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Number of items: 177.


Aly, Farah (2024) Legitimation Amid Dependence (1960-2010): A Dataset on the Determinants of Authoritarian Legitimation Strategies. [Dataset]

Abercrombie, Gavin and Nanni, Federico and Batista-Navarro, Riza and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2019) Data from the paper: Policy Preference Detection in Parliamentary Debate Motions. [Dataset]

Angelova, Mariyana and Bäck, Hanna and Müller, Wolfgang C. and Strobl, Daniel (2017) Veto player theory and reform making in Western Europe. [Dataset]

Auberer, Benjamin and Kaiser, Jessica and Leichtweiß, Angela (2017) Benutzerumfrage der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim 2016 - Fragebogen und Antwortdaten. [Dataset]

Adolph, Dirk and Alpers, Georg W. (2010) Data from the paper: Valence and Arosual: A comparison of two sets of Emotional Facial Expressions. [Dataset]

Alpers, Georg W. and Eisenbarth, Hedwig (2008) Syntax for the PPI-R. [Dataset]


Brinkmann, Alexander and Bizer, Christian (2024) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, Embedded JSON-LD, and Microformats Data Sets - October 2023. [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Köther, Anja K. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Grüne, Britta and Michel, Maurice S. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and scripts for "Getting specific: participation preference in urooncological decision-making". [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Höfling, Tim and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Code: Training machine learning algorithms for automatic facial coding: The role of emotional facial expressions’ prototypicality. [Dataset]

Büdenbender, Björn and Köther, Anja K. and Grüne, Britta and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and scripts for "When Attitudes and Beliefs get in the Way of Shared Decision-Making: A Mediation Analysis of Participation Preference". [Dataset]

Bach, Ruben and Keusch, Florian and Areal, João and Pankowska, Paulina and Cernat, Alexandru (2023) Political Identities and News Consumption in Election Times (PINCET). [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Peeters, Ralph and Primpeli, Anna (2020) Product Datasets from the MWPD2020 Challenge at the ISWC2020 Conference (Task 1). [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Primpeli, Anna and Peeters, Ralph (2019) Web Data Commons Training and Test Sets for Large-Scale Product Matching - Version 2.0. [Dataset]

Bhardwaj, Akansha and Erhard, Laura and Klein, Annette and Zander, Sylvia and Zumstein, Philipp (2018) Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project. [Dataset]

Burger, Axel M. and Bless, Herbert (2017) Data from the paper: Cognitive Consequences of Formal Clothing: The Effects of Clothing versus Thinking of Clothing. [Dataset]

Berdica, Elisa and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: A comprehensive look at phobic fear in inhibition of return: Phobia-related spiders as cues and targets. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Pittig, Andre and Schupp, Harald T. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Face-to-face: Perceived personal relevance amplifies face processing. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Facing two faces: Defense activation varies as a function of personal relevance. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Alpers, Georg W. and Pittig, Andre (2017) Data from the paper: From avoidance to approach: The influence of threat-of-shock on reward-based decision making. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and White, Andrew J. and Riemer, Martin and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: Social and emotional relevance in face processing: Happy faces of future interaction partners enhance the LPP. [Dataset]

Bublatzky, Florian and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2017) Data from the paper: The persistence of socially instructed threat: Two threat-of-shock studies. [Dataset]

Bluemke, Matthias and Merkle, Belinda and Jong, Jonathan and Halberstadt, Jasmin (2017) Supernatural Belief Scale (SBS) - German Version. [Dataset]

Berner, Martin (2016) Online Supplements of Dissertation Thesis "Process Visibility Fit and Impact: Examination of Process Monitoring Success". [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Primpeli, Anna (2016) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat October 2016 Data Set. [Dataset]

Bulegon Gassen, Jonas and Faralli, Stefano and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo and Mendling, Jan (2016) Who-Does-What (WDW). [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Primpeli, Anna (2015) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat November 2015 Data Set. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Ritze, Dominique and Zope, Sanikumar (2015) Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Ritze, Dominique and Zope, Sanikumar (2015) Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015 / English-language Relational Subset. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Ritze, Dominique and Zope, Sanikumar (2015) Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2015 / Relational Data. [Dataset]

