The repository contains the data and scripts to the manuscript Büdenbender_Köther_Grüne_Michel_Kriegmair_Alpers "When Attitudes and Beliefs get in the Way of Shared Decision-Making: A Mediation Analysis of Participation Preference" published in Health Expectations. The study was part of a larger data collection on the investigation of adaption of SDM in general Urological Practice as well as patients' perspectives on (barriers and facilitators to) SDM. The project had the codename API-Uro and was part of Büdenbenders's PhD project. The madata repository contains the following folders (archives): 1. This ReadMe text file with the description 2. Raw Data: a) SPSS Raw Data File b) CSV Raw Data File c) Text file header d) Text file final - with data description e) Python Notebook for the creation of the textfile 3. Methods and Materials: Questionnaires, Informed Consent, Ethics Proposal, Ethics Votum 4. Analysis and Output a) SPSS Syntax (everything except the path model) b) R Syntax (path model and figure)