About the Research Data Repository of the University of Mannheim:



Data is at the heart of academic research and often forms the basis for reasoning and argumentation. Only if the information about research data is accessible, these arguments can be fully understood, reproduced and challenged, if necessary. Older research data can be re-used in new settings and contribute to projects it was not produced for in the first place. Thus, free access to research data contributes to the progress of science.


The Research Data Repository of the University of Mannheim invites all researchers and faculty of the University of Mannheim to archive their research data here in order to make it accessible through the Internet. All archived data sets receive DOIs (Digital Object Identifier) to make them accessible and citable. Using this repository is free of charge.

Target Group

This repository invites all researcher and faculty of the University of Mannheim to submit their research data. The research data will be made publicly available, depending on the license and restrictions chosen by the publisher.

Formal and Technical Considerations, DOIs

In order to allow for reproducibility and transparency, please upload only comprehensive datasets. This includes all formal data as well as further materials, such as codebooks or custom made software, that are necessary to open and use the uploaded data.

In case the data set has changed or a new version has been produced, please add it as a new item to the repository. It is not possible to change uploaded datasets. Every uploaded dataset receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for permanent identification and citation. The stability of the DOI is guaranteed by the Mannheim University Library.

Please do not upload individual data files that are technically not accessible or with respect to its content incomprehensible.

Accessibility and Licenses

The aim of this repository is to provide a platform for research data generated by members of the University of Mannheim. As a member of the University of Mannheim you are invited to publish your research data and to define the terms and conditions under which this data is being published.

For this purpose the repository offers the use of Creative Commons (CC) Licenses as well as the option to restrict access to selected individuals, such as the members of the University of Mannheim. We would like to point out that the least restrictive licenses, such as CC0, are most conducive to scientific progress.

Further Information on Research Data

For further information regarding the access to Research data, please see the following resources:

  • "Proposals for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" by the German Research Foundation, see here
  • OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding, see here
  • "Policy on Dissemination and Sharing of Research Results" of the US National Science Foundation, see here
  • "Common Principles on Data Policy" by the UK Research Council, see here

Service Provider

The Mannheim University Library hosts and manages this repository.
For Technical Support please contact forschungsdaten@uni-mannheim.de.


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