Berner, Martin (2015) Systematic Literature Review “Enterprise Systems Chartering” –Review Procedure and Analysis Results. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Petrovski, Petar and Meusel, Robert and Primpeli, Anna (2015) Web Data Commons - Product Data Corpus. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Eckert, Kai and Faralli, Stefano and Meusel, Robert and Paulheim, Heiko and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2015) Web Data Commons - WebIsA Database. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert (2014) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat December 2014 Data Set. [Dataset]

Berdica, Elisa and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Pittig, Andre and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Inhibition of Return in Fear of Spiders: Discrepant Eye Movement and Reaction Time Data. [Dataset]

Brhel, Manuel (2014) Exploring Principles of User-Centered Agile Software Development: A Literature Review. [Dataset]

Botzenhardt, Achim (2014) Form and function - designing successful mobile data services - Survey Data. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert (2013) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat November 2013 Data Set. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert (2012) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat August 2012 Data Set. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Ristoski, Petar and Paulheim, Heiko and Lehmberg, Oliver (2012) Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2012 / English-language Relational Subset. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert and Ristoski, Petar and Paulheim, Heiko and Lehmberg, Oliver and Diete, Alexander and Heist, Nicolas and Krstanovic, Sascha and Knöller, Thorsten Andre (2012) Web Data Commons - Web Table Corpus 2012 / Relational Data. [Dataset]

Botzenhardt, Achim (2011) Cross-Functional Integration of Product Management and Product Design in Application Software Development: Exploration of Success Factors - Survey Data. [Dataset]

Bizer, Christian and Meusel, Robert (2009) Web Data Commons - RDFa, Microdata, and Microformat 2009/2010 Data Set. [Dataset]


Carey, Sabine and Mitchell, Neil (2017) Pro-Government Militias Database (PGMD). [Dataset]


Deutscher, Viola and Böhn, Svenja and Krötz, Maximilian (2023) Learning Quality Inventory for In-Company Training in Vocational Education and Training (VET-LQI). [Dataset]

Dutta, Arnab (2015) Reverb Instance and Relation gold standard. [Dataset]

Dutta, Arnab and Meilicke, Christian and Niepert, Matthias and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2013) Integrating Open and Closed Information Extraction: Challenges and First Steps. [Dataset]


Eck, Jennifer (2024) Data, data-analysis scripts, and research materials from the article: Which Leadership Style Do More Narcissistic Subordinates Prefer in Supervisors? [Dataset]

Eck, Jennifer (2021) Data, data-analysis scripts, and research materials from the article: A Sociocultural Norm Perspective on Big Five Prediction. [Dataset]

Eck, Jennifer (2019) When and Why Being Ostracized Affects Veracity Judgments. [Dataset]

Erhard, Laura and Klein, Annette and Raza Rizvi, Syed Tahseen and Zander, Sylvia and Zumstein, Philipp (2019) Additional Labeled Reference Data from the Linked Open Citation Database (LOC-DB) Project. [Dataset]


Fehse, Christina (2020) Datenedition der Rintelner Weserzollregister von 1571 bis 1621. [Dataset]

Flentje, Jan-Erik and König, Thomas and Marbach, Moritz (2017) Data on the paper: Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores. [Dataset]

Faralli, Stefano and Panchenko, Alexander and Biemann, Chris and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2016) Data from the paper: Linked disambiguated distributional semantic networks. [Dataset]


Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Fraunfelter, Laura-Ashley and Braband, Melissa and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper "Girls’ Stuff? Maternal Gender Stereotypes and Their Daughters Fear" published in "Frontiers in Psychology". [Dataset]

Gebauer, Jochen (2021) Data from the paper: Extracting agency and communion from the Big Five: A four-way competition. [Dataset]

Gebauer, Jochen (2020) Data and material from the paper: Big Five facets and religiosity: Three large-scale, cross-cultural, theory-driven, and process-attentive tests. [Dataset]

Gebauer, Jochen (2020) Data from the paper: The well-being benefits of person-culture match are contingent on basic personality traits. [Dataset]

Gerdes, Antje B. M. (2020) Mannheim Affective Sound Inventory (MASI). [Dataset]

Gebauer, Jochen (2018) Data from the paper: Mind-body practices and the self: Yoga and meditation do not quiet the ego, but instead boost self-enhancement. [Dataset]

