 828350 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing for next generation optical networks Browning, Colm 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.539146997356 Physics 0.379148092278 749916 Overlapping montage: a comparative study of mainstream film and moving-image installations Ryan, Orla G. 2005 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.513134759765 Linguistics 0.267305625836 885919 Overseas investment in the electronics industry and its implications for the Irish economy Wayne, William 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.847477754915 Industrial-Engineering 0.050798437861 885853 Oxidation studies on supported metal catalysts Curley, John W 1995 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.762549196556 Medicine 0.0885862764794 885897 Oxidation, cyclisation and rearrangements of hydrazone derivatives of b-ketoesters O'Malley, Patrick F 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.717329897228 Biology 0.0842070574456 885878 Oxygen sensitivity of ruthenium-doped sol-gel derived silica films Kiernan, Paul 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.333416530844 Chemistry 0.240655255419 764743 Pairing computation on hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 Ó hÉigeartaigh, Colm 2006 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.662291910545 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0613161009764 465520 Pairings in Cryptology: efficiency, security and applications Charlemagne, Manuel 2010 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.146899984985 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.129850134427 465521 PARAMETRIC IMPACT CHARACTERISATION OF A SOLID SPORTS BALL, WITH A VIEW TO DEVELOPING A STANDARD CORE FOR THE GAA SLIOTAR Collins, Fiachra 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.358496371822 Mathematics 0.157826577608 772595 Parens patriae: the paternalist model of children's rights McAuley, Adam 2001 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.827503847288 Medicine 0.0674006804668 621294 Parsing with automatically acquired, wide-coverage, robust, probabilistic LFG approximations Cahill, Aoife 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.736356409046 Biology 0.0647960127201 464955 Part-of-speech tagging and partial parsing for Irishusing finite-state transducers and constraint grammar Uí Dhonnchadha, Elaine 2009 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.521821353851 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.147756917347 792588 Particle encapsulation Sun, Xiaobin 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.88707635909 Mathematics 0.0233048452034 1061873 Particle-in-cell simulations Of highly collisional plasmas on the GPU in 1 and 2 dimensions Hanzlikova, Nina 2015 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.484502588952 Industrial-Engineering 0.0667516567866 464963 Partisan politics in the southern cone: is there anything left for the left? Political institutions, privatisation and policy outcome Doyle, David 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.47376378936 Economics 0.406261606237 881322 Passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers for all-optical applications Parra Cetina, Josué Amílcar 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.767367004158 Physics 0.134967495568 743436 Past and present perspectives on power and empowerment in midwifery in Ireland Matthews, Anne 2006 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.512330547537 Medicine 0.132669471891 768034 Patrick J. Hogan, T.D. Minister for Agriculture, 1922 - 1932 Cullen, Joan M 1993 Dublin City University Hum History 0.490015943576 Agriculture 0.185042012594 777320 Patterns of exposure to the media of 12-17 year olds in second level schools in Ireland Reynolds, Marion H 1990 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.215674070118 Biology 0.213037376349 769317 Paying for television: the case of sponsorship in Ireland Dunne, Amanda A 1997 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.591003154785 Economics 0.0874860022104 591048 PECVD of silicon and titanium based coatings to enhance the biocompatibility of blood contacting biomedical devices Gandhiraman, Ram Prasad 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.351910396318 Medicine 0.239240530279 464898 Pedestrian detection and tracking using stereo vision techniques Kelly, Philip 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.853814401443 Civil-Engineering 0.0351745528426 824259 Perceived effects of an academic enrichment programme for potentially gifted students from a socio-economic disadvantaged area using critical action research. Healion, Eleanor 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.667555177754 Economics 0.0989372413378 885782 Perceptions of leadership across cultures: a study of French and German managers and their employees in both their domestic and host environments Jennewein, Annegret 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.179929741078 Psychology 0.133975621554 828355 Perceptions of university among Irish children and adolescents Lyons, Alan 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.28047006443 Economics 0.216519952084 743426 Performance controls for distributed telecommunication services McArdle, Conor J. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.502166421714 Industrial-Engineering 0.449193338519 750296 Performance issues in hybrid fiber radio communication systems due to nonlinear distortion effects in laser transmitters Smyth, Frank 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.867273689648 Physics 0.0467103542699 811742 Performance related pay: what makes a successful scheme? Kelly, Aisling 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.269019422815 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.141695518494 772976 Petri net modelling of a communications protocol McAllister, Colin J 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786592893681 Agriculture 0.0391250999423 1064266 Pharmaceutical impurity assay method development using core-shell stationary phase technology for HPLC and evaluation of stationary and mobile phases for an orthogonally selective SFC impurity assay Gaffney, Orla 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.426665338488 Biology 0.0995238192546 621293 Pharmaceutical water systems and the 6D rule: a computational fluid dynamics analysis Corcoran, Brian 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.46496001605 Biology 0.209574817047 621291 Pharmaceutical water systems: a thermal-fluid analysis of pipe dead-legs Austen, Benjamin L. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.644602615524 Biology 0.184801608139 882053 Pharmaceuticals in industrial wastewater and their removal using photo-Fenton’s oxidation Deegan, Ann-Marie 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.697031639293 Chemistry 0.0857069752565 465243 Pharmacological modulation and manipulation of cancer drug resistance Devery, Aoife 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.490370332909 Biology 0.363084131445 654447 Phenotypic and proteomic analysis of 5-Fluorouracil treated normal and carcinoma cells Bryan, William 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.761711696063 Medicine 0.184935161003 882073 Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in aqueous solutions and development of new dye sensitised photocatalytic materials Murphy, Sharon 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.727263445075 Biology 0.12782143438 764509 Photochemical e-z isomerisation and cyclisation in an arylidenecycloakanone oxime ether system Austin, Mark 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.774827271403 Agriculture 0.0507488109802 768040 Photochemical, thermal and spectroscopic studies of metal carbonyl complexes Creaven, Bernadette 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.762175820001 Biology 0.052728121142 885902 Photochemistry of (m2-alkyne)cobaltcarbonyl complexes and their role in the Pauson-Khand reaction Myers, Bronagh 2000 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.756213300384 Biology 0.0577864168272 464921 Photodecarboxylative additions to phthalimides and their application in the synthesis of AKS-186 and its analogues Hatoum, Fadi 2008 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.845081417653 Biology 0.0384354658239 1117451 Photoemission studies of ex-situ and in-situ surface cleaning and electronic properties of ZnO surfaces Kumarappan, Kumar 2015 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.608576443318 Biology 0.1158617024 836661 Photoemission studies of surface preparation and passivation of InGaAs Chauhan, Lalit 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.399054734434 Industrial-Engineering 0.371731964566 808511 Photoluminescence and excitation studies of semiconductors Gorman, Dermot 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.759142839233 Biology 0.0635023185085 774283 Photoluminescence studies of silicon doped with copper and zinc O'Donnell, Niall 1988 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.764236537583 Chemistry 0.0820586824045 742131 Photoluminescence studies of ZnO doped with stable and radioactive impurities Cullen, Joseph 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.805579106492 Chemistry 0.0367090211068 1118433 Photonic generation of millimetre waves for radio over fibre distribution systems Martin, Eamonn 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.51992537193 Civil-Engineering 0.189184119814 588125 Photsluminescence of ZnO: Radioactive ion-implantation and transition metal defects McCabe, Deirdre 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.833348425106 Medicine 0.0311041478617 1024461 Phrase extraction and rescoring in statistical machine translation Srivastava, Ankit Kumar 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.723378815859 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0798373644485 828354 Physical activity measurement using novel sensor technologies in unique environments May, Gregory 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.568402246251 Biology 0.162512711105 654148 Physical and chemical sensing applications of polypyrrole-coated foams Brady, Sarah 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.84664818276 Law 0.0722893361543 768382 Physical-chemical properties and sorption characteristics of peat Delicato, Domenico M. S 1996 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.601652812128 Industrial-Engineering 0.127433617542 773774 Physicochemical and bioactive properties of whey protein hydrolysates produced using gastric and pancreatic proteinases Mullally, Margaret Maria 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.521209962393 Chemistry 0.206391871502 768376 Physicochemical studies of clay-organic interactions Deane, Alyn Thomas 1987 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.300963461071 Medicine 0.118785644214 465507 Physicochemical Study of Nano-structuring Within Ionic Liquids Using Photoswitchable Spirocyclic Compounds Coleman, Simon 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.735313839256 Physics 0.178252192845 885767 Physiological and perceptual responses during self-regulated exercise in children with cystic fibrosis Britton, Fionnuala 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.575608731192 Psychology 0.215983285067 495400 Physiological and perceptual responses during treadmill walking at a self-selected intensity in young and middle age women Hughes, Sarah 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.654734759723 Biology 0.0777612957707 882101 Physiological and vascular responses to acute and chronic exercise in men and women with cardiovascular disease Hughes, Sarah M. 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.487838090721 Psychology 0.22399831571 749941 Physiological system modelling Parthasarathy, Sekar 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.784525012769 Industrial-Engineering 0.134143954804 773794 Planar sputter magnetron technology Murphy, Michael 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.325006295616 Industrial-Engineering 0.191370524702 811733 Plane strain extrusion forging process Hu, Weiping 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.847191910163 Chemistry 0.029108965675 768375 Plant-derived biosorbents for metal removal Dean, Sonia A. 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.365503372731 Medicine 0.136996420813 764525 Plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of thin carbon films Carey, Patrick W. 1989 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.287784689094 Physics 0.227816401049 749930 Plasma nitriding and duplex coating of biocompatible surfaces for low friction and wear resistant applications Rahman, Md. Mahfujur 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.832565186278 Medicine 0.0407612082129 770393 Plasma non-uniformity in the JET neutral beam injection ion source: measurement, simulation and development of an improved ion source Godden, Daniel J 2000 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.536588544368 Industrial-Engineering 0.0706058673725 750567 Plasma transport and development of plasma kinetics in ARIS Soberón Vargas Prada, Felipe 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.792974391653 Industrial-Engineering 0.0566067571808 774841 Plasmids as mediators of gene transfer in the genetic manipulation of gram-positive bacteria O'Hara, Seamus 1989 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.310127781821 Biology 0.149293698737 743439 Plasmoids and the E-to-H transition in an inductively coupled plasma McCarter, Angus J. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.598201491095 Biology 0.241997862387 592366 Plasmonic enhancement of fluorescence for biomedical diagnostics Stranik, Ondrej 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.308053443793 Chemistry 0.30744843316 885848 Plastic yielding characteristics of a rod under successively applied torsion and tension loadings Abu Rayhan, Mohammad Ali 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.771158469747 Civil-Engineering 0.115243694895 750581 Plasto-hydrodynamic polymer coating of fine wires Lamb, Roger E. 1989 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.27315350035 Biology 0.13673966848 772102 Plasto-hydrodynamic polymer coating of fine wires Lamb, Roger E 1989 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.27315350035 Biology 0.13673966848 753604 Plasto-hydrodynamic pressure due to the flow of viscous fluid through a confined passage Alnatour, Ibrahim 1989 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.683190114935 Earth sciences 0.079256877387 811718 Plasto-hydrodynamic pressure in a simple tapered and combined geometry units for drawing and coating wires Nwir, Mohamed Abubaker 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.730876565556 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0476080275189 673304 Platinum and beyond: studies of ultra-heavy nuclei in the galactic cosmic rays Donnelly, Justin 2004 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.857842333633 Medicine 0.0245393213544 683163 Poetic Machines: an investigation into the impact of the characteristics of the digital apparatus on poetic expression Naji, Jeneen 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.543192134229 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.310264132914 885777 Politics, media and journalism in Greece Skamnakis, Antonis 2006 Dublin City University Hum History 0.504103652525 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.425401791773 1064274 Politics, path dependence and public goods: the case of international container ports Hiney, Joseph 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.444657411809 Economics 0.342352194292 882124 Polymer sensors and actuators: synthesis and characterization of polythiophenes modified with benzospiropyran derivatives Zanoni, Michele 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.842527677984 Biology 0.0393475772716 621292 Populist leadership in the context of globalisation: a comparative study of President Chávez of Venezuela and ex-President Fujimori of Peru Cannon, Barry 2005 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.422000445531 Economics 0.379847873943 465514 Post-editing machine translated text in a commercial setting: Observation and statistical analysis Tatsumi, Midori 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.471415332481 Biology 0.343051888828 465042 Potentiation of drug-induced cytotoxicity by conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) in in vitro models of drug-resistant cancer O'Reilly, Isobel 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.807912500288 Chemistry 0.0826332056171 762948 Powder processing parameters and their influence on the electrical performance of ZnO varistor Begum, Shahida 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.67998962579 Chemistry 0.116722899065 648136 Power constrained test scheduling in system-on-chip design Gao, Liang 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.69533715218 Industrial-Engineering 0.215876484288 465032 Practical packet combining for use with cooperative and non-cooperative ARQ schemes in wireless sensor networks O'Rourke, Damien 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.850443551139 Biology 0.0466135493549 774281 Pre-testing advertisements for effectiveness of communication O'Connor, Ciara 1991 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.383866009897 Biology 0.13432016461 828795 Prediction and optimization of residual stresses, weld-bead profile and mechanical properties of laser welded components Benyounis, Khaled 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.82208208438 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0627257377327 792598 Prediction and reduction of third-order IMD in multichannel amplifiers Sheridan, Paul 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.797192880928 Biology 0.0430956690674 465267 Predictive modelling of the form and development of bone fracture healing Comiskey, Damien 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.41496617307 Industrial-Engineering 0.195348581512 743443 Predictive text-entry in immersive environments McCaul, Barry 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.773388502977 Biology 0.0807650864745 591059 Preparation and characterization of photo-, thermo-, and solvatochromic materials containing benzospiropyran Byrne, Robert J. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.794594538181 Physics 0.0526439109556 885849 Preparation and characterization of suitable insulating and transparent conducting thin films for thin film electroluminescent devices by sol-gel process Alam, Mohammad Jahangir 2001 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.226537420922 Physics 0.191527034208 742138 Preparation of metal oxide additive particles via mechanical methods and their influence on subsequent fabrication, microstructural and electical properties of commercial ZnO varistors Kelleher, Maura 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.517362476858 Chemistry 0.296758108708 858637 Preparation, characterisation and modification of porous carbon monolithic materials for chromatographic andelectrochemical applications Eltmimi, Ali 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.653488507514 Industrial-Engineering 0.245423379924 742135 Pressure development due to viscous fluid flow through a converging gap Imhamed, Ahmed 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.695110333314 Civil-Engineering 0.159831655605 811749 Price bundling: a technique to simultaneously increase profitability and enhance consumer value perceptions: case - the tourism industry Morrissey, Margaret 1999 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.619882337892 Mathematics 0.178279631666 882069 Primary culture of human limbal-corneal epithelial cells under different conditions Reddy Katikireddy, Kishore 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.719453564431 Industrial-Engineering 0.0774816571012 824261 Primary school teachers' understanding of themselves as professionals O'Donovan, Bernadette 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.847110852133 Medicine 0.0313374199707 1061866 Principal component pyramids using image blurring for nonlinearity reduction in hand shape recognition Farouk Kheir Eldin, Mohamed 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878634553792 Biology 0.0252110272933 465470 Privacy Enhancing Protocols using Pairing Based Cryptography Sheedy, Caroline 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.32767921247 Civil-Engineering 0.223579991217 620781 Probabilistic models for drug dissolution Barat, Ana 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.750030072886 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0867069143615 465544 Probabilistic models for drug dissolution Barat, Ana 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.772085855115 Earth sciences 0.0492828949412 654450 Probing ground and excited state properties of ruthenium (II) and osmium (II) polypyridyl complexes Browne, Wesley R. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.822611591579 Physics 0.0864095477865 1117458 Process diagnostics of industrial plasma systems MacGearailt, Niall 2015 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.584423954648 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.122839821104 774284 Process optimisation and numerical modelling of powder metallurgical aluminium matrix composites O'Donnell, Gareth 1999 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.910320171084 Civil-Engineering 0.023994141378 811720 Procurement marketing and environmentalism: the case of German retailers and the personal care products industry Brennan, Majella 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.305688680356 Industrial-Engineering 0.146916221265 811728 Procurement marketing and environmentalism: the case of German retailers and the personal care products industry Brennan, Majella 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.305688680356 Industrial-Engineering 0.146916221265 654144 Production and application of monoclonal antibodies suitable for the specific detection of listeria monocytogenes Hearty, Stephen 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.350009133388 Biology 0.288462655855 882059 Production and characterisation of novel recombinant antibody fragments against sialic acid Donohoe, Gerard Gary 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.570862853468 Chemistry 0.184836549289 742500 Production of antibodies for use in a biosensor-based assay for Listeria monocytogenes Leonard, Paul 2003 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.541244580513 Medicine 0.199254291617 750573 Production of coated and free-standing engineering components using the HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) process Stokes, Joseph 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.637596669662 Earth sciences 0.255415028296 622386 Production of colchicine by using plant cell culture Aroud, Gamal 2005 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.361789200312 Medicine 0.308865007732 764519 Production of growth factors from the human carcinoma cell line, RPMI 2650 Carey, Breda M. 1992 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.397171793481 Chemistry 0.344407251153 464972 Production of hard tissue scaffolds using three-dimensional printing method Szűcs, Tamás D. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.398265944098 Chemistry 0.294965951743 772644 Production of Pimaricin by streptomyces natalensis in submerged culture McCabe, Paul 1990 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.302330745214 Chemistry 0.18470349932 768369 Professional negligence reconsidered DeVries, Ubaldus R M Th 1996 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.657835788721 Economics 0.0728416591131 464920 Propagation of molecular outflows into inhomogeneous media Corkery, Seán 2008 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.65006436663 Chemistry 0.118370786738 495393 Protein glycosylation in the gram-negative gamma proteobacterium photorhabdus luminescens Fox, Mary Elizabeth 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.725078245421 Medicine 0.0866250208839 769319 Prototyping real-time systems Clynch, Gary 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.688894269746 Linguistics 0.0571098468543 464946 Providing effective memory retrieval cues through automatic structuring and augmentation of a lifelog of images Doherty, Aiden R. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.736889535871 Agriculture 0.0494933372981 654138 Providing quality of service to internet applications using multiprotocol label switching Dragos, Radu-Calin 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.838382406883 Economics 0.0327293567923 591232 Pruning XML trees for XPath query optimisation Noonan, Colm 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.578368493932 Medicine 0.101775535378 885769 Public health nurses' experiences of training in Marte Meo communication skills. O'Donovan, Colette 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.44874933157 Law 0.0830664355604 621675 Public participation and controversy involving science: an Irish perspective Barbagallo, Fiona 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.727985931541 Medicine 0.0954417224812 495390 Publishing the confidential: an ethnographic study of young Irish bloggers Fowley, Catherine 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.594317351107 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.103917790575 1186028 Pulsed laser deposition and characterisation of ZnO and aluminium-doped ZnO nanostructures on silicon and flexible plastic substrates Inguva, Saikumar 2016 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.722662732732 Biology 0.076532349902 885763 Purchasing organisation structure and its impact on supply relationship - An Irish public sector case study Peri, Romaric 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.488905389766 Law 0.181321976119 773803 Purification of P. c; chabaudi aminopeptidase, and antimalarial effects of the aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin Nnankya-Kitaka, Mary-Frances 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.535653209728 Chemistry 0.15857838941 768386 PVD process modelling and deposition into sub-micron features Daniels, Stephen 1999 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.4289345447 Physics 0.185312606013 591044 Pyrogallo4arenes: a synthetic investigation Griffin, Pauline 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.744661734636 Biology 0.0690108955099 495408 QoS-based experience-aware adaptation in multimedia e-learning - A learner, is a learner, is a user, is a customer Moebs, Sabine 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.618347614111 Education 0.295314378456 762950 Quality control for automatic inspection of threaded components Basmage, Osama Mohammed 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.560494125646 Biology 0.0783992474335 885828 Quality of experience aware adaptive hypermedia system Muntean, Cristina Hava 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.820304585266 Agriculture 0.062917199098 885785 Quality of service differentiation for multimedia deliveryin wireless LANs Yuan, Zhenhui 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.82151059429 Agriculture 0.0569411956752 749927 Quality service and quality nursing care for persons with intellectual disabilities living in residential centres in the Republic of Ireland: a study of issues and influences affecting the quality of nursing care provided by registered nurses for the mentally handicapped in residential centres Redmond, Richard 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.295874454507 Economics 0.174899140735 772124 Quality-oriented adaptation scheme for multimedia streaming in local broadband multi-service IP networks Muntean, Gabriel-Miro 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.836234335416 Medicine 0.0298690746313 465525 Quality-Oriented Mobility Management for Multimedia Content Delivery to Mobile Users Ciubotaru Petrescu, Bogdan 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.867616104933 Agriculture 0.0544776613114 885833 Quantification and regulation of pellet morphology in streptomyces hygroscopicus var; geldanus cultures Ó Cléirigh, Cormac 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.420728304384 Agriculture 0.265927789676 773796 Quasi-distributed fibre-optic chemical sensing using telecom fibre Murphy, Vincent James 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.210988606749 Chemistry 0.152130920622 771953 Query space reduction in information retrieval Kelledy, Fergus 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795291498498 Physics 0.0514459014826 464961 Questioning for appropriate assessment and learning McCrudden, Edel Brid 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.521015206512 Biology 0.119803747006 750320 Quinolines from oxime o-acetates Tully, Ray 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.72867326091 Medicine 0.0577012736513 769312 Quinolines from oximes Egan, Oliver James 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.61449524834 Medicine 0.0925135362949 772593 R2PC: fault-tolerance made easy Manso, Oscar 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.863228013264 Agriculture 0.0252375094352 465519 Radio Frequency and Terahertz Signals Generated by PassivelyMode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers Latkowski, Sylwester 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.639392597632 Physics 0.273042686543 496126 Radio over fibre distribution systems for ultra-wide band and millimetre wave applications Shams Eldin, Haymen 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.813828395438 Biology 0.0663491066341 621582 Radio-frequency discharge power measurement with emphasis on collisionless electron heating in capacitive sheaths Gahan, David 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.402169074934 Industrial-Engineering 0.325185971983 654149 Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction studies of zinc oxide grown by pulsed laser deposition Byrne, Sarah 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.456145925554 Chemistry 0.2681620862 771663 Random walks in random media Hannigan, Paddy 1992 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.68014270209 Medicine 0.0718264895143 882081 Rapid methods for the detection of anti-protozoan drug residues. Fitzgerald, Jenny 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.546778309322 Veterinary 0.0895400950269 811727 Rapid prototyping using a precision robotic manipulator Tang, Sai Hong 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.640020479575 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.154561513721 621660 RAS and STM investigations of pentacene molecules on metal and semiconductor surfaces Carty, Darren 2004 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.735251676038 Chemistry 0.0610466646378 885892 Rational anti-malarial drug design O'Donohoe, Michael 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.705108622657 Biology 0.184997941317 768390 Ray tracing under the microcomputer Curran, Eugene 1989 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.74817267005 Linguistics 0.0528104758339 495394 Re-thinking assesment philosophy and practice peer- and self-assesment Harrison, Catherine 2011 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.322153676836 Biology 0.134725062568 465458 RE-THINKING CRISIS IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY: A CONTEMPORARY CASE STUDY OF THE PHONOGRAPHIC INDUSTRIES IN IRELAND Rogers, Jim 2010 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.765375436282 Economics 0.0428019939192 465259 Re-vitalizing worthiness: a theory of transcending suicidality among young men Gordon, Evelyn 2010 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.631054808741 Biology 0.151067361798 809450 Real-time implementation of an object-based codec Connor, Fergal 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.870825393717 Law 0.0252567207579 682782 Real-time monitoring and control of the specific growth rate in yeast fed-batch cultures based on process analytical technology tools such as biocalorimetry or spectroscopy Schuler, Moira Monika 2012 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.486951110025 Industrial-Engineering 0.419283294614 769503 Recombinant epstein-barr virus proteins and anti-body-selected peptides: reagents for serodiagnosis and vaccination Flynn, Olivia 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.681849753189 Medicine 0.218048305029 653977 Recombinant production and characterisation of two Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L proteases Collins, Peter Raymond 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.692675667522 Veterinary 0.0978304807427 465258 Reconnecting with life: reconnecting with self, others and time. A grounded theory study of recovering from mental health problems in an Irish context Kartalova-O'Doherty, Yulia 2010 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.528342054824 Medicine 0.110903374877 881330 Recreational dance in Ireland 1940-1960: politics and pleasures Shanagher, Sean 2014 Dublin City University Soc Anthropology 0.665016584063 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0770621155326 465028 Recycling texts: human evaluation of example-based machine translation subtitles for DVD Flanagan, Marian 2009 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.777052329723 Medicine 0.0905608998759 885826 Reflection and transmission imaging of thin films Mullen, Jonathan 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.379757111549 Physics 0.237124254539 811738 Regional innovation and industrial policies and strategies: a selective comparative European study Doherty, Patricia 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.523749110439 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.270240924861 769300 Regulation of apoptosis by the Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein LMP1 D'Souza, Brendan 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.739299994329 Medicine 0.188870128136 773396 Relationship between mycelial morphology, cell wall composition and product formation of rhizopus arrhizus Morrin, Mary C 1989 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.52364387093 Biology 0.155495805199 465023 Relevant abuse? Investigating the effects of an abusive subtitling procedure on the perception of TV anime using eye tracker and questionnaire Caffrey, Colm 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.22429890263 Psychology 0.119206837636 828360 Remote access computed tomography colonography Min, Qiusha 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.858624015429 Chemistry 0.024873759717 771693 Remote sensing of micro pollutants in water using a fibre optic analysis system Higgins, Kieran 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.710488612939 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.136615309997 768826 Removal mechanisms for volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere and in waste gas streams Donaghy, Teri 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.693375401303 Veterinary 0.102235166635 586038 Reporting customer satisfaction in the annual reports Sajjad, Afra 2007 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.729105565209 Biology 0.0637089416929 1186281 Representing conflict: A study of the Indian Government’s use of legitimisation and de-legitimisation in its internal security policy Talwar, Priyanka 2016 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.877771241895 Economics 0.0209118068426 811748 Research and development in the Irish electronics industry Madden, Joe 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.383934485479 Economics 0.234431364638 753606 Residual stresses and heat treatments for metallic welded components Olabi, Abdul-Ghani 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.838270991697 Biology 0.0702209779986 1114858 Resolving recognitive-power dilemmas: the everydayexperience of Sunni Muslim individuals in Dublin,Ireland Delaney, Des 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.891753459424 Psychology 0.0400034657343 742132 Resonance hairpin probe for electronegative plasma diagnostics Sirse, Nishant 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.770145573417 Chemistry 0.0418769725614 764742 Resource allocation for multimedia messaging services over EGPRS Nowicki, Edward 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.893458235346 Medicine 0.0149618299393 811717 Resource allocation in ATM networks Murphy, John 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795205158104 Industrial-Engineering 0.112106881577 465265 Resourcing machine translation with parallel treebanks Tinsley, John 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.506655322383 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.35347295933 622542 Reusable modelling and simulation of flexible manufacturing for next generation semiconductor manufacturing facilities El-Kilany, Khaled S. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.471951930476 Agriculture 0.118640320786 682781 Rigid conducting composites as resistance based sensors for the detection of fuel leaks in transportation pipelines Blignaut, Imogene 2012 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.22627900002 Industrial-Engineering 0.193894740933 1114894 Rising to the occasion? Trade union revitalisation and migrant workers in Ireland Hyland, Mary 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.710105114184 Economics 0.102913970174 496129 Ritual and myths between Ireland and Galicia. The Irish Milesian myth in the Leabhar Gabhála Éireann: Over the Ninth Wave. Origins, contacts and literary evidence. O'Reilly Vazquez, Monica 2011 Dublin City University Soc Anthropology 0.465201366189 Linguistics 0.090219933033 810198 Robotic navigation O'Duinn, John 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.769892868868 Biology 0.0856775358052 1023771 Robust production & inventory control systems for multi-product manufacturing flow lines Onyeocha, Chukwunonyelum Emmanuel 2014 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.191483247554 Industrial-Engineering 0.174904094157 771959 Robust-optimal control of a servo motor Kettle, Paul J 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.483746888311 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.268467374054 583619 Role of delay differential equations in modelling low level HIV viral load McGuinness, Ed 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.639638818922 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.101878081161 622551 RTÉ's coverage of the campaigning on the eighth amendment to the constitutionissues of objectivity, impartiality and fairness Caden, John 2006 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.721709903473 History 0.129544260792 654440 Ru(II) polypridyl complexes investigated from the pico to the micro second domain Henry, William 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.451159401369 Physics 0.444843641857 885856 Ruthenium (II) complexes with terpyridine derivatives: what is the lifetime of the excited state dependent on? Duati, Marco 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.88295405772 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0236941832926 810638 Ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes as models for artificial photosynthesis: synthesis and characterisation Killeen, Jonathan Scott 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.867883879014 Linguistics 0.0342637103595 661619 Ruthenium polypyridyl complexes with long aliphatic chains; photophysics, interfacial assembly and cell imaging Finn, Stephen 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.830489408126 Biology 0.0371956224489 777958 Ruthenium polypyridyl compounds as luminescent probes for biological materials Ryan, Eleanor M 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.813807178576 Biology 0.0820895644395 885869 Ruthenium-containing polymers-synthesis, characterisation and electrochemical properties Geraty, Suzanne M 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.598142161803 Medicine 0.0538491339381 810642 Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a model host for antisense gene control? O'Callaghan, Sue-Ann 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.501185500017 Agriculture 0.166629198357 773113 Sample preparation and biopharmaceutical analysis Farrelly, Gillian 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.839637456506 Biology 0.0468555027294 654136 Scalable QoS routing in MPLS networks using mobile code Dragos, Sanda-Maria 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.602424253872 Mathematics 0.218073188278 621676 Scanning probe and electron spectroscopy studies of adsorbed inorganic systems Frehill, Fiona 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.646234777127 Chemistry 0.270505324947 762968 Schistosoma mansoni: functional expression and characterisation of cathepsin L1 and cathepsin L2 Brady, Ciaran P. 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.729079693815 Medicine 0.0532602541419 1021966 School self-evaluation; improving infant literacy in aDEIS school through a model of collaborative inquiryand reflection. Mangan, Sinead 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.787609128501 Psychology 0.0839569091361 683171 Schools principals’ career path: Ireland, Cyprus and Malta sample Ummanel, Azize 2012 Dublin City University Hum History 0.151458290118 Biology 0.150801070791 792578 Schwarz domain decomposition methods for singularly perturbed differential equations MacMullen, Helen 2000 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.828285974078 Chemistry 0.028901402485 1020947 Scientific citizenship and television in Ireland: a study of production, content and audience reception Cunningham, Yvonne 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.845137741535 Philosophy 0.0458994665037 621670 Second order Rossby-Haurwitz wave interactions DeLoughry, Edel 2006 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.687759449181 Physics 0.0403567402252 885796 Secrets and lies: an exploration of the role of identity, culture and communication in the policy process relating to the provision of protection and care for vulnerable children in the Irish Free State and Republic 1923-1974 Keating, Anthony 2002 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.707767745945 History 0.163726314373 743444 Seeing sense: the visual culture of provincial Ireland 1896-1906 McCole, Niamh 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.29716521866 Visual arts 0.175811136758 768033 Self tuning control of fermentation process Comerford, Philip 1990 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.813752153579 Industrial-Engineering 0.0733584491322 750559 Self-direction as a dimension of nursing education for nursing practice O'Halloran, Siobhan 2004 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.686422748956 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.089091015318 750315 Self-reproducing entities in an artifical chemistry: implications of autopoietic and other organisations Von Kamp, A W 2002 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.282288080432 Philosophy 0.147938474674 582605 Semantic interpretation of events in lifelogging Wang, Peng 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.906551787035 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0114670095343 590844 Semi-automatic person-annotation in context-aware personal photo collections O'Hare, Neil 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.698197019908 Biology 0.0784249748987 680032 Semi-automatic video object segmentation for multimedia applications Cooray, Saman H. