Guide to data file "Meachon et al., 2024 - metadata" corresponding to ÒDATA FROM THE PAPER: EEG spectral power in developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A pilot studyÓ Calculations, region specifications, group allocation and other relevant methods are specified in the paper -------- Note: not all participants included in the study had resting state activity recorded due to the study phase. Additionally, some participants had to be removed due to excessive movement or recording failure during the resting state. Therefore, not all participants are listed in the dataset (see paper for other explanations). --------- *Variable name labels: ÒmeanÉÓ indicates a variable for the overall activity found across all valid electrodes in the whole brain ÒÉeoÓ indicates an eyes-open condition ÒÉecÓ indicates an eyes-closed condition ÒFrontalÉÓ indicates the frontal region ÒCenParÉÓ indicates centroparietal region ÒOccipÉÓ indicates occipital region Ògamma lowÓ indicates gamma frequencies from 30-40 Hz Ògamma highÓ indicates gamma frequencies from 40-50 Hz ÒDiffScoreÉÓ indicates the eyes-open condition minus eyes-closed condition for the specified area and waveform (major analyses in supplementary materials of paper). Here ÒFron = fontal; Occ = occipital; Hi = high -------- *Variable coding levels: Group: 1 = ADHD; 2 = DCD; 3 = DCD+ADHD; 4 = Typically developing ÒgenÓ Gender (identity) : 0 = female; 1 = male; 2 = transgender ÒhandÓ Handedness: 0 = left; 1 = right ÒnatÓ Nationality: 0 = German; 1 = British; 2 = Latvian; 3 = Irish; 4 = Palestinian; 5 = Russian; 6 = Taiwanese; 7 = Bulgarian; 8 = Canadian/Russian; 9 = American; 10 = Polish; 11 = Croatian/Chilean; 12 = Hungarian; 13 = English/Chinese; 14 = English/Greek; 15 = German/Canadian ÒlanÓ Language in which test was completed: 0 = German; 1 = English ADC_Score = sum score on Adult DCD Checklist ASRS_Score = sum score on Adult Self-Report ADHD Scale TestingLocation place in which test was conducted: 1 = Germany; 2 = UK MABC2 Movement Assessment Battery for Children v.2 overall percentile score Any values left blank or otherwise coded as "999" are missing values