Glavaš, Goran and Nanni, Federico and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2017) Data from the paper: Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Scaling of Political Texts. [Dataset]

Graupner, Enrico (2015) Supplements to the paper: Understanding Digitization across Processes and their Phases – An Extension of Process Virtualization Theory. [Dataset]

Graupner, Enrico (2015) Supplements to the paper: Process Digitization in Retail Banking – An Empirical Examination of Process Virtualization Theory. [Dataset]

Graupner, Enrico (2015) Supplements to the paper: Customers' Intention to Use Digital Services in Retail Banking – An Information Processing Perspective. [Dataset]

Gass, Oliver (2013) Business Data Manager Experimental Evaluation. [Dataset]

Gass, Oliver (2011) Exploratory Interview Study with Financial Agents. [Dataset]


Höfling, Tim (2023) [DATA] Automatic Facial Coding Predicts Emotional Response, Advertisement, and Branding Effects of Video Commercials. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim (2023) [DATA] What I like! The joint impact of attitude, perceived quality, and experience on brand loyalty: Semi-parametric additive mixed modeling. [Dataset]

Holtermann, Carolin and Lauscher, Anne and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2022) Data from the paper: Fair and Argumentative Language Modeling for Computational Argumentation. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim (2021) Dataset: Semi-parametric prediction of brand loyalty. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper: Better safe than wealthy: Dysfunctional risk avoidance in spider-fearful individuals. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Stress Makes the Difference: Social Stress and Social Anxiety in Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim and Alpers, Georg W. and Büdenbender, Björn and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Föhl, Ulrich (2020) Datafile: What’s in a face: Automatic Facial Coding of Basic Emotional Expressions of Untrained Participants compared to Trained Actors. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim (2019) Read my Face: Automatic Facial Coding versus Psychophysiological Indicators of Emotional Valence and Arousal. [Dataset]

Höfling, Tim (2019) Automatic Facial Coding Versus Electromyography of Mimicked, Passive and Inhibited Facial Response to Emotional Faces. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) What's the risk? Fearful individuals generally overestimate negative outcomes and they dread outcomes of specific events. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon and Werder, Karl (2016) Concept Matrix - Structured Literature Review. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon (2016) Results from Card Sorting - Survey. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon (2016) Scale Translation to German - Survey. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon and Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh (2016) Survey Data & Analysis - Pilot Study. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon (2016) Survey Data & Analysis - Utilities Study. [Dataset]

Heckmann, Carl Simon and Hsu, Jack Shih-Chieh (2016) Survey Data - Combined Data From Pilot and Utilities Study. [Dataset]

Hengen, Kristina M. and Müller, Bianca and Pittig, Andre and Alpers, Georg W. (2016) Data from the Master theses Hengen and Müller: Approaching feared stimuli: Behavioral, self-reported, and physiological changes after a spider approach task. [Dataset]

Hadasch, Frank (2013) Field Experiment Data. [Dataset]

Hadasch, Frank (2013) Lab Experiment Data. [Dataset]

Hadasch, Frank (2013) Survey-Based Experiment Data. [Dataset]

Hänger, Christian and Krätzsch, Christine and Niemann, Christof (2010) Analyse der Tag-Struktur in Bibsonomy. [Dataset]


Jockers, Marlene and Mata, Jutta and Zemp, Martina (2018) Data from the Paper: The Role of Constructiveness in Interparental Conflict for Mothers’ Perception of Children's Health. [Dataset]

Junge, Dirk and König, Thomas and Luig, Bernd (2015) Data from the paper: "Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union". [Dataset]


Kuschel, Daniela and Shigapov, Renat (2025) Paraly: Replication package for exploring the concept of paralysis (fr. ‘paralysie’) in a digital corpus of French Literature. [Dataset]

Kellner, Angelika (2024) Datensatz zum Aufsatz: Carl Friedrich Lehmann-Haupt Bilder und Abbilder in historischen Zeitungen Deutschlands und Österreichs. [Dataset]