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.820844319259 Biology 0.0458015563419 828362 Semi-presidentialism in a new post-conflict democracy: The case of Timor-Leste Beuman, Lydia 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.709109760309 Economics 0.0750220317047 772640 Sensors and materials McCarrick, Mary 1995 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.730473191324 Law 0.0385249099946 596488 Sentiment analysis and real-time microblog search Bermingham, Adam 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.719321183784 Biology 0.0395236156225 465459 Serum Osteoprotegerin, a Potential Novel Marker of Systemic Inflammation: The Influence of Obesity, Insulin Sensitivity and Oral Glucose Loading on its Circulating Concentrations Ashley, David T 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.850383634357 Biology 0.0569479972553 773390 Serum-free cell growth and differentiation studies in cultured cell lines Meleady, Paula 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.786373044346 Medicine 0.127444029845 768058 Service creation and deployment on an intelligent network Collins, Michael 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.768537224906 Biology 0.0418373235324 764512 Shelta: an historical and contemporary analysis Binchy, Alice 1985 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.272949060535 Biology 0.111893145089 1064280 Siderophore mediated iron acquisation by Sinorhizobium meliloti. Cooke, Colm 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.383936158799 Agriculture 0.361209170053 465498 Silver nanoparticles and thin films for strained-silicon surface enhanced raman spectroscopy and capacitively-coupled radiofrequency heating Corr, Stuart James 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.600531945325 Physics 0.21800075974 770394 Simulation and performance analysis of a telecommunication system based on advanced intelligent network architecture Gulyani, Manish 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.496034756636 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.444416718779 768044 Simulation and performance of a statistical multiplexer in an ATM network Corry, Diarmuid 1993 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.551734222927 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.144101710837 768059 Simulation of ATM multiplexer for bursty sources Conger, Chen 1993 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.143939195412 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.100577489062 885879 Simulation of fluid flow system in process industries Khamkham, Nasser E 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.680664349568 Linguistics 0.07741556799 752479 Simulation of production scheduling in manufacturing systems Agha, Mujanah Ezat 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.522224999161 Law 0.0844014596869 753915 Simulation of the impact of stress induced piezoelectric charge in GaAs MESFETs Baric, Adrijan 1995 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.257268143316 Industrial-Engineering 0.245658089121 464938 Simulation study of a semi-automated flexible productionline Dalton, George 2008 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.61405733506 Medicine 0.100090218117 771691 Simultaneous ambulatory cardial and oesophageal monitoring Hickey, Linda 1990 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.741824807819 Biology 0.0538733234724 777324 Single crystal and supported nano-cluster copper-palladium/platinum model catalysts Reilly, James P 2000 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.533266700331 Physics 0.268402876554 885845 Singularly perturbed problems modelling reaction - convection - diffusion processes Pickett, Maria Louise 2005 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.818473371329 Civil-Engineering 0.0863100930471 762964 Singularly perturbed volterra integral equations Bijura, Angelina 1999 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.618490424786 Biology 0.071334522287 652699 Sintering and characterisation of nano-sized yttria-stabilised zirconia Hasanuzzaman, Muhammad 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.790406731188 Medicine 0.0336854938621 749919 Site directed mutagenesis studies of horseradish peroxidase Ryan, Barry 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.827134658642 Agriculture 0.0472426415486 654444 Sizing of a CHP plant: a case study for Dublin City University Abd-Elkarim, Tarik 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.790588190671 Law 0.0613994949791 885893 Small media, big network: alternative media and social movements on the internet O'Donnell, Susan 2000 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.633263927728 History 0.136156073394 652691 Smaller, smarter, faster: the development and application of microfluidic devices to the determination of phosphorus in natural waters Bowden, Michaela 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.416112385608 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.12586475776 873663 Smart cinema as trans-generic mode: a study of industrial transgression and assimilation 1990-2005 Canning, Laura 2014 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.826097717147 Linguistics 0.0211862710671 465264 Smart PIN: performance and cost-oriented context-aware personal information network Lee, Seung-Bum 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.889840768853 Agriculture 0.0193331747834 743416 Social contextuality and conversational recommender systems Hurrell, Eoin 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.852704912779 Biology 0.029693996951 465031 Social impact retrieval: measuring author influence on information retrieval Lanagan, James 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.851805955507 Biology 0.0711058712997 622540 Social psychological concepts in the context of intercultural communication Ethington, Lanaya L. 2002 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.566997207913 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.226848535921 464934 Social relations, human resource management, andknowledge transfer in work organisations:toward an integrated approach Alexopoulos, Angelos 2008 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.565919426175 Economics 0.145051778526 764510 Software and hardware implementation of the RSA public key cipher Brady, Paul 1988 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.397326333974 Medicine 0.0998573352852 465444 Software Process Improvement in Very Small Entities:An investigation of Software Development Knowledge Management and Team issues in maintaining and evolving software process and process improvement. Basri, Shuib 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.454909827405 Biology 0.155537122192 769322 Solvent impregnated resins for the recovery of gold from gold(I)thiourea solutions Fitzpatrick, Fiona 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.358361485177 Medicine 0.332330900602 773778 Some analytical studies on sensors and speciation O'Connor, Michelle Patricia 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.725674470177 Medicine 0.0549847970172 774277 Some chromatographic and electroanalytical studies of species of biological and industrial importance O'Dea, Philip Patrick 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.643382211699 Biology 0.0848467217124 777327 Some electroanalytical investigations into the cure chemistry of industrial sealants Raftery, Declan Patrick 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.831670531994 Medicine 0.0287247969243 768388 Some novel applications of instrumental analytical techniques to the brewing industry Daly, Brian 1996 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.726510945916 Chemistry 0.118532415858 792607 Some novel approaches to chromatographic and electrophoretic separations in biopharmaceutical analysis Walshe, Michaela 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.838308589478 Industrial-Engineering 0.0400609880791 772614 Some novel approaches to the assessment of beer quality Madigan, David 1996 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.667597006527 Chemistry 0.195642027892 772608 Some novel electrochemical detection systems for flowing solution analysis McGrath, Michael James 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.51055485385 Chemistry 0.270252367164 826746 Sourcing and framing the 'war on terror'. A study of attribution in elite newspaper coverage. Stack, Morgan 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.483976983228 Medicine 0.131143346415 769302 Spacelike surfaces of constant mean curvature having continuous internal symmetry in minkowski three space Dowdall, Shane B 1995 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.827359605345 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.025735339914 792965 Spatial and spectral photoluminescence characterisation of semiconductor wafers White, Shane Francis 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.820555806787 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0396465093981 684890 Spatial diagnostics of plasma produced by a VHF multi-tile electrode Ryan, Kevin 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.715468429873 Biology 0.0597579448041 762955 Special solutions of the optical soliton eigenvalue problem Breen, Kevin 1988 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.774167713215 Physics 0.0499267379417 465446 Spectral discontinuity in concatenative speech synthesis – perception, join costs and feature transformations Kirkpatrick, Barry 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.255122855819 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.237400216583 1021895 Spectrally efficient modulation formats for fastreconfigurable optical networks Huynh, Tam 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.560246254153 Physics 0.29228881552 764737 Spectroelectrochemical analysis of bianthrone monolayers Lucey, Darragh 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.613231628053 Biology 0.274504222372 464960 Spectroscopic characterisation of high dielectric constant materials on semiconducting surfaces McDonnell, Stephen 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.799842785901 Biology 0.0442317348417 590330 Spectroscopic characterisation of novel materials for semiconductor device applications Reid, Ian 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.659324570418 Industrial-Engineering 0.11923713835 771949 Spectroscopic investigations of laser-produced steel plasmas in the vacuum ultraviolet Khater, Mohamed Abbas 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.717387003134 Industrial-Engineering 0.100788943195 764283 Spectroscopic studies of thermally activated C-F bonds and photochemically induced haptotropic shifts of pi-coordinated aromatic ligand systems McKenna, Jennifer 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.703652003187 Mathematics 0.156782207349 753919 Speculation with memory Appleby, John A.D. 1998 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.539432438557 Mathematics 0.369927521957 773801 Speech synthesis based on a harmonic model O'Brien, Darragh P 2000 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.648559930771 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0714000186895 465030 Speeding up Adaboost object detection with motion segmentation and Haar feature acceleration Ramachandruni, Radha Krishna 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.905310367862 Biology 0.023967391802 774839 Spontaneously absorbed monolayers: anthrquinones and osmium polypyridyl complexes as molecular "building blocks" O'Hanlon, Dominic P 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.549849167069 Biology 0.104466329678 809440 Spray forming of thin walled net-shaped components of hard materials by high velocity oxy-fuel thermal spraying process Maksud Helali, Md 1994 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.829954754475 Biology 0.0581121627163 769313 Stability and efficiency of passive dynamic walker with torso and simple controller Egan, Alan 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.341166745226 Industrial-Engineering 0.163302545784 808508 Stability and kinetic studies on recombinant pyroglutamyl peptidase I and two mutant forms Mtawae, Karima 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.439051599351 Chemistry 0.220376780557 773388 Stability characteristics and applications of native and chemically-modified horseradish peroxidases Miland, Enda 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.838152528851 Biology 0.0458564328384 750306 Stability of naked singularities in self-similar collapse Waters, Thomas J. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.418533025325 Mathematics 0.403246409291 882040 Stability-based, random matrix theory filtering of financial portfolios Daly, Justin 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.405001755776 Statistics 0.283873588716 882160 Stable colloids of magnetic nanoparticles and nanoparticle assemblies with controlled size and magnetic resonance properties Fox, Eoin 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.581863566648 Physics 0.235615929323 465062 Standardized development of microarray technology via substrate-independent surface coatings Spillman, Scott D. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.492880959664 Physics 0.143807611591 1064278 Star and branch shaped polymers for delivery of therapeutics Byrne, Mark 2014 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.587763015488 Chemistry 0.313707645739 767827 State plane analysis of induction hob generators Carthy, Sean 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.548756012472 Industrial-Engineering 0.269051146317 772292 Statistical characterisation and stochastic modelling of 1-layer variable bit rate H.261 video codec traffic MacFhearraigh, A. P 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.746008426943 Industrial-Engineering 0.0576760716267 464935 Statistical modelling and inference for financial auditing Bimpeh, Yaw 2008 Dublin City University Hard Statistics 0.651007165534 Medicine 0.0838299935976 873662 Statistical post-editing and quality estimation for machine translation systems Bechara, Hanna 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.796499149793 Biology 0.0465924491798 749923 Steady state and laser flash photolysis studies of ferrocenyl group VI fischer-carbenes and metalloporphyrins Rochford, Jonathan 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.865940521531 Physics 0.0223721372462 712518 Stimuli responsive polymer gels for sensing applications Kavanagh, Andrew 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.808487316203 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0851008591157 882125 Stimuli-responsive materials: developing integrated opto-molecular systems as sensors and actuators in micro-fluidic devices Florea, Larisa 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.249032715847 Chemistry 0.20771345501 1118438 Stimuli-sensitive hydrogel materials for sensing and drug delivery Mac Kenna, Nicky 2015 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.857569837305 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.057276856178 465022 STM, LEED and photoemission studies of the Sn/Cu(100) surface alloys Sweeney, Rory 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.548048309881 Chemistry 0.247646091489 882113 Stochastic computational modelling of complex drug delivery systems Bezbradica, Marija 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.440424709424 Industrial-Engineering 0.157831392946 465038 Stochastic delay difference and differential equations: applications to financial markets Swords, Catherine 2009 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.615284675106 Mathematics 0.209720767563 885875 Strain and strain gradient measurement using fibre bragg grating sensors Kennedy, Michael C 1999 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.311033496248 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.16411199668 465021 Strategic communication through all stages of a major emergency life cycle, with particular reference to the needs of Ireland Connors, Paul 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.315846527993 Biology 0.166705236972 882063 Strategic decision-making of Chinese managers on corporate social responsibility issues: A policy-capturing study Wang, Shuo 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.684690616964 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.131787788562 882070 Strategic leadership of architectural firms in Ireland:The role of emotion management and innovation Fleming, Kerrie 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.645750128728 Psychology 0.253030577984 811730 Strategic planning in the women's and girl's outer wear sector of the Irish clothing industry Fitzpatrick, Frank 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.429538467544 Industrial-Engineering 0.128588041343 684892 Strategies for the formation of covalently bonded nano-networks on metal surfaces through amine reactions. Lee, Hooi Ling 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.751756091744 Physics 0.127287337458 680034 Stratification of skewed populations Gunning, Patricia 2006 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.344261527867 Statistics 0.161781046438 885814 Streaking and splashing: design of a grazing incidence x-ray streak camera and time-resolved measurements of the structure of water Lowney, Donnacha 2006 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.775363381829 Medicine 0.0528805860267 885899 Streptomyces natalensis: characterisation and growth optimisation McCormack, Therese 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.390527657833 Agriculture 0.158339391054 464952 Stress and stressors in the clinical environment: a comparative study of fourth-year student nurses andnewly qualified general nurses in Ireland Suresh, Patricia 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.244340184599 Medicine 0.200088774606 583157 Stresses and strain in silicon: 3-dimensional analytical capabilities for the non-invasive evaluation of strain fields in Si wafers and packaged chips Stopford, Jennifer 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.68532346171 Physics 0.108661774289 621668 Structural analysis of metal and semimetal adsorption on Cu{100} by low energy electron diffraction AlShamaileh, Ehab M. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.412502904663 Physics 0.254446448631 773116 Structural investigations of metal and semiconductor interfaces McLoughlin, Eilish 2000 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.742830032609 Biology 0.0566674252204 769307 Structural investigations of sol-gel glasses using optical probes Ennis, Gerard Joseph 1992 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.796589161883 Industrial-Engineering 0.0515110715149 588116 Structural studies of Copper Tetra-Tert-Butyl Phthalocyanine Langmuir-Blodgett and vacuum deposited films Hanson, C.J. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.423786455632 Chemistry 0.255123591294 770402 Structural studies of surfaces and interfaces by scanned-angle x-ray photo-electron diffraction Gleeson, Michael A 1996 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.845601949363 Chemistry 0.0456153065984 882083 Structural systematics of drug-like molecules: frombenzamides to tennimides Mocilac, Pavle 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.851913834085 Biology 0.027505739514 464889 Student involvement in science in the junior primary school: a video-analysis of a multi-grade classroom setting in Ireland Walker, Helena 2008 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.49064310122 Medicine 0.166795055911 764517 Studies of B -(1, 3)(1, 4)- Glucanase production by a recombinant yeast strain immobilised calcium alginate gel Cahill, Gearoid 1990 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.276023898936 Medicine 0.229167219931 773783 Studies on a novel insertion sequence, ISR11, isolated from rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae O'Brien, John 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.361889992923 Agriculture 0.116324156577 836665 Studies on constricted hollow anode plasma source fornegative ion production Mujawar, Mubarak A. 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.672658313461 Industrial-Engineering 0.120176700208 763133 Studies on direct and indirect electrochemical immunoassays Buckley, Eileen 1989 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.476613962356 Chemistry 0.211921348911 777948 Studies on native and modified peroxidases Ryan, Orlaith 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.441540771653 Biology 0.362473647113 772099 Studies on sterol carrier protein Harte-Barry, Nicola M 1988 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.479812051782 Medicine 0.175403855115 773409 Studies on the decarboxylation of acetolactate in milk products Mohr, Britta 1997 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.155171878459 Biology 0.145863394931 885861 Studies on the development of assay methods for the measurement of proinsulin Doyle, Veronica 1993 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.221540369689 Biology 0.221171276086 777160 Studies on the fermentation of bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis Pearson, Dermot 1985 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.479752664032 Industrial-Engineering 0.142159285866 464957 Studies on the gamma-ray burst phenomenon and on its use to probe the high redshift universe Vergani, Susanna D. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.806918719203 Biology 0.0483092196887 768050 Studies on the mode of action of coumarins (coumarin, 6-hydroxycoumarin, 7-hydroxycoumarin & esculetin) at a cellular level Cooke, Deirdre 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.477353080361 Chemistry 0.155801825854 773111 Studies on the nature and applications of antibody-derived binding-site molecules McMahon, Michael John 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.453587028368 Agriculture 0.14518871096 764523 Studies on the plasmid stability, plasmid copy number and endo(1, 3)(1, 4) b-glucanase production by free and alginate immobilised recombinant saccharomyces cerevisiae cells Canavan, Peter D. 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.413936973108 Medicine 0.255997004816 777333 Studies on the production and application of monoclonal antibodies for the detection and treatment of cancer Prosser, Ena S 1991 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.757275391413 Biology 0.120967977866 773802 Studies on the production and applications of bispecific antibodies Nolan, Orla 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.486062460622 Veterinary 0.221454073752 764524 Studies on the production, characterisation and applications of monoclonal antibodies and antibody-based conjugates Cahill, Dolores J. 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.492297553465 Chemistry 0.312293536989 586037 Study into mechanical and electrochemical propertiesof coating deposits and welded-coated componentsusing the HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) process. Boudi, Adnan Abdullatif 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.718660735191 Medicine 0.136853489138 773412 Study into surface properties of plasma nitrided and laser melted workpieces Mohammed, Mahmoud A 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.705841358819 Physics 0.140139690442 753605 Study of an open circut hydraulic power system with compact cooler-reservoir unit Al-Natour, Ibrahim Subhi 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.796162452012 Biology 0.0657824865928 752488 Study of Ga, GaN, Li and LiF laser ablation plumes using spectroscopic and fast imaging techniques McKiernan, A.P 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.776095862511 Medicine 0.0802451049111 684041 Study of resonance hairpin probe for electron density measurements in low temperature plasmas Singh Gogna, Gurusharan 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.775493164116 Chemistry 0.0450358922325 597386 Study of the mechanical and metallurgical properties of AMDRY 9954 HVOF coated Ti-6A1-4V alloy Al-Anazi, Dahham 2007 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.827885855471 Medicine 0.0504065220431 772121 Study of viscous flow during thin film polymer coating and drawing of continuum Akter, Suraiya 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.832552885742 Chemistry 0.036726969445 684040 Style of translation: An exploration ofstylistic patterns in the translations ofMargaret Jull Costa and Peter Bush Saldanha, Gabriela 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.819648325815 Biology 0.0505227490087 810641 Sublanguage, text type and machine translation O'Brien, Sharon 1993 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.547106447826 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.272363385221 772605 Superharmonic solutions of nonlinear differential equations McGuinness, Colm 1991 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.583884196924 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0905193865758 772113 Supporting fault-tolerance in a distributed multi-process environment Kohli, Aman Sagar 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.828247426661 Earth sciences 0.0590465314407 465268 Surface and interface characterisation of high-k dielectric materials on silicon and III-V semiconductor substrates Brennan, Barry 2010 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.708184940349 Chemistry 0.112384316166 836667 Surface and interface characterization studiesof germanium and indium arsenide substrates Chellappan, R.K. 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.292808555388 Chemistry 0.21296894747 885847 Surface engineering through low temperature deposition of wear resistant layers by reactive magnetron sputter ion plating Ahern, Michael John 1991 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.692067065539 Physics 0.121370263373 1064290 Surface initiated N-carboxyanhydride ring-opening polymerization: Designing nanohybrids for biomedical applications Borase, Tushar 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.770116491155 Agriculture 0.107401465388 465047 Surface plasmon-coupled emission for applications in biomedical diagnostics Trnavsky, Michal 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.647595163877 Chemistry 0.145374978286 792599 Surface spectroscopic and electrochemical investigations of aromatic and heteroaromatic thiols on gold single crystal surfaces Whelan, Caroline 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.596121957224 Chemistry 0.275874125247 764504 Surface studies and density functional theory analysis of ruthenium polypyridyl complexes O'Boyle, Noel M. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.653625200848 Biology 0.08367239716 882114 Surface-confined metalloporphyrin complexes. Beggan, John-Patrick 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.685774554521 Physics 0.181132665428 771661 Surfactant sensitised colorimetric reactions in inorganic analysis Hanley, Grace 1988 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.546863723622 Biology 0.143391401576 620703 Survey for the development of compressed natural gas systems (CNG) for vehicles Abulamosha, A.M. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.698409403087 Agriculture 0.0482854375627 769309 Survey of the relevance of mechanical engineering course curricula to the professional mechanical engineers El-Zouki, Salema 1995 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.561451381205 Linguistics 0.118668806455 792602 Survivable network design with stepwise incremental cost function Wang, Hai 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.690602096643 Civil-Engineering 0.109156735846 767822 Switched-capacitor filters and their application in data communications Collier, Martin 1988 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.790077770128 Industrial-Engineering 0.0619806684429 767820 Switching techniques for broadband ISDN Collier, Martin 1993 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.843968436594 Medicine 0.0523286576959 495415 Symmetric rearrangeable networks and algorithms Chakrabarty, Amitabha 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.854738381572 Mathematics 0.0365901019706 1020737 Synchronization with audio and visual stimuli: Exploring multisensory integration and the role of spatio-temporal information Armstrong, Alan 2014 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.887406560486 Biology 0.0339349545172 777951 Synchrotron based studies of III-V semiconductor materials Ryan, Philip 2001 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.769377855013 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0484266778342 652697 Synthesis and application of novel homochiral imidazolium salts Alhashimy, Nameer A. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.862611399685 Biology 0.0415821800647 620780 Synthesis and applications of novel azolium salts Dallas, Andrea 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.836087826559 Biology 0.0282040491018 620698 Synthesis and characterisation of a series of novel mononuclear and surface active dinuclear ruthenium (II) and osmium (II) polypyridyl complexes Guckian, Adrian Liam 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.893507214805 Mathematics 0.0142762616123 792618 Synthesis and characterisation of hop derived compounds, and their application in quantitative high performance liquid chromatography Tynan, Thomas J 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.810219797318 Agriculture 0.0628975030923 597384 Synthesis and characterisation of mononuclear and dinuclear rhenium carbonyl complexes Brennan, Claire 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.820636792542 Medicine 0.0386326867402 885887 Synthesis and characterisation of novel ru(II) complexes with selective deuteriation O'Connor, Christine M 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.869080042427 Biology 0.0234291062851 885824 Synthesis and characterisation of Ruthenium(II) tris(heteroleptic) complexes containing a triazole ligand Mulhern, Declan 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.863562862342 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0259570411556 885862 Synthesis and characterisation of some amidino derivatives of the heterocyclic analogues of Benzo-TCNQ Dunlea, Colette A 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.825339408342 Industrial-Engineering 0.0339314453144 767814 Synthesis and characterisation of some electroactive polymers Chen, Fang 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.751762057698 Industrial-Engineering 0.0528240659381 792581 Synthesis and characterisation of some ruthenium containing metallopolymers Ross, Anthony G 1987 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.249207747129 Medicine 0.126202303823 582603 Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline CuCl hybrid films for electroluminescent device fabrication. Alam, Md. Monjarul 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.519906411488 Agriculture 0.143531265172 792605 Synthesis and properties of some RU(11) complexes containing triazole ligands Wang, Renyi 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.640648428285 Medicine 0.0790357235586 621286 Synthesis and reinvestigation of tetrazocines Healy, Cathal 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.810660129137 Mathematics 0.0654962459281 771690 Synthesis and use of an immobilized catalyst for the n-oxidation of 2-chloropyridine Hobbs, Patrick T 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.59439695459 Biology 0.0985420849766 771699 Synthesis of 1, 2,4-triazoles and their ruthenium bis-bipyridyl complexes Hughes, Donal 1999 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.926561821393 Philosophy 0.00871563647326 792595 Synthesis of 2 dimensional image filters by cellular automata Sinclair, David 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.652322834542 Industrial-Engineering 0.0994830338121 772117 Synthesis of architecturally novel calix4arene phthalocyanines O'Malley, Shane 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.569564797221 Biology 0.0862130683678 767817 Synthesis of carbon nitride thin film by magnetron sputtering technique: its structural characterization and application Chowdhury, A. K. M. Shaestagir 1998 Dublin City University Life Earth sciences 0.266826611347 Chemistry 0.208023606289 621586 Synthesis of heterocyclic analogues of Benzo-TCNQ Crean, Colm 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.737183222532 Biology 0.0660209508919 622393 Synthesis of new 5-fluorouracil photosensitiser conjugates for use as prodrugs in the photodynamic therapy for cancer Gray, Ian J. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.566943701731 Biology 0.300202279033 768381 Synthesis of new heterocyclic TCNQ analogues Delaney, James J 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.838436969248 Biology 0.0509966853218 1024469 Synthesis of novel molecules for specific recognition of DNA G-quadruplex structures and rapid analysis of their binding to telomeric DNA on a gold surface. Walsh, Killian 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.850452600018 Biology 0.0518222419709 590332 Synthesis of novel red-shifted phthalocyanines Yang, Jianjun 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.753689064734 Biology 0.057572024879 590327 Synthesis of some analogues of n-substituted phthalimide and benzo-tetracyanoquinodimethane McDermott, Gerard M. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.773373981236 Biology 0.0641490961848 1064283 Synthesis, characterisation and biological evaluation of novel nferrocenyl amino acid and dipeptide derivatives as potential anticancer agents. Tiedt, Rachel 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.570300142369 Biology 0.28901679162 769508 Synthesis, characterisation and charge transport properties of a series of osmium containing polymers Forster, Robert J 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.842450033692 Biology 0.0374974876599 682783 Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of N-ferrocenylmethyl amino acid benzene carboxamide derivatives and N-ferrocenyl benzoyl amino alkane derivatives as anti-cancer agents. Butler, William E. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.783060106437 Biology 0.151344418542 750549 Synthesis, photochemical and photophysical properties of a series of free base and metalloporphyrin metal pentcarbonyl complexes McDonnell, Karl 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.76199123198 Physics 0.0355747677709 792601 Synthesis, structural and biological studies of potential 5-HT3 receptor antagonists Whelan, Brendan A 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.885350189582 Biology 0.0292671034635 582663 Synthetic and computational investigations intoreaction pathways towards complex heterocyclic ring systems Kebbell, Sarah 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.701722411323 Agriculture 0.0949273864051 772303 System identification and paramenter estimation of a motorcycle suspension system Ledwidge, Jim 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.879289149958 Statistics 0.028863853852 874492 Targeted killings in Northern Ireland: an analysis of their effectiveness and implications for counter-terrorism policies Finegan, Rory 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.207621735257 Economics 0.193291456877 885918 Targeting the new generation woman: voice-over as a tool in gender repositioning traditionally male dominant product Staunton, Ciara 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.51414910779 Economics 0.294766531342 750321 Teaching introductory thermal physics through problem based learning Tracey, Rebecca 2005 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.387500825226 Mathematics 0.142277264204 885787 Teaching outdoor and adventure activities: describing, analysing and understanding a primary school physical education professional development programme Coulter, Maura 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.807838335638 Medicine 0.0991009033089 620707 Teat detection for an automated milking system Hunt Duffy, Aidan 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.39519261718 Biology 0.128185773028 583253 Technical talent development strategies to support tecnology advancement in the hydrocarbon industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Alzahrani, Hasan J. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.253105195339 Medicine 0.118721444242 811746 Techno-economic evaluation of the production of rape-methyl-ester Ireland: a case study Kinsella, Eimear 1995 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.807626828897 Industrial-Engineering 0.105892168564 749903 Temporality in L2 Spanish: an investigation of the expression of temporality in the narrative discourse of Spanish L2 learners Puig i Planella, Kènia 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.822123846154 Psychology 0.0379862288269 768389 Terminology standardisation: success or failure?: a study of the terminology of cinematography Dalton, Joanne 1998 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.263841931099 Visual arts 0.0847202917686 622537 Textual cognetics and the role of iconic linkage in software user guides Byrne, Jody 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.816603003177 Medicine 0.0533596966901 1021890 The adoption of management technologies: the Irish dairy sector Kelly, Edel 2014 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.643971798569 Economics 0.265131397803 582239 The age of interactivity: An historical analysis of public discourses on interactivity in Ireland 1995 - 2009. Barry, Marguerite 2012 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.437065620984 Biology 0.0722294832751 652693 The alternative within the mainstream: a critical analysis of some recent Irish films Fennell, Nicholas 2005 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.535230380818 Linguistics 0.289992401751 663013 The analysis and implementation of exponential almost Runge-Kutta methods for semilinear problems O'Callaghan, Eóin 2011 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.650741870103 Economics 0.0811472862529 776320 The analysis of biogenic amines by standard and novel methods O'Sullivan, Brian 2000 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.485782071754 Medicine 0.238114230252 768057 The analytical and numerical analysis of a model of a chemical ocillator Compelli, Susan 1989 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.71057360852 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.104069783337 777942 The antibody response as it relates to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Roben, Paul 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.680303401532 Medicine 0.0985961444794 885840 The application of antibodies in optical and electrochemical transduction processes O'Connor, Máire 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.824460471662 Biology 0.108499467372 771674 The application of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms to the estimation of electode response characteristics and stability constants Hartnett, Margaret Kathleen 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.824168490362 Civil-Engineering 0.0426697662679 743446 The application of capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry to the analysis of anaerobic and cyanoacrylate adhesives McCullagh, Niamh M. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.721999815286 Economics 0.0474006809348 464933 The application of manifold based visual speech units for visual speech recognition Yu, Dahai 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835935287596 Psychology 0.0711847643972 792597 The application of morpho-syntatic language processing to effective information retrieval Sheridan, Paraic 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.820399445909 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0666640603086 593902 The application of nanomaterials in electrochemical sensors and biosensors Ambrosi, Adriano 2007 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.784121392317 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.123344289843 768383 The application of steganography to fractal image compression Davern, Paul 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.535821381008 Biology 0.084398781705 743405 The architectural void: space as transgression in postmodern short fiction of the fantastic (1974-2010) Garcia, Patricia 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.503200572463 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.367791109952 828798 The basis of democracy and regime legitimacy in African states: the case of Tanzania Nyaluke, David 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.8077110948 History 0.0503963977209 464910 The behaviour of magnetorheological fluids in squeeze mode Bin Mazlan, Saiful Amri 2008 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.360605392022 Biology 0.279505115512 777959 The BETA-1, 3-Glucanase of Basidiomycete QM 806: Studies on it's production and application in yeast cell wall hydrolysis Ryan, Eleanor 1986 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.297080989138 Chemistry 0.227868625724 622532 The biodegradation of tallow by Trichoderma harzianum rifai RP1 Fleming, John Patrick 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.458391519471 Agriculture 0.348377341279 465473 The Buffered Block Forward Backward technique for solving electromagnetic wave scattering problems Bogusevschi, Diana 2010 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.302224247795 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.261880749419 1118493 The case of higher education provision in further education: leadership in the evolution of higher education in the post leaving certificate sector of the city of Dublin vocational education committee. Murray, Denis 2015 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.766165940381 Economics 0.0892790499366 885843 The challenge of autonomy:exploring the role of ICT and self-evaluation in the development of today's teacher O'Hara, Joe 2006 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.826694073923 Industrial-Engineering 0.0458661449003 654150 The challenge of educational disadvantage in a knowledge economy: a case study of Waterford crystal Ltd Cooke , Senan 2006 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.204273808117 Economics 0.151138961283 769318 The characterisation of foaming in suspension cultures of morinda citrifolia Cusack, Winifred (Úna) 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.56522990927 Agriculture 0.23199462875 586036 The characterisation of international stock markets using signal processing techniques. Sharkasi, Adel 2006 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.880965785897 Agriculture 0.0297250525514 773773 The characterization of pseudomonas species from a commercial bioaugmentation product Mulcahy, Geraldine 1993 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.328114524344 Medicine 0.208836658409 771667 The chemistry of group 6 metal carbonyls with N-Donor ligands Hegarty, Cormac 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.773636655317 Biology 0.0581024713093 622543 The city and the body in the archive: photography, history and the representation of Dublin 1860-1922 Carville, Justin 2005 Dublin City University Hum History 0.461456006244 Linguistics 0.185881954179 885766 The cloning , expression and characterisation of bacterial chitin-binding proteins from pseudomonas aeruginosa , serratia marcescens, photorhabdus luminescens and photorhabdus asymbiotica. Larragy, Ruth 2011 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.904907806627 Industrial-Engineering 0.0204652169566 885804 The concept of person in a world mediated by meaning and constituted by significance Kearns, Alan Joseph 2005 Dublin City University Hum Philosophy 0.564384430284 Medicine 0.279724357146 582436 The constuction of professionalism in vocational education and training in Ireland: A mixed methods study of trainers' roles and professional development in the workplace Anderson, Fionnuala 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.774552225446 Medicine 0.0499886895231 654442 The consumption of heritage centres in Ireland, with particular reference to Wicklow's historic gaol Breathnach, T.M. 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.174409367515 Economics 0.134656424967 774837 The copyright regulatory system in Ireland: its development and effects, 1700-1990 O'Gorman, Michael 2001 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.363935363491 History 0.158462279352 1186027 The corporate objective: reinterpreting directors’ duties Quinn, John 2016 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.786016523418 Economics 0.0958357073831 622545 The critical junctures approach remoulded: explaining change in trade union influence over public policy in four countries Hogan, John William 2004 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.324214713599 Economics 0.150963774017 885774 The Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Chinese Migrant Women in Ireland: A Qualitative Exploration of Interviews Conducted with 12 Chinese Women Living in Ireland Ni, Jun 2011 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.77048273785 Anthropology 0.0661902826738 885885 The curricular implications of the German language needs of Irish industry O'Connor, Anne 1997 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.639357092242 Psychology 0.0571160952368 776318 The degradation of phenol and mono-chlorophenols by a mixed microbial population O'Sullivan, Marianne 1998 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.441096168221 Biology 0.196090069904 620699 The dependence of mechanical properties of aluminium matrix composites on the size ratio of their constituent powders Dunne, Adrian 2004 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.800313542348 Chemistry 0.0505737282126 771696 The design and experimental characterisation of a stigmatic XUV instrument for laser plasma spectroscopy Hopkins, R. B 1992 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.771017340514 Industrial-Engineering 0.109846975578 792589 The design and implementation of the SEAU procedure management system Stephens, Gary 1992 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.617022855707 Industrial-Engineering 0.157402723608 1064261 The design of a reliable musculoskeletal pre-participation screening and the establishment of normative data, epidemiology of injury and risk factors for injury in adolescent and collegiate Gaelic footballers and hurlers O'Connor, Siobhan 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.731443348029 Psychology 0.0638504643597 885889 The design of a residual gas analyser based on a time-of-flight mass spectrometer O'Dwyer, John Gerard 1990 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.232796872901 Industrial-Engineering 0.176715562888 777947 The design of a secure data communication system Shafa'amry, Moutasem 1994 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.781206844323 Chemistry 0.0472424200125 769295 The design of an aluminium alloy wheel using three dimensional finite element analysis and fatigue life prediction Doyle, Mary M 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.725092386651 Civil-Engineering 0.115603039982 828352 The design, development, implementation and evaluation of the Youth-Physical Activity Towards Health (Y-PATH) intervention O'Brien, Wesley 2013 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.51356563192 Education 0.290860591712 743442 The design, manufacture and analysis of a new implant for fracture fixation in human and veterinary orthopaedic surgery: the bone fastenerod McCartney, William T. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.691067269684 Medicine 0.130527822756 753195 The detection of potential drug resistance markers using proteomic technologies Murphy, Lisa 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.484344308017 Medicine 0.256992673283 773411 The determination of transition metal ions in anaerobic adhesives by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography Mooney, Joseph P 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.690548527871 Physics 0.0761920711192 496125 The determination of veterinary antibiotics in live animals and animal products McGlinchey, Tara 2011 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.696443730792 Chemistry 0.127460226642 825489 The development and application of mid-infraredspectroscopy as a process analytical technology (PAT)tool for cell culture applications Foley, Roisin 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.384145029389 Biology 0.36510894066 648140 The development and applications of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies for the detection of illicit drugs in saliva samples Fanning, Lorna M. 