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Number of items: 36.


Meachon, Emily J. and Kundlacz, Marlene and Wilmut, Kate and Alpers, Georg W. (2024) Data from the paper: EEG spectral power in developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study. [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Schaider, Julian P. and Alpers, Georg W. (2024) [DATA FROM THE PAPER] Motor skills in children with ADHD: Overlap with developmental coordination disorder. [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Köther, Anja K. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Grüne, Britta and Michel, Maurice S. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and scripts for "Getting specific: participation preference in urooncological decision-making". [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Höfling, Tim and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Code: Training machine learning algorithms for automatic facial coding: The role of emotional facial expressions’ prototypicality. [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Köther, Anja K. and Grüne, Britta and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and scripts for "When Attitudes and Beliefs get in the Way of Shared Decision-Making: A Mediation Analysis of Participation Preference". [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Melching, Hannah and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) DATASET: The overlooked disorder: (Un)awareness of developmental coordination disorder across clinical professions. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and materials from: "Setting the tone: Threat bias in multimodal emotional face-voice combinations in continuous flash suppression". [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Beitz, Clara and Zemp, Martina and Wilmut, Kate and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) The Adult DCD/Dyspraxia Checklist - German. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Bahnsen, Oke and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from the journal article: "State anxiety by itself does not change political attitudes: A threat of shock experiment". [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from: "Time is a great healer: Peak-end memory bias in anxiety – Induced by threat of shock". [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from: "You see what you avoid: Fear of spiders and avoidance are associated with predominance of spiders in binocular rivalry". [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Büdenbender, Björn and Grüne, Britta and Holbach, Sonja and Huber, Johannes and von Landenberg, Nicolas and Lenk, Julia and Martini, Thomas and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data from the paper: Different Patients, Different Preferences: A Multicenter Assessment of Patients’ Personality Traits and Anxiety in Shared Decision Making. [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) How are you getting by? Coping in Developmental Coordination Disorder versus Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. [Dataset]

Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Fraunfelter, Laura-Ashley and Braband, Melissa and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper "Girls’ Stuff? Maternal Gender Stereotypes and Their Daughters Fear" published in "Frontiers in Psychology". [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper: Better safe than wealthy: Dysfunctional risk avoidance in spider-fearful individuals. [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Siebenhaar, Katharina U. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper: Shared Decision Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Stress Makes the Difference: Social Stress and Social Anxiety in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Alpers, Georg W. and Büdenbender, Björn and Lenhart, Maximilian and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. (2020) Predicting Decisional Conflict: Anxiety and Depression in Shared Decision Making. [Dataset]

Siebenhaar, Katharina U. and Köther, Anja K. and Alpers, Georg W. (2020) Dealing with the COVID-19 Infodemic: Distress by Information, Information Avoidance and Compliance with Preventive Measures. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim and Alpers, Georg W. and Büdenbender, Björn and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Föhl, Ulrich (2020) Datafile: What’s in a face: Automatic Facial Coding of Basic Emotional Expressions of Untrained Participants compared to Trained Actors. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Witteman, Cilia L. M. and Spijker, Jan and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) Data from the paper: All’s Bad That Ends Bad: There Is a Peak-End Memory Bias in Anxiety. [Dataset]

Weyers, Lena and Zemp, Martina and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) Impaired Interparental Relationships in Families of Children with ADHD: A Meta-Analysis. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) What's the risk? Fearful individuals generally overestimate negative outcomes and they dread outcomes of specific events. [Dataset]

Berdica, Elisa and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: A comprehensive look at phobic fear in inhibition of return: Phobia-related spiders as cues and targets. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Pittig, Andre and Schupp, Harald T. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Face-to-face: Perceived personal relevance amplifies face processing. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Facing two faces: Defense activation varies as a function of personal relevance. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Alpers, Georg W. and Pittig, Andre (2017) Data from the paper: From avoidance to approach: The influence of threat-of-shock on reward-based decision making. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and White, Andrew J. and Riemer, Martin and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Social and emotional relevance in face processing: Happy faces of future interaction partners enhance the LPP. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: The persistence of socially instructed threat: Two threat-of-shock studies. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Müller, Bianca and Pittig, Andre and Alpers, Georg W. (2016) Data from the Master theses Hengen and Müller: Approaching feared stimuli: Behavioral, self-reported, and physiological changes after a spider approach task. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Schulz, Alexandra R. and Craske, Michelle G. and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Acquisition of behavioral avoidance: Task-irrelevant conditioned stimuli trigger costly decisions. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Pawlikowski, Mirko and Craske, Michelle G. and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Avoidant decision making in social anxiety: the interaction of angry faces and emotional responses. [Dataset]

Berdica, Elisa and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Pittig, Andre and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Inhibition of Return in Fear of Spiders: Discrepant Eye Movement and Reaction Time Data. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Brand, Matthias and Pawlikowski, Mirko and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: The cost of fear: Avoidant decision making in a spider gambling task. [Dataset]

Adolph, Dirk and Alpers, Georg W. (2010) Data from the paper: Valence and Arosual: A comparison of two sets of Emotional Facial Expressions. [Dataset]

Alpers, Georg W. and Eisenbarth, Hedwig (2008) Syntax for the PPI-R. [Dataset]

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 22:35:07 2025 CET.