Kochsiek, Adrian (2023) Wikidata5M-SI. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian and Wenz, Alexander and Bauer, Marlene (2023) Mobilität in Baden-Württemberg. [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Büdenbender, Björn and Grüne, Britta and Holbach, Sonja and Huber, Johannes and von Landenberg, Nicolas and Lenk, Julia and Martini, Thomas and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data from the paper: Different Patients, Different Preferences: A Multicenter Assessment of Patients’ Personality Traits and Anxiety in Shared Decision Making. [Dataset]

Kluge, Stefan (2021) The Economist Historical Advertisements - Objects Dataset. [Dataset]

Kluge, Stefan (2021) The Economist Historical Advertisements - Faces Dataset. [Dataset]

Kluge, Stefan (2021) The Economist Historical Advertisements - Industry Subset "Banking". [Dataset]

Kluge, Stefan (2021) The Economist Historical Advertisements. [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Siebenhaar, Katharina U. and Alpers, Georg W. (2021) Data from the paper: Shared Decision Making during the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian (2021) Smartphone usage behavior. [Dataset]

Köther, Anja K. and Alpers, Georg W. and Büdenbender, Björn and Lenhart, Maximilian and Michel, Maurice S. and Kriegmair, Maximilian C. (2020) Predicting Decisional Conflict: Anxiety and Depression in Shared Decision Making. [Dataset]

Kling, Christoph (2020) Konkursdatenbank Deutsches Kaiserreich (1879-1914). [Dataset]

Kavcioglu, F.C. (2019) Dataset from the paper: "Instructed threat enhances threat perception in faces". [Dataset]

Kobbe, Jonathan (2019) Debatepedia: Claims of the arguments paired to the title question. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian (2019) Mobile Data Collection - Incentive Experiment. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian (2019) Trust, Privacy & Data Sharing. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian (2019) Willingness to Participate in Passive Mobile Data Collection. [Dataset]

König, Thomas and Luig, Bernd (2017) Data from the paper "The impact of EU decision-making on national parties’ attitudes towards European integration". [Dataset]

König, Thomas and Marbach, Moritz and Osnabrügge, Moritz (2017) Data from the paper: Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe. [Dataset]

Keusch, Florian (2014) Buying Behavior and Personal Attitudes. [Dataset]

König, Thomas and Luig, Bernd (2014) Data from the paper: "Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives". [Dataset]

König, Thomas and Marbach, Moritz and Osnabrügge, Moritz (2013) Dataset from the paper: " Replication data for: Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time - A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data". [Dataset]

König, Thomas and Luig, Bernd (2012) Data from the paper "Party ideology and legislative agendas: Estimating contextual policy positions for the study of EU decision-making". [Dataset]

Kaiser, Jessica and Klein, Annette (2011) E-Book-Umfrage an der UB Mannheim 2010 - Fragebogen und Ergebnisdatensatz. [Dataset]


Litschko, Robert (2022) CLEF 2000-2003 Query Translations (Uyghur, Kyrgyz, Turkish). [Dataset]

Litschko, Robert and Glavaš, Goran (2021) Data for paper: "Evaluating Resource-Lean Cross-Lingual Embedding Models in Unsupervised Retrieval". [Dataset]

Litschko, Robert (2021) Data for paper: "Evaluating Multilingual Text Encoders for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Retrieval". [Dataset]

Litschko, Robert and Glavaš, Goran and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo and Vulić, Ivan (2018) Data from the paper: Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval Using Monolingual Data Only. [Dataset]

Lauscher, Anne and Nanni, Federico and Ruiz Fabo, Pablo and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2016) Data from the Paper: Entities as Topic Labels - Combining Entity Linking and Labeled LDA to Improve Topic Interpretability and Evaluability. [Dataset]

Lauterbach, Jens (2015) Understanding the Impact of Social and Ambidextrous Knowing-in-practice on the Effective Use of Enterprise Systems. [Dataset]

Li, Ye (2014) Effects of Cultural Intelligence in Cross-Cultural Virtual Collaboration - Experimental data. [Dataset]

Li, Ye (2014) Effects of process ambidexterity on coordination and outcomes in software project teams - surevy data. [Dataset]

Li, Ye (2014) Formulating Effective Coordination Strategies in Agile Global Software Development Teams - Interview transcripts. [Dataset]