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.551247710694 Veterinary 0.164679392622 773382 The development and characterisation of some novel amperometric sensors Leech, Donal Patrick 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.642596639941 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0893287440948 771683 The development and characterization of novel Pd/Sn ohmic contacts to n-type GaAs Islam, Md. Shafiqul 1997 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.508745371119 Biology 0.120593631362 768052 The development and evaluation of a colloidal gold immunosorbent assay for the detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin Conway, Aileen 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.578862034076 Medicine 0.110929080445 773402 The development and evaluation of a polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) for bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV 1) Moore, Sinead Teresa 1997 Dublin City University Life Veterinary 0.426887015931 Medicine 0.281259430586 465510 The Development and Implementation of a Quality Framework For Youthreach and Traveller Training Centres O'Brien Maguire, Shivaun 2011 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.345741718925 Agriculture 0.22147019501 465501 The Development and Optimisation of a Low Cost Optical Chemical Sensing Platform Orpen, Dylan 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.836022978912 Medicine 0.0393010361613 885874 The development and use of a non-radioactive iodine-labelling system for microassays Keating, Paula 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.4993171392 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0852133053166 772110 The development and validation of a physical activity recall questionnaire for adults: using a cognitive model of the question-answer process Martin, Niamh 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.315531290793 Psychology 0.264260857068 885789 The development of a cooperating physical education teachers’ (COPET) programme and an investigation into how this programme impacts on the teaching practice experiences’ of the three members of the teaching practice triad Dunning, Carol 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.786540302233 Biology 0.0561731288718 1064282 The development of a theoretical and computational framework for ultrafast processes of complex atomic systems in a strong radiation field Middleton, Damien 2014 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.716801295138 Chemistry 0.0609359587587 771668 The development of an agent based critiquing system architecture for a project management tool: Prompter Gaffney, Eamon 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.651022978137 Civil-Engineering 0.27194425043 771698 The development of an intelligent mobile manitenance workstation for application in automated CNC machine repair Houreh, Mustafa 1991 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.316364468156 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.159938619553 773117 The development of analytical methods for the determination of Selenium McLaughlin, Kieran James 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.738982474227 Industrial-Engineering 0.0810849739798 648137 The development of colorimetric pH sensors and optical-based detection for monitoring spoilage volatiles from packaged seafood Byrne, Liam 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.254982714987 Biology 0.209470896625 680037 The development of immunoassays for the detection of bovine brucellosis and aflatoxin B1 Dunne, Lynsey 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.495121911588 Veterinary 0.284010460119 495411 The development of inorganic dyes for the application of photocatalytic CO2 reduction Coburn, Nadia 2011 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.89006180203 Agriculture 0.0110111443991 465546 The Development of Ionophore-SelectiveBased optical chemical sensors for thedetermination of heavy metal ions inaqueous environments Li, Li 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.236623403305 Industrial-Engineering 0.157509234591 1114902 The development of low cost autonomous chemical sensors for environmental monitoring Cogan, Deirdre 2015 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.397279301576 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.148050536444 1185546 The development of methods for production, selection and characterisation of microcapsules containing animal cells Demont, Aurelie 2016 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.561609381615 Medicine 0.124456994773 827646 The development of new third generation PDT Prodrugs and Novel calix[4]arene porphyrinoids Hughes, Irene 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.843720544586 Biology 0.0290414316228 752489 The development of novel analytical methods for the determination of germanium in foodstuffs McMahon, Michael 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.579727877218 Medicine 0.0807262250225 768361 The development of novel electrochemical sensors from the redox polymer modified electrodes Doherty, Andrew Patrick 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.700397770604 Industrial-Engineering 0.119865917028 769502 The development of novel silage inoculants using strain selection and genetic manipulation techniques Fitzsimons, Aidan 1993 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.583215564667 Medicine 0.0752269885606 743421 The development of project management capability in complex organisational settings: towards a knowledge-based view Ahern, Terence 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.330602077943 Education 0.184204331417 736378 The Development of Project Management Capability in Complex Organisational Settings: Towards a Knowledge-Based View Ahern, Terence 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.36707418682 Education 0.161104223677 680039 The development of quantitative methods for residues in foods of animal origin with validation according to commission decision 2002/657/EC Dowling, Geraldine Mary Katherine 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.341408046452 Biology 0.126935163077 776308 The development of some electrochemical detection systems based on microelectrodes and modified electrodes O'Shea, Thomas Joseph 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.740169562502 Biology 0.0684300536984 772598 The development of some electrochemical detection systems using microelectrodes and their application to biomedical analysis Malone, Michael 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.646647701844 Biology 0.167712438172 811754 The development of the software manual printing sector in Ireland O'Sullivan, David A 1993 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.472844053196 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.228519921739 769504 The development of universal telephone service in Ireland 1880-1993 Flynn, Roddy 1998 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.356866310806 Industrial-Engineering 0.213932381746 742485 The development, implementation and evaluation of alternative approaches to teaching and learning in the chemistry laboratory Kelly, Orla 2005 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.391984819475 Chemistry 0.18913674882 684877 The development, validity and efficacy of different modes of self recall training diaries in assessing training load on Gaelic footballers O'Connor, Siobhán 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.370360575323 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.19929854293 1116438 The discursive construction of mental health problems in Irish print news media Farrelly, Mary 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.398487306438 Psychology 0.333919657808 582237 The distributions of stellar remnants in disk galaxies Molloy, Matthew 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.835219155368 Biology 0.0627024427924 621680 The ECAHB Take PART study: an investigation of the relationship between physical activity, the transtheoretical model of behaviour change and social support for physical activity among Irish adolescents Foley, Eimear 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.667224333527 Biology 0.100509492709 1064276 The effect of acute and chronic exercise on circulating microparticles O'Connor , Paul L. 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.771771609185 Biology 0.112167803951 885838 The effect of conjugated linoleic acid on the proliferation, migration and invasion of a murine mammary cancer cell line O'Connor, Áine 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.81052763551 Medicine 0.113973033144 654448 The effect of hyperglycaemia on aortic endothelial and smooth muscle cell fate in hypoxia Gao, Wei 2006 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.534860019388 Biology 0.274708894264 775337 The effect of post weld heat treatment and distribution of residual stress in weld repaired high chromium steel (AISI 410) components Olabi, Abdul-Ghani 1990 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.703986212255 Biology 0.163701131 750309 The effect of pulsatile flow on co-cultured retinal endothelial & pericyte cells Walshe, Tony 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.711553352205 Biology 0.0975811592055 792583 The effect of shear flow on the resistive tearing mode of magnetohydrodynamics in a cylindrical geometry Sweeney, Néill 1999 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.350189677547 Physics 0.137167386462 653111 The effect of the dietary constituent conjugated linoleic acid and homocysteine on vascular endothelial cell function Coen, Paul Martin 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.811012092659 Medicine 0.0345092659693 750299 The effect of thin film coatings and nitriding on the mechanical properties and wear resistance of tool steel Zeghni, Adel E. Al-mehdy 2003 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.67848355781 Medicine 0.124482577159 1020740 The effectiveness of different lifestyle interventions onbody composition, insulin sensitivity, and novelbiomarkers of insulin resistance in obese individuals Cooper, Diane 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.799388066582 Biology 0.0894838096974 810195 The effects of acute and chronic sodium bicarbonate supplementation on high-intensity intermittent performance, recovery and subsequent performance in rugby union players Fitzpatrick, Paula 2012 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.557216641805 Medicine 0.113706677264 742489 The effects of ankle foot orthoses on the gait pattern of stroke patients with equines deformity of the foot Kinsella, Sharon 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.577113891732 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0911957151174 885819 The effects of interleukin-6 in a rat model of hepatocellular carcinoma Moran, Diarmuid Martin 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.821721370243 Biology 0.0953148086785 772622 The effects of powder processing parameters on the microstructure and energy absorption characteristics of low voltage ZnO varistors McArdle, Damian Michael 1995 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.655845988121 Chemistry 0.216036023042 621289 The EIAT project: gender and technology in the Irish context Brereton, Bernadette 2002 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.221384271855 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.12548178634 885808 The elemental analysis of bog oak samples of archaeological interest by ICP-MS Kenna, Gerard 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.246547098445 Chemistry 0.155546654356 885786 The emergence of dynamic capabilities in SMEs: A critical realist study Ó hÓbáin, Lorcán 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.70711266843 Industrial-Engineering 0.186743671607 771665 The establishment of a therapeutic monitoring service for digoxin Carbury, John 1990 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.488378631829 Medicine 0.25632703311 774280 The estimation and compensation of processes with time delays O'Dwyer, Aidan 1996 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.716350473668 Industrial-Engineering 0.0870155473858 885791 The European Union Science Olympiad: towards a multidisciplinary strategy for science education Cotter, Michael Anthony 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.170043599385 Education 0.0987885397519 682773 The evolution of business continuity management in large Irish enterprises between 2004 and 2009 Garrett, David N. 2012 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.337195248054 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.266985879238 882117 The evolution of the mammal placenta — a computational approach to the identification and analysis of placenta-specific genes and microRNAs. Walsh, Thomas A. 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.581013696484 Medicine 0.155161519289 772973 The examination of developmental potential in forest species through in vitro grafting of oak (Quercus robur and Quercus petraea) Mc Gowran, Eamonn 1997 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.859487221372 Medicine 0.0269327667155 465493 The Exercise of Personal Agency by Mobile Phone Use: A mixed methods study study among young people in Mumbai, India D'Souza, Darryl 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.393299729221 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.150724703883 772293 The expression and regulation of matrilysin (MMP-7) in human colon cancer and leukaemia cell lines Lynch, Conor C. 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.430314729292 Medicine 0.376983043543 742495 The expression of multiple drug resistance (MDR) associated proteins in invasive breast cancer Larkin, Annemarie 2002 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.667625167008 Biology 0.30268894478 685381 The fabrication and modification of capillary polymer monoliths for the separation of small ions Moyna, Aine 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.397778824705 Industrial-Engineering 0.157163938682 1023770 The feasibility and efficacy of using active video games to promote health enhancing physical activity Monedero, Javier 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.362625622282 Biology 0.258843628664 772637 The filtration properties of a dimorphic yeast McCarthy, Anthony A 2001 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.446361699482 Biology 0.26328946843 464968 The formation, modification and characterisation of monolithic ion exchangers for separation science Gillespie, Eoin 2009 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.710697315798 Industrial-Engineering 0.0476596885715 1023773 The funny side of cross-cultural adaptation: a grounded theory study of the role of humour in the adaptation process of Spanish migrants living in Ireland Ramirez de Arellano, Maria 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.368362994186 Biology 0.103925090839 772639 The Gerry Ryan show on 2FM and the death of Diana, Princess of Wales: a case-study, September 1997 McCarron, Ciara 1998 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.369451234565 Biology 0.0910115091536 768372 The great Irish famine: a further understanding of its complexities through the use of human communication theory Derby, Lisa Kelly 2000 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.168915307037 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.146932190593 700672 The growth and characterisation of ordered arrays of zinc oxide nanostructures and optical studies of defects in zinc oxide Byrne, Daragh 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.72765068144 Agriculture 0.0720929498901 873661 The health and performance characteristics of current and retired jockeys in Ireland Cullen, SarahJane 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.258520704012 Biology 0.137191915881 597392 The health impact and physical environmental determinants of active commuting to school Nelson, Norah Marie 2007 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.610211710277 Agriculture 0.0685964924803 495392 The ideal of the modern subject? Exploring the limits of the 2004 Irish citizenship referendum debate Ní Mhurchú, Aoileann 2011 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.804809462289 Anthropology 0.0406170878368 465054 The immunomodulatory properties of helminth-derived products on dendritic cell maturation and function Dowling, David J. 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.462511282424 Medicine 0.284268955553 465489 The Impact of Acute and Chronic Weight Restriction and Weight Regulation practices on Physiological, Osteogenic, Metabolic and Cognitive Function in Elite Jockeys Dolan, Eimear 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.791445295041 Biology 0.0609172190626 590324 The impact of carbohydrate ingestion on the regulation of fat oxidation following exercise Sarsfield, Fiona 2007 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.446533781651 Biology 0.23547131306 809446 The impact of electronic data interchange (EDI) on Irish foreign trade and transport Giblin, Michael 1991 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.546294844825 Law 0.128409081349 465247 The impact of high performance work systems in Irish companies: an examination of company and employee outcomes Mkamwa, Thadeus F. 2010 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.298023824229 Law 0.13267436177 495987 The impact of high performance work systems on innovation performance: A study of Irish companies O'Regan, Cathal 2011 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.862059209902 Industrial-Engineering 0.0300563391816 882095 The impact of high quality relationships on proactive behaviour at work: evidence from independently owned hospitals in Ireland Farrell, Jennifer B. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.545268144159 Psychology 0.142350538089 1118394 The impact of the financial crisis on the working capital of SMEs: a panel data analysis McGuinness, Gerard 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.864365295578 Biology 0.047220906899 770390 The implementation of a large-scale numerical model of the atmosphere on a pc-based transputer network Halton, Paul A 1992 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.216932368457 Biology 0.136047257763 885914 The importance of book jacket design for the sale of Irish interest tourist books Neilan, Paul 1998 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.464864952999 Biology 0.120763400263 464904 The importance of non-functional factors in explaining delegation to non-governmental agencies: the case study of radio spectrum Healy, Gary 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.367598574482 Biology 0.201041377331 881319 The influence of diet prenatally and during the first year of life on sour taste development - a longitudinal investigation within an Irish setting. Kennedy, Aileen 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.694784510444 Agriculture 0.127069756079 749938 The influence of neo-liberal assumptions on media treatment of political economy in Ireland Phelan, Sean 2003 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.781450339934 History 0.0508585965198 590334 The influence of the promotion of the Irish language on Ireland's socio-economic development Walsh, John Charles 2006 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.651056106323 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.141393238023 590842 The integration of CL resources in CALL for Irish in the primary school context Ward, Monica 2007 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.559333609708 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.129240708531 495994 The integration of machine translation and translation memory He, Yifan 2011 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.705770821669 Medicine 0.141584944412 772295 The interaction of metal carbonyl compounds with organic polymers and monomers Lyons, Michael P. 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.750501241879 Medicine 0.0866046507491 772618 The interactions of antimony and bismuth with gallium arsenide {111} surfaces McGinley, Colm 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.784139443142 Biology 0.0635741503678 1064279 The internationalisation process of SMEs in the Irishlife sciences sector Penar-Turner, Anna M. 2014 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.414976838103 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.136446728932 882062 The Internet and professional journalism: content, practice and values in Irish online news O'Sullivan, John 2011 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.569472588674 Biology 0.0962601063673 792617 The internet integrated intelligent network Vasic, Jelena 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.777095679367 Industrial-Engineering 0.112785351697 811729 The introduction of realism into SCADA mimic diagrams using object oriented techniques and C++ Kiernan, Paul 1991 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.807733866482 Biology 0.0524130953739 588126 The investigation of ion-exchange properties of novel zwitterionic and amphoteric stationary phases and their application to the separation of inorganic and organic ions Nesterenko, Ekaterina Pavlovna 2008 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.460268126225 Medicine 0.179197535301 465505 The Investigation of Targets for Therapy in Brain Tumours Kinsella, Paula 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.556005680783 Biology 0.286830385401 749924 The Irish press 1919-1948: origins and issues Robbins, David 2006 Dublin City University Hum History 0.419640103108 Linguistics 0.0876263583192 768391 The Irish Press and populism in Ireland Curran, Catherine 1994 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.173842722264 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.122826472241 1118411 The Irish restorative reparation panel and the searchfor community: idealised rhetoric or practical reality? McStravick, Darren John 2015 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.18885847572 Biology 0.187149136408 882098 The isolation and characterisation of dissolved organic matter from freshwater and marine enviroments McCaul, Margaret 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.51772468732 Biology 0.274895519933 792623 The isomerisations of azobenzene-containing polymers Tonra, Conor 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.505143588267 Medicine 0.125572724699 602525 The lads from New Ireland :a textual and audience analysis of marginalised masculinities in contemporary Irish film. Ging, Debbie 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.249784783619 Visual arts 0.197495231859 1062518 The Leadership careers of selected primary school principals McHugh, Gerard 2015 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.372671846716 Education 0.0906128781802 1061498 The legal powers to detain the mentally ill in Ireland: medicalism or legalism? Brown, Jennifer 2015 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.804807676496 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0417085929721 767826 The manufacture of briquettes using forest residue Coggins, Karl 1993 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.796539871252 Economics 0.0314133808741 811716 The marketing of tourism services in Ireland as represented by the hotel and catering industries Mitchell, Malcolm 1993 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.767620859795 Industrial-Engineering 0.0429427655001 769733 The marketing strategies of banks to small businesses in the Republic of Ireland with particular reference to the determinants and impact of service quality Carpenter, Marie 1993 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.836314077128 Industrial-Engineering 0.0789379770276 771956 The mass transfer and charge transport properties of osmium bis(2, 2'-bipyridyl)- containing 4-vinylpyridine Kelly, David Michael 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.447052506142 Physics 0.201501236334 1117455 The meaning of civil partnership for same-sex couples in Ireland: an interpretative phenomenological study Healy, Grainne 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.727465433084 Law 0.112672554214 769303 The measurement, esterification and biological significance of serum 7 - hydroxycholestrol Dowling, G. Louise 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.431003355227 Chemistry 0.416192789632 653103 The molecular and cellular biology of pancreatic ß cell differentiation in vitro Gammell, Patrick 2002 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.828554819717 Medicine 0.117682616575 885863 The molecular modelling of calixarene inclusion complexes Fayne, Darren 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.793898194926 Economics 0.0994216690583 882103 The molecular phylogeny of placental mammals and its application to uncovering signatures of molecular adaptation. Morgan , Claire C. 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.782599507596 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0390780859349 743428 The myth of the 1960s and its influences on the collective imagination of western contemporary popular culture Manfreda, Giovanni 2003 Dublin City University Hum History 0.321722514922 Philosophy 0.254900715925 809437 The nature of evolution and change of the marketing channel and selected segments of the market in the personal computer industry in Ireland Kane, Orla 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.732335093447 Agriculture 0.0600161050325 774838 The new literacy: the case for primary education O'Halloran, Jean 1992 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.756148632073 Economics 0.0851584820517 793005 The numerical solution of ordinary and algebraic differential equations using one step methods Keogh, Gerard 1990 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.686623429879 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.189642842002 810902 The numerical solution of the parabolic integrro-differential equations Xue, Lanzhen 1993 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.641297118069 Civil-Engineering 0.108684199567 771864 The oak tree and the olive tree - the true dream of Eva Gore-Booth Barone, Angela R 1990 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.167596187843 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.165241305524 811743 The Oireachtas: examination of the proceedings of two committees of the 27th Dail and their impact on the functions of parliament Kelly, Laurence 1998 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.29060860838 Law 0.183243942104 772638 The online communication of paedophile beliefs Martin, Patrick 2000 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.171555303327 Medicine 0.164799198301 768041 The optical tunnelling problem for fibres with w-shaped refractive index profiles Craddock, Aidan 1996 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.517926064355 Agriculture 0.159837430676 1116426 The PACE system: A P2P architecture for cloud based EHealth systems Donnelly, Neil 2015 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.529447483562 Physics 0.244919999071 811747 The partner selection process of alliances in the manufacturer-distributor marketing channel: a case approach Laffan, Joanne 1996 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.218174476311 Law 0.18852512487 768032 The path to the Aras: (the role of political communications in the election of Mary McAleese as the eighth President of Ireland) Collins, Suzanne 2001 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.275405399238 Biology 0.154072717008 882096 The photo-Friedel-Crafts acylation of naphthoquinone in alternative “green” media and the photochemical generation of novel biaryl trifluoro phthalonitriles, their condensation to phthalocyanines and evaluation as singlet oxygen sensitisers Murphy, Brian 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.815039485268 Biology 0.0474825519445 653113 The photochemical properties of arene metal carbonyl complexes of group 6 and 7 elements Brennan, Peter 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.872057139938 Physics 0.0191571105403 777332 The photochemistry of (n6-arene)M(CO)3 (M = Cr or Mo) and Related Compounds. Pryce, Mary 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.826092478586 Agriculture 0.0307322053831 774844 The photochemistry of (n6-arene)M(CO)³(M, Mo, or W) and (n6-arene)²Cr+ O'Keeffe, Siobhan 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.702973798944 Mathematics 0.0344300205075 680042 The photochemistry of azaferrocene and its derivatives Heenan, Davnat 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.808174777718 Biology 0.0364135211938 762956 The photochemistry of M(CO)6 and (n6-pyridne)Cr(CO)3 (M, Mo, or W) and related systems Breheny, Ciara 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.79078503805 Biology 0.0512699760004 768038 The photochemistry of monosubstituted triphenylphosphine derivatives of some metal carbonyl complexes Crocock, Barry 1992 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.807795744819 Agriculture 0.0315244433219 770396 The photochemistry of some donor-acceptor systems Grimley, Fionuala M 1987 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.78066365708 Biology 0.0442619225298 773384 The photochemistry of some n-acylphthalimides McSweeney, Nigel 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.568590054366 Biology 0.102470863448 792609 The photophysical properties and applications of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes as luminescent probes of proteins Walsh, Miriam 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.62408643431 Chemistry 0.297171390113 773413 The photophysical properties of Ruthenium(11) Polypyridyl complexes immobilised in sol-gel matrices Mongey, Karen 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.811987147051 Biology 0.0570020398148 771662 The political culture of social consensus and social conflict: the example of European economic integration and globalisation in Ireland and France Hennessy, Barry 1999 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.440355830381 History 0.424564111043 777159 The political economy of development news: Analysing news coverage under Aquino Pelejo, Meldy 1990 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.455966642284 Statistics 0.115189064471 1061876 The political economy of EU interregionalism McCrossan, Peter 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.407878391076 Economics 0.382750812446 465029 The political economy of Irish television broadcasting policy 1997 - 2007 Murphy, Kenneth W. 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.421157390359 Economics 0.214253539126 773789 The politics of economic realignment, Ireland 1948 - 1964 Murphy, Gary 1996 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.69734773321 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.196300244779 773775 The politics of Irish history: transition in Ireland: modernization or underdevelopment Mulhall, Terry 1988 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.710531254392 History 0.122213824025 772107 The portrayal of immigrants in Stern magazine Leahy, Angela 1996 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.532809581609 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.0847106636438 769310 The potential for Arabic transfer in the oral interlanguage of English El Marzouk, Ghiath 1992 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.373848979491 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.226252450016 827649 The potential of online technologies and social media in 21st century teacher professional development & practice: a mixed methods study exploring teachers’ personal, professional development and/or classroom use of online technologies in Ireland and United States of America. Hagan, Teresa 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.750170010134 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.123321764357 763125 The preparation and characterisation of hydrophobic polymeric membranes for use in the separation of liquid mixtures using pervaporation separation processes Byrne, Susan M. 1998 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.711237435941 Biology 0.139385751249 769301 The preparation and investigation of supported hydrocarbon oxidation catalysts Dreelan, Michael Joseph 1989 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.855517175442 Biology 0.0364090719114 654443 The preparation of magnetic nanoparticle assemblies for biomedical applications Ghosh, Swapankumar 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.439804512141 Physics 0.37485507203 792577 The production and optical investigation of ion-doped sol-gel-derived silica Marron, Pauline 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.516040765139 Industrial-Engineering 0.232741510004 810639 The production of antibodies to coumarin and its major human metabolites Killard, Anthony J. 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.441549144531 Biology 0.212831532002 792361 The production of metal matrix composites using the stir casting technique Hashim, Jasmi 1999 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.734867971137 Chemistry 0.0785256584154 620704 The production of polyclonal, monoclonal and genetically-derived scFv antibody fragments for the detection of the ß-lactam antibiotic, cephalexin, in milk Darmanin Sheehan, Alfredo 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.824312090196 Veterinary 0.0768831717019 622536 The production of recombinant single chain antibody fragments for the detection of illicit drug residues Brennan, Joanne 2005 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.751076591412 Veterinary 0.0547384868435 769323 The production, characterisation and applications of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to warfarin Fitzpatrick, Brian 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.521947924367 Chemistry 0.265397878379 770407 The purification and characterisation of a membrane bound pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase type-II from bovine brain Gallagher, Seán P 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.741053193859 Chemistry 0.111456631557 769296 The purification and characterisation of a prolyl oligopeptidase from the cytosolic fraction of bovine whole brain Dowling, Oonagh 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.764230757381 Chemistry 0.11537481076 772123 The purification and characterisation of a pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase type-1 activity from the cytosolic fraction of bovine whole brain Cummins, Philip 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.461785831407 Chemistry 0.326742934885 808510 The purification and characterisation of a Z-pro-prolinal insensitive Z-gly-pro-MCA degrading peptidase from bovine serum Birney, Yvonne A. 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.513864590903 Chemistry 0.159549168866 764516 The purification and characterisation of prolyl oligopeptidase from human saliva and dipeptidyl peptidase IV from bovine serum Buckley, Seamus J. 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.690141954608 Chemistry 0.0782993813454 772623 The purification, characterisation and stabilisation of a soluble pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase from bovine brain McKeon, Ultan 1999 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.764071810219 Chemistry 0.0916021408333 809447 The quality of industrial sales performance and its contribution to the success of firms in the Republic of Ireland Gavaghan, J. Cyril 1995 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.43533852721 Medicine 0.124040424809 1064293 The rational design and synthesis of novel Kv1 inhibitors and their application to neurological diseases Daly, Declan 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.817385650641 Biology 0.0843311348126 777155 The regulation of cellular CD23 gene expression by Epstein-Barr virus latent proteins in immortalised cells Power, Carol Mary 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.802152615643 Medicine 0.0788889101412 465451 The regulation of metabolic gene expression in human skeletal muscle by exercise: the influence of exercise intensity and contraction frequency Carson, Brian 2010 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.863431803853 Medicine 0.0689470734401 885854 The relevance of communicative competence theories to foreign language teaching Dlekan, Samih 1990 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.692325049496 Psychology 0.177199337051 882071 The removal of chlorophenoxy herbicides from drinking water by activated carbon adsorption and liquid core microcapsuleperstraction Engels, Nora 2012 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.283183289267 Medicine 0.169862197797 465475 The Representation of the Ethnic and Cultural 'Other' in Primary School Textboooks: A Comparative Case Study of North Rhine Westphalia (Germany) and Ireland Liese, Melanie 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.725091272288 Education 0.0393217996828 742496 The representation of work in German grammar books Leahy, Angela 2004 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.768663655758 History 0.0959832185037 882122 The response of planktonic and aggregated bacterial cells in aqueous media to photodisinfection techniques Almeida, Ana 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.441850629462 Medicine 0.311907955754 1061872 The responsibility to protect: from doctrine to practice‘R2P’ and protection of civilians: case study: DRC Joly, Francoise 2015 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.676476139141 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.2623841507 464923 The role of a nurse-led vascular risk reduction clinic in diabetes care Mac Mahon Tone, Jacqueline 2008 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.894019733656 Psychology 0.0261275904764 465061 The role of altered cyclic strain patterns on proliferation and apoptosis of vascular smooth muscle cells - implications for in-stent restenosis Colombo, Alberto 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.76182618485 Industrial-Engineering 0.0549197475148 465526 The role of cellular signalling pathways and translation initiation factors in Herpesvirus infection McMahon, Robert 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.410036069341 Biology 0.393274168738 792615 The role of communications in preventative medicine and health promotion: The Kilkenny health project Wallace, Barbara 1989 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.696588421641 Civil-Engineering 0.137156328417 464911 The role of computer mediated environment and simulations in mediating consumers' personal and domestic life-worlds Siddiqui, Shakeel 2008 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.38845560781 Agriculture 0.110181636898 792377 The role of counselling in the education of the schoolgoing child Stokes, Mary 1986 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.597668757211 Medicine 0.130975037759 882169 The role of cyclic strain on miRNA mediated human aortic smooth muscle cell (HAoSMC) dynamics MacDonnell, Brian 2014 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.874803694115 Medicine 0.0381659927988 742488 The role of Galectin-3 and Survivin in invasion and drug resistance in human cancer Linehan, Rasha 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.806435212722 Medicine 0.134955473878 750311 The role of hand-held datalogging technology in junior certificate science Walshe, A.M. 2003 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.229513004666 Agriculture 0.172913337356 1186034 The role of nurse education in improving patient outcomes and patient satisfaction with nursing care: A multiple case study of nursing teams in three hospitals across Ireland and Germany. Lehwaldt, Daniela 2016 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.864738046183 Biology 0.0273206199072 464941 The role of receptor tyrosine kinase signalling in HER-2-positive cells and trastuzumab (Herceptin) resistancein breast cancer Browne, Brigid 2009 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.672589233817 Biology 0.243050146248 882143 The role of SNARE proteins in CD4+ T-helper cell subsets deCourcey, Joseph 2013 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.485563117174 Medicine 0.410503036837 792610 The role of solvents in mediating the reactions of photoproduced coordinatively unsaturated metal fragments Walsh, Margaret Mary 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.854366812583 Biology 0.0485500361102 772981 The role of the community in responding to drug related problems McCann, Mary Helen 1999 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.71808973289 Education 0.102078720613 699874 The role of the notch and hedgehog signalling pathways in vascular smooth muscle cell growth Morrow, David 2006 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.652666971397 Industrial-Engineering 0.227546719074 750577 The role of the notch signalling pathway in vascular smooth muscle cell apoptosis Sweeney, Catherine Helena 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.456030600919 Industrial-Engineering 0.263364786517 828802 The rules of pork? The impact of electoral systems on legislators’ behaviour in Honduras Muñoz Portillo, Juan Manual 2013 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.552713047158 Psychology 0.0896948936587 465057 The science communication environment: biotechnology researchers' discourse on communication Merton, Eve 2009 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.366948987723 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.264816992861 881329 The search for performance related factors in biomechanics Richter, Chris 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.176208200727 Biology 0.165611067355 1118416 The security-development nexus as risk management: a multiple-donor case study of the coordination of security and development in US, UK and Canadian policy McConnon, Eamonn 2015 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.690235269111 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.174193265547 753609 The select committees of the 24th Oireachtas Arkins, Audrey M. 1988 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.184223490984 Medicine 0.176088091 882097 The silent partners? Leading parental involvement in primary schools in areas experiencing educational inequality. O'Reilly, Siobhan 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.813894881975 Medicine 0.037238742364 749895 The slow-motion approximation for the Gor'kov-Éliashberg equations Sartori, Luca 2003 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.695501351133 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.205391987173 771952 The solution of two point boundary value problems in a parallel environment Keenan, Padraig 1992 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.262641616234 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.142910550528 743433 The speaker of parliament: a rational choice account Martin, Shane G. 2002 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.59063140567 Linguistics 0.212051601339 773389 The spectrum of the simplified magnetohydrodynamic ballooning equation by computation of the titchmarsh-weyl coefficient Milligan, Gerard 1989 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.684305465884 Agriculture 0.058919716 772128 The state and cultural policy in Ireland: the case of the Irish audiovisual sector Keenaghan, Celia 1991 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.346762563673 Visual arts 0.269976585585 768063 The state, public policy and gender: Ireland in transition, 1957-1977 Connolly, Eileen 1998 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.402953150395 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.320731723967 772633 The strategy formation process: a study of Irish SMEs McCarthy, Breda 1997 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.18678138357 Industrial-Engineering 0.166402992692 771681 The structure and evolution of chaos in dynamical systems Jenkins, Paul L 1993 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.264618094943 Industrial-Engineering 0.247231068703 653112 The study of a new and specific proline cleaving peptidase from bovine serum Collins, Patrick J. 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.587316631515 Medicine 0.0931081603289 874493 The subject learning folder and its application in supporting the training of 2nd year students in self-assessment techniques Ford, JoAnne 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.850684267291 Biology 0.0559180273822 496130 The substantive representation of women in the Tanzanian parliament Mkilanya, Veronica Mathew 2011 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.313419422772 Economics 0.166173508211 811756 The switch drug phenomenon: a phenomenological inquiry into the role of nicotine replacement therapy in smoking cessation behaviour Sherlock, Roger 1999 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.198518143384 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.190418350625 885904 The synthesis and applications of deuteriated polypyridyl ligands O'Dwyer, Una 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.617944183502 Agriculture 0.0870345198805 742126 The synthesis and characterisation of inorganic and organicluminophores suitable for biomolecule conjugation Dolan, Ciaran 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.817784707329 Biology 0.11839394556 622395 The synthesis and characterisation of novel rhodium(III) heteroleptic complexes Burke, Helen M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.889327109039 Law 0.0142999800006 882111 The synthesis and characterisation of novel Ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes for use in cellular imaging Stack, Zoe Joseph 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.662564163905 Biology 0.210084559413 773381 The synthesis and characterisation of polymeric donor-acceptor systems Kearney, Robert 1990 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.764870596957 Medicine 0.0826348758096 809049 The synthesis and characterisation of some organic dicyanomethylene salts Wilson, Orla 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.802188892941 Medicine 0.0296829292103 749909 The synthesis and characterization of novel N-ferrocenyl benzoyl amino acid and dipeptide derivatives Savage, David M. 