Studies 1-2 include some indirect-effects analyses. The online supplement (Tables S2.2-S2.3) reports the results of these analyses, which we computed with Mplus. The corresponding Mplus-scripts can be found in the following folders: "" and "" Two additional folders include earlier versions of the just-described Mplus-scripts ("", ""). The reader can disregard those earlier versions. We uploaded them prematurely and the data repository did not allow us to remove them. We apologize for any confusion this may cause. For completeness reasons, we document the differences between the Mplus-scripts used in the publication and their earlier versions: Both script versions (the ones used in the publication and the earlier ones) estimate the effect of a given Big Five facet on its nuance (i.e., path a of the indirect effect). Yet, the script versions used in the publication control for the other Big Five facets, whereas the earlier script versions do not. In Study 2, the script versions used in the publication additionally control for informants’ own Big Five facets, own Big Five nuance, and own religiosity. Overall, then, the scripts used in the publication are more conservative than their earlier versions, but both are technically correct and their results are conceptually identical.