# Paraly: An (annotated) dataset for exploring the concept of paralysis (fr. ‘paralysie’) in a digital corpus of French Literature [![PRs Welcome](https://img.shields.io/badge/PRs-welcome-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)](http://makeapullrequest.com) [![Open Code](https://badgen.net/static/open/code/green)](https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/paraly/tree/main/code) [![Open Data](https://badgen.net/static/open/data/green)](https://github.com/UB-Mannheim/paraly/tree/main/data) [![Open Science](https://badgen.net/static/open/science/green)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science) ## Table of contents * [Structure](#structure) * [Collection](#collection) * [Annotation](#annotation) * [Model](#model) * [App](#app) * [License](#license) ## Structure ``` paraly/ ├── docs/ │   └── paraly_annotation_guidelines.pdf ├── data/ │   ├── training/ │   │   ├── train_fasttext_dataset.txt │   │   ├── test_fasttext_dataset.txt │   │   └── dev_fasttext_dataset.txt │   ├── model/ │   │   ├── training.log │   │   ├── test.tsv │   │   ├── paraly_camembert_large_multilabel.pt │   │   ├── loss.tsv │   │   └── dev.tsv │   ├── errors/ │   │   └── all_metadata_errors.csv │   ├── corpus/ │   │   ├── 20_paraly_metadata.csv │   │   ├── 20_paraly_data_TEI.xml/ │   │   ├── 20_paraly_corpus.cec6 │   │   ├── 19_paraly_metadata.csv │   │   ├── 19_paraly_data_TEI.xml/ │   │   ├── 19_paraly_corpus.cec6 │   │   ├── 18_paraly_metadata.csv │   │   ├── 18_paraly_data_TEI.xml/ │   │   └── 18_paraly_corpus.cec6 │   └── annotations/ │   ├── 20_paraly_annotations_v1.xlsx │   ├── 20_paraly_annotations_v1.csv │   ├── 19_paraly_annotations_v1.xlsx │   ├── 19_paraly_annotations_v1.csv │   ├── 18_paraly_annotations_v1.xlsx │   └── 18_paraly_annotations_v1.csv ├── code/ │   ├── training/ │   │   ├── train_fc.py │   │   └── README_training.md │   ├── splitting/ │   │   ├── prepare_training_data.py │   │   └── README_splitting.md │   ├── merging/ │   │   ├── README_merging.md │   │   └── Merge.ipynb │   ├── extraction/ │   │   ├── query.txt │   │   ├── Starten.bat │   │   ├── Skript.cecs │   │   └── README_extraction.md │   ├── collection/ │   │   ├── get_metadata_for_corpus.ipynb │   │   ├── get_metadata_for_all_books.ipynb │   │   ├── get_OCRed_books_from_gallica.ipynb │   │   └── comment_metadata_in_html_files.ipynb │   └── app/ │   └── app.py ├── README.md └── LICENSE.md ``` ## Collection The whole digital collection for various centuries is at https://gallica.bnf.fr/html/und/litteratures/les-classiques-de-la-litterature-acces-par-periode?mode=desktop. Our focus is on the following collections: * https://gallica.bnf.fr/html/und/litteratures/les-classiques-de-la-litterature-du-xviiie-siecle?mode=desktop * https://gallica.bnf.fr/html/und/litteratures/les-classiques-de-la-litterature-du-xixe-siecle?mode=desktop * https://gallica.bnf.fr/html/und/litteratures/les-classiques-de-la-litterature-du-xxe-siecle?mode=desktop The OCR-ed books and their metadata were downloaded using the scripts in `./code/collection/`. ## Annotation The annotated data located in `./data/annotations/` was labeled as "c" (concrete), "f" (figurative), and “cf” (an “inter-“category). ## Model The multilabel classifier [paraly_camembert_large_multilabel](https://huggingface.co/shigapov/paraly_camembert_large_multilabel/tree/main) was trained using flair-library with a script in `./code/training/` and is openly available at Hugging Face. ## App The app for using the classifier is openly available via [Hugging Face Spaces](https://huggingface.co/spaces/shigapov/paraly). ## License Unless stated otherwise, this work is licensed as follows: - **MIT License** for code, - **CC0** for original data and metadata from Gallica (see https://gallica.bnf.fr/accueil/fr/html/conditions-dutilisation-de-gallica), - **[Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)** for all other content, including annotated data, model, and documentation.