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.771887733585 Biology 0.0561620309375 654146 The synthesis and medicinal applications of pyrogallol4arenes Carey, Stephen 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.714695714912 Biology 0.0643531999354 793006 The synthesis and pharmacology of ephedrine analogues Mullen, Aidan J 1991 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.708456269613 Biology 0.102529098167 811722 The synthesis and photochemistry of nitric oxide containing organometallic compunds of iron Maher, Kieran 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.836361993523 Biology 0.0311226012409 749905 The synthesis and reactions of imidazo-1, 2,3-triazoles obtained by the cycloaddition of 1, 2,3-triazolium-N-imides and nitrogen-containing dipolarphiles Sheridan, Mairéad 2002 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.718086758611 Biology 0.0457982103405 588119 The synthesis and sensing capabilities of new amide, urea and nitrile calix4arenes Schazmann, Benjamin 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.885819864881 Agriculture 0.0196784421236 464958 The synthesis and structural characterisation of novel 4- and 5- membered nitrogen heterocycles derived from azoacetates O'Halloran, Neil 2009 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.858620421961 Medicine 0.0209765202424 763137 The synthesis and thermal and photochemical transformations of 1, 3-dipolar cycloadducts derived from 1, 2,3-triazolium-N-imides Byrne, Ciaran 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.804863635801 Biology 0.0466822500188 465455 The synthesis characterization and application of novel N-ferrocenoyl peptide derivatives Brennan, Noel 2010 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.89228521228 Biology 0.026340685101 773401 The synthesis of condensed tannins Moran, Declan 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.590528057791 Agriculture 0.132553540246 810196 The synthesis, characterisation, photochemical and photophysical properties of Ruthenium(II) and Osmium (II) polypyridyl complexes containing Triazole ligands Hughes, Helen P 1993 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.846177653475 Medicine 0.0224965178304 793004 The synthesis, electrochemical, spectroscopic, and photophysical characterisation of ruthenium(II) polypyridyl complexes containing quinone/hydroquinone moieties Keyes, Tia E 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.856438251824 Biology 0.0512874981092 688505 The synthesis, photochemistry & electrochemistry ofdithienylethene switches & their organometallic complexes Harvey, Emma 2012 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.822432217718 Economics 0.0469270398822 750547 The synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterisation of Ru(II) polypyridyl complexes containing hydroquinone Lynch, Fiona Catherine 2006 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.852345263006 Biology 0.0269969064189 773790 The synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterisation of Ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes containing a catechol moiety O'Brien, Luke 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.852648482109 Biology 0.052097360661 792600 The synthesis, spectroscopic and electrochemical characterisation of ruthenium(II) and osmium(II) polypyridyl complexes containing aryl-bridged 1, 2,4-traizole ligands Weldon, Frances 1998 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.843975923074 Biology 0.0308324688921 464909 The synthesis, structural characterization and biological evaluation of potential chemotherapeutic agents Moran, Brian W. 2008 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.720793715598 Medicine 0.107874870649 673303 The synthesis, structural characterization and biological evaluation of potential chemotherapeutic agents Anderson, Frankie P. 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.788789223872 Biology 0.147903743088 742133 The synthesis, structural characterization and in vitro anticancer activity of novel ferrocenyl bioconjugates Harry, Andy Garry 2013 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.522866855872 Biology 0.149743543174 811739 The theory and practice of privatisation (considerations for Ireland) Halford, Robert 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.302369630086 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0911746178933 772103 The translation of culture-specific terms in tourist information material Lasa, Ignacio Hernandez 1993 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.881463476398 Industrial-Engineering 0.0276047183173 742479 The translators' tale: a translator-centred history of seven English translations (1823-1944) of the Grimms' fairy tale, Sneewittchen Chapelle, Niamh 2001 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.733803248994 Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.134171241873 773797 The use of a laboratory-scale peat biofilter to study the removal of gaseous ammonia Murray, Niamh 2001 Dublin City University Life Agriculture 0.721995903781 Biology 0.0766005673215 654137 The use of chemically stabilised proteolytic enzymes in peptide synthesis Colleary, Sandra 2003 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.340447118013 Chemistry 0.318142885045 1186029 The use of exergy analysis to benchmark the resource efficiency of municipal waste water treatment plants in Ireland Horrigan, Matthew 2016 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.531056533224 Biology 0.1771470996 771692 The use of in vitro techniques to examine the effect of ensiling on the ruminal digestion of perennial ryegrass Hickey, Mary-Clare 2000 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.365309860365 Agriculture 0.177519645359 749950 The use of intra-subject variability as a means of identifying performance enhancement interventions Park, Gary 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.527948126225 Biology 0.251241022395 768039 The use of non-radioactive iodine as a label in biological assays Creed, Elizabeth 1994 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.447320429588 Chemistry 0.154421619581 763131 The use of non-radioactive iodine as a label in immunoassays Butler, Mary 1995 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.517285914622 Chemistry 0.237902168061 652695 The use of soybean peroxidase in amperometric biosensors Carolan, Neil 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.42998834665 Chemistry 0.418515258249 773780 The validity of a portfolio approach to instruction and assessment in writing in the primary school Murphy, Regina M. 2000 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.855955475767 Biology 0.042797629427 752492 The valuation of collateralised debt obligations: multi-period modelling in a risk-neutral framework O'Kelly, Brian Gerard 2005 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.545384610202 Law 0.159705677441 619801 The visceral screen: Between the cinemas of John Cassavetes and David Cronenberg, a Barthesian perspective Furze, Robert 2011 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.703214474103 Linguistics 0.0485026508419 745535 The VPS ReplaySuite: development and evaluation of a novel, Internet based telepathology tool Johnston, Dan 2005 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.5712383014 Veterinary 0.125921552033 774286 The work of G.G. Stokes in evaluating the Airy rainbow integral and its ramifications today O'Donnell, Anne B 1996 Dublin City University Hard Mathematics 0.561038143655 Industrial-Engineering 0.0705011816295 809443 The world is what you make it: an application of virtual reality to the tourism industry Horan, Patrick P 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.270523147764 Economics 0.171935082343 495995 The XFM view adaptation mechanism: An essential component for XML data warehouses Liu, Jun 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.791689419887 Economics 0.0467107759943 648135 The Ybox: a front-end processing engine for web community based applications Frawley, Liam 2003 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.699055312309 Industrial-Engineering 0.0814171339055 684891 Theoretical and experimental studies of ZnO nanowires grown by vapour phase transport Saunders, Ruth B. 2012 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.520467334601 Agriculture 0.203033340424 680036 Theoretical and photochemical studies of some group 6 organometallic complexes Alamiry, Mohammed Abid Hassan 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.791118685503 Biology 0.0688251422679 465045 Theories, practices and promises: human trafficking laws and policies in destination states of the Council of Europe Yuko, Elizabeth Ivana 2009 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.751818503861 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0600173128594 767813 Thermal bridging: an investigation of the heat loss effects of thermal bridges common in Irish construction practice Cash, Bernard 1997 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.813125776379 Civil-Engineering 0.0690316467089 769297 Thermal mass flow measurement Duffy, Daniel F. 2000 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.638879320473 Civil-Engineering 0.301406773617 495418 Thermal spray of a drug delivery system onto femoral orthopaedic implant Chebbi, Ahmed 2011 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.46985969454 Chemistry 0.43563473335 622390 Thermal stresses in pipes Al-Zaharnah, Iyad 2002 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.752875506321 Civil-Engineering 0.127399481389 1021901 Thermophysical behaviour and applications of N- isopropylacrylamide-based ionogels Gallagher, Simon 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.789393902593 Industrial-Engineering 0.105610058758 750545 Thin film electroluminescent displays produced using sol-gel methods Lydon Kavanagh, Yvonne 2004 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.597476673849 Physics 0.169473336601 811725 Time resolved measurements in the post-discharge of an RF Plasma Molloy, James C 1990 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.479136811472 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0997751893673 885901 Time series forecasting methodologies for electricity supply systems Murray, Fiona 1996 Dublin City University Hard Statistics 0.323946835205 Industrial-Engineering 0.271652899432 826755 Topical relevance models Ganguly, Debasis 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.764798567539 Biology 0.0470058803252 582438 Toward higher effectiveness for recall-oriented information retrieval: A patent retrieval case study Magdy, Walid 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.625661519671 Industrial-Engineering 0.0831013068835 792596 Towards a German grammar programme for post-leaving certificate students at Dublin City University Simon, Annette 1999 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.766499495281 Psychology 0.0896982147098 464912 Towards a machine-learning architecture for lexical functional grammar parsing Chrupała, Grzegorz 2008 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.614961452971 Linguistics 0.186175733257 772302 Towards a philosophy for legislation in Gaelic games: a study of a philosophy for legislation in the Gaelic games of football and hurling, an how this philosophy should improve the playing rules of these two national games Lennon, Joe 1999 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.760147700427 Visual arts 0.0570809649311 769321 Towards accessible technical documents: production of speech and Braille output from formatted documents Fitzpatrick, Donal 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.604843968648 Chemistry 0.0942321028 885913 Towards an integrative approach to IMS: the case of Central and Eastern Europe Moorhead, Lorna 1994 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.786936571845 Agriculture 0.0677746983114 769308 Towards an understanding of marketing planning practices in indigenous small firms in the electronics sector in the republic of Ireland Ennis, Sean 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.372083582704 Civil-Engineering 0.302337530586 885900 Towards effective hospitality management: a proposed methodology aimed at improving the process of strategy implementation within the Irish hotel sector O'Connor, Colin 1997 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.339834820326 Industrial-Engineering 0.24749659371 1064287 Towards effective retrieval of spontaneous conversational spoken content Eskevich, Maria 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.840707271789 Agriculture 0.0488157586582 750563 Towards molecular systems capable of self-assembly on gold surfaces: synthesis and characterisation of ruthenium and osmium based terpyridine complexes Tasca, Stefania 2005 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.888467169942 Earth sciences 0.0155213820907 811753 Towards quality in marketing: a small firm context O'Shea, Josephine Ann 1994 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.846930406093 Industrial-Engineering 0.0502629751998 811758 Towards quality in marketing: a small firm context O'Shea, Josephine Ann 1994 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.842337645178 Industrial-Engineering 0.0488327082837 769505 Toxicity and biosorption of metals by saccharomyces cerevisiae, amorphotheca resinae and azolla filiculoides Fogarty, Robert V. 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.176337484664 Medicine 0.149812551728 769315 Trace analysis of environmentally important species Dunne, Catherine 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.260803323284 Agriculture 0.191788315364 777321 Trace metal determinations in aqueous environments Regan, Fiona 1994 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.700095741732 Physics 0.119264840979 811726 Trace metal speciation in environmental systems Rogers, Aisling 1996 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.813164280037 Biology 0.0683886186582 763128 Trace metal speciation studies Byrne, Lorraine M. 1997 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.727206148474 Biology 0.0673646296551 465541 Tracing the journey of cross-cultural adaptation of Polish migrant women in Ireland - a process of creating home when home is away. Storch, Katharina 2008 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.692279258407 Linguistics 0.199272534172 882078 Traditions and modernities: Aer Lingus and the visualisation of Irish identities 1951-1961 King, Linda 2007 Dublin City University Hum History 0.164397925673 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.156116007657 465452 Traffic Control in Packet Switched Networks Adamovic, Ljiljana 2010 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.651574263988 Mathematics 0.256530481353 774507 Training platform for the design of a windows multimedia device O'Donnell, G P 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845425848906 Chemistry 0.028249780064 588117 TransBooster:black box optimisation of machine translation systems Mellebeek, Bart 2007 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.701293903439 Linguistics 0.180858427083 752490 Transcriptional regulation of chemically induced epithelial lung cell differentiation, in vitro McMorrow, Jason 2004 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.861793858688 Medicine 0.0884823478609 768821 Transcriptional regulation of gene expression in lung carcinoma cells Doolan, Padraig 2001 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.673637721586 Medicine 0.257326743062 920327 Transcriptional regulation of matrilysin gene expression O'Shea, Helen 1996 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.156820884953 Medicine 0.10649396803 621677 Transient simulation of complex electronic circuits and systems operating at ultra high frequencies Dautbegovic, Emira 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.834901888692 Industrial-Engineering 0.114265511352 1024459 Transitioning to minimal running footwear; implications for performance and running related injury when compared to conventional running shoes. Warne, Joe P. 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.241078361356 Biology 0.173632592801 767582 Translating the post-editor: an investigation of post-editing changes and correlations with professional experience across two Romance languages de Almeida, Giselle 2013 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.629054540507 Biology 0.184194899571 1114897 Translation and trust: a case study of how translation was experienced by foreign nationals resident in Japan for the 2011 great east Japan earthquake Cadwell, Patrick 2015 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.831583403758 Medicine 0.0718763009886 582236 Translation of a book of evidence and its impact on a criminal trial - A case study Jarmolowska, Karolina 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.52384668602 Law 0.377942060387 742491 Translation, the French language and the United Irishmen (1792-1804) Kleinman, Sylvie 2005 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.759027785129 History 0.0661623759112 882030 Transnationalism, power and change: three decades of debt campaigning Somers, Jean 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.61783657203 Law 0.241752052155 749908 Treebank annotation with a wide-coverage head-driven phrase structure grammar Schmidtke, Dag 2004 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.405856372247 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.117883217489 465019 Treebank-based acquisition of Chinese LFG resources for parsing and generation Guo, Yuqing 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.641218679936 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0966096125697 465270 Treebank-based automatic acquisition of wide coverage, deep linguistic resources for Japanese Oya, Masanori 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.484450353997 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.419201791203 465508 Treebank-Based Deep Grammar Acquisition for French Probabilistic Parsing Resources Schluter, Natalie 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.649607148722 Linguistics 0.134606840404 465055 Treebank-based grammar acquisition for German Rehbein, Ines 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.446458525527 Linguistics 0.321499078505 836660 Tribological behaviour of DLC and Si-DLC films deposited on nitrile rubber for handpump piston seals Lubwama, Michael 2013 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.501580736307 Agriculture 0.16845749819 465488 Tribological Investigation of Nickel Titanium Shape Memory Alloy (NiTi SMA) Coatings Abu Bakar, Tuty Asma 2010 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.632316507245 Biology 0.0908860056596 582435 Trust and reputation in multi-modal sensor networks for marine environmental monitoring O'Connor, Edel 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.727491417607 Industrial-Engineering 0.0939524146061 749933 Truth and untruth: Louis-Ferdinand Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit and the memory of the Great War 1914-1918 Quinn, Thomas Michael Patrick 2002 Dublin City University Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.598667944581 Biology 0.0606665518205 772120 Tuning structure to optimise charge transport: nanoparticle composites, microcrystals and metallopolymers Keane, Lorraine 2003 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.509637392769 Biology 0.0847951471297 465504 Two photon and two colour ionization of atoms in intense extreme-UV and optical laser fields Richardson, Vincent 2011 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.740722419096 Biology 0.0964790953067 771960 Two-dimensional minimum free energy autoregressive parametric modelling and spectral estimation Kiernan, P. 1995 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.75573048407 Statistics 0.109951062298 682776 Types and verification for infinite state systems Mendel-Gleason, Gavin 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.499204645224 Agriculture 0.0884223471589 465527 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors in Triple Negative Breast Cancer Corkery, Brendan Martin 2010 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.536450158566 Biology 0.337640304858 621679 Ulster Unionist dimension in the USA: prioritising neutrality or leverage, third party mediation with a reluctant actor: the U.S. government and Ulster unionists as a case study Aviotte, Elodie 2004 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.235102573641 Economics 0.147495191178 836666 Ultrafast and intense laser interaction with gases and solids Kelly, Mossy 2013 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.799888506559 Chemistry 0.0539857062874 811737 Understanding a strategic alliance Donnellan, Emma 1995 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.84736455194 Industrial-Engineering 0.0380933128374 849765 Understanding innovation in digital media artistic production in Ireland Morgan, Trish 2012 Dublin City University Hum Visual arts 0.437690540702 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.362308988274 824258 Understanding school leadership: A mixed methods study of the context and needs of serving and aspiring post primary school principalsA mixed methods study of the context and needs of serving and aspiring post primary school principals Cuddihy, Nicholas John 2012 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.807263221543 Industrial-Engineering 0.0604420628684 768064 Understanding student nurse learning: a comparative study of learning through nurse education programmes for the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Cowman, Seamus 1994 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.342728454648 Medicine 0.222621580829 793008 Uniaxial stress-strain properties of metallic materials at high strain rates and at higher temperatures Sun, Jian 1993 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.826125005166 Civil-Engineering 0.0941103833373 620700 Universal design of an automatic page-turner Brady, Aidan 2004 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.501627540857 Industrial-Engineering 0.294615139367 811752 University - Community interaction: the development of a network to facilitate knowledge and know-how diffusion between Dublin City University and four partnership companies O'Reilly, Eamonn 1996 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.262615664198 Law 0.219008048736 882155 University students and teaching staff attitudes toward language of instruction in Libyan science and engineering education Tamtam, Abdalmonem 2014 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.662209054243 Medicine 0.0472291736511 465037 Unravelling the anti-inflammatory mechanisms of dietary fatty acids Dowling, Jennifer K. 2009 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.428738272825 Chemistry 0.147135287479 1021967 Unusual event detection in real-world surveillance applications Kuklyte, Jogile 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.86843153955 Industrial-Engineering 0.0473359351787 1064301 Upgrading ekphrasis: representations of digital space and virtual worlds in contemporary literature Shiel, Nina 2015 Dublin City University Soc Psychology 0.309844183598 Chemistry 0.0930449835118 465646 Use of poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogelation for tissue engineering: composites, scaffold formation and cell encapsulation Vrana, Nihal Engin 2009 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.427321405884 Biology 0.186182237882 592365 User friendly communication with CAD for the disabled hassan, Mohammed Nurul 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.56222329538 Biology 0.205470813886 465540 User interface design for keyframe-based content browsing of digital video Lee, Hyowon 2001 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.876848619799 Industrial-Engineering 0.0319737258572 682778 User-centric power-friendly quality-based network selection strategy for heterogeneous wireless environments Trestian, Ramona 2012 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.90186665756 Economics 0.0244927261911 881331 Using atmospheric pressure tendency to optimise batterycharging in o-grid hybrid wind-diesel systems fortelecoms Phelan, Shane 2014 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.822227726446 Economics 0.0329826358299 653105 Using audio-based signal processing to passively monitor road traffic Duffner, Orla 2006 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.42063406573 Physics 0.140524583773 1021964 Using community trained recommender models for enhanced information retrieval Li, Wei 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.79580567815 Statistics 0.0608546692584 680031 Using contour information and segmentation for object registration, modeling and retrieval Adamek, Tomasz 2006 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.832357281531 Linguistics 0.0432910200933 591055 Using EMBT to produce foreign language subtitles Armstrong, Stephen 2007 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.771045372576 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0401558852236 810203 Using GOMS to predict the usability of user interfaces of small off-the-shelf software products O'Neill, Aine P 1990 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.813724030497 Industrial-Engineering 0.0579972476476 763126 Utility of inflation accounting data to investors Byrne, Marann 1992 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.846175486353 Medicine 0.0311485461542 622547 Vacuum-UV photoabsorption imaging of laser produced plasmas Hirsch, John Stephane 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.740771409164 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.17041401403 764520 Validation of a liver cell model for studies on the effects of some micro-food components on antioxidant defense Cantwell, Helen 1998 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.755083718421 Medicine 0.129339278828 836659 Validation of a screening instrument for autism spectrum disorders among primary school children in Ireland Boilson, Andrew Martin 2013 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.50148909641 Education 0.361975596215 743406 Values migration: The influence of Christianity and traditional Chinese values on the cross-cultural adaptation of Chinese migrants in Irish society Zhu, Liwei 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.767895314719 Anthropology 0.0648599506735 1116422 VANET-enabled eco-friendly road characteristics-aware routing for vehicular traffic Doolan, Ronan 2015 Dublin City University Hard Civil-Engineering 0.557962982007 Agriculture 0.0880571541286 750550 Vapour and electro-deposited metal films on copper: structure and reactivity McEvoy, Thomas F. 2004 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.66042151562 Chemistry 0.0884390408296 808513 Variable-temperature mossbauer spectroscopic studies and the structures of organotin (IV) compounds Quill, Kieran 1985 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.667083633771 Physics 0.184415739363 768827 Vascular endothelial growth factor in breast cancer and novel anti-angiogenic mechanisms of tamoxifen Donovan, Declan 1999 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.662152143467 Biology 0.245366812943 881320 VHF-PECVD and analysis of thin nano-crystalline silicon films with a multi-tile plasma source for solar energy applications Monaghan, Eamonn 2014 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.472484585068 Physics 0.268315217168 773772 Video coding for compression and content-based functionality Mulroy, Patrick Joseph 1999 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.896634892794 Statistics 0.0126836827886 885894 Video object segmentation for future multimedia applications O'Connor, Noel E. 1998 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.864673414612 Chemistry 0.0372482279513 653110 Video retrieval using objects and ostensive relevance feedback Browne, Paul 2005 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.739525305737 Physics 0.137058245074 743410 Virtual learning process environment (VLPE): a BPM-based learning process management architecture Adesina, Ayodeji 2013 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.663016025707 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.240411342239 773779 Visual perception an information-based approach to understanding biological and artificial vision Murphy, Noel A. 1992 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.430299912327 Psychology 0.302274402383 771695 Vocal tract acoustic measurements and their application to articulatory modelling Hogan, Billy 1997 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.467563647577 Industrial-Engineering 0.307961534231 590843 Voices from the Hinterland: lesbian women's experience of Irish health care Duffy, Marcella 2008 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.497635703828 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.156172146792 885825 Voices, values and visions: a study of the educate together epistemic community and its voice in a pluralist Ireland Mulcahy, Carmel 2006 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.855226597122 Chemistry 0.0209649821373 772296 Voltammetry of adsorbed monolayers: computer simulation and experiment Loughman, J Paul 2001 Dublin City University Hard Chemistry 0.748503785493 Biology 0.0623527526208 773792 Vowel coding using an articulatory model Murphy, Mary 1988 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.321543699269 Civil-Engineering 0.10725405073 768384 VUV emission and absorption spectroscopy with a multichannel near normal incidence spectrometer Dardis, Lee J 1998 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.85807292686 Chemistry 0.0359657841375 590320 VUV laser-induced plasma spectroscopy for low level sulphur detection in steel O'Leary, Eoin P. 2007 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.689957627828 Chemistry 0.131501602722 1024458 Walk a mile in my shoes: A case study of the everyday lives and work experiences of a group of Irish primary school Principals Stynes, Martin 2014 Dublin City University Soc Education 0.204145564582 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.141553627701 465010 Wavelength tunable transmitters for future reconfigurable agile optical networks Maher, Robert D. 2009 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.635172191655 Industrial-Engineering 0.200171425457 1062845 Wear testing and finite element analysis of nitrile rubber (NBR) hand pump seals ALkadhimi, Fadel 2015 Dublin City University Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.595334273021 Medicine 0.0982182419119 882126 Wearable chemo/bio-sensors for sweat sensing in sports applications: combining micro-fluidics and novel materials Curto, Vincenzo F. 2013 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.875898514289 Chemistry 0.026491181233 825480 Weaving words a diachronic analysis of the representation of gender, sexuality and otherness in women’s (re)writings of La Belle et la Bête McGrath, Dearbhla 2013 Dublin City University Hum Philology-and-Literary-Studies 0.65819800025 Linguistics 0.107155536088 1186282 What can a community radio contribute to health promotion in response to a health crisis/the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa? Ziba, Muyanga Innocent 2016 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.335616541078 Medicine 0.296434195242 882072 What is entrepreneurship? A phenomenological enquiry into the venture creation processes of a rapidly growing firm: The archaeology company Chalkley, Louise V. 2012 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.695150169369 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.146205265241 881318 What makes the city pulse Li, Yang 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.881448235454 Physics 0.0286896575841 465244 What's the story: a narrative overview of community interpreting in mental health care in Ireland Zimányi, Krisztina 2010 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.610926769033 Medicine 0.115351104183 654449 White beam synchrotron x-ray topography and micro-raman spectroscopy characterization of crystal materials Chen, Weimin 2003 Dublin City University Hard Physics 0.368178663052 Biology 0.182809199261 1023772 White matter volume assessment in premature infants on MRI at term - computer aided volume analysis Péporté, Michèle 2014 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.822249590904 Physics 0.0359512618986 828797 Who fires ministers? A principal-agent approach to ministerial deselection Bucur, Cristina 2013 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.379253516283 Economics 0.316769698292 882052 Wireless Vehicular Communication BasedSolution for Road Traffic Efficiency Collins, Kevin 2011 Dublin City University Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.851675157508 Civil-Engineering 0.052645336333 1064260 With a little help from our friends?: Independent commissions and the mediation of issues in post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland Walsh, Dawn 2014 Dublin City University Soc Law 0.442949645276 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.122122385143 750569 With loneliness and satisfaction: tracing the path of cross-cultural adaptation by members of the Vietnamese community in Ireland Sheridan, Vera 2005 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.605412086458 Linguistics 0.146437767658 1021963 Women as principal gate keepers: an ethnographic research study on, water and health in rural Uganda Mpalanyi Magala, Joyce 2014 Dublin City University Life Medicine 0.527572029125 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.189959408126 1137508 Women in combat: The status and roles assigned female personnel in the permanent defence forces. Clonan, Thomas Martin 2000 Dublin City University Life Biology 0.196666788864 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.196132605972 582430 Word alignment and smoothing methods in statistical machine translation: Noise, prior knowledge and overfitting Okita, Tsuyoshi 2012 Dublin City University Soc Linguistics 0.710690454188 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0621962548855 885872 World class manufacturing: implementation and measurement in the Irish automotive rubber mouldings component industry Ingle, Sarah 1999 Dublin City University Soc Economics 0.50103229397 Industrial-Engineering 0.347087146474 873986 World society theory and the development of Irish higher education (1960 - 2010) Doyle, Thomas M. 2014 Dublin City University Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.827549311599 Education 0.0406349689259 150405 "Switch peptides": conception et synthèse d'inhibiteurs ou destructeurs potentiels de fibrilles amyloïdes Saucede, Lydiane 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.79972906875 Biology 0.115734813864 570301 "Switch peptides": conception et synthèse d'inhibiteurs ou destructeurs potentiels de fibrilles amyloïdes Saucede, Lydiane 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.79972906875 Biology 0.115734813864 150579 0D microcavity polaritons: trapping light-matter quasiparticles El Daïf, Ounsi 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.905821205351 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0152709694282 570478 0D microcavity polaritons: trapping light-matter quasiparticles El Daïf, Ounsi 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.905821205351 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.0152709694282 1138503 2D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy Setup and Ultrafast Dynamics of Porphyrins Al Haddad, Andre 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.537656753712 Physics 0.402933693213 669246 3D Structuration Techniques of LTCC for Microsystems Applications Fournier, Yannick 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.602963804328 Industrial-Engineering 0.302046853715 570989 3D Structuration Techniques of LTCC for Microsystems Applications Fournier, Yannick 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.602963804328 Industrial-Engineering 0.302046853715 1028853 A (Nearly) Free Lunch: Extending NAND Flash Lifetime by Exploiting Neglected Physical Properties Jimenez, Xavier 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.771054875107 Agriculture 0.095632765205 690175 A 3D ALE Finite Element Method for Two-Phase Flows with Phase Change Rabello Dos Anjos, Gustavo 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.799954285948 Medicine 0.0462584438928 1189039 A balancing act between stratification and EMT in cultured human thymic epithelial cells Pluchinotta, Matteo 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.551801694096 Medicine 0.104466476204 151427 A collaborative approach to image segmentation and behavior recognition from image sequences Gui, Laura Ioana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.842075959762 Psychology 0.0627126867532 570713 A collaborative approach to image segmentation and behavior recognition from image sequences Gui, Laura Ioana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.842075959762 Psychology 0.0627126867532 161841 A colloidal approach to eye lens protein mixtures: relevance for cataract formation Dorsaz, Nicolas 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.65585909304 Chemistry 0.0892198631787 570788 A colloidal approach to eye lens protein mixtures: relevance for cataract formation Dorsaz, Nicolas 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.65585909304 Chemistry 0.0892198631787 690209 A Combination of Cold Ion Spectroscopy and Ion Mobility for the Study of Complex Peptides and Small Proteins Papadopoulos, Georgios 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.502337010379 Chemistry 0.294464910235 214860 A Cross-Layer Design of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Radunovic, Bozidar 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.822683106094 Industrial-Engineering 0.0449878507934 570196 A cross-layer design of wireless ad-hoc networks Radunovic, Bozidar 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.834323448897 Industrial-Engineering 0.0549591379546 1044419 A Dynamic Network Approach for Multimodal Urban Mobility: Modeling, Pricing and Control Zheng, Nan 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.504680371175 Industrial-Engineering 0.210009975164 150346 A field study of turbulent flows in shallow gravel-bed rivers Franca, Mário Jorge Rodrigues Pereira da 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.518262851739 Industrial-Engineering 0.203891034032 570242 A field study of turbulent flows in shallow gravel-bed rivers Franca, Mário Jorge Rodrigues Pereira da 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.518262851739 Industrial-Engineering 0.203891034032 731670 A Framework for Numerical Simulations of Structure Formation Becker, Claude 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.737827675093 Civil-Engineering 0.0801070505564 669347 A Generic Framework to Produce Probabilistic Rainfall Scenarios Incorporating Climate Change: Application to: Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management Strategies Beuchat, Xavier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.755624957924 Agriculture 0.106044987582 571089 A Generic Framework to Produce Probabilistic Rainfall Scenarios Incorporating Climate Change: Application to: Sustainable Urban Stormwater Management Strategies Beuchat, Xavier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.755624957924 Agriculture 0.106044987582 669489 A GIS-based Methodology for the Evaluation of Integrated Energy Systems in Urban Area Girardin, Luc 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.39821790321 Industrial-Engineering 0.362583315102 663958 A GIS-based Methodology for the Evaluation of Integrated Energy Systems in Urban Area Girardin, Luc 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.39821790321 Industrial-Engineering 0.362583315102 150567 A granular model of solidification as applied to hot tearing Vernède, Stéphane 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.380464427249 Industrial-Engineering 0.368098900251 570467 A granular model of solidification as applied to hot tearing Vernède, Stéphane 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.380464427249 Industrial-Engineering 0.368098900251 161837 A hardware-software codesign framework for cellular computing Mudry, Pierre-André 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.920311167043 Chemistry 0.0268120080782 570778 A hardware-software codesign framework for cellular computing Mudry, Pierre-André 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.920311167043 Chemistry 0.0268120080782 580348 A High-Throughput Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Protocol Knezevic, Nikola 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.83994983496 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.031548103924 669471 A High-Throughput Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Protocol Knezevic, Nikola 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.83994983496 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.031548103924 1067000 A Holistic Approach to Energy Harvesting for Indoor Robots: Theoretical Framework and Experimental Validations Vaussard, Florian Christopher 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.557575094752 Industrial-Engineering 0.29413328717 307592 A methodology (CUPRITE) for urban network travel time estimation by integrating multisource data Bhaskar, Ashish 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hum History 0.340376997815 Civil-Engineering 0.224666147982 570812 A methodology (CUPRITE) for urban network travel time estimation by integrating multisource data Bhaskar, Ashish 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hum History 0.340376997815 Civil-Engineering 0.224666147982 1093850 A Methodology for Holistic Lifecycle Approach as Decision Support System for Closed-loop Lifecycle Management Karakoyun, Fatih 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.625395025486 Agriculture 0.185540467839 150433 A micromechanical approach to the behaviour of single wood fibers and wood fracture at cellular level Sedighi Gilani, Marjan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.432816165693 Civil-Engineering 0.180516634121 570329 A micromechanical approach to the behaviour of single wood fibers and wood fracture at cellular level Sedighi Gilani, Marjan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.432816165693 Civil-Engineering 0.180516634121 1176487 A mixed-signal computer architecture and its application to power system problems Kyriakidis, Theodoros 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.864711690589 Mathematics 0.0556105786947 150581 A multimodal pattern recognition framework for speaker detection Besson, Patricia 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.897604772012 Earth sciences 0.0328714968639 570480 A multimodal pattern recognition framework for speaker detection Besson, Patricia 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.897604772012 Earth sciences 0.0328714968639 150432 A multitasking and data-driven architecture for multi-agents simulations Schertenleib, Sébastien 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.896759829031 Industrial-Engineering 0.0353615218622 570328 A multitasking and data-driven architecture for multi-agents simulations Schertenleib, Sébastien 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.89742432859 Industrial-Engineering 0.0307163762589 307685 A nano-tensile testing system for studying nanostructures inside an electron microscope: design, characterization and application Zhang, Dongfeng 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.573266858062 Industrial-Engineering 0.293944197386 570908 A nano-tensile testing system for studying nanostructures inside an electron microscope: design, characterization and application Zhang, Dongfeng 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.573266858062 Industrial-Engineering 0.293944197386 1025328 A new Mathematical Framework to Understand Single Neuron Computations Mensi, Skander 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.680955044628 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.250491153977 669424 A New Method to Explore Conformal Field Theories in Any Dimension Vichi, Alessandro 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.58568365275 Physics 0.295675246308 571163 A New Method to Explore Conformal Field Theories in Any Dimension Vichi, Alessandro 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.58568365275 Physics 0.295675246308 1011071 A New Noninvasively Adjustable Glaucoma Drainage Device Villamarin, Adan 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.742511709308 Biology 0.0678400948658 150615 A novel formalism for the study of the electronic and optical properties of high symmetry heterostructures Dalessi, Sascha 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.635725103782 Mathematics 0.173172026525 570516 A novel formalism for the study of the electronic and optical properties of high symmetry heterostructures Dalessi, Sascha 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.635725103782 Mathematics 0.173172026525 1058119 A Novel Structural Health Monitoring Method for Full-Scale CFRP Structures Guzman Solares, Enrique René 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.482688345374 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.255771849948 1098670 A pragmatic approach towards modeling microchannel condensation and evaporation Antonsen, Nicolas Espen 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.840371838749 Law 0.0189464278372 669368 A Probabilistic Approach to Socio-Geographic Reality Mining Farrahi, Katayoun 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.661400983369 Statistics 0.274821347773 571110 A Probabilistic Approach to Socio-Geographic Reality Mining Farrahi, Katayoun 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.661400983369 Statistics 0.274821347773 690180 A Quasi-Likelihood Approach to Zero-Inflated Spatial Count Data Monod, Anthea 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.766792272162 Civil-Engineering 0.0774470732289 150589 A simple & [and] accessible front-end satellite receiver for communications and e-learning in emerging countries Vidémé Bossou, Olivier 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.779919487055 Biology 0.0496764864774 570488 A simple & [and] accessible front-end satellite receiver for communications and e-learning in emerging countries Vidémé Bossou, Olivier 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.779919487055 Biology 0.0496764864774 150434 A strategy for xenobiotic removal using photocatalytic treatment, microbial degradation or integrated photocatalytic-biological process Lapertot, Miléna 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.630744867398 Industrial-Engineering 0.120142513865 570330 A strategy for xenobiotic removal using photocatalytic treatment, microbial degradation or integrated photocatalytic-biological process Lapertot, Miléna 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.630744867398 Industrial-Engineering 0.120142513865 1018896 A study of the spatio-temporal behaviour of bed load transport rate fluctuations Heyman, Joris 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.505497043583 Physics 0.297614687123 284637 A Systemic Paradigm for Early IT System Requirements Based on Regulation Principles: The Lightswitch Approach Regev, Gil 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.466675428448 Law 0.167829437664 1098671 A Systems Approach to Identify Genetic and Environmental Regulators of Metabolism Williams, Evan Graehl 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.626994855171 Medicine 0.23255978715 1170795 A Theoretical Investigation of Topological Insulator Nanostructures Virk, Naunidh Singh 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.591250238491 Mathematics 0.335948829225 307601 A theoretical study of disorder and decomposition in multinary nitrides hard coatings materials Alling, Björn 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.362200789965 Industrial-Engineering 0.179511149845 570821 A theoretical study of disorder and decomposition in multinary nitrides hard coatings materials Alling, Björn 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.362200789965 Industrial-Engineering 0.179511149845 150408 A typed intermediate language