Metadata Policy (for information describing datasets in the repository)

  1. Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
  2. The metadata may be reused under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) License.

Data Policy (for data files)

  1. Anyone may access data files free of charge unless it stated explicitly otherwise in the metadata of the datasets.
  2. Licenses assigned to the data files will regulate how the data can be used. In principle, open data will be available under an open license (preferably Creative Commons). Restricted data will be available under a customized license.

Content Policy

  1. This is an institutional repository for research data. Research data is any information that is collected, observed, generated or created for the validation or falsification of research findings. These can be, for example, data sets, software, code, methods, standard operating procedures, workflows, models, illustrations, tables, images and videos, interviews, questionnaires, documentation, etc.

Submission Policy (concerning depositors, quality and copyright)

  1. Research data may only be deposited by members of the University of Mannheim or by former members who acquired the data while working at the University of Mannheim; research data from student's term papers or thesis may be deposited on the recommendation of the scientific advisors.
  2. Eligible depositors must deposit their datasets with rich and meaningful metadata.
  3. Submissions are reviewed by the FDZ staff for rich and meaningful metadata, non-proprietary file formats, appropriate data documentation and exclusion of spam.
  4. The validity and authenticity of the content of submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositor.
  5. Any copyright violations and violations of other third party’s rights are entirely the responsibility of the authors/depositors.
  6. If the repository receives proof of copyright violation or violations of other third party’s rights, the relevant dataset will be removed immediately.

Preservation Policy (for data and metadata in the repository)

  1. Data files of this research data repository will be retained for at least 10 years, following the requirements of funders. Metadata will be retained for longer.
    1. If data is to be retained for less than 10 years, an assessment of appropriateness by MADATA, with comprehensible documentation and justification by the data provider, is required.
    2. MADATA reserves the right, based on a cost-benefit analysis and considering legal, ethical and technical aspects, to continue to store data and not to delete it.
  2. The repository will try to ensure continued findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability following the FAIR principles for research (meta)data.
  3. The repository regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
  4. Datasets may not normally be removed from the repository. Should it become necessary to remove a dataset, it shall not be done without prior information to the depositor at a reasonable effort. The metadata for the removed datasets will be kept publicly available.
  5. Acceptable reasons for changes to deposited datasets or unilateral withdrawal of data files include:
    • proven copyright violation or plagiarism,
    • legal requirements and proven violations,
    • national security,
    • falsified research.
    Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original dataset if required. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. There will be links between earlier and later versions, with the most recent version clearly identified. In justified cases, e.g. for formal or technical improvements, metadata may be changed by administrators of the data repository.
  6. Errata and corrigenda lists may be included with the original record if required. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited. There will be links between earlier and later versions, with the most recent version clearly identified. Withdrawn datasets may not be deleted per se, but are removed from public view.
  7. Withdrawn dataset’s identifiers/URLs will be retained.
  8. URLs will continue to point to 'tombstone' citations, to avoid broken links and to retain dataset’s histories.
  9. Datasets are allocated a checksum to facilitate the detection of alterations.
  10. In the event of the repository being closed, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.
  11. A backup of MADATA is stored on bwDataArchive in order to secure the data on MADATA in the long term and guarantee availability.