Meachon, Emily J. and Kundlacz, Marlene and Wilmut, Kate and Alpers, Georg W. (2024) Data from the paper: EEG spectral power in developmental coordination disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A pilot study. [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Schaider, Julian P. and Alpers, Georg W. (2024) [DATA FROM THE PAPER] Motor skills in children with ADHD: Overlap with developmental coordination disorder. [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Melching, Hannah and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) DATASET: The overlooked disorder: (Un)awareness of developmental coordination disorder across clinical professions. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2023) Data and materials from: "Setting the tone: Threat bias in multimodal emotional face-voice combinations in continuous flash suppression". [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Beitz, Clara and Zemp, Martina and Wilmut, Kate and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) The Adult DCD/Dyspraxia Checklist - German. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Bahnsen, Oke and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from the journal article: "State anxiety by itself does not change political attitudes: A threat of shock experiment". [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from: "Time is a great healer: Peak-end memory bias in anxiety – Induced by threat of shock". [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Gerdes, Antje B. M. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) Data and materials from: "You see what you avoid: Fear of spiders and avoidance are associated with predominance of spiders in binocular rivalry". [Dataset]

Meachon, Emily J. and Alpers, Georg W. (2022) How are you getting by? Coping in Developmental Coordination Disorder versus Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. [Dataset]

Müller, Ulrich W. D. and Witteman, Cilia L. M. and Spijker, Jan and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) Data from the paper: All’s Bad That Ends Bad: There Is a Peak-End Memory Bias in Anxiety. [Dataset]

Münzer, Stefan and Lörch, Lucas and Frankenstein, Julia (2019) Wayfinding and Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge with Navigation Assistance - Results. [Dataset]

Menini, Stefano and Nanni, Federico and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo and Tonelli, Sara (2017) Data from the paper: Topic-Based Agreement and Disagreement in US Electoral Manifestos. [Dataset]

Morana, Stefan (2015) Experiment Data Set - Design Cycle Two. [Dataset]

Morana, Stefan (2015) Interviews and Workshops - Design Cycle One. [Dataset]

Morana, Stefan (2015) Interviews and Workshops - Design Cycle Three. [Dataset]

Morana, Stefan (2015) Survey Data Set - Design Cycle Three. [Dataset]

Morana, Stefan (2015) Ticketing Processes - Design Cycle Three. [Dataset]

Meilicke, Christian (2014) Detecting Meaningful Compounds in Complex Class Labels (Experimental Results). [Dataset]

Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Bizer, Christian (2013) Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by first level subdomains). [Dataset]

Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Bizer, Christian (2013) Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by host). [Dataset]

Meusel, Robert and Lehmberg, Oliver and Bizer, Christian (2013) Hyperlink Graph of the World Wide Web of 2012 (aggregated by pay-level-domain). [Dataset]

Meth, Hendrik and Kahrau, Felix (2011) Cross-Functional Integration of Product Management and Product Design in Application Software Development: Exploration of Success Factors - Interview Transcripts. [Dataset]


Nanni, Federico and Dietz, Laura and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2017) Data from the paper: Towards a Computational History of Universities: Evaluating Text Mining Methods for Interdisciplinarity Detection from Ph.D. Dissertation Abstracts. [Dataset]


Peeters, Ralph and Brinkmann, Alexander and Bizer, Christian (2024) Web Data Commons - Schema.org Table Corpus 2023. [Dataset]

Primpeli, Anna and Bizer, Christian (2020) CompERBench: A collection of 21 complete benchmark tasks for entity matching. [Dataset]

Pister, Sarah (2020) Datensatz zu den Mannheimer Bürger- und Beisassenannahmen (1779–1804). [Dataset]

Pister, Sarah (2020) Datensatz zu den Mannheimer Fremdenlisten (1791, 1792, 1807–1818). [Dataset]

Petrovski, Petar and Primpeli, Anna and Meusel, Robert and Bizer, Christian (2015) Web Data Commons - Gold Standard for Feature Extraction. [Dataset]

Petrovski, Petar and Primpeli, Anna and Meusel, Robert and Bizer, Christian (2015) Web Data Commons - Gold Standard for Product Matching. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Schulz, Alexandra R. and Craske, Michelle G. and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Acquisition of behavioral avoidance: Task-irrelevant conditioned stimuli trigger costly decisions. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Pawlikowski, Mirko and Craske, Michelle G. and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: Avoidant decision making in social anxiety: the interaction of angry faces and emotional responses. [Dataset]