and algorithms for compiling scala by successive rewritings Altherr, Philippe 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.200071198149 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.15005552572 570304 A typed intermediate language and algorithms for compiling scala by successive rewritings Altherr, Philippe 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.200071198149 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.15005552572 669506 A Viscosity-Dependent Affinity Sensor for Continous Monitoring of Glucose in Biological Fluids Boss, Christophe 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.376420354992 Biology 0.27592027817 592882 A Viscosity-Dependent Affinity Sensor for Continous Monitoring of Glucose in Biological Fluids Boss, Christophe 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.376420354992 Biology 0.27592027817 669390 A Well-Defined Ni Pincer Catalyst for Cross Coupling of Non-Activated Alkyl Halides and Direct C-H Alkylation Vechorkin, Oleg 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.884217176116 Medicine 0.0174929829507 571131 A Well-Defined Ni Pincer Catalyst for Cross Coupling of Non-Activated Alkyl Halides and Direct C-H Alkylation Vechorkin, Oleg 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.884217176116 Medicine 0.0174929829507 149931 Ab initio study of the work functions of elemental metal crystals Fall, Caspar 1999 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.798742571362 Chemistry 0.0542216950318 569803 Ab initio study of the work functions of elemental metal crystals Fall, Caspar 1999 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.798742571362 Chemistry 0.0542216950318 150548 Above-IC RF MEMS devices for communication applications Fritschi, Raphaël 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888484320602 Industrial-Engineering 0.0232323447686 570448 Above-IC RF MEMS devices for communication applications Fritschi, Raphaël 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888484320602 Industrial-Engineering 0.0232323447686 152624 Abstractions for asynchronous distributed computing with malicious players Vukolic, Marko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.916210657517 Industrial-Engineering 0.0157830566447 570715 Abstractions for asynchronous distributed computing with malicious players Vukolic, Marko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.916210657517 Industrial-Engineering 0.0157830566447 150732 Acetonitrile exchange kinetics on di- and trivalent lanthanide ions Bódizs, Gabriella Éva 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.857219176245 Biology 0.0196829942055 570640 Acetonitrile exchange kinetics on di- and trivalent lanthanide ions Bódizs, Gabriella Éva 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.857219176245 Biology 0.0196829942055 307557 Acoustic models for posterior features in speech recognition Aradilla, Guillermo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.503217039096 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.390962428751 570670 Acoustic models for posterior features in speech recognition Aradilla, Guillermo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.503217039096 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.390962428751 159053 Acquisition et recalage informatique d'images confocales de tissus denses: application à l'étude de la papille folliculaire de vibrisse de souris Fête, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.530386145128 Veterinary 0.13810660326 570637 Acquisition et recalage informatique d'images confocales de tissus denses: application à l'étude de la papille folliculaire de vibrisse de souris Fête, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.530386145128 Veterinary 0.13810660326 570365 Active magnetic bearing design and characterization for high temperature applications Burdet, Luc 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.554387431431 Biology 0.157236568848 307588 Active sensing and repair composites Kirkby, Eva 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.822888069087 Medicine 0.0625756889847 570808 Active sensing and repair composites Kirkby, Eva 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.822888069087 Medicine 0.0625756889847 1138495 Activity choice modeling for pedestrian facilities Danalet, Antonin 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.284314202133 Biology 0.15498443469 669281 Adaptation en temps réel pour une meilleure qualité d'expérience en réalité augmentée Perritaz, Damien 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.899243283241 Agriculture 0.0218984677641 571024 Adaptation en temps réel pour une meilleure qualité d'expérience en réalité augmentée Perritaz, Damien 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.899243283241 Agriculture 0.0218984677641 151412 Adapting ski area operations to a warmer climate in the Swiss Alps through snowmaking investments and efficiency improvements Gonseth, Camille 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.315094872195 Economics 0.235718032711 570655 Adapting ski area operations to a warmer climate in the Swiss Alps through snowmaking investments and efficiency improvements Gonseth, Camille 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.315094872195 Economics 0.235718032711 669404 Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Multiscale Partial Differential Equations Nonnenmacher, Achim 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.748710025883 Mathematics 0.0992071651935 590538 Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Multiscale Partial Differential Equations Nonnenmacher, Achim 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.748710025883 Mathematics 0.0992071651935 150631 Adaptive media streaming over multipath networks Jurca, Dan 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.931342898355 Biology 0.0123032546159 570532 Adaptive media streaming over multipath networks Jurca, Dan 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.931342898355 Biology 0.0123032546159 1080794 Adaptive Morphology for Multi-Modal Locomotion Daler, Ludovic 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.35350017259 Industrial-Engineering 0.236718995445 157294 Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot Hersch, Micha 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.727506306046 Psychology 0.0994527516295 570741 Adaptive sensorimotor peripersonal space representation and motor learning for a humanoid robot Hersch, Micha 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.727506306046 Psychology 0.0994527516295 161843 Adaptive wake and sleep detection for wearable systems Karlen, Walter 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.852063486049 Biology 0.0651559826092 570797 Adaptive wake and sleep detection for wearable systems Karlen, Walter 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.852063486049 Biology 0.0651559826092 690205 Advanced Control Strategies for Voltage Source Converters in Microgrids and Traction Networks Bahrani, Behrooz 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.801100571945 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.124695261585 1138581 Advanced fatigue theory and structural response monitoring for safety verification of existing RC slabs subject to railway traffic Grigoriou, Vasileios 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.557997834348 Industrial-Engineering 0.372370556173 669292 Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Plasma Membrane Protein Dynamics Piguet, Joachim 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.854066125369 Physics 0.0588728821196 571035 Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy to Study Plasma Membrane Protein Dynamics Piguet, Joachim 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.854066125369 Physics 0.0588728821196 1185068 Advanced methodology for optimization of mixture design of asphalt concrete containing reclaimed asphalt pavement material Bressi, Sara 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.264801357823 Industrial-Engineering 0.17226803826 150487 Advanced trends in nonlinear optics applied to distributed optical-fibre sensors Alasia, Dario 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.475336347428 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.472202055855 570384 Advanced trends in nonlinear optics applied to distributed optical-fibre sensors Alasia, Dario 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.475336347428 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.472202055855 150664 Advances in top-down and bottom-up approaches to video-based camera tracking Marimón Sanjuán, David 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.724988035876 Industrial-Engineering 0.0704697591869 570567 Advances in top-down and bottom-up approaches to video-based camera tracking Marimón Sanjuán, David 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.724988035876 Industrial-Engineering 0.0704697591869 150557 Aeroelastic effects of mistuning and coupling in turbomachinery bladings Kahl, Gerhard 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.757272072241 Civil-Engineering 0.129105713538 570457 Aeroelastic effects of mistuning and coupling in turbomachinery bladings Kahl, Gerhard 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.757272072241 Civil-Engineering 0.129105713538 307681 Agent-Based Routing in Queueing Systems Gallay, Olivier 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.699055019489 Mathematics 0.0811533022013 570904 Agent-Based Routing in Queueing Systems Gallay, Olivier 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.699055019489 Mathematics 0.0811533022013 1169961 Agile in-litero experiments: how can semi-automated information extraction from neuroscientific literature help neuroscience model building? Richardet, Renaud Luc 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.687976732843 Biology 0.175066975406 1096432 Algebraic Cryptanalysis of Deterministic Symmetric Encryption Sušil, Petr 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.489960318039 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.169776106614 669497 Algorithmes d'adaptation de maillages anisotropes et application à l'aérodynamique Hassan, Wissam 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.404191208483 Industrial-Engineering 0.110939915732 590549 Algorithmes d'adaptation de maillages anisotropes et application à l'aérodynamique Hassan, Wissam 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.404191208483 Industrial-Engineering 0.110939915732 150645 Algorithmic aspects of sparse approximations Jost, Philippe 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.874736548639 Mathematics 0.0308098225233 570548 Algorithmic aspects of sparse approximations Jost, Philippe 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.874736548639 Mathematics 0.0308098225233 157295 Algorithms for fluid-structure interaction problems arising in hemodynamics Quaini, Annalisa 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.409513637995 Industrial-Engineering 0.197556880465 570742 Algorithms for fluid-structure interaction problems arising in hemodynamics Quaini, Annalisa 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.409513637995 Industrial-Engineering 0.197556880465 150660 Algorithms for map-aided autonomous indoor pedestrian positioning and navigation Spassov, Ivan 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.857134118757 Industrial-Engineering 0.0570850554788 570563 Algorithms for map-aided autonomous indoor pedestrian positioning and navigation Spassov, Ivan 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.857134118757 Industrial-Engineering 0.0570850554788 307651 Alignment of the LHCb tracking stations and selection of X(3872) and Z(4430)± in pp collisions at 14 TeV Nicolas, Louis 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.918728849564 Agriculture 0.0169509584863 570873 Alignment of the LHCb tracking stations and selection of X(3872) and Z(4430)± in pp collisions at 14 TeV Nicolas, Louis 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.918728849564 Agriculture 0.0169509584863 307631 Alternative techniques to assess road traffic emissions Belalcazar Ceron, Luis Carlos 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.799813510995 Physics 0.043330178939 570852 Alternative techniques to assess road traffic emissions Belalcazar Ceron, Luis Carlos 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.799813510995 Physics 0.043330178939 150392 Ambulatory monitoring of motor functions in patients with Parkinson's disease using kinematic sensors Salarian, Arash 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.773703365837 Medicine 0.174377903869 570288 Ambulatory monitoring of motor functions in patients with Parkinson's disease using kinematic sensors Salarian, Arash 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.773703365837 Medicine 0.174377903869 150481 Amphibian conservation in human shaped environments: landscape dynamics, habitat modeling and metapopulation analyses Zanini, Flavio 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.757009239459 Civil-Engineering 0.101956825835 570377 Amphibian conservation in human shaped environments: landscape dynamics, habitat modeling and metapopulation analyses Zanini, Flavio 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.757009239459 Civil-Engineering 0.101956825835 150673 Amyloid ß-derived switch-peptides as tool to study conformational changes relevant in degenerative diseases Camus, Marie-Stéphanie 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.448459940951 Biology 0.380882721171 570576 Amyloid ß-derived switch-peptides as tool to study conformational changes relevant in degenerative diseases Camus, Marie-Stéphanie 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.448459940951 Biology 0.380882721171 150388 An action selection architecture for autonomous virtual humans in persistent worlds Sevin, Etienne de 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.565539871054 Psychology 0.251049364328 570284 An action selection architecture for autonomous virtual humans in persistent worlds Sevin, Etienne de 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.565539871054 Psychology 0.251049364328 690196 An Active Deployable Tensegrity Structure Rhode-Barbarigos, Landolf-Giosef-Anastasios 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.664042641925 Biology 0.0565450224779 1005851 An adjoint-based approach to the optimal control of separated flows Boujo, Edouard 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.795728545396 Civil-Engineering 0.0991404254783 570957 An Atomistic Simulation Method for Oxygen Impurities in Aluminium Based on Variable Charge Molecular Dynamics Elsener, Andreas 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.629479887276 Chemistry 0.141265901329 307671 An early separation scheme for the LHC luminosity upgrade Sterbini, Guido 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.851006929566 Industrial-Engineering 0.049469567308 570893 An early separation scheme for the LHC luminosity upgrade Sterbini, Guido 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.851006929566 Industrial-Engineering 0.049469567308 1094486 An Electrostatic Ion-guide and a High-resolution Thrust-stand for Characterization of Micro-propulsion Devices Chakraborty, Subha 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.485560201373 Agriculture 0.245989907367 151411 An experimental investigation of a lean burn natural gas prechamber spark ignition engine for cogeneration Röthlisberger, Roger 2001 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.761731291098 Agriculture 0.125652314822 569860 An experimental investigation of a lean burn natural gas prechamber spark ignition engine for cogeneration Röthlisberger, Roger 2001 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.761731291098 Agriculture 0.125652314822 669243 An Improved CFD Tool to Simulate Adiabatic and Diabatic Two-Phase Flows Nichita, Bogdan Alexandru 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.745868835632 Veterinary 0.0683592195904 570986 An Improved CFD Tool to Simulate Adiabatic and Diabatic Two-Phase Flows Nichita, Bogdan Alexandru 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.745868835632 Veterinary 0.0683592195904 149894 An incremental prototyping methodology for distributed systems based on formal specifications Hulaas, Jarle 1997 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.853876615625 Industrial-Engineering 0.0656209669363 569754 An incremental prototyping methodology for distributed systems based on formal specifications Hulaas, Jarle 1997 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.853876615625 Industrial-Engineering 0.0656209669363 669304 An Information Theoretic Approach to Speaker Diarization of Meeting Recordings Vijayasenan, Deepu 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.702219256068 Statistics 0.150362872516 571047 An Information Theoretic Approach to Speaker Diarization of Meeting Recordings Vijayasenan, Deepu 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.702219256068 Statistics 0.150362872516 669399 An Integrated Framework for Improving the Quality and Reliability of Software Upgrades Crameri, Olivier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.825453148067 Physics 0.0502803370478 571140 An Integrated Framework for Improving the Quality and Reliability of Software Upgrades Crameri, Olivier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.825453148067 Physics 0.0502803370478 669274 An Ontology-Based Approach for Closed-Loop Product Lifecycle Management Matsokis, Aristeidis 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.579941266511 Industrial-Engineering 0.246366184739 571017 An Ontology-Based Approach for Closed-Loop Product Lifecycle Management Matsokis, Aristeidis 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.579941266511 Industrial-Engineering 0.246366184739 157292 Analyse et exploitation des données de LIDAR aéroportés pour la caractérisation des milieux boisés de la Suisse Gachet, Gilles 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.876800399366 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0450973242434 570737 Analyse et exploitation des données de LIDAR aéroportés pour la caractérisation des milieux boisés de la Suisse Gachet, Gilles 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.876800399366 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0450973242434 669264 Analyse et mise en oeuvre d'un moteur électromagnétique microfabriqué Merzaghi, Sebastiano 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.83980236133 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0593325339381 571007 Analyse et mise en oeuvre d'un moteur électromagnétique microfabriqué Merzaghi, Sebastiano 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.83980236133 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0593325339381 569778 Analyse et prédiction de la baisse de rendement des turbines Francis par cavitation à bulles Arn, Christophe 1998 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.79933033153 Physics 0.066475958764 669496 Analysing Neuronal Network Architectures: From Weight Distributions to Structure and Back Tomm, Christian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.442211287618 Mathematics 0.127271795647 588083 Analysing Neuronal Network Architectures: From Weight Distributions to Structure and Back Tomm, Christian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.442211287618 Mathematics 0.127271795647 669414 Analysis and Design of a Planar Radiating Element for Automotive Satellite Broadcasting Reception Systems Torres Sánchez, Roberto 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.665239578992 Physics 0.090741213562 663957 Analysis and Design of a Planar Radiating Element for Automotive Satellite Broadcasting Reception Systems Torres Sánchez, Roberto 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.665239578992 Physics 0.090741213562 399568 Analysis and Design of Anchorage Zones in Post-Tensioned Concrete Bridges Burdet, Olivier 1990 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.180569885591 Biology 0.140770425347 665099 Analysis and Design of Ultra-Wideband Antennas in the Spectral and Temporal Domains Quintero Díaz de León, Gabriela 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.851843622176 Biology 0.0326080373914 150402 Analysis and numerical simulation of viscoelastic flows: deterministic and stochastic models Bonito, Andrea 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.808023630142 Civil-Engineering 0.094852708265 570298 Analysis and numerical simulation of viscoelastic flows: deterministic and stochastic models Bonito, Andrea 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.808023630142 Civil-Engineering 0.094852708265 1080793 Analysis and optimization of dynamic dataflow programs Casale-Brunet, Simone 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.759936035012 Industrial-Engineering 0.142809366928 690206 Analysis of Advanced Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs with Improved Safety Characteristics Sun, Kaichao 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.837674505788 Chemistry 0.0296547593604 669385 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Retinal Prostheses Using Finite Element Modelling of Electric Field Distribution in the Retina Kasi Raj, Sri Harsha 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.443448763613 Psychology 0.13440543358 571126 Analysis of Factors Affecting the Performance of Retinal Prostheses Using Finite Element Modelling of Electric Field Distribution in the Retina Kasi Raj, Sri Harsha 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.443448763613 Psychology 0.13440543358 1064157 Analysis of Femtosecond Electron Bunches at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility Smit, Bennie 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.724752508027 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0721465828341 150458 Analysis of gait and coordination for arthroplasty outcome evaluation using body-fixed sensors Dejnabadi, Hooman 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.586114273795 Medicine 0.268040237931 570354 Analysis of gait and coordination for arthroplasty outcome evaluation using body-fixed sensors Dejnabadi, Hooman 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.586114273795 Medicine 0.268040237931 150695 Analysis of lightweight stream ciphers Fischer, Simon 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.753473075533 Mathematics 0.0606651883366 570601 Analysis of lightweight stream ciphers Fischer, Simon 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.753473075533 Mathematics 0.0606651883366 157291 Analysis of nano-sized irradiation-induced defects in Fe-base materials by means of small angle neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations Yu, Gang 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.619565468371 Industrial-Engineering 0.270165092332 570736 Analysis of nano-sized irradiation-induced defects in Fe-base materials by means of small angle neutron scattering and molecular dynamics simulations Yu, Gang 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.619565468371 Industrial-Engineering 0.270165092332 1042653 Animation-Based Service Specification, Verification and Validation Bajić-Bizumić, Biljana 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.78253218405 Industrial-Engineering 0.0996263259262 150735 Annotations of maps in collaborative work at a distance Cherubini, Mauro 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.490490958732 Psychology 0.388920573505 570643 Annotations of maps in collaborative work at a distance Cherubini, Mauro 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.490490958732 Psychology 0.388920573505 307636 Answering questions about archived, annotated meetings Ailomaa, Marita 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.758370745349 Biology 0.0896807054411 570857 Answering questions about archived, annotated meetings Ailomaa, Marita 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.758370745349 Biology 0.0896807054411 150482 Anypath routing Dubois-Ferriere, Henri 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.789140424279 Mathematics 0.0474281820069 570378 Anypath routing Dubois-Ferriere, Henri 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.789140424279 Mathematics 0.0474281820069 150573 Apertureless SNOM: realistic modeling of the imaging process and measurements of resonant plasmonic nanostructures Esteban Llorente, Rubén 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.845328731915 Earth sciences 0.0454149913683 570473 Apertureless SNOM: realistic modeling of the imaging process and measurements of resonant plasmonic nanostructures Esteban Llorente, Rubén 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.845328731915 Earth sciences 0.0454149913683 669484 Application of Adaptive Optics to Focusing and Imaging Iwaniuk, Daniel 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.672551529091 Medicine 0.105965043651 592872 Application of Adaptive Optics to Focusing and Imaging Iwaniuk, Daniel 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.672551529091 Medicine 0.105965043651 570933 Application of Photoluminescent Measurement Techniques for Quantitative Assessment of Turbine Film Cooling Jonsson, Magnus 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.863892834996 Physics 0.0393692435003 157308 Application of ultrasonic motors to MR-compatible haptic interfaces Chapuis, Dominique 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.655663067249 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.233505808912 570756 Application of ultrasonic motors to MR-compatible haptic interfaces Chapuis, Dominique 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.655663067249 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.233505808912 669242 Applications of Derandomization Theory in Coding Cheraghchi Bashi Astaneh, Mahdi 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.749604236442 Mathematics 0.126902795629 570985 Applications of Derandomization Theory in Coding Cheraghchi Bashi Astaneh, Mahdi 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.749604236442 Mathematics 0.126902795629 669301 Applications of Long-Lived Spin States to High Resolution NMR Studies of Biomolecules Ahuja, Puneet 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.312844840008 Physics 0.256225698408 571044 Applications of Long-Lived Spin States to High Resolution NMR Studies of Biomolecules Ahuja, Puneet 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.312844840008 Physics 0.256225698408 150399 Applied stream ciphers in mobile communications Lu, Yi 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.439074421838 Medicine 0.135406455607 570295 Applied stream ciphers in mobile communications Lu, Yi 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.439074421838 Medicine 0.135406455607 669478 Appraisal of Core Analysis Methods against Zero-Power Experiments on Full-Scale BWR Fuel Assemblies Giust, Flavio Dante 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.7598278521 Physics 0.132803420086 590544 Appraisal of Core Analysis Methods against Zero-Power Experiments on Full-Scale BWR Fuel Assemblies Giust, Flavio Dante 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.7598278521 Physics 0.132803420086 150477 Approches numériques du transport de charges dans les semiconducteurs organiques Houili, Hocine 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.556764140366 Chemistry 0.328674965752 570373 Approches numériques du transport de charges dans les semiconducteurs organiques Houili, Hocine 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.494616081598 Chemistry 0.387891338162 956218 Approximation algorithms for regret minimization in vehicle routing problems Bock, Adrian Aloysius 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.67731191786 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.268354514643 669279 Architecture of a Real-Time Platform Independant GPS L1 Software Receiver Waelchli, Grégoire 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888795192892 Industrial-Engineering 0.0543721317752 571022 Architecture of a Real-Time Platform Independant GPS L1 Software Receiver Waelchli, Grégoire 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888795192892 Industrial-Engineering 0.0543721317752 1087044 Are All Pixels Equally Important? Towards Multi-Level Salient Object Detection Yildirim, Gökhan 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.508704078904 Psychology 0.0940383423887 150712 Artificial immune system for the Internet Sarafijanovic, Slavisa 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.814313136416 Medicine 0.0405245984135 570618 Artificial immune system for the Internet Sarafijanovic, Slavisa 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.814313136416 Medicine 0.0405245984135 150425 Assembly and reactivity of nanoparticles at liquid / liquid interfaces Su, Bin 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.749569951255 Physics 0.14061129194 570321 Assembly and reactivity of nanoparticles at liquid / liquid interfaces Su, Bin 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.762532242855 Physics 0.128131794947 669203 Assessing airport noise, demand for quietness and land-structure substitution: three applications of the hedonic model in Switzerland Salvi, Marco 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Economics 0.852014084348 Industrial-Engineering 0.033287588812 570710 Assessing airport noise, demand for quietness and land-structure substitution: three applications of the hedonic model in Switzerland Salvi, Marco 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Economics 0.852014084348 Industrial-Engineering 0.033287588812 150488 Assessing cooperative behavior in dynamical networks with applications to brain data Carmeli, Cristian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.783510894915 Biology 0.0771821832347 570385 Assessing cooperative behavior in dynamical networks with applications to brain data Carmeli, Cristian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.783510894915 Biology 0.0771821832347 690173 Assessing the Bacterial Ecology of Organohalide Respiration for the Design of Bioremediation Strategies Shani, Noam 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.528528012692 Biology 0.316268242264 690188 Assessment of Foot Signature Using Wearable Sensors for Clinical Gait Analysis and Real-Time Activity Recognition Mariani, Benoît 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.890466526951 Veterinary 0.0233888410503 1058507 Assessment of solvent capsule-based healing for woven fibre-reinforced epoxies Manfredi, Erica 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.329861034493 Medicine 0.313533016778 150714 Assistance énergétique à base de supercondensateurs pour véhicules à propulsion électrique et hybride Destraz, Blaise 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.820730971288 Physics 0.0643614565685 570621 Assistance énergétique à base de supercondensateurs pour véhicules à propulsion électrique et hybride Destraz, Blaise 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.820730971288 Physics 0.0643614565685 152623 Astrophysical applications of gravitationally lensed quasars: from dark matter halos to the structure of quasar accretion disks Eigenbrod, Alexander 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.889746196831 Agriculture 0.0246965289987 570709 Astrophysical applications of gravitationally lensed quasars: from dark matter halos to the structure of quasar accretion disks Eigenbrod, Alexander 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.889746196831 Agriculture 0.0246965289987 150440 Asymptotic and finite-length optimization of LDPC codes Amraoui, Abdelaziz 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.615220576982 Law 0.0855049647986 570336 Asymptotic and finite-length optimization of LDPC codes Amraoui, Abdelaziz 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.615220576982 Law 0.0855049647986 150113 Atlas-based segmentation and classification of magnetic resonance brain images Bach Cuadra, Meritxell 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.889963324574 Biology 0.0404151667876 570001 Atlas-based segmentation and classification of magnetic resonance brain images Bach Cuadra, Meritxell 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.892026476959 Biology 0.0396881397478 150703 Atom-centered potentials for describing London dispersion forces in density functional theory Lin, I-Chun 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.510019914388 Chemistry 0.275616151511 570609 Atom-centered potentials for describing London dispersion forces in density functional theory Lin, I-Chun 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.510019914388 Chemistry 0.275616151511 150576 Atomic broadcast: a fault-tolerant token based algorithm and performance evaluations Ekwall, Nils Richard 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878401139115 Biology 0.0486488573925 570476 Atomic broadcast: a fault-tolerant token based algorithm and performance evaluations Ekwall, Nils Richard 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878401139115 Biology 0.0486488573925 150629 Atomic force microscopy studies of nanotribology and nanomechanics Palaci, Ismaël 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.674421111537 Industrial-Engineering 0.131799676104 570531 Atomic force microscopy studies of nanotribology and nanomechanics Palaci, Ismaël 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.674421111537 Industrial-Engineering 0.131799676104 307558 Atomistic simulation in powder technology: from growth control and dispersion stabilization to segregation at doped interfaces Aschauer, Ulrich 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.555860722852 Physics 0.4049086604 570672 Atomistic simulation in powder technology: from growth control and dispersion stabilization to segregation at doped interfaces Aschauer, Ulrich 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.555860722852 Physics 0.4049086604 1148518 Audio-based Positioning and Target Localization for Swarms of Micro Aerial Vehicles Basiri, Meysam 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.456514084642 Industrial-Engineering 0.365889767476 669343 Audio-Visual Fusion: New Methods and Applications Llagostera Casanovas, Anna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861523445966 Earth sciences 0.0255701760668 571085 Audio-Visual Fusion: New Methods and Applications Llagostera Casanovas, Anna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861523445966 Earth sciences 0.0255701760668 151415 Augmented reality for non-rigid surfaces Pilet, Julien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865344586445 Industrial-Engineering 0.0278818452708 570685 Augmented reality for non-rigid surfaces Pilet, Julien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865344586445 Industrial-Engineering 0.0278818452708 669307 Augmenting Face-to-Face Collaboration with Low-Resolution Semi-Ambient Feedback Bachour, Khaled 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845020781346 Biology 0.0557026475706 571050 Augmenting Face-to-Face Collaboration with Low-Resolution Semi-Ambient Feedback Bachour, Khaled 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.845020781346 Biology 0.0557026475706 1138487 Augmenting Learning Activities with Contextual Information Scent Li, Nan 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.799044413292 Linguistics 0.0466317917599 150416 Auto-ajustement de régulateurs PID robustes dans le domaine fréquentiel Garcia, Daniel 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.442697903282 Industrial-Engineering 0.399134767388 570312 Auto-ajustement de régulateurs PID robustes dans le domaine fréquentiel Garcia, Daniel 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.442697903282 Industrial-Engineering 0.399134767388 1085715 Automatic social role recognition and its application in structuring multiparty interactions Sapru, Ashtosh 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.758394985171 Biology 0.0534553375732 1064500 B1+-mapping and B1+ inhomogeneity correction at high field Eggenschwiler, Florent 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.468545466262 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.362552332162 571197 Basic Investigation of Turbulent Structures and Blobs of Relevance for Magnetic Fusion Plasmas Theiler, Christian Gabriel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.692099867208 Industrial-Engineering 0.139669146042 669462 Basic Investigation of Turbulent Structures and Blobs of Relevance for Magnetic Fusion Plasmas Theiler, Christian Gabriel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.692099867208 Industrial-Engineering 0.139669146042 348351 Bayesian Gaussian Process Models: PAC-Bayesian Generalisation Error Bounds and Sparse Approximations Seeger, Matthias 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.410850123293 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.325118482551 150639 Bayesian machine learning applied in a brain-computer interface for disabled users Hoffmann, Ulrich 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.903647813254 Chemistry 0.0349672753353 570542 Bayesian machine learning applied in a brain-computer interface for disabled users Hoffmann, Ulrich 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.903647813254 Chemistry 0.0349672753353 215304 Bayesian methods for visual multi-object tracking with applications to human activity recognition Smith, Kevin C. 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.90393080873 Physics 0.0208901564651 150637 Bayesian optimization of visual comfort Lindelöf, David 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.672590159345 Industrial-Engineering 0.177723537961 570539 Bayesian optimization of visual comfort Lindelöf, David 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.672590159345 Industrial-Engineering 0.177723537961 1185741 Beam Dynamics Studies in Recirculating Machines Pellegrini, Dario 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.712352605085 Industrial-Engineering 0.123973243676 669316 Beam-Machine Interaction Studies for the Phase II LHC Collimation System Lari, Luisella 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.637561303085 Physics 0.224713792125 571058 Beam-Machine Interaction Studies for the Phase II LHC Collimation System Lari, Luisella 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.637561303085 Physics 0.224713792125 150503 Behaviour design in microrobots: hierarchical reinforcement learning under resource constraints Asadpour, Masoud 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.912964474463 Agriculture 0.0123360218459 570401 Behaviour design in microrobots: hierarchical reinforcement learning under resource constraints Asadpour, Masoud 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.914146139965 Agriculture 0.0114806174218 669440 Biaxial Wrinkling of Thin-Walled GFRP Webs in Cell-Core Sandwiches Dehghan Manshadi, Behzad 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.526380619058 Civil-Engineering 0.219298646275 571178 Biaxial Wrinkling of Thin-Walled GFRP Webs in Cell-Core Sandwiches Dehghan Manshadi, Behzad 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.526380619058 Civil-Engineering 0.219298646275 1077014 Bicaudal C1 promotes pancreatic NEUROG3+ endocrine progenitor differentiation and ductal morphogenesis Lemaire, Laurence Anne E. 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.55608065373 Biology 0.373583683047 570929 Binaural Audio Signal Processing Using Interaural Coherence Matching Menzer, Fritz 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.629377710548 Biology 0.105901457094 159372 Bio-electromagnetic model of deep brain stimulation Walckiers, Grégoire 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.451507730185 Medicine 0.102066389111 570784 Bio-electromagnetic model of deep brain stimulation Walckiers, Grégoire 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.451507730185 Medicine 0.102066389111 150643 Bio-inspired cellular machines: towards a new electronic paper architecture Vannel, Fabien 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.744379678384 Biology 0.0803725779723 570546 Bio-inspired cellular machines: towards a new electronic paper architecture Vannel, Fabien 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.744379678384 Biology 0.0803725779723 570142 Bio-inspired vision-based flying robots Zufferey, Jean-Christophe 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.414499040445 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.31201620928 1085714 Bioengineering approaches to emulate the stem cell niche Höhnel, Sylke 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.474612358527 Biology 0.272852812405 570978 Bioinspired Jumping Locomotion for Miniature Robotics Kovac, Mirko 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.205134811477 Biology 0.126725211079 307597 Biological samples studied by optical nanospectroscopy Generosi, Johanna 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.593405657453 Biology 0.283136662607 570817 Biological samples studied by optical nanospectroscopy Generosi, Johanna 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.593405657453 Biology 0.283136662607 570963 Biomechanics of Vascular Wall: the Role of Structural Organization of Elastin and Collagen Saitta-Rezakhaniha, Rana 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.242043315316 Biology 0.170688718974 570981 Biometrics & [and] Security: Combining Fingerprints, Smart Cards and Cryptography Barral, Claude 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.859103201382 Biology 0.0205079294632 570977 Biomolecular Diffusion in Nanofluidics Durand, Nicolas 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.375833242876 Biology 0.122708397876 150650 Bioreactor processes based on disposable materials for the production of recombinant proteins from mammalian cells Stettler, Matthieu 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.723851894238 Biology 0.0861788897959 570553 Bioreactor processes based on disposable materials for the production of recombinant proteins from mammalian cells Stettler, Matthieu 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.723851894238 Biology 0.0861788897959 669460 Boiling on a Tube Bundle: Heat Transfer, Pressure Drop and Flow Patterns Van Rooyen, Eugene 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.790466671699 Mathematics 0.0837247722179 150731 Boiling on a tube bundle: heat transfer, pressure drop and flow patterns Agostini, Francesco 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.819958220027 Earth sciences 0.0523223704635 571195 Boiling on a Tube Bundle: Heat Transfer, Pressure Drop and Flow Patterns Van Rooyen, Eugene 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.790466671699 Mathematics 0.0837247722179 570639 Boiling on a tube bundle: heat transfer, pressure drop and flow patterns Agostini, Francesco 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.819958220027 Earth sciences 0.0523223704635 150630 Bose-Einstein condensation of microcavity polaritons Sarchi, Davide 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.882027374954 Biology 0.0190938426954 570871 Bose-Einstein condensation of microcavity polaritons Sarchi, Davide 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.882027374954 Biology 0.0190938426954 1020932 Breaking of the macroscopic centric symmetry in Ba₁₋xSrxTiO₃ ceramics and single crystals Biancoli, Alberto 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.48549036784 Physics 0.162215925148 157315 Breast texture synthesis and estimation of the role of the anatomy and tumor shape in the radiological detection process: from digital mammography to breast tomosynthesis Castella, Cyril 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.864350766801 Psychology 0.0393531108015 570773 Breast texture synthesis and estimation of the role of the anatomy and tumor shape in the radiological detection process: from digital mammography to breast tomosynthesis Castella, Cyril 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.864350766801 Psychology 0.0393531108015 570955 Bridging the Gap between Detection and Tracking for 3D Human Motion Recovery Fossati, Andrea 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.789558353933 Industrial-Engineering 0.0762935076062 669340 Brillouin Echoes for Advanced Distributed Sensing in Optical Fibres Foaleng Mafang, Stella 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.470862356516 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.330744573851 571082 Brillouin Echoes for Advanced Distributed Sensing in Optical Fibres Foaleng Mafang, Stella 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.470862356516 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.330744573851 669341 Bringing Stability to Wireless Mesh Networks Aziz, Adel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888678783993 Industrial-Engineering 0.046123328391 571083 Bringing Stability to Wireless Mesh Networks Aziz, Adel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.888678783993 Industrial-Engineering 0.046123328391 669355 Broadband Dielectric Response in Hard and Soft PZT: Understanding Softening and Hardening Mechanisms Jin, Li 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.54948410768 Biology 0.167279300425 571097 Broadband Dielectric Response in Hard and Soft PZT: Understanding Softening and Hardening Mechanisms Jin, Li 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.54948410768 Biology 0.167279300425 214856 Building Blocks for Secure Services: Authenticated Key Transport and Rational Exchange Protocols Buttyan, Levente 2001 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.8680468777 Chemistry 0.0229720565422 150012 Building blocks for secure services: authenticated key transport and rational exchange protocols Buttyán, Levente 2001 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865564385596 Chemistry 0.0240189190174 569897 Building blocks for secure services: authenticated key transport and rational exchange protocols Buttyán, Levente 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.868237712467 Chemistry 0.0229445222787 1096438 Building Evolvable Networks: Flexible and Predictable Packet Processing Dobrescu, Mihai 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865874613109 Industrial-Engineering 0.0339475523113 157302 Calcined clayey soils as a potential replacement for cement in developing countries Fernandez Lopez, Rodrigo 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.464892154069 Chemistry 0.113278658629 570749 Calcined clayey soils as a potential replacement for cement in developing countries Fernandez Lopez, Rodrigo 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.464892154069 Chemistry 0.113278658629 571081 Calcium Dynamics and Intercellular Communication in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells in Vitro Halidi, Nadia 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.427540122303 Civil-Engineering 