The data from this project come from a survey among persons between the age of 18 and 74 years residing in the state of Baden Württemberg, Germany. Respondents were recruited via the online access panel Bilendi. From August 29 to September 5 of 2022, 18,429 people registered in the Bilendi panel were invited via email to complete the web survey. To approximate the target population, simple quotas for education and gender as well as crossed quotas for age and driver’s license ownership were applied. 1,844 panel members started the survey, 136 people were screened out because of age or place of residence, 522 were screened out because of already fulfilled quotas. Out of the remaining 1,186 people, 122 did not complete the questionnaire (10.3%). A total of 1,064 people completed the questionnaire. Two observations were removed from the data set because they came from the same panel ID. This resulted in a dataset with a total of 1,062 observations. The survey includes questions on mobility behavior, parking, on-demand transport services, smart mobility, places of anxiety in public transport, environmental attitudes, smartphone use, self-monitoring, political attitudes, life satisfaction, health, and sociodemographic. The questionnaire was programmed in EFS Survey. The median time for completing the questionnaire was 14 minutes and 59 seconds. 42.9% of respondents completed the questionnaire on a smartphone.