Pittig, Andre and Brand, Matthias and Pawlikowski, Mirko and Alpers, Georg W. (2014) Data from the paper: The cost of fear: Avoidant decision making in a spider gambling task. [Dataset]


Rinke, Eike Mark and Löb, Charlotte and Dobbrick, Timo and Wessler, Hartmut (2019) Mannheim International News Discourse Data Set (MIND). [Dataset]

Ritze, Dominique and Paulheim, Heiko and Eckert, Kai (2013) Evaluation measures for ontology matchers in supervised matching scenarios. [Dataset]


Shigapov, Renat and Schmidt, Thomas and Kamlah, Jan and Schumm, Irene and Streb, Jochen and Lehmann-Hasemeyer, Sibylle (2024) MBI-KG: Replication package for a knowledge graph of structured and linked economic research data extracted from the 1937 book "Die Maschinen-Industrie im Deutschen Reich". [Dataset]

Schmidt, Thomas and Kamlah, Jan and Weil, Stefan and Shigapov, Renat (2023) UB-Mannheim/reichsanzeiger-gt: 1.0.0. [Dataset]

Shigapov, Renat and Limani, Fidan and Degbelo, Auriol and Schimmler, Sonja and Zapilko, Benjamin and Rossenova, Lozana and Dietze, Stefan and Förstner, Konrad U. and Karmakar, Saurav and Czerniak, Andreas (2023) Dataset: an overview of knowledge graphs in NFDI. [Dataset]

Siebenhaar, Katharina U. and Köther, Anja K. and Alpers, Georg W. (2020) Dealing with the COVID-19 Infodemic: Distress by Information, Information Avoidance and Compliance with Preventive Measures. [Dataset]

Stajner, Sanja (2017) Sentence Complexity Dataset. [Dataset]

Seki, Katsunori and Williams, Laron (2016) Seki-Williams Government and Ministers Data. [Dataset]

Schacht, Silvia (2014) Ex Post Evaluation of Project KMS. [Dataset]

Schacht, Silvia (2014) Exploratory Interview Study for Project Knowledge Reuse. [Dataset]

Schacht, Silvia (2014) Pre-Evaluation Results of Project KMS Artifact. [Dataset]

Stuckenschmidt, Heiner and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo and Meilicke, Christian (2014) A Gold Standard of Meaningful Compounds in Complex Class Labels. [Dataset]

Schumm, Irene (2013) Benutzerumfrage der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim 2012 - Fragebogen und Antwortdaten. [Dataset]

Schuhmacher, Michael and Zirn, Cäcilia and Völker, Johanna (2013) The YP Corpus. [Dataset]


Todtenhaupt, Maximilian and Voget, Johannes (2021) International taxation and productivity effects of M&As. [Dataset]

Trenz, Manuel (2014) Multichannel commerce: A consumer perspective on the integration of physical and electronic channels. [Dataset]


Weber, Tassja (2019) Kategorisierte Lernerkorpusdaten (Dissertation Tassja Weber 2020). [Dataset]

Weyers, Lena and Zemp, Martina and Alpers, Georg W. (2019) Impaired Interparental Relationships in Families of Children with ADHD: A Meta-Analysis. [Dataset]

Werder, Karl and Ashry, Mohamed (2016) Emotional Leadership of Open Source Development Teams: Examining Collaboration Structure and Collaboration Function. [Dataset]

Wagner, Alexander (2016) Webstatistics - University Library Mannheim 2015. [Dataset]

Weiland, Lydia and Effelsberg, Wolfgang and Ponzetto, Simone Paolo (2014) Data from the paper: Weakly supervised construction of a repository of iconic images. [Dataset]


Zimmerer, Leah (2021) BoardEx Data Archive for the project: The value of a female rolodex. [Dataset]

Zimmermann, Fabian and Kohring, Matthias (2019) Mistrust, Disnews, and Vote Choice: A Panel Survey on the Origins and Consequences of Believing Disinformation in the German Parliamentary Election. [Dataset]

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 22:35:17 2025 CET.