0.27940772537 669339 Calcium Dynamics and Intercellular Communication in Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells in Vitro Halidi, Nadia 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.427540122303 Civil-Engineering 0.27940772537 150515 Calibration of high-precision flexure parallel robots Fazenda Carriço, Nuno Ricardo 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.557293442448 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.407132997649 570413 Calibration of high-precision flexure parallel robots Fazenda Carriço, Nuno Ricardo 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.557293442448 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.407132997649 669405 Calibration of Ultra-high-precision Robots Operating in an Unsteady Environment Lubrano, Emanuele 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.581646585077 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.321206325828 571145 Calibration of Ultra-high-precision Robots Operating in an Unsteady Environment Lubrano, Emanuele 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.581646585077 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.321206325828 307680 Capacité portante de ponts en arc en maçonnerie de pierre naturelle: modèle d'évaluation intégrant le niveau d'endommagement Grandjean, Alix 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.862235606513 Medicine 0.0257685284424 570903 Capacité portante de ponts en arc en maçonnerie de pierre naturelle: modèle d'évaluation intégrant le niveau d'endommagement Grandjean, Alix 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.866211436598 Medicine 0.026510466156 150563 Capacités variables et inductances MEMS RF pour une intégration "Above-IC" Mehdaoui, Alexander 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.547814600243 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.30520830937 570463 Capacités variables et inductances MEMS RF pour une intégration "Above-IC" Mehdaoui, Alexander 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.546590718944 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.320754196083 669351 Capacities, Systoles and Jacobians of Riemann Surfaces Mützel, Björn 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.717810104598 Physics 0.0923584270734 571093 Capacities, Systoles and Jacobians of Riemann Surfaces Mützel, Björn 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.717810104598 Physics 0.0923584270734 669388 Capillary Microfluidic Chips for Point-of-Care Testing: from Research Tools to Decentralized Medical Diagnostics Gervais, Luc 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.403627967258 Biology 0.241545439332 571129 Capillary Microfluidic Chips for Point-of-Care Testing: from Research Tools to Decentralized Medical Diagnostics Gervais, Luc 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.403627967258 Biology 0.241545439332 150570 Caractérisation de décharges à barrières diélectriques atmosphériques et sub-atmosphériques et application à la déposition de couches d'oxyde de silicium Sublet, Alban 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.380694634228 Chemistry 0.255288728031 570470 Caractérisation de décharges à barrières diélectriques atmosphériques et sub-atmosphériques et application à la déposition de couches d'oxyde de silicium Sublet, Alban 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.365120991738 Chemistry 0.283581551897 307581 Caractérisation de la génération et la propagation d'ondes de pressions dans des tissus biologiques pour la conception d'appareils médicaux Benoit, Mathieu 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.613930451546 Industrial-Engineering 0.29844798208 570800 Caractérisation de la génération et la propagation d'ondes de pressions dans des tissus biologiques pour la conception d'appareils médicaux Benoit, Mathieu 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.613930451546 Industrial-Engineering 0.29844798208 1098678 Carbon and Platinum Nanostructured Electrodes on Miniaturized Devices for Biomedical Diagnostics Taurino, Irene 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.385735580324 Industrial-Engineering 0.285889367775 1028856 Carbon Nanotubes: Adsorption, Point Defects and Structural Deformation from Quantum and Classical Simulations Kroes, Jaap 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.604577852935 Chemistry 0.27897139491 1030930 Catalyst Development for Selective Hydrogenation of Functionalized Alkynes and Nitroarenes Yarulin, Artur 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.845571584317 Industrial-Engineering 0.0952646603529 1082356 Catalytic Applications and Mechanistic Investigations of Iron Bis(oxazolinylphenyl)amino Pincer Complexes in Kumada Cross Coupling and Hydrosilylation Reactions Bauer, Gerald 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.806719268961 Biology 0.102130522542 669289 Categorical Foundations for K-theory Michel, Nicolas 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.789371526942 Physics 0.0584967799266 571032 Categorical Foundations for K-theory Michel, Nicolas 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.789371526942 Physics 0.0584967799266 669290 Catégories simpliciales enrichies et K-théorie de Waldhausen Amrani, Ilias 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.635073547543 Civil-Engineering 0.100910748879 571033 Catégories simpliciales enrichies et K-théorie de Waldhausen Amrani, Ilias 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.635073547543 Civil-Engineering 0.100910748879 669529 Cavity-Optomechanics with Silica Microtoroids: Quantum-Coherent Coupling and Optomechanically Induced Transparency Weis, Stefan Alexander 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.888779441505 Industrial-Engineering 0.0419816097995 663974 Cavity-Optomechanics with Silica Microtoroids: Quantum-Coherent Coupling and Optomechanically Induced Transparency Weis, Stefan Alexander 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.888779441505 Industrial-Engineering 0.0419816097995 690200 Cell-Based Deformation Monitoring via 3D Point Clouds Wu, Jing 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.715453496441 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.143448490566 669406 Cellular Dynamics and Three-Dimensional Refractive Index Distribution Studied with Quantitative Phase Imaging Pavillon, Nicolas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.480580067586 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.380515157298 663956 Cellular Dynamics and Three-Dimensional Refractive Index Distribution Studied with Quantitative Phase Imaging Pavillon, Nicolas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.480580067586 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.380515157298 1138494 Challenges in the Locomotion of Self-Reconfigurable Modular Robots Vespignani, Massimo 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.592098364496 Industrial-Engineering 0.278063271288 1088325 Changes in Employment Localization and Accessibility: the Case of Switzerland between 1939 and 2008 Dessemontet, Pierre-Emmanuel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Economics 0.363978606343 Civil-Engineering 0.21087970767 150480 Channel coding and modulation based on chaotic systems Kozic, Slobodan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.802632446972 Physics 0.0344408365318 570376 Channel coding and modulation based on chaotic systems Kozic, Slobodan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.802632446972 Physics 0.0344408365318 150537 Characterisation of high-burnup LWR fuel rods through gamma tomography Caruso, Stefano 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.421143068716 Earth sciences 0.114853929673 570436 Characterisation of high-burnup LWR fuel rods through gamma tomography Caruso, Stefano 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.421143068716 Earth sciences 0.114853929673 669383 Characterisation of Low Impact Energy Induced Damage in Composite Plates with Embedded Optical Sensors Frieden, Jeannot 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.694796333752 Civil-Engineering 0.239690308226 571125 Characterisation of Low Impact Energy Induced Damage in Composite Plates with Embedded Optical Sensors Frieden, Jeannot 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.694796333752 Civil-Engineering 0.239690308226 307666 Characterization and modeling of twinned dendrite growth Salgado Ordorica, Mario Alberto 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.23622542703 Physics 0.228892153475 570888 Characterization and modeling of twinned dendrite growth Salgado Ordorica, Mario Alberto 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.23622542703 Physics 0.228892153475 150620 Characterization and therapeutic exploitation of the vascular permeability induced by photodynamic therapy Debefve, Elodie 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.666909852101 Biology 0.224240331319 570522 Characterization and therapeutic exploitation of the vascular permeability induced by photodynamic therapy Debefve, Elodie 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.666909852101 Biology 0.224240331319 150404 Characterization of a high-density, large-area VHF plasma source Schmidt, Hannes 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.602123119444 Physics 0.21208890716 570300 Characterization of a high-density, large-area VHF plasma source Schmidt, Hannes 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.602123119444 Physics 0.21208890716 157271 Characterization of a-plane grown GaN on sapphire substrates by electron microscopy Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, Yadira 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.817955540007 Earth sciences 0.0524388183877 570686 Characterization of a-plane grown GaN on sapphire substrates by electron microscopy Arroyo Rojas Dasilva, Yadira 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.817955540007 Earth sciences 0.0524388183877 669344 Characterization of Atrial Repolarization Alternans and Activation Time Kinetics based on Intracardiac Electrograms Jousset, Florian 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.454697948077 Medicine 0.218418631573 571086 Characterization of Atrial Repolarization Alternans and Activation Time Kinetics based on Intracardiac Electrograms Jousset, Florian 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.454697948077 Medicine 0.218418631573 150430 Characterization of electrical discharge machining plasmas Descoeudres, Antoine 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.701169804741 Biology 0.108891853481 570326 Characterization of electrical discharge machining plasmas Descoeudres, Antoine 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.701169804741 Biology 0.108891853481 150521 Characterization of electron bunches from field emitter array cathodes for use in next-generation X-Ray free electron lasers Leemann, Simon Christian 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.724398360593 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.136448885228 570419 Characterization of electron bunches from field emitter array cathodes for use in next-generation X-Ray free electron lasers Leemann, Simon Christian 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.724398360593 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.136448885228 1058506 Characterization of Solid-Liquid Interfaces with High-Resolution Atomic Force Microscop Ricci, Maria 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.57746823744 Chemistry 0.334157024001 150400 Characterization of the mechanism of action of spin-filters for animal cell perfusion cultures Vallez-Chetreanu, Florentina 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.196728119725 Medicine 0.149906715428 570296 Characterization of the mechanism of action of spin-filters for animal cell perfusion cultures Vallez-Chetreanu, Florentina 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.190971774364 Medicine 0.154668763961 1058116 Characterizing the localization and role of lin-5 and era-1 mRNAs in early C. elegans embryos Spiró, Zoltán Péter 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.642384432651 Medicine 0.0955917265709 307598 Chemical-mechanical polishing of tungsten: electrochemical and tribocorrosion approach Stojadinovic, Jelena 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.344486404106 Industrial-Engineering 0.333976897943 570818 Chemical-mechanical polishing of tungsten: electrochemical and tribocorrosion approach Stojadinovic, Jelena 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.344486404106 Industrial-Engineering 0.333976897943 569852 Choix de variantes d'infrastructures routières: méthodes multicritères Tille, Micaël 2001 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.863373467886 Law 0.0404132096372 149976 Choix de variantes d'infrastructures routières: méthodes multicritères Tille, Micaël 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.863373467886 Law 0.0404132096372 1034798 Chromatin organization, transcription factor dynamics and gene expression in higher eukaryotes with superresolution imaging and single molecule tracking Benke, Aleksandr 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.447028742064 Biology 0.327043906517 690187 Chromium Poisoning: The Needle in the SOFC Stack Schuler, Josef Andreas 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.542288319403 Industrial-Engineering 0.140560622572 150395 Cinétique de réaction hétérogène d'importance troposphérique sur des substrats modèles et sur des aérosols Pratte, Pascal 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.321141454902 Physics 0.257974347203 570291 Cinétique de réaction hétérogène d'importance troposphérique sur des substrats modèles et sur des aérosols Pratte, Pascal 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.364759809046 Physics 0.236923694723 690172 Classical and Quantum Critical Phenomena in the Dipolar Antiferromagnet LiErF4 Nikseresht Ghanepour, Neda 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.862426030818 Chemistry 0.0340911968721 149861 Classical and quantum mechanics of a chaotic hamiltonian system: the wedge billiard Rouvinez, Christophe 1995 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.504779626339 Physics 0.36469999961 569714 Classical and quantum mechanics of a chaotic hamiltonian system: the wedge billiard Rouvinez, Christophe 1995 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.504779626339 Physics 0.36469999961 150654 Classification with class-independent quality information for biometric verification Kryszczuk, Krzysztof M. 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.80706770295 Physics 0.0558899980443 570557 Classification with class-independent quality information for biometric verification Kryszczuk, Krzysztof M. 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.80706770295 Physics 0.0558899980443 150427 Clinical fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging for the detection of early carcinoma by autofluorescence bronchoscopy and the study of the protoporphyrin IX pharmacokinetics in the endometrium Gabrecht, Tanja 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.454360610346 Physics 0.270667482448 570323 Clinical fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging for the detection of early carcinoma by autofluorescence bronchoscopy and the study of the protoporphyrin IX pharmacokinetics in the endometrium Gabrecht, Tanja 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.361849509886 Physics 0.333629764707 669514 Closing the Gap between FPGA and ASIC: Balancing Flexibility and Efficiency Parandeh Afshar, Hadi 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786318033266 Philosophy 0.044858546272 592888 Closing the Gap between FPGA and ASIC: Balancing Flexibility and Efficiency Parandeh Afshar, Hadi 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786318033266 Philosophy 0.044858546272 307575 Coalgèbres d'Alexander-Whitney: un modèle algébrique pour les espaces topologiques Naïto, Théophile 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.669369552986 Medicine 0.0444681974258 570793 Coalgèbres d'Alexander-Whitney: un modèle algébrique pour les espaces topologiques Naïto, Théophile 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.669369552986 Medicine 0.0444681974258 1172505 Cocycle growth for the Steinberg representation Dumont, Thibaut 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.583185325178 Physics 0.158451921886 150580 Codes, graphs and graph based codes Brown, Andrew 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786375285685 Law 0.0517862490281 570479 Codes, graphs and graph based codes Brown, Andrew 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786375285685 Law 0.0517862490281 150412 Coherence properties of microcavity polaritons: from parametric scattering to Bose-Einstein condensation Kundermann, Stefan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.847994142698 Medicine 0.0206398925076 570308 Coherence properties of microcavity polaritons: from parametric scattering to Bose-Einstein condensation Kundermann, Stefan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.847994142698 Medicine 0.0206398925076 570906 Collaborative routing in mobile partitioned networks Sarafijanovic-Djukic, Natasa 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.827933018972 Mathematics 0.0541934033421 1093854 Color Reproduction with Juxtaposed Halftoning Babaei, Vahid 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.64556952791 Agriculture 0.0579507721166 1138498 Combine and Conquer: Mining Social Systems for Prediction Etter, Vincent 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.837741463706 Economics 0.0412795233451 307661 Combining robustness and recovery for airline schedules Eggenberg, Niklaus 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.638714909296 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.177320651443 570882 Combining robustness and recovery for airline schedules Eggenberg, Niklaus 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.638714909296 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.177320651443 669384 Commissioning of the LHCb Inner Tracker and Measurement of V°-Particle Production in pp Collisions at 0.9 TeV Knecht, Mathias Oleg 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.881154998596 Agriculture 0.0328413972825 665100 Commissioning of the LHCb Inner Tracker and Measurement of V°-Particle Production in pp Collisions at 0.9 TeV Knecht, Mathias Oleg 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.881154998596 Agriculture 0.0328413972825 157287 Commissioning scenarios and tests for the LHC collimation system Bracco, Chiara 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.695425198293 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0441671596109 570729 Commissioning scenarios and tests for the LHC collimation system Bracco, Chiara 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.695425198293 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0441671596109 150633 Compact modeling of high voltage MOSFETs Chauhan, Yogesh Singh 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.467725189287 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.44973089965 570534 Compact modeling of high voltage MOSFETs Chauhan, Yogesh Singh 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.467725189287 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.44973089965 150457 Compact test platform for in-situ indentation and scratching inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Rabe, Rodolfo 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.584191423945 Physics 0.13871122341 570353 Compact test platform for in-situ indentation and scratching inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM) Rabe, Rodolfo 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.584191423945 Physics 0.13871122341 150445 Comparative study and selection criteria of linear motors Chevailler, Samuel 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.767247925242 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0617243314534 570341 Comparative study and selection criteria of linear motors Chevailler, Samuel 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.767247925242 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0617243314534 150743 Comparing physical and virtual methods for daylight performance modelling including complex fenestration systems Thanachareonkit, Anothai 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.518464461685 Civil-Engineering 0.247626404665 570651 Comparing physical and virtual methods for daylight performance modelling including complex fenestration systems Thanachareonkit, Anothai 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.518464461685 Civil-Engineering 0.247626404665 150740 Competing orders in strongly correlated systems studied by transport measurements Akrap, Ana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.834905751725 Chemistry 0.0776216237373 570648 Competing orders in strongly correlated systems studied by transport measurements Akrap, Ana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.834905751725 Chemistry 0.0776216237373 1138504 Compile-Time Type-Driven Data Representation Transformations in Object-Oriented Languages Ureche, Vlad 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.788416502037 Physics 0.0715306913263 669273 Compiling Scala for Performance Dragos, Iulian 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.473726727733 Linguistics 0.101901947086 571016 Compiling Scala for Performance Dragos, Iulian 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.473726727733 Linguistics 0.101901947086 150587 Comportement au jeune âge et différé d'un BFUP écrouissant sous les effets thermomécaniques Kamen, Aicha 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.484035207205 Civil-Engineering 0.209532962744 570486 Comportement au jeune âge et différé d'un BFUP écrouissant sous les effets thermomécaniques Kamen, Aicha 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.491203631348 Civil-Engineering 0.211083995367 570953 Comportement du ballast sous l'action du bourrage et du trafic ferroviaire Paderno, Chiara 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.394810223476 Industrial-Engineering 0.218956120688 150672 Comportement structural des bétons de fibres ultra performants en traction dans des éléments composés Wuest, John 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.590080221177 Industrial-Engineering 0.157423171548 570575 Comportement structural des bétons de fibres ultra performants en traction dans des éléments composés Wuest, John 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.590080221177 Industrial-Engineering 0.157423171548 307628 Comprendre la société-Monde par ses enjeux et ses acteurs: l'implication de l'entreprise Lafarge dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA Vilaça, Olivier 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.68798946582 Law 0.184475857883 570849 Comprendre la société-Monde par ses enjeux et ses acteurs: l'implication de l'entreprise Lafarge dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA Vilaça, Olivier 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.68798946582 Law 0.184475857883 1028854 Compressed Sensing of Memoryless Sources: A Deterministic Hadamard Construction Haghighatshoar, Saeid 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.899595142365 Mathematics 0.0296024633274 307695 Computation and visualization of ideal knot shapes Carlen, Mathias 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.471601575433 Civil-Engineering 0.0888231390352 570918 Computation and visualization of ideal knot shapes Carlen, Mathias 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.471601575433 Civil-Engineering 0.0888231390352 1077005 Computational Analysis Of Behavior In Employment Interviews And Video Resumes Nguyen, Laurent Son 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.617778155267 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.231204854729 769160 Computational Approach to the Geometry of Compact Riemann Surfaces Racle, Manuel 2013 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.518484888727 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.166843744044 1097333 Computational Methods for Fabrication-aware Modeling, Rationalization and Assembly of Architectural Structures Deuss, Mario Moacir 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.609844606692 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.321689881433 669353 Computational Modeling of Face-to-Face Social Interaction Using Nonverbal Behavioral Cues Jayagopi, Dinesh Babu 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.697420784334 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.225721772198 571095 Computational Modeling of Face-to-Face Social Interaction Using Nonverbal Behavioral Cues Jayagopi, Dinesh Babu 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.697420784334 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.225721772198 1028855 Computational principles of single neuron adaptation Pozzorini, Christian Antonio 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.741628222265 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.176666056748 1063701 Computational Shifts in Theatrical Space Sempere, Andrew James 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.642171206617 Visual arts 0.169110633932 1005174 Computational studies in epigenomics using histone modification data Nair, Nishanth Ulhas 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.763902565863 Biology 0.127040055315 669526 Concept of Modular Kinematics to Design Ultra-high Precision Parallel Robots Richard, Murielle 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.677222380006 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.237631919872 663971 Concept of Modular Kinematics to Design Ultra-high Precision Parallel Robots Richard, Murielle 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.677222380006 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.237631919872 150730 Concept, modeling and experimental characterization of the modulated friction inertial drive (MFID) locomotion principle: application to mobile microrobots Driesen, Walter 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.72231043982 Physics 0.0594269792786 570638 Concept, modeling and experimental characterization of the modulated friction inertial drive (MFID) locomotion principle: application to mobile microrobots Driesen, Walter 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.72231043982 Physics 0.0594269792786 669241 Conception et évaluation d'un prototype de simulation de la morphogenèse urbaine par agents vecteurs multi-échelles Silva, Vitor 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.751088577895 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.185286467791 570984 Conception et évaluation d'un prototype de simulation de la morphogenèse urbaine par agents vecteurs multi-échelles Silva, Vitor 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.751088577895 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.185286467791 161836 Conceptual modeling of multimedia databases Drutskyy, Oleksandr 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.65937698329 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.108401306377 570771 Conceptual modeling of multimedia databases Drutskyy, Oleksandr 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.65937698329 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.108401306377 150640 Concrete syntax definition for modeling languages Fondement, Frédéric 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.511206936335 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.386715825019 570543 Concrete syntax definition for modeling languages Fondement, Frédéric 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.511206936335 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.386715825019 157279 Concurrency and dynamic protocol update for group communication middleware Rütti, Olivier 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.885512031181 Biology 0.0242151943962 570716 Concurrency and dynamic protocol update for group communication middleware Rütti, Olivier 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.885512031181 Biology 0.0242151943962 150243 Configural and perceptual factors influencing the perception of color transparency Gerardin, Peggy 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.377732571803 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.37262765734 570135 Configural and perceptual factors influencing the perception of color transparency Gerardin, Peggy 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.426548190887 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.327677687784 669495 Connections by Adhesion, Interlocking and Friction for Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges under Static and Cyclic Loading Papastergiou, Dimitrios 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.650908597778 Industrial-Engineering 0.245536842041 583317 Connections by Adhesion, Interlocking and Friction for Steel-Concrete Composite Bridges under Static and Cyclic Loading Papastergiou, Dimitrios 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.650908597778 Industrial-Engineering 0.245536842041 150338 Connexions par adhérence pour les ponts mixtes acier-béton Thomann, Michel 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.837692126647 Industrial-Engineering 0.0574772632852 570234 Connexions par adhérence pour les ponts mixtes acier-béton Thomann, Michel 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.837692126647 Industrial-Engineering 0.0574772632852 150397 Conservation laws for coding Measson, Cyril 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.277861812488 Law 0.109405612562 570293 Conservation laws for coding Measson, Cyril 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.29127594693 Law 0.116416525186 1041954 Consistency Models in Distributed Systems with Physical Clocks Du, Jiaqing 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.680896209332 Biology 0.0884796749267 669358 Construction en pierre massive en Suisse Zerbi, Stefano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.582926319964 Earth sciences 0.258041516896 571100 Construction en pierre massive en Suisse Zerbi, Stefano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.582926319964 Earth sciences 0.258041516896 150046 Construction material monitoring with "optical hair" hygrometers Kronenberg, Pascal 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.328363018511 Physics 0.301539170522 569933 Construction material monitoring with "optical hair" hygrometers Kronenberg, Pascal 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.328363018511 Physics 0.301539170522 1182764 Construction of a low temperature STM and studies of large molecular systems Rosenblatt, Daniel Pablo 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.640438259001 Chemistry 0.24252180952 570934 Construction of the Inner Tracker and Sensitivity to the B°s -> [mu][mu] Decay at LHCb Bettler, Marc-Olivier 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.884864153045 Biology 0.0319879419933 307594 Contact modeling and collision detection in human joints Arbabi, Ehsan 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.541298689601 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.283252182731 570814 Contact modeling and collision detection in human joints Arbabi, Ehsan 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.541298689601 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.283252182731 1083567 Contacts and Environmental Effects in Two-Dimensional MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors Lembke, Dominik Sebastian 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.433601410173 Physics 0.373594570455 669325 Container Terminal Management: Integrated Models and Large-Scale Optimization Algorithms Vacca, Ilaria 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.697561668283 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.113801002167 571067 Container Terminal Management: Integrated Models and Large-Scale Optimization Algorithms Vacca, Ilaria 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.697561668283 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.113801002167 669520 Content and Context-Aware Interfaces for Smarter Media Control Hopmann, Mathieu 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.768983324815 Visual arts 0.0368495571709 663966 Content and Context-Aware Interfaces for Smarter Media Control Hopmann, Mathieu 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.768983324815 Visual arts 0.0368495571709 150669 Contextualized and personalized location-based services Yu, Shijun 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.892374350002 Biology 0.0481816934031 570572 Contextualized and personalized location-based services Yu, Shijun 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.892374350002 Biology 0.0481816934031 150578 Continuous extraction of task constraints in a robot programming by demonstration framework Calinon, Sylvain 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.889114072741 Linguistics 0.0153459367397 150726 Continuous-flow separation of cells in a lab-on-a-chip using "liquid electrodes" and multiple-frequency dielectrophoresis Demierre, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.595929542544 Medicine 0.222239319824 570633 Continuous-flow separation of cells in a lab-on-a-chip using "liquid electrodes" and multiple-frequency dielectrophoresis Demierre, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.595929542544 Medicine 0.222239319824 150648 Contractile floating barriers for confinement and recuperation of oil slicks Amini, Azin 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.780554161951 Industrial-Engineering 0.110773431919 570551 Contractile floating barriers for confinement and recuperation of oil slicks Amini, Azin 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.780554161951 Industrial-Engineering 0.110773431919 150290 Contribution à l'accroissement des performances du processus de µEDM par l'utilisation d'un robot à dynamique élevée et de haute précision Joseph, Cédric 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.79800230416 Biology 0.0494575997217 570185 Contribution à l'accroissement des performances du processus de µEDM par l'utilisation d'un robot à dynamique élevée et de haute précision Joseph, Cédric 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.79800230416 Biology 0.0494575997217 150766 Contribution du SIG à l'analyse des liens déchets-santé en milieu urbain dans les pays en développement: cas de deux secteurs de la ville de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Kientga, Sonwouignandé 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Geography 0.482765779619 Medicine 0.401259220292 570684 Contribution du SIG à l'analyse des liens déchets-santé en milieu urbain dans les pays en développement: cas de deux secteurs de la ville de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Kientga, Sonwouignandé 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Geography 0.482753519988 Medicine 0.404411319283 307586 Contribution to characterization techniques for practical metamaterials and microwave applications Bongard, Frédéric 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.357397864819 Civil-Engineering 0.256731789857 570806 Contribution to characterization techniques for practical metamaterials and microwave applications Bongard, Frédéric 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.357397864819 Civil-Engineering 0.256731789857 669245 Contribution to Integral Equation Techniques for Solving Electromagnetic Problems López Peña, Sergio 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.643130033518 Industrial-Engineering 0.113470171031 570988 Contribution to Integral Equation Techniques for Solving Electromagnetic Problems López Peña, Sergio 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.643130033518 Industrial-Engineering 0.113470171031 669479 Contribution to the Active Generator Principle: the Gate-commutated Polyphased Matrix Converter Béguin, Antoine 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.832177413093 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0836722194066 590545 Contribution to the Active Generator Principle: the Gate-commutated Polyphased Matrix Converter Béguin, Antoine 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.832177413093 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0836722194066 150463 Contribution to the development of the LHCb acquisition electronics and study of polarized radiative [lambda]b decays Legger, Federica 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.891267581367 Biology 0.0284623035677 570359 Contribution to the development of the LHCb acquisition electronics and study of polarized radiative [lambda]b decays Legger, Federica 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.891267581367 Biology 0.0284623035677 157277 Contribution to the ergodic theory of piecewise monotone continuous maps Faller, Bastien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.603600430874 Physics 0.17354486094 570707 Contribution to the ergodic theory of piecewise monotone continuous maps Faller, Bastien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.603600430874 Physics 0.17354486094 152622 Contribution to the inner tracker design and penguin sensitivity studies for the measurement of sin 2ß in LHCb Perrin, Aurélie 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.882306501642 Biology 0.02713192234 570708 Contribution to the inner tracker design and penguin sensitivity studies for the measurement of sin 2ß in LHCb Perrin, Aurélie 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.882306501642 Biology 0.02713192234 669361 Contribution to the Production and Characterization of W-Y, W-Y2O3 and W-TiC Materials for Fusion Reactors Veleva, Lyubomira 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.786117730832 Physics 0.101148328612 571103 Contribution to the Production and Characterization of W-Y, W-Y2O3 and W-TiC Materials for Fusion Reactors Veleva, Lyubomira 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.786117730832 Physics 0.101148328612 1176489 Contribution to the Ultra-Fast Charging of Electric Vehicles: The Configurable Modular Multilevel Converter (CMMC) Tsirinomeny, Rosa Martel Danoary 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.855816015077 Biology 0.0289786418703 663815 Contributions au domaine de la commande des entraînements synchrones haute vitesse: étude formelle, interfaces de puissance et modulation par amplitude d'impulsions Rod, Christian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.895802455708 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.019175980052 669521 Contributions au domaine de la commande des entraînements synchrones haute vitesse: étude formelle, interfaces de puissance et modulation par amplitude d'impulsions Rod, Christian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.895802455708 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.019175980052 150357 Contributions aux études sur le couplage électroacoustique dans les espaces clos en vue du contrôle actif René, Pierre-Jean 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.216672521667 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.159410144482 570253 Contributions aux études sur le couplage électroacoustique dans les espaces clos en vue du contrôle actif René, Pierre-Jean 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.227558095473 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.146416023663 1097266 Control and Learning of Compliant Manipulation Skills Kronander, Klas Jonas Alfred 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.679904517619 Industrial-Engineering 0.215728177846 150106 Control design of hybrid systems via dehybridization Sedghi, Babak 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.429231718894 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.282957634711 569994 Control design of hybrid systems via dehybridization Sedghi, Babak 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.429231718894 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.282957634711 1187692 Control of agent swarms in random environments Sartoretti, Guillaume Adrien 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.39917553423 Mathematics 0.315381250743 157274 Control of legged locomotion using dynamical systems: design methods and adaptive frequency oscillators Righetti, Ludovic 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.750599799404 Biology 0.114650455521 570699 Control of legged locomotion using dynamical systems: design methods and adaptive frequency oscillators Righetti, Ludovic 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.750599799404 Biology 0.114650455521 307579 Control strategies for a verticalized rehabilitation robot Stauffer, Yves 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.580284751518 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.143903947484 570798 Control strategies for a verticalized rehabilitation robot Stauffer, Yves 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.580284751518 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.143903947484 150687 Convective boiling heat transfer in a single micro-channel Consolini, Lorenzo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.875584589507 Biology 0.0368732559978 570592 Convective boiling heat transfer in a single micro-channel Consolini, Lorenzo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.875584589507 Biology 0.0368732559978 150524 Convertisseur de fréquence indirect à rapport de tension fixe: interface entre turbo-alternateurs à haute vitesse et réseau électrique Benaboud, Aziza 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.868718966579 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0525286999414 570423 Convertisseur de fréquence indirect à rapport de tension fixe: interface entre turbo-alternateurs à haute vitesse et réseau électrique Benaboud, Aziza 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.874659348914 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0485238650971 669459 Cooling High Heat Flux Micro-Electronic Systems using Refrigerants in High Aspect Ratio Multi-Microchannel Evaporators Costa-Patry, Etienne 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.8741461551 Agriculture 0.0581243489152 571194 Cooling High Heat Flux Micro-Electronic Systems using Refrigerants in High Aspect Ratio Multi-Microchannel Evaporators Costa-Patry, Etienne 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.8741461551 Agriculture 0.0581243489152 570884 Coordination dependent magnetic properties of 3d and 4d metal nano-structures Sessi, Violetta 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.857926397818 Biology 0.0352912626858 150638 Coordination schemes for distributed boundary coverage with a swarm of miniature robots: synthesis, analysis and experimental validation Correll, Nicolaus 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.734113515 Industrial-Engineering 0.231302310618 570540 Coordination schemes for distributed boundary coverage with a swarm of miniature robots: synthesis, analysis and experimental validation Correll, Nicolaus 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.734113515 Industrial-Engineering 0.231302310618 308022 Coping With Misbehavior in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Buchegger, Sonja 2004 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.786536049174 Medicine 0.0779365268172 150591 Copper / low-k technological platform for the fabrication of high quality factor above-IC passive devices Pisani, Marcelo Bento 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.73781630054 Industrial-Engineering 0.202150674163 570490 Copper / low-k technological platform for the fabrication of high quality factor above-IC passive devices Pisani, Marcelo Bento 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.73781630054 Industrial-Engineering 0.202150674163 569891 Couplage d'une loi d'adhésion à une loi de contact avec frottement pour l'étude de la décohésion dans les matériaux composites Talon, Christian 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.637677824319 Civil-Engineering 0.148057945443 150083 Coupled advanced oxidation and biological processes for wastewater treatment Sarria Muñoz, Victor-Manuel 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.520582152225 Industrial-Engineering 0.21879678351 569971 Coupled advanced oxidation and biological processes for wastewater treatment Sarria Muñoz, Victor-Manuel 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.520582152225 Industrial-Engineering 0.21879678351 669461 Coupling a System Code with Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Simulation of Complex Coolant Reactivity Effects Bertolotto, Davide 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.739155467948 Physics 0.110089503616 571196 Coupling a System Code with Computational Fluid Dynamics for the Simulation of Complex Coolant Reactivity Effects Bertolotto, Davide 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.739155467948 Physics 0.110089503616 151422 Critical heat flux in multi-microchannel copper elements with low pressure refrigerants Park, Jung Eung 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.45435211469 Earth sciences 0.283295825055 570700 Critical heat flux in multi-microchannel copper elements with low pressure refrigerants Park, Jung Eung 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.45435211469 Earth sciences 0.283295825055 150756 Cross connected multilevel voltage source inverter topologies for medium voltage applications Chaudhuri, Toufann 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.828081654334 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.104103841469 570667 Cross connected multilevel voltage source inverter topologies for medium voltage applications Chaudhuri, Toufann 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.828081654334 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.104103841469 1138497 Cryogenic single chip electron spin resonance detectors Gualco, Gabriele 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.78080163284 Industrial-Engineering 0.0851337463578 669473 Cryptographic Hash Functions in Groups and Provable Properties Šarinay, Juraj 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.50013837729 Mathematics 0.355977721601 571206 Cryptographic Hash Functions in Groups and Provable Properties Šarinay, Juraj 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.50013837729 Mathematics 0.355977721601 570949 Current Induced Magnetization Dynamics in Electrodeposited Nanostructures Murè, Elena 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.741298065679 Industrial-Engineering 0.114235865907 669493 Cutting Force Modelling for Drilling of Fiber-Reinforced Composites Lazar, Mihai-Bogdan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.715686515299 Mathematics 0.0679114609269 590548 Cutting Force Modelling for Drilling of Fiber-Reinforced Composites Lazar, Mihai-Bogdan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.715686515299 Mathematics 0.0679114609269 307658 Cyclic properties of sand: dynamic behaviour for seismic applications Rascol, Emilie 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.623985104239 Earth sciences 0.241276201816 570879 Cyclic properties of sand: dynamic behaviour for seismic applications Rascol, Emilie 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.623985104239 Earth sciences 0.241276201816 669427 Cyclotron Designs for Ion Beam Therapy with Cyclinacs Garonna, Adriano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.541775155706 Physics 0.105773628397 571166 Cyclotron Designs for Ion Beam Therapy with Cyclinacs Garonna, Adriano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.541775155706 Physics 0.105773628397 669517 Dam Break of Newtonian Fluids and Granular Suspensions: Internal Dynamics Measurements Andreini, Nicolas 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.410070099687 Physics 0.22330733234 663964 Dam Break of Newtonian Fluids and Granular Suspensions: Internal Dynamics Measurements Andreini, Nicolas 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.410070099687 Physics 0.22330733234 1085320 Data Management in Participatory Sensing Riahi, Mehdi 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878902798238 Agriculture 0.0207249492053 150700 Data mining methodologies for supporting engineers during system identification Saitta, Sandro 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.77867973796 Statistics 0.0442335392015 570606 Data mining methodologies for supporting engineers during system identification Saitta, Sandro 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.77867973796 Statistics 0.0442335392015 307596 Data-centric trust in ephemeral networks Raya, Maxime 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.744757038916 Philosophy 0.0817138758799 570816 Data-centric trust in ephemeral networks Raya, Maxime 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.744757038916 Philosophy 0.0817138758799 307662 Data-driven constraint-based motion editing Carvalho, Schubert Ribeiro de 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.51124238892 Industrial-Engineering 0.166789774747 570883 Data-driven constraint-based motion editing Carvalho, Schubert Ribeiro de 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.51124238892 Industrial-Engineering 0.166789774747 150426 Data-driven controller tuning using the correlation approach Miskovic, Ljubisa 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.44819119357 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.413698640181 570322 Data-driven controller tuning using the correlation approach Miskovic, Ljubisa 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.44819119357 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.413698640181 307587 Data-driven methods for tracking improvement Butcher, Mark Edward John 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.7351561757 Industrial-Engineering 0.157691762374 570807 Data-driven methods for tracking improvement Butcher, Mark Edward John 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.7351561757 Industrial-Engineering 0.157691762374 669318 Database Queries in Java Iu, Christopher Ming-Yee 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.775178255235 Biology 0.0340215899039 571060 Database Queries in Java Iu, Christopher Ming-Yee 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.775178255235 Biology 0.0340215899039 669393 Dataflow Programming for Systems Design Space Exploration for Multicore Platforms Lucarz, Christophe 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.733899682831 Industrial-Engineering 0.225453643893 571134 Dataflow Programming for Systems Design Space Exploration for Multicore Platforms Lucarz, Christophe 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.733899682831 Industrial-Engineering 0.225453643893 150494 De l'effet de la polarisation électronique sur le transport de charge dans les semi-conducteurs moléculaires Picon, Jean-David 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.822945472176 Law 0.0291606256907 570391 De l'effet de la polarisation électronique sur le transport de charge dans les semi-conducteurs moléculaires Picon, Jean-David 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.822945472176 Law 0.0291606256907 1068811 De l'usage des protons hyperpolarisés pour augmenter la sensibilité de la RMN Bornet, Aurélien 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.604847621606 Chemistry 0.147420684441 1041558 Decentralized multi-robot coordination in crowded workspaces Makarem, Laleh 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.596354464612 Industrial-Engineering 0.24683544647 669457 Decision Procedures for Program Synthesis and Verification Piskac, Ruzica 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.373610606725 Mathematics 0.139447639236 571192 Decision Procedures for Program Synthesis and Verification Piskac, Ruzica 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.373610606725 Mathematics 0.139447639236 150577 Decoherence and excitation-transfer mechanisms in semiconductor quantum dots Parascandolo, Gaetano 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.811119426023 Chemistry 0.0821911491183 570477 Decoherence and excitation-transfer mechanisms in semiconductor quantum dots Parascandolo, Gaetano 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.811119426023 Chemistry 0.0821911491183 1172506 Deductive Synthesis and Repair Kneuss, Etienne 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.704098740412 Chemistry 0.125899911749 150547 Deep-submicron embedded processor architectures for high-performance, low-cost and low-power Aguirre, Sylvain 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.856251232069 Civil-Engineering 0.041750252095 570447 Deep-submicron embedded processor architectures for high-performance, low-cost and low-power Aguirre, Sylvain 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.856251232069 Civil-Engineering 0.041750252095 150686 Deferred-update database replication: theory and algorithms Malta Schmidt, Rodrigo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.891609244197 Agriculture 0.0173759586864 570591 Deferred-update database replication: theory and algorithms Malta Schmidt, Rodrigo 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.891609244197 Agriculture 0.0173759586864 669373 Definitive Consensus for Distributed Data Inference Georgopoulos, Leonidas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.918682394561 Agriculture 0.0182203829649 571115 Definitive Consensus for Distributed Data Inference Georgopoulos, Leonidas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.918682394561 Agriculture 0.0182203829649 669202 Deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline nickel studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction Brandstetter, Stefan 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.537349599184 Physics 0.216931609761 570666 Deformation mechanisms of nanocrystalline nickel studied by in-situ X-ray diffraction Brandstetter, Stefan 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.537349599184 Physics 0.216931609761 669376 Déformations conformes des variétés de Finsler-Ehresmann Djelid, Ratiba 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.650038648934 Physics 0.187500574414 571118 Déformations conformes des variétés de Finsler-Ehresmann Djelid, Ratiba 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.650038648934 Physics 0.187500574414 150084 Déformations des couches bitumineuses au passage d'une charge de trafic Perret, Jacques 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.769080536421 Industrial-Engineering 0.0701515038948 569972 Déformations des couches bitumineuses au passage d'une charge de trafic Perret, Jacques 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.769080536421 Industrial-Engineering 0.0701515038948 150627 Delay and coding in multiple-user communications Musy, Stéphane 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861519472083 Biology 0.060289177125 570529 Delay and coding in multiple-user communications Musy, Stéphane 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.861519472083 Biology 0.060289177125 150668 Dense deformation field estimation for atlas registration using the active contour framework Duay, Valérie 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.866075530614 Biology 0.0164997097892 570571 Dense deformation field estimation for atlas registration using the active contour framework Duay, Valérie 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.866075530614 Biology 0.0164997097892 669508 Design and Analysis of Multi-Block-Length Hash Functions Özen, Onur 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.584330423913 Civil-Engineering 0.0892546051002 592884 Design and Analysis of Multi-Block-Length Hash Functions Özen, Onur 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.584330423913 Civil-Engineering 0.0892546051002 150550 Design and control of amphibious robots with multiple degrees of freedom Crespi, Alessandro 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.561875338683 Industrial-Engineering 0.18211721684 570450 Design and control of amphibious robots with multiple degrees of freedom Crespi, Alessandro 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.561875338683 Industrial-Engineering 0.18211721684 150522 Design and control of quadrotors with application to autonomous flying Bouabdallah, Samir 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.673880414923 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.217529411926 570421 Design and control of quadrotors with application to autonomous flying Bouabdallah, Samir 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.673880414923 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.217529411926 150711 Design and evaluation issues for user-centric online product search Zhang, Jiyong 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.790205907806 Industrial-Engineering 0.0830444879494 570617 Design and evaluation issues for user-centric online product search Zhang, Jiyong 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.790205907806 Industrial-Engineering 0.0830444879494 150594 Design and fabrication of suspended-gate MOSFETs for MEMS resonator, switch and memory applications Abelé, Nicolas 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.882036306551 Industrial-Engineering 0.0449866749222 570493 Design and fabrication of suspended-gate MOSFETs for MEMS resonator, switch and memory applications Abelé, Nicolas 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.882036306551 Industrial-Engineering 0.0449866749222 1062117 Design and implementation of a fs-Transmission Electron Microscope for time-resolved studies of strongly correlated systems and nanostructures Piazza, Luca 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.831575953947 Chemistry 0.06464020836 570913 Design and implementation of an efficient data stream processing system Salehi, Ali 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.859262584025 Industrial-Engineering 0.0753866318768 1011833 Design and Implementation of CMOS Image Sensors for Biomedical Applications Köklü, Gözen 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.841259540998 Physics 0.0520683236538 1020341 Design and integration of an instrumented knee prosthesis Simoncini, Matteo 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.446460734416 Medicine 0.418938908902 150443 Design and performance of lead systems for the analysis of atrial signal components in the ECG Ihara, Zenichi 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.550584346047 Medicine 0.182061636049 570339 Design and performance of lead systems for the analysis of atrial signal components in the ECG Ihara, Zenichi 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.587373099692 Medicine 0.165075689129 669333 Design Methodology and Innovative Device Concept for Acoustic Hearing Implants Bernhard, Hans 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.492764421234 Industrial-Engineering 0.401103199728 571075 Design Methodology and Innovative Device Concept for Acoustic Hearing Implants Bernhard, Hans 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.492764421234 Industrial-Engineering 0.401103199728 157310 Design methodology and numerical optimization of ultrasonic transducers for spinal surgery Porto, Daniel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.656285422631 Mathematics 0.101323056179 570763 Design methodology and numerical optimization of ultrasonic transducers for spinal surgery Porto, Daniel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.656285422631 Mathematics 0.101323056179 669535 Design Methods and Tools for Application-Specific Predictable Networks-on-Chip Seiculescu, Ciprian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.859618912394 Industrial-Engineering 0.0975861150227 665102 Design Methods and Tools for Application-Specific Predictable Networks-on-Chip Seiculescu, Ciprian 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.859618912394 Industrial-Engineering 0.0975861150227 669349 Design of a 2.4 Ghz BAW-Based CMOS Transmitter Contaldo, Matteo 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.876223822634 Biology 0.0338884022916 571091 Design of a 2.4 Ghz BAW-Based CMOS Transmitter Contaldo, Matteo 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.876223822634 Biology 0.0338884022916 669499 Design of a Discrete-Component Impulse-Radio Ultra Wide-Band (IR-UWB) Testbed and Design of a very Low-Power IR-UWB Transmitter in CMOS Technology Colli-Vignarelli, Edmund James 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.746033213259 Industrial-Engineering 0.114913415515 663959 Design of a Discrete-Component Impulse-Radio Ultra Wide-Band (IR-UWB) Testbed and Design of a very Low-Power IR-UWB Transmitter in CMOS Technology Colli-Vignarelli, Edmund James 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.746033213259 Industrial-Engineering 0.114913415515 669200 Design of amphiphilic nanocapsules based on hyperbranched star-block copolymers for the encapsulation and the controlled release of olfactory compounds Ternat, Céline 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.752298487266 Physics 0.118262882837 570442 Design of amphiphilic nanocapsules based on hyperbranched star-block copolymers for the encapsulation and the controlled release of olfactory compounds Ternat, Céline 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.752298487266 Physics 0.118262882837 1014711 Design of Digital SoC for Operation at High Temperatures Cojbasic, Radisav 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.641560476205 Industrial-Engineering 0.204487108381 690179 Design of Flying Robots for Collision Absorption and Self-Recovery Klaptocz, Adam 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.593609715207 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.127617847589 157307 Design of hybrid-kinematic mechanisms for machine tools Pham, Patric 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.843370493962 Civil-Engineering 0.0389841722358 570753 Design of hybrid-kinematic mechanisms for machine tools Pham, Patric 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.843370493962 Civil-Engineering 0.0389841722358 307556 Design of multimodal dialogue-based systems Melichar, Miroslav 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795815260899 Industrial-Engineering 0.134695513025 570619 Design of multimodal dialogue-based systems Melichar, Miroslav 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795815260899 Industrial-Engineering 0.134695513025 669475 Design of Thermal Management Control Policies for Multiprocessors Systems on Chip Zanini, Francesco 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.494668171978 Industrial-Engineering 0.468860539558 571208 Design of Thermal Management Control Policies for Multiprocessors Systems on Chip Zanini, Francesco 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.494668171978 Industrial-Engineering 0.468860539558 151426 Design, characterisation and modelling of a high current DC arc plasma source for silicon and silicon carbide processing at low pressure Derendinger, Lukas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.554526746042 Industrial-Engineering 0.317835770158 570712 Design, characterisation and modelling of a high current DC arc plasma source for silicon and silicon carbide processing at low pressure Derendinger, Lukas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.554526746042 Industrial-Engineering 0.317835770158 669443 Design, Optimization, and Sensorless Control of a Linear Actuator Maridor, Joël 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.885957606632 Biology 0.029181477643 571181 Design, Optimization, and Sensorless Control of a Linear Actuator Maridor, Joël 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.885957606632 Biology 0.029181477643 150423 Design, synthesis and applications of functionalized ionic liquids Zhao, Dongbin 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.886404505032 Medicine 0.0156169025 570319 Design, synthesis and applications of functionalized ionic liquids Zhao, Dongbin 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.886404505032 Medicine 0.0156169025 149909 Designing new network adaptation and ATM adaptation layers for interactive multimedia applications Garcia Adanez, Francisco Javier 1998 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.921655807936 Industrial-Engineering 0.023640326727 569775 Designing new network adaptation and ATM adaptation layers for interactive multimedia applications Garcia Adanez, Francisco Javier 1998 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.921655807936 Industrial-Engineering 0.023640326727 307566 Designing peer-to-peer overlays: a small-world perspective Girdzijauskas, Šarunas 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795279336756 Industrial-Engineering 0.0550149658062 570762 Designing peer-to-peer overlays: a small-world perspective Girdzijauskas, Šarunas 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795279336756 Industrial-Engineering 0.0550149658062 307599 Development and application of a numerical simulation system to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic heat fluxes on urban boundary layer climate Krpo, Andrea 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.509869061516 Civil-Engineering 0.440685510471 570819 Development and application of a numerical simulation system to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic heat fluxes on urban boundary layer climate Krpo, Andrea 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.509869061516 Civil-Engineering 0.440685510471 150763 Development and application of an advanced fuel model for the safety analysis of the generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor Petkevich, Petr 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.85097865789 Agriculture 0.0825621359068 570680 Development and application of an advanced fuel model for the safety analysis of the generation IV gas-cooled fast reactor Petkevich, Petr 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.85097865789 Agriculture 0.0825621359068 150143 Development and application of UV-visible and mid-IR differential absorption spectroscopy techniques for pollutant trace gas monitoring Jiménez Pizarro, Rodrigo 2004 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.867452113414 Chemistry 0.0295249737275 570031 Development and application of UV-visible and mid-IR differential absorption spectroscopy techniques for pollutant trace gas monitoring Jiménez Pizarro, Rodrigo 2004 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.872490474865 Agriculture 0.0280994656561 307647 Development and evaluation of methods to follow microstructural development of cementitious systems including slags Kocaba, Vanessa 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.603562324509 Chemistry 0.0970553700677 570868 Development and evaluation of methods to follow microstructural development of cementitious systems including slags Kocaba, Vanessa 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.603562324509 Chemistry 0.0970553700677 669402 Development and Understanding of Novel Compounds Designed as Potential MRI Contrast Agents Jaccard, Hugues 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.867967828325 Physics 0.0454077890516 571143 Development and Understanding of Novel Compounds Designed as Potential MRI Contrast Agents Jaccard, Hugues 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.867967828325 Physics 0.0454077890516 1020344 Development of a Bisphosphonate Delivering Hydrogel for the Augmentation of Impaired Peri-Implant Bone Kettenberger, Ulrike 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.777081011383 Industrial-Engineering 0.0427668972138 669244 Development of a contactless capacitive immunosensor Perruche, Brice Emmanuel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.515318084869 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.336615919635 570987 Development of a contactless capacitive immunosensor Perruche, Brice Emmanuel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.515318084869 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.336615919635 150733 Development of a non-adiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics method and its application to photodynamical processes Tapavicza, Enrico Marko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.59466964194 Chemistry 0.200226831897 570641 Development of a non-adiabatic ab initio molecular dynamics method and its application to photodynamical processes Tapavicza, Enrico Marko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.59466964194 Chemistry 0.200226831897 570956 Development of a Photo-Fenton Catalyst Supported on Modified Polymer Films: Preparation, Characterization and Implication for Water Decontamination by Solar Photocatalysis Mazille, Félicien 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.910138017571 Biology 0.0233707550632 157278 Development of an in vitro microenvironment for maturing oocytes Ihm, Jong Eun 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.404190083514 Veterinary 0.363776778999 570711 Development of an in vitro microenvironment for maturing oocytes Ihm, Jong Eun 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.404190083514 Veterinary 0.363776778999 690192 Development of Elastomeric Optofluidic Devices for Lasing and Sensing Song, Wuzhou 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.313003204571 Physics 0.221875417227 669265 Development of Micro-Macro Continuum-Discontinuum Coupled Numerical Method Zhao, Gaofeng 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.436256793006 Civil-Engineering 0.347829903363 571008 Development of Micro-Macro Continuum-Discontinuum Coupled Numerical Method Zhao, Gaofeng 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.436256793006 Civil-Engineering 0.347829903363 669278 Development of Minimally-Invasive Optical Methods to Individualize the Doses Used for Therapeutic Applications of Light Piffaretti, Filippo 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.331214543224 Biology 0.277884416269 571021 Development of Minimally-Invasive Optical Methods to Individualize the Doses Used for Therapeutic Applications of Light Piffaretti, Filippo 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.331214543224 Biology 0.277884416269 150565 Development of new anticancer agents based on [alpha]-mannosidase inhibition Fiaux, Hélène 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.637732516139 Biology 0.293975735625 570465 Development of new anticancer agents based on [alpha]-mannosidase inhibition Fiaux, Hélène 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.637732516139 Biology 0.293975735625 669268 Development of Terahertz Photonic Crystal Quantum Cascade Lasers and Investigation on IIIV&SOI Photonic Structures at Near-Infrared Wavelength Zhang, Hua 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.518025421162 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.259316471434 571011 Development of Terahertz Photonic Crystal Quantum Cascade Lasers and Investigation on IIIV&SOI Photonic Structures at Near-Infrared Wavelength Zhang, Hua 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.518025421162 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.259316471434 307603 Development of the control assembly pattern and dynamic analysis of the generation IV large gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) Girardin, Gaëtan 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.816537440289 Physics 0.0585580255104 570823 Development of the control assembly pattern and dynamic analysis of the generation IV large gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) Girardin, Gaëtan 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.816537440289 Physics 0.0585580255104 1186238 Development of Walk Assistive Orthoses for Elderly Olivier, Jeremy 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.825088583795 Industrial-Engineering 0.0461857440295 669420 Development of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Methods for Biomolecules Basso, Sebastian 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.477390583468 Industrial-Engineering 0.258685184224 571159 Development of X-Ray Powder Diffraction Methods for Biomolecules Basso, Sebastian 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.477390583468 Industrial-Engineering 0.258685184224 150459 Développement d'un module de détection phoswich LSO/LuYAP pour le prototype de caméra à positrons ClearPET Mosset, Jean-Baptiste 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.800247259203 Industrial-Engineering 0.0395141418456 570355 Développement d'un module de détection phoswich LSO/LuYAP pour le prototype de caméra à positrons ClearPET Mosset, Jean-Baptiste 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.802699579832 Industrial-Engineering 0.0411199785345 1169958 DFT-based Synchrophasor Estimation Algorithms and their Integration in Advanced Phasor Measurement Units for the Real-time Monitoring of Active Distribution Networks Romano, Paolo 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.690730477988 Industrial-Engineering 0.228500178462 307669 Differential effects of reduced cyclic stretch and perturbed shear stress within the arterial wall Thacher, Tyler 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.745171997012 Civil-Engineering 0.0951500797913 570891 Differential effects of reduced cyclic stretch and perturbed shear stress within the arterial wall Thacher, Tyler 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.745171997012 Civil-Engineering 0.0951500797913 307572 Differential geometry applied to crystallography Kocian, Philippe 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.806432858494 Linguistics 0.0751656028485 570790 Differential geometry applied to crystallography Kocian, Philippe 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.806432858494 Linguistics 0.0751656028485 669395 Dirac Group(oid)s and Their Homogeneous Spaces Jotz, Madeleine 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.734842564761 Medicine 0.0488363159997 571136 Dirac Group(oid)s and Their Homogeneous Spaces Jotz, Madeleine 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.734842564761 Medicine 0.0488363159997 669330 Direct Measurements of the Damping of Alfvén Eigenmodes for an Assessment of their Stability Limits in Tokamak Plasmas Panis, Theodoros 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.804145635825 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0365070476113 571072 Direct Measurements of the Damping of Alfvén Eigenmodes for an Assessment of their Stability Limits in Tokamak Plasmas Panis, Theodoros 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.804145635825 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0365070476113 150608 Direct search for Higgs boson in LHCb and contribution to the development of the vertex detector Locatelli, Laurent 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.915057764747 Biology 0.0166442910089 570509 Direct search for Higgs boson in LHCb and contribution to the development of the vertex detector Locatelli, Laurent 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.915057764747 Biology 0.0166442910089 570947 Direct Search for Standard Model-Like Higgs Boson and Software Integration of Data Acquisition Cards Potterat, Cédric 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.858076369047 Biology 0.0372706861976 1045713 Discourse-level features for statistical machine translation Meyer, Thomas 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Linguistics 0.698407161619 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.139485527373 669276 Discrete and Rhythmic Motor Primitives for the Control of Humanoid Robots Dégallier Rochat, Sarah 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.574398599774 Biology 0.177993864127 571019 Discrete and Rhythmic Motor Primitives for the Control of Humanoid Robots Dégallier Rochat, Sarah 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.574398599774 Biology 0.177993864127 1120165 Discrete stochastic heat equation driven by fractional noise: Feynman-Kac representation and asymptotic behavior Kalbasi, Kamran 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.794648537655 Psychology 0.0355947275604 669338 Dispersion Properties of Photonic Crystals and Silicon Nanostructures Investigated by Fourier-Space Imaging Jágerská, Jana 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.602471724296 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.327206536633 571080 Dispersion Properties of Photonic Crystals and Silicon Nanostructures Investigated by Fourier-Space Imaging Jágerská, Jana 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.602471724296 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.327206536633 214863 Distance transformations: fast algorithms and applications to medical image processing Cuisenaire, O. 1999 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.877181030835 Civil-Engineering 0.0332850536281 669480 Distributed Compressed Representation of Correlated Image Sets Thirumalai, Vijayaraghavan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.915625663251 Agriculture 0.0120611969557 590546 Distributed Compressed Representation of Correlated Image Sets Thirumalai, Vijayaraghavan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.915625663251 Agriculture 0.0120611969557 669447 Distributed Constraint Optimization: Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty Léauté, Thomas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.732216542255 Economics 0.103319655555 571185 Distributed Constraint Optimization: Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty Léauté, Thomas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.732216542255 Economics 0.103319655555 151421 Distributed signal processing for binaural hearing aids Roy, Olivier 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.906049017654 Medicine 0.0282424438012 570698 Distributed signal processing for binaural hearing aids Roy, Olivier 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.906049017654 Medicine 0.0282424438012 669201 Dry rock avalanche propagation: unconstrained flow experiments with granular materials and blocks at small scale Manzella, Irene 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.643863428451 Industrial-Engineering 0.0962114147166 570596 Dry rock avalanche propagation: unconstrained flow experiments with granular materials and blocks at small scale Manzella, Irene 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.643863428451 Industrial-Engineering 0.0962114147166 669464 Dual Eye-Tracking Methods for the Study of Remote Collaborative Problem Solving Nüssli, Marc-Antoine 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.568236304171 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.140172926194 571198 Dual Eye-Tracking Methods for the Study of Remote Collaborative Problem Solving Nüssli, Marc-Antoine 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Psychology 0.568236304171 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.140172926194 570951 Dynamic Actuation of Magnetic Beads for Immunoassays on-chip Moser, Yves 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.520463543947 Physics 0.216402028257 1030927 Dynamic brain networks explored by structure-revealing methods Leonardi, Nora 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.626051735346 Biology 0.253782926781 1168786 Dynamic Grasp Adaptation: From Humans To Robots Li, Miao 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.3393114045 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.245011220653 307593 Dynamic urban origin-destination matrix estimation methodology Bert, Emmanuel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.31836248484 Civil-Engineering 0.236260277359 570813 Dynamic urban origin-destination matrix estimation methodology Bert, Emmanuel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.31836248484 Civil-Engineering 0.236260277359 150478 Dynamically reconfigurable bio-inspired hardware Upegui Posada, Andres Emilio 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.799225343697 Civil-Engineering 0.0939381022366 570374 Dynamically reconfigurable bio-inspired hardware Upegui Posada, Andres Emilio 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.799225343697 Civil-Engineering 0.0939381022366 570975 Dynamics of Electron Transfer Processes at the Surface of Dye-Sensitized Mesoporous Semiconductor Films Teuscher, Joël 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.711513000428 Physics 0.152715906837 1005175 Dynamics of Human-Robot Interaction in Domestic Environments Fink, Julia 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.641800581247 Political-and-Social-Sciences 0.149943416921 570969 Dynamics of Interactions of Confined Microcavity Polaritons Paraïso, Taofiq 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.764100998901 Chemistry 0.0429818204097 1169964 Dynamics of the cavitation precessing vortex rope for Francis turbines at part load operating conditions Favrel, Arthur Tristan 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.766310363331 Civil-Engineering 0.072149732498 690164 Early hydration of cementitious systems Juilland, Patrick 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.556997034598 Physics 0.0725117785336 669469 Ecohydrological Footprints: Quantitative Response of Ecosystems to Changes in their Hydrological Drivers Suweis, Samir 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.702801695295 Mathematics 0.10251816713 571203 Ecohydrological Footprints: Quantitative Response of Ecosystems to Changes in their Hydrological Drivers Suweis, Samir 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.702801695295 Mathematics 0.10251816713 150574 Ecological response of a multi-purpose river development project using macro-invertebrates richness and fish habitat value Pellaud, Marc 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.69310754775 Civil-Engineering 0.221471649485 570474 Ecological response of a multi-purpose river development project using macro-invertebrates richness and fish habitat value Pellaud, Marc 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.69310754775 Civil-Engineering 0.221471649485 669501 Edge Localized Mode Control in TCV Rossel, Jonathan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.607532679226 Industrial-Engineering 0.315962052293 590550 Edge Localized Mode Control in TCV Rossel, Jonathan 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.607532679226 Industrial-Engineering 0.315962052293 1041955 Effect of Deformation History on Punching Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Koppitz, Robert 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.585952973118 Industrial-Engineering 0.115531168195 150379 Effect of electronic and nuclear factors on the dynamics of dye-to-semiconductor electron transfer Wenger, Bernard 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.461779589611 Chemistry 0.430673758823 570275 Effect of electronic and nuclear factors on the dynamics of dye-to-semiconductor electron transfer Wenger, Bernard 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.461779589611 Chemistry 0.430673758823 669468 Effect of Groundwater on Landslide Triggering Brönnimann, Cornelia Sara 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.629101949873 Civil-Engineering 0.280614365491 571202 Effect of Groundwater on Landslide Triggering Brönnimann, Cornelia Sara 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.629101949873 Civil-Engineering 0.280614365491 1093842 Effect of Heat Current on Magnetization Dynamics in Magnetic Insulators and Nanostructures Vetrò, Francesco Antonio 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.654561416319 Physics 0.184677302271 669455 Effect of Hydrofoil Trailing Edge Geometry on the Wake Dynamics Zobeiri, Amirreza 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.409039065599 Industrial-Engineering 0.109947283048 590541 Effect of Hydrofoil Trailing Edge Geometry on the Wake Dynamics Zobeiri, Amirreza 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.409039065599 Industrial-Engineering 0.109947283048 150728 Effect of particle size on the hydration kinetics and microstructural development of tricalcium silicate Costoya Fernández, Maria Mercedes 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.355180112799 Physics 0.174212581527 570635 Effect of particle size on the hydration kinetics and microstructural development of tricalcium silicate Costoya Fernández, Maria Mercedes 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Earth sciences 0.355180112799 Physics 0.174212581527 1011189 Effective Lagrangian Perspectives on Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Thamm, Andrea 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.855521056982 Mathematics 0.0169912617672 150764 Effectiveness factor of thin-layer IrO2 electrocatalyst: influence of catayst loading and electrode kinetics Herrera Calderon, Erika 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.898509038352 Biology 0.0215222828652 570681 Effectiveness factor of thin-layer IrO2 electrocatalyst: influence of catayst loading and electrode kinetics Herrera Calderon, Erika 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.898509038352 Biology 0.0215222828652 150452 Effects of a stiffened arterial tree on ventricular-arterial coupling in healthy and diseased hearts Jegger, David 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.373529190683 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.309013688285 570348 Effects of a stiffened arterial tree on ventricular-arterial coupling in healthy and diseased hearts Jegger, David 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.373529190683 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.309013688285 150675 Effects of base-pair sequence, nicks and gaps on DNA minicircle shapes: analysis and experiment Amzallag, Arnaud 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.307070656612 Chemistry 0.159900189909 570578 Effects of base-pair sequence, nicks and gaps on DNA minicircle shapes: analysis and experiment Amzallag, Arnaud 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.307070656612 Chemistry 0.159900189909 307642 Effects of magnetism in superconducting hybrid structures Crouzy, Benoît 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.701444305309 Biology 0.186341957019 570863 Effects of magnetism in superconducting hybrid structures Crouzy, Benoît 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.701444305309 Biology 0.186341957019 734210 Effects of Subordinate Plant Species in Plant and Soil Community Structure and Ecosystem Functioning Mariotte, Pierre Rémi 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.573763394568 Biology 0.38217008941 157273 Efficiency enhancement and frequency-tunable capability in linear CMOS RF power amplifiers for wireless applications Dal Fabbro, Paulo Augusto 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.75582927163 Industrial-Engineering 0.136070167439 1052700 Efficient Communication and Synchronization on Manycore Processors Petrović, Darko 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.866671616149 Agriculture 0.0350364657512 150568 Efficient image duplicate detection based on image analysis Maret, Yannick 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.466716021394 Physics 0.395697079778 570468 Efficient image duplicate detection based on image analysis Maret, Yannick 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.466716021394 Physics 0.395697079778 669360 Efficient Modelling and Simulation Methodology for the Design of Heterogeneous Mixed-Signal Systems on Chip Mähne, Torsten 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.53812789134 Industrial-Engineering 0.437791853706 571102 Efficient Modelling and Simulation Methodology for the Design of Heterogeneous Mixed-Signal Systems on Chip Mähne, Torsten 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.53812789134 Industrial-Engineering 0.437791853706 669252 Efficient Processing of Ranking Queries in Novel Applications Haghani, Parisa 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.874986281922 Agriculture 0.0198872396165 570995 Efficient Processing of Ranking Queries in Novel Applications Haghani, Parisa 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.874986281922 Agriculture 0.0198872396165 690210 Efficient Schemes for Adaptive Frequency Tracking and their Relevance for EEG and ECG Van Zaen, Jérôme 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.875789608939 Industrial-Engineering 0.0315674630655 150229 Elaboration d'un système de navigation auto-alimenté (SNA) et évaluation de ses performances Torday, Alexandre 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.536997453704 Industrial-Engineering 0.160138945512 570120 Elaboration d'un système de navigation auto-alimenté (SNA) et évaluation de ses performances Torday, Alexandre 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.536997453704 Industrial-Engineering 0.160138945512 1063855 Electrical and Magnetical Modeling of Inductive Coupled Power Transfer Systems Auvigne, Christophe Bruno 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.829363665834 Biology 0.0512993922582 150465 Electrical cell manipulation in microfluidic systems Seger, Urban 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.32435320131 Medicine 0.149781199608 570361 Electrical cell manipulation in microfluidic systems Seger, Urban 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.32435320131 Medicine 0.149781199608 150721 Electrical properties of functionalized nanowire field effect transistors Weitz, Ralf Thomas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.489487960544 Chemistry 0.348292192773 570628 Electrical properties of functionalized nanowire field effect transistors Weitz, Ralf Thomas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.489487960544 Chemistry 0.348292192773 307694 Electrocatalysis at liquid/liquid interfaces Partovi Nia, Raheleh 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.847981053621 Physics 0.0356565920381 570917 Electrocatalysis at liquid/liquid interfaces Partovi Nia, Raheleh 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.847981053621 Physics 0.0356565920381 307693 Electrocatalysis induced by surface redox activities on conductive metal oxide electrodes Fierro, Stéphane 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.905170833472 Biology 0.0304665606335 570916 Electrocatalysis induced by surface redox activities on conductive metal oxide electrodes Fierro, Stéphane 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.905170833472 Biology 0.0304665606335 669283 Electrochemical and Electrokinetic Tools for Surface Activity Characterization and Proteomics Analysis Cortes Salazar, Fernando 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.366361742557 Physics 0.312119466489 571026 Electrochemical and Electrokinetic Tools for Surface Activity Characterization and Proteomics Analysis Cortes Salazar, Fernando 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.366361742557 Physics 0.312119466489 150532 Electrochemical promotion of Pt catalysts for gas phase reactions Jaccoud, Arnaud 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.70987659047 Biology 0.23401271254 570431 Electrochemical promotion of Pt catalysts for gas phase reactions Jaccoud, Arnaud 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.70987659047 Biology 0.23401271254 150723 Electromagnetic compatibility of power line communication systems Vukicevic, Ana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.83621707417 Industrial-Engineering 0.111262321673 570630 Electromagnetic compatibility of power line communication systems Vukicevic, Ana 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.83621707417 Industrial-Engineering 0.111262321673 669311 Electromagnetic Environment Associated with Lightning Strikes to Tall Strike Objects Mosaddeghi, Seyed Abbas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.617984483793 Industrial-Engineering 0.187738967252 571054 Electromagnetic Environment Associated with Lightning Strikes to Tall Strike Objects Mosaddeghi, Seyed Abbas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.617984483793 Industrial-Engineering 0.187738967252 150531 Electromagnetic modelling of planar circuits in bounded layered media Crespo Valero, Pedro 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.458811722518 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.341984751705 570430 Electromagnetic modelling of planar circuits in bounded layered media Crespo Valero, Pedro 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.458811722518 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.341984751705 150516 Electromagnetic radiation from lightning return strokes to tall structures Pavanello, Davide 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.437842625186 Industrial-Engineering 0.261475301495 570414 Electromagnetic radiation from lightning return strokes to tall structures Pavanello, Davide 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.423104066883 Industrial-Engineering 0.26882461281 669438 Electron Cyclotron Heating and Suprathermal Electron Dynamics in the TCV Tokamak Gnesin, Silvano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.826688762641 Industrial-Engineering 0.0826585326091 571176 Electron Cyclotron Heating and Suprathermal Electron Dynamics in the TCV Tokamak Gnesin, Silvano 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.826688762641 Industrial-Engineering 0.0826585326091 669523 Electronic and Structural Properties of the Ge/GeO2 Interface through Hybrid Functionals Binder, Jan Felix 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.711536431482 Biology 0.0768038841597 663968 Electronic and Structural Properties of the Ge/GeO2 Interface through Hybrid Functionals Binder, Jan Felix 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.711536431482 Biology 0.0768038841597 150753 Electronic and vibrational spectroscopy of cold protonated amino acids in the gas phase Mercier, Sébastien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.763264700017 Agriculture 0.050889996746 570663 Electronic and vibrational spectroscopy of cold protonated amino acids in the gas phase Mercier, Sébastien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.763264700017 Agriculture 0.050889996746 580036 Electronic relaxation and dissipation in mesoscopic systems Houshang Pour Islam, Kamran 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.841638439322 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.0384395599951 150658 Electrospray ion beam deposition and mass spectrometry of nonvolatile molecules and nanomaterials Rauschenbach, Stephan 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.658609441407 Chemistry 0.243491627941 570561 Electrospray ion beam deposition and mass spectrometry of nonvolatile molecules and nanomaterials Rauschenbach, Stephan 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.658609441407 Chemistry 0.243491627941 150599 Electrostatic instabilities and turbulence in a toroidal magnetized plasma Poli, Francesca Maria 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.78091949472 Chemistry 0.0569679462797 570498 Electrostatic instabilities and turbulence in a toroidal magnetized plasma Poli, Francesca Maria 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.78091949472 Chemistry 0.0569679462797 307612 Elementary abelian subgroups in p-groups of class 2 Bornand, David 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.725459187821 Physics 0.111339329701 570832 Elementary abelian subgroups in p-groups of class 2 Bornand, David 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.725459187821 Physics 0.111339329701 715177 Elucidating the role of post-translational modifications of alpha-synuclein using semisynthesis: phosphorylation at Tyrosine 125 and monoubiquitination at Lysine 6 Hejjaoui, Mirva 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.859859019656 Chemistry 0.0567787805764 669364 Embedded Domain-Specific Languages using Libraries and Dynamic Metaprogramming Dubochet, Gilles 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.831285252937 Biology 0.0466452197135 571106 Embedded Domain-Specific Languages using Libraries and Dynamic Metaprogramming Dubochet, Gilles 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.831285252937 Biology 0.0466452197135 570958 Emergent Dynamics in Neocortical Microcircuits Perin, Rodrigo de Campos 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.636575367804 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.268903941137 669450 Emergent Properties of in silico Synaptic Transmission in a Model of the Rat Neocortical Column Ramaswamy, Srikanth 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.550923034187 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.311629479294 571188 Emergent Properties of in silico Synaptic Transmission in a Model of the Rat Neocortical Column Ramaswamy, Srikanth 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.550923034187 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.311629479294 1099028 Enabling Speech Applications using Ad Hoc Microphone Arrays Taghizadeh, Mohammadjavad 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.55575979522 Agriculture 0.144753332456 150666 Enactive robot vision Suzuki, Mototaka 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.742556462836 Psychology 0.175218075583 570569 Enactive robot vision Suzuki, Mototaka 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.742556462836 Psychology 0.175218075583 159366 Encapsulation hermétique pour systèmes hydro- et thermo-sensibles Seigneur, Frank 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.735728680544 Medicine 0.0954705913118 570774 Encapsulation hermétique pour systèmes hydro- et thermo-sensibles Seigneur, Frank 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.74659741958 Medicine 0.0859258741969 1169965 Endogenous Regulators of Gamma-Secretase and Amyloid-Beta Production, and Engineering of Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutic Tools Mosser, Sébastien 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.843246199232 Physics 0.0222044960192 669266 Endoscopic Fluorescence Imaging: Spectral Optimization and in vivo Characterization of Positive Sites by Magnifying Vascular Imaging Lovisa, Blaise 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.474014998157 Physics 0.211708568796 571009 Endoscopic Fluorescence Imaging: Spectral Optimization and in vivo Characterization of Positive Sites by Magnifying Vascular Imaging Lovisa, Blaise 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Medicine 0.474014998157 Physics 0.211708568796 307563 Endoscopic low coherence interferometry applied to tri-dimensional contouring of upper airways Delacrétaz, Yves 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.758757820515 Physics 0.0610744102988 570739 Endoscopic low coherence interferometry applied to tri-dimensional contouring of upper airways Delacrétaz, Yves 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.758757820515 Physics 0.0610744102988 1077010 Energetic ion dynamics and confinement in 3D saturated MHD configurations Pfefferlé, David 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.838150749754 Mathematics 0.0457633584752 570925 Energetic, Visual and Non-Visual Aspects of Office Lighting Linhart, Friedrich 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.715627903604 Chemistry 0.0735194204508 1171128 Energetics and thermodynamics of α-iron from first-principles and machine-learning potentials Dragoni, Daniele 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.801169888087 Industrial-Engineering 0.0779154472388 1020346 Energy Efficient VLSI Circuits for MIMO-WLAN Senning, Carl Christian Sten Dominic 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.921266387908 Industrial-Engineering 0.0147568409867 1140430 Energy-selective neutron imaging for materials science Peetermans, Steven Luc X 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.799412897173 Earth sciences 0.110614139243 150551 Engineering limit cycle systems: adaptive frequency oscillators and applications to adaptive locomotion control of compliant robots Buchli, Jonas 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.784725873072 Physics 0.119518538481 570451 Engineering limit cycle systems: adaptive frequency oscillators and applications to adaptive locomotion control of compliant robots Buchli, Jonas 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.784725873072 Physics 0.119518538481 1152146 Engineering the Extra Domain A of fibronectin as a vaccine adjuvant and study of its role in tissue regeneration Julier, Ziad 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Biology 0.630087154721 Medicine 0.135058472202 1041957 Enhancement and application of a risk assessment technique for research and teaching laboratories Plüss, David Nicolas 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.236204679164 Medicine 0.232261561322 151420 Enhancing posterior based speech recognition systems Ketabdar, Hamed 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.248318523882 Medicine 0.197693654597 570697 Enhancing posterior based speech recognition systems Ketabdar, Hamed 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.248318523882 Medicine 0.197693654597 150706 Enhancing the open-circuit voltage of dye-sensitized solar cells: coadsorbents and alternative redox couples Zhang, Zhipan 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.468332300272 Physics 0.290536662655 570612 Enhancing the open-circuit voltage of dye-sensitized solar cells: coadsorbents and alternative redox couples Zhang, Zhipan 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.468332300272 Physics 0.290536662655 203645 Ensembles for Sequence Learning Dimitrakakis, Christos 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835680820771 Statistics 0.0244928217638 150414 Ensembles for sequence learning Dimitrakakis, Christos 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835680820771 Statistics 0.0244928217638 570310 Ensembles for sequence learning Dimitrakakis, Christos 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.835680820771 Statistics 0.0244928217638 669477 Entropy in the Coil-to-Globule Transition of Macromolecules: Insights from Simple Models Maffi, Carlo 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.820072438116 Biology 0.0327601175892 590543 Entropy in the Coil-to-Globule Transition of Macromolecules: Insights from Simple Models Maffi, Carlo 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.820072438116 Biology 0.0327601175892 150428 Environmental impacts and benefits of information and communication technology infrastructure and services, using process and input-output life cycle assessment Loerincik, Yves 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.470264258286 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.298668580784 570324 Environmental impacts and benefits of information and communication technology infrastructure and services, using process and input-output life cycle assessment Loerincik, Yves 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.470264258286 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.298668580784 669332 Epitaxial Piezoelectric MEMS on Silicon Isarakorn, Don 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.684338996958 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.165846594992 571074 Epitaxial Piezoelectric MEMS on Silicon Isarakorn, Don 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.684338996958 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.165846594992 669519 Epoxy-graphite Resistive Composites: Formulation, Characterization and Applications Serra, Nathalie 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.289555482233 Chemistry 0.28421558998 592890 Epoxy-graphite Resistive Composites: Formulation, Characterization and Applications Serra, Nathalie 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.289555482233 Chemistry 0.28421558998 150690 Equivalences and calculi for formal verification of cryptographic protocols Borgström, Johannes 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795228954773 Philosophy 0.101800870988 570595 Equivalences and calculi for formal verification of cryptographic protocols Borgström, Johannes 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.795228954773 Philosophy 0.101800870988 669854 Ergonomic Simulation Revisited Using Parametric Virtual Humans in the Biomechanical Framework Puthiya Veettil, Hareesh 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.528324311317 Industrial-Engineering 0.369941862392 150285 Ermüdungsverhalten von Stahlgussknoten in Brücken aus Stahlhohlprofilen Haldimann-Sturm, Senta Christine 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.507904793292 Civil-Engineering 0.354654480429 570180 Ermüdungsverhalten von Stahlgussknoten in Brücken aus Stahlhohlprofilen Haldimann-Sturm, Senta Christine 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.507904793292 Civil-Engineering 0.354654480429 150451 Error handling in multimodal voice-enabled interfaces of tour-guide robots using graphical models Prodanov, Plamen 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.900970197071 Biology 0.0142499010881 570347 Error handling in multimodal voice-enabled interfaces of tour-guide robots using graphical models Prodanov, Plamen 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.904093265036 Biology 0.0139038899192 215289 Error-related EEG potentials in brain-computer interfaces Ferrez, Pierre W. 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.857367457826 Biology 0.0550788672984 150641 Error-related EEG potentials in brain-computer interfaces Ferrez, Pierre 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.856712062184 Biology 0.0558127182477 570544 Error-related EEG potentials in brain-computer interfaces Ferrez, Pierre 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.856712062184 Biology 0.0558127182477 1166720 Escapement-Based Movements as Positioning Mechanisms: Design and Modelling Besuchet, Romain David 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.690516337876 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.202631061017 151416 Estimation of the depth of anaesthesia from interacting physiological oscillators Oshima, Kumiko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.474270081397 Biology 0.29610110049 570688 Estimation of the depth of anaesthesia from interacting physiological oscillators Oshima, Kumiko 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.474270081397 Biology 0.29610110049 669855 Étapes marquantes du développement urbain de la Chaux-de-Fonds: les contributions de Moïse Perret-Gentil, de Charles-Henri Junod et de Charles-Frédéric Knab Te, Tearanel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.737332528867 Medicine 0.0628088542399 150501 Étude des fondements physiques possibles des concepts numériques utilisés dans les méthodes d'acoustique géométrique Guignard, Thomas 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.486798976292 Mathematics 0.165665939099 570399 Étude des fondements physiques possibles des concepts numériques utilisés dans les méthodes d'acoustique géométrique Guignard, Thomas 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.463604910507 Mathematics 0.196817075602 157281 Etude des morphologies de solidification dans les alliages aluminium-zinc Gonzales, Frédéric 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.623618034216 Physics 0.118431551071 570721 Etude des morphologies de solidification dans les alliages aluminium-zinc Gonzales, Frédéric 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.624158849174 Physics 0.118341262374 149954 Etude des processus hydrologiques par l'application du traçage environnemental: association à des mesures effectuées à l'échelle locale et analyse d'incertitude Joerin, Christophe 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.626217369236 Civil-Engineering 0.278171779022 569827 Etude des processus hydrologiques par l'application du traçage environnemental: association à des mesures effectuées à l'échelle locale et analyse d'incertitude Joerin, Christophe 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.606198962696 Civil-Engineering 0.297414124253 307569 Etude des propriétés morphologiques et catalytiques d'agrégats d'or triés en taille et déposés sur le TiO2(110) Vallotton, Raphaël 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.762593848087 Chemistry 0.0566487046724 570782 Etude des propriétés morphologiques et catalytiques d'agrégats d'or triés en taille et déposés sur le TiO2(110) Vallotton, Raphaël 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.762593848087 Chemistry 0.0566487046724 149964 Etude du comportement dynamique des turbines Francis: contrôle actif de leur stabilité de fonctionnement Blommaert, Gino 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.853910758736 Biology 0.0397764939599 569837 Etude du comportement dynamique des turbines Francis: contrôle actif de leur stabilité de fonctionnement Blommaert, Gino 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.853910758736 Biology 0.0397764939599 256928 Etude du comportement réel des ponts mixtes et modélisation pour le dimensionnement Ducret, Jean-Marc 1997 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.85786309743 Industrial-Engineering 0.0528491232168 569765 Etude du comportement réel des ponts mixtes et modélisation pour le dimensionnement Ducret, Jean-Marc 1997 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.857057485032 Industrial-Engineering 0.0519107055225 150584 Étude du tomographe de haute résolution pour petits animaux ClearPET par la méthode de Monte Carlo Rey, Martin 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.74904934392 Industrial-Engineering 0.0938879950353 570483 Étude du tomographe de haute résolution pour petits animaux ClearPET par la méthode de Monte Carlo Rey, Martin 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.74904934392 Industrial-Engineering 0.0938879950353 150471 Étude du transport d'énergie thermique dans les plasmas du tokamak à configuration variable au moyen de chauffage électronique cyclotronique Camenen, Yann 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.550933307487 Industrial-Engineering 0.366236441923 570367 Étude du transport d'énergie thermique dans les plasmas du tokamak à configuration variable au moyen de chauffage électronique cyclotronique Camenen, Yann 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.558939816234 Industrial-Engineering 0.36381099995 570966 Étude et optimisation d'un convertisseur DC/DC à canaux multiples entrelacés Louvrier, Yannick 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.851339261896 Physics 0.0580058385781 669442 Etude expérimentale de refuges à poissons aménagés dans les berges de rivières soumises aux éclusées hydroélectriques Ribi, Jean-Marc 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Veterinary 0.24833841157 Biology 0.191006754526 571180 Etude expérimentale de refuges à poissons aménagés dans les berges de rivières soumises aux éclusées hydroélectriques Ribi, Jean-Marc 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Veterinary 0.24833841157 Biology 0.191006754526 150447 Étude expérimentale des propriétés optiques des cristaux photoniques bidimensionnels et de leur accordabillité Wild, Barbara 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.679036267888 Chemistry 0.0956746388007 570343 Étude expérimentale des propriétés optiques des cristaux photoniques bidimensionnels et de leur accordabillité Wild, Barbara 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.679036267888 Chemistry 0.0956746388007 150553 Étude expérimentale du dégel d'un limon argileux: application aux chaussées et pergélisols alpins Dysli, Michel 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.354712406475 Civil-Engineering 0.309332443276 570453 Étude expérimentale du dégel d'un limon argileux: application aux chaussées et pergélisols alpins Dysli, Michel 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.366690868777 Civil-Engineering 0.288446127209 669354 Étude multidisciplinaire d'un développement durable du sous-sol urbain: aspects socio-économiques, juridiques et de politique urbaine Maire, Pierrick 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.645346413429 Biology 0.0849038774439 571096 Étude multidisciplinaire d'un développement durable du sous-sol urbain: aspects socio-économiques, juridiques et de politique urbaine Maire, Pierrick 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.645346413429 Biology 0.0849038774439 307559 Étude numérique et expérimentale du retrait endogène de la pâte de ciment au jeune âge Jaouadi, Ines 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.363735690735 Earth sciences 0.259871357919 570678 Étude numérique et expérimentale du retrait endogène de la pâte de ciment au jeune âge Jaouadi, Ines 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.363735690735 Earth sciences 0.259871357919 669434 Évaluation des performances et des impacts des enrobés bitumineux tièdes Bueche, Nicolas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.421252649164 Civil-Engineering 0.25510859939 571172 Évaluation des performances et des impacts des enrobés bitumineux tièdes Bueche, Nicolas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.421252649164 Civil-Engineering 0.25510859939 1096435 Evaluation of audio source separation in the context of 3D audio Rohr, Lukas 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.52656019193 Biology 0.0848495501953 690165 Evaluation of Cost-Effective Technologies for Highly Efficient Silicon-Based Solar Cells Gautero, Luca 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.424475854002 Industrial-Engineering 0.243574930492 739220 Evolution of cooperation in artificial ants Waibel, Markus 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.58165895409 Biology 0.0885128912144 150588 Evolution of open many-electron systems: from a quantum statistical description towards the semi-classical Boltzmann equation Gliesche, Aric 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.759694988725 Mathematics 0.12913454278 570487 Evolution of open many-electron systems: from a quantum statistical description towards the semi-classical Boltzmann equation Gliesche, Aric 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.759694988725 Mathematics 0.12913454278 307660 Evolution of whole genomes through inversions: models and algorithms for duplicates, ancestors, and edit scenarios Swenson, Krister 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.221536041154 Earth sciences 0.183986536859 570881 Evolution of whole genomes through inversions: models and algorithms for duplicates, ancestors, and edit scenarios Swenson, Krister 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.221536041154 Earth sciences 0.183986536859 307633 Evolutionary reverse engineering of gene networks Marbach, Daniel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.767795967909 Biology 0.0785792472513 570854 Evolutionary reverse engineering of gene networks Marbach, Daniel 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.767795967909 Biology 0.0785792472513 570143 Evolutionary synthesis of analog networks Mattiussi, Claudio 2005 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.768838356464 Chemistry 0.0882767065546 307610 Examining how TRIPS implementation affects access to foreign technologies for developing countries Hamdan-Livramento, Intan Maizurah 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Economics 0.630556378685 Law 0.264758476074 570830 Examining how TRIPS implementation affects access to foreign technologies for developing countries Hamdan-Livramento, Intan Maizurah 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Soc Economics 0.630556378685 Law 0.264758476074 157265 Exciton correlations within an electron gas Berney, Jean 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.781586182527 Biology 0.074019479163 570420 Exciton correlations within an electron gas Berney, Jean 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.781586182527 Biology 0.074019479163 150708 Exciton localization and diffusion in low-dimensional nanostructures formed on non-planar substrates Moret, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.809782730053 Biology 0.0436285528575 570614 Exciton localization and diffusion in low-dimensional nanostructures formed on non-planar substrates Moret, Nicolas 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.809782730053 Biology 0.0436285528575 150467 Exclusive trigger selections and sensitivity to the Bs-Bs mixing phase at LHCb Fernández, Luis 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.889874861519 Agriculture 0.0351199034782 570363 Exclusive trigger selections and sensitivity to the Bs-Bs mixing phase at LHCb Fernández, Luis 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.889874861519 Agriculture 0.0351199034782 669228 Expect the Unexpected: An Exploratory Study on the Conditions and Factors Driving the Resilience of Infrastructure Projects Geambasu, Georgeta 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.210369090504 Medicine 0.163145143511 570960 Expect the Unexpected: An Exploratory Study on the Conditions and Factors Driving the Resilience of Infrastructure Projects Geambasu, Georgeta 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.210369090504 Medicine 0.163145143511 1168497 Experimental and first-principles study of point defects, domain walls, and point-defect/domain-wall interactions in ferroelectric oxides Chandrasekaran, Anand 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.583085791223 Biology 0.152433591792 307648 Experimental and modeling investigations on local performance and local degradation in solid oxide fuel cells Wuillemin, Zacharie 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.67956296888 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.130612613267 570869 Experimental and modeling investigations on local performance and local degradation in solid oxide fuel cells Wuillemin, Zacharie 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.67956296888 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.130612613267 307644 Experimental and modelling study of the alkali-silica-reaction in concrete Dunant, Cyrille 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.678567216917 Chemistry 0.111720949892 570865 Experimental and modelling study of the alkali-silica-reaction in concrete Dunant, Cyrille 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.678567216917 Chemistry 0.111720949892 150705 Experimental and numerical investigations on the fluid contribution to the tensile-compressive mechanical behavior of the bovine periodontal ligament Bergomi, Marzio 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.749143700474 Biology 0.0965026886762 570611 Experimental and numerical investigations on the fluid contribution to the tensile-compressive mechanical behavior of the bovine periodontal ligament Bergomi, Marzio 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.749143700474 Biology 0.0965026886762 1033639 Experimental and Numerical Studies of Mode I and Mode II Delamination of Polymer Composites with Embedded Optical Sensors Stutz, Samuel 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.745057976477 Physics 0.0836615147779 150604 Experimental and numerical study of microstructure formation and the origin of crystallographic misorientation in Al-Zn-Si alloy coatings Niederberger, Christoph 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.512670567018 Earth sciences 0.259555877899 570505 Experimental and numerical study of microstructure formation and the origin of crystallographic misorientation in Al-Zn-Si alloy coatings Niederberger, Christoph 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.512670567018 Earth sciences 0.259555877899 307567 Experimental and theoretical study of particle transport in the TCV tokamak Fable, Emiliano 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.75542973033 Industrial-Engineering 0.174998066484 570764 Experimental and theoretical study of particle transport in the TCV tokamak Fable, Emiliano 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.75542973033 Industrial-Engineering 0.174998066484 150749 Experimental investigation into localized instabilities of mixed Rayleigh-Bénard-Poiseuille convection Grandjean, Emeric 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.287652449966 Industrial-Engineering 0.274428785719 570658 Experimental investigation into localized instabilities of mixed Rayleigh-Bénard-Poiseuille convection Grandjean, Emeric 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.287652449966 Industrial-Engineering 0.274428785719 150560 Experimental investigation of a vibrating axial turbine cascade in presence of upstream generated aerodynamic gusts Rottmeier, Fabrice 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.804061229933 Physics 0.0690467129623 570460 Experimental investigation of a vibrating axial turbine cascade in presence of upstream generated aerodynamic gusts Rottmeier, Fabrice 2003 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.804061229933 Physics 0.0690467129623 150559 Experimental investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristics in various geometries of 2-pass internal cooling passages of gas turbine airfoils Chanteloup, Denis 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.866955415274 Medicine 0.0306884070911 570459 Experimental investigation of heat transfer and flow characteristics in various geometries of 2-pass internal cooling passages of gas turbine airfoils Chanteloup, Denis 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.866955415274 Medicine 0.0306884070911 669206 Experimental investigation of unstrained diffusion flames and their instabilities Robert, Etienne 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.656358564818 Physics 0.187701431577 570718 Experimental investigation of unstrained diffusion flames and their instabilities Robert, Etienne 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.656358564818 Physics 0.187701431577 669482 Experimental Quantification of the Variability of the Raindrop Size Distribution at Small Scales Jaffrain, Joël 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.351535443371 Biology 0.254068890961 580349 Experimental Quantification of the Variability of the Raindrop Size Distribution at Small Scales Jaffrain, Joël 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.351535443371 Biology 0.254068890961 150556 Experimental study on a heavy film cooled nozzle guide vane with contoured platforms Vogel, Gregory 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.840209626043 Physics 0.046460029361 570456 Experimental study on a heavy film cooled nozzle guide vane with contoured platforms Vogel, Gregory 2002 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.840209626043 Physics 0.046460029361 150697 Experimental study on the influence of the geometry of shallow reservoirs on flow patterns and sedimentation by suspended sediments Kantoush, Sameh Ahmad 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.704369618966 Earth sciences 0.0946619130732 570603 Experimental study on the influence of the geometry of shallow reservoirs on flow patterns and sedimentation by suspended sediments Kantoush, Sameh Ahmad 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.704369618966 Earth sciences 0.0946619130732 1096433 Experiments in hydrologic solute transport Queloz, Pierre Claude Jean 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.864910240487 Agriculture 0.0492822117929 150490 Exploitation de connaissances sémantiques externes dans les représentations vectorielles en recherche documentaire Seydoux, Florian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.903006718898 Industrial-Engineering 0.0242527496393 570387 Exploitation de connaissances sémantiques externes dans les représentations vectorielles en recherche documentaire Seydoux, Florian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.903006718898 Industrial-Engineering 0.0242527496393 307675 Exploiting redundancy in color images Marguier, Joanna 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.820963330747 Industrial-Engineering 0.0342239312761 570898 Exploiting redundancy in color images Marguier, Joanna 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.820963330747 Industrial-Engineering 0.0342239312761 1098675 Exploring information retrieval using image sparse representations: from circuit designs and acquisition processes to specific reconstruction algorithms Guicquéro, William 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.844263190926 Physics 0.0692307118109 1138496 Exploring Ligand Affinities for Proteins by NMR of Long-Lived States Buratto, Roberto 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.684265588292 Biology 0.110667609969 669308 Exploring the Physics behind Dynamic Fragmentation through Parallel Simulations Levy, Sarah 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.552601388598 Physics 0.24116901772 571051 Exploring the Physics behind Dynamic Fragmentation through Parallel Simulations Levy, Sarah 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.552601388598 Physics 0.24116901772 669374 Extents of Reaction and Mass Transfer in the Analysis of Chemical Reaction Systems Bhatt, Nirav Pravinbhai 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.42215819268 Industrial-Engineering 0.175320358363 571116 Extents of Reaction and Mass Transfer in the Analysis of Chemical Reaction Systems Bhatt, Nirav Pravinbhai 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.42215819268 Industrial-Engineering 0.175320358363 690166 Extraction of Urban Environmental Quality Indicators using LiDAR-Based Digital Surface Models Magalhães Carneiro, Cláudio 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.745417129853 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.16601472209 571109 Extremely Shaped Plasmas to Improve the Tokamak Concept Piras, Francesco 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.828608381213 Industrial-Engineering 0.0841235254273 669367 Extremely Shaped Plasmas to Improve the Tokamak Concept Piras, Francesco 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.828608381213 Industrial-Engineering 0.0841235254273 150510 Fabrication of low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC)-based sensor and micro-fluidic structures Birol, Hansu 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.481965390251 Physics 0.161930830492 570408 Fabrication of low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC)-based sensor and micro-fluidic structures Birol, Hansu 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.481965390251 Physics 0.161930830492 1041956 Fabrication-Aware Design with Performative Criteria Schwartzburg, Yuliy 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.686654807727 Civil-Engineering 0.132245794025 215302 Face Detection and Verification using Local Binary Patterns Rodriguez, Yann 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.857197003828 Industrial-Engineering 0.0396021540463 159364 Falling film evaporation on a tube bundle with plain and enhanced tubes Habert, Mathieu 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.817896278319 Visual arts 0.0268609565925 570769 Falling film evaporation on a tube bundle with plain and enhanced tubes Habert, Mathieu 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.817896278319 Visual arts 0.0268609565925 669528 Fano Resonances in Plasmonic Nanostructures: Fundamentals, Numerical Modeling and Applications Gallinet, Benjamin 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.879686002036 Civil-Engineering 0.030476787201 663973 Fano Resonances in Plasmonic Nanostructures: Fundamentals, Numerical Modeling and Applications Gallinet, Benjamin 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.879686002036 Civil-Engineering 0.030476787201 570842 Fast high-dimensional Bayesian classification and clustering Partovi Nia, Vahid 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Statistics 0.594114530998 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.310921177374 1182936 Fast Simulation of Electromagnetic Transients in Power Systems: Numerical Solvers and their Coupling with the Electromagnetic Time Reversal Process Razzaghi, Reza 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.581483814122 Industrial-Engineering 0.279712919207 150698 Fast temperature cycling of the catalytic CO oxidation using microstructure reactors Luther, Martin 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.80188065886 Biology 0.0541384725574 570604 Fast temperature cycling of the catalytic CO oxidation using microstructure reactors Luther, Martin 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.80188065886 Biology 0.0541384725574 1021058 Fatigue Behaviour of Steel Reinforcement Bars at Very High Number of Cycles Rocha, Marina 2014 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.342510314293 Civil-Engineering 0.333082139635 149953 Fault location algorithms for optical networks Mas Machuca, Carmen 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.865807175113 Civil-Engineering 0.0224466975803 569826 Fault location algorithms for optical networks Mas Machuca, Carmen 2000 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.859400063187 Civil-Engineering 0.0259232499443 150389 Fault-tolerant dynamic parallel schedules Gerlach, Sebastian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.688990697824 Industrial-Engineering 0.209359134922 570285 Fault-tolerant dynamic parallel schedules Gerlach, Sebastian 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.679373767995 Industrial-Engineering 0.246538352057 150484 Feature extraction of musical content for automatic music transcription Zhou, Ruohua 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878625677604 Visual arts 0.0338397705902 570380 Feature extraction of musical content for automatic music transcription Zhou, Ruohua 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.878625677604 Visual arts 0.0338397705902 150462 Feature-based 3D SLAM Weingarten, Jan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.811816656284 Industrial-Engineering 0.0738104220738 570358 Feature-based 3D SLAM Weingarten, Jan 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.811816656284 Industrial-Engineering 0.0738104220738 669356 Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor for Memory and Switch Applications Salvatore, Giovanni Antonio 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.836807549724 Biology 0.0249049505433 571098 Ferroelectric Field Effect Transistor for Memory and Switch Applications Salvatore, Giovanni Antonio 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.836807549724 Biology 0.0249049505433 150583 Ferroelectric gate on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures Malin, Lisa 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.440320482804 Physics 0.253852228024 570482 Ferroelectric gate on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures Malin, Lisa 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.440320482804 Physics 0.253852228024 161835 Fiber bragg gratings in polymer optical fibers Harbach, Nico Gérard 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.318803444765 Biology 0.139977150635 570590 Fiber bragg gratings in polymer optical fibers Harbach, Nico Gérard 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.318803444765 Biology 0.139977150635 150600 Fiber reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites Houphouet-Boigny, Chrystèle 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.659304674649 Chemistry 0.0741895740694 570499 Fiber reinforced polypropylene nanocomposites Houphouet-Boigny, Chrystèle 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.659304674649 Chemistry 0.0741895740694 669315 Finding Objects of Interest in Images using Saliency and Superpixels Achanta, Radhakrishna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.909802748683 Physics 0.0154325955893 571057 Finding Objects of Interest in Images using Saliency and Superpixels Achanta, Radhakrishna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.909802748683 Physics 0.0154325955893 669512 Finite Element Method on Riemann Surfaces and Applications to the Laplacian Spectrum Maintrot, Marc 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.774319905514 Industrial-Engineering 0.116444381978 663961 Finite Element Method on Riemann Surfaces and Applications to the Laplacian Spectrum Maintrot, Marc 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.774319905514 Industrial-Engineering 0.116444381978 669271 Finite Element Model of Hydro Generators Coupled to a Grid Simulation Software Rosselet, Gilles 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.382906660881 Industrial-Engineering 0.269793587753 571014 Finite Element Model of Hydro Generators Coupled to a Grid Simulation Software Rosselet, Gilles 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.382906660881 Industrial-Engineering 0.269793587753 307641 Finite element modeling and experimental study of brittle fracture in tempered martensitic steels for thermonuclear fusion applications Mueller, Pablo Federico 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.807834776512 Biology 0.0583171668506 570862 Finite element modeling and experimental study of brittle fracture in tempered martensitic steels for thermonuclear fusion applications Mueller, Pablo Federico 2009 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.807834776512 Biology 0.0583171668506 1036835 Finite Particle Flow Simulation of Free Jet Deviation by Rotating Pelton Buckets Vessaz, Christian 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.852310263443 Civil-Engineering 0.0377235963001 150527 First principles vibrational spectra of tetrahedrally-bonded glasses: SiO2, GeO2 and GeSe2 Giacomazzi, Luigi 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.714840923745 Civil-Engineering 0.109830163069 570426 First principles vibrational spectra of tetrahedrally-bonded glasses: SiO2, GeO2 and GeSe2 Giacomazzi, Luigi 2007 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.714840923745 Civil-Engineering 0.109830163069 669381 First-Principles Modeling of Optically Active Organic Molecules in Solar Cell Devices and Biological Environments Ren, Jun 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.538934650554 Physics 0.37765112235 571123 First-Principles Modeling of Optically Active Organic Molecules in Solar Cell Devices and Biological Environments Ren, Jun 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Chemistry 0.538934650554 Physics 0.37765112235 150727 First-principles study of defects at the SiC/SiO2 interface through hybrid functionals Devynck, Fabien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.677576151695 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.206166540531 570634 First-principles study of defects at the SiC/SiO2 interface through hybrid functionals Devynck, Fabien 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.677576151695 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.206166540531 570931 Fisher Kernels and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Models Eckard, Emmanuel 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.839415274431 Statistics 0.0268450848237 669329 Fission Rates Measured Using High-Energy Gamma-Rays from Short Half-Life Fission Products in Fresh and Spent Nuclear Fuel Kröhnert, Hanna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.435662743136 Physics 0.281560836188 571071 Fission Rates Measured Using High-Energy Gamma-Rays from Short Half-Life Fission Products in Fresh and Spent Nuclear Fuel Kröhnert, Hanna 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.435662743136 Physics 0.281560836188 669254 Fixed-Order Robust Controller Design by Convex Optimization Using Spectral Models Galdos Sanz de Galdeano, Gorka 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.592924490829 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.310980270561 570997 Fixed-Order Robust Controller Design by Convex Optimization Using Spectral Models Galdos Sanz de Galdeano, Gorka 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.592924490829 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.310980270561 1169960 Fixed-structure Control of LTI Systems with Polytopic-type Uncertainty: Application to Inverter-interfaced Microgrids Sad Abadi, Mahdieh Sadat 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.658012575111 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.263281011562 1182768 Fixed-wing drones for communication networks Varga, Maja 2016 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.645809667549 Agriculture 0.0783845148169 669386 Flexible and Robust Calibration of the Yule-Nielsen Model for CMYK Prints Bugnon, Thomas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.417034815511 Industrial-Engineering 0.117014764267 571127 Flexible and Robust Calibration of the Yule-Nielsen Model for CMYK Prints Bugnon, Thomas 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.417034815511 Industrial-Engineering 0.117014764267 669400 Flood Management in a Complex River Basin with a Real-Time Decision Support System Based on Hydrological Forecasts García Hernández, Javier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.514792014902 Civil-Engineering 0.209830828916 571141 Flood Management in a Complex River Basin with a Real-Time Decision Support System Based on Hydrological Forecasts García Hernández, Javier 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.514792014902 Civil-Engineering 0.209830828916 669305 Fluid Manipulation Using Thermoexpandable Polymer Based on Ploydimethylsiloxane and Expancel Metref, Lynda 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.654432374447 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.101352673203 571048 Fluid Manipulation Using Thermoexpandable Polymer Based on Ploydimethylsiloxane and Expancel Metref, Lynda 2010 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.654432374447 Computer-Science-and-Engineering 0.101352673203 150704 Fluid mechanics of intrathecal drug delivery Nelissen, Radboud Michael 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.32113588628 Industrial-Engineering 0.257902079991 570610 Fluid mechanics of intrathecal drug delivery Nelissen, Radboud Michael 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.32113588628 Industrial-Engineering 0.257902079991 690194 Fluid-Structure Coupling Effects on the Dynamic Response of Pump-Turbine Guide Vanes Roth, Steven 2012 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Industrial-Engineering 0.745866835596 Biology 0.0650866808309 669412 Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Hemodynamics: Parallel Solvers, Preconditioners, and Applications Crosetto, Paolo 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.368882284691 Industrial-Engineering 0.322393227955 571152 Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Hemodynamics: Parallel Solvers, Preconditioners, and Applications Crosetto, Paolo 2011 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.368882284691 Industrial-Engineering 0.322393227955 150511 Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: simulations and bio-chemical applications based on solid immersion lens concept Rao, Ramachandra 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.535388748802 Industrial-Engineering 0.277577908951 570409 Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: simulations and bio-chemical applications based on solid immersion lens concept Rao, Ramachandra 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.535388748802 Industrial-Engineering 0.277577908951 150692 Focused electron- and ion-beam induced processes: in situ monitoring, analysis and modeling Friedli, Vinzenz 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.797793083907 Industrial-Engineering 0.0545392025971 570598 Focused electron- and ion-beam induced processes: in situ monitoring, analysis and modeling Friedli, Vinzenz 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Physics 0.797793083907 Industrial-Engineering 0.0545392025971 150719 Foncteurs de Mackey projectifs Nicollerat, Muriel 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.722924994289 Medicine 0.121603373294 570626 Foncteurs de Mackey projectifs Nicollerat, Muriel 2008 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Mathematics 0.722924994289 Medicine 0.121603373294 150497 Fonctionnement hydrique de différents types de placages sableux dans le sahel burkinabè Niang, Dial 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.629065048538 Civil-Engineering 0.228397830278 570394 Fonctionnement hydrique de différents types de placages sableux dans le sahel burkinabè Niang, Dial 2006 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Life Agriculture 0.629065048538 Civil-Engineering 0.228397830278 1041958 Force-displacement response of unreinforced masonry walls for seismic design Petry, Sarah 2015 Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausannne Hard Civil-Engineering 0.762117348279 Industrial-Engineering 0.114798301425 669411 Forced and